US Brochure 2016

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The Silverson way

For over 60 years Silverson has With a customer base that

specialized in the manufacture includes many of the world’s
of quality high shear mixers for largest companies, Silverson is
processing and manufacturing constantly at the forefront of new
industries worldwide. technologies. Developing and
applying new high shear mixing
With customers in over
techniques to meet these needs,
150 countries, and serving
Silverson has the experience,
industries as diverse as food,
knowledge and commitment to
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
both quality and service to solve
luboils and petrochemicals,
today’s mixing needs and those
Silverson has become the
of the future.
world leader in the field of
high shear mixing. Time after A truly international company,
time, companies specify Silverson is represented by
Silverson mixers as the a network of associated
“standard” equipment for their companies, distributors and
manufacturing process. agents in over 50 countries,
serving North America, Europe,
The key to this success is based
Asia, Australasia, South America
on the professionalism and
and Africa.
commitment Silverson shows
to each of its customer’s needs.
Whether supplying machines
from its standard range of
mixers or designing equipment
specifically to meet an individual
customer’s requirements, quality
is guaranteed.

The first name in high shear mixers
The Silverson advantage
Speed Versatility Blending
The exceptionally rapid Silverson The advantage of the Silverson A homogeneous product is
mixing action substantially approach to mixing is that any rapidly produced when blending
reduces process times compared one machine can perform the liquids of similar or greatly
with conventional agitators and duties that in the past may have varying viscosities, eliminating
mixers, and can reduce mixing required several different pieces problems such as stratification.
times by up to 90%. of process equipment. This Emulsifying and homogenizing
unrivalled versatility allows any Emulsions (typically in the range
machine to perform the widest of 0.5 to 5 microns) can be
range of mixing applications: easily achieved.

All Silverson rotor/stator mixers
can disintegrate matter of
animal, vegetable, mineral
or synthetic origin in a
single operation.

Particle size reduction

Uniformly mill both solid and
semi-solid materials into either
solution or fine suspension.

Gelling and solubilizing

The high shear action of the
Silverson rotor/stator can rapidly
disperse gums, alginates,
C.M.C., carbopols, etc.,
resulting in an agglomerate-free
solution within minutes.

How the Silverson works
The advantages of Silverson’s Stage 1
high shear rotor/stator mixer The high-speed rotation of the
over simple conventional stirrers rotor blades within the precision
or agitators stem from the machined mixing workhead
multistage mixing/shearing exerts a powerful suction,
action as materials are drawn drawing liquid and solid materials
through the specially designed upwards from the bottom of
Silverson workhead - the heart the vessel and into the center
of every machine. of the workhead.
Stage 2
Centrifugal force then drives
materials towards the periphery
of the workhead where they
are subjected to a milling action
in the precision machined
clearance between the ends of
the rotor blades and the inner
wall of the stator.

Stage 3
This is followed by intense
hydraulic shear as the materials
are forced, at high velocity, out
through the perforations in the
stator and circulated into the
main body of the mix.

Stage 4
The materials expelled from the
head are projected radially at
high speed towards the sides of
the mixing vessel. At the same
time, fresh material is continually
drawn into the workhead
maintaining the mixing cycle.
The effect of the horizontal
(radial) expulsion and suction into
the head is to set up a circulation
pattern that minimizes aeration
caused by the disturbance of the
liquid’s surface.
The first name in high shear mixers
Interchangeable heads and screens
A comprehensive range of General purpose
workheads and screens is disintegrating head
available for all Silverson rotor/ This is the most versatile
stator mixers.These easily of all the heads, giving an
interchangeable workheads exceptionally vigorous mixing
offer great versatility by allowing action. Ideal for general mixing
any machine to be adapted to applications, its uses also
perform a wide range of mixing include the disintegration of
operations including emulsifying, solids and the preparation of gels
homogenizing, disintegrating, and thickeners, suspensions,
dissolving, dispersing, blending, solutions and slurries.
particle size reduction and
de-agglomerating. Changing
disintegrating head
from one head or screen to
For the disintegration of fibrous
another is quick and simple.
materials, such as animal and
vegetable tissue, as well as the
disintegration and solubilization
of “elastic” materials such as
rubbers and polymers.

Square hole high

shear screen™
Provides exceptionally high
shear rates ideal for the rapid
size reduction of soluble
and insoluble granular solids.
It is also suitable for the
preparation of emulsions and
fine colloidal suspensions.

Standard emulsor head

and emulsor screen
Suitable for liquid/liquid
preparations and especially
useful for all emulsions. Emulsor
screens are available in fine,
medium or coarse perforations.

Silverson service
Experience and Customization Installation
know how Increasingly today’s process Silverson offers expert advice
Silverson has been the leader in manufacturers require equipment and, if required, can assist with
High Shear Mixing technology to be designed to meet their and supervise installation and
for over 60 years and has built own particular needs. Silverson start up.
up a detailed knowledge of has a positive approach and After-sales service
mixing process requirements. flexibility, which allows mixers With over 60 years of experience
This accumulated knowledge to be custom designed and Silverson realizes the importance
enables our technical staff built to suit individual users’ their customers place on reliable
and sales representatives to specific requirements. and rapid back-up service. Our
clearly identify a client’s needs
Worldwide support large stock of manufactured
and recommend the type of
A truly international company, parts enables us to dispatch
mixer most suited to provide an
Silverson is represented by most standard spares the same
efficient and economical solution.
a network of associated day they are ordered.
Extensive companies, distributors and
test facilities agents in over 50 countries,
Available for the use of all clients, serving Europe, North America,
Silverson operates dedicated Asia, Australasia, South America
test facilities equipped with a and Africa.
wide range of laboratory and
production scale machines
where customers may test
new products and discuss
their applications with our
technical staff. If preferred,
Silverson mixers can be
provided for on-site trials to
allow evaluation under actual
production conditions.

