Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory Manual: by Dr. N. Kumara Swamy

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Dr. N. Kumara Swamy

Edition : 1st Edition : 2008

ISBN : 9789380358864
Size : 170 mm x 240 mm
Binding : Paper Back
` 125.00 BUY Pages : 272 + 16 = 288

About the book CONTENT

The aim to prepare this manual to understand fundamental principles, concepts and significance 1 : INTRODUCTION TO FLUID MECHANICS
of various experiments as per existing laboratory experimental practice and evaluation 2 : PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF FLUID MECHANICS IN
procedure in the subject fluid mechanics and fluid machinery. VARIOUS FIELDS
The manual explains the procedure for various experiments including principle, apparatus, 3 : FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF FLUID MECHANICS
experimental set up, handling of apparatus, range and accuracy of observations, model AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE
calculation, engineering significance, practical applications for each experiment in fluid 4 : MEASUREMENT OF HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS
mechanics and fluid machinery. 5 : PERFORMANCE OF HYDRAULIC MACHINES
This manual also gives comprehensive view about how to perform various experiments, how 6 : EXPERIMENTS ON FLUID MECHANICS
to presentation of experiment results in the form of laboratory report and how to evaluate 7 : EXPERIMENTS ON FLUID MACHINERY
performance of a student in the laboratory and how to implement experiment results in field. 8 : VIVA QUESTIONS ON FLUID MECHANICS
Also it provides to the students the essential information required to understand fundamental
concepts, to carry out the experiment and to implement the experiment results in the field. It
improves skills in experimentation, presentation and implement of experimental results in the 10 : PLANNING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF
Appendix : A to Appendix : I
It will help to take accurate observations and analysis of experimental results. Question bank
given in separate chapter is useful to students for better understanding concepts and answering
viva questions. index

This manual also provides necessary valuable information regarding planning and maintenance
of Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory, which helps to the faculty members in setting
their own fluid mechanics and machinery laboratory.
This book also contains some other useful information like, SI and conversion table, physical
properties units of water, air and common liquids, dimensionless number and various graphs
related to viscosity, friction factors and discharge.
Student’s performance evaluation procedure has also been discussed in a separate chapter,
which is very useful for teachers.
It is hoped that the book will satisfy the needs of the Engineering students preparing for the
Degree examinations of almost all the Indian Universities, Diploma examinations conducted by
various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C.,
G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and professional Examinations. It should also be
of an immense help to the practicing Engineers.

