Nehrp Irc Table3

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Table 3.

Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
2000 IRC 1997 NEHRP
Section Provision Section Provision Comments

CHAPTER 3 Chapter 1
R301.2.2 Seismic The seismic provisions of this code shall 1.2.1 Scope These Provisions …. these Provisions. IRC less stringent
Provisions apply to buildings constructed in SDCs C, Exception: Detached one- and two-family
D1, and D2 dwellings located where SDS is less than 0.4g are
Exception: Detached one and two family exempt from all requirements of these
dwellings in SDC C (i.e., where SDS < Provisions. Thus, it covers only part of the
0.50g) dwellings exempted by IRC
R301.2.2.1 The Seismic Design Categories and 4.2.1 Determination of All structures shall be assigned to a Seismic Basically
Determination of corresponding Short Period Design Seismic Design Design Category based on their Seismic Use equivalent
Seismic Design Spectral Response Accelerations, SDS Category: Group and the design spectral response
Category shown in Fig. R301.1(1) are based on soil acceleration coefficients, SDS and SD1,
R301. Site Class D. For other soil conditions, determined in accordance with Sec.
Alternative SDS can be determined as per IBC, and Each building and structure shall be assigned to
determination of SDC can be assigned according to Table the most severe Seismic Design Category in
Seismic Design R301.2(3). accordance with Table 4.2.1a or 4.2.1b,
Category IBC SDC D has been split into SDC D1 irrespective of the fundamental period of
and D2 in the IRC. vibration of the structure, T.
R301. Buildings located in SDC E in accordance Seismic This section contains a provision that is much IRC less stringent
Alternative with Table 301.2(3) are permitted to be Design Categories D, more clearly stated in the IBC. For regular
determination of reclassified as being in SDC D2 provided E, and F structures five stories or fewer in height having a
Seismic Design one of the conditions is met. period of 0.5 sec. Or less, the design spectral
Category E response accelerations, SDS and SD1, need not
exceed the values calculated using values of SS
and S1, respectively, of 1.5g and 0.6g. A cap of
0.6g on S1 would amount to a reclassification of
SDC E structures into D. However, NEHRP
Section is part of Section 5.2.5, Analysis
Procedures. Its applicability for the purposes of
determination of SDC is not clear. In view of that,
IRC still must be considered less stringent.

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
R301.2.2.2 The default site class is taken to be D. For 4.2.1 Determination of All structures shall be assigned to a Seismic Basically
Determination of other soil conditions, SDS can be Seismic Design Design Category based on their Seismic Use equivalent
seismic design determined as per IBC, and SDC can be Category: Group and the design spectral response
category: assigned according to Fig. R301.2(2). acceleration …… vibration of the structure, T.
Essentially similar to Section R301.2.2.1
Table R301.2(3) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY Table 4.2.1a Determination of SDC based on SDS and Seismic NEHRP is
DETERMINATION based on SDS Use Group broader in scope.
Table 4.2.1b Determination of SDC based on SD1 and Seismic Basically
Use Group equivalent
R301.2.2.3 Anchored In SDC C, shall be limited to the first story 11.13.3 Masonry
stone and masonry above grade and shall not exceed 5 in. in Veneer Design
veneer thickness. No restriction
12.5.1: Exceptions to Masonry veneer is acceptable for the first story IRC more
Conventional Light- above grade, or the first two stories above grade stringent
frame Construction when the lower story has concrete or masonry
walls, of SDC B and C structures.
R301.2.2.4 Weights of 12.5 CONVENTIONAL Identical for light-frame wood walls. Equivalent
materials LIGHT-FRAME
CONSTRUCTION Weights for other materials not specifically IRC more
12.5.1 Scope mentioned. stringent
R301.2.2.5 Masonry Masonry construction in SDC C shall 11.3.7 SDC C R606.11.2 and
construction in SDC C comply with the requirements of Sec. 11.3.7 are
R606.11.2 compared later
R301.2.2.6 Height IRC permits wood framed buildings up to 3 12.5.1 Scope NEHRP restricts conventional wood frame IRC is less
Limitations in SDCs D1 stories above grade in SDC D1 and up to 2 Table 12.5.1-1 construction to 1 story above grade in SDC D. stringent
and D2 stories above grade in SDC D2
Cold-formed steel framed buildings are
restricted by the IRC to two stories above 8.5 COLD-FORMED NEHRP does not have such an explicit limitation. IRC is more
grade. STEEL SEISMIC restrictive
R301.2.2.7 Irregular Conventional light-frame construction shall 12 WOOD Irregular structures in Seismic Design Essentially
Buildings not be used in irregular portions of STRUCTURE Categories C and D of conventional light-frame equivalent
structures in SDC C, D1 and D2. Only such DESIGN construction shall have an engineered late-
irregular portions of structures shall be REQUIREMENTS ral-force-resisting system designed to resist the
designed in accordance with accepted 12.5 CONVENTINAL forces specified in Chapter 2 in accordance with
engineering practice …… LIGHT-FRAME Sec. 12.2.1. A structure shall be considered to