The first name in high shear mixers
Some of Silverson’s clients
Silverson is pleased to be able
to service the exacting needs of
some of the finest companies in
the world.

These trademarks & company logos are

included with the kind permission of the owners.

Laboratory scale mixers
Silverson Laboratory mixers
are suitable for the widest
range of applications - mixing,
emulsifying, homogenizing,
disintegrating, dissolving - with
an efficiency and flexibility
unmatched by other machines.
With a capacity from 1ml up to
12 liters and the ability to mix
in-line with flow rates up to 20
liters/minute, they offer excellent
reproducibility when scaling up
and provide an accurate and
easy means of forecasting the
performance of larger Silverson
machines under full-scale
working conditions.

The Silverson L5 Series is the

latest development in High Shear
Laboratory mixing, ideal for all
routine laboratory work, research
and development, QA analysis
and small scale production in
all industries.

Laboratory Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
L5M-A mixer
L5M-A Mixer The L5 is finished in a tough,
The multifunctional L5M-A easy-to-clean, non-chip white
Model features touch pad nylon coating. The flat base
control with digital tachometer, is covered by a removable
programmable integral timer non-slip solvent-resistant mat.
and amperage display, all
accessed via the Mode button.
mixing assemblies
The unit can be supplied with a
Standard assembly (two arm)
“DataLogger” program allowing
supplied complete with a
monitoring of speed and power
General Purpose Disintegrating
draw over time. This level of
Head, Square Hole High Shear
instrumentation is invaluable
Screen, Standard Emulsor
for applications where process
Screen and Axial Flow Head.
validation and reproducibility are
required. Slotted Disintegrating Heads,
Fine Emulsor Screen, Pump
Motor unit
Heads and other special heads
Powerful 1hp (750W) 110 volt,
are available as optional extras,
single phase (220 volt optional),
see overleaf.
50/60 Hz. Nominal maximum
speed 8000 rpm (6000 rpm Capacity - depending on
under full load). viscosity - up to 12 liters. Mixing
unit dimensions – length 11 1⁄2”
Speed control
(290mm), width 2 1⁄4” (57mm).
Infinitely variable electronic
speed control with integral
on/off switch.

Electric rise & fall bench stand

The mixing unit may be
effortlessly raised and
lowered using the touch pad
controls on the motor unit.

All wetted parts are in grade
316L stainless steel with the
exception of the bushing, which
may be bronze alloy or PTFE.

Mixing assemblies
Duplex assembly Tubular mixing
The Duplex comprises two assemblies
workheads facing in opposite A series of interchangeable
directions. The upper head tubular mixing units suitable for
pulls materials down from the use in narrow-necked containers
surface of the mix, and provides is available, with capacities from
a coarse disintegrating action, 1 - 500ml.
while the lower head draws 1” tubular
material up from the base of the
Capacity, depending on viscosity,
mixing container, further reducing
50ml up to 500ml.
particle size to accelerate
solubilization or suspension. 3/4” tubular
Capacity, depending on viscosity,
This combined use of two
20ml up to 250ml.
workheads makes the Duplex
ideal for high viscosity mixes 5/8” micro
and applications where light or Capacity, depending on viscosity,
buoyant material (powders, 5ml up to 50ml.
rubbers and polymers, etc.) 3/8” mini-micro
needs to be drawn down from Capacity, depending on viscosity,
the surface of a mix and rapidly 1ml up to 10ml.
Typical applications The Silverson Ultramix is
- Rapid solution of rubbers and designed for applications which
polymers for the production of are beyond the capabilities of a
luboils, adhesives and conventional agitator or stirrer
asphalt compounds but do not necessarily require
the intense high shear of a
- Disintegration and dissolving
Silverson rotor/stator mixer.
solid resin for varnishes

- Vegetable and meat


Laboratory Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
In-Line mixing assembly viscosity liquids of approximately
The In-Line assembly fits on to 20 liters/minute, reducing as the
the model L5 Series Laboratory viscosity increases.
range and converts it into an The In-Line assembly is suitable
in-line mixer/homogenizer. for use at atmospheric pressure
The centrifugal action of the rotor only. It is not recommended for
in the high shear rotor/stator use on abrasive, corrosive or
workhead generates a non- flammable materials.
positive pumping action, which
gives a throughput on low

Specialized mixers
L5 Sealed unit Operation under vacuum
laboratory mixer Special sealed mixing assemblies
Designed for research in the are available for operation under
pharmaceutical and vacuum.
biotechnology fields, the L5
Model L2/Air
Sealed Unit allows sterile or
(Compressed air)
highly infected tissues to be
Suitable for use in Explosion
handled under conditions of
Hazard areas. The L2/Air is
absolute safety.
powered by a 0.25 hp, 6000 rpm
The Sealed Unit features a variable speed air motor. The
Quick-Release mechanism L2/Air will accept all L5 Series
permitting use with a wide range mixing assemblies. Supplied
of mixing assemblies. with a manually operated
Mixing vessels adjustable bench stand.
Glass vessels with capacities
from 7ml up to 1 liter are
available. Stainless steel vessels
are available with volumes from
1 - 10 liters.

Pilot scale mixers
AX series
This series of mixers is designed for small-scale production in pilot plants, research institutes, hospital
pharmacies, etc. Light and easily operated, AX series models have a capacity of up to 50 liters.

