Mi. Miftahul Ulum 1: Penilaian Tengah Semester Genap TAHUN PELAJARAN 2016 / 2017

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NAMA : ............................................. Kelas : III (Tiga)

MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris Hari, tanggal :..........................................

A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada a,b,c atau d untuk jawaban yang benar!

1. Hijau What is this? It is ... 7. Salsa needs .... to peel b. Prosotan

a. Purple c. Green (mengupas) an apple. c. Ayunan
b. Pink d. Grey a. Gas stove c. knife d. Kolam
b. Tablecloth d. Spoon 12. We can find .... (air mancur ) in
2. The color of my hair is ...
a. Blue c. yellow 8. “A cup is for drinking coffee” in the park .
b. Black d. Pink Indonesian is.... a. Waterfall c. fountain
a. Cangkir untuk minum teh b. Pond d. Pool
3. The color of Indonesian flag b. Gelas untuk minum teh
(bendera) is ... 13. “lampu” in English is ...
c. Cangkir untuk minum teh a. Doll c. Lamp
a. Red and white d. Gelas untuk minum teh b. Ball d. Lamb
b. Blue and yellow
c. Black and white 9. Cooks – mother – the – kitchen – 14. “I see flowers in the park” in
in. The good arrangement is ... Indonesian is ...
d. Grey and purple
a. Mother the cooks in kitchen a. Saya melihat burung di taman
4. The English of “Jingga” is... b. Cooks mother in the kitchen b. Saya meihat ikan di taman
a. Purple c. black c. Mother in kitchen the cooks c. Saya melihat bunga di taman
b. Yellow d. Orange d. Mother cooks in the kitchen d. Saya melihat kupu – kupu di
5. “Abu – abu” in English is ... 10. “kettle” can be found (dapat taman
a. Grey c. green ditemukan ) in the ... 15. My mother keeps (menyimpan)
b. Great d. Grape a. Kitchen c. park plate and spoon in the ...
b. Livingoom d. Bathroom a. Kitchen
6. Nina needs .... to make juice
a. Tray c. fork 11. “swing” in Indonesian is ... b. Livingroom
b. Rice cooker d. Blender a. Jungkat – jungkit c. Bathroom
d. Bedroom

B. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan tepat!

1. The color of leaf (daun) is...
2. “tas merah muda” in English is ...
3. “black computer” in Indonesian is ...
4. “tempat sampah” in English is ...
5. “jar” in Indonesian is ...
6. I use ...... to cover (menutup) a table.
Arrange into good sentences (susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar)
7. Refrigerator – this – is – a =====>
8. Playing – is – Rizal – football =====>
Translate into Indonesian (terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia )
9. My famili go to the park =====>
10. Doni likes playing marbles =====>

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