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
A portion of a building is considered to be CONSTRUCTION have an irregularity when one or more of the
irregular if one or more of the following Irregular conditions described in Sec. to
conditions occur: Structures: are present.
The conditions are essentially identical.
R301.2.2.8 Concrete Buildings with above-grade concrete walls 9.1 REFERENCE The same thing is required through adoption of Essentially
construction in SDC D1 and D2 shall be designed in DOCUMENTS ACI 318 by reference although no formal equivalent
accordance with accepted engineering statement as with IRC is included.
R301.2.2.9 Irregular In Seismic Design Categories C, D1 and Plan IRC requirements are more specific to the type Equivalent in
buildings in Seismic D2, Irregular buildings shall have an Irregularity of structures it covers. principle
Design Categories D1 engineered lateral-force-resisting-system Vertical
and D2 designed as per IBC. Irregularity Plan
Irregularity (SDC C) Plan or
Vertical Irregularities
(SDC D) Plan or
Vertical Irregularities
(SDCs E and F)
R301.2.3 Snow loads Limits applicability of IRC to ground snow N/A
load < 70 psf
R301.2.4 Floodplain Requires conformance with R327 5.2.7 Combination of Requires conformance with Section 5.3 of ASCE Basically
construction Load Effects 7-95 equivalent
R301.3 Dead load The actual weights of materials and 2.1 GLOSSARY Similar definition of dead load Considered
construction shall be used for determining equivalent
dead load with consideration for the dead
load of fixed service equipment.
R301.4 Live load Table R301.4 5.2.7 Refers to ASCE 7-95. Equivalent
Table 4-1 specifies basically the same loads for
residential constructions.
R301.5 Roof load Table R301.5 5.2.7 Refers to ASCE 7-95. Section 4.9.1 specifies the Equivalent
same roof live loads.
The snow load of Table 301.2(1) cannot be Equivalency
compared with ASCE 7 requirements. cannot be judged

CHAPTER 4 Chapter 7

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
R401.1 Application The provisions of this chapter shall control No such provisions in IRC more
the design and construction of the Chapter 7 or Chapter stringent
foundation and foundation spaces for all 12.
buildings. Wood foundations shall be
designed and installed in accordance with
AF&PA Report No.7.
Wood foundations in SDCs D1 and D2
shall be designed in accordance with
accepted engineering practice.
R403 FOOTINGS The braced wall panels at exterior walls of Foundation In conventional Light-Frame Construction in Considered
R403.1 General all buildings located in SDC D1 and D2 Supporting Braced SDCs B and above, exterior braced wall panels equivalent
R403.1.1 Minimum shall be supported by continuous footings. Wall Panels: must be supported on foundations for plan
size All required interior braced wall panels in dimensions not over 50 ft and all braced wall
R403.1.2 Continuous buildings with plan dimensions greater panels must be so supported for plan
footings in SDC D1 and than 50 feet shall also be supported by dimensions over 50 ft.
D2 continuous footings.
R403.1.3 Seismic Concrete footings located in SDCs D1 and 9.7 SDCs D, E, or F IRC is equivalent
reinforcing D2 shall have min. reinforcement. The term 9.7.3 Plain Concrete to more stringent
“Minimum reinforcement” is not clear.
R403.1.4 Minimum In SDCs D1 and D2, interior footings No such provisions IRC more
depth supporting bearing or bracing walls and stringent
cast monolithically with a slab on grade
shall extend to a depth of not less than 18
in. below the top of slab.
R403.1.6 Foundation Wall Equivalency
anchorage Anchorage: cannot be judged
R404.1.1 Masonry …. In SDCs D1 and D2, concrete masonry 11.3.8 SDC D IRC is more
foundation walls and clay masonry foundation walls Minimum wall detailed. See also
shall comply with Section R404.1.4 reinforcement R404.1.4

