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For over 50 years Silverson has

specialised in the manufacture of quality

High Shear Mixers for processing and

manufacturing industries worldwide.

With customers in over 140 countries and

serving industries as diverse as food,

pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals,

luboils and petrochemicals, Silverson has

become a world leader in the field of High

Shear Mixing. Time and again companies

specify Silverson Mixers as the “standard”

equipment for their manufacturing


A truly international company, Silverson is

represented by a network of associated

companies, distributors and agents in

over 40 countries, serving North

America, Europe, Asia, Australasia,

South America and Africa.

The Silverson Advantage
 SPEED The exceptionally rapid
Silverson mixing action substantially
reduces process times compared with
conventional agitators and mixers
and can reduce mixing times by up to

 VERSATILITY The advantage of

the Silverson approach to mixing is
that any one machine can perform
the duties that in the past may have
required several different pieces of
process equipment.

Unrivalled versatility allows any

machine to be adapted to perform the
widest range of mixing applications -
mixing, emulsifying, homogenising,
disintegrating, dissolving, dispersing,
blending, particle size reduction and


Silverson In-Line mixer and the
associated vessel and pipework form
a closed system, the mixing process
is completely aeration free. This is
particularly important for applications
where air entrainment creates a

 SELF-PUMPING Silverson In-Line mixers provide a high volume centrifugal

pumping action which, in most cases, will be sufficient for the process
requirements without the need for auxiliary pumps.

If, due to viscosity, vertical head or pipeline losses, the In-Line mixer’s output falls
below the required figure, it may be supplemented by the insertion of an auxiliary
pump into the system without reducing the efficiency of the mixer.

 GUARANTEED EFFICIENCY The Silverson In-Line mixer design makes it

physically impossible for any materials - liquid or solid - to pass from the inlet to
the outlet without being subjected to intense mechanical and hydraulic shear as
they pass through the rotor/stator workhead. Bypassing is impossible.

 LOWER POWER REQUIREMENTS As the Silverson In-Line mixer’s energy is

concentrated on processing the small volume of material inside the workhead at any
given moment, power is not wasted moving large volumes of liquid and consequently
less power is normally required than for the equivalent batch mixer. This is
particularly beneficial when processing large volumes of material.

 INCREASING EXISTING PRODUCTION Where existing agitators and

conventional mixers are being used, the addition of a Silverson In-Line mixer will greatly
reduce the process time, whilst at the same time improving product uniformity. Easily
installed, Silverson In-Line mixers can substantially increase existing production with a
minimum of capital investment by saving the need for additional mixing vessels, pipework
and auxiliary equipment.
What will the Silverson do?
 BLENDING In blending liquids of
similar or greatly varying viscosities, the
unique Silverson mixing action can
rapidly produce a guaranteed
homogeneous product, normally in a
single pass.

HOMOGENISING The special high
shear rotor/stator design means that
emulsions (typically in the range of 0.5
to 5 microns) can be easily achieved, in
many cases dispensing with the need
for more costly and complicated
equipment such as high pressure


mixers are able to disintegrate matter of
animal, vegetable, mineral or synthetic
origin in a single operation.

 PARTICLE SIZE REDUCTION For particle size reduction, the high shear
rotor/stator action will ensure the rapid and uniform milling of both solid and semi-solid
materials into either solution or fine suspension. The degree of size reduction will
always depend on the hardness or toughness of the product but in many applications
the use of a Silverson will dispense with the need for conventional size reduction
equipment, such as dispersers/cavitation mixers, grinders and mills and at a fraction of
the cost.

 GELLING AND SOLUBILISING The solution of gums, alginates, C.M.C.,

carbopols, etc., can be a slow and difficult process if a conventional agitator or mixer is
used. Agglomerates frequently form and these can only be removed slowly by the washing
action of the agitator.

The addition of a Silverson In-Line mixer to the system however will greatly reduce the
process time and improve the product product quality and uniformity.

 DE-AGGLOMERATION The Silverson rotor/stator workhead rapidly disintegrates and

disperses agglomerates to give a totally uniform and homogeneous mix.

