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Latvia in Facts

International memberships: EU and NATO since 2004, WTO since 1998

Capital: Rīga

Other major cities: Daugavpils, Liepāja, Jelgava, Jūrmala, Ventspils

(as of 1st January, 2012): 2.0 million

Area: 64 559 km2

Language: Latvian (official);

Russian, English and German are also widely spoken

Currency: 1 ‘Lats’ (LVL) = 100 ‘santims’

Exchange rate: 1 LVL = 1.42 EUR (fixed rate as of January 1, 2005)

1 LVL = 1.98 USD (average in 2011)

GDP growth (2011): 5.5%

GDP in current prices (2011): EUR 20.312 billion

GDP per capita (2011): EUR 9,873

FDI stock (2011): EUR 9.360 billion

FDI stock per capita (2011): EUR 4,585

Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, Bank of Latvia

Food Industry in Latvia 3

Major Product Lines 6

Company Profiles 9
Meat Products 10
Fresh Meat 20
Dairy 23
Fish Products 32
Grain and Baked Goods 38
Processed Fruit and Vegetables 47
Confectionery 61
Beverages 67
Spirits 72
Eggs and Egg Products 78

Useful Addresses 80

Promotion of Entrepreneurship,
Investment and Foreign Trade 82

Representative Offices of Investment

and Development Agency of Latvia 83
Food processing is one of Latvia’s oldest and most This catalogue is intended to give potential customers
important industries. Combining the natural products and business partners an idea of the leading Latvian food
of one of Europe’s cleanest environments with modern processing companies, their production capabilities, and
manufacturing technologies enables us to produce the range of products they offer. The Investment and
delicious, safe, and healthy foods. Our food processing Development Agency of Latvia trusts that the catalogue
companies have developed and upgraded their will help you find reliable and lasting cooperation
production facilities to guarantee that our food products partners in Latvia. We will be glad to help both local and
are of a high, stable quality. Their safety is ensured by foreign entrepreneurs adapt to the evolving economic
international standards such as ISO, HACCP, IFS, and BRC, situation, allowing them to benefit from all that Latvia has
as well as eco- and bio-certificates. Latvia’s government, to offer.
in close cooperation with the European Union, makes
sure that all quality standards are met and consumers can
enjoy their meals.

18% of Latvia’s territory is arable land. Most ingredients

are locally grown, which means our companies can easily
track quality from field to table. Our eastern neighbours
have always considered Latvia a part of Western Europe,
whereas western countries see us as an entry point to
eastern markets, which means our culture has been
influenced by both points of the compass. This truly helps
us understand both cultures and cuisines, and we are
justly proud that these diverse influences are present in
our high-quality products.

If you asked me to sum up Latvians in one word, I would

say: meticulous. But because of this self-inflicted
fastidiousness, we often make things hard for ourselves,
as we feel the need to be the best at everything we do.
In the end, however, we can always be proud of what
we have achieved. Our food producers are no exception.
Only high-quality products are sold in the market, only
the finest packaging materials are used, and only the
best prices are offered. It follows that our products have
achieved awareness and recognition globally through
their high quality and great taste.

Andris Ozols
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Food Industry in Latvia
Throughout their long history, Latvians have always Share of Food and Beverage Sector Turnover, 2011
been a nation of skilled farmers and livestock keepers for
whom the rhythms of life were dictated by the changing Meat
seasons and daily farm chores. The country’s proximity
to the sea created a climate and conditions favorable Other
for farming and motivated coastal dwellers to become
excellent fishermen.

Today, Latvia is one of the greenest countries in the world Dairy

(according to the influential Environmental Performance
Index, published by Yale and Columbia Universities in
Fruit and
2012). Milk from Vidzeme dairy farms, fresh meat from vegetables
Latgale and Kurzeme, fresh fish from the Baltic Sea, grain 3%
from Latvia’s granaries in Zemgale, berries, fruits, and 10%
vegetables from our forests, market gardens, and fields – 18%
taken together, these ingredients guarantee our high-
quality natural products. Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

Latvia’s food producers have embraced the challenge of

meeting the demand for food that is fresh and natural, Food and Beverage Output, billion of EUR
while taking advantage of modern technologies to
ensure consistency, availability, and safety.
The food and beverage industry is the largest industrial 1.4
sector in Latvia, producing around 22% of the value 1.2
added in manufacturing in 2011. More than 780
companies and registered private merchants are active in 0.6
the food processing industry. 0.4

Each year more than 100 food specialists graduate from 0.0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
colleges and universities in Latvia, supplying our food
processing companies with a highly qualified workforce. Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

In 2011, 22% of all the people employed in manufacturing As shown in this graphic, Latvia’s food sector has enjoyed
worked in the food industry. steady and stable growth over an extended period.
However, the global financial crisis was also felt in the
• Sector output in 2011 – EUR 1.6 billion food industry, which clearly affected industry output in
• Export proportion of total sector’s turnover 2009. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the industry has
in 2011 – 27% overcome these difficulties and changed its focus to
more actively developing export markets, which allowed
the industry not only to maintain stable output, but also
to increase output almost to the levels of 2007.

DAIRY As Latvia has rich supplies of such high-quality
berries as sea buckthorn, blueberries, and cranberries,
Dairy farming is one of the oldest and largest agricultural entrepreneurs produce juice from local raw materials and
sectors in Latvia, rich in traditions. In 2011, the dairy export it to neighboring markets.
sector’s output totaled around EUR 325 million. In 2011,
dairy sector exports reached EUR 80 million. In terms
of products, traditional wisdom and recipes have been FISH PROCESSING
collected and adjusted to innovative technologies. High-
quality raw materials and the creativity and great care of The long, sandy beaches along the Baltic Sea are a clear
our specialists have allowed us to offer our consumers indicator that this is a land of fishermen. Latvia’s fish
original, wholesome products of high quality. processing plants combine considerable experience,
long traditions, and modern technological equipment.
Dairy processing companies produce a wide range of Professional fish-processing technologists develop new
products: cheese, butter, yoghurts, milk, kefir, sour cream, and improve traditional recipes to please customers. In
ice cream, etc. Since the 1930s, Latvia’s butter has been 2011, the sector’s output reached EUR 160 million.
internationally recognized for having exceptional quality.
In addition to offering traditional, generally mild cheeses, Sprats have become the most requested and
Latvia also has diverse new types of cheeses with rich recognizable Latvian fish product and are made at a
flavors and aromas. Latvia’s food processors work closely number of plants. Riga Sprats in oil are known far beyond
with scientists to create new and different products. the country’s borders, as the product has received high
appraisals at many food industry exhibitions and fairs.

MEAT PROCESSING AND EGG PRODUCTION Latvians are great consumers of our fisheries’ products,
but these products are also exported to western Europe,
Latvia has a well-structured meat sector, which has Australia, Asia and South Africa, and Central Asian
adopted EU methods to be in line with other member countries. In 2011, fish product exports were worth about
states. In 2011, sector output was EUR 299 million. Latvia’s EUR 86 million.
meat processors have strong traditions in producing
naturally smoked meats and sausages. The largest
frankfurter and dumpling-producing plant in the Baltic BAKED GOODS
states is located in Jelgava.
Bread and grains, in different forms, have long formed
High-quality products are made by our poultry the foundation of the Latvian diet. Rye and barley are the
processing companies. The excellence of Latvia’s chicken most popular grains grown in the region. The successful
products has been recognized far beyond our borders sowing, growing, and harvesting of grains requires
and proven by international certification systems. profound knowledge and experience, which our farmers
have acquired over centuries. Meeting current quality
In addition to our high-quality meat products, Latvia and environmental requirements, grain growers are
is proud to have one of Europe’s largest, most modern improving their professional knowledge and employing
high-quality egg production facilities, where eggs and modern technology to ensure that first-rate raw materials
a wide range of egg products have been produced for are used to produce our famous rye breads and related
more than 30 years. delicacies. Cereal growers and bread producers work
closely with scientists and nutritionists to develop
products of the highest quality.
Latvia is famous for its rye breads made according
Latvia’s traditional strength lies in producing beer. Almost to age-old recipes and techniques. Our bakeries also
20 breweries are registered in Latvia; only a few of them produce many kinds of white bread, and more and
export their products, as the majority of their output more ecological products are being introduced into
is consumed on the local market. Total sector output the market. In addition to tasty and healthy breads, our
reached EUR 278 million in 2011. bakers also create delicious cakes and tarts which can be
eaten fresh, or they can be frozen to ensure a longer shelf
Recently we have invested time and knowledge to build life. Many types of biscuits, waffles, and rusks are also
up modern strong alcoholic beverages factories, whose produced.
products are exported all over the world. Strong alcohol
is made from the highest quality grain, which is highly
demanded all over the world.

Utilizing buckwheat and oats, our grain processing Exports by Product Groups, 2011
companies offer an extensive and varied range of
products – dietary, tasty, healthy ecological variants on Confectionery
Other 10%
traditional porridges and mueslis. 2% Fats and Baked goods
Oils 2% 15%
Eggs and
Egg products 1%
Live animals 3%
Meat and
Edible meat
Latvia’s location makes it perfect for growing many types 5%
of fruit and vegetables. We are justly famous for our Fruit and Spirits
Vegetables 24%
berry fruits, in particular blueberries, cranberries, and sea 7%
buckthorn – all full of important vitamins needed by the Seeds
human body. The use of new technologies in the canning 7%
and processing of fruit and vegetables allows producers
to use fewer additives, to preserve the nutrients in fresh Diary products Fish and Fish products
fruit, and to offer reduced calorie and diabetic products. 13% 11%
Industry output in 2011 was EUR 46 million.
Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

SECTOR EXPORTS 2011 saw high growth in exports of beverages and

spirits (a growth of 7% in comparison with year 2010)
For obvious geographic reasons, the main export mainly due to an increase in strong alcoholic beverage
markets for Latvian food processing companies are exports to Russia. In addition, a rather high export growth
Lithuania and Estonia. Europe is a large market that was observed in the dairy sector (a growth of 3% in
consumes many products produced in Latvia: hard comparison with 2010). This is mainly due to increased
cheeses, butter, milk and milk powder, canned fish, fruit demand in the world market, as well as price increases in
and berry preparations, pickles, various grains, meat the world market. A boost in export volumes has been
products, confectionery, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic possible thanks to cooperation between dairy farms and
beverages. Latvian fruit and berry preparations are production optimization.
exported and used in the further production of yoghurts,
ice creams, and cakes. In recent years, strong farmer co-ops such as Latvijas
piens (Milk of Latvia) and Piena ceļš (Milky Way) have
Latvian products are in high demand in CIS countries. been established. Both of these co-ops own their own
The quality and taste of our products are highly processing factories, where high-quality cheeses, sour
evaluated here; they have a good reputation that has cream, and curd are produced and exported all over the
been established over a long period. Riga Sprats, dairy world.
products, canned meat, and vegetables are particularly
well known and in demand because of their excellent Talented, creative, clever, and promising people are the
quality. pride of our nation. We are proud of our gifted athletes,
musicians, opera and ballet performers, actors, and
In addition to the export markets above, Latvian products writers, whose success has resonated globally. But what
are also sold in the UAE, South Africa, US, Israel, etc. Our elevates professionalism and provides the strength
products can be found all over the world under our and focus to fully develop talent? Naturally, our home,
own labels, different private labels, and as ingredients in our roots, and our very own “power foods” – products
diverse foods. that fortify us physically and mentally, and bring the
contentment needed for creative energy to express itself.

Food Sector Exports, million of EUR We are proud of our products and are glad to present the
best we have in this catalogue.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
EU-15 136.1 149.6 205.6 267.8 242.9 303.8 267.8
CIS 105.6 130.4 170.7 236.9 192.6 286.5 380.6
Baltic states 177.6 245.1 336.8 380.7 327.7 428.9 581.2
Others 82.3 93.7 113.9 181.1 189.9 174.9 168.1
TOTAL 501.7 619.0 827.0 1,066.5 953.1 1,194.1 1,397.7

Source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia; exports of live animals

and animal products, vegetable products, fats and oils, and prepared
foodstuffs included

Major Product Lines
Grain and cessed Eggs
Meat Fresh Fish Confec- Beve-
No. Company Dairy Baked Fruit and Spirits and Egg
Products Meat Products tionery rages
Goods Vegeta- Products
31 EVI & JO

Grain and cessed Eggs
Meat Fresh Fish Confec- Beve-
No. Company Dairy Baked Fruit and Spirits and Egg
Products Meat Products tionery rages
Goods Vegeta- Products
39 INVEST 68
69 NP FOODS (brand GUTTA)
70 NP FOODS (brand LAIMA)

Grain and cessed Eggs
Meat Fresh Fish Confec- Beve-
No. Company Dairy Baked Fruit and Spirits and Egg
Products Meat Products tionery rages
Goods Vegeta- Products
100 UNDA

Company Profiles

Meat Products

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Dārza iela 19, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801, Latvia Address: Rūpniecības iela 14A/16, Ludza, Ludzas nov.,
Phone: +371 63881728 LV-5701, Latvia
Fax: +371 63825055 Phone: +371 65707226, +371 65707224
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 65707228, +371 65707224
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Mr Jurijs Gromovs
Contact: Mr Juozaps Zubavičs Member of the Board: Mr Jakovs Locovs
Position of the contact person: Manager Contact: Mr Aleksejs Enikovs
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Sales Specialist
Number of employees: 155 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1996 Number of employees: 86
Founded in: 1993
Turnover in 2011: EUR 10 899 106
Turnover in 2010: EUR 10 405 174 Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 553 738
Main markets: Latvia Turnover in 2010: EUR 4 521 157
Export volume 2011: EUR 2 609 637
Business profile: The main activities of the Ardeks Export volume 2010: EUR 1 987 431
company are the processing of meat and production of Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Spain,
canned meats. Portugal, Greece, UK

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new partners, Business profile: Ariols produces frozen food products
distributors, etc. (pelmeņi (traditional filled dumplings), meat preparations,
pancakes, dumplings, chebureki (lamb dumplings)).
Certificates in use: LR PVD Food Production Certificates Currently, Ariols sells its products in the Baltic states and a
A002626, A002625, 21-1-13/2344 number of EU countries as well.