Model AX5 Model AX60 Model AX/Air

The AX5 features touch pad The Model AX60 features a The Model AX/Air is powered by
controls and is compatible with fixed speed 1 hp 3 phase an intrinsically safe compressed
Silverson’s “DataLogger” system. motor. TEFC, washdown duty air motor suitable for use in
and explosion proof motors Explosion Hazard areas.
are available. Variable speed
Powerful 1 hp (0.75 kW) 110 volt Bench stand
available via an inverter as an
single phase motor (220 volt Spring assisted or electric
optional extra.
optional) 50/60 Hz. rise and fall bench stands are
More powerful motors allowing a available for use with the AX60
Speed control
maximum speed of up to 6000 and AX/Air models.
Infinitely variable speed control.
rpm also available.
Nominal maximum speed 6000

Electric Rise & Fall Stand

The unit features an integral rise
and fall stand with touch pad

Laboratory Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Verso - pilot scale In-Line mixer
The Silverson Verso is a Advantages
bench top In-Line mixer ideal
- Eliminates agglomerates and
for laboratory or pilot scale
fish eyes.
applications. The unit offers
- Creates stable emulsions
excellent reproducibility when
and suspensions.
scaling up and provides an
- Reduces particle size.
accurate and easy means of
- Rapidly dissolves solids.
forecasting the performance of
- Accelerates reactions.
larger In-Line mixers under full-
- Aeration free.
scale working conditions.
- No bypassing.
The Verso is equipped with a
digital tachometer, ammeter and
programmable timer, invaluable
for applications where process
validation and reproducibility are
required. It is also compatible
with the Silverson “DataLogger”

- Touch pad control panel.
- Powerful 1 hp (0.75 kW)
motor with infinitely variable
speed control.
- Single or multistage
interchangeable workheads
- Self-pumping.
- Maximum operating pressure
100 psi (7.6 bar).
- 0.75” Tri-clamp inlet/outlet
- Single mechanical shaft seal.
- All wetted parts are in grade
316L stainless steel.
- Sanitary construction.

Batch mixers
Silverson offers a complete
range of multipurpose batch
mixers. The machines are
able to perform the widest
variety of applications - mixing,
emulsifying, homogenizing,
disintegrating, dissolving -
with an efficiency and
flexibility unmatched by other
machines. Capacities from
1 to 8,000 gallons.

The Silverson range of High

Shear Batch mixers are of
robust and simple construction,
which ensures that cleaning
and maintenance is kept to
an absolute minimum. The
range can be divided into two
distinct categories – medium
range and large range models.

Batch Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Medium range – Models BX to GX25
Each machine employs the
special “interchangeable”
Silverson rotor/stator mixing
head, which allows it to be
used on a wide variety of
different products.

Any machine in this range from

the 1.5 hp BX60 to the 25 hp
GX25 can be used on a mobile
hydraulic floor stand (local
safety regulations permitting).
This option greatly increases
the flexibility of these mixers,
allowing them to be moved from
vessel to vessel and to be raised
and lowered during operation,
if required, in order to give the
optimum mixing position at
varying stages of the process.

Large range – Models 700X to MX
Silverson is the world leader Each mixer is designed and
in the specialized design and built to the highest possible
manufacture of large scale engineering standards. From
rotor/stator mixers with a the specially balanced motors
capacity of up to 8,000 to the fitting of precision ground
gallons. All these machines are shafts, which are finish turned
individually built to order and in-house to ensure critical
constructed specifically to suit vibration free running, no aspect
each customer’s requirements. of manufacture escapes our
rigorous inspection.
The large scale mixers possess
all the qualities and flexibility These machines are designed
of Silverson’s medium range to be maintained and serviced
models and include a number of in place wherever possible.
additional and unique features. Quick release shaft couplings,
split two-part downthrust
propeller and hard-surfaced
sacrificial shaft journal sleeves
are just a few of the features
designed to keep maintenance
and downtime to a minimum.

Silverson prides itself on a

technical staff that caters to the
precise needs of each customer.

Batch Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Technical specifications
Materials of Sealing
construction All Silverson Batch mixers are
All wetted parts in 316L designed for operation in open
stainless steel. Special vessels. Single and double
materials on request. mechanical shaft sealing for
operation under vacuum and/or
Bushing material
positive pressure is available for General purpose
The bushing will normally be
most machines. disintegrating head
bronze alloy or reinforced PTFE
depending on the application. Cleaning
The machines are in most
cases self-cleaning, a short run
TEFC, washdown duty and
between successive operations
explosion proof motors are
in water, detergent or an
available as standard. Inverter
appropriate solvent being all that
rated, stainless steel and
is necessary. For more thorough
other motors are available as
cleaning, dismantling is easy and
optional extras.
downtime minimal. Slotted
Mounting disintegrating head
Models BX up to GX can be
mounted on mobile hydraulic
floor stands. Alternatively they
can be supplied with either a
rectangular or circular flange for
mounting on the vessel.
Tri-clamp mounting is also
available. Larger machines Square hole high
(Model 700X and above) require shear screen™
vessel mounting.

Standard emulsor head

and emulsor screen

Duplex disintegrator dissolver
The Duplex was specifically Typical applications
developed for the disintegration - Rapid solution of rubbers and
and solubilization of solid polymers into lubricating oils,
rubbers and polymers for the solvents and bitumen for the
luboil and adhesive industries, production of luboils, adhesives
but its success has now seen and bituminous compounds
its introduction into all fields
- Disintegration and dissolving of
of mixing, whether chemical,
solid resin for the production
pharmaceutical or food.
of varnish
The Duplex differs from the
- Vegetable and meat
standard multipurpose batch
mixers in having two workheads
facing in opposite directions; the - Recovery of waste confectionery
upper head pulls material down
from the surface of the mix, while
the lower head draws material
up from the base of the vessel.

