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before the International Criminal Court at The Hague

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1. This is the final stage of a trial before a Trial Chamber of the International Criminal
Court (“ICC”). The Presiding Judge has declared that the submission of the evidence
is closed, and the parties are now to make their closing statements in accordance
with Rule 141 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the ICC. At this stage, both
the Prosecution and the Defense agree that the evidence supports the facts as set
out below, and there is no longer any issue of fact in dispute between them. In their
closing statements, the Prosecution and Defense are therefore addressing disputed
issues of law only.

2. Teams should confine themselves to the facts supplied. The facts are entirely

3. Teams should not hand anything to judges unless asked to by a judge.

4. The problem is not intended to raise questions of procedure before the ICC.
Procedural questions should be ignored.

5. The problem is not intended to raise questions relating to the jurisdiction of the
ICC. The jurisdiction of the ICC should be assumed. Although issues of admissibility
are not normally dealt with in ICC proceedings in closing statements at the end of a
trial, counsel may in this instance address issues regarding the admissibility of the
case under article 17 of the Statue of the ICC (“Statute”) if relevant.

6. Counsel are advised to consider not only the Statute of the ICC, but also the
Elements of Crimes adopted under Article 9 of the Statute.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
1. The Federal Republic of Bariland (FRB), with a population of over 90 000 000
inhabitants, is composed of 4 constituent republics: North Baron, South Baron, East Drakona
and Katoland. Its capital and largest city is Centro which is situated in North Baron, the most
populous republic with 55 000 000 inhabitants. The population of the FRB is mainly divided
among three ethnic groups: the Bari, the Drak and the Katoni. The Federal Republic was Page | 2
founded on the basis of the historical alliance between the Bari and the Drak peoples.
Katoland was conquered and forcefully integrated into the Federal Republic in the XIXth
Century (mainly because of its access to the sea).The Bari people mostly live in the North &
Northeast, while the Drak people live in the Southwest. The Katoni people are concentrated
in the Western region of Bariland: North and South Baron: Bari (75%) . Drak (20%) . others
(5%). Katoland: Katoni (65%) . Drak (25%) . Bari (5%) . others (5%). East Drakonia: Drak (85%) .
Bari (10%) . Katoni (2%) . others (3%).

2. East Drakona (10 000 000 inhabitants, Capital City- Drakka) is the poorest republic
with an average of $10000 GDP per capita compared with $25 000 GDP per capita
nationwide. Katoland (Capital City – Urbo) is the second largest constituent republic (15 000
000 inhabitants). Katoland has enjoyed a high rate of growth since the beginning of the
1990’s with the exploitation of its large reserve of natural resources, in particular natural gas.
The Drak population of Katoland is mostly concentrated in the eastern part of the Republic in
a region called West Drakonia. Its main city, Mesto, lies a few kilometres from the FRB (East
Drakonia) border. The region has an autonomous status within the Republic of Katoland,
essentially the power to manage its local affairs through a “regional council” whose
members are appointed by the Katoland government. The main pipeline bringing Katoland’s
natural gas to the Southern Sea goes through West Drakonia. Tensions in Katoland began to
mount amid rising nationalism among both the Katoni and the Drak populations in the late
1990’s. The Katoni had never felt comfortable within the Federation and, along with their
growing affluence, were more and more inclined to reject the powers of the Federal
Government. In 1998, Katoland’s elections brought to power a nationalist government
openly seeking Katoland’s independence.