Silverson Service
Silverson has been the leader in High Shear Mixing technology for over 50 years and has built up a
detailed and extensive knowledge of mixing process requirements. This accumulated knowledge
enables our technical staff and sales representatives to clearly identify a client’s needs and
recommend the type of mixer most suited to provide an efficient and economical solution.


Available for the use of all clients, Silverson
maintains a dedicated test facility equipped with a wide
range of laboratory and production scale machines.
Here customers may test new
products and discuss their applications with our
technical staff. If preferred, Silverson mixers can be
provided for on-site trials at the customer’s own
premises to allow evaluation when operating under
actual production conditions.

Increasingly today’s process manufacturers require
equipment to be designed to meet their own particular
needs. Silverson, working in close co-operation with the
customer, has a positive approach and flexibility which
allows custom designed and built mixers specifically
suited to the individual user’s requirements.

 WORLDWIDE SUPPORT A truly international

company, Silverson is represented by a network of
associated companies, distributors and agents in over
40 countries, serving Europe, North America, Asia,
Australasia, South America and Africa.

 INSTALLATION Silverson offers expert advice on the installation of their equipment

and, if required, our local technical staff can assist and supervise the installation and
start up.

 AFTER SALES SERVICE With over 50 years of experience Silverson realises the
importance their customers place on reliable and rapid back-up service.

Our large stock of manufactured parts enables us to despatch most standard spares the same
day they are ordered.

How the Silverson Works
The high speed rotation of the
1. rotor blades within the
precision machined mixing
workhead exerts a powerful
suction, drawing liquid and
solid materials into the
rotor/stator assembly.

2. Centrifugal force then drives

materials towards the periphery
of the workhead where they are
subjected to a milling action in
the precision machined
clearance between the ends of
the rotor blades and the inner
wall of the stator.

3. This is followed by intense

hydraulic shear as the materials
are forced, at high velocity, out
through the perforations in the
stator, then through the
machine outlet and along the
pipework. At the same time,
fresh materials are continually
drawn into the workhead,
maintaining the mixing and
pumping cycle.

How to Use the
In-Line Mixer
Single Pass Method
There are basically three types of operation for which single pass processing can successfully
be used.


ingredients are metered into the mixer or a
manifold just prior to the rotor/stator
workhead. This will ensure that products
that react together are mixed immediately
on contact. This method is ideal for
continuous liquid/liquid blending and for
products where aeration must be avoided,
e.g. detergents.

 SERIES PROCESSING In certain cases where a higher degree of homogenisation

or comminution is required than can be obtained by a single pass through the In-Line
mixer, it is possible to achieve the required results by using two or more machines in

 PRE-MIX METHOD The ingredients are coarsely pre-mixed in a holding vessel

with a Silverson batch mixer or a simple agitator. A single pass through the In-Line
mixer will then ensure an agglomerate free homogeneous product. All the product must
pass through the In-Line mixer’s rotor/stator workhead as by-passing is impossible.

Recirculation Method
Where a higher degree of homogenisation,
emulsification or particle size reduction is
required, a recirculation method is
recommended. Here product is drawn from
the bottom of the vessel, processed
through the high shear rotor/stator
workhead and passed back into the top of
the vessel.

In small vessels this will ensure adequate

in-tank movement but in larger vessels an
auxiliary in-tank mixer or agitator will be

Additional fluid ingredients can be fed into

the inlet pipeline and will be drawn
immediately into the workhead and
uniformly mixed before entering the vessel.

Where quality assurance (QA) demands a

set number of passes through the
rotor/stator workhead the product can be
passed back and forth between two
separate vessels.

Technical Specification
Unless otherwise stated, all product
contact parts are constructed in Grade
316 Stainless Steel. Where required,
machines can be constructed in non-
standard materials, such as carbon steel
or Hastelloy.

 MOTORS The standard range of

motors available includes:
TEFV: Totally Enclosed Fan Ventilated.
ExN T3: Non-sparking
EExd: Flameproof
Groups 2A, 2B, T1 - T4
IP55 Weatherproof/Hoseproof enclosure is standard for all motors. Other types of
enclosures and standards i.e. C.S.A., U.L., or P.T.B. certified are available on request.