The combined use of two

workheads makes the Duplex
ideal for applications where light
or buoyant material (powders,
rubbers and polymers, etc.)
needs to be drawn down from
the surface of a mix and rapidly
dispersed. Because of the
added movement afforded by
the two workheads, the Duplex
is also ideal for use on high
viscosity materials.

Batch Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Specialized mixers
Abramix RBX Tubular mixers
No immersed bearing Silverson tubular mixers are
With the standard Silverson designed for operation in sealed
mixer a highly abrasive product vessels where a product-
can cause excessive wear on lubricated mechanical shaft seal
the bush and the shaft. In the is required.
Abramix RBX, the bush has been Tubular mixers are suitable for
completely eliminated by the use operation under atmospheric
of a heavy-duty shaft, which is or positive pressures and are
firmly supported by two precision ideal for mixing products where
roller bearings, situated above sealant fluids need to be avoided.
the level of the product being
The mixer shaft is sealed at its
mixed. Minimum maintenance is
lower end by a conventional
a key feature of the design.
mechanical shaft seal, which
Dry running is lubricated and cooled by the
Dry running in non-flammable product being mixed.
products is possible, allowing
As with all Silverson rotor/stator
mixing to continue uninterrupted
mixers, interchangeable stators
while emptying the mixing vessel.
are available to adapt the
Typical applications machine for varying processes.
- Liquid Glazes: Preparation
The tubular design also allows
and redispersion including
the machine to fit through
incorporation of Pigments,
relatively small diameter vessel
Wetting Agents, Hardeners, etc.
- Ceramic slips - Clays and
Each mixer is designed to suit
Silicas - Texture Paints
individual process requirements.
- Foundry Compounds
Typical applications
- Active ingredients
into inhalants

- Injectables

- Vaccines

The Silverson Ultramix is
designed for applications, which
are beyond the capabilities of a
conventional agitator or stirrer,
but do not necessarily require
the intense high shear of a
Silverson rotor/stator mixer.
The advantages
- Ultra sanitary design
• single-shaft, single-piece

mixing head.
• the Ultramix series is

designed for Clean-In-Place

(CIP) with Sterilize-In-Place
(SIP) as an option.

- Full compliance with 3A, USDA

and cGMP requirements.

- Excellent in-tank movement is

provided by the dynamic mixing
head, even when processing
high viscosity mixes.

- The powerful vortex can rapidly

incorporate large volumes
of powders.
- Low maintenance - the
single-piece mixing head
is of a simple, robust
construction with no wearing
parts or bushings.

- Reduced power requirement

compared with conventional
high shear mixers.

- The design is suitable for

applications from aggressive
chemical service to the most
demanding sanitary standards
and requirements.

The first name in high shear mixers
How the Ultramix works
Technical Stage 1
specifications As the mixer rotates at high
Materials of construction speed, the grooves on the
All wetted parts are in 316L outside of the dynamic mixing
stainless steel. Special head project the surrounding
materials on request. product outwards with great
force, creating an area of low
Motor specifications
pressure around the trailing
TEFC, washdown duty and
edge of each groove.
explosion proof motors are
available as standard. Stage 2
Mounting This draws product from within
Stainless steel flange fitting the mixing head, through the
is available as standard. radial slots to the outside,
subjecting the material to a
shearing action. The grooves
Clean-In-Place design (CIP).
in the head drive the product
Simple, easy-to-clean construction.
outwards into the body of the
mix at high velocity.

Stage 3
As material is drawn out of the
slots, fresh material is sucked in
through the holes in the top and
bottom of the mixing head; this
material is then drawn out
through the slots and projected
back into the mix. The pumping
effect of the grooves and the
shear action of the radial slots
ensures rapid mixing, and
develops a vigorous axial flow
pattern throughout the vessel.

In-Line mixers
Silverson High Shear mixers The action of any Silverson
are supremely efficient and rapid In-Line mixer can be modified
in operation and are capable with the use of rapidly
of reducing mixing times by interchangeable workheads.
up to 90%. This enables any machine to
mix, emulsify, homogenize,
solubilize, suspend, disperse
and disintegrate solids.

- Aeration free.

- Self pumping.

- No bypassing.

- Interchangeable workheads.

- Sanitary construction.

- Easy maintenance.

- Lower power requirements.

- Eliminates agglomerates and

fish eyes.

- Creates stable emulsions

and suspensions.

- Reduces particle size.

- Rapidly dissolves solids.

- Accelerates reactions.

In-Line Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
How the In-Line works

Stage 1
The high speed rotation of the
rotor blades within the precision
machined mixing workhead
exerts a powerful suction,
drawing liquid and solid materials
into the rotor/stator assembly.
Stage 2
Centrifugal force then drives
materials towards the periphery
of the workhead where they
are subjected to a milling action
in the precision machined
clearance between the ends of
the rotor blades and the inner
wall of the stator.

Stage 3
This is followed by intense
hydraulic shear as the materials
are forced, at high velocity, out
through the perforations in the
stator, then through the machine
outlet and along the pipework.
At the same time, fresh materials
are continually drawn into the
workhead, maintaining the
mixing and pumping cycle.

