Control of Flow-Induced Cavity Resonance

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Control of Flow-Induced Cavity Resonance

Cavity flows are important for a wide range of applications including

landing gear and weapons bays in aircraft to flow over ground vehicles.
Suppression of flow-induced cavity oscillations is an important flow-
control problem. A complex feedback process, as shown in Figure 19,
characterizes cavity flows. Convective instabilities grow to saturation in a
shear layer, impinging near the downstream corner of the cavity. This
generates disturbances that travel upstream to the separation edge and some
of the disturbance energy is converted to an instability wave at the
upstream separation edge. This process generates large amplitude
frequency tones in and around the cavity. The large sound pressure levels
(SPL) induce significant vibrations, which can have a detrimental effect on
the contents of the cavity.

Active control was achieved using piezoelectric unimorph actuators with an

active, segmented flap constructed at the upstream separation edge (see Figure
20). Both open-loop and closed-loop control provided comparable results in
eliminating the tone associated with flow-induced resonance. Using open-loop
control for a deep cavity (L/D=0.5), the broadband SPL is reduced from 144 to
126 dB (a factor of 8 reduction in amplitude). The peak in the amplitude
spectrum at 230 Hz is reduced by approximately 23 dB at the expense of raising
the level at the excitation frequency by almost 15 dB.
Figure 21 shows the optimum results for a deep cavity using feedback control. A
reduction of about 20 dB is achieved in the broadband SPL. In the feedback control loop, the
actuators are activated at a high power level for a fraction of a second and then the power
input to the actuators is significantly reduced after the system is under control. The closed-
loop control required an order-of-magnitude less power than the open-loop control.
In both cases, the mean shear layer was unaffected by the control input, indicating no
associated drag penalty due to the control technique. Although the effectiveness of control
was similar for both the feedforward and feedback control techniques, the fundamental
mechanisms for noise suppression are fundamentally different. In the open-loop case, the
fundamental instability mode is overwhelmed by the introduction of a sufficiently strong
disturbance at a different frequency that is not properly synchronized with the feedback loop.
A threshold behavior with respect to the amplitude of control input required to create a
significant reduction in cavity SPL was observed. In the closed-loop case, the feedback
disturbance generated by the flow impingement at the downstream cavity edge was
effectively cancelled by the active leading edge, inhibiting the generation of the fundamental
instability mode.
In another investigation of cavity noise suppression, Raman et al. (1999) used miniaturized (1
mm inner diameter) bi-stable fluidic nozzles developed by Bowles Fluidics Corporation
(Raghu & Raman, 1999) to suppress cavity tone resonance. Figure 22 shows the location of
the fluidic device in the jet-cavity configuration. Figure 23 shows the effect of fluidic
excitation on the resonant cavity tone. With upstream excitation, the cavity tone is suppressed
by 10 dB with only 0.12% (of the main flow) mass injection. Downstream excitation had no
effect on the cavity tone. In addition, steady mass injection at the same levels had no effect
on the cavity tones.
Raman (1997) also used two bi-stable fluidic nozzles located on either side of a larger
scale primary rectangular nozzle. In a typical bi-stable fluidic nozzle, flow from the inner
nozzle, issuing between the two sides of a nozzle attachment, attaches itself to either side due
to the Coanda effect. The two fluidic nozzles with control ports were interconnected through
their feedback tubes and then operated either in-phase or out-of-phase with respect to each
other. The equalization of pressures through the feedback tube causes the jet to detach from
one wall and attach to the other. Thus, an oscillating jet flow is obtained with no moving
parts. Excitation in the in-phase (sinuous) mode resulted in a 35% enhancement of the mass
flux of the primary jet.These examples demonstrate the potential for using bi-stable fluidic
nozzles as practical excitation devices for a cavity noise suppressor or an airplane jet exhaust
Electromagnetic Turbulence Control

The applications discussed so far fall into the class of active flow control
technology that leverages and controls a natural stability of the flow. The second class of
active flow control modifies and controls complex, dynamical processes like turbulence
production. Electromagnetic turbulence control (EMTC) belongs to the second class of active
flow control methods. EMTC is a method of active flow control in which body forces are
introduced that influence a large fraction of the boundary layer fluid, allowing more global
control than previous techniques.
Experiments of EMTC performed by Nosenchuck and Brown (1992), Nosenchuck
et al. (1995), and Nosenchuck (1996) indicate that using a specific electromagnetic force
distribution may reduce viscous drag by as much as 90%. The possibility of large gains
suggests a fundamental change in the structure of the boundary layer that has yet to be fully
understood. Unlike some earlier attempts to offset drag using magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD)
thrust, the overall Lorentz force in this case is directed normal to the surface.

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