SPM Final Placement E&i 2018-19

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To be an internationally renowned and respected institution

imparting excellent education and training based upon the
foundation of futuristic research and innovations in the broad
context of energy & infrastructure sector.

To prepare management graduates for continuous learning and inspiring them
to contribute to the growth of an increasingly knowledge and technology driven
global businesses in general and energy & infrastructure sector in specific.
BOARD OF Dr. Mukesh D. Ambani

Chairman & Managing Director,
Reliance Industries Ltd.
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Shri D. Rajagopalan - IAS, (Retd.)

Former Chief Secretary - GoG,
Chairman - Standing Committee,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Dr. T. Kishen Kumar Reddy

Director General,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Shri Parimal Nathwani

Group President - Corporate Affairs,
Reliance Industries Limited, Ahmedabad

Dr. R. A. Mashelkar
FRS Bhatnagar Fellow &
President - Global Research Alliance,
National Chemical Laboratory - Pune

Mrs. Pallavi Shroff

Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.,
New Delhi

Shri Sudhir Mehta

Chairman, Torrent Group - Ahmedabad

Shri Vikram Singh Mehta

Executive Chairman, Brookings India

Smt. Anju Sharma - IAS

Principal Secretary,
(Higher & Technical Education)
Education Department - GoG

Shri Sujit Gulati - IAS

Additional Chief Secretary,
Energy & Petrochemicals Department,
Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar

Prof. N. R. Dave
Former Vice Chancellor,
North Gujarat University - Patan

Dr. C Gopalakrishnan
Director, School of Petroleum Management,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Faculty of Engg. & Technology,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Nominee of
Gujarat Energy Research &
Management Institute - GERMI
Dr. Mukesh Ambani
President, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

n my close association with the field of education in recent years, I have observed that while

institutions are built on the pillars of faculty, research, infrastructure, collaborative and

administrative strengths, it is affirmed that it is only a passion for excellence which elevates it to a

high order. I feel greatly inspired when I see Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University evolve into an

institution which can hand-hold students through a transformational journey where knowledge is

acquired while nurturing excellent human values, where learning has moved beyond the classroom

- all proving to be priceless assets in one’s professional life. As citizens of this great nation, and as

part of a greater world order, where socio- economic dynamics are undergoing rapid change, and

the fact that India’s youth will increasingly play a key role in the global scheme of things, I can

sense great optimism in the air. It is here that PDPU’s holistic education philosophy across the

programs of management, engineering and liberal arts proves crucial for it helps to create a fine

talent pool that can make a vital difference in the way they address their professional roles. My

best wishes to all of you and I hope that the corporate world will respond with great enthusiasm

on assessing your professional capabilities.

Shri D. Rajagopalan, IAS, (Retd.)
Chairman - Standing Committee, PDPU
Ex-Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat

s I present the Class of 2019 to you, specialists in the four functional areas viz-a viz Marketing,

Operations, Finance and Human Resources; I take the onus of impressing you with a batch

of students who have traversed an intensive journey in academic and personality development

which has been instrumental in imparting unique attributes of professional excellence in each one

of them. Our academic environment has adopted a holistic approach to give the class an in-depth

view of diverse management subjects, stimulated a deep sense of academic curiosity, empowered

one with desired skills and understanding of management fundamentals, created a spirit which

upholds integrity and transparency as core professional values and has extended a unique

professional identity which each can carry with a great sense of pride. These stated qualities, I

trust are greatly valued by corporates today, and I presume that while we have given our students

an assertive experience in management, it could well be our privilege to have groomed outstanding

business leaders of the future. I warmly welcome you to our campus and hope you will find a set of

students rewired and ready to meet your expectations.

Dr. C Gopalakrishnan
Director General, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Director, School of Petroleum Management,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

S chool of Petroleum Management (SPM) was established in the year 2006 as Institute of Petroleum
Management, Gandhinagar (IPMG) to cater managerial manpower requirements of oil and gas sector
and has soon expanded to serve the larger Energy and Infrastructure sector. With the formation of the
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) in 2007, the Institute became a constituent body, today
popularly known as SPM-PDPU. Along with specialization in “Energy & Infrastructure”, SPM also offers a
management degree in “General Management” offering specialization options to students in all important
functional management area, viz; Marketing, Finance, Operations and Human Resource Management. The
batch of 2017-19 consists of a diverse group of energetic students who will pursue their management degrees
in the five specializations provided. The ten batches of students that have graduated from SPM have got good
summer placements, which indicate that the industry recognizes MBA Graduates of SPM as most suitable to
fulfil their manpower requirements.

We at SPM recognize that a professional program in management at postgraduate level must equip students
with clear concepts in every functional area of management. Understanding of business and associated
issues, and exposure to industry practices are equally important for a successful managerial career. Studying
the summer internship project (SIP) and the companies that took our students for SIPs is strongly indicative
that while domain specialization remains important we have been able to cater to production, services
and consulting organizations. Further, we have also been successful in attracting a variety of Business
and Industry organizations right from Financial Institutions, Distribution Companies and Production &
Operations establishments. The curriculum at SPM is carefully designed and delivered to impart conceptual
knowledge, provide in-depth understanding of industry and enhance soft skill capabilities. Distinctive
mix of pedagogy helps achieve these objectives in a creative and enthusing manner. Full-time residential
requirements and two years of engaging co-curricular and extra-curricular activities also add value to the
personality development of our students. Our dedicated team of full-time faculty members are actively
engaged in case writing, research and publication and takes deep interest in shaping-up the young minds.
We are fortunate to receive great support from the industry. Experienced senior executives from industry
always help us in our MBA admission process, designing of curriculum, course development, teaching,
research and case writing. World class academic and physical infrastructure facilities on our campus provide
a backbone to creating a healthy and convenient learning environment for teachers and students. Aspirants
of a good management education in the fastest growing economy in India either in Energy and Infrastructure
sector or in other aspects of business management, consider SPM-PDPU very seriously as an option. We
at SPM promise a robust infrastructure, engaging activities, invigorating environment and award winning
curriculum to make our MBAs one notch superior to whatever competition that exists. Allow me to present
my students of MBA 2016-18 batch seeking your support in their final placements for a lucrative, fulfilling
and rewarding career with an opportunity to continue their learning beyond the SPM.

Located in Gandhinagar, the capital of

Gujarat, PDPU is spread over an impressive
campus of about 50 acres and offers
necessary infrastructure of a world - class
institute. The details about the university
are available at www.pdpu.ac.in.

