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Example of A Board Game For Your Math Investigatory Project

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Mathflix: Probability Game in Enhancing Mathematical Adeptness

Math Investigatory Project


Kyle Abellano
Alyssa Monique Boyles
Christian Gregorio
John Aaron Go
Hans Toledo

Niño Salvan
Math Adviser

Nowadays, games have become one of the useful tools in training. Board game is one of
the teaching tool in increasing the student’s comprehension and understanding of the concepts
and strategies. Many instructors and teachers have chosen to use these types of game in order to
enhance the skills and understanding the concepts quickly, at the same time entertaining and
enjoyable for them. Mathematics is a subject that involves calculations. A lot of students hate
mathematics due to its difficulty in solving problems. The study aims to improve the student’s
ability to solve problems and to have fun while learning. In this method, the students will be
motivated to actually partake in mathematics-related activities.


In an era where many students are oriented towards game, it is the best opportunity to use
the game as a training tool. Board game is an important to provide hands-on and heads-on skill
and knowledge development for people on all subject and also very useful, effective and
enjoyable. Board games are played across a board by two or more players. It plays a crucial role
in children’s development and growth. In fact, board game is certainly not a new invention but it
provides playful and competitive environment where a student can learn from their mistakes due
to their weaknesses and failures in achieving the learning goals.
Board games are also an exercise that enables to understand the concepts and gives an
opportunity to deal the problems and challenges. Understanding the rules and the objectives of
the game will help to maximize the student learning outcome.


There are several topics that are involved in this study. The proponents decided to
include at least three topics that are being discussed in the Grade 10 curriculum such as
sequences, factoring algebraic expressions and plane coordinate geometry. With these topics, our
goal is to master these topics because these are mostly applied in every math problems and we
have noticed that most students aren’t familiar in these topics.
Since the proponents are already Grade 10 students, the topics that they conveyed are
topics that are being taught. The goal of this study is to be played by any age of the student and
the questions will depend on what topic the student wants to improve.


1. Determining the players of the game

- There are approximately 2-4 players that can participate in this game.
2. Determining the First player to roll the dice
- The pn layers should roll the dice and whoever gets the highest value will be the
first one to roll the dice and the least value will get the last turn. In short, there will
be a descending order for the turn taking. If an instance that there would be players
having the same value gets to reroll the dice.
3. Different colors of the tiles
- There are three colors of the tiles in the board game. The colors are green, yellow
and red. Color green indicates that the questions are easy and it can be solved
mentally. Color yellow indicates that the questions are moderate and it can be
solved using a scratch paper. Color red indicates that the questions are hard and it
can be solved with the use of scientific calculator.
4. Card drawing
- Every time a player steps on a colored tile, the player will draw a card according to
the color. The card contains a problem corresponding to the three difficulties of the
colored tile: yellow for easy, green for moderate and red for the hard problem. If the
player is able to solve the problem he/she will stay to his/her current position. If not,
the player gets to step two tiles backward and will spin the wheel of misfortune.
5. Two kinds of Roulette
- There are two kinds of roulette in the game. The first kind of roulette is called
‘Wheel of Fortune’ it means that the player will get a buff. What are the buffs that
the player will gain? The buffs that the player will gain are immunity from a trap,
the leading player will be freeze depending on how many turns will be indicated,
immunity from answering the card questions once, and also he/she will get extra
steps forward. The other type of roulette is called ‘Wheel of Misfortune’ it means
that there will be negative consequences. What are the negative consequences that
the player will face? The consequences that the player will get are dares from the
players. How does this work? Before the game starts, each player will write a dare
on a card and it will determine on the lottery what will the player will get if he/she
steps on the trap.

6. Special tiles
- There are two kinds of special tiles on the board game. The first special tile has a
question mark that determines a buff. If the player stops on this tile, he/she will spin
the wheel of fortune that determines what buff you will receive. Unlike the first
special tile, the second special tile is the opposite in which the player will get a
consequence. The player will spin the wheel of misfortune and receives a dare. It
will look like a tile that has a skull indicating a sign that there is negative
consequence that will happen.

7. Finishing point
- The first player gets to reach the endpoint is the concluded winner of the game. If
by chance, the player gets to roll a value higher than the number of tiles left to
finish the game gets to step backwards with the amount of spare steps. The player
should have the exact value and exact steps when reaching the endpoint.

1. Board Making
- For the base of the board game, the material that is utilized is a ¼ illustration board.
The color of the tiles and special tiles were randomly distributed. There are at least
85 tiles that are present on the board. The theme of the board will be revolving
around the four seasons.
2. Player’s piece
- The proponents decided that the piece that will be according to the four seasons of
the game, namely: winter, summer, spring, and fall.
3. Roulette
- The proponents will make two wheel roulettes in order to have a wheel of fortune
and wheel of misfortune. The roulettes will be made of white folder, bolt for the
spinning mechanism and a base with stand which is made of illustration board.
4. Card Making
- The paper that will be used is vellum board. The vellum board will be cut into
rectangular cards and will be colored with the corresponding difficulties: green,
yellow and red, with ascending difficulty from easy, green, and red, with ascending
difficulty from easy to hard.
5. Card and Wheel Placement
- The cards will be placed in to its own box and divided into three sections from
green, yellow and red. The wheels placement is located at the two corners of the
illustration board and it is decorated into wind mills to blend with the theme.


Player’s skill improvement in solving problems

The feeling of having fun will be achieved by the players in playing the game. They will
get to discover new things and improve their understanding regarding to topics involving
Improvement of strategic and critical thinking skills
While playing, the desires of the players in winning the game will oblige them to answer
the questions in the most strategic and critical way possible.
Develops sportsmanship and moral values
This game is not only for competition but develops relationship/friendship to the players,
bridging gaps and good sportsmanship. The bonding between the fellow players will lead to
proper understanding on both sides. This is only a game and it doesn’t affect your life but the
experience that you have gathered can be applied on actual situations.


This game enhances a student’s logical, critical, and a mathematically inclined mind
which in return would help in developing the society and country. This game could be selected
by the curriculum because it is the current trend of the society that is mostly focused on games.
This also will help them to socialize and form camaraderie.
The proponents recommend this board game to the instructors ad educators due to the fact
that it can help the student’s ability to learn. The board game is flexible because it is suitable for
any age of the student. It can be played by any grade levels because the only thing that changes
are the topics depending on what are discussed each grade levels.

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