Analysis of Simulation Parameter of WCDMA For Root Raised Cosine Filter

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Analysis of Simulation Parameter of WCDMA for Root

Raised Cosine Filter

Pannalal Prabhakar &•Pawan Kumar
M. Tech Student (Communication System) MUIT. Lucknow India
E-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Professor Dept. of Electronics & Communication MUIT. Lucknow India
E-mail:- [email protected]

Abstract - Recently, extensive Limited coverage and mobility for 2 Mb/s

investigations have been carried out into • High spectrum efficiency compared to
the application of a code division multiple existing systems
access (CDMA) system as an air • High flexibility to introduce new services
interface multiple access scheme for IMT- The bit rate targets have been specified
000/UMTS (International Mobile according to the Integrated Services
telecommunications System Digital Network (ISDN) rates. The 144-
2000/Universal Mobile Kb/s data rate provides the ISDN 2B+D
Telecommunications System). It appears channel, 384 Kb/s provides the ISDN H0
that CDMA is the strongest candidate for channel, and 1920 Kb/s provides the ISDN
the third-generation wireless personal H12 channel.1 However, it may be that the
communication systems. Many research main IMT- 2000 services are not ISDN-
and development (R&D) projects in the based services. It has to be noted that these
field of wideband CDMA have been going figures have been subject to considerable
on in Europe, Japan, the United States, and debate. Ultimately, market demand will
Korea [1- 5]. It seems that wideband CDMA determine what data rates will be offered
will be an appropriate answer to the in commercial systems. Figure 1 describes
question: “What will be the multiple access the relation between bit rates and mobility
scheme for IMT-2000/UMTS?” forthe second- and third-generation
Emerging requirements for higher rate systems.
data services and better spectrum The targets of third-generation systems
efficiency are the main drivers identified are wide and, depending on the main
for the third-generation mobile radio driver, system solutions will be different.
systems. In the ITU, third generation The maturity of second-generation mobile
networks are called IMT-2000, and in radio systems varies, ranging from over 40
Europe, UMTS. Since 1985, the ITU has percent penetration in Scandinavia to a
been developing IMT-2000, previously very low penetration in developing
termed Future Public Land Mobile countries, where the cellular systems are in
Telephone System (FPLMTS). the beginning of their lifecycle.
In ETSI, UMTS standardization started Therefore, it is clear that the need to
1990 when sub technical committee SMG5 develop a new system varies, and the
was established. The main objectives for different views and needs may result in
the IMT-2000 air interface several different variants of IMT-2000. In
can be summarized as: addition, different backward compatibility
• Full coverage and mobility for 144 Kb/s, requirements influence the technology
preferably 384 Kb/s applied to third-generation systems.
Main regional standards bodies have factors include issues such as provision of
already decided the preferred technology required data rates, and performance.
for IMT-2000. The fast development during Political factors involve reaching
recent years has been due to the Japanese agreement between standards bodies and
initiative. In the beginning of 1997, the taking into account the different starting
Association for Radio Industry and points of different countries and regions.
Business (ARIB), a standardization body On one hand, the investments into the
responsible for Japan’s radio existing systems motivate a backward
standardization, decided to proceed with compatibility approach. On the other, new
detailed standardization of wideband business opportunities or the possibility of
CDMA. The technology push from Japan changing the current situation might
accelerated standardization in Europe and motivate a new approach.
the United States. During 1997 joint This article is organized as follows. The
parameters for Japanese and European past, present, and future activities of CDMA
wideband CDMA proposals were agreed are presented in the next section. The
upon. The air interface is now commonly following section explains the basic
referred as WCDMA. In January 1998, concepts and elements of CDMA. Then the
strong support behind wideband CDMA led IS-95 air interface is introduced according
to the selection of WCDMA as the UMTS to the new IS-95 standard, followed by a
terrestrial air interface scheme for FDD brief discussion of air interface