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new

customers, meat, packaging, and industrial equipment

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd
Address: Granīta iela 9A, Rīga, LV-1057, Latvia
Phone: +371 67844565 Legal form: Ltd
Fax: +371 67844564 Address: Grīvas, Nākotne, Jelgavas nov., LV-3040, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 63084691
Website: Fax: +371 63077126
E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Mr Andrejs Ždans Website:
Contact: Ms Sanita Liepiņa
Position of the contact person: Head of Marketing Chairman of the Board: Mr Aleksis Jankūns
Department Contact: Mr Aigars Jankūns
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Import Export Director
Number of employees: 250 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Founded in: 1996 Number of employees: 238
Founded in: 2000
Turnover in 2011: EUR 17 105 720
Turnover in 2010: EUR 14 929 079 Turnover in 2011: EUR 15 557 142
Main markets: Latvia Turnover in 2010: EUR 12 085 738
Export volume 2011: EUR 159 270
Business profile: Forevers is a meat processing company Export volume 2010: EUR 168 100
that offers its clients sausages, frankfurters, smoked meat, Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Business profile: Gaļas Pārstrādes Uzņēmums Nākotne
Seeking cooperation in: We are seeking potential partners (Meat Processing Company Nākotne) runs full-cycle meat
in Russia. processing. The company has its own high-capacity
abattoir, where high-quality fresh meat is produced daily.
Certificates in use: HACCP On average, around 250 pigs and 5 bovine animals are
slaughtered daily. In general, the company purchases
animals raised by Latvia’s larger breeders who can
provide regular volume, quality, and competitive prices
compared to their European competitors. Consumers
value the company’s smoked products and sausages
under the Mājas kūpinājumi (Home smoked) brand. The
technology of this production utilises traditional Latvian
recipes that have been passed down from generation
to generation. With the special aroma and taste of these
smoked products, the company has attracted a loyal
customer base. Highly esteemed products include Mājas
desa (Home sausage), Saimnieka gaļa (Landlord’s meat),

Seeking cooperation in: The company is interested

in finding new markets and distribution channels
throughout Europe.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Galvenā iela 52, Priekule, Priekules nov., LV-3434, Address: Bukaišu iela 2, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia
Latvia Phone: +371 67620762
Phone: +371 63461041 Fax: +371 67600147
Fax: +371 63461037 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Ms Gunta Pļavniece
Member of the Board: Ms Inese Meļķe Contact: Mr Dainis Vitkalovs
Contact: Ms Maira Meļķe Position of the contact person: Sales Representative
Position of the contact person: HACCP Manager Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Polish, Russian Number of employees: 75
Number of employees: 80 Founded in: 1991
Founded in: 2009
Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 435 785
Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 001 073 Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 983 611
Turnover in 2010: EUR 428 030 Export volume 2011: EUR 1 541 407
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2010: EUR 98 049
Main markets: Latvia, other EU countries, Russia
Business profile: Meat products, naturally smoked meat,
pork meat, beef meat, seeds, nuts, seed nut mixtures. Business profile: Prepared meat products.

Seeking cooperation in: Store chains, other processors, Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!
wholesale bases.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Ltd
Address: Savienības iela 8, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia Address: Cerības, Pūres pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3124, Latvia
Phone: +371 67368643 Phone: +371 67914740
Fax: +371 67339180 Fax: +371 67147214
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website:, Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Janek Kalbin Chairman of the Board: Mr Juri Lepp
Contact: Mr Janek Kalbin Contact: Ms Marina Klaucena
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Languages spoken: English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 98 Number of employees: 158
Founded in: 1991 Founded in: 2000

Turnover in 2011: EUR 11 226 878 Turnover in 2011: EUR 6 026 821
Turnover in 2010: EUR 8 051 552 Turnover in 2010: EUR 5 918 584
Export volume 2011: EUR 326 367 Export volume 2011: EUR 3 991 922
Export volume 2010: EUR 285 743 Export volume 2010: EUR 4 675 760
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia Main markets: EU, CIS

Business profile: Products: cooked sausages, grill Business profile: The company Kuršu Zeme produces
sausages, frankfurters, cold and half-smoked sausages, canned fish and seafood products, as well as canned
smoked meats, semi–finished meat products, dumplings. meat and poultry products with the trademarks Amber of
Riga and Kurland Food.
Seeking cooperation in: Jelgavas Gaļas Kombināts offers
export of products to wholesale and retail businesses. Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new
Contract manufacturing of meat products for private cooperation partners in the EU and CIS.
Certificates in use: HACCP
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Mazzeltiņi, Janeikas, Ceraukstes pag., Address: Krustpils iela 89A, Rīga, LV-1057, Latvia
Bauskas nov., LV-3901, Latvia Phone: +371 67254815
Phone: +371 63960770 Fax: +371 67254819
Fax: +371 63960768 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Mr Sergejs Izotovs
Chairman of the Board: Mr Igors Zolotarjovs Contact: Mr Sergejs Izotovs
Contact: Mr Dmitrijs Zolotarjovs Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 96
Number of employees: 300 Founded in: 1991
Founded in: 1994
Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 483 821
Turnover in 2011: EUR 24 894 116 Turnover in 2010: EUR 4 201 309
Turnover in 2010: EUR 23 261 439 Export volume 2011: EUR 106 834
Export volume 2011: EUR 4 598 445 Export volume 2010: EUR 100 271
Export volume 2010: EUR 2 654 010 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden
Business profile: Processing of meat and production of
Business profile: Fresh and frozen broiler meat; fast food canned meats.
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new partners,
Seeking cooperation in: To promote our products on distributors, etc.
foreign markets.

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Ltd
Address: Putnu fabrika Ķekava, Ķekavas pag., Address: Rīgas iela 22, Rēzekne, LV-4600, Latvia
Ķekavas nov., LV-2123, Latvia Phone: +371 64607300
Phone: +371 67874000 Fax: +371 64628050
Fax: +371 67874001 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairman of the Board: Mr Vladimirs Jegorčenko
Chairman of the Board: Mr Andris Vilcmeiers Contact: Ms Julita Burova
Contact: Mr Eduards Kovalko Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Position of the contact person: Sales Director Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 344
Number of employees: 607 Founded in: 2001
Founded in: 1967
Turnover in 2011: EUR 30 797 861
Turnover in 2011: EUR 28 522 162 Turnover in 2010: EUR 26 345 489
Turnover in 2010: EUR 28 477 574 Export volume 2011: EUR 5 656 130
Export volume 2011: EUR 6 481 598 Export volume 2010: EUR 2 822 202
Export volume 2010: EUR 7 434 080 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, UK,
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Scandinavia, etc. Greece, Russia, etc.

Business profile: JSC Putnu Fabrika Ķekava is currently the Business profile: Rēzeknes Gaļas Kombināts was founded
major producer of poultry (chicken) products in Latvia, in 2001. Today, the company`s finished production
with a full production circle including the purchase of volume is one of the highest in Latvia. Rēzeknes Gaļas
chickens, the company’s own egg and chick production, Kombināts is a full-cycle meat processing company.
broiler raising and slaughtering, meat processing, the Following a modernization process in 2006, the
production of fresh meat and further processing into company has turned into a European Union-compliant
goods with higher value added. The company has manufacturing facility with a modern slaughterhouse,
modernized and adapted to EU requirements, and its which allows us to offer high-quality products.
production is one of the powerful in Eastern Europe. The company`s range of products will satisfy any
Assortment of products offered at retail stores Ķekava: gourmand’s wishes! Our assortment includes more than
A Fresh idea – fresh chicken meat: 300 products. We offer a wide range of frankfurters,
Picnic chicken - marinated chicken meat and sausages for scalded sausages, boiled sausages, half-smoked sausages,
cooking on the grill cold-smoked sausages, smoked meat, chicken products,
Marinated chicken - marinated chicken meat for cooking canned food, frozen products, etc.
on the grill and at home Our product advantages:
Smoked chicken - smoked chicken meat and rolls · high-quality raw materials;
Chicken sausages - boiled chicken meat sausage with · meat is prepared in a natural environment;
different flavors · products made of fresh, chilled meat, so they keep the
Chicken frankfurters - chicken frankfurters with different most valuable properties;
flavors · original recipes;
Delicatessen - prepared products for easy use · attractive appearance of products;
Barbecue chicken - marinated chicken meat for grilling · wide choice of products.

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for export of Seeking cooperation in: We are interested in cooperating
products to wholesale and retail businesses. Contract with retail chains, distributors, and wholesalers.
manufacturing of meat products for private labels.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Drujas iela 16, Daugavpils, LV-5404, Latvia Address: Atlasa iela 7, Rīga, LV-1026, Latvia
Phone: +371 65476512 Phone: +371 67368643
Fax: +371 65476512 Fax: +371 67339180
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Viktors Radilovecs Member of the Board: Mr Janek Kalbin
Contact: Ms Margarita Piotrovica Contact: Mr Janek Kalbin
Position of the contact person: Sales Manager Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: English, Russian
Number of employees: 47 Number of employees: 87
Founded in: 1998 Founded in: 1992

Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 365 759 Turnover in 2011: EUR 38 756 882
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 158 515 Turnover in 2010: EUR 34 431 881
Export volume 2011: EUR 335 994 Export volume 2011: EUR 695 381
Export volume 2010: EUR 89 584 Export volume 2010: EUR 708 506
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Sweden, Greece, Russia
Business profile: Largest producer of processed meats
Business profile: Company Rital D was founded in 1998. It in Latvia. Products: cooked sausages, grill sausages,
is located in the second largest city in Latvia – Daugavpils frankfurters, cold and half-smoked sausages, smoked
– and is engaged in meat processing, starting from meats, semi–finished meat products, dumplings. Logistics
the preparation of raw materials and ending with the services for food products.
distribution of meat products and canned food to large
commercial networks. Seeking cooperation in: Rīgas Miesnieks offers export of
The high quality of Rital D products is testified not only products to wholesale and retail businesses. Contract
by the recognition the company has received, but also manufacturing of meat products for private labels.
the loyalty of our customers, the number of which is
constantly increasing. Therefore, Rital D continuously Certificates in use: ISO 9001
improves and develops new products, adjusting to the
needs of customers and the latest trends of the market.
Our range: smoked products; cold-smoked sausages
and meat; home-smoked products; canned meat; semi-
smoked sausages; bacon; boiled rolls; boiled sausages;
small sausages; frankfurters.

Seeking cooperation in: The company is interested

in finding new markets and distribution channels
throughout Europe and EurAsEC Customs Union (Russia,
Belarus, Kazakhstan).

Certificates in use: LR PVD Food Production Certificate


Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Kuldīgas šoseja 96, Saldus pag., Saldus nov., Address: Parka iela 12, Valka, Valkas nov., LV-4701, Latvia
LV-3801, Latvia Phone: +371 64725053, +371 22326658
Phone: +371 26127744 Fax: +371 64724543
Fax: +371 63881714 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Inese Semjonova
Member of the Board: Mr Sandis Stibe Contact: Ms Svetlana Dilba
Contact: Mr Sandis Stibe Position of the contact person: Manager
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 50
Number of employees: 43 Founded in: 1999
Founded in: 1997
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 007 566
Turnover in 2011: EUR 3 447 538 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 722 652
Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 177 971 Export volume 2011: EUR 638 250
Export volume 2011: EUR 3 102 784 Export volume 2010: EUR 400 128
Export volume 2010: EUR 2 542 377 Main markets: Latvia, other EU countries
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Russia,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Business profile: Fresh meat, meat products.

Business profile: The company produces canned meat Seeking cooperation in: Production, recycling, services,
and fish, as well as sausages, smoked meat, and other trade.
meat products.

Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!

Legal form: JSC
Address: Zālīša iela 1-28, Rīga, LV-1039, Latvia
Phone: +371 63291554
Fax: +371 63291554
E-mail: [email protected]

Member of the Board: Mr Oskars Grīnbergs

Contact: Mr Andis Holsts
Position of the contact person: Commercial Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 30
Founded in: 1991

Turnover in 2011: EUR 9 006 227

Turnover in 2010: EUR 7 014 892
Export volume 2011: EUR 2 690 016
Export volume 2010: EUR 11 641
Main markets: Latvia, other EU countries

Business profile: Talsu Gaļa is a meat processing company

that provides and offers a consistently high product
quality and range. Dried products (brisket, bacon,
ham), cold-smoked dried, sausages (doctor’s, milk, ham
sausages), semi-dried sausages (salami), cold smoked
sausages, dried small sausages.

Seeking cooperation in: Export - EU. Import - meat, spices.

Fresh Meat

Legal form: Cooperative society of agricultural services Legal form: Ltd
Address: Valki, Snēpeles pag., Kuldīgas nov., LV-3328, Address: “Dvīņi” lit. 43, Silakrogs, Ropažu nov., LV-2135,
Latvia Latvia
Phone: +371 63354097, +371 26100979 Phone: +371 67901108
Fax: +371 63354099 Fax: +371 67901106
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Chairman of the Board: Mr Vidmantas Jonika Member of the Board: Mr Vsevolods Maščenko
Contact: Ms Inga Āboliņa Contact: Mr Aivars Meija
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Position of the contact person: Expert
Languages spoken: Latvian, Lithuanian, English, German, Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Russian Number of employees: 30
Number of employees: 37 Founded in: 1997
Founded in: 2009
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 234 995
Turnover in 2011: EUR 3 184 646 Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 503 826
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 775 542 Export volume 2011: EUR 801 870
Export volume 2011: EUR 3 093 573 Export volume 2010: EUR 523 234
Export volume 2010: EUR 1 415 172 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Russia,
Main markets: EU Kazakhstan

Business profile: Cows, bulls, heifers. Business profile: The company produces mechanically
deboned chicken meat. Vilattrans also provides logistics
Seeking cooperation in: Purchase of livestock, services.
slaughtering, carcasses exports.
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for distributors
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and buyers of our products.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Farm
Address: Ojāra Vācieša iela 13, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia
Phone: +371 67805100, +371 20039217
Fax: +371 67805101
E-mail: [email protected]

Owner: Mr Artūrs Belēvičs

Contact: Ms Vija Belēviča
Position of the contact person: Finance Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Number of employees: 18
Founded in: 2006

Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, other EU

countries, Russia

Business profile: The Zemitāni farm offers the highest

quality Latvian free-range meat products, including a
variety of sausages, salamis, smoked and fresh meats,
as well as specialty pâtés, prosciuttos, and bouillons, for
both retail and wholesale customers. All of our products
are produced at our own abbattoir, with the utmost care
and attention paid to quality. Our products are made
from deer and wild pig raised in organic, free-range
conditions at the Zemitāni farm in Latvia.

Seeking cooperation in: Local market expansion, export


Certificates in use: Certificate of biological agriculture,

Food and veterinary surveillance institution certificate for
farm-raised wild animal meat production.


„DAUGAVA” Legal form: JSC
Address: Kuldīgas šoseja 4, Druva, Saldus pag.,
Legal form: Ltd Saldus nov., LV-3862, Latvia
Address: Tērbatas iela 46-21, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia Phone: +371 63839154
Phone: +371 65128301 Fax: +371 63839258
Fax: +371 65121309 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairman of the Board: Mr Aldis Ošenieks
Chairman of the Board: Mr Aigars Vaivars Contact: Ms Sandra Ošeniece
Contact: Mr Aigars Vaivars Position of the contact person: Chairwoman of the
Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board Advisory Board, Production Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Number of employees: 137 Number of employees: 46
Founded in: 1995 Founded in: 1986
Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 313 522 Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 298 604
Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 725 507 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 946 218
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2011: EUR 139 832
Export volume 2010: EUR 617 187
Business profile: Dairy, bakery, and confectionery Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, UK
production. Healthy, natural products without chemical
additives. Business profile: JSC Druva Food produces a wide range
of flavors for the retail and catering sectors using fresh
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for cooperation milk. Druva Food uses only fresh milk from Latvian cows
partners to distribute our healthy, natural dairy and in our products. The high quality of our ice cream is
bakery products. We also offer contract manufacturing of ensured by combining fresh milk with carefully selected
private brand products. ingredients. Druva Food manages a warehouse and
distribution to Latvian retailers of frozen products – ice
creams, dumplings, fish, vegetables, pizza, potatoes, and

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for cooperation

partners to distribute our brand of ice cream. We also
offer contract manufacturing of private brand ice creams.