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued) Minimum wall
R404.1.2 Concrete …. In SDCs D1 and D2, concrete 9.7 SDCs D, E or F See R404.1.4
foundation walls foundation walls shall comply with 9.7.3 Plain concrete
Section R404.1.4 Item 3
R404.1.4 Seismic In addition to … in SDCs D1 and D2 shall 9.7.3 (3) Partially equivalent. IRC more detailed. IRC more
Design Categories D1 comply with the following: stringent
and D2
R404.1.8 Rubble stone Rubble stone masonry …. Pressure Minimum wall Is also prohibited Equivalent
masonry greater than 30 psf and shall not be reinforcement
constructed in SDCs D1 and D2 …
R404.4 Insulating The provisions …. high. Foundation walls No such provisions IRC more
concrete from shall be limited to buildings subjected to a stringent
foundation walls maximum ground snow load of 70 psf and
R404.4.1 Applicability located in SDC A, B or C.
R407 COLUMNS The columns shall be restrained to prevent No similar provisions IRC more
R407.3 Structural lateral displacement at the bottom end. stringent
requirements Wood columns …. equivalent.
Exception: In SDCs A, B and C columns
no more than 48 inches in height on a pier
or footing …

R502 WOOD FLOOR Joists shall be supported laterally at the No similar provisions IRC more
FRAMING R502.7 ends by full depth solid blocking not less stringent
Lateral restraint at than 2 in. nominal thickness ….
supports Exception: In SDCs D1 and D2, lateral
restraint shall also be provided at each
intermediate support.
R505 STEEL FLOOR No similar provisions IRC is more
FRAMING stringent
R505.3 Floor
R505.3.1 Floor to
foundation or bearing
wall connections

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
Table R505.3.1(1)
Floor to foundation or
bearing wall

R602.3 Design and
R602.3.2 Top plate Wood stud walls …partitions. End joints in Top Plates: Stud walls shall be capped … intersections. End IRC is more
top plates shall be offset at least 24 joints in double-top plates shall be offset at least stringent.
inches. 4 feet. Single top … plates.
Exception: …..
R602.3.3 Bearing Where joists, trusses or rafters are spaced No such provisions IRC more
studs more than 16 in. on center and the bearing stringent
studs below are spaced 24 in. on center,
such members shall bear within 5 in. of the
studs beneath.
Exceptions: …
R602.3.5 Bottom (sole) Identical Bottom Plates Equivalent
R602.9 Cripple walls Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of Braced Wall Cripple walls shall be braced as required for IRC is more
studs not less in size than the studding Line Sheathing braced wall lines and shall be considered an detailed but no
above. When exceeding 4 feet in height, Requirements additional story. more stringent
such walls shall be framed of studs having
the size required for an additional story.
Cripple walls ….
R602.10 Wall bracing IRC is more detailed 12.5.2 Braced Walls IRC is more
R602.10.1 Braced wall Spacing detailed and more
lines Between Braced Wall stringent.
R602.10.2 Cripple wall Lines
bracing Braced Wall
R602.10.3 Braced wall Line Sheathing
panel construction Requirements

