Presented By: Abdul, Arafat Aman, Shaima Bagaan, Angel Bernardo, Neil Manuel, Clare

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Presented by:

Abdul, Arafat
Aman, Shaima
Bagaan, Angel
Bernardo, Neil
Manuel, Clare
What are airports?
• Airport, also called air
terminal, aerodrome, or
airfield, site and installation
for the takeoff and landing
of aircraft. An airport
usually has paved runways
and maintenance facilities
and serves as a terminal for
passengers and cargo.
What are the types airport?
1. Commercial Service Airports are publicly owned There are two types
of commercial service airports:
• Nonprimary (having no more than 10,000 passenger boardings each
• Primary (having more than 10,000 passenger boardings each year)
2. Cargo Service Airports are airports that serve aircraft carrying only
cargo, with a total annual "landed weight" of 100 million pounds.
"Landed weight" means the weight of aircraft transporting only cargo.
An airport may be both a commercial service and a cargo service
3. Reliever Airports are airports that relieve overcrowding at
commercial service airports. These airports provide you with greater
access to air transportation and may be publicly or privately-owned.
4. General Aviation Airports include the remaining airports. This airport
type is the largest single group of airports in the U.S. system.
What are the
components of an
1. Runway 2. Taxiway

Runway is a paved land strip on Taxiway is path which connects each

which landing and takeoff operations end of the runway with terminal area,
of aircrafts takes place. It is in leveled apron, hanger etc. These are laid with
position without any obstructions on asphalt or concrete like runways.
What are the
components of an
3. Apron 4. Terminal Building

Apron is a place which is used as Terminal building is a place where

parking place for aircrafts. It is also airport administration facilities takes
used for loading and unloading of place. In this building, pre-journey
aircrafts. and post journey checking’s of
passengers takes place.
What are the
components of an
5. Control Tower 6. Hanger

The control tower is a place where Hanger is a place where repairing and
aircrafts under a particular zone is servicing of aircrafts is done. Taxiway
controlled whether they are in land or connects the hanger with runway so,
in air. when a repair needed for an aircraft it
can be moved to hanger easily.
What are the
components of an
7. Parking

Parking is a place provided for

parking the vehicles of airport staff or
passengers which is outside the
terminal building or sometimes under
the ground of terminal building.
That’s all, Thank

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