Assignment Brief and Feedback - Assignment3 - Unit22 (LO3 Oscillators) RevA - V1.2

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Sri Lanka Telecom Training Centre

Pearson BTEC Level 4 Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (RQF)

Assignment Brief and Feedback Form

Student ID

Student Name

Academic Year 2018

Assessor name M. S. Gunasekara

Unit Number &

Unit 22 - Electronic Circuits and Devices
Assignment 3 - Examine the operation and application of oscillators.

Issue Date xx/07/2019

Submission Date xx/07/2019


IV Name
Harshana Ranmuthugala
Submit as a report


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Student/Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Student/Learner signature: Date:

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Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title Higher National Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (RQF)

M. S. Gunasekara Harshana Ranmuthugala

Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 22 - Electronic Circuits and Devices
Assignment 3 - Examine the operation and application of oscillators.
Assignment title

Student’s name

List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction

criteria the Assessor
has awarded.

Do the assessment criteria

awarded match those shown in the Y/N
assignment brief?

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s Y/N
comments on the student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance?

• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if

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Remedial action taken
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Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature

Programme Leader signature (if


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

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Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
and Task
LO3 P5 M3 D3
Examine the Examine types of Assess the Analyse the results
operation and available oscillators performance obtained from
application of and their applications characteristics of types applying practical and
oscillators of oscillators virtual tests on
oscillators studied

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Assessor Feedback

Task Feedback to learner

(Evidence presented against the published criteria)

Task 1

Overall Grades Pass/Merit/Distinction

Assessor Signature: Date:


Overall Grades after Resubmission

Internal Verifier Signature: Date:


Achieving all “P”s of the unit will earn you a “Pass”.

Achieving all “P”s and all “M”s of the unit will earn you a “Merit”.
Achieving all “P”s and all “M”s and all “D”s of the unit will earn you a “Distinction”.

Late submission

To achieve a “Merit” or “Distinction” grade, you MUST submit the assignments within the deadline.

Not Achieved

A “Not Achieved” grade means more work is required to achieve a “Pass”.

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Assignment Brief and Guidance – Task1
a.) What is an Oscillator? What are the common applications of an oscillator? Describe the basic
principles of operation of an oscillator.

(Hint: To explain the operation, deduce an expression for the gain of a positive feedback amplifier and
mention the condition for oscillation in terms of phase angle and open loop gain.)

b.) Explain the types and applications of following oscillators.

i. Wien bridge oscillator,
ii. Twin-T oscillator,
iii. R-C ladder oscillator,
iv. L-C coupled oscillator,
v. Transistor oscillator,
vi. operational amplifier,
vii. crystal oscillator.
c.) Assess the performance characteristics of types of oscillators. Commented [HR1]: The discussion shall focus on important
parameters of Oscillators such as Frequesncy, stability, frequency
drift, distoration, amplitude and wave shapes.
(Hint: The discussion shall focus on important parameters of Oscillators such as Frequesncy,
stability, frequency drift, distoration, amplitude and wave shapes.)

d.) Implement the below Wien-bridge sine wave oscillator using LM741 OPAMP on Proteus and do the
necessary adjustments to get stable output frequency. Then build the circuit on bread board and
observe the output frequency generated. Analyse and discuss the results obtained from above
practical and virtual tests.

(Hint: Clearly mention the requirement for oscillation in a Wien Bridge Oscillator. )

R1 = 500 ohm
R1 = 1k
R = 10k
C =10n

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