Macmillan Natural and Social Science 4: Introduction To The Course

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Macmillan Natural and Social Science 4


Dear Parent / Carer,

This year your child will be studying Science, History and Geography through English using the
coursebook Macmillan Natural and Social Science 4, which is the fourth level of a six-level course,
taking children from Year 1 through to Year 6 of primary.

Learning Natural and Social Science is an active process. Your child will have many opportunities for
hands-on learning experiences throughout the course. They will be encouraged to make observations
and enquire, ask questions and discover, and apply their knowledge by making connections with their
everyday lives.

There are 12 units in the course, each taking a different scientific concept as a starting point.
Vocabulary chants and dialogues help to introduce your child to the unit vocabulary. Your child will sing
content-based songs to give them confidence in the subject matter. A story is included in every unit to
aid your child’s comprehension by contextualising the scientific concepts presented. The vocabulary
chants, raps and songs can be enjoyed again at home with the aid of the Vocabulary and Songs CD.
Your child will be involved with at least one practical investigation or experiment per unit. To initiate
independent learning, he or she will be encouraged to write in English using the Picture dictionary for

Use of English is carefully graded and integrated into the scientific context. Your child’s language skills
will be systematically developed throughout the course alongside their understanding of scientific
concepts. He/She is encouraged to express themselves in English right from the start, which helps your
child to develop the four basic skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

There is one homework worksheet for each unit of the coursebook. These worksheets have been
specifically designed for your child to take home and continue their investigations in their immediate
environment. When your child is given a homework task, assist him or her in investigating the concept
and completing the worksheet. Instructions are provided at the foot of each homework worksheet.

*(In addition to the coursebook, your child may also be reading the Macmillan Science Readers as part
of this year’s course. The Macmillan Science Readers will engage your child in lively and motivating
reading texts and activities related to the content in Macmillan Natural and Social Science 4 and will
give him or her a head start in developing reading skills).

A fundamental factor in your child’s enthusiasm and success in learning Science through English lies in
your interest and support. When your child brings home homework or material that they have created in
their Science class, encourage him or her to read, or simply to talk about the item with you. Try to avoid
any direct translation of the material at this stage.

Thank you in advance for collaborating in your child’s progress and success in Science this year.
Please do come and talk to me if ever you have any comments or queries about any aspect of our
Science programme or if you think I can be of further help in any way.

With best wishes,

Class Science teacher

*Include this sentence in your letter only if your school has purchased the
Macmillan Science Readers.


© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2011

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