Lyons Et Al-2017-Periodontology 2000

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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 74, 2017, 7–10 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

ley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Interdisciplinary periodontics:
the multidisciplinary approach to
the planning and treatment of
complex cases
K A R L M. L Y O N S & I V A N D A R B Y

The focus of this volume of Periodontology 2000 is condition. The chapter entitled ‘Interaction between
interdisciplinary periodontics, and the articles discuss endodontics and periodontics’ appraises the interre-
the interactions and interrelationship between peri- lationship between endodontic and periodontal
odontal tissues/periodontal diseases and endodon- lesions and provides biological and clinical evidence
tics, fixed prosthodontics, implant dentistry, for diagnosis, prognosis and decision-making in the
esthetics, gerodontology, radiology, orthodontics, treatment of these conditions.
pediatric dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral Although periodontal factors do not usually have a
pathology, special needs dentistry and general medi- direct effect on the survival of a fixed prosthesis, har-
cine. Periodontics is not practiced in isolation, as fre- mony between the prosthesis and the periodontium
quently many patients have multiple dental needs or is critical, otherwise esthetics, the longevity of the
medical health issues that require management. In prosthesis and the periodontium will be compro-
addition, pathology may manifest in the periodontal mised (1). In the chapter ‘Interdisciplinary interface
tissues, and the onset and progression of periodonti- between fixed prosthodontics and periodontics’, the
tis can be affected by systemic conditions, such as close interdisciplinary relationship between peri-
diabetes, and vice versa. Previous volumes of Peri- odontics and prosthodontics is shown, with the aim
odontology 2000 have covered some of the interac- to avoid an unsatisfactory treatment outcome requir-
tions between periodontal disease and other dental ing extensive and expensive retreatment. The design
disciplines, especially implant dentistry, ‘and the of the prosthesis, the number and quality of the abut-
interaction between periodontal disease and systemic ment teeth, the preparation and the pontic, the
disease’ but there has not been a volume that has occlusion and the choice of material need to be con-
solely looked at interdisciplinary periodontics. sidered when planning prosthodontic treatment. The
Understanding the interaction between endodon- location of the preparation margin, and the contour
tics and periodontics is of crucial importance to the and emergence profile of the prosthesis will influence
clinician ‘as there are often challenges in the diagno- the response of the gingival tissues to the prosthesis.
sis, treatment and prognosis of combined endodontic Pontic design and cleansability also contribute to the
and periodontal diseases’ (8). Etiologic factors, such response of the gingival tissues, as well as to the clini-
as microorganisms, as well as contributing factors, cal and esthetic outcomes. Even an optimal pontic
including trauma, root resorptions, perforations, design will not prevent inflammation of the mucosa
cracks and dental malformations, play an important adjacent to the pontic if pontic hygiene is not main-
role in the development and progression of ‘lesions tained by removal of plaque. Case selection and the
resulting from combined endodontic periodontal dis- ability of the patient to carry out adequate oral
eases’. Despite this, the treatment and prognosis of hygiene are therefore essential for longevity of the
‘such lesions’ vary and depend on the etiology, patho- prosthesis, and regular reviews provide an opportu-
genesis and a correct diagnosis of each specific nity for early detection and management of failures.