Certificates in use: HACCP, Latvian Certificate of


Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Bērzu gatve 4, Kazdanga, Kazdangas pag., Address: Jaunpils pienotava, Jaunpils pag., Jaunpils nov.,
Aizputes nov., LV-3457, Latvia LV-3145, Latvia
Phone: +371 63448097, +371 63448367 Phone: +371 63107102, +371 20272776
Fax: +371 63449416 Fax: +371 63107102
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected],
Website: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Gundars Sisenis
Contact: Mr Ritvars Roga Chairman of the Board: Mr Jānis Ruskis
Position of the contact person: Commercial Director Contact: Ms Inga Opolniece
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Number of employees: 50 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1993 Number of employees: 66
Founded in: 1997
Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 122 640
Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 003 004 Turnover in 2011: EUR 8 333 519
Export volume 2011: EUR 5 500 Turnover in 2010: EUR 6 381 643
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Germany Export volume 2011: EUR 5 223 702
Export volume 2010: EUR 4 108 822
Business profile: Milk processing, trade and delivery of Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, UK, Russia, USA
dairy milk products.
Business profile: The main activity of the Jaunpils
Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile! Pienotava is the manufacture of semi-hard cheese. The
Jaunpils Pienotava products are natural, healthy, and
free of food preservatives, and without any substitutes of
natural products.

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for distributors of

our products in the European market.

Certificates in use: Latsert, LR PVD Food Production

Certificate A001975, Sanitary-epidemiological certificate
issued by the Russian Federation, Certificate of
Conformity issued by the Russian Federation

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Langervaldes iela 7, Jelgava, LV-3002, Latvia Address: Klētis, Lazdonas pag., Madonas nov., LV-4824,
Phone: +371 63013988 Latvia
Fax: +371 63013996 Phone: +371 64825167
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 64825199
Website:, E-mail: [email protected]

Member of the Board: Mr Raimonds Freimanis Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Elvīra Utināne
Contact: Mr Gatis Jurisons Contact: Ms Elvīra Utināne
Position of the contact person: Sales Director Position of the contact person: Chairwoman of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Number of employees: 50 Number of employees: 74
Founded in: 2010 Founded in: 1993

Business profile: Latvijas Piens is a Latvian farmer co- Turnover in 2011: EUR 5 713 919
operative enterprise which aims to produce high-quality Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 866 887
dairy products from milk collected in Latvia, promoting Main markets: Latvia
the welfare of the Latvian countryside. The main products
are cheeses: – the most popular Swiss type cheese, Business profile: The company produces:
flavored soft cheese Snow Balls, classic cheeses Tilsiter Milk 2% fat in polyethylene packaging
and Edam, skimmed milk concentrate and cream, and Milk 2.5% fat in elopak, in 1 litre, 1.5 litre, and 0.5 litre glass
others. bottles
Milk 3.5% fat in elopak, in 1 litre bottle, in 0.5 litre
Seeking cooperation in: Chain stores, cheese wholesalers, polyethylene packaging
restaurants, cafes, hotels, and also skimmed milk Skimmed milk, whole milk, and breakfast curds
concentrate buyers. Suppliers of spices, cheese Sour cream 10%, 20%, and 25% fat
making equipment manufacturers, cheese packaging Fermented milk products (kefir, rjazenka, buttermilk,
manufacturers. tīrkultūra)
Desserts (rice cream, sour cream dessert, sweat cream
Various yoghurts

Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Pienotava, Mālpils nov., LV-2152, Latvia Address: Bauskas iela 180, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia
Phone: +371 29495439 Phone: +371 67066887
Fax: +371 67970812 Fax: +371 67860037
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Chairman of the Board: Mr Imants Stepāns Chairman of the Board: Mr Raimonds Misa
Contact: Mr Imants Stepāns Contact: Ms Olena Zakharchenko
Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board Position of the contact person: Office Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 35 Number of employees: 684
Founded in: 1993 Founded in: 1927

Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 572 732 Turnover in 2011: EUR 75 400 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 898 627 Turnover in 2010: EUR 72 600 000
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2011: EUR 20 000 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 11 300 000
Business profile: The company produces semi-hard, soft- Main markets: Latvia, Germany, Netherlands; Russia and
fresh, salted, smoked cheese, milk, cream, yoghurt. other CIS countries, Singapore

Seeking cooperation in: Cheese trade. Business profile: Founded in 1927, Rīgas Piena Kombināts
is one of the largest manufacturers of dairy products
Certificates in use: HACCP in the Baltic states, providing full range of services:
collection, processing, production, and distribution of
dairy products. The company serves all major product
categories: fresh dairy products, ice-cream, cheese,
industrial, and export products. Rīgas Piena Kombināts
is the owner of strong dairy brand names such as Mana
Saime, Lāse, Rasa, and Limbažu Piens, as well as ice cream
brands such as Pols, Ekselence, TIO, etc. Today, Rīgas
Piena Kombināts exports to Russia, Azerbaijan, Germany,
Netherlands, Singapore, etc., but we aim to grow our
market share and export volumes in general. The amount
of purchased raw milk in 2011 was 132.4 thousand tons,
while turnover in 2011 exceeded EUR 75 million.

Seeking cooperation in: Rīgas Piena Kombināts focuses

on building strong partnerships with providers of the
latest technological solutions and sales partners to
expand and enter export markets with a variety of

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Valmieras iela 2, Rīga, LV-1009, Latvia Address: Upes iela 5, Rūjiena, Rūjienas nov., LV-4240,
Phone: +371 67046400 Latvia
Fax: +371 67315605 Phone: +371 64263526
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 64268631
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Mr Neeme Jõgi
Contact: Ms Varvara Krivkina Chairman of the Board: Mr Igors Miezis
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Contact: Ms Indra Puķīte
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Client Manager
Number of employees: 247 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1993 Number of employees: 36
Founded in: 2009
Turnover in 2011: EUR 28 140 825
Turnover in 2010: EUR 26 473 634 Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 201 577
Export volume 2011: EUR 6 820 233 Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 172 762
Export volume 2010: EUR 4 808 762 Main markets: Latvia
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Benelux,
Russia, Israel, USA Business profile: Production and wholesale of ice cream.

Business profile: Rīgas Piensaimnieks is one of the largest Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!
dairy producers in the Baltic countries, supplying a wide
range of products to the retail and food service sectors. Certificates in use: Latsert
Products include milk, kefir, butter, sour cream, fresh and
processed cheeses, cottage cheese, sweet curd snacks,
dairy desserts, yoghurts, aseptic drinks, UHT cream and
coffee milk, juice ice lollies.

Seeking cooperation in: Rīgas Piensaimnieks is interested

in exporting the following products: fresh and processed
cheeses, sweet curd snacks, dairy desserts, aseptic drinks,
UHT cream and coffee milk, juice ice lollies. Private label

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HACCP, Rostest

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Agricultural cooperative of dairy producers
Address: Mūrnieku iela 2, Smiltene, Smiltenes nov., Address: Cempu iela 8, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvia
LV-4729, Latvia Phone: +371 64707217
Phone: +371 64707606 Fax: +371 64707240
Fax: +371 64707600 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairman of the Board: Mr Uldis Krievārs
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Gita Mūrniece Contact: Ms Egija Zīvere
Contact: Mr Egils Mūrnieks Position of the contact person: Office Administrator
Position of the contact person: Manager Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 26
Number of employees: 87 Founded in: 2003
Founded in: 1993
Turnover in 2011: EUR 3 720 000
Turnover in 2011: EUR 10 026 916 Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 710 717
Turnover in 2010: EUR 7 928 546 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania
Export volume 2011: EUR 2 802 658
Export volume 2010: EUR 2 263 827 Business profile: The agricultural cooperative of dairy
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Russia, producers Trikāta KS is an organization whose main
Moldova, Israel, USA task is to collect milk from farms and sell it for the best
price. The cooperative also offers members to purchase
Business profile: Semi-hard cheeses, whey protein feed and other goods necessary for milk production,
concentrates (WPC 35 liquid, WPC 60 liquid), 20% lactose accounting and other assistance in solving problems,
liquid, glucose-galactose syrup 75%. and representation of farmers’ point of view on topical
issues. The company is one of the founders and owners
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for trade partners of Latvijas Piens Ltd.
interested in the distribution of our new product,
glucose-galactose syrup 75%, and our basic product: Seeking cooperation in: Cooperation – selling the
semi-hard cheese, type Gouda, Tilsiter. produced milk in accordance with the principle of
equality, joint procurement of goods necessary for
Certificates in use: ISO 9001 production activities. Focus on stable long-term
relationships among the members of the cooperative
and with cooperation partners.
Openness and proactivity – members of the cooperative
receive regular and timely information. Open and clear
decision making, coordinated financial control and
Loyalty – the cooperative’s operations are based on the
interests of members as co-owners. Nobody’s interests
– neither employees’ and suppliers’ nor buyers’ –may be
placed above the needs of the members.
Cooperation among cooperatives – organization of
common events, joint actions on behalf of the farmers’
interests, creation of joint processing.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: JSC Legal form: JSC
Address: Jelgavas iela 7, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101, Address: Rīgas iela 93, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvia
Latvia Phone: +371 64222420
Phone: +371 63122222 Fax: +371 64229879
Fax: +371 63181011 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:,
Chairman of the Board: Mr Harijs Panke
Director: Mr Ints Poškus Contact: Ms Linda Petrova
Contact: Mr Armands Artihovičs Position of the contact person: Export Manager
Position of the contact person: Head of Marketing Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Department Number of employees: 174
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Founded in: 1971
Number of employees: 220
Founded in: 1996 Turnover in 2011: EUR 36 170 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 41 610 000
Turnover in 2011: EUR 34 618 026 Export volume 2011: EUR 12 300 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 29 551 367 Export volume 2010: EUR 15 600 000
Export volume 2011: EUR 2 976 592 Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Netherlands,
Export volume 2010: EUR 3 253 204 Russia, Kazakhstan
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia
Business profile: Valmieras Piens is located in Latvia’s
Business profile: Main product groups are yoghurts, greenest region, enabling us to produce fresh, natural,
yoghurt drinks, milk, kefir, sour cream, cream, butter, sour and high-quality dairy products from natural raw
cream products, milk and vegetable fat mixes, curds, curd materials. We manufacture the full range of milk products:
snack, and juice. pasteurized milk, yoghurts, curd cheeses, and cheeses,
cream, sour cream, and milk powder. We supply our
Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile! products in a variety of packaging, from small one-time
use to industrial packs for bakeries, chocolate, and other
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000 manufacturers.

Seeking cooperation in: We are interested in finding

manufacturers requiring milk powders for processing. We
are also interested in finding retail chains, importers, and
distributors who could help Valmieras Piens to develop
export markets in European and other countries.

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000:2005

Legal form: Farm
Address: Veckūkuri, Plāņu pag., Strenču nov., LV-4727,
Phone: +371 28617969, +371 25619959
E-mail: [email protected]

Owner: Ms Ilvija Jakovina

Contact: Ms Skaidrīte Judeika
Position of the contact person: Marketing Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 6
Founded in: 1995

Turnover in 2011: EUR 337 437

Turnover in 2010: EUR 257 268
Main markets: Latvia

Business profile: Raw 4% fat milk and sweet and salty

yoghurt produced by milk.

Seeking cooperation in: Searching for new markets.

Fish Products

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Surimi, Mucenieki, Ropažu nov., LV-2137, Latvia Address: Ikriņi, Mandegas, Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Phone: +371 67113746 LV-4025, Latvia
Fax: +371 67702096 Phone: +371 64065175
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 64065287
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Ludmila Bērza
Contact: Mr Māris Bakanovskas Director: Ms Antoņina Moisejenko
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Contact: Mr Romāns Dončenko
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian Position of the contact person: Commercial Director
Number of employees: 53 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Polish, Russian
Founded in: 2002 Number of employees: 33
Founded in: 1997
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 010 871
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 652 748 Turnover in 2011: EUR 851 135
Export volume 2011: EUR 1 474 880 Turnover in 2010: EUR 596 864
Export volume 2010: EUR 953 628 Main markets: Latvia
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden,
Denmark, Germany, UK, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Business profile: Fish products (canned in oils, marinades,
Russia mayonnaise (plastic or glass jars)), cold/hot–smoked, fish
Business profile: Manufacturer of chilled and frozen surimi
products, chunks, bites, shredded and sticks – soya-free, Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for trade partners
fluten-free, GMO-free products. or distributors in European countries.

Seeking cooperation in: Looking for cooperation partners Certificates in use: HACCP
in Europe.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Bērzciema cehs, Bērzciems, Engures pag., Address: Ostas iela 1, Salacgrīva, Salacgrīvas nov., LV-4033,
Engures nov., LV-3113, Latvia Latvia
Phone: +371 63154323 Phone: +371 64000210
Fax: +371 63235873 Fax: +371 64071331
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Uģis Krauklis Chairman of the Board: Mr Arnolds Babris
Contact: Mr Uģis Krauklis Contact: Mr Māris Trankalis
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Position of the contact person: Executive Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 37 Number of employees: 400
Founded in: 1992 Founded in: 1949

Turnover in 2011: EUR 975 081 Turnover in 2011: EUR 12 259 372
Turnover in 2010: EUR 444 831 Turnover in 2010: EUR 10 148 205
Export volume 2011: EUR 357 516 Export volume 2011: EUR 11 290 539
Export volume 2010: EUR 96 792 Export volume 2010: EUR 9 371 942
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, USA Main markets: Latvia and more than 30 export markets
including Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland,
Business profile: The most popular Bērzciems product is Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, UK, Greece, Norway,
unsterilized fish preserves, preserved with salt, sugar, and Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan,
other additives. In general, Bērzciems offers a variety of Israel, Mongolia, USA, etc.
fish processing products: fish in marinade, oil, sauce, or
spicy brine. Business profile: We produce more than 70 brands of
canned fish and a wide range of products: smoked
Seeking cooperation in: The company is looking sprats, roasted fish, Atlantic fish in oil, tomato sauce, and
for wholesale companies, agents, and distributors their own juices. The company provides raw fish sorting,
to cooperate with. Bērzciems offers private label freezing, and storage services to the fisheries industry,
cooperations as well as promotion of branded products. as EU regulations impose a new procedure on the
acceptance, sorting, and storage of raw fish.
Certificates in use: HACCP
Seeking cooperation in: Private labels, products under our
own label, ethnic markets, retail chains.

Certificates in use: IFS, Kosher, Rostest, etc.

Legal form: Ltd of Liepāja SEZ Legal form: Association (Unda Ltd, Rānda Ltd, Sabiedrība
Address: Roņu iela 6D, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia IMS Ltd, JSC Brīvais vilnis, Gamma-A Ltd, Līcis-93 Ltd,
Phone: +371 63401698 Karavela Ltd)
Fax: +371 63401698 Address: Brīvības iela 90-28, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 67294389, +371 29135899
Website: Fax: +371 67294389
E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Mr Igor Krupnik Website:
Contact: Ms Tatjana Kovrova
Position of the contact person: Marketing Specialist Director: Mr Imants Cīrulis
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Contact: Mr Imants Cīrulis
Number of employees: 350 Position of the contact person: Director
Founded in: 2001 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1996
Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 997 111
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 616 639 Turnover in 2011: EUR 83 750 000
Export volume 2011: EUR 547 753 Turnover in 2010: EUR 64 046 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 474 970 Export volume 2011: EUR 70 360 000
Main markets: EU, Russia and other CIS countries Export volume 2010: EUR 47 038 000

Business profile: The company produces a wide range of Main markets: EU, CIS, Asia, USA
canned seafood products. The current range offered by
the company includes more than 160 types of lake and Business profile: Production of canned fish.
oceanic fish in oil, tomato sauce, and jelly. Our products
are made under the trademark Libau, and we are the Seeking cooperation in: Supply of fish, distribution of
sales leader in many countries around the world. canned fish.