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
methods Cripple Wall Bracing
R602.10.4 Length of Attachment
braced panels Braced Wall The length of braced panels (per section
R602.10.5 Continuous Panel Connections R602.10.4 of IRC) is less than those prescribed IRC is less
structural panel Table 12.5.1-1 in NEHRP (Table 12.5.2-1) for SDC C and stringent
sheathing Table 12.5.2-1 above.
R602.10.6 Alternate
braced wall panels
R602.10.7 Panel joints
R602.10.9 Interior
braced wall support
R602.10.10 Design of
structural elements
R602.10.11 Bracing in
SDCs D1 and D2
Table R602.10.3
R602.11 Framing and
connections for SDCs
D1 and D2
R602.11.1 Wall …. Plate washers, a minimum of ¼ in. by Wall Similar provisions; IRC is somewhat less IRC is less
anchorage 2 in. by 2 in. (1/4 in.x 3 in. x 3 in. in Anchorage stringent; however, this may not result in any stringent
NEHRP) in size, shall be provided effective difference in performance.
between the foundation sill plate and the
R602.11.2 Interior Basically equivalent; but more detailed Braced Wall Considered
braced wall panel with Table R602.3(1). Panel Connections equivalent. IRC
connections more detailed.
R602.11.3 Stepped Detailed construction requirements are Stepped Essentially similar with minor changes in Item 2 Considered
foundations given. Footings (Item b in NEHRP) equivalent

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
R603 STEEL WALL IRC is more detailed and elaborate. 8.6 LIGHT-FRAMED Refers to AISC Specification for the Design of IRC requirements
FRAMING WALLS Cold-Formed Steel Structural members, 1996, are more detailed
R603.1.1 Applicability and ASCE Specification for the Design of Cold- and equivalency
limits Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members, cannot be
R603.1.1.1 Additional ANSI/ASCE 8-90. established
limits in high wind and without detailed
high seismic regions reference to AISI
R603.1.2 In-line and ASCE
framing standards
R603.2 Structural
R603.3 Wall
R603.3.1 Wall to
foundation or floor
R603.3.2 Load-bearing
R603.3.3 Stud bracing
R603.6 Headers

R603.7 Structural Prescriptive requirements. Structural- Different prescriptive requirements. Equivalency
sheathing IRC appears to require slightly less Use panel Sheathing difficult to judge
sheathing percentage on walls.
R603.8 Braced walls 12.4 DIAPHRAGMS IRC allows Gypsum, etc. as sheathing; NEHRP IRC less stringent
and diaphragms in and SHEAR WALLS only allows wood structural-use panel sheathing. with respect to
high seismic and high Structural- sheathing
wind regions Use Panel Sheathing material allowed.
R603.8.1 General Otherwise,
R603.8.2 Seismic equivalency
Design Categories D1 difficult to judge
and D2
R606.2 Thickness of Essentially identical Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC more

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
masonry EMPIRICAL DESIGN structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings restrictive
OF MASONRY in SDCs A, B and C.
9.6 Thickness of
masonry Minimum
R606.2.1 Minimum thickness
thickness Rubble stone
R606.2.2 Rubble stone walls
masonry wall Change in
R606.2.3 Change in thickness
thickness 9.6.4 Parapet walls
R606.2.4 parapet walls
R606.3 Corbelled Solid masonry units shall be used for Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC more
masonry corbelling. The maximum … wall. 9.9.4 Corbelling structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings stringent
Adds another requirements on Support in SDCs A, B and C.
conditions (R606.3.1)
R606.4 Allowable Table R606.4 is identical to Table 9.4.2 of Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC less stringent
stresses Ref. 11.1 in NEHRP. EMPIRICAL DESIGN structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings
Adds another requirement in R606.4.1 OF MASONRY in SDCs A, B and C.
Combined units: The net thickness of any 9.4 Compressive
facing unit that is used to resist stress stress requirements
shall not be less than 1.5 in. 9.4.2
R606.5 Piers The unsupported height of masonry piers 9.5 Lateral support NEHRP restriction is more stringent, but IRC Equivalency
shall not exceed 10 times their least makes it generally applicable. cannot be judged
dimension. ….
R606.6 Chases IRC is more detailed; included NEHRP Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC more
provisions. 9.9.1 Chases and structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings stringent
recesses in SDCs A, B and C.
R606.7 Stack bond In unreinforced masonry where masonry Stack bond IRC is more
units are laid in stack bond, longitudinal construction (SDC C) stringent in
reinforcement consisting of not less than Stack bond spacing
two continuous wires each with a minimum construction (SDC D)
aggregate cross-sectional area of 0.017
sq. in. shall be provided in horizontal bed
joints spaced not more than 16 in. on
center vertically.
R606.8 Lateral support Masonry walls shall be laterally supported Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC more

