Direct Manipulator Kinematics: Review

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Direct Manipulator Kinematics


Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Kinematics - Introduction

Kinematics - the science of motion which treat motion without regard to the forces
that cause them (e.g. position, velocity, acceleration, higher derivatives of the

Kinematics of Manipulators - All the geometrical and time based properties of the

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Central Topic


Given: The manipulator geometrical

Specify: The position and orientation of


Coordinate system or “Frames” are

attached to the manipulator and objects
in the environment
following the Denenvit-Hartenberg

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Central Topic - Where is the tool

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Joint/Link Description

Lower pair - The connection between a

pair of bodies when the relative motions
is characterize by two surfaces sliding
over one another.

Mechanical Design Constrains

1 DOF Joint

Revolute Joint
Prismatic Joint

Link - A rigid body which defines the

relationship between two neighboring
joint axes of the manipulator

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
DH Parameters - Review

ai 1 - Link Length - The distance fromZˆ i 1to Ẑ i measured along Xˆ i 1

 i 1 - Link Twist - The angle betweenZˆ and Ẑ i measured about Xˆ i 1
i 1
d i - Link Offset - The distance from Xˆ i 1 to X̂ i measured along Ẑ i
 i - Link Angle - The angle between Xˆ i 1 andX̂ i measured about Ẑ i
Note: ai  0  i d i  i are singed quantities

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters (Denenvit-Hartenberg )- Length & Twist

• Joint Axis - A line in space (or a

vector direction) about which link i
rotates relative to link i-1

• Link Length ai 1 - The distance

between axis i and axis i-1
- Common Normal
- Expending cylinder analogy
- Distance
Parallel axes -> The No. of common normals is 
Non-Parallel axes -> The No. of common normals is 1
- Sign - ai 1  0

• Link Twist  i 1 - The angle

measured from axis i-1 to axis i
• Note : Sign  i 1 Right hand rule

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters (Denenvit-Hartenberg )- Twist

• Positive Link Twist • Negative Link Twist

  i 1   i 1

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters - Example

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters - Example

• Axes Link i 1

• Link Length ai 1  7in

i 1 i

• Link Twist i 1  45o

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Joint Variables (Denenvit-Hartenberg ) - Angle & Offset

• Link Offset d i - The signed distance

measured along the common axis i
(joint i) from the point where ai 1
intersect the axis i to the point
where ai intersect the axis i
- The link offset d i is variable of joint
i if joint i is prismatic
- Sign of d i

• Joint Angle  i - The signed angle

made between an extension of ai 1
and ai measured about the the axis
of the joint i
- The joint angle  i is variable of if
the joint i is revolute
- Sign -  i Right hand rule
Instructor: Jacob Rosen
Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters - Example

Link i 1

Link i

i 1 i

Link i 1
2.5 in

Link offset d i  2.5in

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Parameters - Example

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Affixing Frames to Links -
Intermediate Links in the Chain

• Origin of Frame {i} - The origin of

frame {i} is located were the distance
ai perpendicular intersects the
joint i axis
• Z Axis Ẑ i - The Ẑ axis of frame {i}
is coincident with the joint axis i
• X Axis X̂ i - The X̂ i points along
the distance ai in the direction from
joint i to joint i+1
- For ai  0 is normal to the plane
of Ẑ and Zˆ
i i 1
- The link twist angle  i is measured
in a right hand sense about X̂ i
• Y Axis Yˆi - The Yˆi axis complete
frame {i} following the right hand rule

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Affixing Frames to Links -
First & Last Links in the Chain

• Frame {0} - The frame attached to the base of the robot or link 0 called frame
{0} This frame does not move and for the problem of arm kinematics can be
considered as the reference frame.

 0  0
• Frame {0} coincides with Frame {1} 
 a0  0
1  0 Arbitrary
Joint 1 - Revolute Joint 
 d1  0 Convention

  0 Convention
Joint 1 - Prismatic Joint  1
 d1  0 Arbitrary

• Frame {N} - Joint N - Revolute Joint  Align Xˆ N with Xˆ N 1   N  0

 {N } Origin  d N  0
 Xˆ N Direction   N  0
Joint N - Prismatic Joint 
{N } Origin  Intersect of X N 1 & joint axis n  d N  0

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Link Frame Attachment Procedure - Summary

• Joint Axes - Identify the joint axes and imagine (or draw) infinite lines along
them. For step 2 through step 5 below, consider two of these neighboring lines
(at axes i-1 and i)
• Frame Origin - Identify the common perpendicular between them, or point of
intersection. At the point of intersection, or at the point where the common
perpendicular meets the i th axis, assign the link frame origin.