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Detailed Contents
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO FLUID MECHANICS 3-2-4. Stability of floating bodies, metacentre and metacentric height
1-1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Significance of metacentric height
1-2. Technological developments in fluid mechanics 3-2-5. Stability criteria for floating bodies
1-3. Objectives of Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory (1) Stable equilibrium
1-4. Purpose and organization of laboratory manual (2) Unstable equilibrium
1-5. Guidelines for students (3) Neutral equilibrium
1-6. Guidelines for the preparation of laboratory observation book 3-3. Different types of fluids
1-7. Guidelines for the preparation of a laboratory report Classification of fluids
Organization and contents (1) Viscosity
Title or cover page of reports (i) Ideal fluids
Contents of Laboratory Reports (ii) Real fluids (Practical fluids)
 (1) Aim (2) Newton’s law of viscosity
  (2) Principle or Concept (i) Newtonian fluids
 (3) Formulae (ii) Non-Newtonian fluids
 (4) Apparatus (3) Angle of contact and forces among molecules
  (5) Experimental setup (i) Wetting fluids
 (6) Procedure (ii) Non-wetting fluids
(4) Compressibility
  (7) Observations and Calculations
(i) Compressible fluids
(i) Observations
(ii) Incompressible fluids
(ii) Sample Calculations
(5) Various types of non-Newtonian fluids and their properties
  (8) Graphical presentation of the experimental results
3-4. Different types of flow
  (9) Results and Discussions
(1) Steady and unsteady flow
(10) Comments
(2) Uniform and non-uniform flow
1-8. Evaluation Procedure for students performance in laboratory
(3) Laminar flow and turbulent flow
1-9. Nomenclature of fluid mechanics and machinery
(4) Compressible flow and incompressible flow
Chapter 2 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF FLUID MECHANICS (5) Ideal fluid flow and real fluid flow
IN VARIOUS FIELDS (6) Rotational flow and Irrotational flow
2-1. Introduction (7) Pressure flow and gravity flow
2-2. Daily Life (8) Free vortex flow and forced vortex flow
2-3. Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Civil Engineering 3-5. Basic laws of fluid mechanics and their applications
2-4. Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Environmental Engineering 3-5-1. Conservation of mass
2-5. Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Biomedical Engineering 3-5-2. Newton’s second law of motion
2-6. Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Automobile engineering Application of Newton’s second law of motion in fluid
and Aero-space engineering mechanics
University Examination questions 3-5-3. Principle of conservation of angular momentum:
Chapter 3 F U N D A M E N TA L C O N C E P T S O F F L U I D (law of conservation of moment of momentum)
MECHANICS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE 3-5-4. First law of thermodynamics
3-1. Fluid properties and their significance in Engineering practice Conservation of energy principle
3-1-1. Specific weight and mass density 3-5-5. Second law of thermodynamics
3-5-6. Pascal’s Law for pressure at rest
3-1-2. Specific gravity or Relative density
3-5-7. Pascal’s law of hydrostatic fluid pressure distribution
3-1-3. Viscosity
3-6. Fundamental equations of fluid mechanics
(1) Causes of viscosity 3-6-1. Continuity equation
(2) Dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity 3-6-2. Energy equation
(3) Effects of temperature and pressure on viscosity (1) Bernoulli’s theorem
(4) Effects of liquid constituents on viscosity (2) Bernoulli’s equation for real fluid flow
(5) Newton’s law of viscosity (3) Bernoulli’s equation for fluid machinery
(6) Practical application of viscosity (i) Turbines
(ii) Pumps
3-1-4. Surface tension
(iii) Pumps and turbine
(1) Effect of temperature (4) Limitations of Bernoulli’s equation
(2) Practical applications (5) Application of Bernoulli’s equation
3-1-5. Capillarity 3-6-3. Linear Momentum equation
Practical examples (1) Statement
3-1-6. Vapour pressure (2) Application of momentum equation
(1) Cavitation and its impacts 3-6-4. Angular momentum equation
(2) Remedial measures for cavitation Application
3-2. Buoyancy and flotation Chapter 4 MEASUREMENT OF HYDRAULIC PARAMETERS
3-2-1. Buoyancy and Buoyant force 4-1. Introduction
3-2-2. Archimedes principle (287 B.C. – 212 B.C) 4-2. Measurement of fluid properties
3-2-3. Stability of submerged and floating bodies 4-2-1. Specific gravity and specific weight of a fluid
(1) Submerged bodies 4-2-2. Capillarity and surface tension
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Detailed Contents
4-2-3. Viscosity 5-2-5. Selection of Turbine
4-3. Measurement of water surface level 5-3. Hydraulic pumps
4-3-1. Pointer gauge 5-3-1. Reciprocating pump
4-3-2. Float gauge (1) Working principle of reciprocating pump
4-4. Measurement of Pressure, pressure head and pressure gradient (2) Performance of reciprocating pumps
4-4-1. Pressure at a point (i) Operating characteristic curves
(1) Absolute pressure (ii) Variable speed characteristics curves