3. The Drakonian Nationalist Alliance (DNA) was created in 1995 and became an influential
political movement in West Drakonia, surfing on rising Drak nationalism agitated in response
to Katoni demands of independence. Its main demands were that West Drakonia be granted
the status of an "autonomous republic" within Katoland and, that members of the regional
council be elected. DNA was also strongly opposed to Katoland’s move for independence
which would further marginalize the Drak population within Katoland. In early 2001, the
Katoland government established Kato as the principal language of Katoland countrywide. It
also adopted a law barring the creation of regional political parties. This was interpreted by
Drak people as a move against the popular leader of the DNA. The nationalist measures
taken by the Katoland Government had for principal effect to radicalize DNA members who
started to promote the idea of West Drakonia joining East Drakonia within the FRB. On 20
March 2001, the DNA issued a proclamation establishing the “Drakonian Democratic
Republic” (DDR). The Drak population boycotted subsequent 2002 Katoland parliamentary
elections and the DNA organized their own contest in December 2002. The Katoland
government declared these elections illegitimate.
*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine
National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
4. Violent conflict broke out towards the beginning of 2003. FRB and Katoland security
troops were dispatched to West Drakonia in February. The fighting was characterised by
general disregard for international humanitarian law by uncontrollable militias, with both
sides reporting atrocities. During the war, many Drak villages were attacked and burned, as
were Katoni houses and schools in Mesto, As a result, approximately 1,000 died and about
100,000 ethnic Drak fled the territory and Katoland proper, mostly crossing the border into Page | 3
East Drakonia. A further 23,000 ethnic Katoni fled West Drakonia and settled in other parts
of Katoland. Meanwhile, negotiations between Centro and Urbo led to an agreement to hold
a referendum on the future status of Katoland within the Federation. The Katoni population
voted massively in favour of independence, while the Drak mostly voted for Katoland to
remain within the Federation. Katoland declared its independence in April 2004 and became
an independent republic under the interim leadership of President Stark, leader of the
Katoland National Party (KNP) which had led the pro-independence campaign. Katoland was
admitted in the United Nations in July 2005.

5. The main opposition party was the Republican National Front (RNF). The party at first led
the campaign opposing Katoland’s independence. Following the declaration of
independence, it shifted its main objective to the establishment of an independent state of
West Drakonia and allied itself with the more radical DNA. A large rally was held in Mesto
attended by thousands of supporters. In his speech, the RNF leader criticised the FRB
President and its government for agreeing to the terms of the agreement which lead to
Katoland’s independence. Similar rallies were held in other cities in West Drakonia resulting
in widespread demonstration and riots. Due to the increasingly violent and volatile situation
in West Drakonia, President Stark declared a state of emergency throughout the country on
June 1st, 2004. The Katoland government launched a nationwide crackdown on RNF and
DNA supporters. Hundreds of supporters in Mesto and other cities were arrested and
detained by security forces. On July 15th, President Stark issued a presidential decree
outlawing the DNA on the ground that it constituted a threat to Katoland's national security.

6. In September, violent clashes broke out between Drak and Katoni in Mesto and in Mari,
an eastern town of West Drakonia with a large Katoni population. The clashes turn
increasingly violent and bloody. It was reported that the Katoni population was attacked by
Drak militiamen. Schools, businesses and shops in the Katoni populated areas in Mesto were
burned down and looted by Drak demonstrators and DNA supporters. The violence
subsequently spread to Mari and other cities in the eastern part of West Drakonia where it
was reported that Katoni militiamen attacked Drak people in retaliation for the attacks in
Mesto. In Katoland proper, Drak people also felt increasingly threatened. Media reports
stated that the death toll could be in the thousands for both sides.

7. The increasing violence in West Drakonia continued for the next 6 months and drew
widespread condemnation from the international community. The UN Security Council
convened an emergency meeting in February 2005 at the request of FRB and issued a
statement condemning the on-going violence in West Drakonia and urged the Katoland
government to stop the violence and killings.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
8. Katoland finally accepted a ceasefire to avoid a large scale confrontation with the FRB. It
paved the way to its admission in the United Nations in July 2005. The government of
Katoland and Drakonian nationalists reached an agreement where they would avoid use of
force against one another, and Katoland pledged not to impose sanctions against Drakonia.
However, the Katoland government still retained control over substantial portions of West
Drakonia. The war resulted in West Drakonia breaking away from Katoland and gaining de Page | 4
facto independence. No State has however recognized Western Drakonia as an independent
state. From then until mid-2010 West Drakonia was generally peaceful. Economic and
military ties with the FRB, in particular East Drakonia were strengthened. Dissident Katoland
Armed Forces were reincorporated into “Drakonian Armed Forces (DAF)” which were trained
by officers of the Bariland Armed Forces (BAF). With FRB’s government backing and financial
guaranties, defense capability was reinforced with the purchase of new military equipment.
The Katoland government protested regularly against the continually increasing FRB
economic and military presence in the Mesto region and against the acts of uncontrolled
Drak militias in the region.