frequency bands in ETSI. The selection of technologies for third-generation, with a
wideband CDMA was also backed by Asian short description of TD-CDMA. Wideband
and American GSM operators. For TDD CDMA schemes are then discussed in
bands, a time division CDMA (TD-CDMA) great length and conclusions are given in
concept was selected. In the United States the final section.
in March 1998, the TIA
(Telecommunications Industry 1.INTRODUCTION
Association) TR45.5 committee,
responsible for IS-95 standardization, Digital Signal processing techniques are
adopted a framework for wideband CDMA being used to improve the performance of
backward compatible to IS-95, called 3G systems. WCDMA (Wideband Code-
cdma2000. TR45.3, Division Multiple Access), an ITU
responsible for IS-136 standardization, standard derived from Code-Division
adopted a TDMA-based third-generation Multiple Access (CDMA), is officially
proposal, UWC-136 (Universal Wireless known as IMT-2000 direct spread
Communications), based on the spectrum.W-CDMA is a third-generation
recommendation from the UWCC in (3G) mobile wireless technology that
February 1998. Korea is still considering promises much higher data speeds to
two wideband CDMA technologies, one mobile and
similar to WCDMA and the other similar to portable wireless devices than commonly
cdma2000. offered in today's market. W-CDMA can
The preferred technology for third- support mobile/portable voice, images,
generation systems depends on technical, data, and video communications at up to
political, and business factors. Technical 2 Mbps (local area access) or 384 Kbps
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(wide area access).Wideband Code- come to be known as WCDMA The
division multiple access is one of several WCDMA has emerged as the most widely
methods of multiplexing wireless users. adopted 3G air interface and its
In CDMA, users are multiplexed by specification has been created in 3GPP .In
distinct codes rather than by orthogonal this system the user information bits are
frequency bands, as in frequency-division spread over much wider bandwidth by
multiple access. The enhancement in multiplying the user data bits with quasi
performance is obtained from a Direct random bits called as chips derived
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) signal from CDMA spreading codes. In order to
through the processing gain and the support very high bit rates (up to 2 Mbps)
coding gain can be used to enable many the use of variable spreading factor and
DSSS signals to occupy the same channel multimode connection is supported. The
bandwidth, provided that each signal has chip rate of 3.84Mcps/sec is used to lead a
its own pseudorandom (signature) carrier bandwidth of
sequence [1-7]. Thus enable several users 5Mhz.WCDMA also supports high user
to transmit their information over the data rates and increased multipath
same channel bandwidth. This is the main diversity[8].Here each user is allocated
concept of a WCDMA communication the frames of 10 ms duration during
system. The signal detection is which the user data is kept constant
accomplished at the receiver side by though data capacity among users can
knowing the code sequence or signature change from frame to frame.
of the desired user. Since the bandwidth
of the code signal is chosen to be much
larger than the bandwidth of the
information-bearing signal, the encoding 1.1 CDMA: Past, Present, and Future:
process enlarges or spreads the spectrum
of the signal. Therefore, it is also known The origins of spread spectrum are in
as spread spectrum modulation. The military field and navigation systems.
resulting signal is also called a spread- Techniques developed to counteract
spectrum signal, and CDMA is often
intentional jamming have also proved
denoted as spread-spectrum multiple
access. A tradeoff exists between suitable for communication through
bandwidth containment in frequency dispersive channels in cellular
domain and ripple attenuation in time applications. In this section we highlight
domain. It is this tradeoff of bandwidth the milestones for CDMA development
containment versus ripple amplitude starting from the 1950s after the
which must be considered by design invention of the Shannon theorem [6]. An
engineers, when developing a data
extensive overview of spread spectrum
transmission system that employs pulse
shaping. history is given in [7].
To satisfy the ever increasing demands
In 1949, John Pierce wrote a technical
for higher data rates as well as to allow
more users to simultaneously access the memorandum where he described a
network, interest has peaked in what has multiplexing system in which a common