(2) Gauge pressure 5-3-2. Centrifugal pump
(3) Atmospheric pressure (1) Working of a centrifugal pump
4-4-2. Pressure head of a fluid (2) Characteristics curves of centrifugal pump
(1) Piezometric head of a fluid (i) Main characteristics
(2) Pressure gradient (ii) Operating speed performance
4-4-3. Measurement of pressure intensity (iii) Constant efficiency curves
4-4-4. Manometer 5-3-3. Multi-stage centrifugal pump
(1) Manometric liquid Chapter 6 EXPERIMENTS ON FLUID MECHANICS
(2) Limitations of manometer 6-1. Specific weight and specific gravity
4-4-5. Mechanical Gauges 6-2. Metacentric height of floating bodies
(1) Bourdon tube pressure gauge 6-3. Viscosity of liquid
(2) Diaphragm pressure gauge 6-4. Verification of bernoulli’s equation
(3) Dead weight pressure gauge 6-5. Coefficients of orifice
(4) Pressure transducer 6-6. Coefficients of external mouthpiece
4-4-6. Precautions in pressure measurement 6-7. Coefficient of discharge of rectangular notch
4-5. Velocity measurement 6-8. Coefficient of discharge of triangular notch
4-5-1. Floats 6-9. Coefficient of discharge of trapezoidal notch
4-5-2. Pitot Tube 6-10. Coefficient of discharge of cippoletti notch
Principle 6-11. Coefficient of discharge of venturimeter
4-5-3. Pitot static tube 6-12. Coefficient of discharge of orificemeter
4-5-4. Current meter 6-13. Reynolds number and critical velocity
4-5-5. Hot-wire anemometer and Hot film anemometer 6-14. Major losses (Friction factor)
4-5-6. Laser Doppler Anemometer 6-15. Minor losses – I
4-5-7. The salt velocity method 6-16. Minor losses – II
4-6. Measurement of discharge 6-17. Components of hydraulic jump
4-6-1. Gravity flow
(1) Tanks and reservoirs Chapter 7 EXPERIMENTS ON FLUID MACHINERY
(2) Gravimetric method (weight measurement) 7-1. Impact of jet on vanes
(3) Volumetric method 7-2. Performance studies of pelton wheel
(4) Open channel 7-3. Performance studies of francis turbine
4-6-2. Pressure Flow 7-4. Performance studies of kaplan turbine
(1) Bernoulli type devices 7-5. Performance studies of centrifugal pump
4-7. Measurement of head losses 7-6. Performance studies of reciprocating pump
4-7-1. Major energy losses 7-7. Performance of submersible pump test rig
(1) Darcy-Weisbach equation 7-8. Performance studies of multistage centrifugal pump
(2) Evaluation of friction factor Chapter 8 Viva Questions on FLUID MECHANICS
Moody’s diagram 8-1. Specific Gravity and Specific Weight
4-7-2. Minor loss of energy 8-2. Metacentric height and Buoyancy
5-1. Hydraulic Machines 8-4. Pressure measurement
5-2. Turbines 8-5. Bernoulli’s Equation
Classification of turbines 8-6. Pitot tube
5-2-1. Pelton wheel 8-7. Mouth piece
Working of Pelton wheel 8-8. Orifice
5-2-2. Francis turbine 8-9. Triangular and Rectangular Notch
Operation of Francis turbine 8-10. Trapezoidal and Cippoletti notch
5-2-3. Kaplan Turbine 8-11. Venturimeter
Working of Kaplan turbine 8-12. Nozzle meter
5-2-4. Turbines performance and selection 8-13. Elbow meter
(1) Specific speed 8-14. Rotameter
(2) Significance of specific speed 8-15. Venturi flume and Standing wave flume
(3) Unit quantities and characteristics curves 8-16. Orifice meter
(4) Main or constant head or variable speed characteristics 8-17. Major Losses (Friction Factor)
curves 8-18. Minor losses
(5) Operating or constant speed curves 8-19. Reynolds number and critical velocity
(6) Constant efficiency curves 8-20. Hydraulic jump in rectangular open channel
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, Post Box No. 65, ANAND 388 001 India
Telephone: (02692) 256237, Fax: (02692) 240089, e-mail: [email protected], http://cphbooks.in Follow us:
Detailed Contents
Chapter 9 VIVA QUESTIONS ON FLUID MACHINERY (6) Safety measures
9-1. Impact of Jet 10-4. Operation and Maintenance code
9-2. Pelton turbine (impulse turbine) 10-5. Precautions to be taken in the laboratory
9-3. Francis turbine 10-6. Relevant IS codes
9-4. Kaplan trubine 10-7. Reputed Laboratory Equipment and models suppliers and their
9-5. Centrifugal pump details
9-6. Reciprocating pump Appendix A to Appendix I
9-7. Jet pump Appendix A Unit conversion ratios
9-8. Hydraulic ram and hydraulic press Appendix B Properties of water at standerd atmospheric pressure
Chapter 10 PLANNING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Appendix C Physical Properties of Fluids
OF LABORATORY Appendix D Variation of dynamic viscosity of various fluids
10-1. Basic Equipment and their specifications for undergraduate with temperature
courses in Engineering programme Appendix E Variation of kinematic viscosity of various fluids
10-2. Grouping of experiments with temperature
10-3. Planning aspects of fluid mechanics and machinery laboratory Appendix F Moody’s diagram for friction factors
(1) Location Appendix G Determination of pipe diameter for given discharge
(2) Size Appendix H Dimensionless numbers
(3) Spacing between equipment Appendix I Properties of some common liquids at 20°C and
(4) Door and window atmospheric pressure
(5) Display boards Index

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