 OPERATING PRESSURES All standard models are designed for operation on

pressures not in excess of 40 psi (2.8 bar). These models can also be supplied with
pressure ratings of 100 psi (7 bar) and 200 psi (14 bar). High pressure units, i.e. rated
over 200p psi (14 bar) are available on request.

 INLET AND OUTLET CONNECTIONS All standard sanitary screw or flange

fittings are available on request (e.g. ISS, DIN, RJT, SMS, ASA, Tri-clamp etc.).

 CLEANING Silverson In-Line mixers are designed for cleaning in place (CIP), a
short run between successive operations in water, detergent or an appropriate solvent
being all that is required. If manual cleaning is necessary, dismantling is easy and
downtime minimal.

Single Mechanical Shaft sealing
The In-Line mixer shaft is normally sealed by a single mechanical shaft seal with
carbon versus ceramic faces and viton elastomers. Other elastomers and PTFE
are available as optional extras.

Tungsten carbide versus silicon carbide hard faces are recommended when
processing mildly abrasive products.

Double Mechanical Shaft sealing

Double mechanical shaft seals are required when processing products that are
abrasive, sticky or viscous or when the system is under vacuum.

The seals are mounted back to back in a chamber which must be flushed with a
compatible non-flammable fluid at a pressure not less than 15 psi (1 bar) in excess
of pressure in the system. This type of arrangement is suitable for operation under
positive pressure, atmospheric pressure and vacuum. Sealant flushing systems
can be supplied as an optional extra.
Interchangeable Heads
and Screens A comprehensive range of workheads and
screens is available for all Silverson high
shear mixers. These easily interchangeable
workheads offer great versatility by allowing any machine to be adapted to perform a wide range of
mixing operations including emulsifying, homogenising, disintegrating, dissolving, dispersing,
blending, particle size reduction and de-agglomerating. Changing from one head or screen to
another is quick and simple.


Used for a wide range of applications, this The configuration and fine internal
head will give the greatest throughput. tolerances of this stator provide
Suitable for the blending of liquids of similar exceptionally high shear rates which are
or greatly varying viscosities, its uses also ideal for the rapid size reduction of
include the disintegration of solid and semi- soluble and insoluble granular solids. It is
solid materials. also suitable for the preparation of
emulsions, gels and thickeners and fine
colloidal suspensions.


For the disintegration of fibrous materials These screens are suitable for liquid/liquid
such as animal and vegetable tissue, as preparations and are especially useful for
well as the disintegration and solubilisation all emulsions. Emulsor screens are
of “elastic” materials such as rubbers and available in fine, medium or coarse
polymers. perforations

Standard Multi-purpose
In-Line Mixers The Silverson “standard” series of
multi-purpose In-Line mixers are
able to perform the widest variety of
applications - mixing, emulsifying,
homogenising, disintegrating and
dissolving - with an efficiency and
flexibility unmatched by other
Each machine employs the special
“Interchangeable” Silverson
Rotor/Stator Mixing Head, which
allows it to be used on a wide
variety of different products, while
the robust and simple construction
ensures that cleaning and
maintenance are kept to an
absolute minimum.

WORKHEADS Interchangeable
workheads are available to adapt
the machine for varying processes.
Changing from one head or screen
to another is quick and simple. See
page 9.

 NO BY-PASSING The In-Line mixer’s design makes it physically

impossible for any materials - liquid or solid - to pass from the inlet to the
outlet without being subjected to intense mechanical and hydraulic shear as it
passes through the rotor/stator workhead. By-passing is impossible.

 SELF PUMPING Silverson In-Line mixers provide a centrifugal pumping

action which, in many cases will be sufficient for the process flow requirements
without the need for auxiliary pumps.

 HYGIENIC CONSTRUCTION Designed to comply with FDA, 3A and

GMP standards, these machines are ideally suited for industries where
Cleaning In Place (CIP) procedures are the norm. Not only do these include
the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries but also more diverse
industries such as chemicals and paints where
modern manufacturing techniques and maximum
equipment utilisation require a rapid changeover from
one product to another.