Ultra Sanitary In-Line mixers
The Silverson UHS series of Ultra Features: - Aeration free
Sanitary multipurpose In-Line - Interchangeable workheads
- Crevice-free construction
mixers is able to perform the with single or multistage
configurations - No metal-to-metal contact
widest variety of applications
- mixing, emulsifying, - Ultra Sanitary EHEDG - No castings - no porosity
homogenizing, disintegrating Approved single mechanical - All 316L stainless steel
and dissolving - with an shaft seals, easily converted construction of wetted parts
efficiency, flexibility and sanitary to Ultra Sanitary EHEDG
- No manual dismantling
construction unmatched by Approved double mechanical
and cleaning is required,
other machines. shaft seals
significantly reducing
EHEDG and 3-A TPV (Third - Outlet can be configured for maintenance, operating costs,
Party Verification) Certified and self-venting vertical outlet or increasing reliability
designed to comply with FDA, rotated to tangential self- and increasing productivity
and cGMP guidelines, these draining position
machines are ideally suited
- Designed for Clean-In-Place
for industries where advanced
(CIP) and Sterilize-In-Place
Clean-In-Place (CIP) and
(SIP) operation
Sterilize-In-Place (SIP) facilities
are required. The design offers - Self-pumping
further versatility with multistage
rotor/stator configurations as
standard options, resulting in
substantially faster mixing times
by reducing the number of
recirculation passes required,
and offering greater particle
size reduction.

In-Line Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Sanitary construction No bypassing Lower power
EHEDG Certified and designed The In-Line mixer’s design requirements
to comply with FDA, 3A makes it physically impossible As the mixer’s energy is
TPV (Third Party Verification) for any materials - liquid or solid concentrated on processing
and cGMP guidelines, these - to pass from the inlet to the the small volume of material
machines are ideally suited outlet without being subjected to inside the workhead at any given
for industries where Clean- intense mechanical and hydraulic moment, power is not wasted
In-Place (CIP) procedures are shear as it passes through moving large volumes of liquid,
the norm. Not only do these the rotor/stator workhead. and consequently, less power
include the food, pharmaceutical Bypassing is impossible. is normally required than for
and cosmetic industries, but the equivalent batch mixer.
Aeration free
also more diverse applications This is particularly beneficial
As the In-Line mixer and
where modern manufacturing when processing large volumes
associated vessel and pipework
techniques and maximum of material.
form a closed system, the
equipment utilization require mixing process is completely
a rapid changeover from one aeration free. This is particularly
product to another. important for applications where
Interchangeable air entrainment creates a problem.
Available to adapt the machine
for varying processes. Changing
from one head or screen to
another is quick and simple.

Adding a Silverson In-Line mixer
to an existing process can cut
mixing times by up to 90%
compared with conventional
agitators and mixers.

High Viscosity In-Line mixers
Silverson’s new UHS-HV Series Features:
of In-Line Mixers are designed - Ultra Sanitary construction -
for processing higher viscosity based on the UHS mixer range
products. - Self-pumping
They offer all the advantages - Aeration free
of the standard UHS range
- No bypassing
but incorporate a unique and
innovative “pumping rotor” - Interchangeable workheads
design which substantially - Vertical or self-draining
increases the mixer’s self- tangential outlet
pumping capacity.
- Designed for Cleaning-In-Place
This high flow rate is maintained
Typical Applications
as viscosity rises, eliminating
High Viscosity In-Line mixers are
the need for an additional feed
ideal for applications in the Food,
pump when processing many
Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and
higher viscosity products in the
Chemical industries, including
food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic
preparation of Gels, Creams,
and chemical industries.
Gums & Thickeners, etc.

In-Line Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
General duty In-Line mixers
Silverson offers a range of In-Line Optional features Typical Applications
mixers suitable for hazardous - Jacketed units for temperature Bitumens, Edible oil refining,
and aggressive chemical service. sensitive products. Drilling muds, Adhesives,
These units are of robust and Luboils, Pigment dispersions,
- Non-standard materials of
simple construction, which Titanium dioxide, etc.
construction such as hastelloy,
ensures that maintenance is
titanium and hardened steels
easy and downtime minimal.
for processing highly abrasive
With some of the highest rotor or corrosive products.
tip speeds and shear rates in
- High capacity units with
the industry, production times
self-pumping capacities
can be cut by up to 90%,
from 5 up to 50,000 gallons
reducing mechanical wear and
per hour.
maintenance requirements,
while offering better particle size
reduction, emulsification, rapid
solubilization and dispersion.

Technical specifications
Materials of construction
Product contact parts in 316L
Stainless Steel. Special materials
on request.

TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan
General purpose General purpose disintegrating head,
Cooled) washdown duty and
disintegrating head multistage inner and outer
NEMA explosion proof rated
motors are available as standard.
Inverter rated, stainless steel and
other motors are available as
optional extras.

Operating pressures
All Sanitary Multipurpose models
are designed for operation on
Slotted Slotted disintegrating head,
pressures of up to 150 psi
disintegrating head multistage inner and outer
(10 bar). General Duty models
100 psi (7 bar). Higher pressure
units are available on request.

Inlet and outlet

Tri-Clamp or ASA 150 flanges
are available as standard. ISS,
DIN, RJT and SMS are available
on request. Square hole high Combined configuration: inner
shear screen™ general purpose with outer slotted
Interchangeable disintegrating head
Single stage rotor/stator
configurations as standard.
For those applications
which require greater shear,
interchangeable multistage
configurations can be used.
Emulsor screen Combined configuration: inner
slotted with outer square hole
high shear screen™

In-Line Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
How to use In-Line mixers
Recirculation method
This is the most common Additional fluid ingredients
way of using an In-Line mixer, can be fed into the workhead
providing a higher degree of and uniformly mixed before
homogenization and particle entering the vessel.
size reduction. Here product
Where quality assurance (QA)
is drawn from the bottom of
demands a set number of
the vessel, processed through
passes through the rotor/stator
the high shear rotor/stator
workhead, product can be
workhead and passed back
passed back and forth between
into the top of the vessel.
two separate vessels.
In small vessels this will ensure
adequate in-tank movement
but in larger vessels an auxiliary
in-tank mixer or agitator will
be required.

