Cs405-Computer System Architecture: Module - 1 Parallel Computer Models

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Parallel Computer Models
Text Book:
 K. Hwang and Naresh Jotwani, Advanced Computer
Architecture, Parallelism, Scalability,
Programmability, TMH, 2010.

Page No:
 Mod I 1-29,36-40,44-52,108-111
 Mod II 133-167
 Mod III 281-312
 Mod IV 318-322,324-334,227-240
 Mod V 240-273
 Mod VI 408-444,458-465

Computer System Architecture
 Based on number of processors
 Single processor Systems
 One main CPU executing general purpose instructions
 Multiprocessor Systems (Parallel Systems)
 Has two or more processors in close communication and sharing
the computer memory, peripherals and bus
 Increased throughput(Performance)
 Economy of scale
 Increased reliability
 Clustered Systems
 Two or more systems are coupled together
 Increased availability
Parallel vs. Distributed System
 Parallel Systems
 Multiple processors have direct access to the shared
 Tightly coupled system

 Distributed Systems
 Collection of independent computers, interconnected via
 Distributed Memory
 Loosely coupled system
Parallel Computing

 The use of two or more processors (core, computers) in

combination to solve a single problem.
 Parallel computer modals meet the demand for higher
performance, lower cost and accurate results in real-life
Elements of Modern Computer system

A modern computer system consists of computer hardware,
instruction sets, application programs, system software and
user interface
 Computing Problems
 Numerical computing
 Transaction processing
 Logical reasoning
 Algorithm and Data Structure
 Hardware Resources
 Operating Systems
 System Software Support
 Compiler Support
 Preprocessor
 Precompiler
 Parallelizing compiler
Five Generations of Electronic Computers
 1940 – 1956: First Generation – Vacuum Tubes
 1956 – 1963: Second Generation – Transistors
 1964 – 1971: Third Generation – Integrated Circuits
 1972 – 2010: Fourth Generation – Microprocessors
 2010- : Fifth Generation – Artificial Intelligence
(parallel processing and superconductors.)

Flynn’s Taxonomy
– The most universally excepted method of classifying
computer systems
 Scalar Processor - Processes only one data item at a time
 Vector Processor - A single instruction operates
simultaneously on multiple data items

» SISD: Single instruction stream, single data stream

» SIMD: Single instruction stream, multiple data streams
» MIMD: Multiple instruction streams, multiple data streams
» MISD: Multiple instruction streams, single data stream

 SIMD computing is achieved through the use of an array of

processing elements (PEs) synchronized by the same
controller. Associative memory can be used to build SIMD
associative processors.
Evolution of computer architecture
Evolution of computer architecture
 Started with the von Neumann architecture built as a
sequential machine executing scalar data.
 The sequential computer was improved from bit-serial to
word-parallel operations, and from fixed-point to floating-
point operations.
 The von Neumann architecture is slow due to sequential
execution of instructions in programs.
 Lookahead- prefetch instructions in order to overlap I/E
(instruction fetch/decode and execution) operations and to
enable functional parallelism.
 Functional parallelism was supported by two approaches:
One is to use multiple functional units simultaneously, and
the other is to practice pipelining at various processing levels.

 Implicit vector- software controlled instruction
 Explicit vector- hardware controlled instruction
 Two families of pipelined vector processors:
 Memory-to-memory architecture supports the
pipelined flow of vector operands directly from the
memory to pipelines and then back to the memory.
 Register-to-register architecture uses vector registers
to interface between the memory and functional

 There are two major classes of parallel computers,
namely, shared-memory multiprocessors and message-
passing multicomputers.
 The processors in a multiprocessor system
communicate with each other through shared variables
in a common memory.
 Each computer node in a multicomputer system has a
local memory, unshared with other nodes.
Interprocessor communication is done through
message passing among the nodes.
 Six layers for computer system development.

System attributes to performance
 Performance Factors
Ic - Number of machine instructions to be executed in the program
p- Number of processor cycles needed for instruction decode and
m – Memory reference needed
k – Ratio between memory cycle and processor cycle
t – Processor Cycle time

 System Attributes
The above five performance factors (Ic, p, m, k, t) are influenced by
four system attributes:
 Instruction-set architecture
 compiler technology
 CPU implementation and control
 cache and memory hierarchy.
 Clock Rate and CPI
The inverse of the cycle time is the clock rate (f = 1/t).
Cycles per instruction (CPI) – used for measuring the
time needed to execute each instruction.