The high standard of finish and crevice free

construction help set new standards in In-Line mixer

 EASY MAINTENANCE The robust and simple

construction ensures that maintenance is easy and
downtime minimal. Quick release nuts for the front cover
are available on request.

 VERTICAL IN-LINE Standard multi-purpose In-Line

mixers are also available in a vertical configuration. Their
construction allows additional inlets to be fitted where two or
more individual ingredients need to be fed into an In-Line
Standard Multi-purpose
In-Line Mixers
Silverson “standard” series of
multi-purpose High Shear In-
Line mixers are available in a
wide range of sizes with self-
pumping capacities from 15
litres up to 200,000 litres per

These high self-pumping

capacities can substantially
reduce existing mixing times
resulting in increased
production with a minimum of
capital investment by saving
on the need for additional
mixing vessels, piping and
auxiliary equipment.

In many cases a Silverson

In-Line mixer can be used to
replace an existing
centrifugal pump to provide
both processing and
pumping benefits.


The largest Silverson In-Line
mixers provide some of the
highest rotor tip speeds and
shear rates in the industry.

These high shear rates give

better particle size reduction,
emulsification, dissolving and
dispersion, in many cases
eliminating the need for more
expensive and complicated
equipment such as colloid
mills, high pressure
homogenisers and media

installed, any Silverson High
Shear In-Line mixer can
easily be used to mix two or
more individual process
vessels. Alternatively it can
be mounted on a mobile
base (see optional extras -
page 17) so it can be moved
from vessel to vessel.

In-Line Mixers
International Standards
and changing process
requirements mean
that today’s
biotechnology and food
companies are
demanding ever
increasing standards of
hygienic construction in
the process equipment

To meet future
demands Silverson has
developed a new Ultra-
Hygienic In-Line Mixer.

Designed to comply
with FDA, 3A, GMP
and EHEDG standards,
these machines are ideally suited for industries where advanced Clean-In-Place (CIP)
and Sterilise-In-Place (SIP) are required.

 DESIGN The UHLS Ultra-Hygienic In-Line Mixer series has all the qualities and
flexibility of the Silverson Standard Multi-Purpose series but incorporates many
additional features. These include:

- Self-draining bottom outlet

- Single piece inlet plate and stator
- Hygienic Metal Bellows shaft seal
- Electropolished finish to 0.5 µm Ra
- Crevice-free construction
- No metal-to-metal contact
- No castings - no porosity
- All 316L stainless steel construction of wetted parts
- Environmentally friendly - minimises cleaning materials

Stainless steel motors are available as an optional extra.

 INTERCHANGEABLE WORKHEADS Interchangeable workheads are available to

adapt the machine for varying purposes.

Separate stators and Inlet Mounting Plates are available for less stringent applications or to
suit individual customer preferences.

 REDUCED OPERATING COSTS The Ultra-Hygienic In-Line Mixer is designed for

Clean-In-Place (CIP)/Sterilise-In-Place (SIP). Its hygienic construction shortens the required
CIP/SIP cycle time and minimises the use of cleaning chemicals. In addition to this, the fact
that manual dismantling and cleaning is not required significantly reduces operating costs,
increases reliability and avoids accidental damage to the machine’s internal components.

In-Line Mixers
The Multi-stage In-
Line Mixer has been
developed for those
applications where a
higher degree of
shear is required
than is available from
the single stage
standard multi-
purpose In-Line

It differs from the

standard single stage
In-Line Mixer in that
its multi-toothed rotor
consists of two
concentric sets of
blades and teeth
running against two
separate stators.

 INTENSE SHEAR The Multi-stage In-Line’s design quadruples the number of

shearing actions per revolution of the rotor resulting in substantially faster mixing
times by reducing the number of recirculation passes required. The use of two
concentric stators and multi-toothed rotors also increases the number of products that
can be processed in a single pass.

As material passes through the Multi-stage workhead it is subjected to increasing rates

of shear. The inner rotor subjects the product to an initial mixing action, reducing the
size of large particles and producing a uniform pre-mix. The inner rotor also acts as the
prime mover for the product, forcing it into the outer multi-bladed rotor/stator assembly
where the greatly increased tip speeds and shear rates complete the mixing cycle by
producing a completely homogeneous product.