• Ẑ i Axis - Assign the Ẑ i axis pointing along the i th joint axis.

• X̂ i Axis - Assign the X̂ i axis pointing along the common perpendicular, or if the
axes Zˆ i 1 and intersect, assign X̂ i to be normal to the plane containing the two Ẑ i
• Yˆi Axis - Assign the Yˆi axis to the complete a right hand coordinate system.

• Frame {0} and Frame {1} - Assign {0} to match {1} when the first joint veritable
is zero. For {N} choose an origin location and X̂ N direction freely, but generally
so as to cause as many linkage parameters as possible to be zero

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
DH Parameters - Summary

If the link frame have been attached to the links according to our convention, the
following definitions of the DH parameters are valid:
Standard form:
- The distance from Zˆ i 1 to Ẑ i measured along
- The angle betweenZˆ i 1and Ẑ measured about
d i - The distance from Xˆ to X̂ measured along Zˆ
i 1 i i 1
 i - The angle between Xˆ and X̂ measured about Zˆ
i 1 i i 1

Modified form:
ai 1 - The distance from Zˆ i 1 to Ẑ i measured along Xˆ i 1
 i 1 - The angle betweenZˆ and Ẑ measured about Xˆ
i 1 i i 1
d i - The distance from Xˆ to X̂ measured along Ẑ
i 1 i
 i - The angle betweenXˆ
and X̂ measured about Ẑ
i 1 i i

Note: ai  0 i d i  i are signed quantities

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
DH Parameters – Standard / Modified Approach

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Central Topic - Where is the tool

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
DH Parameters - Review

ai 1 - The distance fromZˆ i 1to Ẑ i measured along Xˆ i 1

 i 1 - The angle betweenZˆ and Ẑ measured aboutXˆ i 1
i 1 i
d i - The distance from Xˆ i 1 to X̂ i measured along Ẑ i
 i - The angle between Xˆ i 1 and X̂ i measured about Ẑ i
Note: ai  0  i d i  i are singed quantities

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Derivation of link Homogeneous Transformation

Problem: Determine the transformation

which defines frame {i-1}
relative to the frame {i}
i 1

Note: For any given link of a robot, i 1iT

will be a function of only one
variable out of ai 1  i 1 d i  i
The other three parameters being
fixed by mechanical design.

Revolute Joint ->  i

Prismatic Joint -> d i

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Derivation of link Homogeneous Transformation

Solution: The problem is further braked

into 4 sub problem such that each of the
transformations will be a function of one
link parameters only

• Define three intermediate frames:

{P}, {Q}, and {R}
- Frame {R} is different from {i-1} only
by a rotation of  i 1
- Frame {Q} is different from {R} only
by a translation ai 1
- Frame {P} is different from {Q} only
by a rotation  i
- Frame {i} is different from {P} only Note : Yˆ was omitted
by a translation d i

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Derivation of link Homogeneous Transformation

Solution: A vector defined in frame {i} is

expressed in {i-1} as follows

i 1
P i R1T QRT QPT PiT iP
i 1
Pi 1iT iP

The transformation from frame {i-1} to

frame {i} is defined as follows
i 1
i T i R1T QRT QPT PiT

T  RX (i 1 ) DX (ai 1 ) RZ (i ) DZ (di )

i 1
Note : Yˆ was omitted

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Derivation of link Homogeneous Transformation

T  RX (i 1 ) DX (ai 1 ) RZ (i ) DZ (di )

i 1

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ai 1  c i  s i 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 c  s i 1 0 0 1 0 0   s i c i 0 0 0 1 0 0 
i 1
iT 
 i 1

0 s i 1 c i 1 0 0 0 1 0  0 0 1 0  0 0 1 di 
    
0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1
 c i  s i 0 ai 1 
 s c c i ci 1  si 1  si 1d i 
i 1
T   i i 1 
 s i si 1 c i si 1 ci 1 ci 1d 

 
 0 0 0 1 

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
DH Parameters – Standard / Modified Approach

Standard Form
c i  s i c i s i s i ai c i 
 s c i c i  c i s i ai s i 
i 1
T   i

 0 s i c i di 

 
 0 0 0 1 

Modified Form
 c i  s i 0 ai 1 
 s c c  c   s   s  d 
i 1
iT 
 i i 1 i i 1 i 1 i 1 i 

 s i si 1 c i si 1 ci 1 ci 1d 

 
 0 0 0 1 

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Concatenating Link Transformation

• Define link frames

• Define DH parameters of each link
• Compute the individual link transformation matrix
• Relates frame { N } to frame { 0 }

NT 01T 12T 23TN N1T

• The transformation N0T will be a function of all n joint variables.