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medium carries coded signals that need likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE)
not be synchronized. This system can be [10].
classified as a time hopping spread
During the 1990s wideband CDMA
spectrum multiple access system [7].
techniques with a bandwidth of 5 MHz or
Claude Shannon and Robert Pierce
more have been studied intensively
introduced the basic ideas of CDMA in
throughout the world, and several trial
1949 by describing the interference
systems have been built and tested [4].
averaging effect and the graceful
These include FRAMES Multiple Access
degradation of CDMA [8]. In 1950, De
(FRAMES FMA2) in Europe, Core-A in
Rosa-Rogoff proposed a direct sequence
Japan, the European/Japanese
spread spectrum system and introduced
harmonized WCDMA scheme, cdma2000
the processing gain equation and noise
in the United States, and the
multiplexing idea [7]. In 1956, Price and
Telecommunication Technology
Green filed for the anti multi path “RAKE”
Association I and II (TTA I and TTA II)
patent [7]. Signals arriving over different
schemes in Korea. Introduction of third-
propagation paths can be resolved by a
generation wireless communication
wideband spread spectrum signal and
systems using wideband CDMA is
combined by the RAKE receiver. The near-
expected around the year 2000.
far problem (i.e., a high interference
overwhelming a weaker spread spectrum Based on the above description, the CDMA
signal) was first mentioned in 1961 by era is divided in three periods: the pioneer
Magnuski [7]. CDMA era, the narrowband CDMA era, and
the wideband CDMA era, as shown in
For cellular application spread spectrum
Table 1.
was suggested by Cooper and Nettleton in
1978 [9]. During the 1980s Qualcomm 1. 2 CDMA2000:
investigated DS-CDMA techniques, which
finally led to the commercialization of Within standardization committee TIA
cellular spread TR45.5, the subcommittee TR45.5.4 was
responsible for the selection of the basic
spectrum communications in the form of cdma2000 concept. Like for all the other
the narrowband CDMA IS-95 standard in wideband CDMA schemes, the goal has
July 1993. Commercial operation of IS-95 been to provide data rates that meet the
systems started in 1996. Multi user IMT-2000 performance requirements of
detection (MUD) has been subject to at least 144 Kb/s in a vehicular
extensive research since 1986 when environment, 384 Kb/s in a pedestrian
Verdu formulated optimum multi user environment, and 2048 Kb/s in an indoor
detection for the additive white Gaussian office environment. The main focus of
noise (AWGN) channel, maximum

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standardization has been providing 144 station 􀀀 the base station that would
Kb/s and 384 Kb/s with approximately 5- radiate the smallest amount of downlink
MHz bandwidth. The main parameters of power. Second, for packet operation, the
cdma2000 are listed in Table 5. control processes can also be
substantially simplified if the
supplemental channel is not in soft
handover. However, maintaining the
fundamental channel in soft handover
provides the ability to reliably signal the
preferred base station to transmit the
supplemental channel when channel
conditions change [52].

Transmit Diversity: The downlink

performance can be improved by
transmit diversity. For direct spread
CDMA schemes, this can be performed by
splitting the data stream and spreading
the two streams using orthogonal
sequences. For multicarrier CDMA, the
different carriers can be mapped into
different antennas.

CDMA 2000 parameter summary Korean Air Interfaces: In Korea, two

wideband CDMA air interfaces are being
Handover: It is expected that soft considered: TTA I and TTA II. The
handover of the fundamental channel will Electronics and Telecommunications
operate similarly to the soft handover in Research Institute (ETRI) has established
IS-95. In IS-95, the Active Set is the set of an R&D consortium to define the Korean
base stations transmitting to the mobile proposal for IMT-2000 during 1997 and
station. For the supplemental channel, the 1999. A wideband CDMA proposal has
Active Set can be a subset of the Active Set been developed within ETRI [55􀀀57]. SK
for the fundamental channel. This has two Telecom has also developed a wideband
advantages. First, when diversity is not CDMA air interface [58􀀀62]. This has
needed to counter fading, it is preferable been combined with a number of other
to transmit from fewer base stations. This proposals to form the basis for the TTA II
increases the overall downlink capacity. scheme [43]. The main parameters of
For stationary conditions, an optimal these two air interfaces are listed in Table
policy is to transmit only from one base 6. The TTA II concept is closer to