9. In 2009-2010, tensions began to rise again. The de facto republic held an independence
referendum on 12 November 2009. According to the local election authorities, the
referendum turned out a majority for independence from Katoland where 80% of Drak
voters supported independence. The referendum was monitored by a team of international
observers. However, it was not recognized by the United Nations, given the lack of ethnic
Katoni participation and the doubtful legality of such a referendum without the Katoland
government’s approbation.The West Drakonian authorities were also claiming additional
compensation for the use of the gas pipeline going through West Drakonia and of the port

10. The Katoland government was also alarmed by reports that the FRB was strengthening
its military presence in East Drakonia, in particular by increasing its troops in Bargo situated
a few kilometers from the East Drakonia/Katoland (West Drakonia) border. On December
25th, the websites for Katoland National News Agency (KNA) and Radio (KNR) were hacked.
The KNAR websites kept their headers and logos, but their contents were replaced by a feed
to the East Drakonia TV website. East Drakonia TV denied any involvement in the hacking of
the websites. Other attacks involving denials of service caused the Parliament of Katoland
and Katoland Ministry of Foreign Affairs websites to shut down. Several experts claimed that
the attacks, if not carried out directly, were most probably sponsored by the FRB Ministry of

11. To face the perceived threats to Katoland security, the Katoland President established
the “National Crisis Council” (NCC) on 15th January. He appointed Colonel C. Jones, Minister
of Defense and Chief of the Armed Forces as Executive Vice-Chairman of the Council. On the
latter recommendation, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Head of the External Security
Agency (KESA) and a Special Presidential Adviser (Economic affairs) were appointed as
members. The President assumed the NCC chairmanship. The NCC also appointed a

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
12. Colonel Jones had been advocating for months that control over West Drakonia was to
be re-established at all costs to ensure Katoland’s security and check FRB’s growing
influence. The first meetings of the NCC led by Colonel Jones were devoted to assessing to
current situation and devising a proper strategy to bring West Drakonia back under the full
authority of the Katoland government. The Council decided on three points of action: 1) to
re-establish the legitimacy of Katoland sovereignty over West Drakonia; 2) to reinforce its Page | 5
military and security apparatus; 3) to diminish the influence of the FRB in West Drakonia.
Colonel Jones was tasked to direct the preparations to be able to assume full authority over
West Drakonia by military means if necessary. The Head of KESA was charged in particular to
seek the reinforcement of cyber-security within government agencies, as well as to seek
means of retaliation for the recent cyber-attacks.

13. The NCC decided to establish an alternative pro-Katoland government in Mari. In April
2010, the Katoland government created the Provisional Administrative Entity of West
Drakonia PAWD) staffed by ethnic Katoni and some Drak opposed to the Western Drakonian
authorities in Mesto. It was intended that this provisional administration would negotiate
with central Katoland authorities regarding the final status of West Drakonia. On May 10th,
2010, the President of Katoland appointed as the Head of West Drakonia Provisional
Administrative Entity the former President of Katoland who still had some prestige with the
local population. The NCC also decided to send security forces to close down a vast black
market complex, which was one of the region's chief sources of revenue, leading to fighting
by Katoland armed and security forces and Drakonian civilian militias. Hostage takings,
shootouts and occasional bombings left dozens dead and wounded.

14. On August 1st, police officers investigated a bomb attack in a local police station in Urbo
which had injured a score of bystanders. The Katoland Ministry of Internal Affairs announced
that 3 police officers had been injured in the attack by two remote control explosive devices.
No one formally claimed responsibility for the attack. The Chief of police declared that
everything would be done to ensure that those “terrorists” would be found and tried. The
investigation finally determined that the two men responsible were associated with the DNA
according to police files. The two men were not found and it could not be surely determined
whether the DNA was behind the attack. At least one of suspect was thought to have fled to
Mesto and then to have crossed the border to East Drakonia. An international arrest warrant
was issued.

