CSCI 8150 Advanced Computer Architecture: Hwang, Chapter 1 Parallel Computer Models 1.1 The State of Computing

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CSCI 8150

Advanced Computer Architecture

Hwang, Chapter 1
Parallel Computer Models
1.1 The State of Computing
The State of Computing
Early computing was entirely mechanical:
abacus (about 500 BC)
mechanical adder/subtracter (Pascal, 1642)
difference engine design (Babbage, 1827)
binary mechanical computer (Zuse, 1941)
electromechanical decimal machine (Aiken, 1944)
Mechanical and electromechanical machines
have limited speed and reliability because of
the many moving parts. Modern machines
use electronics for most information
Computing Generations
Computing is normally thought of as being
divided into generations.
Each successive generation is marked by
sharp changes in hardware and software
With some exceptions, most of the advances
introduced in one generation are carried
through to later generations.
We are currently in the fifth generation.
First Generation (1945 to 1954)
Technology and Architecture
Vacuum tubes and relay memories
CPU driven by a program counter (PC) and
Machines had only fixed-point arithmetic
Software and Applications
Machine and assembly language
Single user at a time
No subroutine linkage mechanisms
Programmed I/O required continuous use of CPU
Representative systems: ENIAC, Princeton
Second Generation (1955 to 1964)
Technology and Architecture
Discrete transistors and core memories
I/O processors, multiplexed memory access
Floating-point arithmetic available
Register Transfer Language (RTL) developed
Software and Applications
High-level languages (HLL): FORTRAN, COBOL,
ALGOL with compilers and subroutine libraries
Still mostly single user at a time, but in batch
Representative systems: CDC 1604, UNIVAC
Third Generation (1965 to 1974)
Technology and Architecture
Integrated circuits (SSI/MSI)
Pipelining, cache memories, lookahead
Software and Applications
Multiprogramming and time-sharing operating
Multi-user applications
Representative systems: IBM 360/370, CDC
6600, TI ASC, DEC PDP-8
Fourth Generation (1975 to 1990)
Technology and Architecture
LSI/VLSI circuits, semiconductor memory
Multiprocessors, vector supercomputers,
Shared or distributed memory
Vector processors
Software and Applications
Multprocessor operating systems, languages,
compilers, and parallel software tools
Representative systems: VAX 9000, Cray X-
MP, IBM 3090, BBN TC2000
Fifth Generation (1990 to present)
Technology and Architecture
ULSI/VHSIC processors, memory, and switches
High-density packaging
Scalable architecture
Vector processors
Software and Applications
Massively parallel processing
Grand challenge applications
Heterogenous processing
Representative systems: Fujitsu VPP500,
Cray MPP, TMC CM-5, Intel Paragon
Elements of Modern Computers
The hardware, software, and programming
elements of modern computer systems can
be characterized by looking at a variety of
factors, including:
Computing problems
Algorithms and data structures
Hardware resources
Operating systems
System software support
Compiler support
Computing Problems
Numerical computing
complex mathematical formulations
tedious integer or floating-point computation
Transaction processing
accurate transactions
large database management
information retrieval
Logical Reasoning
logic inferences
symbolic manipulations
Algorithms and Data Structures
Traditional algorithms and data structures
are designed for sequential machines.
New, specialized algorithms and data
structures are needed to exploit the
capabilities of parallel architectures.
These often require interdisciplinary
interactions among theoreticians,
experimentalists, and programmers.
Hardware Resources
The architecture of a system is shaped only
partly by the hardware resources.
The operating system and applications also
significantly influence the overall
Not only must the processor and memory
architectures be considered, but also the
architecture of the device interfaces (which
often include their advanced processors).
Operating System
Operating systems manage the allocation
and deallocation of resources during user
program execution.
UNIX, Mach, and OSF/1 provide support for
multiprocessors and multicomputers
multithreaded kernel functions
virtual memory management
file subsystems
network communication services
An OS plays a significant role in mapping
hardware resources to algorithmic and data
System Software Support
Compilers, assemblers, and loaders are
traditional tools for developing programs in
high-level languages. With the operating
system, these tools determine the bind of
resources to applications, and the
effectiveness of this determines the
efficiency of hardware utilization and the
system’s programmability.
Most programmers still employ a sequential
mind set, abetted by a lack of popular
parallel software support.
System Software Support
Parallel software can be developed using
entirely new languages designed specifically
with parallel support as its goal, or by using
extensions to existing sequential languages.
New languages have obvious advantages
(like new constructs specifically for
parallelism), but require additional
programmer education and system software.
The most common approach is to extend an
existing language.
Compiler Support
use existing sequential compilers and specialized
libraries to implement parallel constructs
perform some program flow analysis,
dependence checking, and limited parallel
Parallelizing Compilers
requires full detection of parallelism in source
code, and transformation of sequential code into
parallel constructs
Evolution of Computer Architecture
Architecture has gone through evolutional,
rather than revolutional change.
Sustaining features are those that are
proven to improve performance.
Starting with the von Neumann architecture
(strictly sequential), architectures have
evolved to include processing lookahead,
parallelism, and pipelining.
Sequen Lookahe
tial ad
I/E Function
Overlap al
Multiple Paralleli
Func. sm Pipeline
Units Implicit Explicit
Vector Vector
Memory- Register
Architectural to- -to-
memory register
Evolution SIMD MIMD