• Of the robot’s joint position sensors are measured, the Cartesian position and
oriantataion of the last link may be computed by 0T

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Concatenating Link Transformation

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Actuator Space - Joint Space - Cartesian Space

Actuator Joint Cartesian

Space Space Space

Task Oriented Space

Operational Space

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA Family

PUMA 200 PUMA 500 PUMA 700

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - 6R


Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Kinematics of an Industrial Robot - PUMA 560

• The robot position in which all joint

angles are equal to zero

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {0} {1}

• Assign {0} to match {1} when the

first joint veritable is zero. Frame 1 2
{0} is coincident with Frame {1}

• Assign the Ẑ1axis pointing along

the 1st joint axis.

• Assign the X̂ 1axis pointing along

the common perpendicular, or if
the axes intersect, assign X̂ 1to be
normal to the plane containing the
two axes

• Assign the Yˆ1 axis to the complete

a right hand coordinate system.

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {2}

• Assign the Ẑ 2 axis pointing along
the 2ed joint axis. 3

• Assign the X̂ 2axis pointing along

the common perpendicular

• Assign the Yˆ2 axis to the complete

a right hand coordinate system.

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {3}

• Assign the Ẑ 3 axis pointing along
the 3ed joint axis.

• Assign the X̂ 3 axis pointing along

the common perpendicular
• Assign the Yˆ3 axis to the complete
a right hand coordinate system.

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {4}

• Assign the Ẑ 4 axis pointing along

the 4th joint axis.

• Assign the X̂ 4axis pointing along

the common perpendicular if the
axes intersect, assign X̂ 4to be 4
normal to the plane containing the
two axes

• Assign the Yˆ4 axis to the complete

a right hand coordinate system.

ai 1 - The distance from Zˆ i 1 to Ẑ i measured along Xˆ i 1

d i - The distance from Xˆ i 1 to X̂ i measured along Ẑ i

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frames {4}, {5}, {6}

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {5}

• Assign the Ẑ 5 axis pointing along

the 5th joint axis.

• Assign the X̂ 5 axis pointing along

the common perpendicular if the 6
axes intersect, assign X̂ 5to be
normal to the plane containing the
two axes

• Assign the Yˆ5 axis to the complete

a right hand coordinate system.

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Frame Assignments - Frame {6} ({N})

• Assign the Ẑ 6 axis pointing along

the 6th joint axis.

• For frame {N} ({6}) choose an

origin location and X̂ 6 direction 6
freely, but generally so as to cause
as many linkage parameters as
possible to be zero

• Assign the Yˆ6 axis to the complete

a right hand coordinate system.

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - DH Parameters

 i 1 - The angle between Zˆ i 1 to Ẑ i

measured about Xˆ i 1

i-1 i  i 1
0 1 0  0   Zˆ 0 Zˆ1 about Xˆ 0

1   Zˆ1 Zˆ 2 about Xˆ 1
1 2 -90

2 3 0
 2   Zˆ 2 Zˆ 3 about Xˆ 2
3 4 -90
 3   Zˆ 3 Zˆ 4 about Xˆ 3
4 5 90
 4   Zˆ 4 Zˆ 5 about Xˆ 4
5 6 -90
 5   Zˆ 5 Zˆ 6 about Xˆ 5

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - DH Parameters

ai 1 - The distance from Zˆ to Ẑ

i 1 i
measured along X i 1

i-1 i ai 1
0 1 0 a0  Dist. Zˆ 0 Zˆ1 along Xˆ 0

a1  Dist. Zˆ1 Zˆ 2 along Xˆ 1

1 2 0

2 3 a2 a2  Dist. Zˆ 2 Zˆ 3 along Xˆ 2
a3  Dist. Zˆ 3 Zˆ 4 along Xˆ 3
3 4 a3
4 5 0
a4  Dist. Zˆ 4 Zˆ 5 along Xˆ 4
5 6 0
a5  Dist. Zˆ 5 Zˆ 6 along Xˆ 5