15. In the wake of the attack, the Katoland government intensified its public nationalist
campaign against both West Drakonian authorities for their responsibility in the alleged
attacks by Drak militias on the Katoni population in West Drakonia and the FRB government,
claiming that it sought to take over West Drakonia by reviving the Bari-Drak alliance against
the Katoni people. The terrorist attack generally was blamed on the DNA. A press release
from the Ministry of Internal Affairs accused the FRB of protecting terrorists and demanded
that they be surrendered to the Katoland authorities immediately. Sporadic fighting
occurred the following weeks in and around Mari, there were further shootouts with both
sides claiming having been fired upon by the other. The Katoland Ministry of Internal Affairs
and Defense intervened by sending some units of security and armed forces. The Katoland
Ministry of Defense later acknowledged it had lost an armoured personnel carrier during the
*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine
National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
clashes. Authorities in Mesto said that Katoland had shelled West Drakonian villages, killing
ten people. The Katoland Ministry of Defense claimed that Katoland forces had returned fire
only after Drakonian positions shelled Katoland-controlled villages injuring six civilians and
one Katoland policeman. He accused the West Drakonian side of "trying to create an illusion
of serious escalation, an illusion of war." An a live televised address, President declared "A
sniper war is ongoing against residents of the villages [in the West Drakonia conflict zone] Page | 6
and as I speak now intensive fire is ongoing from artillery, from tanks, from self-propelled
artillery systems which have been brought in the conflict zone illegally. and from other types
of weaponry, including from mortars and grenade launchers. I have asked the Chief of the
Armed forces to mobilize all the necessary resources to re-establish public order in West
Drakonia and put an end this anarchical situation."

16. In September 2010, the NCC endorsed Colonel Jones’s proposal to put Western Drakonia
under full military authority. Colonel Jones reassured the Council that "all necessary
measures including any legitimate means and methods of warfare whatever the costs”
would be taken to achieve the objective of re-establishing authority over Western Drakonia.
He indicated that he would personally supervise the operations but would welcome the
assistance of the security forces under the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and
KESA. Major Dan Anderson and Mr John Dees were appointed as liaison officers for the KAF
and KESA, respectively. The NCC made a public statement to the effect that the 2003
Emergency Proclamation was still in force and that all necessary means would be taken to
re-establish public order and protect the security of all citizens of Katoland.

17. By the end of September 2010, the main towns and villages of West Drakonia were
combed by armed and security forces. Those suspected to be either associated or supporters
of the DNA militias were arrested and kept in custody. In the town of Argus (30,000
inhabitants) alone more than 800 persons were arrested and detained under the Emergency
Powers Ordinance. Three women detained at the time have claimed that, during their
detention, male guards subjected them to a body search, touched them inappropriately, and
threatened to strip them naked. They further claimed that they had been detained in an
underground cell in a detention facility staffed entirely by men. According to them, the
facility housed persons detained on criminal charges as well as those under administrative
arrest. Among other things, they also claimed that: they were only fed twice a day; the
heating system was turned off, despite almost freezing temperatures at night; there was
inadequate light and ventilation; other prisoners and male staff could watch them use the
toilet; and, they were frequently subjected to humiliating comments.

18. As a KAF unit was approaching a town named Corti, it came under heavy fire and
shelling. The unit returned fire from tanks and artillery units. The fighting intensified in the
next days and eventually the KAF unit with the assistance of KESA forces managed to take
full control of Corti and nearby villages after ten days. It was reported that more than 200
civilians were killed or injured during the offensive. Official statements by both Colonel Jones
and the KAF stated that some of the reported casualties were members of dissident armed
forces and DNA militias’ members who had taken up arms. Important caches of weapons
were discovered by KAF in some of the apartments and buildings in Corti, which prompted
the arrest for interrogation of a large number of persons.
*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine
National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
19. Upon the taking of the town, able-bodied men and women of Drak ethnicity were
routinely rounded up, interrogated and interned in the prison and in a school transformed
into temporary detention facilities. Within a few days, more than 2000 persons whom the
KAF or KESA believe to have some association with or to be otherwise supporters of the DNA
militias were detained. Many of the former detainees gave evidence of severe overcrowding. Page | 7
The detention facilities were directly under the authority of the KAF but operated by KESA
officers who were in charge of interrogating suspects.