 STATOR SELECTION As with standard In-Line mixers, a complete range of

workheads and stator screens is available for the Multi-stage In-Line mixer. Using two
separate stators allows the user to optimise the mixer configurations to suit each individual

Multishear Mill
The Multishear Mill has been specifically
developed for those applications where a
higher degree of shear is required than is
available from the standard In-Line mixers.

It is designed to meet the requirement for a

high speed machine which eliminates, as
far as possible the need for conventional
media or colloid milling.

The Multishear Mill differs from the

standard In-Line mixer in that its rotor
consists of three or four sets of finely
machined teeth running against three or
four sets of stators.

This multistage rotor/stator workhead

provides intense high shear with a three
stage machine performing over 3 million
individual shearing actions per second and
a four stage machine over 5 million per

This high degree of shear eliminates the

need for conventional media milling, except
on the hardest of solids. However, even if
conventional milling is still needed, rapid
pre-milling by the Silverson Multishear Mill
will enable the product to be passed
through the conventional media mill at a
much faster rate. This is because most
media mills work best when fed with a
product of a uniform and low particle size.
The total process time therefore will still be
only a fraction of what would be needed by
conventional methods alone.

- Pigments
- Dyestuffs
- Presscakes
- Titanium dioxide
- Bone slurries etc.

Jacketed In-Line Mixer
This range of In-Line mixers has been
specifically developed for the
disintegration and solubilisation of
polymers into bitumen for the
production of modified bitumens.

 DESIGN The design is similar to the

standard multi-purpose In-Line mixers,
but the cylindrical body walls are
jacketed for oil heating. This ensures
that the product cannot cool and solidify
inside the machine.

When processing products that solidify

when cold it is essential to ensure
thorough heat saturation before start-
up. The design of these machines
ensures that heat can reach all areas
where residue may be present.

Sealing is by means of a
graphite/carbon fibre gland packing
which is designed for operation on bitumens.

Standard mechanical shaft seals are available according to the application on request.

As with all Silverson units, interchangeable stators are available to adapt the machine
for varying processes.

 MODIFIED BITUMEN PRODUCTION Polymers and rubbers such as SBS,

APP, PVC, EVA and Butyl are blended with bitumen primarily for use in the production
of road surfaces and roofing felts. These polymers modify the bitumen to improve its
physical stability, flexibility and resistance to extreme temperatures.

While some polymers dissolve readily, others such as SBS are more difficult to
dissolve/disperse, and require high shear to achieve a satisfactory mixing time.
Silverson Jacketed In-Line mixers are widely used for this purpose. The
bitumen/polymer mix is recycled through the Silverson In-Line mixer where the high
shear rotor/stator workhead rapidly disintegrates the polymer pieces. This high shear
action exposes constantly increasing areas of fresh polymer to the surrounding bitumen,
so reducing the process time.

- Polymer modified bitumen for the production of modified road bitumen and roofing felts.
- Bitumen emulsions
- Underseals and waterproofing compounds
- Bitumen cable insulation.

Diagrams and Dimensions
kW RPM A A B B C D E Outlet

275LS 1.5 3000 483 476 140 230 56 146 167 38

425LS 4 3000 641 651 189 289 79 197 225 50
450LS 7.5 3000 641 651 189 289 79 197 225 50
600LS 15 3000 841 841 239 316 84 235 284 75
700LS 37 3000 1135 1085 325 370 111 356 479 100

Dimensions of larger models available on request.

Capacities available on request


kW RPM A A B B C D E Outlet

275LS 1.5 3000 524 518 140 230 98 133 167 38

425LS 4 3000 692 702 189 289 129 181 225 50
450LS 7.5 3000 692 702 189 289 129 181 225 50
600LS 15 3000 911 911 239 316 156 213 284 75
700LS 37 3000 1227 1177 325 370 203 330 479 100

Dimensions of larger models available on request.