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,

Gandhinagar promoted by Gujarat State Petroleum
Corporation (GSPC) is a domain specific university
in the field of energy education and research
with a special focus on the oil and gas sector. The
University is recognized by UGC. Accredited ‘A’
Grade by NAAC.

PDPU currently addresses the need for trained

and specialized human resource for all Industries
worldwide. It helps to expand the opportunities for
students and professionals to develop intellectual
knowledge base with leadership skills to compete
in the global arena. All these are accomplished
through a number of specialized and well planned
undergraduate and post graduate energy education
programme and intensive research initiatives.

SPM-PDPU values the necessary regulatory
recognitions in our national context.
PDPU has been established by the Act of
the Gujarat Legislature, The University is
recognized by UGC under section 2 (7).
The Management School was first established as the
Institute of Petroleum Management, Gandhinagar
(IPMG) in 2006 by GERMI (Gujarat Energy Research
and Management Institute), established as a trust
and a society by GSPC (Gujarat State Petroleum
Corporation), a Government of Gujarat undertaking.
Subsequently in 2007, when GERMI established
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, IPMG
became the constituent of PDPU and changed the
name to School of Petroleum Management (SPM).

To operate as an To offer business

educational and educational
research hub programmes leading
that networks to Master’s and

with national Doctoral Degrees.
and international
practitioners from
varied sectors.

To manage the content, To offer customized To create knowledge To promote a

design, delivery, training to research in the strong, effective and
learning outcomes programmes with areas of techno mutually beneficial
and continuous relevant conceptual managerial Industry-Institute
innovation of the inputs and skills to challenges, and also interaction.
academic programmes address the demand disseminate it for the
in a manner that of increasingly benefit of students,
earns accreditation of competitive business practicing managers
international stature. and industry. and policy makers.
BATCH 2017-19

SPM is proud to present its 12th batch comprising

a blend of experienced and fresh graduates. The
amalgamation of diverse minds creates a kind of
energy pool which simulates learning and propels
them to reach greater heights. The students of
this batch bring a diverse field of knowledge in
terms of their industry experience in Oil & Gas,
IT, Electronics, Automobiles, Steel, Textile and
various other sectors. Majority of the students
come from various engineering disciplines that
contribute in bridging the gap between technical and
managerial aspect of the industry. The interstate
& cultural diversity of the batch creates a frivolous
environment inside & outside classroom. Students
become more accustomed to various group dynamics
which helps in making them more acclimatize to the
diverse environment they will come across while
working in various organizations.

Overall the batch of 2017-19 of

SPM rightly portrays the motto
We at SPM believe that
of the University; “A Reservoir of
Knowledge” and it presents to the “The difference
world a future batch of managers between mediocrity
who will make India proud. and excellence is
attention to detail.”
- Sebastian J. Barbarito
ADMISSION The two-year full time residential
program of MBA is delivered in
trimester system over the period of two
years and a summer internship with an
SPM uses CAT (Common Admission Test, conducted by IIMs) score industry at the end of the first year.
and XAT (Xavier’s Aptitude Test, conducted by XLRI) score as an
input for the admission process.
The programme is focused on
For further assessment it uses written ability test (WAT), group the 5 major functional areas
of Management viz.: Energy &
discussion and personal interview process to select the most Infrastructure, Marketing, Finance,
deserving candidates for its programme. Operations and Human Resource

Students are allowed to elect for

dual specialization among the
mentioned 5 functional areas
based on their interest.

Energy & Infrastructure is the

flagship programme of School
of Petroleum Management
focusing on energy sector with
emphasis on Oil & Gas sector.
To complete the credit essentials of the entire programme, students take about
47 - 50 courses together in the first and the second year While the first year
courses are generic in nature; the second year courses (most of which are elective
courses) have been specially designed to cater to the need and requirements of
Energy and Infrastructure sector. Since the sector is global in nature all the
courses are focused on global business perspective.

First Year
• Energy and Infrastructure Sector • Energy and Infrastructure Sector • An Introduction to E & I Sector –
- Technology and Management - Technology and Management a Business Perspective
perspective I perspective II
• Business Communication II
• Accounting for Managers • Marketing Management II
• Business Research Methods
• Financial Statement Analysis • Cost & Management Accounting
• Financial Management II
and Reporting
• Financial Management I
• Macroeconomics
• Managerial Economics I
• Human Resource Management
• Operations Management II
• Marketing Management I
• Management Information
• Organizational Behaviour
• Business Communication I Systems
• Quantitative Methods II
• Organizational Theory & Design • Managerial Computing
• Group Project (To Be Done in
• Operations Management I • Excel Based Business Modelling
Term–II: Technological Aspects &
• Quantitative Methods I • Managerial Economics II Term–III: Commercial Aspects)
• Operations Research
• Group Project (To Be Done in
Term–II: Technological Aspects &
Term–III: Commercial Aspects)
Second Year
• Corporate Strategy MARKETING (ELECTIVES)
• Project Management
• Business to Business Marketing
• Entrepreneurship
• Electronic Business
• Legal Aspects of Business
• Managing Services Business
• International Business Management
• Strategic Marketing in Practice
• Management Control System


• Corporate Restructuring and Business Valuations
• Brand Management in E&I Sector (M)
• International Finance
• Business of LNG (M)
• Carbon Finance (F)
• Energy Trade & Risk Management (F) HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (ELECTIVES)
• International Maritime Affairs in E&I Sector (O&M) • Training and Development
• Managing Oil & Gas Contracts (O) • Managing Cross-Cultural Issues
• Managing Refineries (O) • HR Analytics
• Managing Renewable Energy Business • Leadership Skills
• Power Sector Management
• Pricing of Energy Products (F) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (ELECTIVES)
• CGD Business (M)
• Energy Financing (F) • Business Intelligence & Data Mining
• Information System in Energy Value Chain (O) • Managing Services Business
• Managing Oil & Gas Business Operations (O)
• Marketing of Petroleum Oil Lubricants (M) OPEN / GENERAL (ELECTIVES)
• Oil & Gas Accounting & Taxation (F) • Business Analytics*
• Supply Chain and Logistics Management in E&I Sector (O) • Business Consulting
• Energy Economics (F) • Market Structure & Game Theory
• Energy Laws • Course on Independent Study (CIS)
• Enterprise Asset Management (O)
• Health, Safety & Environment Management (O/H)
• Renewable Energy Project Management