Seeking cooperation in: Supplying canned fish products

to stable wholesale partners, distributors, importers,
retailers, and retail chains. Stable supplies with all
required certificates guaranteed. Purchasing frozen fish
from trusted suppliers.

Certificates in use: HACCP, Kosher

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Silarāju iela 3, Piņķi, Babītes pag., Babītes nov., Address: Daugavgrīvas iela 83, Rīga, LV-1007, Latvia
LV-2107, Latvia Phone: +371 67314409
Phone: +371 67336054 Fax: +371 67314410
Fax: +371 67336024 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairman of the Board: Mr Jurijs Bezmeļņickis
General Director: Mr Vjacheslav Kochetkov Contact: Ms Jūlija Sergutina-Leitāne
Contact: Ms Helena Gritskevich Position of the contact person: Head of Marketing
Position of the contact person: Sales Manager Department
Languages spoken: Latvian, Lithuanian, English, German, Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Czech, Russian Number of employees: 211
Number of employees: 288 Founded in: 1993
Founded in: 2001
Turnover in 2011: EUR 36 643 735
Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 700 619 Turnover in 2010: EUR 23 641 395
Turnover in 2010: EUR 4 616 574 Export volume 2011: EUR 21 455 619
Export volume 2011: EUR 6 449 892 Export volume 2010: EUR 11 936 470
Export volume 2010: EUR 4 157 512 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Main markets: EU, Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, USA, Japan, etc. Business profile: Salas Zivis provides fast, flexible,
and professional service. Every day, more than 60
Business profile: Canned fish in own juice, oil, or professional refrigerated trucks deliver our products to
tomato sauce. Fish pâté. 7,000 customers across the Baltic states. Our assortment
includes products such as frozen fish, seafood, potatoes,
Seeking cooperation in: Looking for new partners and vegetables, berries, mushrooms, dumplings, and
new export markets. varenyky, as well as ice cream and ice. We produce
products for customers who use private label. And we
Certificates in use: HACCP, IFS, BRC, Rostest, Ukrtest provide customer service to clients from the retail and
HoReCa sectors, and also to wholesale customers.

Seeking cooperation in: We are interested in market

expansion and looking for new partners. We offer
competitive prices for high-quality products, and we
believe that every one of our clients is unique. That is why
our specialists adapt a range of products and services to
the clients’ needs!

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Jūras iela 60, Engure, Engures pag., Engures nov., Address: Mellužu iela 1C-2, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvia
LV-3113, Latvia Phone: +371 65476945
Phone: +371 63181117 Fax: +371 65476949
Fax: +371 63161277 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:,

Chairman of the Board: Mr Juris Bubišs Member of the Board: Mr Igors Širšons
Contact: Ms Daiga Ozoliņa Contact: Ms Elina Sigal
Position of the contact person: Assistant Position of the contact person: Financial Analyst
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 306 Number of employees: 136
Founded in: 1992 Founded in: 1997

Turnover in 2011: EUR 8 015 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 12 852 084
Turnover in 2010: EUR 6 910 517 Turnover in 2010: EUR 9 886 496
Export volume 2011: EUR 7 854 700 Export volume 2011: EUR 5 804 382
Export volume 2010: EUR 6 841 412 Export volume 2010: EUR 1 976 447
Main markets: Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Australia Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel, USA

Business profile: Canned fish: smoked Riga sprats in Business profile: We produce pelagic fish products and
oil, fried sprats in tomato sauce. Oceanic fish: herring, salmon family delicacies in preserves, thermo-vacuum
sardine, sardinella in its own juice and in tomato sauce. and vacuum packaging. The company’s assortment
Herring filets in own juice, etc. includes more than 100 different products, which are
sold under the brands Latis, Mr. Fish, and Hum-Hum. Zilā
Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile! Lagūna has achieved high-quality standards through its
use of state-of-the-art production equipment and the
Certificates in use: IFS, HACCP, FDA, Rostest highest grade fish from Iceland and Norway, gaining a
reputation among its customers as a reliable supplier.
Our partners consider us a very reliable partner and
supply us with their best graded fish. We offer our
customers a solid product range of high-quality products,
delivery by our own transport department, supply chain
control, and total traceability.

Seeking cooperation in: Export buyers worldwide, private

label owners, retail chains.

Certificates in use: Kosher

Grain and Baked Goods

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Brekši, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2111, Address: Bērzu iela 14, Baloži, Ķekavas nov., LV-2112, Latvia
Latvia Phone: +371 67602189, +371 67602190
Phone: +371 65307188 Fax: +371 67622665, +371 67602190
Fax: +371 65307194 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Website: www.
Chairman of the Board: Mr Andrejs Magomedovs
Chairman of the Board: Mr Jāzeps Zukuls Contact: Ms Ksenija Magomedova
Contact: Mr Jāzeps Zukuls Position of the contact person: Export Manager
Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 75
Number of employees: 260 Founded in: 1995
Founded in: 1997
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 785 406
Turnover in 2011: EUR 18 300 000 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 762 090
Turnover in 2010: EUR 18 700 000 Export volume 2011: EUR 586 437
Export volume 2011: EUR 8 300 000 Export volume 2010: EUR 479 631
Export volume 2010: EUR 8 150 000 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Germany,
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, other Greece, UK, Ireland, Russia, Israel, USA, Canada, Australia
EU countries, USA
Business profile: Baltās Naktis is a confectionery and
Business profile: Production and export of biscuits, bread manufacturer that exports products to more than
crackers, gingerbreads, and butter cookies. ten countries worldwide. Our customers can choose
from a list of over 150 products, including 14 types of
Seeking cooperation in: Production and export of gingerbreads, marshmallows (original, colored, with
biscuits, private label projects. and without fillings, and in various shapes and sizes),
numerous varieties of bread rings (standard and bite-
Certificates in use: Baltsert, HACCP sized, bundled, loose, and in standard packaging, with
various added flavors), extruded snacks, breakfast cereals,
and crispbreads. Our products have been awarded
gold medals for quality and innovation several times at
international trade fairs. The Mario trademark, owned by
Baltās Naktis, stands for quality, consistency, and excellent
customer service.

Seeking cooperation in: Joint ventures, production or

export activities, distributors, investors.

Certificates in use: Latsert

Legal form: Cooperative society of agricultural services Legal form: JSC
Address: Kalntemekas, Jeru pag., Rūjienas nov., LV-4234, Address: Spodrības iela 4, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701,
Latvia Latvia
Phone: +371 29425042 Phone: +371 63723289
Fax: +371 64221686 Fax: +371 63781329
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Arnis Ķibers
Contact: Mr Arnis Ķibers Chairman of the Board: Mr Kristaps Amsils
Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board Contact: Mr Kristaps Amsils
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board
Number of employees: 6 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1993 Number of employees: 155
Founded in: 1991
Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 383 943
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 054 067 Turnover in 2011: EUR 80 886 812
Main markets: Latvia Turnover in 2010: EUR 50 221 902
Export volume 2011: EUR 32 848 227
Business profile: Grain handling and distribution. Export volume 2010: EUR 15 915 491
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Germany,
Seeking cooperation in: Grain exports. Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Angola, Gambia,
Guinea, Thailand

Business profile: The production of all types of flour and

flour mixtures, flakes of different cereals, semolina, groats,
pearl-barleys, food-grade bran, and pasta. The packaging
of rice, buckwheat, beans, peas, and other products.
The production and sale of wholesome animal feed,
supplementary fodder, mineral fodder, concentrates,
premixes, and raw materials for different animal groups.
Storage, processing, cleaning, and drying of a great
amount of grain in grain silo. Sales in Latvia, and the
export of products for wholesale, which have been
processed, packed, and stored via road or rail transport.

Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!

Certificates in use: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005,

GMP+B2, GMP+B4.1

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Farm
Address: Ventspils iela 51, Rīga, LV-1002, Latvia Address: Jaunkalēji, Ošupes pag., Madonas nov., LV-4833,
Phone: +371 67805815 Latvia
Fax: +371 67805825 Phone: +371 29104869
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Owner: Mr Andrejs Broks
Chairman of the Board: Mr Vesa Jalava Contact: Mr Andrejs Broks
Contact: Mr Edijs Vegners Position of the contact person: Owner
Position of the contact person: Sales and Marketing Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Director Number of employees: 5
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Founded in: 1999
Number of employees: 494
Founded in: 1994 Main markets: Latvia

Turnover in 2011: EUR 25 759 902 Business profile: Homemade bread.

Turnover in 2010: EUR 26 833 200
Export volume 2011: EUR 1 839 257 Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!
Export volume 2010: EUR 2 757 681
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland

Business profile: Every day Hanzas Maiznīca bakeries

produce about 80 tons of bread products. The company
provides its customers with approximately 45 different
types of bread and 15 frozen bake-off products.

Seeking cooperation in: Bakery product export partners.

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Graudu iela 14, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301, Address: Benūžu Skauģi, Babītes pag., Babītes nov.,
Latvia LV-2107, Latvia
Phone: +371 63322186 Phone: +371 66047555
Fax: +371 63350357 Fax: +371 67708666
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Director: Mr Māris Šternbergs
Contact: Mr Māris Šternbergs Member of the Board: Mr Normunds Skauģis
Position of the contact person: Director Contact: Ms Ilona Šeršņova
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Head of Marketing and
Number of employees: 123 Sales Assistant in Export
Founded in: 2011 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 252
Turnover in 2011: EUR 762 991 Founded in: 1993
Main markets: Latvia
Turnover in 2011: EUR 5 876 278
Business profile: The scope of Kuldīgas Maizes Ceptuve Turnover in 2010: EUR 4 749 138
is the production and realization of bread and bakery Export volume 2011: EUR 122 217
products. Kuldīgas Maizes Ceptuve is a separate Export volume 2010: EUR 95 398
subsidiary company that has inherited more than fifty- Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Russia,
year-old traditions and recipes. The company prides Azerbaijan, USA, Australia, Japan
itself on baking delicious products and preserving the
ancestral taste and qualities of bread. A large proportion Business profile: Lāči bakery specialises in the baking
of manual labor is preserved in the bread baking process; of the highest quality rye bread and confectionery
it is fermented from natural leaven, the bread has no products. Lāči real rye bread is baked according to age-
additives, and the total preparation time may be up to 36 old baking traditions, some of the most complicated
hours. The products have an excellent flavor and aroma. bread-making methods in the world. The bread is
The company has established solid positions in the leavened for a long time using natural yeast. Every loaf
Latvian market. is meticulously handcrafted and baked in a wood-fired
oven. Total production time for the bread can be up
Seeking cooperation in: Company is looking for product to 36 hours. The production process uses only natural,
export partners. Latvian-grown ingredients containing no additives. The
main confectionery products are cakes, cookies and
marmalades. Products are created from carefully selected
and finest ingredients. Lāči confectionery products are
created by hand following our own, original recipes.

Seeking cooperation in: Looking for new markets and


Certificates in use: Food and Veterinary Service (FVS),

Russian Federation bread and toast certificates, Organic
bread certificate

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Lociki, Daugavpils nov., LV-5458, Latvia Address: Mūrmuižas iela 16D, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvia
Phone: +371 65474601, +371 29464117 Phone: +371 64221624, +371 28328803
Fax: +371 65426176 Fax: +371 64221611
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Mihails Kuzņecovs Member of the Board: Mr Dagnis Čākurs
Contact: Mr Sergey Kiselyov Contact: Mr Aigars Veldre
Position of the contact person: Sales Director Position of the contact person: Director
Languages spoken: Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Number of employees: 16 Number of employees: 170
Founded in: 2011 Founded in: 1992

Turnover in 2011: EUR 49 647 Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 500 000

Export volume 2011: EUR 16 784 Turnover in 2010: EUR 4 233 741
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Export volume 2011: EUR 80 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 10 000
Business profile: Grain crops rice, buckwheat, wheat Main markets: Latvia, Estonia
crackers. A unique technology (duration of thermal
treatment – 5 seconds; whole grains are used only in Business profile: Bread and confectionery production and
the production of crackers without yeast, dyes, and trade. Our production follows the Mendziņi family’s bread
preservatives) gives the product a quality combination, baking traditions, which can be traced back more than 80
which is important to supporters of healthy feed. years. The Liepkalni bakery has inherited these valuable
traditions and continues to improve and apply them
Seeking cooperation in: Selling products under our brand successfully. At the Liepkalni bakery, the entire process of
name. Manufacturing of products under private label. baking brown bread – from preparation to baking – lasts
up to thirty hours. This is the period in which real home-
made brown bread is created. This masterstroke, based in
past traditions, makes our bread very special and marks
its quality and taste.

Seeking cooperation in: Rye bread and cookies.

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Vecvaltes, Krimuldas pag., Krimuldas nov., Address: Stekļi, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001, Latvia
LV-2144, Latvia Phone: +371 64023391
Phone: +371 67521291 Fax: +371 64070653
Fax: +371 67818178 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Mr Normunds Bomis
Member of the Board: Mr Juris Zilgalvis Contact: Ms Inga Rakecka
Contact: Mr Jānis Tumens Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian Number of employees: 100
Number of employees: 80 Founded in: 1991
Founded in: 1997
Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 889 480
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 046 588 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 758 708
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 906 448 Export volume 2011: EUR 12 140
Export volume 2011: EUR 92 185 Export volume 2010: EUR 8 947
Export volume 2010: EUR 28 363 Main markets: Latvia, Germany, USA
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Scandinavia, Germany,
Netherlands, UK Business profile: The Lielezers bakery was founded in
1991 as a family enterprise with 16 employees. Our
Business profile: The bakery produces high-quality products received more and more appreciation and, as of
products from first-class ingredients, with no 2009, the bakery has 132 employees organised in three
preservatives added in the production process. Manual continuous shifts. Our speciality is bread baking using
work ensures high product quality. age-old recipes and methods with manual labour. The
Our range: baking process we follow could not be called innovative
- ORGANIC (BIO) biscuits or efficient. On the contrary, the slow-baking process is
- ORGANIC (BIO) bread not a concern to us and we do not use any enhancers to
- Bread speed things up. Because this is the only way it is possible
- Oat-flake biscuits to obtain natural, wholesome and tasty bread – bread
- Shortbread biscuits with an exquisite and rich flavour.
- Savoury biscuits Our speciality is rye breads – the source of strength and
- Cakes energy!
- Pastry shells The Lielezers bakery has become one of Latvia’s leading
- Gingerbread rye bread producers. We are most proud of our real
- Rusks rye bread, baked by age-old methods and recipes. The
scalded dough is prepared and ripened for twenty
Seeking cooperation in: Looking for export partners. We four hours in our hand-made aspen-tree tubs, which
are open to different cooperation models. guarantee high quality and a unique taste. In order to
bake scalded bread, flour of special quality is needed,
Certificates in use: LR PVD Food Production Certificate which we supply from our own mill. No appliances are
A011448, HACCP, BIO Certificate used to divide and form the rye dough.