20. Mistreatment of detainees was later reported in newspapers and the media following
the release of a report by Women's Rights Watch (a local NGO) of October 2010.The report
highlighted various testimonies about the mistreatment of detainees in Argus and Corti,
including the testimonies of the three victims mentioned above. Several States called on
Katoland to ensure that all precautions were taken to ensure that innocent civilians were
spared and that those suspected of unlawful acts benefitted from all the guarantees
afforded by international human rights and humanitarian law.

21. When interviewed, the NCC spokesperson declared that all measures were taken to
ensure that persons detained would receive a fair treatment, as much as it was possible
under the circumstances. The NCC did not condone wilful ill-treatment. Allegations of such
treatment would be investigated in due time. However, given the multiple threats to
national security, immediate measures were required. The authorities were taking all
necessary steps to ensure adequate conditions of detention would be provided as soon as
circumstances and security concerns allow.

22. In addition to the prison and the school known to be places of detention, several
locations, including warehouses, abandoned buildings and underground storage areas were
used as make-shift detention centres. An NGO reported that torture was prevalent in those
places operated by KESA where victims were interrogated before being sent to the known
places of detention. A victim testified he was subjected to severe beatings during his
interrogation at one of those unidentified location before being transferred to the prison

23. As the KAF were closing down on the town, incidents involving the use of ambulances
and small trucks by militia members trying to leave the town were reported to the central
command. Some ambulances, displaying makeshift red cross emblems, were found to be
transporting armed men and ammunition. In one instance, firing came from an ambulance
trying to bypass a control post and two soldiers were killed. The central command issued a
new instruction providing: . All medical vehicles going through control posts, whatever the
service they belong to, have to be thoroughly searched; . The identity of any persons present
in medical vehicles, including drivers and medical personnel, have to be verified with the
central command; If a person on board a vehicle is identified as a member of enemy forces,
a separatist militant or if weapons are found on board the vehicle, all persons on board are
to be surrendered to the nearest military post; Any vehicle found to be transporting
weapons or ammunition is to be confiscated.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
24. The implementation of the new instruction led to the death of several persons in need of
immediate medical attention. At some control posts, vehicles transporting wounded were
systematically stopped and searched. Identity checks delayed controls as well, so that
vehicles were immobilized for several hours. The media reported that on October 2nd alone,
5 persons died in the vehicle transporting them. Other reported that there were no
emergency vehicles that could not pick up and transport the wounded as many of were Page | 8
immobilized, while others confiscated. Two victims have testified that members of their
family gravely wounded by shrapnel were arrested at a control post and prevented from
reaching the hospital. They were sent to the prison facility for interrogation without
receiving the medical attention they required. They denied that their relatives were active
militants although they acknowledged that they had been DNA sympathizers. They died
while detained at the prison facility. Autopsies carried out at the request of the families
confirmed that their death resulted from the lack of medical attention.

25. Katoland authorities continued to press FRB authorities for the surrender of the alleged
authors of the May 15th bombing in Urbo. Both in Mesto and in Centro, authorities
continued to deny that they had any knowledge of the suspects’ whereabouts. On the
internal front, support for the government actions in West Drakonia was decreasing among
the Katoland population and both the President and Colonel Jones felt that control over the
whole region of West Drakonia, including Mesto, had to be rapidly established in order to
maintain popular support for the President and his government.

26. In December 2010, Katoland forces strategically stationed tanks and long-range artillery
in the hills overlooking the Mesto river. The city of Mesto is situated on an island in the
middle of the Mesto River. Two bridges (east) and an underwater tunnel (west) give access
to the city. The KAF took position in order to control all access roads and bridges to the city.
Mesto’s electric power is supplied by a large power station that lies across the border in East
Drakonia, a remnant of the power production and distribution before the independence of
Katoland. The Bargo station supplies electricity to the towns and villages in East Drakonia,
including the FRB military base in Bargo, as well as Mesto and its surroundings. There is an
airfield adjoining the military base (which is used for both military and civilian purposes). An
estimated 8,000 troops are stationed. The military base is located 10 km away from the
border. The station provides power for an area straddling East and West Drakonia
comprising more than 150,000 households.