Processo ter
r Array Mutiproces
Flynn’s Classification (1972)
Single instruction, single data stream (SISD)
conventional sequential machines
Single instruction, multiple data streams
vector computers with scalar and vector
Multiple instructions, multiple data streams
parallel computers
Multiple instructions, single data stream
Parallel/Vector Computers
Intrinsic parallel computers execute in MIMD
Two classes:
Shared-memory multiprocessors
Message-passing multicomputers
Processor communication
Shared variables in a common memory
Each node in a multicomputer has a processor
and a private local memory, and communicates
with other processors through message passing.
Pipelined Vector Processors
SIMD architecture
A single instruction is applied to a vector
(one-dimensional array) of operands.
Two families:
Memory-to-memory: operands flow from memory
to vector pipelines and back to memory
Register-to-register: vector registers used to
interface between memory and functional
SIMD Computers
Provide synchronized vector processing
Utilize spatial parallelism instead of temporal
Achieved through an array of processing
elements (PEs)
Can be implemented using associative
Development Layers (Ni, 1990)
Hardware configurations differ from machine to
machine (even with the same Flynn
Address spaces of processors vary among
different architectures, and depend on memory
organization, and should match target
application domain.
The communication model and language
environments should ideally be machine-
independent, to allow porting to many
computers with minimum conversion costs.
System Attributes to Performance
Performance depends on
hardware technology
architectural features
efficient resource management
algorithm design
data structures
language efficiency
programmer skill
compiler technology
Performance Indicators
Turnaround time depends on:
disk and memory accesses
input and output
compilation time
operating system overhead
CPU time
Since I/O and system overhead frequently
overlaps processing by other programs, it is
fair to consider only the CPU time used by a
program, and the user CPU time is the most
important factor.
Clock Rate and CPI
CPU is driven by a clock with a constant
cycle time τ (usually measured in
The inverse of the cycle time is the clock
rate (f = 1/τ, measured in megahertz).
The size of a program is determined by its
instruction count, Ic, the number of machine
instructions to be executed by the program.
Different machine instructions require
different numbers of clock cycles to execute.
CPI (cycles per instruction) is thus an
important parameter.
Average CPI
It is easy to determine the average number
of cycles per instruction for a particular
processor if we know the frequency of
occurrence of each instruction type.
Of course, any estimate is valid only for a
specific set of programs (which defines the
instruction mix), and then only if there are
sufficiently large number of instructions.
In general, the term CPI is used with respect
to a particular instruction set and a given
program mix.
Performance Factors (1)
The time required to execute a program
containing Ic instructions is just T = Ic × CPI ×
Each instruction must be fetched from
memory, decoded, then operands fetched
from memory, the instruction executed, and
the results stored.
The time required to access memory is
called the memory cycle time, which is
usually k times the processor cycle time τ.
The value of k depends on the memory
technology and the processor-memory
Performance Factors (2)
The processor cycles required for each
instruction (CPI) can be attributed to
cycles needed for instruction decode and
execution (p), and
cycles needed for memory references (m × k).
The total time needed to execute a program
can then be rewritten as T = Ic × (p + m × k)×
System Attributes
The five performance factors (Ic , p, m, k, τ)
are influenced by four system attributes:
instruction-set architecture (affects Ic and p)
compiler technology (affects Ic and p and m)
CPU implementation and control (affects p × τ)
cache and memory hierarchy (affects memory
access latency, k × τ)
Total CPU time can be used as a basis in
estimating the execution rate of a processor.
If C is the total number of clock cycles
needed to execute a given program, then
total CPU time can be estimated as T = C × τ
= C / f.
Other relationships are easily observed:
CPI = C / Ic
T =Ic × CPI × τ
T =Ic × CPI / f
Processor speed is often measured in terms
of millions of instructions per second,
frequently called the MIPS rate of the
Ic f f × Ic
MIPS rate = = =
T ×10 6
CPI ×10 6
C ×10

The MIPS rate is directly proportional to the

clock rate and inversely proportion to the
All four system attributes (instruction set,
compiler, processor, and memory
technologies) affect the MIPS rate, which
varies also from program to program.
Throughput Rate
The number of programs a system can
execute per unit time, Ws , in programs per
CPU throughput, Wp, fis defined as
Wp =
I c × CPI
In a multiprogrammed system, the system
throughput is often less than the CPU
Programming Environments
Programmability depends on the
programming environment provided to the
Conventional computers are used in a
sequential programming environment with
tools developed for a uniprocessor
Parallel computers need parallel tools that
allow specification or easy detection of
parallelism and operating systems that can
perform parallel scheduling of concurrent
events, shared memory allocation, and
shared peripheral and communication links.
Implicit Parallelism
Use a conventional language (like C, Fortran,
Lisp, or Pascal) to write the program.
Use a parallelizing compiler to translate the
source code into parallel code.
The compiler must detect parallelism and
assign target machine resources.
Success relies heavily on the quality of the
Kuck (U. of Illinois) and Kennedy (Rice U.)
used this approach.
Explicit Parallelism
Programmer write explicit parallel code
using parallel dialects of common languages.
Compiler has reduced need to detect
parallelism, but must still preserve existing
parallelism and assign target machine
Seitz (Cal Tech) and Daly (MIT) used this
Needed Software Tools
Parallel extensions of conventional high-level
Integrated environments to provide
different levels of program abstraction
validation, testing and debugging
performance prediction and monitoring
visualization support to aid program
development, performance measurement
graphics display and animation of computational

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