Single pass method

There are basically three types can be obtained by a single
of operations for which single pass through the In-Line mixer,
pass processing can be used. it is possible to achieve the
required results by using two or
Continuous blending
more machines in series.
Ingredients are metered into the
mixer or a manifold just prior Premix method
to the rotor/stator workhead. The ingredients are coarsely
This ensures that products premixed in a holding vessel
that react together are mixed with a Silverson Batch
immediately on contact. This mixer, Ultramix or a simple
method is ideal for continuous agitator. A single pass through
liquid/liquid blending and for the In-Line mixer will then
products where aeration must ensure an agglomerate-free
be avoided, i.e. detergents. homogeneous product.
All the product must pass
Series processing
through the In-Line mixer’s
In cases where a higher
rotor/stator workhead as
degree of homogenization or
bypassing is impossible.
comminution is required than

Silverson powder/liquid mixers
Silverson has over 60 years’ Repeatability
experience in powder/liquid Most problems that occur when
mixing and offers mixers for a adding powders into liquids are
wide range of materials and typically due to operator error -
batch sizes. for example adding powders too
quickly. With a Silverson mixer
The new Flashmix is a modular the machine dictates the powder
unit that provides a simple, addition rate, so repeatability
effective and sanitary means is assured and a consistent
of incorporating powders into homogeneous product will be
liquids, even at higher viscosities produced time after time.
and at elevated temperatures.
The Flashblend is a semi- Powder incorporation rates of
automated system designed up to 500 lbs/min substantially
for bulk powder dispersion and reduce process times compared
ultra-sanitary applications. with conventional methods
of powder dispersion.
The Silverson approach to
powder/liquid mixing offers a Minimum aeration
Careful attention to design
number of advantages:
and the speed of powder
incorporation ensures that
aeration is kept to an absolute
minimum. Ideal even for products
that tend to foam or aerate easily.

Improved vessel
Powder is fully dispersed before
it enters the mixing vessel,
preventing the build-up of partially
hydrated powder on the vessel
wall that can be encountered
when using an in-tank agitator or
mixer to disperse powders.

Powder/Liquid Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Typical powder dispersion applications
Food industry: Pharmaceuticals Beverage and
Gum dispersions: Xanthan, Tablet coatings: Polymer brewing:
Guar, Acacia, etc. dispersions Soft drinks: CMC, Pectin, etc.
Sugar solutions Contact lens solutions: Beer: Head retaining agents,
Ice cream: Milk powder, Sugar, Thickening agents, Salts, etc. Finings
Cocoa, Stabilizers, etc. Nutrient broths and media: Cream liqueurs: Caseinates,
Yogurt: Milk powder, Sugar, Yeast extracts, Proteins, Sugars, Sugar
Pectin, Gelatin, etc. Minerals, etc. Chemical and
Baby milk: Skimmed milk Syrups and linctus: Sugar, petrochemical:
powder, Lactose, Soya protein, Thickening Agents, Active Fumed silicas into oils, Resins
Maltodextrin, Fat ingredients and water
Flavored milk drinks: Milk Oral suspensions: Thickening Specialty chemicals:
powder, Cocoa, Chocolate agents, Active ingredients Crystalline powders into solvents
crumb, etc. Cosmetics and Drilling muds: Continuous
Soups: Starch, Milk powder, toiletries: production of Bentonite muds
Powdered cream, etc. Carbopol dispersions Oil Blending: Incorporation of
Sauces and dressings: Starch, Hair gels: Carbopol lime, etc.
Xanthan gum, Guar gum, Hairsprays and mousses:
Alginates, CMCs, etc. Agrochemicals:
Resin into alcohol Suspending agents: Bentonite,
Flavorings: Acacia gum Shampoos: Sodium Laureth Xanthan gum, etc.
Low fat spreads: Caseinates, Sulphate (SLES) into water Dispersion of active
Gelatine, Starch, etc. Deodorants: CMC, Active ingredients
Standardization of milk: Milk ingredients
powder, Lactose Dental adhesives: Polymer
Sweetened condensed milk: dispersions
Sugar, Milk powder
Jams and preserves: Pectin
Pet foods: Starch, Guar gum,
Xanthan gum, Alginates

Flashmix powder/liquid
mixing system
The new Silverson Flashmix volumes of powders, it means Advantages
takes a revolutionary approach it can be used at higher
- Fast powder incorporation
to powder/liquid mixing. Unlike temperatures and with higher
rates of up to 500 lbs/min.
many powder/liquid mixers, viscosity mixes - offering the
which use vacuum to pull in advantages of high shear - Agglomerate-free, consistent
powders, the Flashmix literally mixing to a wide range of product, time after time.
forces powder into the liquid applications that were
- Suitable for operation at
stream. This not only allows it previously not possible.
higher temperature.
to disperse and hydrate large
- Suitable for higher
concentrations of gums and

- Minimum aeration.

- Sanitary - the Flashmix is

based on an EHEDG and 3-A
Certified sanitary mixer.

- Modular construction with

a range of options to suit

- Low power requirement; no

additional pump required.

- Low level, ergonomic design.

- Simple - the Flashmix is easy

to install, easy to operate and
easy to clean.


Powder/Liquid Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Flashmix operating principle
The Silverson Flashmix offers Stage 1
a unique method of incorporating The self-pumping Flashmix
powders into liquids, producing recirculates liquid from the
an agglomerate-free and process vessel through the rotor/
homogeneous product: stator workhead at high velocity.