27. On December 5th, it was reported that the power plant's computer network system was
attacked which resulted the complete shutdown of the station which resulted in massive
disruptions of power supply in the affected areas. The damage caused by the virus and the
sudden shutdown was extensive. It took six weeks to re-establish the power grid. The source
of the virus was not identified nor the way it was introduced into the electronic system of
the station which was well protected.
28. Although the Bargo military base’s had independent sources of power, the installations
were partly crippled, in particular the airfield control system. The shutdown of the station
severely affected the electricity and water supply of Mesto and its surroundings, as well as
the residential areas in East Drakonia. In Mesto, only a few buildings within the city had
emergency power generators, including the general hospitals and some schools which were
*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine
National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
used as shelter. Given the harsh climatic conditions at that time of the year, it is reported
that the situation resulted in nearly 500 hundred civilian deaths. Attacks on West Drakonian,
East Drakonian and FRB governmental, commercial and banking websites were also
reported, causing disruptions to essential public services.

29. Experts and commentators pointed out concordant bits of evidence and information that Page | 9
sustain widespread beliefs that the NCC was behind the cyber-attacks. It was seen as
retaliation to the earlier attacks against Katoland’s network in December 2009. The
coordination of the attacks, as well as their timing, just a few days after the offensive on
Mesto had started, were seen as evidence that the Katoland Council had either contracted
out some organization to carry the cyber-attacks or had provided information to existing
networks in order to enable the coordination of the cyber-attacks. Some also alleged that
the Head of KESA had closed ties with organized crime syndicates specialising on electronic
fraud. Moreover, allegations of illegal contributions to the campaign fund of President Stark
by some individuals closely associated with organized crime had been reported from time to
time since the President’s elections. The Presidential office had strongly refuted such
allegations. However, no public investigation had taken place.

30. On December 6th, the FRB President declared publicly that the attacks on the power
station amounted to an "act of war". The FRB government claimed that the Katoland
government was responsible for the attacks and indicated that it would take all necessary
measures to ensure the protection of its population. On the following day, it referred the
situation to the International Criminal Court under Article 14 of the ICC Statute. When asked
in a TV/media interview about the cyber-attacks on the Bargo power station, Colonel Jones
stated he had no knowledge of any involvement by the KAF or any other Katoland
government’s agency in planning or carrying out such attacks.

31. On December 24th, the FRB carried out air strikes on KAF positions around Mesto. The
following days, land forces crossed the border and made their way to Mesto without
meeting any resistance. The FRB announced that it would occupy the area until Katoland
paid reparations for the damage that resulted from its unlawful attack on the FRB public
utility. National and international reports on the consequences of the shutdown of the
power station brought popular support of the Katoland Presidency to an all times low. More
and more voices were raised asking for the resignation of the President and its government,
amid renewed allegations of government’s officials links with organized crime and illegal
campaign funding. Facing the prospect of impeachment, the President resigned on January
15th. As provided in the Katoland Constitution, the Vice-President, assuming the presidential
function, dissolved the current government and appointed a new interim Prime Minister.
The new cabinet composed of representatives from opposition parties and new political
figures, also included representatives from West Drakonia.
32. On June 15th, Colonel Jones was indicted by the prosecutor of the ICC. The new Katoland
government surrendered Colonel Jones to Court in the following weeks after the fulfilment
of the national surrender procedural requirements. The Director of Prosecutions of Katoland
notified the Court that Katoland relinquished its jurisdiction over the case as allowed under
the national ICC Act.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.

Colonel Calley Jones is being tried by the ICC on the following charges.

COUNT 1. In respect of the treatment of detained persons in the towns of Argus and Corti in
September 2010 and in the following months: Page | 10

on the basis of superior responsibility (Article 28(a) of the Statute)

(a) the war crime of violence to life and person, in particular cruel treatment and torture
(article 8(2)(c)(i) of the ICC Statute),

War crime of cruel treatment

1.The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more

2. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel,
or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities.

3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status.

4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.

5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.

War crime of torture

1.The perpetrator inflicted severe physical or mental pain or suffering upon one or more

2. The perpetrator inflicted the pain or suffering for such purposes as: obtaining information
or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion or for any reason based on
discrimination of any kind.

3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel
or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities.

4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status.

5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.