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cdma2000, and TTA I resembles WCDMA. Differences Between TTA II and
For a more details of these schemes, refer CDMA2000: The differences between
to [30􀀀31]. TTA II and WCDMA include:

Differences Between TTA I and • Continuous pilot in the uplink

CDMA2000: The differences between
• QPSK spreading in the downlink
TTA I and cdma2000 include:
• Orthogonal complex QPSK (OCQPSK) in
• A 1.6-kHz power control rate instead of
the uplink
800 Hz
• Selectable forward error correction
• A 10-ms frame length instead of 20 ms
• Orthogonal complex QPSK (OCQPSK) in
• Quasi orthogonal code spreading to
the uplink
reduce the intracell interference
• Selectable forward error correction
• The downlink pilot structure
• Optional synchronization in the uplink
• Time division transmit diversity (TDTD)
The original chip rate of the SK
instead of orthogonal transmit
Telecom scheme was 4.068 Mchip
diversity in the downlink
[41]. This was changed to 4.096 Mc/s
• Quasi orthogonal code spreading to as a result of harmonization with the
increase the number of orthogonal Japanese Core-A proposal.
codes for packet operation
In TTA II, the different cells in the
• Intercell asynchronous mode downlink and the users in the uplink are
distinguished by long spreading codes.
• The lowest chip rate of 0.9216 Mc/s
Since TTA II has long spreading codes, it
instead of 1.2288 Mc/s OCQPSK
uses two pilots channels in the downlink,
constraints phase transitions within
a cluster pilot and a cell pilot, to reduce
certain period to be p/2. The possible
long synchronization time. A cluster
advantages of this scheme are [7]. consists of several cells, and under each
• Reduced linearity requirements for cluster the same long spreading code
power amplifier pilots are reused. Each cluster has a
cluster pilot that is also a long spreading
• Small complexity since only one PN code sequence. There are 16 cluster pilots, and
is used each cluster can have 32 cell sequences.
Thus, a maximum 48 pilot codes need to
be searched (i.e., 16 cluster pilot codes

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and 32 cell pilot codes). A cluster pilot can propagation loss, and vice-versa. The
be transmitted by the center cell of a transmit power of the mobile station is
cluster or by each cell. The former determined from the equation: mean
technique is suited for a hierarchical cell output power (dBm) = 􀀀mean input
system. power (dBm) + offset power +
parameters (2) The offset power for the
To reduce the intracell interference, the
800-MHz band mobiles (band class 0) is
TTA II wideband CDMA scheme time
􀀀73 and for the 1900-MHz band mobiles
synchronizes all users in the uplink with
(band class 1) 􀀀76 [18]. The parameters
an accuracy of 1/8 chip. This is done by
are used to adjust the open-loop power
measuring the timing in the base station
control for different cell sizes and
and signaling the timing adjustment
different cell effective radiated powers
commands with a rate of 2 Kb/s to the
(ERP) and receiver sensitivities [23].
mobile station.
These parameters are initially
However, multipath results in intracell
transmitted on the synchronization
interference, and the gain from the
channel. The open loop power control
orthogonal uplink depends on the
principle is described in Fig. 21. Since the
channel profile. In addition, the signaling
distance (d1) of mobile station 1 to the
traffic reduces the downlink capacity for
base station (BTS) is shorter than the
each user by 2 Kb/s.
distance of mobile station 2 (d2) to the
BTS, the signal received by the mobile
station 1 has a smaller propagation loss.
Assume that the mean input power of the
mobile station 1 is 􀀀70 dBm (100 pW)4
Open Loop Power Control: The open
and the mean input power of the mobile
loop power control has two main
station 2 is 􀀀90 dBm (1 pW). For band
functions: it adjusts the initial access
class 0 mobiles with no correction
channel transmission power of the mobile
parameters, the mobile station
station and compensates large abrupt
transmission power to achieve equal
variations in the pathloss attenuation.
received powers at the base station can
The mobile station determines an
be calculated from (2.2) to be 17 dBm (50
estimate of the pathloss between the base
mW) and 􀀀7 dBm (200 mW),
station and mobile station by measuring
the received signal strength at the mobile
using an automatic gain control (AGC) Closed Loop Power Control: Since the
circuitry, which gives a rough estimate of IS-95 uplink and downlink have a
the propagation loss for each user. The frequency separation of 20 MHz, their
smaller the received power, the larger the fading processes are not strongly