Stage 2
The powder feed valve is
opened, and the high pumping
action of the mixer forces the
powder into the liquid stream.

Stage 3
The powder and liquid
components are introduced
straight into the high shear
zone of the mixer, and are
instantaneously combined as
they are subjected to intense
mechanical and hydraulic shear.
The resultant mix is pumped
back into the vessel.

Flashmix operation and
The Flashmix is designed for
use in a recirculation system
as shown. Powder is rapidly
incoprporated by the self-
pumping Flashmix, and a brief
period of recirculation results
in an agglommerate-free,
homogeneous dispersion.

An auxiliary in-tank mixer or

agitator will normally be required
to maintain uniformity in the
process vessel.

Typical liquid flow and powder
incorporation rates are given in
the table.

Typical powder incorporation rate (lbs/min)

Model Liquid flow rate
(gallons/min) Gums &
Milk proteins Sugars
FMX25 120 25 90 40
FMX50 230 48 255 80
FMX75 375 165 460 380

Figures given are based on repeated practical testing and represent typical values for guidance only.

Powder/Liquid Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Technical specifications
and options
Materials of Sack Table
Construction A stainless steel sack table
All product contact parts are is available for FMX25 and
in 316L stainless steel. The FMX50.
chassis is constructed from 304 Automation
stainless steel. As an optional extra the Flashmix
Motor specifications can be supplied with pneumatic
TEFV (Totally Enclosed Fan valves coupled to a powder
Ventilated) motors are available sensor for semi-automatic
FMX25 with 1.4 cu ft hopper
as standard. Other types of processes. and manual valve
motor and enclosures are
available as options.

Inlet and outlet

Tri-clamp fittings are standard.
Other fittings on request.

Hygienic single mechanical
shaft seals are standard. Double
mechanical shaft seals available.
FMX50 with 3.5 cu ft hopper and manual valve
Manual butterfly valves
are standard.
Designed for Cleaning-
In-Place (CIP).

Various hoppers are available
according to model and
application, including profiled
hopper for minimal aeration.

FMX75 with 10.6 cu ft hopper, pneumatic valve and powder sensor

Flashblend powder/liquid
mixing system
The Silverson Flashblend is Advantages
designed to incorporate large - Suitable for large
volumes of powders on a scale production.
continuous and semi-continuous
- Can be incorporated into
basis, at rates of up to 500
automated systems.
lbs/min. The semi-automated
system can be specified for - Fully sterilizable units
ultra-sanitary applications and available.
custom built to suit clients’ - Can be customized to
specific requirements There are suit client requirements.
over 500 Flashblend systems
- Agglomerate-free product.
in use worldwide throughout all
sectors of the process industry. - Repeatability.

- Speed.

- Minimum aeration.

- Improved vessel hygiene.

Powder/Liquid Mixers
The first name in high shear mixers
Flashblend operating sequence
Liquid is forced through the
system by the pump (1). The
liquid flow through the venturi
assembly (2) creates a vacuum,
boosted by the pumping action 4
of the Silverson In-Line mixer
(3). When powder is present
in the hopper (4), the valve (5)
can be opened and powder is 5
drawn down into the venturi by
the vacuum. 7

The powder/liquid mix immediately 1 8 2 3

passes into the high shear rotor/
stator assembly of the Silverson
In-Line mixer, ensuring a finely the valve, minimizing aeration. venturi housing, keeping the area
dispersed and agglomerate-free When the powder sensor closes free of any buildup of partially
mixture. The resultant product is the powder feed valve, product hydrated powder.
passed back to the process flow can be diverted round The bypass position is also
vessel by the pumping action of a bypass line (7) by the used for Cleaning-In-Place (CIP),
the machine. divertor valve (8). ensuring that the venturi area is
Once the hopper is empty, the The high flowrate in this mode cleaned to as high a standard
sensor (6) will automatically shut ensures a scouring action of the as normal sanitary piping.

Technical Specifications
Materials of Motor specifications Inlet and outlet
Construction TEFC, washdown duty and connections
All product contact parts are explosion proof motors are 2” Tri-clamp fitting as standard.
in 316L stainless steel. The available as standard. Inverter Other fittings on request.
chassis is constructed from 304 rated, stainless steel and Cleaning
stainless steel. other motors are available as Designed for Cleaning-In-Place
Sealing optional extras. (CIP). Sterilize-In-Place (SIP)
Sanitary single mechanical ATEX and Cleanroom standards
shaft sealing is standard. Units suitable for use in Zone 22 are available.
Double mechanical shaft seals areas are available.
are available.

Bottom Entry mixers
Silverson’s sanitary series of High
Shear Bottom Entry mixers are
designed to fit into the bottom or
side of a mixing vessel. These
high shear mixers are typically
used in conjunction with a
slow speed anchor stirrer or
scraper unit for high viscosity
products. The Silverson Bottom
Entry mixer gives high shear
homogenization, while the
stirrer/scraper distributes the
homogenized output uniformly
through the vessel. This is
ideal for high viscosity
cosmetic, pharmaceutical
and food products.

Bottom Entry mixers can also

be used by themselves on low
viscosity products and to wet
out powders.

Silverson Bottom Entry mixers

offer full compliance with USDA
and cGMP requirements.