The CPU time (T in seconds/program) needed to execute

the program is estimated by finding the product of
three contributing factors:
T = (Ic * CPI * t)

T = lc * (p + m * k) * t
 Let C be the total number of clock cycles needed to
execute a given program. Then the CPU time can be
estimated as T = C * t = C/ f.
CPI = C/ lc and T = lc * CPI * t = lc * CPl / f

 The processor speed is often measured in terms of

million instructions per second (MIPS).
Ic f f * Ic
MIPSrate  6
 6

T *10 CPI*10 C*106

Throughput Rate
 How many programs a system can execute per unit
time, called the system throughput Ws(in
 In a multiprogrammed system, the system throughput
is often lower than the CPU throughput Wp.

Wp  MIPS *106 / Ic
 Calculate number of instructions in S1 and S2.
 Calculate CPI
Programming Environments
 Sequential environment
 Parallel environment
 Implicit Parallelism
 Uses a conventional language to write the source
program. The sequentially coded source program is
translated into parallel object code by a
parallelizing compiler.
 This compiler must be able to detect parallelism
and assign target machine resources. This compiler
approach has been applied in programming shared
memory multiprocessors.
 This approach requires less effort on the part of the

 Explicit Parallelism
 Requires more effort by the programmer to develop a
source program using parallel dialects
 Parallelism is explicitly specified in the user programs. This
reduces the burden on the compiler to detect parallelism.
 The compiler needs to preserve parallelism and, where
possible, assigns target machine resources.

1. Shared-Memory Multiprocessors -The three
shared-memory multiprocessor models:

A. Uniform memory-access (UMA) model

B. Nonuniform-memory-access (NUMA) model
C. Cache-only memory architecture (COMA)

 These models differ in how the memory and

peripheral resources are shared or distributed.

The UMA Model
 The physical memory is uniformly shared by all the processors.
 All processors have equal access time to all memory words,
which is why it is called uniform memory access.
 Each processor may use a private cache. Peripherals are also
shared in some fashion.

 Multiprocessors are called tightly coupled
systems due to the high degree of resource sharing.
 The system interconnect takes the form of a
common bus, a crossbar switch, or a multistage
 The UMA model is suitable for general-purpose
and timesharing applications by multiple users.
 When all processors have equal access to all
peripheral devices, the system is called a
symmetric multiprocessor.

 In an asymmetric multiprocessor, only one or a
subset of processors are executive- capable.
 An executive or a master processor can execute the
operating system and handle I/O.
 The remaining processors have no I/O capability
and thus are called attached processors (APs).
 Attached processors execute user codes under the
supervision of the master processor.

The NUMA Model
 Shared-memory system in which the access time
varies with the location of the memory word.
 The shared memory is physically distributed to all
processors, called local memories.
 The collection of all local memories forms a global
address space accessible by all processors.

 It is faster to access a local memory with a local
 The access of remote memory attached to other
processors takes longer due to the added delay through
the interconnection network.
 Globally shared memory can be added to a
multiprocessor system.
 Three memory-access patterns: The fastest is local
memory access. The next is global memory access.
The slowest is access of remote memory.

 The processors are divided into several clusters.
 Each cluster is itself an UMA or a NUMA
multiprocessor. The clusters are connected to
global shared-memory modules. The entire
system is considered a NUMA multiprocessor. All
processors belonging to the same cluster are
allowed to uniformly access the cluster shared
memory modules.
 All clusters have equal access to the global
memory. However, the access time to the cluster
memory is shorter than that to the global memory.

The COMA Model
 A multiprocessor using cache-only memory

 A special case of a NUMA machine, in which the
distributed main memories are converted to caches.
 There is no memory hierarchy at each processor
 All the caches form a global address space.
 Remote cache access is assisted by the distributed
cache directories(D).
 Depending on the interconnection network used,
sometimes hierarchical directories may be used to
help locate copies of cache blocks.
 Initial data placement is not critical because data
will eventually migrate to where it will be used.
 Multiprocessor systems are suitable for general-
purpose multiuser applications where
programmability is the major concern.
 A major shortcoming of multiprocessors is the lack
of scalability .
 Latency tolerance for remote memory access is
also a major limitation.