Teaching – learning process at Working with talented and accomplished Competent and dedicated professionals
SPM mostly focuses on Case Study peers provides a unique opportunity for are the most vital resource for any
method that includes dynamic accelerated professional and personal growth. educational institution. SPM has invested
process of exchanging perspectives, Group projects, a major component of most considerable efforts and resources to
countering and defending points courses, help students to not only learn the attract an excellent group of human
and building ideas that improve intended concepts and skills but also to resources to further its objectives.
students’ understanding and develop and refine skills in working in diverse
exposure to decision – making groups. The groups are formed from pools
process in the complex business of varied disciplines, backgrounds, corporate SUMMER INTERNSHIP
environment. The case studies are experience and career orientations to leverage Summer Internship is a major
chosen from different industries on the enormous diversity in perspectives. component of the learning process
to start with and then gradually The projects are designed in such a manner at SPM. At the end of third trimester,
focused on business aspects of all that the entire class benefits with coverage of all students are required to undergo
relevant sectors, as the programme multifarious aspects of all the sectors with no summer internship of 8 weeks with
progresses. overlapping and duplication. manufacturing companies, financial
institutions, IT and infrastructure majors,
management consultancies, FMCG
companies, Media Organizations and
BEYOND THE CLASSROOM others. On successful completion of the
SPM offers a dynamic campus with outstanding study, research and computer training, a student is required to make a
facilities. It also offers students extraordinary opportunities for professional growth presentation and submit a written report
through participation in various cultural and academic clubs that organize field for evaluation. The formal assessment
trips, academic seminars, cultural programs, debates, discussions and other public and feedback of the industry guides are
services like blood donation etc. Domain specific workshops are also organized also taken into consideration for overall
periodically to strengthen teaching learning process. evaluation of summer projects.

• To provide international exposure to
the students.

• To develop Study abroad program.

• To develop joint research project

with Universities abroad.

• To create international learning

environment by inviting faculties
from other international universities.

• To invite international students to

take up long term and short term
courses offered at the university.

• Infrastructure sharing with other

international universities.

• Create a forum for knowledge

INDUSTRIAL VISITS sharing with other universities.
As John Ruskin had once said “The entire
object of true education, is to make people
not merely do the right thing, but to enjoy
right things; not merely industrious, but to
love industry; not merely learned, but to
love knowledge.”
We at SPM believe that knowledge
is incomplete without the practical
dimensions of the industry. To impart an
exposure of the challenges that are faced
To develop global professionals
in the industry, Industrial visit is used as a by providing international
pedagogy wherein the students tour the
industries pan varied sectors. It broadens educational exchange to the
their perspective across all the fields of university students and to
operations, marketing, finance and HR. This
enhances their knowledge by discussion create visibility of the university
and brainstorming with the industry
in the global educational
Glimpses of a few Industrial Visits for scenario by collaborating with
PGP’17 Batch: other reputed institutes and
• Shell Hazira, Surat
student exchange programs.
• GGL, Surat
• GSPL, Surat
• GSEG, Surat
The School is in the continuous process of building a world-class intellectual community of distinguished and dedicated faculty to promote
learning and knowledge creation of high order. The institute endeavours to create an environment of academic freedom overlaid by
meticulous, self-imposed standards of excellence and socially responsive practices. The fundamental strength of the faculty is in the rich
experience they bring to SPM, enhanced by enthusiasm at participating in the early days of a budding domain specific institution. SPM
encourages and cultivates an environment of collaborative learning amongst the faculty team. The institute also recognizes that research
provides a major interface with wider academia and industry. Pioneering interdisciplinary research by the faculty feeds directly into a better
learning environment at the Institute and indirectly to a wider audience of practicing managers and teachers of management. The model
for the Faculty has a portfolio mix of competent permanent and visiting faculty from Academia and professionals from energy sector. This
model ensures that students are exposed to the most recent insights and thinking.


Accounting & Finance CEO of Biz Trans Consulting, LNG Business Expert Principal Scientist, GERMI Independent Consultant
Human Resource Management AJAY DAS E&P Professional Cairn India CHINTAMANI
Adani Group Mahindra Satyam
Strategic Management Akhilesh Magal Shell St. Xavier’s College, SUNIL KANOJIA
Renewable Energy Expert, Ahmedabad Consultant & Alumns - IIMA
GSPL - Chair Professor Infrastructure Finance Expert RANAJIT BANERJEE SUPRIYA SAPRE
Organizational Behaviour AJIT DESAI Energy Finance Expert BPCL, Mumbai
Project Management
Marketing Dept. of Mathematics, IIM Ahmedabad
ASHISH VERMA Gujarat University
Sr. Associate - Energy Utilities
Finance RUCHI TIWARI Ahmedabad University
& Services, Infosys KETAN BHATT
Ahmedabad University
Finance SAMARTH KAJI Ahmedabad University
Cairn India
PRAMOD PALIWAL, PH.D. Gujarat University
Commodities Expert MRUGESH PAWAR
IBM Sales & Distribution
SATISH PANDEY, PH.D. Independent Consultant
Organizational Behaviour SHASHANK SHEKHAR JHA
GE Oil & Gas
Economics Independent Consultant SHANTANU MEHTA
Independent Consultant
Production & Operations GARIMELLA SHREYAS PATEL
Advocate, Supreme Court
Management 3i Infotech CMA, ERP Professional
Information Systems
State Cabinet Minister, Finance and Director, Anwesha Engineering Group Director - Operations / Projects, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Energy & Petrochemicals, Govt. of Gujarat Xylem Water Solutions
ALAN D’SOUZA Former Dean, INSEAD School of Business NITIN ZAMRE Senior Director, Corporate Finance,
Director, Shanti Business School VP/MD, ICF International Deloitte India
AMAL DHRU Under Secretary for International Trade, PARTHO GHOSE SHAJI ZACHARIAS
Director, Zillion Infrastructure Ltd. U.S. Dept. of Commerce Executive VP, KHS India Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Head, HR & Admin., Essar Power London School of Economics Professor, Luxury Brand Marketing, BG Exploration & Production India Ltd.
Glasgow Caledonian University
Head, Talent Management, Oil India Ltd. MD, GSECL PPG SHARMA Hazira LNG & Port
CEO, GSPC Gas Ltd.
Sr. Manager - Operations, Future Group Chief Manager - Corporate Banking Group, PRABHAJAN DIXIT Joint President & Head HR,
IndusInd Bank Essar Oil Limited Adani Power Limited
Shraddha Associates (Guj) Pvt. Ltd. Chairperson, CERC Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Institute of Management Consultants Business HR Head - Wholesale Banking Shell Group
ARBIND SINHA of India and Practice Head for Recruitment &
Professor, MICA Performance Management, ICICI Bank Ltd. SUBHANISH MISHRA
JANAKI ANANT B Head - HR, Arvind Ltd.
ASHOK SOM i-flex communications PRAVEEN GUPTA
Professor, ESSEC Business School, France Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. SUDHIR VASUDEVA
Professor, IIM Ahmedabad National Hydrogen Association, USA Professor, IIT Kanpur SUMAN BERY
Chief Economist, Shell Group
Weatherford India VP, Global Business Environment, MD, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing SURIYANARAYAN R.
Royal Dutch Shell Federation (GCMMF) Shell (India)
Natural Gas Regulatory Board BG Exploration & Production India Ltd. Director, Policy & Corporate Affairs, Shraddha Associates (Guj) Pvt. Ltd.
GVK EMRI 108 Services RPTL RAJIV VASTUPAL Dy. General Manager,
Chairman & MD, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Business Head - Gujarat Vodafone-India Rajiv Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. VIJAY BHASKER
Former Member (Commercial) PNGRB
Management Consultant, UK RAMACHANDRAN K. Public Health Specialist, VChangeU
Executive Director, E&Y VP & Head, Ahmedabad RO, VISHAL GADA
MANJIT SINGH SBI Capital Markets Ltd.
Total Fina - Elf India Ltd. Director, Tax & Regulatory Practices,
Executive VP & Branch Head, RANDEEP AGARWAL
Mudra Ahmedabad Weatherford Oil Tool Middle East Ltd. VIVEK PATHAK
Australia India Business Chamber (AIBC) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Ex-Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat S B DANGAYACH
Head - HR, Dresser-Rand India Pvt. Ltd. Managing Director, Sintex
PWC India S. K. NEGI
Halliburton Offshore Services Inc. MD, GETCO