Seeking cooperation in: Fresh or frozen rye-scalded,

sweet-sour bread for the catering, retail chain, wholesale

Certificates in use: Latsert

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Agrāri, Jauncode, Codes pag., Bauskas nov., Address: Lizuma iela 5, Rīga, LV-1006, Latvia
LV-3901, Latvia Phone: +371 67014450
Phone: +371 29140036 Fax: +371 67014410
Fax: +371 63924353 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:,

Member of the Board: Mr Uldis Dvinskis Managing Director: Mr Sandis Jansons

Contact: Ms Gunita Pole Contact: Mr Kārlis Mišinskis
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Position of the contact person: Sales and Logistics
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Director
Number of employees: 12 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 2002 Number of employees: 92
Founded in: 1946
Turnover in 2011: EUR 100 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 140 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 25 600 000
Export volume 2011: EUR 30 000 Turnover in 2010: EUR 20 200 000
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Export volume 2011: EUR 4 713 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 5 300 000
Business profile: The bakery produces high-quality Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Russia
products from first-class ingredients, with no
preservatives added in the production process. Manual Business profile: The company produces and sells
work ensures high product quality. grain products – all types of wheat and rye flours, flour
mixes, flakes, and other grain products for bakeries and
Seeking cooperation in: Looking for export partners. New confectioners, as well as products in small packages
markets, new distributors, private labels. for individual consumers: traditional flakes, muesli bars,
breakfast cereals, and instant porridges.

Seeking cooperation in: New partners for industrial and

consumer products.

Certificates in use: BRC, ISO 22000:2005

Legal form: Ltd
Address: Sporta iela 2, Rīga, LV-1013, Latvia
Phone: +371 67080301
Fax: +371 67080332
E-mail: [email protected]

Chairman of the Board: Mr Rolands Gulbis

Contact: Ms Ieva Jonsone
Position of the contact person: Export Sales Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Swedish, Russian
Number of employees: 230
Founded in: 1999

Turnover in 2011: EUR 10 834 057

Turnover in 2010: EUR 9 106 918
Export volume 2011: EUR 363 630
Export volume 2010: EUR 29 748
Main markets: Latvia, other EU countries

Business profile: We have two main product groups with

the strong brands Pedro and Staburadze:
1. Pedro – ready meals including sandwiches, submarines,
wraps, pizzas, salads, pancakes, sauces, and ready meals.
2. Staburadze – Pastries including tarts, fancy cakes, plum
cakes, cupcakes, profiteroles, muffins.

Seeking cooperation in: We are interested in cooperation

with retailers and other producers to manufacture private
labels, or the contract manufacturing of customers’

Certificates in use: ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005

Processed Fruit and Vegetables

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Joglas iela 2, Ungurpils, Alojas pag., Alojas nov., Address: Kitiņi, Siguldas pag., Siguldas nov., LV-2150,
LV-4064, Latvia Latvia
Phone: +371 64031730 Phone: +371 67973114, +371 67973119
Fax: +371 64031735 Fax: +371 67973119
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Managing Director: Mr Jānis Garančs Member of the Board: Mr Anatolijs Kitins

Contact: Mr Raitis Sarkovskis Contact: Mr Normunds Bērziņš
Position of the contact person: Sales Manager Position of the contact person: Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 47 Number of employees: 19
Founded in: 1991 Founded in: 1992

Turnover in 2011: EUR 4 486 944 Turnover in 2011: EUR 959 209
Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 080 649 Turnover in 2010: EUR 943 358
Export volume 2011: EUR 3 277 426 Export volume 2011: EUR 228 927
Export volume 2010: EUR 1 356 230 Export volume 2010: EUR 171 531
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Belarus Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden

Business profile: Production of potato starch, organic Business profile: The company Anatols offers our clients
potato starch, instant desserts, vanilla sugar, baking spice and seasoning. All spice mixtures are prepared
powder, dry and liquid spices and seasonings. on demand within a few days, from our table to freshly
Development and manufacturing of food product ground and packed spices. This can be seen when you
solutions for the snack and bakery industries, open a pack and feel the pleasant aroma of our product.
manufacturing of dairy, meat, and fish products and To ensure the superior quality of the product, all the
various sauces and condiments. process such as cleaning, processing, filling, weighing,
and packing are done under personal supervision.
Seeking cooperation in: Sales of consumer packs of
potato starches, organic starches, jelly powders, water Seeking cooperation in: We are open to work with private
gels, gelatine, vanilla sugar, and baking powder as our labels from start to end. We can meet any requirement
own brands or private/own labels. and any spice mixture, because our company makes all
its spice seasoning with our own technology. Whether
Certificates in use: BRC, Organic certificate your order is small or large, simple or complicated, we
guarantee your satisfaction.

Certificates in use: ISO 22000:2005

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Mūkusalas iela 73, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia Address: Matīsa iela 13, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia
Phone: +371 26577798 Phone: +371 67459188
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 67450713
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Mr Andris Petkēvičs
Contact: Mr Andris Petkēvičs Chairman of the Board: Mr Evgeny Khinevich
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Contact: Mr Oļegs Novikovs
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian Position of the contact person: Commercial Director
Number of employees: 2 Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Founded in: 2010 Number of employees: 65
Founded in: 1993
Turnover in 2011: EUR 30 000
Main markets: Latvia Turnover in 2011: EUR 6 744 387
Turnover in 2010: EUR 6 169 042
Business profile: Andrito Coffee Roastery produces and Export volume 2011: EUR 47 456
offers its customers fresh roasted coffee. We purchase Export volume 2010: EUR 49 179
green coffee from the most recent season’s harvest in Main markets: Latvia, UK
Brazil, Ethiopia, Colombia, etc., thus ensuring the high
quality of the coffee. In addition, our coffee is harvested Business profile: Mayonnaise production.
by hand, thus ensuring that each bean is fully mature and
has a great potential of aroma and flavor. The coffee is Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for wholesalers of
roasted in small quantities, so customers always get fresh mayonnaise.
coffee, because only fresh roasted coffee provides a huge
“explosion” of flavor and taste. Certificates in use: Latsert
Our clients basically are from the HoReCa sector, but also
we supply coffee shops and offices.

Seeking cooperation in: We are interested in exporting

our coffee to Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine for medium and
large HoReCa chains and retail. We also offer private label

Certificates in use: Rostest

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Aspazijas laukums 3, Auce, Auces nov., LV-3708, Address: Dimdiņi, Lizuma pag., Gulbenes nov., LV-4425,
Latvia Latvia
Phone: +371 63745111 Phone: +371 64471317
Fax: +371 63745111 Fax: +371 64471255
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Director: Mr Juris Eglītis Member of the Board: Mr Normunds Audzišs

Contact: Mr Mārtiņš Eglītis Contact: Ms Elina Kostigova
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Position of the contact person: Sales and Marketing
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Manager
Number of employees: 7 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1996 Number of employees: 65
Founded in: 1992
Turnover in 2011: EUR 241 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 245 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 746 193
Export volume 2011: EUR 40 000 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 993 868
Export volume 2010: EUR 20 000 Export volume 2011: EUR 474 219
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2010: EUR 214 985
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, UK, Russia
Business profile: Dienvidi Plus produces natural sea
buckthorn products (different kind of sea buckthorn Business profile: Trade of fresh vegetables, processing and
juices, different kind of marmalades, sea buckthorn tea, trade of fresh cabbage, sauerkraut, and pickled cabbage
sea buckthorn oil, jams, sea buckthorn wine, etc.). In in various packaging.
the production process, we focus on raw materials. Our
products are of high quality. Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for distributors of
our products.
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new markets,
trading partners, and dealers throughout Europe and Certificates in use: GlobalG.A.P., HACCP, Zaļā karotīte
worldwide. (Green Spoon)

Certificates in use: Organic certificate

Legal form: Farm Legal form: Ltd
Address: Pāvila iela 22, Cēsis, LV-4101, Latvia Address: Tirgus iela 10, Durbe, Durbes nov., LV-3440,
Phone: +371 29484457 Latvia
Fax: +371 64122134 Phone: +371 29119051
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Owner: Mr Artūrs Tereško Member of the Board: Ms Evija Kopštāle

Contact: Ms Baiba Tereško Contact: Ms Evija Kopštāle
Position of the contact person: Business Manager Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 10 Number of employees: 5
Founded in: 1995 Founded in: 2001

Turnover in 2011: EUR 342 369 Turnover in 2011: EUR 35 000

Turnover in 2010: EUR 392 777 Turnover in 2010: EUR 21 144
Export volume 2011: EUR 950 Main markets: Latvia
Main markets: Latvia
Business profile: Durbes Veltes (Gifts of Durbe) is a Latvian
Business profile: Dr. Tereško teas are Latvia’s most popular, food processing enterprise with classical values and
most recognised and valued health improvement herbal traditional methods of preparing food.
teas (30 varieties of teas in total, for stomach, liver, or Delicious jams and compotes, spicy salted salads, and
kidney ailments, immunity, women, men, etc.). The teas pickled products are made from food raw materials
are prepared with herbs growing in natural habitats grown in Latvia.
(meadows, forests, etc.) and with herbs that have been Some of the fruit, vegetables, and berries are grown
ecologically cultivated by local growers. Our range right here in Kurzeme, on local farms or in local forests,
also includes different herb species sold separately (for and some of them come from other, more distant places
example, nettles, chicory root, St. John’s wort, etc.). in Latvia. But what they all have in common is a taste
that will remind you of your mother’s or grandmother’s
Seeking cooperation in: Dr. Tereško tea products have homemade jams and salads.
received a European quality standard certificate and are The natural taste of the fruit and vegetables used in our
available for export. As the enterprise continues to products is preserved as much as possible; no synthetic
grow, the owners are looking forward to the challenge of preserving agents and artificial sweeteners are added.
entering new markets outside Latvia. This can be achieved only by using traditional heating
methods, meaning that each jar is handmade and
Certificates in use: European quality standard certificate prepared with care.
(EC Regulation No. 1881/2006) Currently Durbes Veltes offers five product lines: jams,
compotes, vegetable salads, pickled products, and fruit
and berry wines.
The variety of fruit and vegetable products will become
a delicious side dish for any meal. Fruit and berry wines
will warm you up on cold nights, while the light birch sap
wine will quench your thirst during the hot summer.

Seeking cooperation in: Product purchase, buying of

packing materials – bottles and jars.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Aleksandra Čaka iela 107, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia Address: Ozoli, Codes pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3910, Latvia
Phone: +371 26534562 Phone: +371 63960113
Fax: +371 67298033 Fax: +371 63960666
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Director: Mr Aigars Ercmanis Member of the Board: Mr Aivars Svarenieks

Contact: Mr Aigars Ercmanis Contact: Mr Aivars Svarenieks
Position of the contact person: Director Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 4 Number of employees: 38
Founded in: 2001 Founded in: 1993

Turnover in 2011: EUR 44 661 Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 707 527

Turnover in 2010: EUR 48 849 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 690 215
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2011: EUR 96 287
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Business profile: Dried vegetables, berries, mushrooms,
herbs. Prepackages in tea, the manufacture of food Business profile: Kronis is a fruit and vegetables
supplements. processing company that produces a variety of vegetable
soups, pickled vegetables, juices, nectars, jams, and other
Seeking cooperation in: We can offer dried vegetables, preserves.
berries, mushrooms, herbs.
Seeking cooperation in: Product sales and creation of a
joint venture.

Certificates in use: Certificate of Conformity issued by

Baltsert, Certificate of Conformity issued by POCC
CH. 0001

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Ltd
Address: Jaunkūlas 2, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164, Latvia Address: Lazdu iela 1, Jāņmuiža, Priekuļu pag.,
Phone: +371 67709200 Priekuļu nov., LV-4154, Latvia
Fax: +371 67709201 Phone: +371 22334079
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 67500417
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Valdis Blūms
Contact: Mr Vilnis Vorobjovs Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Lelde Garosa
Position of the contact person: Sales Director Contact: Ms Lelde Garosa
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Chairwoman of the Board
Number of employees: 140 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Founded in: 1993 Number of employees: 3
Founded in: 2010
Turnover in 2011: EUR 15 934 741
Turnover in 2010: EUR 14 247 215 Turnover in 2011: EUR 53 231
Export volume 2011: EUR 5 731 726 Turnover in 2010: EUR 7 291
Export volume 2010: EUR 6 863 820 Main markets: Latvia
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia,
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan Business profile: We have developed a business with
very good prospects, in cooperation with Latvia’s
Business profile: Latfood is a Latvian snack production State Institute of Fruit-Growing, the country’s leading
company with no limits on what it can produce in crisps/ fruit-growing research institution. We manufacture
potato chips, pellets, and extruded products under the high-quality sweetened dried fruits, berries, and
complementary Ādažu čipsi and Taffel brands. Equipped vegetables (trademark Hortus) produced without
with modern production facilities and following all artificial preservatives, colorings, or flavorings: dried
business process and quality system requirements, sweetened carrots, pumpkins; cranberries, blackcurrants,
Latfood always guarantees high product quality, safety, and cherries. We also offer a unique product: dried,
and full service. Latfood has considerable experience in sweetened quinces. These candied fruit products are
product development, including private label production. also known as succades and make an ideal healthy
In addition, the company supplies coated nuts and dip snack with excellent flavor! We also produce delicious
sauces. fruit and berry syrups free of colorings, flavorings, and
artificial preservatives: Cherry, Blackcurrant, Quince,
Seeking cooperation in: New export opportunities. mixed Quince-Carrot, Quince-Pumpkin, and Cranberry.
We have also developed cooperation with chocolatiers,
Certificates in use: Orkla Food Safety Standard, dairy manufacturers, and bakeries who use our products
EU Certificate of Conformity, Latvian Certificate of to enhance their own yoghurts, confectionery, etc. This
Conformity, RST (Gosstandart RF) entails drying all kinds of fruit and vegetables, tailored to
customers’ specific needs.

Seeking cooperation in: Looking for export opportunities:

- Partners and/or sales representatives to present our
products in their local markets on a commission basis.
- Importing distributors to purchase our products in
their own right and resell them in their local markets to
wholesalers, retailers, or both.
- Export merchants – wholesale companies buying
unpackaged products for resale under their own brand

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Piedrujas iela 5, Rīga, LV-1073, Latvia Address: Vecsili, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2123,
Phone: +371 67113640, +371 63481473 Latvia
Fax: +371 67113641, +371 63481707 Phone: +371 67100922
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Fax: +371 67100929
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Zofija Kuļika
Contact: Ms Ludmila Korlova Director: Mr Mārtiņš Čakste
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Contact: Mr Valdis Vipulis
Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian Position of the contact person: Sales Director
Number of employees: 8 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 2001 Number of employees: 47
Founded in: 2006
Turnover in 2011: EUR 651 958
Turnover in 2010: EUR 497 415 Turnover in 2011: EUR 10 349 235
Main markets: Latvia Turnover in 2010: EUR 7 609 018
Export volume 2011: EUR 7 310 756
Business profile: The company Liepājas Kafijas Fabrika Export volume 2010: EUR 5 852 203
produces Liepāja instant coffee and instant coffee drink.
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Russia,
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for business Belarus
Business profile: Coffee manufacturer, production of
Certificates in use: ISO 9001 natural ground coffee and coffee beans, packing of
natural instant coffee. Wholesaling. Retail.

Seeking cooperation in: Coffee export, coffee production

for private labels.