Bottom Entry Mixers

The first name in high shear mixers
Technical specifications
Materials of Cleaning
construction Clean-In-Place (CIP)
All wetted parts are in 316L design. Simple, easy-to-
stainless steel. Special materials clean construction.
on request. Electropolished finish Operating pressures
is available as an optional extra. All standard models are
Motor specifications designed for operation on General purpose
TEFC, washdown duty and pressures not in excess of 40 psi disintegrating head
explosion proof motors are (2.8 bar). High-pressure units are
available as standard. Inverter available upon request.
rated, stainless steel and other
Ultra sanitary
motors are available as optional model available with
extras. Electrical switchgear or features including:
wiring is not supplied.
- Crevice-free construction.
Mounting - Sanitary metal bellows
Stainless steel flange fitting shaft seal. Slotted
is available as standard. - Electropolished finish. disintegrating head
Clamp-on fitting is optional
for smaller machines.

Single mechanical shaft sealing:
A single carbon/ceramic
mechanical shaft seal with viton
elastomers is standard. Other
face materials and elastomers Square hole high
are available as optional extras. shear screen™

Double mechanical shaft

sealing: These are required
when processing products
that are abrasive, sticky or
viscous or when the system
is under vacuum.

Sealant flushing systems can be

supplied as optional extras. Emulsor screen

Disintegrator 2500
If you thought it couldn’t be done The D2500 incorporates a matter what the size. These
think again. Silverson’s mighty powerful and unique Silverson solids are literally ripped apart
Disintegrator mixing system mixer located in the bottom and dispersed throughout the
will disintegrate, solubilize or of a custom-built vessel. The mix, and with the refinement
disperse the largest of solids - mixer exerts a massive suction of a Silverson In-Line mixer,
up to 40” (1000mm) across - downwards from the surface included in the system, are totally
in a single operation and in times of the liquid, pulling down even solubilized or suspended.
you wouldn’t believe! the most buoyant of solids, no

Disintegrator 2500
The first name in high shear mixers
How the D2500 works
The D2500 is a self-contained, high-powered unit consisting of a
specially designed Silverson high shear rotor/stator disintegrating
workhead set into a custom-built vessel coupled with a Silverson
High Shear In-Line mixer.

Stage 1
The unit is charged with liquid and started. Large solids are fed into
the vessel and drawn down into the workhead, which will rapidly
shear lumps and slices off the edges and corners. These will be OUTLET

drawn into the interior of the workhead, driven by centrifugal force to

the periphery and further sheared by the rotor tips against the edges
of the stator as they are expelled radially from the head.
Stage 2
Rapid fragmentation of the large solids continues until all the
particles are small enough to be drawn into the workhead for
further disintegration. Materials are discharged horizontally from the
workhead and forced up the vessel’s walls, drawn into the center
vortex and repeatedly through the workhead for final disintegration.

This cycle continues until all solids are reduced to granular size.

Stage 3
Once the solids are down to granular size, the self-pumping Silverson
In-Line mixer is started. The product is drawn from the bottom of the
vessel, processed through the In-Line mixer’s high shear rotor/stator
workhead and passed back into the top of the vessel, ensuring
complete solution or suspension.

Stage 4
Samples may be taken off at any time during the process. When OUTLET

inspection shows that all solids are completely dissolved or

suspended, any additives or final additions of solvent to standardize
the product may be introduced either into the vessel or into the In-
Line mixer loop.

As soon as the product passes inspection and quality control, the

vessel may be emptied either through the Silverson In-Line mixer or a
separate self-draining outlet.


Size and shape of product Typical Applications
is inconsequential. The - Rapid solution of rubbers
Disintegrator 2500 can take and polymers into lubricating
odd shapes and the largest oils, solvents and bitumen
sized polymer bales for the production of VM luboils,
commercially produced. adhesives and polymer modified
- No need for pre-grinding, bitumen for road surfacing
slicing or cutting of large solids. - Dispersion of filter cakes.
All solids are dissolved in
- Disintegration of solid blocks
one vessel.
of cheese, butter, compressed
- Elimination of additional raisins & dried fruit, oleoresins
equipment such as grinders or and frozen meat.
choppers reduces maintenance
- Disintegration and dispersion of
costs and dust emissions.
animal and vegetable matter.
- Puts products into complete
- Wet crumbing of waste rubber.
solution or suspension without
leaving undesired particles on - Disintegration of solid gums,
vessel walls. resins and varnishes.

- Can handle poly-wrapped - Recovery of waste confectionery.

bales without prior removal of
wrapper, eliminating the need
for cutting and excess waste.

Disintegrator 2500
The first name in high shear mixers
Further information is a Mixing info can be accessed
multilingual hub for information quickly and in 15 languages—
about high shear mixing Arabic, Chinese, English (U.K./
and Silverson precision- U.S.), French, German, Italian,
engineered mixers. Japanese, Korean, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
The mobile-friendly site offers
Thai and Turkish.
product and process specs,
plus videos demonstrating the
effectiveness of high shear
mixing. Site visitors can also
find application reports,
scale-up material, get mixing
tips and ask Silverson experts
mixing questions.

United States
Silverson Machines, Inc.
355 Chestnut Street
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Tel: (413) 525-4825
Fax: (413) 525-5804
Email: [email protected]

United Kingdom
Corporate Headquarters
Silverson Machines Ltd.
Waterside, Chesham
Buckinghamshire HP5 1PQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1494 786331
Fax: +44 (0) 1494 791452
Email: [email protected]

Silverson France
12 Boulevard Louise Michel
Tel: +33 (0) 1 60 77 91 92
Fax: +33 (0) 1 60 77 81 88
Email: [email protected]

Silverson Nippon Limited
Onohara Higashi 4-22-3
Mino 562-0031
Tel: +81-72-734-8003
Fax: +81-72-734-8004
Email: [email protected]

Silverson can be found on the World Wide Web at

Silverson® is a registered trademark of Silverson Machines.
Square Hole High Shear Screen™ is a trademark of Silverson Machines.
Patent Pending.

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