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correlated. Even though the average and can be 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 dB. The
power is approximately the same, the dynamic range for the closed loop power
short term power is different, and control is ±24 dB. The composite dynamic
therefore, the open loop power control range for open and closed loop power
cannot compensate for the uplink fading. control is ±32 dB for mobile stations
To account for the independence of the operating in band class 0, and ±40 dB for
Rayleigh fading in the uplink and mobile stations operating in band class 1
downlink, the base station also controls [18].
the mobile station transmission power.
The typical standard deviation of the
Fig. 22 illustrates the closed loop power
power control error due to the closed
control. The base station measures the
loop is on the order of 1.1 to 1.5 dB [12].
received SIR5 over a 1.25-ms period,
The SIR required to produce a certain bit
equivalent to six modulation symbols,
error rate varies according to radio
compares that to the target SIR, and
environment and depends on the amount
decides whether the mobile station
and type of multipath.
transmission power needs to be increased
or decreased. The power control bits are Therefore, IS-95 employs an outer loop
transmitted on the downlink fundamental that adjusts the target SIR. The base
code channel every 1.25 ms (i.e., with a station measures the signal quality (bit
transmission rate of 800 Hz) by error rate), and based on that determines
puncturing the data symbols. The the target SIR. However, this outer loop
placement of a power control bit is will increase the power control error,
randomized within the 1.25-ms power resulting in a total standard deviation of
control group. The transmission occurs in 1.5 to 2.5 dB [12].
the second power control group following
the corresponding uplink traffic channel Pulse Shaping in WCDMA
power control group in which the SIR was
Code-division multiple access is one of
several methods of multiplexing wireless
Since the power control commands are users. In CDMA, users are multiplexed by
transmitted uncoded, their error ratio is distinct codes rather than by orthogonal
fairly high, on the order of 5 percent. frequency bands, as in frequency-division
However, since the loop is of delta multiple access. The enhancement in
modulation type (i.e., power is adjusted performance obtained from a direct
continuously up or down) this is not sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) signal
critical. The mobile station extracts the through the processing gain and the
power control bits commands and adjusts coding gain can be used to enable many
its transmission power accordingly. The DSSS signals to occupy the same channel
adjustment step is a system parameter bandwidth, provided that each signal has
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its own pseudorandom (signature) PN Sequence Generator: The PN
sequence. Thus enable several users to Sequence is produced by pseudo random
transmit there information over the same noise generator that is simply a binary
channel bandwidth. This is the main linear feedback shift register consisting of
concept of a CDMA communication XOR gates and a shift register.This PN
system. The signal detection is Sequence has the ability to create an
accomplished at the receiver side by identical sequence for both transmitter
knowing the code sequence or signature and receiver and yet retaining the
of the desired user. desirable properties of a noise like
randomness bit sequence. In Direct
Since the bandwidth of the code signal is
Sequence Spread Spectrum System,to
chosen to be much larger than the
generate a chip rate of 3.84Mbps for
bandwidth of the information-bearing
5Mhz bandwidth in WCDMA system PN
signal, the encoding process enlarges or
Sequence Generator has been used.PN
spreads the spectrum of the signal.
Sequence generator block uses a shift
Therefore, it is also known as spread
register to generate sequences and all the
spectrum modulation. The resulting
parameters are shown in fig. 4 below.
signal is also called a spread-spectrum
signal, and CDMA is often denoted as XOR Logical Operator: For single input
spread-spectrum multiple access. The operators are applied across input vector.
processing gain factor is defined as the For multiple inputs operators are applied
ratio of the transmitted bandwidth to across inputs.
information bandwidth and is given by:
Data Type Conversion Block: It converts
(1) Bernoulli Binary Generator. input to data type and scaling of output.
Bernoulli Binary Generator is used to This conversion has two possible goals.
generate information signal appropriate One goal is to have real world values of
with the standard for WCDMA from input and output be equal. Other goal is to
simulink library. Bernoulli Binary have stored integer values of input and
Generator block as shown in figure output be equal. Overflows and
generates random binary numbers using Quantization errors can prevent goal
Bernoulli Distribution. The Bernoulli from being fully achieved.
distribution has mean value 1-p and
Differential Encoder: It differentially
variance p(1-p).The probability of a zero
encodes the input data. The output of this
parameter specifies p and can be any real
block is a logical difference between
number between zero and one. fig. 3
present input to this block and previous
shows the block source parameters of
output of this block. The input can be a
Bernoulli Binary Generator.
scalar, vector or frame based matrix.