Certificates in use: ISO 22000, Latsert, Rostest

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Jaunliberti, Kocēnu pag., Kocēnu nov., LV-4220, Address: Mazā Krasta iela 83, Rīga, LV-1003, Latvia
Latvia Phone: +371 67140160
Phone: +371 64281894 Fax: +371 67160161
Fax: +371 64281894 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Ilona Āboliņa
Chief Executive Officer: Mr Andris Brikšķis Contact: Mr Kaspars Solims
Contact: Mr Māris Daude Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Position of the contact person: Sales and Marketing Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Director Number of employees: 18
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Founded in: 1994
Number of employees: 53
Founded in: 1985 Turnover in 2011: EUR 895 709
Turnover in 2010: EUR 956 863
Turnover in 2011: EUR 3 031 854 Export volume 2011: EUR 232 280
Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 512 896 Export volume 2010: EUR 199 169
Export volume 2011: EUR 777 830 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
Export volume 2010: EUR 778 661
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, UK, Business profile: Nissi is a company founded in 1994.
Ireland, Russia Until 2007 we mainly pre-packed spices and greens. After
successful strengthening our position in the Baltic market
Business profile: Milda KM is a highly qualified and becoming a leading company in the vegetable
manufacturer of tomato sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise, processing sector, Nissi bought a vegetable processing
and preserved foods. unit. At present, we offer more than 100 different items.
Our product portfolio consists of over 100 products The company’s major customers are supermarket chains
designed for a wide range of customer profiles, adapted and a variety of salad production units.
for different markets. Our assortment, which greatly facilitates the work of
our clients, includes pre-packed greens, processed
Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for trade partners vegetables, and steamed and cut vegetables.
or distributors for our brands and cooperation in At the end of 2011 the company equipped a new
manufacturing of private labels products. processing unit, which currently is the strongest unit of
this kind in the Baltics.
Certificates in use: ISO 22000:2005 The processed vegetables are good for up to six months;
therefore, the company’s Sales Department is not only
actively working on the acquisition of the Scandinavian
market, but has already initiated a successful co-
operation with Russia.

Seeking cooperation in: The potential export customers

are retail chains and their suppliers in the sector. The
company is interested in new co-operation partners
delivering greens, spices, and a variety of salads.

Certificates in use: LR PVD Food Production Certificate,


Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Farm
Address: Daigones iela 22, Pūre, Pūres pag., Tukuma nov., Address: Ragāres, Skrīveru nov., LV-5126, Latvia
LV-3124, Latvia Phone: +371 29229588
Phone: +371 63101200 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +371 63101202 Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Owner: Mr Jānis Vaivars
Contact: Mr Jānis Vaivars
General Manager: Mr Aigars Balodis Position of the contact person: Owner
Contact: Ms Anžela Hmeļova Languages spoken: Latvian, English
Position of the contact person: Sales Manager Number of employees: 1
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Founded in: 1992
Number of employees: 168
Founded in: 1994 Turnover in 2011: EUR 17 600
Turnover in 2010: EUR 5 000
Turnover in 2011: EUR 22 006 032 Main markets: Latvia
Turnover in 2010: EUR 17 898 300
Export volume 2011: EUR 15 928 736 Business profile: Certified organic herbal teas sold under
Export volume 2010: EUR 12 113 658 the locally well-known brand name Ragāres. Produced
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, using more than 100 different plants and herbs, the teas
Poland, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan are sold in over 15 different unique herbal tea mixes and
as single-packed herbs and flowers, like peppermint
Business profile: The Puratos Latvia core business is or marigold. We also produce organic spices and dried
producing fruit and berry ingredients for bakery and dairy soup mixes. Ragāres products are available in specialized
companies. The company produces high-quality jams organic shops, local eco markets, and organic friendly
and syrups for the retail sector. cafes and restaurants, as well as for corporate clients.
Finally, we offer health and nature tours to our visitors.
Seeking cooperation in: Dairy producers, distributors for
confectionery products, distributors for retail products. Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for specific
organic friendly market chains for product realization,
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22001, BRC especially foreign; tour operators, as we are a very special
place to visit; and organic vegetable producers.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Zvejnieki, Vārves pag., Ventspils nov., LV-3623, Address: Santas, Tumes pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3139, Latvia
Latvia Phone: +371 28677677
Phone: +371 26590995 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Mr Māris Selga
Member of the Board: Ms Ieva Viļuma Contact: Mr Māris Selga, Ms Modra Selga
Contact: Mr Edgars Viļums Position of the contact person: Member of the Board,
Position of the contact person: Export and Marketing Sales Manager
Director Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 12
Number of employees: 11 Founded in: 2004
Founded in: 2011
Turnover in 2011: EUR 192 770
Turnover in 2011: EUR 7 258 Turnover in 2010: EUR 201 148
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia Main markets: Latvia

Business profile: We produce a broad assortment of 100% Business profile: The company produces Sea-Buckthorn
natural and healthy products that have a unique and very Nectar Goldberry. The special processing method ensures
pleasant taste. Our main products include fruit and berry the preservation of biologically active ingredients in
chocolates, dried fruit and berries, syrups with low sugar pasteurized Nectar Goldberry. For easier consumption
content, healthy lemonades and jams. Nectar Goldberry is available in two sizes – 108 ml and
We have pushed our technology forward and use a 235 ml.
gentle temperature in our drying process to ensure
great taste and little to no loss of natural vitamins, anti- Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!
oxidants, and other valuable ingredients found in raw
fruit and berries. All of our products have a low sugar
content and we never use any preservatives.
Most of our products are unique in terms of taste and
value, and will not be mistaken for other manufacturers’

Seeking cooperation in: Looking for local distributors and

shop chains that would be interested in distributing or
adding our products to their assortment, as well as food
manufacturers interested in raw materials.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Zvaigžņu iela 1, Spilve, Babītes pag., Babītes nov., Address: Strandas, Gātciems, Salas pag., Babītes nov.,
LV-2101, Latvia LV-2105, Latvia
Phone: +371 67063000 Phone: +371 67708800
Fax: +371 67063005 Fax: +371 67708796
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website: www.

Member of the Board: Ms Lolita Bemhena General Manager: Mr Harold Bulmanis

Contact: Ms Zane Āboltiņa Contact: Ms Gunita Bergmane
Position of the contact person: Office Administrator Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Number of employees: 129 Number of employees: 25
Founded in: 1992 Founded in: 2008

Turnover in 2011: EUR 17 100 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 762 302
Turnover in 2010: EUR 15 800 000 Turnover in 2010: EUR 203 220
Export volume 2011: EUR 2 700 000 Export volume 2011: EUR 603 808
Export volume 2010: EUR 2 500 000 Export volume 2010: EUR 142 254
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Russia Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Norway,
Business profile: Tomato sauces and ketchups,
mayonnaise, salad dressings, horseradish and mustard, Business profile: Suncrisp is the grower and washer of
desserts and other sweet food additives, soups and ready premium, ready-to-eat small snack carrots packed in
meals, canned vegetables, juices, teas, and spices. plastic cups or bags. These whole carrots have the skin
intact for maximum nutritional value and a shelf life of up
Seeking cooperation in: Sales and purchasing. to 3 weeks if properly stored (+2 to +4 °C). A healthy, fast,
convenient, and mess-free snack item for kids and adults.
Certificates in use: Orkla Food Safety Standard, Rostest
Seeking cooperation in: We continue to look for new
markets and channels of distribution, focused on petrol
and convenience, and supermarkets– particularly in and
around the Baltic Sea Basin.

Certificates in use: GlobalG.A.P.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Matīsa iela 143, Rīga, LV-1009, Latvia Address: Maskavas iela 116, Rīga, LV-1003, Latvia
Phone: +371 67813286, +371 67813281, +371 29228066 Phone: +371 67113310
Fax: +371 67278640 Fax: +371 67113310
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Valērijs Judins Chairman of the Board: Mr Viktors Jefimovs
Contact: Mr Valērijs Judins Contact: Mr Viktors Jefimovs
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Position of the contact person: Chairman of the Board
Languages spoken: Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 8 Number of employees: 19
Founded in: 1993 Founded in: 1996

Turnover in 2011: EUR 821 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 325 250
Turnover in 2010: EUR 847 600 Turnover in 2010: EUR 307 102
Export volume 2011: EUR 76 000 Export volume 2011: EUR 157 836
Export volume 2010: EUR 82 000 Export volume 2010: EUR 150 954
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Germany, USA Main markets: Latvia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,
Business profile: The production-auction company
Valežs was created in 1993. Our initial activity was the Business profile: Products for those who love themselves!
production and sales of dry seasonings. In time, having Since 1996, Velte L has produced delicate sauces and
gained recognition and popularity in the Latvian market, spices. The distinctive feature of the products under
the company extended its sphere of activity and began the trademark EVALD is that they are produced without
to produce and sell its own combinations of herbs and colouring agents, thickeners, or aromatizers. They are
spices. made of only natural vegetables and fruits. There are 20
different sauces in the collection; each one is unique.
Seeking cooperation in: Valežs products are sold in many
countries around the world. As we are a fast-growing Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!
company, we are seeking partners worldwide.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Cooperative society of agricultural services
Address: Kalna Purvs, Gaujienas pag., Apes nov., LV-4339, Address: Lejas iela 3, Pūre, Pūres pag., Tukuma nov.,
Latvia LV-3124, Latvia
Phone: +371 67286608 Phone: +371 26440154
Fax: +371 67827939 Fax: +371 3101202
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Zanda Brālīte
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Gundega Sauškina Contact: Ms Zanda Brālīte
Contact: Ms Baiba Melece Position of the contact person: Chairwoman of the Board
Position of the contact person: Business Development Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Manager Number of employees: 3
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Founded in: 2004
Number of employees: 22
Founded in: 1998 Turnover in 2011: EUR 284 140
Turnover in 2010: EUR 359 280
Turnover in 2011: EUR 326 122 Export volume in 2011: EUR 4 976
Turnover in 2010: EUR 273 078 Export volume in 2010: EUR 1 858
Export volume 2011: EUR 19 781 Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania
Main markets: Latvia, Poland, Germany, UK, Russia
Business profile: The main activity of the Ziemeļoga
Business profile: Very Berry is one of the largest berry company is supplying the domestic market with
growers and processing companies in Latvia. The fresh and frozen cultivated cranberries, bilberries, sea
company currently manages 22 ha of cranberry, 20 ha of buckthorn berries, etc. Our suppliers – berry growers –
blueberry, and 15 ha of raspberry plantations. In addition utilise organic farming methods to cultivate their berries.
to the berry plantations, a natural juice production unit We manufacture juices, raisins, jellies, and other products
has been created. Modern refrigeration equipment from cultivated berries. In addition, we offer a tourism
enables the provision of fruit and berry freezing and route to berry-grower farms including the degustation of
storage services. berry products. We provide information and consultancy
Very Berry Ltd. offers: on methods for establishing cranberry fields and utilising
• Fresh and frozen berries - cranberries, blueberries, suitable agricultural machinery.
• Natural 100% juices - extracted using the mechanical Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for investors
pressing and gentle pasteurization method, allowing interested in developing novel pharmaceutical products
us to retain as much of the nutritional benefits of the utilising the high antioxidant effect of cranberries.
berries as possible. The juices have no added sugar,
preservatives, and flavorings. Certificates in use: HACCP
• Drinks and syrups - made from natural berry juices.
Preservatives and flavorings are not used in the
production process.
• Snacks (cranberry raisins, cranberries in powdered
sugar). Preservatives and flavorings are not used in the
production process.

Seeking cooperation in: Partners and distributors in new

markets; food manufacturers interested in raw materials;
partners interested in private label production; and tour
operators, as we are a very special place to visit. We are
open to different cooperation models.

Certificates in use: GLOBALG.A.P., HACCP


Legal form: Ltd
Address: Višķu iela 21B, Daugavpils, LV-5410, Latvia
Phone: +371 65442606 Legal form: Ltd
Fax: +371 65442616 Address: Šampētera iela 2, Rīga, LV-1045, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 26383961
Website: Fax: +371 67288502
E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Mr Andrejs Fjodorovs Website:
Contact: Ms Jevgēnija Ļapunova
Position of the contact person: Commercial Manager Member of the Board: Ms Laura Sebre
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, French, Russian Contact: Ms Ingrīda Gavare
Number of employees: 67 Position of the contact person: Export Manager
Founded in: 1996 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Number of employees: 25
Turnover in 2011: EUR 976 193 Founded in: 2009
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 358 431
Export volume 2011: EUR 23 815 Turnover in 2011: EUR 500 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 46 733 Turnover in 2010: EUR 595 919
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Germany, UK Export volume 2011: EUR 350 000
Export volume 2010: EUR 357 551
Business profile: The main specialisation is the production Main markets: Latvia, Scandinavia
of Eastern sweets – such products as halva, kozinaki,
milk sherbet, pahlava, and different kinds of nuts. Also Business profile: Invest 68 Ltd. represents the Emils
the production of confectionery products and cakesand Gustavs Chocolate brand founded in 2003. Core activities:
biscuits. production and distribution of high-quality, handmade
chocolate products, franchising.
Seeking cooperation in: The company is interested in Main product groups: Luxury chocolate truffles, chocolate
cooperating with suppliers of chocolate, nuts, different bars, chocolate fillings, chocolate slabs, chocolate
kind of oil, and sunflower seeds. We are also interested in figurines.
cooperation with confectionery products buyers.
Seeking cooperation in: Medium and large importers
Certificates in use: HACCP and wholesalers whose product portfolio includes tea,
coffee, sweets, confectionery, and souvenirs. Medium and
large HoReCa chains with a focus on sweets (chocolate
products) and confectionery. Franchising clients
(investors) for Emils Gustavs Chocolate brand.

Certificates in use: HACCP

Legal form: Farm Legal form: Ltd
Address: Kalna Smīdes, Drabešu pag., Amatas nov., Address: Pionieru iela 91A, Jaunolaine, Olaines pag.,
LV-4101, Latvia Olaines nov., LV-2127, Latvia
Phone: +371 26435206 Phone: +371 67964055
Fax: +371 64129547 Fax: +371 67964055
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: Website:,

Owner: Mr Jānis Sietiņsons Chairman of the Board: Mr Sergejs Skoblovs

Contact: Mr Jānis Sietiņsons Contact: Mr Viktors Zajacs
Position of the contact person: Owner Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 2 Number of employees: 7
Founded in: 1991 Founded in: 2002

Turnover in 2011: EUR 87 953 Turnover in 2011: EUR 85 000

Turnover in 2010: EUR 45 500 Turnover in 2010: EUR 70 295
Export volume 2010: EUR 470 Export volume 2011: EUR 62 500
Main markets: Latvia Export volume 2010: EUR 54 500
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine
Business profile: Latvia’s geographic location – northern
Europe, eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, and a relatively Business profile: Confectionery (jelly sweets)
short period of vegetation – gives the nectar of flowering manufacturing.
plants a particularly dense structure and biological
activity. Our honey is harvested in one of the most Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new
significant protected areas – Gauja National Park. cooperation partners in the EU and Russia in the adult
The primeval natural habitat of Gauja National Park and industry and confectionery distribution.
the bio-diversity of its flora is the basis on which Kalna
Smīdes 1 honey products have been developed: Certificates in use: LR PVD Food Production Certificate
Forest Honey – traditionally mild tasting, harvested from a AO 16541, Sanitary-epidemiological certificate issued by
variety of wild trees, shrubs, and copse and glade flowers. the Russian Federation.
Buckwheat-Sweet Clover Honey – a unique honey with a
specific flavor. Harvested in July in the nearby fagopyrum
esculentum fields and melilotus officinalis meadows.
Creamy Honey – a peculiarly lithe consistency and
agreeable, mild flavor nuances. Awarded “Latvia’s Best
Honey” in 2007.
Heather-Blossom Honey – maroon tint, pleasantly acrid,
and bitter flavored honey with minor bubbles and
valuable micro-capsules of alveoli, pollen, propolis, and
ambrosia. Selections based on these varieties:
Cēsis Duet – a set of two of these popular honeys in
different combinations.
Cēsis Trio – three most popular honeys in one set.