Capacities available on request


kW RPM A A B C D Outlet

275LV 1.5 3000 559 584 279 70 66 38

425LV 4 3000 673 724 406 76 98 50
450LV 7.5 3000 762 965 406 76 98 50
600LV 15 3000 1029 1067 610 108 133 75
Dimensions of larger models available on request.
Capacities available on request

All dimensions shown are in millimetres. The dimensions shown are approximate
only and certified diagrams should be used for installation purposes. Silverson
reserves the right to change dimensions and specifications without notice.
Motor Power Ratings and
Optional Extras
 MOTOR POWER RATINGS Motor power ratings in this brochure are based on
operation on 50 cycle electricity supply and on materials of viscosity of up to 10,000
centipoise and specific gravity up to 1.4. For operation on 60 cycle electricity supply
(because of the higher shaft speeds) and on materials of higher viscosity or specific
gravity higher power motors will be required.

If variable speed is particularly required it can be achieved by the separate

installation of a frequency inverter and these are available as an optional
extra on certain machines. Electrical switchgear is not supplied.


Hard Tipped Rotors Available as an optional extra for processing

abrasive products.

Autoclaving Quick release facilities may be incorporated to allow the mixer

to be detached from its motor to permit autoclaving.

Special Paint Finish Epoxy paint or other finishes on non-contact parts

are available if required.

Multiple Inlet Connections Additional inlet connections and special

manifolds are available for applications where two or more individual products
need to be fed into the In-Line mixer, or where product streams need to be
kept separate until they are processed.

Mobile Trolleys Mobile trolleys constructed in either 304 stainless steel or

mild steel with an epoxy paint finish are available for situations where the In-
Line mixer has to be moved from vessel to vessel.

Selecting the Correct

Although all Silverson In-Line mixers have an efficient non-positive pumping
action, it is important to remember that they are primarily mixers - not pumps.

The machine should be sized by the application and not the throughput. This is
particularly important if the product requires emulsification, homogenisation or
particle size reduction.

The size of machine required and its pumping efficiency will depend on the product
characteristics, especially viscosity and specific gravity, and the pipework layout.

Silverson’s technical staff have extensive knowledge of in-line mixing applications and
can offer expert advice in selecting the correct size machine. Their recommendations
can be confirmed by trials either at Silverson’s dedicated test facility or on-site.

Other Silverson Products
From small laboratory units to 8,000 gallon production scale machines, the Silverson
range offers consistently high quality equipment producing uniform and reliable results.

For everyday laboratory work Silverson offers a full range
of multi-purpose laboratory mixers with capacities from
1 ml to 12 litres.


This highly efficient range of mixers can dramatically
improve product quality and offers considerable
reductions in processing times. For increased flexibility,
small to medium scale machines can be used with a
mobile floor stand.

For high speed entraining and instant dispersion of powder into
liquid. Designed to produce a homogeneous agglomerate-free
solution/dispersion without entraining air, the Flashblend range
comprises units capable of incorporating up to 33,000 lbs/hour of

Designed to disintegrate and solubilise whole bales or
blocks of rubbers and polymers rapidly without the need
for any preliminary crumbling. Other uses include
disintegration of large solids in the food industry, dispersion
of filter cakes and disintegration of solid gums, resins and
varnishes, etc.

United Kingdom
Corporate Headquarters
Silverson Machines Ltd.
Waterside, Chesham
Buckinghamshire HP5 1PQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1494 786331
Fax: +44 (0) 1494 791452
Email: [email protected]

United States
Silverson Machines, Inc.
355 Chestnut Street
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Tel: +1 (413) 525-4825
Fax: +1 (413) 525-5804
Email: [email protected]

Silverson France
12 Boulevard Louise Michel
Tel: +33 (0) 1 60 77 91 92
Fax: +33 (0) 1 60 77 81 88
Email: [email protected]

Asia Pacific
Silverson Machines, Ltd.
70/72 Kian Teck Road
Singapore 628798
Tel: +65 626-21565
Fax: +65 638-80891
Email: [email protected]

Silverson can be found on the World Wide Web at www.silverson.com

Silverson® is a registered trademark of Silverson Machines.

Square Hole High Sheer Screen™ is a trademark of Silverson Machines.

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