Distributed-Memory Multicomputer
 The system consists of multiple computers, often
called nodes, interconnected by a message passing
 Each node is an autonomous computer consisting
of a processor, local memory , and sometimes
attached disks or I/O peripherals.
 No-remote-memory-access (NORMA)
 lnternode communication is carried out by passing
messages through the static connection network.

Multicomputer Generations
 Modern multicomputers use hardware routers to
pass messages.
 A computer node is attached to each router. The
boundary router may be connected to I/O and
peripheral devices.
 Message passing between any two nodes involves
a sequence of routers and channels.
 Heterogeneous multicomputer - The internode
communication in a heterogeneous multicomputer
is achieved through compatible data
representations and message-passing protocols.
 Commonly used static topologies to construct
multicomputers include the ring, tree, mesh, torus,
hypercube, cube-connected cycle, etc .

 Various communication patterns are demanded among

the nodes, such as one-to-one, broadcasting,
permutations, and multicast patterns.

 Important issues for multicomputers include message-

routing schemes, network flow control
strategies,deadlock avoidance, virtual channels,
message-passing primitives, and program
decomposition techniques.

Taxonomy of MIMD Computers

 Classification of supercomputers
 Pipelined vector machines
 SIMD computers

Vector Supercomputers

 A vector computer is often built on top of a
scalar processor.
 The vector processor is attached to the scalar
processor as an optional feature.
 Program and data are first loaded into the main
memory through a host computer.
 All instructions are first decoded by the scalar
control unit.
 If the decoded instruction is a scalar operation or
a program control operation, it will be directly
executed by the scalar processor using the scalar
functional pipelines.
 If the instruction is decoded as a vector
operation, it will be sent to the vector control
 This control unit will supervise the flow of
vector data between the main memory and vector
functional pipelines.
 The vector data flow is coordinated by the
control unit.
 A number of vector functional pipelines may be
built into a vector processor.
Vector Processor Models
 Register-to-register architecture
 Vector registers are used to hold the vector
operands, intermediate and final vector results.
 The vector functional pipelines retrieve operands
from and put results into the vector registers.
 A memory-to-memory architecture differs from a
register-to-register architecture in the use of a vector
stream unit to replace the vector registers.
 Vector operands and results are directly retrieved
from and stored into the main memory in

SIMD Supercomputers

SIMD Machine Model
 SIMD computer is specified by a 5-tuple:
M = (N, C, I, M, R)

 N is the number of processing elements (PEs) in the machine.

 C is the set of instructions directly executed by the control unit
(CU), including scalar and program flow control instructions.
 I is the set of instructions broadcast by the CU to all PEs for
parallel execution. These include arithmetic, logic, data routing,
masking, and other local operations executed by each active PE
over data within that PE.
 M is the set of masking schemes, where each mask partitions the
set of PEs into enabled and disabled subsets.
 R is the set of data-routing functions, specifying various patterns
to be set up in the interconnection network for inter-PE


 The ability to execute several program segments in

parallel requires each segment to be independent of the
other segments.
 Use a dependence graph to describe the relations and
shows where opportunity exists for parallelization and
Nodes  program statements (instructions)
Directed edges (with labels)  Relations among the

Data Dependence
 The ordering relationship between statements is
indicated by the data dependence.
 Five types of data dependence are defined below:
(1) Flow dependence: A statement S2 is flow-
dependent on statement S1 if an execution path
exists from S1 to S2 and if at least one output of S1
feeds in as input to S2. Flow dependence is denoted
as S1 S2.
(2) Antidependence: Statement S2 is antidependent
on statement S1 if S2 follows S1 in program order
and if the output of S2 overlaps the input to S1. A
direct arrow crossed with a bar as S1 S2 indicates
antidependence from S1 to S2.

(3) Output dependence: Two statements are output-dependent if
they produce the same output variable. S1 S2 indicates
output dependence from S1 to S2.
(4) I/O dependence: Read and write are I/O statements. I/O
dependence occurs not because the same variable is involved
but because the same file is referenced by both I/O statements.
(5) Unknown dependence: The dependence relation between two
statements cannot be determined in the following situations:
 The subscript of a variable is itself subscribed.(indirect
 The subscript does not contain the loop index variable.
 A variable appears more than once with subscripts having
different coefficients of the loop variable.(ie different functions of
the loop variable).
 The subscript is nonlinear in the loop index variable.