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
in either the horizontal or the vertical 9.5 – Lateral support structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings stringent
direction. …Table R606.8 (which is 9.5.1 in SDCs A, B and C.
identical to Table 9.5.1 of Ref. 11-1) 9.5.2
R606.8.1 Horizontal Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC slightly more
lateral support 9.8 Anchorage structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings stringent
R606.8.1.1 Bonding Fifty percent of the units at the intersection in SDCs A, B and C.
pattern shall be laid in an overlapping masonry
bonding pattern, with alternate units NEHRP gives one more choice for anchorage.
having a bearing of not less than 3 in. on
the unit below.
Interior nonload-bearing walls shall be
R606.8.1.2 Metal anchored … hardware cloth.
reinforcement Adds another requirements for intersecting
masonry walls, other than nonload-bearing
R606.8.2 Vertical Vertical lateral support of masonry walls in Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for
lateral support SDCs A, B or C shall be provided in 9.8.3 Floor and roof structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings
accordance with one of the methods in anchorage in SDCs A, B and C.
Section R606.8.2.1 or R606.8.2.2.
Masonry walls … 6 feet. Anchors shall be
R606.8.2.1 Roof embedded at least 16 in. (15 in. in NEHRP restriction is more stringent, but IRC Equivalency
structures NEHRP) into the masonry, or be hooked makes it generally applicable. cannot be judged
or welded to bond beam reinforcement
(0.20 sq. in. of bond beam reinforcement
in NEHRP) placed not less than 6 in. from
the top of the wall.
Masonry walls shall be … ½ in. bolts
spaced at intervals not to exceed 6 feet …. IRC more
R606.8.2.2 Floor NEHRP provisions have no mention of stringent
diaphragms bolt-dimension.
R606.10 Anchorage Gives the detailing in Figures. Not identical Ref. 11.1: Chapter 9 Applicable to lateral force-resisting systems for IRC more
instructions in NEHRP 9.8 Anchorage structures in SDC A only and parts of buildings detailed.Equivale
in SDCs A, B and C. ncy difficult to
R606.11 Seismic The seismic requirements of this section NEHRP provisions, although not detailed,
Requirements shall apply to the design of masonry and explains the provisions to be applicable to
R606.11.1 General the construction of masonry building different SDCs.

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
elements located in SDCs C, D1 or D2.
These requirements shall not apply to
glass unit masonry or masonry veneer.
R606.11.2 SDC C 11.3.7 Seismic Design
Category C
R606.11.2.2 Design of
Elements part of the
Lateral Force-
Resisting System
R606. … Connections shall be designed to Different provisions. No minimum requirements. IRC more
Connections to transfer horizontal design forces acting stringent
masonry shear walls either perpendicular or parallel to the wall,
but not less than 200 lb per linear foot of
R606. … There shall be a minimum of two #4 Connections Essentially identical. IRC more detailed. Essentially
Connections to lateral ties provided in the top 5 in. of the to Masonry Columns equivalent
masonry column column.
R606. Vertical reinforcement of at least one #4 Minimum Wall Vertical reinforcement of at least 0.20 sq. in. in IRC less stringent
Minimum bar shall be provided … and at a Reinforcement cross-sectional area shall be provided …, at the
reinforcement maximum spacing of 10 feet. ends of walls and at a maximum spacing of 4
requirements for feet apart … Essentially
masonry shear walls Horizontal joint reinforcement …. or … at Horizontal reinforcement not less than 0.20 sq. equivalent
least one #4 bar spaced not more than 10 in. in cross section shall be provided …
feet. at maximum spacing of 120 in. ….
R606.11.3 …. Masonry structures in SDC D1 shall be 11.3.8 Seismic Design No similar restrictions. IRC more
SDC D1 limited in height to one story and 9 feet Category D stringent
between lateral supports.
R606.11.3.1 Design Masonry elements other than those
requirements covered by Section R606. shall be
designed in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 7 of ACI 530/
ASCE 5/ TMS 402
R606.11.3.2 Minimum …. The sum of …. at least 0.002 times the Minimum Wall …. The sum of the areas of horizontal and Essentially
reinforcement gross cross-sectional area of the wall, and Reinforcement vertical reinforcement shall be at least 0.002 equivalent. IRC is
requirements for the min. … 0.0007 times the gross ….. times the gross cross-sectional area of the wall slightly more
masonry walls Table R606.11.3.2 provides the minimum and the min. area …. not less than 0.0007 times stringent
reinforcing bar sizes required for varying the gross cross-sectional area of the wall. The