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - DH Parameters

d i - The distance from Xˆ i 1 to X̂ i

measured along Ẑ

i-1 i di
0 1 0 d1  Dist. Xˆ 0 Xˆ 1 along Z1
1 2 0
d 2  Dist. Xˆ 1 Xˆ 2 along Z 2
2 3 d3 d 3  Dist. Xˆ 2 Xˆ 3 along Z 3
3 4 d4 d 4  Dist. Xˆ 3 Xˆ 4 along Z 4
4 5 0 d 5  Dist. Xˆ 4 Xˆ 5 along Z 5
5 6 0 d 6  Dist. Xˆ 5 Xˆ 6 along Z 6

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - DH Parameters

 i - The angle between Xˆ i 1 to X̂ i

measured about Ẑ i

i-1 i i
0 1 1 1   Xˆ 0 Xˆ 1 about Zˆ1
1 2 2    Xˆ 1 Xˆ 2 about Zˆ 2
2 3  3 3   Xˆ 2 Xˆ 3 about Zˆ 3
3 4 4 4   Xˆ 3 Xˆ 4 about Zˆ 4
4 5 5    Xˆ 4 Xˆ 5 about Zˆ 5
5 6 6  6   Xˆ 5 Xˆ 6 about Zˆ 6

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - DH Parameters

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Link Transformations

 c i  s i 0 ai 1   c 1  s1 0 0
 s c  s c 1 0 0 
c i ci 1  si 1  si 1d i   1 
  1T 
i 1 i 1 0
T  i
 s i si 1 c i si 1 ci 1 ci 1d   0 0 1 0
   
 0 0 0 1   0 0 0 1
 c 2  s 2 0 0
 0 0 1 0
2T 
1  
  s 2  c 2 0 0
 
 0 0 0 1
 c 3  s 3 0 a 2 
 s c 3 0 0 
T   3 
 0 1 d3 
 
 0 0 0 1
 c 4  s 4 0 a 3 
 0 0 1 d4 
4T 
3  
  s 4  c 4 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 1
 c 6  s 6 0 0  c 5  s 5 0 0
 0 1 0  0
 0 0  1 0
6T 
5 4
T   
  s 6  c 6 0 0 5
 s 5 c 5 0 0
   
 0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Kinematics Equations

• The kinematics equations of PUMA 560 specify how to compute the position &
orientation of frame {6} (tool) relative to frame {0} (base) of the robot. These are
the basic equations for all kinematic analysis of this manipulator.

 r11 r12 r13 px 

r r r23 py 
T  0 1 2 3 4 5
T T T T T T   21 22 
 r31 r32 pz 
6 1 2 3 4 5 6
 
0 0 0 1

• Notations
cos(1 )  c1  c1
cos(1   2 )  c12  c1c2  s1s2
sin(1   2 )  s12  c1s2  s1c2

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
PUMA 560 - Kinematics Equations – Verification

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Frame With Standard Names

• Base Frame {B} - {B} is located at

the base of the manipulator affixed to
the nonmoving part of the robot
(another name for frame {0})

• Station Frame {S} - {S} is located in

a task relevant location (e.g. at the
corner of the table upon the which
the robot is to work). From the user
perspective {S} is the universe frame
(task frame or world frame) and all
action of the robot are made relative
to it. The station frame {S} is always
specify with respect to the base
frame {B}, i.e. BT

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Frame With Standard Names

• Wrist Frame {W} - {W} is affixed to

the last link of the manipulator - the
wrist (another name for frame {N}).
The wrist frame {W} is defined
relative to the base frame i.e. BT  0T

• Tool Frame {T} - {T} is affixed to the

end of any tool the robot happens to
be holding. When the hand is empty,
{T} is located with its origin between
the fingertips of the robot. The tool
frame {T} is always specified with
respect to the wrist frame {W} i.e. WTT

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Frame With Standard Names

• Goal Frame {G} - {G} is describing

the location to which the robot is
about to move the tool. At the end of
the robot motion the tool frame {T} is
about to coincide with the the goal
frame {G}. The goal frame is always
specified with respect to the station
frame {S} i.e. GS T

Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA
Where is the tool ?

• Problem:
Calculate the transformation matrix
of the the tool frame {T} relative to
the station frame {S} - S T

• Solution:
Cartesian Transformation


Instructor: Jacob Rosen

Advanced Robotic - MAE 263D - Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering - UCLA

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