Control Dependence
 This refers to the situation where the order of
execution of statements cannot be determined before
run time.
 The successive iterations of the following loop are
Do 20 I = 1, N
A(I) = C(I)
IF (A(I). LT. 0) A(I) = 1
20 Continue
 The following loop has control-dependent iterations:
Do 10 I = 1, N
IF (A(I - 1).EQ. 0) A(I) = 0
10 Continue

Resource Dependence
 Resource dependence is concerned with the
conflicts in using shared resources.
 When the conflicting resource is an ALU, we call
it ALU dependence.
 If the conflicts involve workplace storage, we call
it storage dependence.
 In the case of storage dependence, each task
must work on independent storage locations or
use protected access to shared writable data.

Bernstein's Conditions
 In 1966, Bernstein revealed a set of conditions
based on which two processes can execute in
 A process is a software entity corresponding to the
abstraction of a program fragment defined at
various processing levels.
 We define the input set Ii of a process Pi as the set
of all input variables needed to execute the process
(fetched from memory or registers).
 The output set Oi consists of all output variables
generated after execution of the process Pi
 Consider two processes P1 and P2 with their input sets I1 and I2 and
output sets O1 and O2, respectively.
 These two processes can execute in parallel and are denoted P1 II P2 if
they are independent and therefore create deterministic results.

 These three conditions are known as Bernstein's conditions.

 The input set Ii is also called the read set or the domain of Pi.
 The output set Oi has been called the write set or the range of a
process Pi·
 In terms of data dependences, Bernstein's conditions imply that two
processes can execute in parallel if they are flow-independent, anti-
independent, and output-independent.
Bernstein's Conditions
 The parallel execution of such two processes
produces the same results regardless of whether
they are executed sequentially in any order or in
 A set of processes, P1, P2, • • • , Pk, can execute in
parallel if Bernstein's conditions are satisfied on a
pairwise basis; that is, P1 II P2 II P3 II ... II Pk
if and only if Pi II Pj for all i ǂ j.

Bernstein's Conditions
In general || relation is,
 Commutative;
 Not transitive;
 Associativity;

 Violations of any one or more of the three

conditions in Bernstein’s condition’s prohibits
parallelism between two processes.


Fig. 2.2 Detection of parallelism in the program of Example 2.2

Hardware and Software Parallelism
 Modern computers requires special hardware and
software support for parallelism.
Hardware Parallelism
 Type of parallelism defined by the machine
architecture and hardware multiplicity.
 Hardware parallelism is often a function of cost and
performance tradeoffs.
 It displays the resource utilization patterns of
simultaneously executable operations.
 It can also indicate the peak performance of the
processor resources.

Hardware Parallelism
 One way to characterize the parallelism in a processor
is by the number of instruction issues per machine
cycle. If a processor issues k instructions per machine
cycle, then it is called a k-issue processor.
 A conventional pipelined processor takes one machine
cycle to issue a single instruction. These types of
processors are called one-issue machines, with a single
instruction pipeline in the processor.
 In a modern processor, two or more instructions can be
issued per machine cycle.

Software Parallelism
 This type of parallelism is revealed in the program
flow graph.
 Software parallelism is a function of algorithm,
programming style, and program design.
 Types of software parallelism:
Control and Data parallelism

 The first is control parallelism, which allows two or more
operations to be performed simultaneously.
 Control parallelism, appearing in the form of pipelining or
multiple functional units, is limited by the pipeline length
and by the multiplicity of functional units.

 The second type has been called data parallelism, in which

almost the same operation is performed over many data
elements by many processors simultaneously. It offers the
highest potential for concurrency
Role of Compilers
 To solve the mismatch problem between software
parallelism and hardware parallelism, one approach is
to develop compilation support, and the other is
through hardware redesign for more efficient
exploitation of parallelism.
 These two approaches must cooperate with each other
to produce the best result.

 Use Bernstein’s condition to detect maximum
parallelism in the given code
S1: A=B+C
S2: C=D+E
S3: F=G+E
S4: C=A+F
S5: M=G+C
S6: A=L+C
S7: A=E+A
 Assignment 1

Module:1 – Illustrate Architectural Development

Track of modern computers.

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