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
thicknesses of masonry walls. The max. spacing … shall not exceed 48 in. Except for
spacing … 48 inches provided … joint reinforcement, the bar size shall not be less
than a No. 3. …
R606. Shear The max. spacing of vertical and 11.11 SPECIAL Essentially identical with the following Essentially
wall reinforcement horizontal reinforcement shall be the REQUIREMENTS differences: equivalent
requirements smaller of 1/3rd the length of shear wall, FOR SHEARWALLS The maximum spacing of horizontal
1/3rd the height of the shear wall, or 48 in. 11.11.5 Special reinforcement shall be smaller of:
The min. cross-sectional area of vertical Reinforced Masonry a. one-third the length of the wall
reinforcement shall be 1/3rd of the required Shear Walls b. one-third the height of the wall
shear reinforcement. Shear reinforcement Vertical c. 48 in.
shall be anchored around vertical Reinforcement d. 24 in. for stack bond masonry
reinforcing bars with a standard hook. Horizontal The Item (d) in NEHRP is not included in IRC.
Reinforcement IRC adds the following restriction for vertical
reinforcement: The min. cross-sectional area
shall be 1/3rd of the required shear
R606.11.3.3 Minimum Lateral ties in masonry columns shall be Minimum Identical Equivalent
reinforcement for spaced not more than 8 in. on center and Column
masonry columns shall be at least 3/8 in. diameter. Lateral Reinforcement
ties shall be embedded in grout.
R606.11.3.4 Material Type N mortar or masonry cement shall Material Identical Equivalent
restrictions not be used as part of the lateral-force- Requirements
resisting system.
R606.11.3.5 Lateral tie Standard hooks for lateral tie anchorage Standard Different types of standard hooks are defined IRC more
anchorage shall be either a 135-degree standard Hooks including those of IRC. However, no specific stringent
hook or a 180-degree standard hook. mention about SDCs is given
R606.11.4 Structures in SDC D2 shall comply with the 11.3.9 Seismic Design Structures assigned to SDCs E and F shall IRC more
SDC D2 requirements of SDC D1 and to the Categories E and F conform to the requirements of SDC D and to stringent
additional requirements of this section. the additional requirements and limitations of this
R606.11.4.1 Design of Stack bond masonry that is not part of the Stack Bond Essentially identical Equivalent
elements not part of lateral-force-resisting system shall have a Construction
the lateral force- horizontal reinforcement of at least 0.0015 Sentence 1
resisting system times the gross cross-sectional area of
masonry. The max. spacing of horizontal
reinforcement shall be 24 in. …
R606.11.4.2 Design of Stack bond masonry that is not part of the Stack Bond Essentially identical Equivalent

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
elements part of the lateral-force-resisting system shall have a Construction
lateral force-resisting horizontal reinforcement of at least 0.0025 Sentence 2
system times the gross cross-sectional area of
masonry. The max. spacing of horizontal
reinforcement shall be 16 in. …
R607.1 Mortar
R607.1.1 Foundation Ref. 11-1 Essentially identical Equivalent
R607.1.2 Masonry in Mortar for masonry serving as the lateral-
SDCs A, B and C force-resisting system in SDCs A, B and C
shall be Type M, S or N mortar.
Mortar for masonry serving as the lateral-
R607.1.3 Masonry in force-resisting system in SDCs D1 and D2 Material
SDCs D1 and D2 shall be Type M or S mortar. Requirements

R608 MILTIPLE Ref. 11-1 Essentially

WYTHE MASONRY 9.7 Bond equivalent
R608.1.1.1 Solid units
R608.1.1.2 Hollow Identical
R608.1.2.1 Bonding Identical
with wall ties
R608.1.2.2 Bonding Essentially identical
with adjustable wall
ties Slightly less stringent
R608.1.2.3 Bonding
with prefabricated joint
reinforcement Identical
R608.1.3.1 Ashler
R608.1.3.2 Rubble Identical
stone masonry
R608.2 Masonry Equivalent
bonding pattern