Lyons & Darby

Dental implants are regularly placed in patients adults may not be fully applicable in older individu-
with a history of periodontitis, even though peri- als, and the progression of periodontitis may be
implant tissues are susceptible to the same host- slower in older individuals. Older individuals with
modulated plaque-induced factors that initiate and periodontitis may therefore benefit from more con-
sustain periodontitis (11). In the chapter ‘Chronic servative treatment approaches. In older individuals,
periodontitis and implant dentistry’, the evidence declining health, perception of treatment needs, diet-
relating to a history of periodontitis as a risk factor for ary changes, comorbidity with other diseases and
implant success and survival, and the role of support- immune senescence are challenging factors in terms
ive periodontal therapy in maintaining implants for of therapies and understanding of periodontitis
individuals with a history of periodontitis, are etiology.
discussed. Contemporary periodontal therapy has evolved to
Esthetic considerations are a significant contribut- become more interdisciplinary and increasingly
ing factor in the management of prosthodontic cases involves complex treatments, including soft-tissue-
and an interdisciplinary approach is often necessary regenerative and bone-regenerative procedures (10).
to achieve an optimal result (3). The visible soft-tissue Therapeutic options frequently require an imaging
architecture plays a key role in developing an esthetic modality capable of providing a diagnostic osseous
smile. Furthermore, an understanding of the relation- baseline and facilitate quantification of smaller incre-
ship between the restorative margin and the gingiva ments of bony change, both loss and additive, that
is important for long-term stability of the result. Gin- are comparable over time. In the chapter, ‘The
gival architecture and gingival health are of impor- emerging role of maxillofacial radiology in the diag-
tance to ensure that prosthodontic treatment results nosis and management of complex periodontal
in an optimal esthetic outcome; and close attention cases’, it is shown that intra-oral and panoramic
to both soft and hard tissues around the teeth, before, radiography are the modalities most commonly used
during and after restorative procedures, will greatly to identify the location, quantify the amount and
improve the likelihood of a successful outcome. determine the pattern of marginal alveolar bone loss
Moreover, knowing the options available in periodon- and determine response to therapy. Unfortunately,
tal plastic surgery is important in current esthetic these procedures produce planar, two-dimensional
dentistry. The relevant literature related to restorative images that are subject to inaccuracies associated
and surgical procedures when performing esthetic with inadequate exposure, processing or kilovoltage;
dentistry are reviewed in the chapter ‘The periodontal image distortion as a result of variations in projection
restorative interface: esthetic considerations’, and dif- geometry; and intra- and interobserver variability.
ferent approaches are illustrated with cases to explain Cone-beam computed tomography imaging offers
the treatment approach that was utilized to improve specific advantages for periodontal diagnosis in that
the esthetic outcome. three-dimensional images of dental and marginal
Periodontal conditions in older individuals, and the alveolar bone structures can be rendered with geo-
available scientific data on periodontal treatment metric accuracy in one procedure. While there is cur-
outcomes in individuals ≥ 75 years of age, are rently no evidence to support the routine use of
reviewed in the chapter ‘Dental geriatrics and peri- cone-beam computed tomography imaging for rou-
odontitis’ (7). The population of older people is tine three-dimensional bone mapping, it has been
increasing but the data on periodontal therapies and shown to be clinically efficacious in demonstrating
their efficacy in this population is limited. Further- localized defects. Such defects include furcation
more, although life expectancy has increased, this involvement and intrabony vertical and buccal/lin-
does not suggest that older people are medically gual defects, and it is proposed that in these situa-
healthy as the prevalence of most chronic diseases tions, limited-field-of-view, high-resolution protocols
increases with age. Several chronic systemic diseases are indicated.
have been associated with periodontitis. The most Reduced periodontal support is a common chal-
frequent and significant correlates with successful lenge often faced by clinicians during the rehabilita-
ageing include not smoking and the absence of tion of compromised dentitions (2). The close and
disability, arthritis and diabetes mellitus; however, intricate relationship between the periodontal tissues
periodontal diseases in older individuals may have and the processes of tooth movement suggest that
specific features that are not consistent with peri- adjunct orthodontic therapy may play an important
odontal diseases. Diagnostic criteria used for the role in overcoming these problems. On the other
assessment and diagnosis of periodontitis in younger hand, excessive movement of teeth beyond the

