I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (X) A, B or C!

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b or c!

Text for number 1 to 3

My Classroom
My classroom is big
My classroom is clean
There are chairs
There are tables
There is a blackboard
I like my classroom very much

1. My classroom is ....
a. small b. big c. little
2. My classroom is ....
a. clean b. dirty c. beautiful
3. There are ... in my classroom.
a. cupboard b. tables c. lamps
4. There is a .... in my classroom.
a. chair b. floor c. blackboard
5. 11 This is number....
a. eleven b. twelve c. thirteen
6. 12 + 8 = ....
a. nineteen b. twenty one c. twenty
7. 10 - 7 = ....
a. two b. three c. one
8. I use ... to write on the blackboard.
a. marker b. chalk c. pen
9. Monkey likes to eat...
a. banana b. orange c. durian
10. I draw a picture on the....
a. pen b. pencil c. drawing book
11. Nia : How are you Vita?
Vita : ....
a. I am fine b. thankyou c. see you
12. Tina : Thank you very much.
Tia : ....
a. you are welcome b. I am fine c. Hello
13. Thank you in Bahasa Indonesia ....
a. baik b. terima kasih c. sampai jumpa
14. Sampai jumpa in English ....
a. thank you b. see you c. I am fine
15. Apa kabar in English ....
a. How are you b. Thankyou c. see you

II. Write in English!

16. pensil = ....
17. pulpen = ....
18. buku = ....
19. penghapus = ....
20. anggur = ....
21. apel = ....
22. pisang = ....
23. alpukat = ....
24. Selamat tinggal = ....
25. Nama saya Julie = ....
I. Answer the question based on the text !

My name is Salwa. I want to tell about my kitchen. It is clean. There are many things in it. This
is a kettle. It is made of aluminium. It is for boiling water. This is a rice cooker. It is for cooking
the rice. There is also refrigerator. It is new. My mother buys it at the Wijaya Shop.

1. Who tells about the kitchen?

Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................
2. How is Salwa’s kitchen ?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................
3. What is the kettle for ?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the rice cooker for?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................
5. Where does Salwa’s mother buy refrigerator?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. My sister makes .... juice.

a. orange c. fish
b. rice d. meat

2. .... is an example of fruit.

a. Spinach c. Mango
b. Corn d. Bean

3. My mother goes to the market to buy ....

a. pencil c. vegetables
b. television d. table


A .... is made of wood.

a. bookshelf
b. table
c. chair
d. cupboard
5. We put our book in the ....
a. clothes c. bag
b. pencil case d. sack

6. My sister want to cut vegetable. She needs ....

a. knife c. fork
b. spoon d. plate

7. Text for number 7 - 8

She is Riana.
She is sleeping now.
She is sleeping in her bedroom.

Riana is .... now.

a. cooking c. studying
b. reading d. sleeping

8. .... is a place for sleeping.

a. Bathroom c. Living room
b. Bedroom d. Classroom

9. We need a .... to sit.

a. chair c. blackboard
b. table d. desk

10. It is a kind of fruit. Its colour is yellow. It is ....

a. coconut c. grape
b. banana d. avocado

Translate into Indonesian ! 3. Clock can show the time

Answer :
1. This is a new frying pan ..............................................................................
Answer :
.............................................................................. 4. Dona puts her doll on the chair
Answer :
2. Do you like to eat sauce? ..............................................................................
Answer :
.............................................................................. 5. There is a picture on the wall
Answer : ...............................

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