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Modulator baseband: It modulates the
input signal using the offset quadrature
phase shift keying method. The input can
be either bits or integers. For sample
based integer input, input must be a
scalar. For frame based integer input,
input must be a column vector. In case of
sample based input, output sample time
filters the input signal. The group
equals symbol period divided by 2. There
are different variants such as QPSK, delay is specified as the number of
orthogonal QPSK (OQPSK). symbol periods between start of
filter response and its peak. This
delay also determines the length of
filter impulse response which is
1+2*N*Group Delay. Various
parameters of Square Root Raised
Cosine Transmit Filter are shown
in fig. 5 below.
(4) Discrete Time Eye Diagram
Fig 2.4: Parameters of PN Sequence Scope: It displays the multiple
Generator traces of modulated signal to
(1) BFFT Scope: This spectrum reveal the modulation
scope computes and displays the characteristics such as pulse
periodogram of each input signal. shaping as well as channel
Non frame based inputs to this distortions of signal.
block should use buffering option. (5) dB Gain :Here we apply the
(2) Upsampling Block: It amplitude gain specified in dB.
Here 5dB and 10 dB gain have
upsamples the integer sampling
been taken in present study for
rate by a factor of 8. subsequent analysis.
(3) Square Root Raised Cosine (6) Gaussian Noise generator: It
Transmit Filter: It upsamples and generates the Gaussian distributed

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noise with given mean and
variance values.

Fig 2.6: Parameters of AWGN


(8) Square Root Raised Cosine

Receive Filter: It filters the input
signal and downsamples using Sq
root raised cosine FIR filter. The
group delay is specified as the
number of symbol periods
Fig 2.5: Parameters of quare Root between start of filter response
Raised Cosine Transmit Filter
and its peak. This delay also
determines the length of filter
(7) AWGN Channel: It adds white
impulse response which is
Gaussian noise to the input 1+2*N*Group Delay. Fig. 7 shows
signal.The input and output the different parameters of square
signals can be real or complex. root raised cosine receive filter.
This block supports multichannel
input and output signals as well as
frame based processing. Here in
AWGN channel block,we can
change Eb/No from 5dB to 10dB.
Fig. 6 shows the function block
parameters of AWGN channel

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block and previous input of this block.
The input can be a scalar, vector or
frame based matrix.

(18) Unit Delay: It samples and hold

with one sample period delay.
(19) Error Rate Calculation Block:
It computes the error rate of
Fig 2.7: Parameters of Square root received data by comparing it to
raised cosine Receive Filter
the delayed version of transmitted
data. The block
(9) Downsampling Block: It
output is a three element vector
down samples the input sample consisting of error rate followed by
rate by integer factor. number of errors detected and total
(10) Demodulator Baseband: It number of symbols compared.