Interdisciplinary periodontics

anatomical boundaries of the alveolar process is com- the gingivae are involved in many other local and
monly believed to contribute to further destruction of systemic conditions, and the chapter ‘The nexus
the periodontal tissues. In the chapter ‘Effect of between periodontics and oral pathology’ discusses
orthodontic treatment on the periodontal tissues’ how periodontists and oral pathologists can work
clinical effects of various orthodontic tooth move- together to ensure that these lesions are diagnosed
ments on the surrounding periodontal soft tissues and managed in a timely manner. Some of the less-
and alveolar bone are evaluated. Particular emphasis common pathological conditions that may affect
is placed on specific tooth movements, such as extru- one or more of the components of the periodon-
sion, intrusion, space closure and arch expansion. tium are also discussed according to the classifica-
The limitations of current research are also high- tion of diseases, to provide a framework to guide
lighted and discussed. investigations and management when an abnormal-
Oral health of children and adolescents mirrors ity is detected.
their general health (6). Because oral health care is Individuals with special needs are at higher risk of
often delivered in isolation from general health care, dental disease, including periodontal diseases, and
oral signs and symptoms do not always alert practi- special needs patients have a greater prevalence and
tioners to their significance beyond the mouth. An incidence of periodontal diseases compared with the
example of this is the association of a higher risk of rest of the population (4). Genetic or medical condi-
dental caries and periodontal disease with predia- tions, and/or the use of prescription medication or
betic conditions in children and adolescents who are recreational substances, may further increase the risk
overweight or obese. Dentists and periodontists for susceptibility to periodontal disease. The success
therefore need to consider the health conditions of of preventing or controlling periodontal diseases
their patients to aid in diagnosis, and alert the practi- amongst this group of patients has not been estab-
tioner to oral conditions that may not resolve without lished. Even those individuals who access regular and
general health-care intervention also. In the chapter comprehensive dental care appear to develop peri-
‘Management of periodontal health in children: pedi- odontal diseases as they age at a rate comparable
atric dentistry and periodontology interface’ the more with the natural history of the disease. The reasons
common oral conditions involving periodontal health behind this lack of success of interventions in reduc-
in children and adolescents, and their diagnosis, are ing the incidence of periodontal diseases are complex
discussed. The potential associated health problems and may relate to the professional challenges in treat-
are also presented, together with the role of pediatric ing individuals with special needs. The reasons for
dentists and periodontists in the management of chil- this are discussed in the chapter ‘Periodontal disease
dren entering adulthood so that they do so with and the special needs patient’.
healthy dentitions. In many countries, dental services, unlike other
Surgical procedures of the oral cavity can be per- health-care services, are not covered by the princi-
formed by a number of dental specialists and clini- ple of universal access (5). It has only been in the
cians (12). Owing to the limited number of surgical last twenty to thirty years that there has been a
procedures that can be performed inside the oral greater interaction between medicine and dentistry.
cavity, the boundary lines between specialties may Various health-care systems around the world may
become less distinct and lead to confusion for gen- provide public dental services to the young and the
eral dentists in terms of patient referrals. In the disadvantaged, but relatively few provide access to
chapter ‘Surgical management in dentistry – the public dental services for the entire population.
interdisciplinary relationship between periodontol- Public policy appears not to appreciate the vast eco-
ogy and oral and maxillofacial surgery’, what the two nomic, health and social implications of poor oral
surgical dental specialties of periodontics and oral health on the overall health of an individual. Recog-
and maxillofacial surgery have to offer is discussed nizing and acting on the interrelatedness between
and the routine inclusion of both periodontists and oral health and overall health helps to protect
oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the multidisci- patients from pathological diseases, such as infective
plinary management of dental implant patients is endocarditis, suboptimal glycemic control and dete-
highlighted. rioration in renal function. In the chapter ‘The place
The normal anatomy and physiology of the peri- of periodontal examination and referral in general
odontium is well known to dentists and periodon- medicine’, some of the medical conditions to which
tists, as are the effects on the periodontium of patients are predisposed as a result of poor dental
plaque-associated bacterial infection (9). However, care are examined and case examples are provided

Lyons & Darby

to support this hypothesis. The importance of a 3. Bennani V, Ibrahim H, Al-Harthi L, Lyons KM. The peri-
strong relationship between dentist and physician is odontal restorative interface: esthetic considerations. Peri-
odontol 2000 2017: 74: 74–101.
shown, and suggestions are offered for a multidisci-
4. Brown L, Ford PJ, Symons AL. Periodontal disease and
plinary approach. the special needs patient. Periodontol 2000 2017: 74:
This volume of Periodontology 2000 aims to show 182–193.
how and why periodontics should be interdisci- 5. Chan S, Maurice AP, Pasternak GM, West MJ. The place of
plinary, and each of the chapters shows the benefits periodontal examination and referral in general medicine.
Periodontol 2000 2017: 74: 194–199.
of an interdisciplinary approach and some of the con-
6. Drummond BK, Brosnan MG, Leichter JW. Management of
sequences of using a discipline in isolation. periodontal health in children: pediatric dentistry and peri-
odontology interface. Periodontol 2000 2017: 74: 158–167.
7. Persson RG. Dental geriatrics and periodontitis. Periodontol
Acknowledgment 2000 2017: 74: 102–115.
8. Rotstein I. Interaction between endodontics and periodon-
tics. Periodontol 2000 2017: 74: 11–39.
We are grateful for the significant contribution of Pro- 9. Rich A, Seo B, Parachuru V, Hussaini HM. The nexus
fessor Gregory Seymour to this volume of Periodon- between periodontics and oral pathology. Periodontol 2000
tology 2000. 2017: 74: 176–181.
10. Scarfe WC, Azevedo B, Pinheiro LR, Priaminiarti M, Sales
MAO. The emerging role of maxillofacial radiology in the
diagnosis and management of patients with complex peri-
References odontitis. Periodontol 2000 2017: 74: 116–139.
11. Smith MM, Knight ET, Al-Harthi L, Leichter JW. Chronic
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