PROGRAMMES The Doctoral Programme of SPM is to train

prospective scholars to become highly skilled
and innovative researchers and teachers in
various aspects of management related to the
energy sector. It primarily aims at preparing
students for careers as faculty members at
premier academic institutions.

PGDPM-X is a two year programme for
working executives in Oil & Gas, Energy and
Allied Sectors. The programme is divided
into eight modules of seven days each. One
module is conducted every quarter. Classes
are held from Monday to Sunday once in
a quarter. Module-I to Module-III offer
General Management courses and Module-
IV to Module-VI are sector specific modules
focusing on Oil & Gas, Energy and Allied
Sector Management. Module-VII and Module-
VIII offer elective courses. The programme
offerings pertain to General Management,
Economics, Supply Chain, International Geo-
Political Affairs, Project Management, Finance,
Maritime Affairs, Information Systems,
Energy Trade & Risk Management, City Gas
Distribution and Law - to mention a few.

These programmes by SPM train the
industrial managers of all level by involving
extensive study of the client organization,
preparation of specific teaching materials
and cases towards the development of a
customized course design to suit the needs
Apart from its of each organization. These are one –month
programme of duration programmes, attempt to upgrade
the skills of participants and also to help
MBA, SPM offers
the organization in developing a culture
other academic conducive to organizational excellence.
programmes as well.

Catalyst, the management panorama, provided
a forum for students to demonstrate their
leadership and managerial temperament in a

creative environment. An ensemble of business
and management events, it brought together
students from business schools across India,
distinguished people from the corporate world
and entrepreneurs. Catalyst comprised events
SPM Annual Festival, a national event, is a catering to all four domains of management. A
rich blend of academics, an anthem of high few events were Quiz Bizz, Shram Shakti, Touch,
Adhiniyam, The Next Eureka, Look into Future
adrenaline rush and performing arts, a tussle of
and many more.
management strategies and decision making.
Organized in the third week of January, 2018, it
extended an opportunity to showcase attitude
and aptitude with the quaternary festivities: Reprise, creativity meets its talent stakeholders.
It aimed to invigorate young minds to reach the
Catalyst ’18 (the management quest), Energy
pinnacle of their potential and carve out a niche
Cup ’18 (the sports extravaganza), Reprise for themselves in the cultural landscape. It was
’18 (cultural fest), Zephyr ’18 (annual alumni about unleashing the artist within across various
disciplines of Drama, Group Dance, Documentary,
meet). Students from many institutes like
Photo Story and Band war. Zephyr is the
SIBM Pune, SIIB, KJ Somaiya Mumbai, and annual alumni meet of the School of Petroleum
JBMIS participated on a huge scale making Management. A few events were Manger’s Got
Talent, ColorFrame, Avirbhav, Shutterbug and
this 3 day event- a wonderful success.
many more.

Energy Cup is the crescendo of sporting activity,
a pantheon of success, a place where people strive
hard to achieve unparalleled success. This event
brings the corporate forces and students closer
and on a similar playing field. Sports like Cricket,
Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Table
Tennis, Carrom, shot put and discus throw tested
each of them to their limits and also tested their
resolves. It was an ideal platform for the creation
of champions who someday would change the
dimensions of the world order. Around 18 teams
from across the country comprising academic
institutions and industry enthusiastically
participated in the event.