(b) the war crime of committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and Page | 11
degrading treatment (article 8(2)(c)(ii) of the ICC Statute).

War crime of outrages upon personal dignity

1. The perpetrator humiliated, degraded or otherwise violated the dignity of one or more

2. The severity of the humiliation, degradation or other violation was of such degree as to be
generally recognized as an outrage upon personal dignity.

3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel
or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities.

4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status.

5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.

6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.

COUNT 2. In respect of denying access to medical treatment and the confiscation of medical
vehicles in the town of Corti in September 2010:

On the basis of ordering, soliciting or inducing the commission of such a crime (Article 28(b)
of the ICC Statute)

(a) the war crime of intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical
units and transport, and personnel using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions
in conformity with international law (article 8(2)(e)(ii) of the ICC Statute),

War crime of attacking objects or persons using the distinctive emblems
of the Geneva Conventions

1. The perpetrator attacked one or more persons, buildings, medical units or transports or
other objects using, in conformity with international law, a distinctive emblem or other
method of identification indicating protection under the Geneva Conventions.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
2. The perpetrator intended such persons, buildings, units or transports or other objects so
using such identification to be the object of the attack.

3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.
Page | 12
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.


(b) the war crime of committing outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating
and degrading treatment (article 8(2)(c)(i) of the ICC Statute).

War crime of outrages upon personal dignity

1. The perpetrator humiliated, degraded or otherwise violated the dignity of one or more

2. The severity of the humiliation, degradation or other violation was of such degree as to be
generally recognized as an outrage upon personal dignity.

3. Such person or persons were either hors de combat, or were civilians, medical personnel
or religious personnel taking no active part in the hostilities.

4. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established this status.

5. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.

6. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.

COUNT 3. In respect of the cyber-attack on the power station in Bargo in December 2010:

On the basis of contributing to the commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting
with a common purpose (Article 28(c) of the ICC Statute)

(a) the war crime of intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will
cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects which would be
clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated
(article 8(2)(b)(iv) of the ICC Statute),

War crime of excessive incidental death, injury, or damage

1. The perpetrator launched an attack.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.
2. The attack was such that it would cause incidental death or injury to civilians or damage to
civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment and
that such death, injury or damage would be of such an extent as to be clearly excessive in
relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated.

3. The perpetrator knew that the attack would cause incidental death or injury to civilians or Page | 13
damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural
environment and that such death, injury or damage would be of such an extent as to be
clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated.

4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed

5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.


(b) the war crime of intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or
against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities (article 8(2)(e)(i) of the ICC

War crime of attacking civilians

1. The perpetrator directed an attack.

2. The object of the attack was a civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking
direct part in hostilities.

3. The perpetrator intended the civilian population as such or individual civilians not taking
direct part in hostilities to be the object of the attack.

4. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an armed conflict not of
an international character.
5. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an
armed conflict.

The Federal Republic of Bariland is a party to:
- Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 (ratified on 12th July 1960)
- Additional Protocols I and II of 1977 (ratified on 5th December 1985)
- Additional Protocol III (ratified on 15th May 2011)
- Statute of the International Criminal Court (ratified on 1st May 2009)
Katoland is a party to:
- Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 (acceded on 15th August 2005)
- Additional Protocols I and II of 1977 (acceded on 3rd September 2010)
- Statute of the International Criminal Court (ratified on 15th January 2009)
*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine
National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.

In preparing the brief, the counsels for both Prosecution and Defense are expected to
establish the following points:

- The type (s) of armed conflict or other situation of violence and the law that is applicable to Page | 14
the present case;

- The elements of crimes for each of the 3 charges against Colonel Calley Jones that have to
be established by the Prosecution for the suspect to be convicted and the burden of proof;

- Applicable law and policy and supporting authorities.

Written and oral arguments on behalf of the Prosecution and Defense are to be confined to
these THREE (3) charges only.

- Questions relating to jurisdiction of the ICC need not be raised unless they are linked to the
substance or the merits of the case.

*This moot problem was conceptualized and written by the Philippine

National Red Cross Moot Court Competition Committee and was used in
the Asia Pacific Rounds, 2012.

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