demodulates the input signal (20) Display: It is for the numeric

using the offset quadrature phase display of values input to it from
shift keying method. The input can error rate calculation block. Here
be either bits or integers. For one can get data display in
sample based integer input, input different formats namely long_e,
must be a scalar. For frame based short, short_e, long, bank, hex
integer input, input must be a (stored integer),binary(stored
column vector. In case of sample integer),decimal(stored
based input, output sample time integer),octal (stored integer).
equals symbol period divided by 2. The „Stop Simulation‟ option stops
This block has variants such as the simulation upon detecting a target
number of errors or a maximum
number of symbols whichever comes
17) Differential Decoder: It
differentially decodes the input data.
The output of this block is a logical
difference between present input to this

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communication link proposed in
this section is shown in Figure 1. The
performance in terms of the Bit Error
Rate can be examined for different
values of Group Delay D of the pulse
shaping filter against a sinusoidal
interference. A simulink model based
on the Matlab 7.3 version will
provide the output. The information
signal in wideband CDMA system is
generated by Bernoulli Binary
Generator and the PN sequence is
used for spreading the signal at 5 Fig. 2.1: Block diagram for
MHz bandwidth. The signal is passed WCDMA System
from different parameters block as
shown in figure 1 and at the end BER
is calculated by comparing the
transmitted data and received data.
On the basis of above block diagram,
a simulation model has been
developed by using Matlab Simulink
Library as shown in figure 2.

Fig. 2: WCDMA based Simulation

Model developed for Square Root
Results and Discussion:
The simulation study has also been
carried out for different values of D
i.e.2,4,6 and 8. The simulation results
for BER along with the number of errors
and number of bits in each frame have
been obtained and are summarized in
tables 1, 2, 3,4.

Table 3: Results for Group Delay D=6

Table 1: Results for Group Delay D=2

Table 4: Results for Group Delay D=8

The readings of the simulation model

for number of bits, number of errors
and Bit Error Rate at different values of
D have been taken at different time
instants during the simulation runs. The
parameters of the simulation model are
Table 2: Results for Group Delay D=4 given as below: Eb/No=5dB; PN
Sequence Generator Sample time=1/
3840kbps,Bernoulli Binary Generator
Sample time=1 /64kbps (data services)
Interpolation Factor M=5,Roll Off Factor
=0.22(Optimum)[8]. Fig.8 shows effect impulse response is studied at fix value
of change of group delay on number of of alpha=0.22 as well as at fix value of
errors in the simulation study.It is also interpolation M=5[12-19]. The study
observed that BER decreases as the has impact on analysis & simulation of
group delay is increased from 2 to 4 and pulse shaping families in WCDMA based
then from 4 to 6. The BER is found to wireless communication system [20-
increase as the value of group delay D is 25].
varied from 6 to 8 .Hence the group
delay should be controlled at D=6 by RF
design engineer .The values of D in the
present study are in the range of digital
pulse shaping filter as specified by Ken
Gentile (2<D<20) [11].Hence the
optimum value of D=6 is taken for
Fig 8: Number of Errors versus
subsequent analysis in WCDMA system.
Group delay (D) for WCDMA at 5Mhz

The study will be useful to improve the

performance of WCDMA based network
The present study has proposed the by using the modified and improved
WCDMA communication link employing design of square root raised cosine
the pulse shaping filters using matlab pulse shaping filter. Design of new type
simulink. The group delay plays a of filter of higher or different order will
crucial role in pulse shaping digital be useful to get better root raised
cosine approximation thereby
finite impulse response filter. The value
improving the performance parameters
of group delay should be minimal for like increased Capacity, reduced BER,
efficient performance of digital pulse better S/N ratio, and Reduced ISI
shaping filter. The effects of change in (noise) as a consequence of pulse
group delay on number of errors have shaping. The future work will involve
been studied for square root raised the incorporation of interpolation
factor for tradeoff between D and M at
cosine pulse shaping filter at 5 MHz
fix roll off factor as well as study of
parameters of pulse shaping filter on
The effect of variation of group delay the bit error rate performance analysis
D i.e. number of symbols spanned by for WCDMA based wireless
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