Zephyr invited all SPM alumni to pay a visit to
their school, relive moments on campus, inspire
the juniors, thus establishing a strong mutual
bond of faith and respect. It was a home-coming
festival of SPM that is celebrated with a lot of
rapture and reverence in the presence of the
Amidst the fever to excel in projects and The mission of alumni relations cell is Guest lecture committee at School A placement committee should
multifaceted activities, a coterie recites to build the bridge between alumni of Petroleum Management, PDPU is have the potential to connect with
at SPM that strengthens the pillar of and their Alma mater and encourage committed to bring students face-to- new employers and this is possible
knowledge of a management program. them to be a part of its success. The face with successful organizational if the members possess assertive
It’s called The Academic Committee. objectives of Alumni Relations Cell leaders from across and outside and varied interests, strong and
The academic committee is at the is to keep an up-to-date database of the country so as to bridge the gap comprehensive background of
core of all student faculty relationship Alumni, to establish, maintain and between students and industry various fields of undergraduate
management. It acts as a bridge strengthen a lifelong relationship personnel. Prominent speakers from education and work experience.
between the students on the one hand between alumni and their alma mater different backgrounds are invited to We at SPM have a core competent
and the faculties and course curriculum through opportunities that promote share their experiences and learning’s team of students and highly
on the other. The committee also interaction with Alumni Meets. To which stimulates thought, discussion intellect faculty advisor who work
handles the up gradation of the students’ keep alumni informed and connected and engagement amongst students, in coordination with an industry
academic profiles by incorporating any to the activities of the institute sharpening their overall managerial expert to find the best fit for your
certification opportunity. The functions through communication channels and skills. We, the batch of 2015 shall strive organisation. The committee also
related to knowledge on electives, social media, to encourage Alumni to maintain the benchmark set by the ensures the skill development of
coordination with in house and visiting to contribute in the enhancement Senior Committee by working towards the students as per the industry
faculties and any other issues related to of their Alma mater through their the overall growth of the Institute by trends and makes them ready for
academics stay a responsibility of the valuable guidance and support and creating value based learning thereby future endeavours.
academic committee. to celebrate their success with them. setting high standards for the coming
batches to follow.

Student’s Committees are

contrived to facilitate the class COMMITTEE COMMITTEE
for Organizing Events, Enhancing The PR team is empowered with Amongst the busy days of
the task of growing, guiding, and grooming one’s self towards
Corporate Relations and various managing the student’s perception of becoming a management
the college that helps in the branding graduate, Sports is known for its
Other Activities. and sharing information of the campus connection with management.
with the outside world. We create The Sports Committee at its core
a medium so that our college has fuels the burning desire among
public outreach and media relations. the students to compete and excel
It’s a way to unite the current students on different aspects of managing
CULTURAL to outside world and the aspiring the team and individuals. Through
COMMITTEE students to us. With the vastly different
paths to creating awareness that are
rigorous and timely competitions
being organised for different
The Cultural Committee of School of Petroleum Management strives to celebrate available the Team actively tracks the sports such as cricket, football,
the cultural diversity in the campus through various festivals and events and latest development of the various basketball, volleyball, badminton,
create a home away from home environment for students. The committee gives sectors and shares the information to lawn tennis and table tennis round
enough reasons for the students to relax and enjoy campus life amidst rigorous the students. We add an extra layer the year, the committee also helps
academics and never ending student initiatives under the umbrella of clubs/ of substance to the work done by the in maintaining the fragile balance
committees. The committee seeks to create a platform that provides the students students in the through social media, between mental and physical
with an opportunity to display creative talents in a variety of ways. events, articles, press releases. fitness.
STUDENTS’ Clubs promise a unique melting pot of ideas, values, experiences, joy

rides, friendly terrains, grit, inspiration, and leadership and above all a
tremendous learning opportunity for all. Presentations on different topics,
Guest sessions, Debates, Discussion Forums, Quizzes, News Crunches are a
few activities that these clubs perform regularly. The underlying philosophy
of the clubs is to use students’ spare time for personal growth. It not only
helps in gaining knowledge but also sharpens the communication skills.


Energy Club is an initiative by students to add The objective of Opere-Shonzu club is to make A conversation between a student and a faculty
a new flavor, a new theme and to capture the students realize the importance of operations at SPM led to the beginning of this club. The aim
pulse of the campus. It gives an extra edge to management in all domains of industry. Students of this club is to make the students more aware
understand, learn and share knowledge on a take initiative every week and enrich themselves of the latest happenings in the world and making
common platform. This translates to enhance the with various topics not only concentrated on hard them more connected to the real world and
students’ intellect for their managerial domain core operations but also operations management hence lessening the difference between a SPMite
from their peers and industry experts. associated with sales, finance, HR etc domains. and Graduate from some other B-School. The
The club also aims at discussing about the latest session includes a class discussion on current

CLUB MARCOM tools and software used in industry for optimizing affairs, latest trends in the sector and market as a
the operations. At large such activities help whole etc. The topic to be discussed is decided
Club MARCOM is the “MARketing” and students to integrate the academics with real a week in advance and a very healthy, learning
“COMmunications” club of SPM. At MARCOM, time operations going on in the industry. and fruitful discussion takes place. Quite a few
we understand competitive business scenario sessions have taken place but the knowledge


in the field of marketing, advertising and acquired is immense. The session has 2-3 people
branding thus, trying to awaken the marketer who will be hosting the event so that it goes in a
in each of us through various activities such as This is a very new club at SPM. The objective smooth way.
presentations, Adwise/Admad- the ad making behind this club is to keep people up to date
competitions, jargons, interactive discussions,
GD’s, book reviews etc. These activities also help
with current news around and across the
sectors. Moreover, students struggle with their
in developing the communication skills and “out knowledge across different sector and keeping SPM STUDENTS
of the box” thinking, much needed to survive a brief with these daily happening by reading
in the world of marketing. It is here that the through all the newspapers like The Economic “Being just another brick in the wall” is an
students of SPM learn the concepts of marketing Times, Live Mint, Business Standard etc. This ideology that no student at SPM believes in. Thus,
in the various segments be it B2B, B2C and C2C; helps in overall development and awareness of efforts are made to go beyond the expectations
and hence, making the students of SPM practical the students on regular basis. and doing something for a greater good. The
enough to be challenged anywhere. students of SPM have taken various social
initiatives such as organizing a Blood Donation
SPM MIRROR Camp in association with Confederation of Indian
CLUB FINNACLE SPM Mirror is a monthly magazine, which aims
Industry-Young Indians (CII-YI) saving hundreds
and thousands of lives. Also Raising Fund of
FINNACLE is a knowledge sharing platform to bring out the extra knowledge from the
an amount equivalent to Rs.16000 from all the
which gives opportunity to cope up with the students, structure the thought process and
students that was utilized to purchase a water
constantly evolving world of Finance. Weekly improve their research, and share the knowledge
boiler for children of a local school was a noble
activities such as Debates, Quizzes, Guest with the fellow students. The magazine is
act. Indispensable part of the students’ non-
Sessions and Presentations help expand the read by faculties, alumni, and people from
academic calendar at SPM. Apart from this, an
horizon in the world of Finance. The conceptual companies who come to SPM for internships
initiative named “Spreading Smiles” is taken up
clarity is achieved by the interactive discussions and placements. The focus for this year will be to
by SPM Students. As a part of this initiative they
among the students. News crunching sessions bring out more and more articles and ideas from
create short films having a social message and try
helps gaining insight to the latest developments the students, and give them proper platform to
to make out difference around.
in the markets. With this the students are able to share their perspectives with qualitative research.
withstand the circumstances of the bear market By the end of the year, we want each student to
and ace the bull market. have contributed for Mirror at least once.