Seeking cooperation in: Product distribution and

processing. Research & Development.

Certificates in use: Certificate of organic farming

according to EC Regulations No. 834/2007 and
No. 889/2008

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Sporta iela 2, Rīga, LV-1013, Latvia Address: Pūre 9, Pūre, Pūres pag., Tukuma nov., LV-3124,
Phone: +371 67080301 Latvia
Fax: +371 67080332 Phone: +371 63180253
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 63180251
Website:, E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Rolands Gulbis
Contact: Ms Ieva Jonsone Chairman of the Board: Mr Pēteris Žimants
Position of the contact person: Export Sales Director Contact: Mr Mārtiņš Rasmanis-Koks
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Swedish, Russian Position of the contact person: Export Manager
Number of employees: 139 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, German, Russian
Founded in: 2009 Number of employees: 29
Founded in: 2007
Turnover in 2011: EUR 56 553 794
Turnover in 2010: EUR 75 874 266 Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 250 700
Export volume 2011: EUR 19 892 889 Turnover in 2010: EUR 870 635
Export volume 2010: EUR 18 473 103 Export volume 2011: EUR 468 825
Main markets: EU, Russia, Israel, USA, Canada Export volume 2010: EUR 172 535
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden,
Business profile: NP Foods is the front office for the Laima Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Russia,
and Gutta brands. Laima is the largest confectionery Australia
producer in the Baltic states, with origins that can be
traced back to 1870. NP Foods has taken over a number Business profile: Pure Chocolate produces a wide range
of functions to ease the sales, marketing, and purchasing of different chocolate truffles of excellent tastes and
processes. different kinds of packaging – for retail, HoReCa & private
label – for corporate clients.
Seeking cooperation in: NP Foods is interested in finding
potential partners and distributors in new markets, and in Seeking cooperation in: We are searching for a long-
securing its positions in existing markets. time relationship with a customer who is strong in the
chocolate business.
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, Rostest, Kosher for Laima
chocolate, HALAL Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000, Rostest

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Lielā iela 9A, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801, Latvia Address: Daugavas iela 82, Skrīveri, Skrīveru nov., LV-5125,
Phone: +371 63881440 Latvia
Fax: +371 63881440 Phone: +371 65197280
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 65197280
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Member of the Board: Ms Līga Grīsle
Contact: Ms Agnese Patrašanu Member of the Board: Ms Iveta Audziša
Position of the contact person: Sales and Marketing Contact: Ms Iveta Audziša
Manager Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 93 Number of employees: 66
Founded in: 1960 Founded in: 2006

Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 046 798 Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 567 785
Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 486 497 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 144 848
Export volume 2011: EUR 351 228 Export volume 2011: EUR 115 561
Export volume 2010: EUR 425 183 Export volume 2010: EUR 85 680
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Germany, UK, Russia
UK, Ireland, Russia, Azerbaijan, USA
Business profile: Manufacturing of milk-based Skrīveru
Business profile: Saldus Pārtikas Kombināts mainly Gotiņa candy, milk toffees, foamed toffees, marzipan
produces milk-based Gotiņa candies, toffees, sherbets, in chocolate, as well as chocolate-coated prunes and
soft fruit jellies (from natural juices and berries), and apricots.
candy creams, all made from natural ingredients. Our
milk-based Gotiņa candy is a fully natural product Seeking cooperation in: New markets, new distributors,
without any food additives. private labels.

Seeking cooperation in: Distributors, large retail chains, Certificates in use: HACCP, Certificate of Conformity
small chains, eco stores, ferry lines, hotels (souvenir-shelf ), issued by the Russian Federation

Legal form: Ltd
Address: Lāču iela 10, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101, Latvia
Phone: +371 64122527
Fax: +371 64122866
E-mail: [email protected]

Chairman of the Board: Mr Uldis Rudmiezis

Contact: Ms Liene Zariņa
Position of the contact person: Export Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 10
Founded in: 1997

Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 754 455

Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 938 752
Export volume 2011: EUR 327 022
Export volume 2010: EUR 479 075
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, UK,
Ireland, etc.

Business profile: Honey packing, different kinds of natural

honey, honey products, honey delicacies, bath and sauna
honey, beekeeping equipment.

Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!

Certificates in use: ISO 22000


Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Cēsu iela 31, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia Address: Bieķensalas iela 6, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia
Phone: +371 67014321, +371 67014318, +371 29354027 Phone: +371 29250765
Fax: +371 67014322 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Mr Māris Kaijaks
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Žaneta Givoina Contact: Ms Rita Strazinska
Contact: Mr Vladimirs Givoins Position of the contact person: Chief Executive Officer
Position of the contact person: President Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 1
Number of employees: 14 Founded in: 2009
Founded in: 2000
Turnover in 2011: EUR 157 375
Turnover in 2011: EUR 161 971 Turnover in 2010: EUR 135 087
Turnover in 2010: EUR 161 167 Main markets: Latvia, Poland, Germany, Hungary, France,
Main markets: Latvia UK

Business profile: For more than 10 years the company Business profile: We provide healthy sea buckthorn-apple
Baltezera Avoti has extracted pure, crystal clear Baltezers juice. Sea buckthorn is unique. It contains 190 active
drinking water from a unique underground water aquifer biological substances, including many antioxidants, 18
first discovered in 1902. Since that time the surrounding amino acids, 14 vitamins, pro vitamins 4, Omega 3-9, etc.
territory of 20 km2 has been isolated and preserved. At Sea buckthorn may be called an “elixir of youth”, because
the 1904 European Exhibition, water from this aquifer was it regenerates and rejuvenates cells, prevents age-related
voted the second best in Europe; first place went to the diseases, etc. It grants energy and health.
famous Viennese water from the Alpine mountains.
The drinking water Baltezers is available in policarbonate Seeking cooperation in: See Business Profile!
bottles with a volume of 18.9 litres, as well as 0.5 L, 1.0 L,
1.5 L, and 2.0 L PET bottles. Certificates in use: ICEA: eco-bio certificate for cosmetics

Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile!

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Ostas iela 4, Rīga, LV-1005, Latvia Address: Daugavgrīvas iela 82/84, LV-1007, Rīga, Latvia
Phone: +371 67023401 Phone: +371 67450696
Fax: +371 67023459 Fax: +371 67458986
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:,

Member of the Board: Mr Marijus Valdas Kirstukas Chairman of the Board: Mr Viktors Ogņanovs
Contact: Mr Vjacheslav Ignatenko Contact: Ms Dace Skulte
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Position of the contact person: Export and Project
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Development Manager
Number of employees: 367 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 1994 Number of employees: 115
Founded in: 1995
Turnover in 2011: EUR 47 286 611
Turnover in 2010: EUR 44 143 310 Turnover in 2011: EUR 5 471 383
Export volume 2011: EUR 9 160 430 Turnover in 2010: EUR 5 374 814
Export volume 2010: EUR 7 126 874 Export volume 2011: EUR 1 954 939
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Export volume 2010: EUR 1 760 996
Scandinavia, Germany, UK, Ireland; Russia, Ukraine, Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,
Belarus, and other CIS countries, USA Germany, Ireland, Russia, USA

Business profile: Brewing and production of non-alcoholic Business profile: Ilgezeem produces and supplies two
beverages (juices, nectars, juice drinks, carbonated and product lines:
non-carbonated soft drinks, mineral and drinking water, - Production of malt extract and natural non-alcoholic
flavoured waters). beverages on a malt base – kvass and malt beverages.
Ilgezeem kvass is made from barley and rye malt by the
Seeking cooperation in: Contact with customers and process of fermentation without preservatives.
distributors of beer and non-alcoholic beverages. - Mayonnaise, tomato sauces, ketchups under private
labels and the Ilgezeem brand.
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000, Rostest, FDA
(USA) Seeking cooperation in: Ilgezeem is interested in finding
an investor(s) to construct a new soft drink factory; the
company is open to the distribution of our products in
other countries with our or private labels. If you have any
ideas for new malt-based soft drinks, Ilgezeem is willing
to assist.

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, Latsert, Kosher, Russian

Certificate of Origin

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Lāču iela 10, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101, Latvia Address: Sporta iela 2, Rīga, LV-1013, Latvia
Phone: +371 64122527 Phone: +371 67080301
Fax: +371 64122866 Fax: +371 67080332
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:,

Member of the Board: Mr Uldis Rudmiezis Chairman of the Board: Mr Rolands Gulbis
Contact: Ms Liene Zariņa Contact: Ms Ieva Jonsone
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Position of the contact person: Export Sales Director
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Swedish, Russian
Number of employees: 10 Number of employees: 139
Founded in: 1994 Founded in: 2009

Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 075 454 Turnover in 2011: EUR 56 553 794
Turnover in 2010: EUR 995 868 Turnover in 2010: EUR 75 874 266
Export volume 2011: EUR 88 108 Export volume 2011: EUR 19 892 889
Export volume 2010: EUR 43 418 Export volume 2010: EUR 18 473 103
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ireland, Belarus, Main markets: EU, Russia, Israel, USA, Canada
Russia, Azerbaijan
Business profile: NP Foods is the front office for the Laima
Business profile: Production of non-alcoholic sparkling and Gutta brands. Gutta is one of the largest producers
drinks, better known as party drinks, which are based of juices and non-alcoholic beverages in the Baltics. NP
on natural quince and apple juices. Classic champagne Foods has taken over a number of functions to ease the
design and a children’s line – Jungles – with various sales, marketing, and purchasing processes.
flavors. Alcoholic cocktails – alcopops.
Seeking cooperation in: NP Foods is interested in finding
Seeking cooperation in: See Business profile! potential partners and distributors in new markets, and in
securing its positions in existing markets.
Certificates in use: ISO 22000
Certificates in use: ISO 9001, Rostest, NATO certification
for Gutta products, HALAL

Legal form: Ltd
Address: Ganību dambis 33, Rīga, LV-1005, Latvia
Phone: +371 67344444
Fax: +371 67501112
E-mail: [email protected]

Executive Director: Mr Aldis Škutāns

Contact: Ms Kristiāna Zuza
Position of the contact person: PET Sales Director Latvia
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 170
Founded in: 1997

Turnover in 2011: EUR 6 037 820

Turnover in 2010: EUR 5 916 496
Main markets: Latvia

Business profile: Venden was founded in 1997 and is

currently the biggest natural mineral and spring water
producer in the Baltic region.
Main product groups:
- Spring water in 11 L un 18.9 L bottles
- Carbonated and still natural mineral water in PET bottles
0.5, 0.75, 1.5 L
- Carbonated and still natural mineral water in glass 0.25 L
- Different private label producing
Main services:
- Rental and maintenance services of water coolers
- Rental and maintenance services of coffee machines

Seeking cooperation in:

- Participation in international exhibitions
- Creation of new export channels
- Participation in international procurement tenders

Certificates in use: ISO 22000:2005


Legal form: JSC Legal form: Ltd
Address: Tvaika iela 44, Rīga, LV-1005, Latvia Address: Imantas, Īslīces pag., Bauskas nov., LV-3914,
Phone: +371 67023200 Latvia
Fax: +371 67023224 Phone: +371 63960013
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Fax: +371 63960019
Website: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Veli Pekka Tennila
Contact: Ms Vita Ozoliņa Member of the Board: Mr Vladimirs Barskovs
Position of the contact person: Export and Sales Manager Contact: Ms Daiga Solzemniece
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Sales Director
Number of employees: 280 Languages spoken: Latvian, Lithuanian, Russian
Founded in: 1865 Number of employees: 68
Founded in: 1999
Turnover in 2011: EUR 39 615 191
Turnover in 2010: EUR 36 300 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 3 537 049
Export volume 2011: EUR 6 143 886 Turnover in 2010: EUR 3 564 787
Export volume 2010: EUR 4 781 396 Export volume 2011: EUR 31 263
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Export volume 2010: EUR 21 013
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia, UK
Business profile: The company produces beer, beer mix,
cider, carbonated soft beverages, waters, flavored waters, Business profile: Beer:
and alcoholic cocktails. Tumšais Bauskas alus speciālais 5.5% abv – in glass, PET
bottles, kegs
Seeking cooperation in: Sales and distribution of product Gaišais Bauskas alus speciālais 4.8% abv – in glass, PET
portfolio abroad. bottles, kegs
Gaišais Bauskas alus Senču 4.0% abv – in glass, PET
Certificates in use: ISO 14001, ISO 22000, OHSAS 18001 bottles, kegs
Tumšais Bauskas alus Premium 5.5% abv – in glass
Non-alcoholic malt beverage Veselība – in glass
Non-alcoholic malt beverage Porteris – in glass

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new markets,

including Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden,
and other European countries.

Certificates in use: ISO 22000:2005

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: JSC
Address: Jaunkūlas, Ādažu nov., LV-2164, Latvia Address: Aldaru laukums 1, Cēsis, LV-4101, Latvia
Phone: +371 67904858 Phone: +371 67511377
Fax: +371 67904860 Fax: +371 67511376
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Website:

Member of the Board: Mr Grigorijs Vovks Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Eva Sietiņsone-Zatlere
Contact: Ms Ieva Ozoliņa Contact: Mr Artis Ancāns
Position of the contact person: Director’s Assistant Position of the contact person: Trade Development
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Manager
Number of employees: 20 Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Founded in: 2004 Number of employees: 220
Founded in: 1991
Turnover in 2011: EUR 8 559 227
Turnover in 2010: EUR 10 819 064 Turnover in 2011: EUR 47 954 277
Export volume 2011: EUR 128 352 Turnover in 2010: EUR 43 260 993
Export volume 2010: EUR 131 080 Export volume 2011: EUR 6 157 958
Main markets: Latvia, other European countries, Israel, Export volume 2010: EUR 3 991 153
China, USA Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, UK

Business profile: Production and distribution of vodka and Business profile: The company produces high-quality
strong alcoholic drinks. beverages in eight categories: beers, ciders, alcoholic
cocktails, energy beverages, juices, juice beverages,
Seeking cooperation in: Wholesale, distribution, and flavored waters, and soft beverages. Cēsu Alus is the
cooperation. market leader in Latvia’s alcopop, cider, and energy drink
markets; our company is the second largest brewer in
Certificates in use: Declaration of Conformity, Certificate Latvia. We also produce beverages under private labels.
of Origin We are recognised in Latvia as the innovation leader, and
in foreign markets we are appreciated through our very
high-quality standards and attractive packaging.

Seeking cooperation in: Export of company’s products,

private label manufacturing, contract manufacturing.