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Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
R608.2.1 Masonry laid In each wythe of masonry … offset shall 11.1.3 Definition of Identical
in running bond not be less than 1/4th the unit length, …. running bond
…., the minimum area of horizontal
R608.2.2 Masonry laid reinforcement placed in mortar bed joints Stack Bond Identical
in stack bond or in bond beams spaced not more than Construction
48 in. apart, shall be 0.0007 times the
vertical cross-sectional area of the wall.
R610 GLASS UNIT Essentially identical with the requirements 11.13 GLASS-UNIT The requirements of Chapter 11 of Ref. 11-1 Considered
MASONRY of 11.13.2 of Ref. 11-1, following additions: MASONRY AND shall apply to the design of glass unit masonry. equivalent
R610.2 Materials MASONRY VENEER The out-of-plane seismic strength shall be
R610.5.2 Lateral support 11.13.2 Glass-Unit considered as the same as the strength to resist
Exceptions Masonry Design wind pressure as specified in Sec. 11.3 of Ref.
R610.5.2.1 Panel anchor restraints 11-1.
R610.5.2.2 Channel-type restraints Ref. 11-1: Building Code Requirements for
R610.6 Sills Masonry Structures, ACI 530-95/ASCE 5-
R610.8 Mortar: sentence 2 95/TMS 402-95
R610.10 Placement
R611.1 General
R611.2 Applicability … Walls constructed in accordance with No such provisions in IRC more
limits the provisions of this section shall be NEHRP stringent
limited to buildings subjected to a
maximum design wind speed of 130 mph,
a maximum ground snow load of 70 psf,
and SDCs A, B and C.
R611.7 Wall No such provisions in IRC more
construction R611.7.1 NEHRP stringent
R611.7.1.1 Location
R611.7.1.2 Vertical
R611.7.1.3 Horizontal
R611.7.2 Wall No such provisions in IRC more

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc. Report to BFRL/NIST 193

Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
Openings NEHRP stringent
R611.7.3 Lintels No such provisions in IRC more
NEHRP stringent
R611.7.4 Minimum No such provisions in IRC more
length of wall without NEHRP stringent
R611.8 ICF wall to No such provisions in IRC more
floor connections NEHRP stringent

R703.7 Stone and 11.13.3 Masonry The requirements of Chapter 12 of Ref. 11-1
masonry veneer Veneer Design shall apply. Ref. 11-1: Building Code Requirements for
Masonry Structures, ACI 530-95/ASCE 5-
95/TMS 402-95
R703.7 Stone and Ref. 11-1
masonry veneer,
general Essentially identical Equivalent
R703.7.2 Exterior Ref. 11-1 Essentially identical Equivalent
veneer support
R703.7.4 Anchorage Ref. 11-1: Essentially identical Equivalent
R703.7.4.1 Size and Ref. 11-1: Essentially similar, but in more details. Considered
spacing 12.7 equivalent
R703. Veneer Ref. 11-1 Essentially identical Equivalent
ties around wall
R703. SDC D1 Ref. 11-1 IRC more
and D2 stringent

CHAPTER 8 ROOF- No such prescriptive The IRC prescriptive provisions are based on the Considered

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc. Report to BFRL/NIST 194

Table 3. Detailed Comparison of Structural Provisions of IRC 2000 and 1997 NEHRP (Continued)
CEILING provisions in NEHRP engineered construction requirements of 1997 equivalent
R802 WOOD ROOF No such prescriptive Considered
FRAMING provisions in NEHRP equivalent
R803 ROOF No such prescriptive Considered
SHEATHING provisions in NEHRP equivalent
R803.1 Lumber No such prescriptive Considered
sheathing provisions in NEHRP equivalent
R803.2 Wood No such prescriptive Considered
structural panel provisions in NEHRP equivalent
R804 METAL No such prescriptive Considered
provisions in NEHRP equivalent

CHAPTER 10 No such provisions in IRC more

R1001.1 General
R1003.1 General
R1003.2 Footings and
R1003.3 Seismic
R1003.4 Seismic

S. K. Ghosh Associates Inc. Report to BFRL/NIST 195

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