School of Petroleum Management (SPM),

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,
Gandhinagar organised International Conference on The Day 2 of ICEIM 2018 started with Saket Kanodia, Senior Manager,
Energy and Infrastructure Management- February the ‘Energy Conclave’, the theme of Deloitte were on the panel for the
15-16, 2018 (ICEIM 2018) in its 6th edition with
Conclave Track 1 is ‘Renewables & Track 2, Energy Conclave.
an objective and scope to deliberate, discuss and
Energy Policy’. Esteemed speakers
reference to emerging economies. The conference Committee received
such as Mr. Prafulla Pathak, Secretary
The core theme of the conference was- General, Solar Energy Society around 100 papers from academics
“Contemporary challenges and Futuristic of India, Mr. Christie Fernandez, and researchers across different
Approaches for Creating Sustainable Society”. Founder, Soorya EV Pte. Ltd., Mr. universities, institutes, NGOs and
Pankaj Patel, President, Abellon Industries. These papers covered
The inaugural ceremony witnessed the presence of dignitaries Clean Energy, Mr. Sishir Garemella, topics related to Road infrastructure
like Mr. E. S. Ranganathan, MD, Indraprastha Gas Limited, Founder and CEO, Sunvest and Road transport industry,
Mr. Nitin Shukla, MD and CEO, Hazira LNG Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Arun Energy Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Sandeep Roy Climate change and Clean energy
Kumar Singhal, Editor, DEW Journal, Dr. C Gopal Krishnan, Choudhary, Head Climate Finance technologies, Bioenergy, naming
Director, SPM, PDPU; and Dr. Kaushal Kishore, Organizing / Climate Change & Sustainability, a few. These papers included
Secretary, ICEIM 2018 and Faculty, School of Petroleum VNV Advisory Services LLP were part research papers, technical papers
Management, PDPU. A Plenary session was organised with of the panel for day 2, Track 1. and case studies covering Oil,
Mr. Ajit Mishra, Senior Advisor, Essar Oil Limited, Dr D.K. Natural Gas, Solar Energy and
Srivastava, Ex GGM- Block Manager Vindhyan Basin, ONGC, Track 2 of ICEIM 2018, Energy Power Sector. These papers were
Dr Pankaj Kuchhal, GM (Tech) - Pipelines, IOCL, Mr Avdhesh Conclave had the theme ‘Future of also presented during these two
Jha, Vice President- Charge and Drive and Sustainability, Hydrocarbon fuels’. days. The event was a success
Fortum India, Mr Shahleen Sharma, Former Head of Upstream Mr. Sundararaman Chintamani, with the support of the organising
Business, Shell, India) and Mr Deepak Mahurkar (Partner and Practice Head, Oil and Gas Solutions committee, Faculty members and all
Leader Oil & Gas Industry Practice, PwC India) shared their – Tech Mahindra, Mr. Hitesh the student volunteers. The two day
insights into Sustainable Development. The discussion was Chaniyara, Director Grid - (Power event brought in a lot of guest and
a good mix of various topics of Sustainable Development, & Utilities), PwC, Mr. D. Rajasekhar speakers from industry. We now look
Natural Gas, LNG and CNG Infrastructure, Petroleum David, Chief Manager, Hindustan forward to hosting this event again in
Exploration, Industry Revolution and Sustainable Mobility. Petroleum Corporation Limited, Mr. February, 2020.
Samavesh means ‘inclusion’. The HR department in any organization is meant to involve
people in different job functions, organizational roles and processes for best results
expected by stakeholders. The human resource management function has evolved
very much from administrative control to human involvement by improving knowledge
and practices in sync with new technology development. SPM’s Samavesh is a forum
to discuss emerging challenges being faced by HR thinkers and practitioners across
industries. Samavesh also means to include HR academicians and practitioners in a
symbiotic process for preparing HR managers to handle critical human challenges in HR CONCLAVE
21st century organizations beyond 2020.

Topic of discussion as of now were

under following themes-
1) Emerging fields of Human Resource
2) Critical human relations issues at
Team Samavesh invites HR thinkers
and practitioners working in different
industries to shared their views,
concerns, opinions, experiences in
context of the above theme.
The purpose of Samavesh is to create
healthy discourse of the above critical
HR issues and discover new ways to
overcome these challenges.

School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar

has taken up the initiative to invite delegates for its upcoming Business Symposium
2018. The symposium shall make an attempt to have a deeper understanding of
recent trends, market dynamics, issues and challenges faced by the industry across
varied sectors with a focus on financial sector, digital marketing and business analytics.
Continuing with the tradition of the previous years’ symposium this year too we are
ready for the gathering. The symposium will create opportunities for business managers,
directors, services professionals and students to learn about the latest best practices
from leading industry experts from across the nation. With the objective of gathering
visionaries and industry experts to a common platform this year too we extend our
invitation to the Industry leaders for, Business Management Symposium 2017 at School SYMPOSIUM,
of Petroleum Management on11th and 12th October 2017. The symposium will broadly 2017
proceed with an objective-“Decoding the minds of Modern day Job seekers”