Certificates in use: HACCP, BRC

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Jaunalko, Jaunpagasts, Virbu pag., Talsu nov., Address: Kalna iela 9, Jaunpagasts, Virbu pag., Talsu nov.,
LV-3292, Latvia LV-3292, Latvia
Phone: +371 63237911 Phone: +371 63252300
Fax: +371 63291242 Fax: +371 63237822
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Website:, Website:

Chairman of the Board: Mr Soren Qvist Chairman of the Board: Mr Donāts Vaitaitis
Contact: Mr Sergejs Solovjovs Contact: Mr Kaspars Fogelmanis
Position of the contact person: Export Manager Position of the contact person: Member of the Board
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 60 Number of employees: 150
Founded in: 1996 Founded in: 1997

Turnover in 2011: EUR 13 292 274 Turnover in 2011: EUR 13 487 255
Turnover in 2010: EUR 16 304 971 Turnover in 2010: EUR 20 331 803
Export volume 2011: EUR 786 538 Export volume 2011: EUR 11 429 107
Export volume 2010: EUR 945 520 Export volume 2010: EUR 10 447 564
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Belgium, Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
Germany, Spain, Israel, Taiwan, USA, etc.
Business profile: Production of bio-ethanol, beverages,
Business profile: Jaunalko Ltd. is one of the largest alcohol, pharmaceutical alcohol, anhydrous alcohol. We
producers of alcoholic beverages in the Baltic states. Its also produce protein for animal feed and brans.
products are high-quality vodkas and other alcoholic
beverages, which are well known in the Latvian market Seeking cooperation in: Interested both in sales of
and export markets. The products have received a our products and purchasing from partners. New
number of prestigious awards in the world’s largest spirits technologies.
competitions, including a Gold Medal for Arsenitch Vodka
in the International Wine & Spirit Competition in London, Certificates in use: HACCP

Seeking cooperation in: B2B cooperation with distributors

and retail chains around the world.

Certificates in use: HACCP, Kosher

Legal form: JSC Legal form: Ltd
Address: Aleksandra Čaka iela 160, Rīga, LV-1012, Latvia Address: Gaujas iela 2, Jaunpiebalga, Jaunpiebalgas pag.,
Phone: +371 67081213 Jaunpiebalgas nov., LV-4125, Latvia
Fax: +371 67315265 Phone: +371 67892722
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 67612855
Website: E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman of the Board: Mr Guntis Āboltiņš-Āboliņš
Contact: Mr Justs Dzedons Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Ināra Dūklava
Position of the contact person: Export Director Contact: Mr Oskars Liepiņš
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Position of the contact person: Sales Manager
Number of employees: 613 Languages spoken: Latvian, Russian
Founded in: 1900 Number of employees: 65
Founded in: 1998
Turnover in 2011: EUR 65 530 000
Turnover in 2010: EUR 74 360 000 Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 868 700
Export volume 2011: EUR 44 260 000 Turnover in 2010: EUR 2 424 304
Export volume 2010: EUR 38 360 000 Export volume 2011: EUR 1170
Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Russia, Export volume 2010: EUR 640
Ukraine, USA Main markets: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

Business profile: Production of a wide range of alcoholic Business profile: The brewery (Piebalga Beer) is located
beverages - vodkas, brandies, spirit drinks, RTDs, ciders, 130 km from Rīga in a small town named Jaunpiebalga,
sparkling wines, liqueurs, bitters, and gins. The company situated in a district with the cleanest environment in
produces such internationally recognised worldwide Latvia. The originality of beer: it is always alive! Products:
known brands as Stolichnaya, Moskovskaya, Riga Black Senču beer - Light beer with the nice bitterness of hops
Balsam and Rīgas Sparkling wine. Riga Black Balsam is one and a malt aroma. Alcohol content – 4.0%.
of the oldest alcohol brands in Europe – its beginnings Piebalgas beer - Golden light beer. Great drink with
can be traced back to 1752. a taste of malt and the bitter aroma of hops. Alcohol
The quality management system of AS Latvijas Balzams content – 5.6%.
is certified in accordance with ISO standards. Product Piebalgas dark beer Lux Golden light beer. Great drink
quality is affirmed by hundreds of awards in various with a typical taste of malt and the bitter aroma of hops.
international and domestic competitions and obtained Alcohol content – 5.6%.
quality certificates and the loyalty of consumers acquired Piebalgas Jubilejas beer - Beer with a well-balanced taste
over several decades. and aroma of hops and malt. Brewed in recognition of
AS Latvijas Balzams is one of the most significant the company’s 15th anniversary, and dedicated to our
exporters in Latvia. Its products are available in more than true friends. Alcohol content – 5.2%.
30 countries worldwide and every year we explore new Mednieku beer Light, a light beer for people with a
export markets. Our factory has a strong background in hunter’s instinct. Alcohol content – 4.7%.
the production of “Private Label” projects. Non-alcoholic malt beverage Kvass.
The company makes solid, regular investments into
company development in order to meet growing Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for new
customer expectations and market requirements. customers, distributors, etc.

Seeking cooperation in: We are looking for importers and Certificates in use: ISO 14001, Rostest, the Certificate
distributors of alcoholic beverages worldwide. of Recognition confirming that the company assures
compliance with the European Union’s food industry
Certificates in use: ISO 9001:2008 requirements.

Legal form: Ltd Legal form: Ltd
Address: Dzirnavu iela 2, Valmiermuiža, Valmieras pag., Address: Zaksi, Užavas pag., Ventspils nov., LV-3627, Latvia
Burtnieku nov., LV-4219, Latvia Phone: +371 63630595, +371 29209161, +371 29219145
Phone: +371 64216601 Fax: +371 63630562
Fax: +371 64216602 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Member of the Board: Mr Uldis Pumpurs
Member of the Board: Mr Aigars Ruņģis Contact: Ms Irēna Pumpura
Contact: Mr Aigars Ruņģis Position of the contact person: Director
Position of the contact person: Member of the Board Languages spoken: Latvian, English
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian Number of employees: 40
Number of employees: 16 Founded in: 1995
Founded in: 2005
Turnover in 2011: EUR 2 204 899
Turnover in 2011: EUR 1 303 925 Turnover in 2010: EUR 1 983 665
Turnover in 2010: EUR 841 321 Export volume 2011: EUR 11 084
Export volume 2011: EUR 5 414 Export volume 2010: EUR 9 174
Export volume 2010: EUR 1 410 Main markets: Latvia, Estonia
Main markets: Latvia, Estonia
Business profile: The basic activity of the enterprise Zaksi
Business profile: Valmiermuižas Alus is a Latvian craft is beer production. Užava Brewery is a medium-sized
brewery near the town of Valmiera, where a real, live enterprise where brewing of a particular kind of Užava
beer is brewed patiently and proudly, using the highest Beer is carried out using up-to-date technology and the
quality natural ingredients. For beer lovers, Valmiermuiža’s ancient, classical Latvian beer brewing tradition. Particular
brewery offers two sorts of unpasteurized beer – value is attached to the product; as a result, Užava beer is
Valmiermuižas light beer and Valmiermuižas dark beer. not pasteurized.
Valmiermuiža brewery takes part in culinary tourism and
gladly invites guest from near and far to visit the brewery, Seeking cooperation in: Anyone who believes that the
discover how the beer is made, and taste the brewery’s best beer must be a naturally made product can establish
products. Brewery tours are available in Latvian, English, business cooperation with Zaksi - Welcome to Kurland -
and Russian. Užava beer Brewery!

Seeking cooperation in: Valmiermuiža brewery is open

for collaboration with various tourism organizations
interested in culinary tourism, as well as specialized beer
and delicacy shops and distributors.

Eggs and Egg Products

Legal form: JSC
Address: Administratīvā ēka, Iecavas nov., LV-3913, Latvia
Phone: +371 63943840
Fax: +371 63943850
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Executive Officer: Mr Arnis Veinbergs

Contact: Mr Edgars Lesnieks
Position of the contact person: Business Manager
Languages spoken: Latvian, English, Russian
Number of employees: 190
Founded in: 1972

Turnover in 2011: EUR 33 194 493

Turnover in 2010: EUR 30 201 773
Export volume 2011: EUR 15 601 618
Export volume 2010: EUR 14 739 606
Main markets: EU, CIS

Business profile: Production and sale of eggs (consumer

and industrial) and egg products such as whole egg, egg
white, egg yolk, boiled eggs, egg powders.

Seeking cooperation in: Looking for new partners,

customers, distributors for retail eggs and egg products.

Certificates in use: ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 31000,

BRC Food, IFS Food

Useful Addresses
Latvijas Bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības asociācija Lauksaimnieku organizāciju sadarbības padome
Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture Co-operation Council of Latvian Agricultural
Chairman of the Board: Mr Gustavs Norkārklis Organizations
Address: Republikas laukums 2-521, Rīga, LV-1981, Latvia Chairman of the Board: Mr Edgars Treibergs
Phone: +371 67027227, +371 29495888 Address: Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 67027274, +371 26311133
Website: Fax: +371 67027243
E-mail: [email protected]
Latvijas Gaļas liellopu audzētāju asociācija
Latvian Beef Cattle Breeders Association
Chairwoman of the Board: Ms Aija Ādama Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Pārtikas
Address: Izstāžu komplekss “Rāmava” - 112, Ķekavas pag., tehnoloģijas fakultāte
Ķekavas nov., LV-1076, Latvia Faculty of Food Technology, Latvia University of
Phone: +371 67600557, +371 29415054 Agriculture
Fax: +371 67600557 Dean: Asoc. Prof. Inga Ciproviča
E-mail: [email protected] Address: Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia
Website: Phone: +371 63021075
Fax: +371 63022829
E-mail: [email protected]
Latvijas Pārtikas uzņēmumu federācija Website:
Latvian Federation of Food Enterprises
Director: Ms Lolita Bemhena
Office Administrator: Ms Ligita Turnere Latvijas Republikas Zemkopības ministrija
Address: Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1981, Latvia Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
Phone: +371 67808968 Address: Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1981, Latvia
Fax: +371 67808969 Phone: +371 67027010
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 67027512
Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Latvijas Tirgotāju asociācija

Latvian Traders Association Latvijas Valsts Agrārās ekonomikas institūts
President: Mr Henriks Danusēvičs Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics
Address: Bruņinieku iela 12-9, Rīga, LV-1001, Latvia Director: Ms Vija Ančupāne
Phone: +371 67297372 Address: Struktoru iela 14, Rīga, LV-1039, Latvia
Fax: +371 67297364 Phone: +371 67552909
E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +371 67541789
Website: E-mail: [email protected]

Lauku atbalsta dienests Pārtikas drošības, dzīvnieku veselības un vides zinātniskais
Rural Support Service institūts “BIOR”
Director: Ms Anna Vītola-Helviga BIOR Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health, and
Address: Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV-1981, Latvia Environmental Science
Phone: +371 67027542 Director: Mr Rafael Joffe
Fax: +371 67027120 Address: Lejupes iela 3, Rīga, LV-1076, Latvia
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +371 67620513
Website: Fax: +371 67620434
E-mail: [email protected]
Pārtikas un veterinārais dienests
Food and Veterinary Service
General Director: Mr Māris Balodis
Address: Peldu iela 30, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia
Phone: +371 67095230
Fax: +371 67322727
E-mail: [email protected]

Promotion of Entrepreneurship,
Investment and Foreign Trade

Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

Address: Pērses iela 2, Rīga, LV-1442, Latvia
Phone: +371 67039499
Fax: +371 67039401
E-mail: [email protected]

The mission of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) is to promote
growth of the economy of Latvia. Accordingly, the objective of LIAA is to promote
business development by facilitating increased foreign investment, while elevating the
competitiveness of Latvian entrepreneurs in both domestic and foreign markets.

With almost 20 years of experience in attracting of foreign direct investment to Latvia and
promoting foreign trade, the Agency has worked continually to improve the business
environment and provide services appropriate to the needs of business.

Following Latvia’s accession to the EU in 2004, the Agency needed to adopt new methods
and tools, including the effective utilisation of resources from EU Structural funds. Today,
LIAA offers an integrated solution – it supports companies in Latvia trading internationally
as well as overseas businesses seeking partners or locations in Latvia and administers state
support programmes for entrepreneurs co-financed from EU Structural funds.

To ensure high quality communications with customers the Agency has representative
offices in Minsk (Belarus), Beijing (China), Copenhagen (Denmark), Paris (France), Berlin
(Germany), Tokyo (Japan), Vilnius (Lithuania), The Hague (the Netherlands), Oslo (Norway),
Warsaw (Poland), Moscow (Russia), Stockholm (Sweden), London (UK) and Kiev (Ukraine).

An ability to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of businesses and markets by offering
new services characterises the Agency’s own competitiveness, built on the knowledge and
competencies of our experienced specialists. LIAA pays close attention to the quality of its
own performance, comparing it with world best practices, and subsequently introducing
new services and solutions for our customers.

In recognition of LIAA’s competitive and high quality services, the Agency was recently
named one of the top 10 performing national Investment Promotion Intermediaries (IPIs) in
the world, according to the Global Investment Promotion Benchmarking published by the
World Bank. LIAA finished 7th in a fierce competition of 213 investment promotion agencies.

We look forward to helping your company succeed in Latvia!

Representative Offices of Investment
and Development Agency of Latvia

Representative Office in Belarus Representative Office in Japan Representative Office in the Russian
Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Federation
ул. Дорошевича 6а, Minsk 220013, 37-11 Kamiyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
Belarus Tokyo, 150-0047, Japan Ул. Чаплыгина, 105062, Moscow,
Phone: +375 17 211 3033 Phone: +81 33467 6888 Russian Federation
Fax: +375 17 284 7494 Fax: +81 33467 6897 Phone/Fax: +7 495 7301834
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Representative Office in China Representative Office in Lithuania Representative Office in Sweden

Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
Unit 71, Green Land Garden No 1A M.K.Čiurlionio gatvė 76, LT-03100, Odengatan 5, Box 19167,
Green Land Road, Vilnius, Lithuania 10432 Stockholm, Sweden
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100016, Phone: +370 52131140 Phone: +46 8 7006311
China Fax: +370 52131130 Fax: +46 8 140 151
Phone: +86 10 64333863 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +86 10 64333810
E-mail: [email protected] Representative Office in the Representative Office in the United
Netherlands Kingdom
Representative Office in Denmark Embassy of the Republic of Latvia 72 Queensborough Terrace,
Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Balistraat 88, 2585 XX ‘s-Gravenhage, London, W2 3SH, United Kingdom
Rosbæksvej 17, DK-2100, The Netherlands Phone: +44 (0)20 7229 8173
Copenhagen Ǿ, Denmark Phone: +31 (0)70 306 5007 Fax: +44 (0)20 7727 7397
Phone: +45 3927 6009 Fax: +31 (0)70 306 5008 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +45 3927 6173 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Representative Office in Ukraine
Representative Office in Norway Embassy of the Republic of Latvia
Representative Office in France Bygdøy Allé 76, Post Box 3163 вул. Івана Мазепи 6 Б, 01901, Kiev,
Ambassade de Lettonie Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway Ukraine
6, villa Saïd 75116 Paris, France Phone: +47 22 542 286 Phone: +38 044 4960203
Phone: +33 1 53 64 58 15 Fax: +47 22 546 426 Fax: +38 044 4960204
Fax: +33 1 53 64 5819 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Representative Office in Poland
Foreign Economic Representative Embassy of Republic of Latvia
Office in Germany Ul. Krolowej Aldony 19,
Botschaft der Republik Lettland 03-928 Warszawa, Poland
Reinerzstr. 40-41, D-14193 Berlin, Phone: +48 22 617 1105
Germany Fax: +48 22 617 1106
Phone: +49 (0) 30 609 29 421 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +49 (0) 30 609 29 420
E-mail: [email protected]


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