MT Analytics

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MT Analytics

Data Driven Category Management

Business Question: How can I maximize growth by effective planogram implementation in store?

Product Description : The solution provides a recommendation of which plan is likely to generate the maximum growth opportunity. It learns from
history to identify the aspects of an effective plan for a category and type of store and suggests the key components of a good plan.

Inquiries Outcome: Strengthen partnerships with customers with proven

planogram models driving growth
What will be the best planogram to maximize category sales?
Are all stores compliant to the recommendation?
Are compliant stores growing better than other stores? • Create plans to suit the specific category/store focusing on the key
What are the elements of a successful plan that is working well to drive sales? elements that drive sales
What is the right assortment for the category in each store?
• Track impact of category planning on growth
Is a premiumization cat plan working better in certain types of demographics?
Can I create fit-for-store category plan to suit each store profile?
Audience Internal Audience
UL Customer Primary: Customer Marketing
Secondary: Customer Development

Analytics Model Data Sets

Segmentation and profiling of stores using internal & • Customer – Tertiary Sales including competition, Store type, Store shelf layout & capacity
external data sets, applying classical analytics and pattern • Internal – Primary/Secondary Sales, CCFOT
recognition machine learning to identify key drivers/ impact
parameters • External – Store catchment profile e.g. presence of colleges, consumer demographics.
Shopper Analytics

Business Question: How can I help my customer take category/store/shopper specific actions for sales growth?

Product Description : The solution provides a recommendation of which shoppers to target, which stores have potential for growth for which category
using shopper purchase behavior and patterns.

Inquiries Outcome: Win with shoppers and customers through personalized/

customized offerings and assortment
Which categories are affected in stores with high competition proximity?
Which are my underperforming stores in the personal care category? • Targeted coupon/offer plans for selected shoppers to drive a
Shopper specific purchase (cross sell (or) up sell)
Who is my shopper? What is her Shopper Persona (Mission, Price Sensitivity etc.…)?
• Product assortment changes to suit store locality and competition
What drives her purchasing behavior Value/brand?
Who are the shoppers likely to start purchasing Personal Care?
Audience Internal Audience
UL Customer Primary: Key Account Manager
Are store assortments for each category optimized?
Which categories are bought together by shoppers who visit for pantry stocking trips Secondary: Customer Marketing, CD

Analytics Model Data Sets

Segmentation and profiling of stores using internal & • Customer – Loyalty Data, Store details, Product details
external data sets, applying classical analytics and pattern
• External – Competition stores, Store catchment profile e.g. presence of colleges,
recognition machine learning to identify key drivers, affinity
consumer demographics.
behavior, sensitivities etc.
OSA Analytics

Business Question: How can we improve the on shelf availability in MT channel?

Product Description : The solution generates store – SKU level heuristic norm, re-order point, re-order time and quantity based on sales patterns and
order and delivery lags. Its optimized to account for stock holding capacities and minimizes sales loss due to OOS events.

Inquiries Outcome: Strengthen in store availability offering an optimized ordering/

replenishment plan to minimize OOS at optimal inventory levels
What base packs need to be tracked for OSA?
What are the key reasons for OOS scenarios? Actions
What should be the ordering frequency and amount to avoid OOS?
• Revised ordering schedule/norm for Store – SKUs
Which stores are underperforming among like to like stores and why?
Are specific events/ times causing spikes in OOS?

Audience Internal Audience

UL Customer Primary: Supply Chain, Customer Development
Secondary: Key Account Managers

Analytics Model Data Sets

Segmentation and profiling of stores using internal & • Customer – Store orders, Store Sales, Store profile, Stock holding
external data sets, applying classical analytics and pattern • Internal – Primary, Secondary Sales, CCFOT, OSA
recognition machine learning to identify patterns and derive
empirical norms etc. • External – Events, Seasons/Weather
Promo Spend Optimization

Business Question: How much and where shall we spend to optimally utilize the promotion budget for MT channel?

Product Description : The solution will identify the areas/chains and either promotion or visibilities or both which have the maximum impact on sales
for each category/cluster and help optimize promotion plans.

Inquiries Outcome: More efficient allocation of trade spends for the MT

Was my promotion/visibility effective in driving sales?
What are the key characteristics of successful promotion/visibilities? Actions
For a planned budget what will be the best promotions/visibilities to run? • Allocate promo and visibility spends optimized for maximum sales
What will be the simulated performance of a promotion/visibility?

Primary: Customer Marketing
Secondary: CD & Key Account Managers

Analytics Model Data Sets

Applying classical analytics and pattern recognition • Internal – Primary, Secondary Sales, CCFOT, OSA , Promotion details with Plan Spends,
machine learning to identify patterns and derive key drivers Visibility details and audit
and measure effectiveness etc.
• External – Events, Store catchment profile e.g. presence of colleges, consumer

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