At School of Petroleum Management

(SPM) we have always encouraged
synergistic approach to classroom
learning. With Business Management
Symposium we provide our students,
the future leaders with exposure to
the current industry practices and the
new disruptive ideas that are going to
transform the way how the businesses
will work in the future. SPM has taken
this doctrine to a higher level by
inviting industry stalwarts who have
made it big- by learning and gradually
leading their organizations to the
pinnacle of success.
Library and Information Centre (LIC) is the heart of the Institute with an aim of providing
production & dissemination of knowledge, information, insights & intellect. The centre
SPM believes that has utilized Information Technology extensively to ensure that resources are accessible
from anywhere at any time. Services such as OPAC for checking online availability and
creating a serene
reserving online, bio-metric reader, remote access to e-resources and database make the
environment LIC user friendly. LIC holds collection of printed as well electronic resources which include
blended with books,journals, databases, CDs/DVDs, e-journals, reports, case studies, conference
proceedings, training manuals, etc.
modern technologies
heightens the spirit
and energy level of all
The library has been automated SPM library also subscribes Online Databases viz.
learners and inspires using Alice for Windows (AFW) EBSCO: Business Source Premier, Infraline: Energy
them to optimize - an international user - friendly and Infrastructure sector, and CMIE: Industry
library package. The software Analysis Service, CapEx and Business Beacon,
their learning efforts.
facilitates automated circulation Capitaline Plus database and Indiastat.com. The
In this direction (issue - return) of books and speedy on-campus fully furnished residential facility
SPM provides the access to bibliographic, location extends the flexibility of conducting all types of
and availability information of the academic and extra - curricular activities at time
intellectual ambience
books in the library. The catalogue suiting to the requirements for the students. The
in a stimulating is available on the Internet for learning has been extended to a 24x7 time-frame
campus. inquiring about books. instead of standard class timing.
for students

IT systems with latest

Hardware & Software
and seamless Internet

Library and latest

Sports &

Impressive and aesthetically

built Academic Areas
Tushar Shah Urijit Zaveri
COMPANY : Ernst and Young LLP COMPANY : YES Bank Ltd.
PROFILE : Senior Consultant, Risk Advisory Services PROFILE : Finance Professional, Former Sr. Manager
BATCH : PGP-12 - Risk
School of Petroleum Management, PDPU (SPM) has played a pivotal role in creating BATCH : PGP-10
resourceful managers for more than a decade now. With an unique blend of classroom Acting on Benjamin Franklin’s famous words - An
sessions, industry speakers, alumni connect sessions and leadership talk series, SPM has Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest - I opted for
always generated phenomenal talent with an unprecedented conceptual clarity, both, the MBA program at SPM, PDPU over other options seven
from theoretical and practical aspect of business. With substantial alumnus now present years ago. Reflecting on the journey since and my personal
across crucial sectors like energy, banking, rating, telecommunication etc., SPM adds growth, I must say it has been a truly enriching experience!
incremental value to each passing batch giving them a competitive edge to leverage when The 2 year business program focusing on Energy &
they go back to industry and take up challenging assignments. I wish current batch best Infrastructure not only helped develop a sharp insight on the
wishes for their professional and personal endeavors. focused sectors but also gave a holistic learning environment
across functional domains. The proven pedagogy combined
with a nationally acclaimed syllabus, delivered by highly
Azlaan Tirmizi competent and experienced faculty, equipped the students
with all the necessary skills to take on responsibilities across
COMPANY : Accenture
diverse management fields of their choice. The constant
PROFILE : Business & Integration Arch Sr. Analyst industry interaction not only helped us in keeping abreast
BATCH : PGP-14 with the latest trends across varied businesses but also gave a
fantastic platform to network. I can certainly say that my days
SPM provides the right network, resources, and support to help develop the right skills.
at SPM have gone a long way in shaping my personality and
Life at SPM is lot more than what meets to eye. It’s not a cakewalk, It’s about burning
incorporated an analytical thought process which has been of
midnight oil, It’s an arena where you learn as how to take the bull by the horns. At SPM
immense benefit to me as a professional.
budding managers hone their skills and develop their personalities the right way. Its Lush
green campus with extraordinary facilities provides an atmosphere to learn and grow at a I am confident the graduating class will be just as competent
faster pace. SPM is a platform where you can jump start the journey to your professional and eager to make an impact on their employers as we were,
dreams. good luck!

Palash Acharya
Jatin Kataria
COMPANY : WE Group PROFILE : Senior Consultant
PROFILE : Founder & MD BATCH : PGP-13
My journey at SPM has been a life-changing one for I had
At SPM, from day 1 itself we were treated as professionals and not as students and that’s the opportunity of being a part of the pioneering batch that
where programme is unique because of its culture and processes. I learnt team work, result was offered functional specializations apart from Energy &
oriented work environment, managing work pressure, open mind-set, being responsible Infrastructure. SPM is one such institution where it is pretty much
and lot more in systematically designed trimester system. Lot of things I realized lately the students who run the show! And that’s what differentiates it.
but when I realized I felt blessed to be part of SPM. After MBA, 3 years of corporate life in From Conclaves & Festivals to Academic Clubs & Industrial Visits,
state PSU and now as an entrepreneur I deeply understand and implement things I learnt everything is student-driven! What I’ve now realized is that it was
during my MBA program. Today people ask me that how I manage so many things and that same experience which has prepared me to pave my way thru
take decisions, and I proudly answer that those 2 years at SPM groomed me to what I am my professional life. To all the recruiters reading this, I’d like to
today. Perfect blend of excellent academia focused faculties, case studies, industry visits say that this is one such institution where you will find some of the
and diverse batch played a major role in making me a good management professional. most street-smart professionals with a ‘get stuff done’ attitude -
I am a privileged alumnus of SPM since last 7+ years. which in today’s world is one of the most sought-after traits!
“Having been associated with School of Petroleum Management,
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, as a proud recruiter since
almost last 6 years now, EY has realised that the resources recruited
from SPM have delivered substantial value over the period of time
through a unique blend of rich energy sector exposure and astute
managerial skills. Ernst and Young leadership also appreciates the
commitment demonstrated by resources hailing from SPM PDPU
across hierarchy and looks forward to lasting relationship with
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) which would result
in successful academia-industry collaboration.”

Chanchal Maheshwari
Executive Director - Risk Advisory Services
Ernst & Young, Ahmedabad

We at Infosys have been associated with School of Petroleum

Management [PDPU] since its inception and the relationship has
strengthened over the years. The primary beneficiary of SPM talent
has been our business units aligned to the Energy /Oil & Gas industry
verticals. Strong learn ability and focus on subject fundamentals
make the SPM students exceptional.

Narendra Medappa
Practice Lead – Talent Acquisiton
Infosys Limited, Bangalore

A world class It is great to be here
infrastructure for the & interact with the The remarkable progress
university, very happy students & faculty. The and growth of PDPU in
& excited to come here, infrastructure is at global a few short years gives
will look for future standard. I thoroughly us the confidence that
opportunity to visit. enjoyed it. Would love to it will be India’s MIT in
visit again & interact. the field of energy.
Mr. Anurag Deepak
ED-Pipelines, BPCL
Dr. Paurav Shukla
Professor, Glasgow Caledonian
Dr. Urjit Patel
Governor, RBI
University UK

Dr. Urjit Patel

Reserve Bank of India

Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, FRS Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan

Eminent Scientist & National Research Professor & Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas
President - Global Research Alliance Government of India
Dr. Kirit S. Parikh
Chairman - IRADe &
Chairman - Expert Group
for Low carbon Strategy for
Inclusive Growth
Planning Commission
Government of India

Sashi Mukundan Anil Sardana

Country Head - India Managing Director
British Petroleum Tata Power

Dr. Suman Bery Arun Kumar Jagatramka

Chief Economist Chairman & Managing Director
Shell Group Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.


Head - RuPay Acceptance at Dr. J.J. Irani
National Payments Former President & MD
Corporation of India (NPCI) TATA Steel

Mr. S G Shyam Sundar

MD & Co-Head India
Morgan Stanley Infrastructure
The Corporate Relations and Placement at the SPM is established Greetings!
to fulfill two complementary functions – (i) connecting companies
It gives us immense pleasure and pride to introduce our 11th batch
to right students and vice versa and (ii) facilitating symbiotic
of the two-years, full-time, residential MBA programme focusing
relationship between companies and the institute. It manages
on functional areas of Energy and Infrastructure, Marketing,
the entire process of placement starting from identifying the
Operations, Finance, Human Resources. The batch has an un-
organizations, inviting them to the campus, providing them all
parallel profile, a sound mix of experienced and fresher students
information, helping students prepare, coordinating logistics during
from varied technological disciplines. They are undergoing a
the placement week, and taking care of follow - ups. The Placement
meticulous course curriculum, demanding pedagogical framework
Committee plays the major role aptly supported by other faculty
which includes comprehensive case studies, presentations, quizzes,
members and administrative staff.
individual and group projects, seminars, industrial visits and
term examinations. The students of SPM creates a strong industry
interface by organizing National level Conclaves and Guest Lectures,
FINAL PLACEMENTS focusing on issues and current trends in Oil & Gas, Power, Solar,

2018-2019: CALENDAR Infrastructure, Finance, HR and Business management. SPM also

hosts annual students’ fest consisting of Academic, cultural and
sports event. Daily Clubs pertaining to Energy, Finance, Marketing,
The Final Placements 2018-19 are scheduled from November, 2018
Operations and Human Resource are undertaken by students.
These activities engage students with the industry, augmenting their
During the season companies will be given a date and time slot to learning and building their business competencies. We are confident
organize their recruitment process at the campus. It is expected that that the students of SPM will perform beyond your expectations
the entire selection procedure will be carried out within the time and make significant contribution to help your organization grow.
frame offered. Companies may invite CVs of interested students On behalf of SPM, we put forward the talent of SPM and cordially
and shortlist them on the basis of their profiles before coming to welcome you to participate in the summer placement process and
campus. On campus, the companies apart from interviewing the develop a mutually beneficial relationship.
short - listed candidates may also choose to interview other students.
Once a student has got a certain number of offers, He/she will not be DR. AKASH PATEL
allowed to participate in the placement process further. Faculty Advisor, Corporate Relations
Companies are required to declare the name of the students selected Phone: +91 79 2327 5107 Mobile: +91 94264 41212
as soon as they have completed their processes. E-mail: [email protected]
The companies may kindly contact undersigned for any other details:
Placement Committee Manager - Corporate Relations
Phone: 079 - 2327 5124 Phone: 079-23275124 Mobile: +91-9909428019
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Aastha Singh
Qualification : B.Tech (Information Technology) Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
Management (A.K.T.U)
Age : 26
E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Hindustan Petroleum Effectiveness of HP-Refuel Cards in Customer Engagement and Customer Experience
Corporation Limited

The objective of summer internship at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL Ahmedabad, Gujarat) was to understand HP Refuel card (loyalty
card program) and its effectiveness in engaging customers. The study was initiated with rounds of interactions with the officers & Front Sales Men
(FSM) employee at the retail outlets to learn the pros and cons of the program. This knowledge was used in making the questionnaire which was further
used in gaining the information on HP Refuel card Program through customer's perspective by conducting survey at six different outlets. Based on the
study and analysis recommendations were given to improve the customer's experiences and repositioning of the brand in the market as these loyalty
card programs have a wide scope and bright future. The project at HPCL really helped in understanding/developing skills required in marketing domain and
allowed me to gain important insights regarding the consumer purchase behaviour.

Anisha Vyas
Qualification : B.Tech (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Rajasthan Technical University

Age : 22

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Government of Gujarat Study of Value chain & Financial Aspects of Power Sector

Power is one of the crucial elements for the adequate infrastructure and economic growth of the Country. The project aimed at understanding of value chain
and financial aspects of Gujarat Power Sector. Gujarat Power Sector is one of the profitable power sectors in the country and also maintained the surplus
power in the state. Increase in power generation capacity in each year along with the growing share of renewable energy in its total energy mix has made
Gujarat a prominent destination for investment.
A systematic approach was considered to study, analyze and improve the value chain framework of power sector in Gujarat by collecting data from various
departments of the company. The main objective of the study was to understand the Scheduling, Power Trading, Tariff Calculation, and Challenges in
maintaining the profitability, efficient material procurement, project planning and measures to overcome the obstacle. After the study, recommendations and
scope of improvement were also provided for efficient working of the company.
Antara Sen
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Jorhat Engineering College, Assam

Age : 26

Experience : 30 Months – Tech Mahindra Ltd.

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Protiviti India Member Firm Enterprise Risk Management and Role of Risk based Internal Auditing

The project was aimed at understanding the importance of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) which provides a systematic and holistic approach for firms
to address all their risks whether operational, strategic or financial and the role of internal auditing in ERM. It involved study of various ERM frameworks
and how they help in risk assessment and mitigation. One such framework which is implemented by most of the organisations is COSO Framework. The
scope of the project further involved a comparative analysis of the Risk Management approaches in General Electric, Total S.A and Volkswagen on the basis
of five components of COSO Framework.
Internal auditing plays an important role to analyse the effectiveness of internal controls. The project gave an opportunity to study the internal audit
methodology adopted by Reliance Industries Limited (Exploration and Production Division) which focused on studying and analysing the inherent risks
involved in the business. It also gave an exposure in understanding the “Operations, Maintenance and Work-over activities related to Exploration and
Production activities at Coal Bed Methane Block”. The study involved identifying various risks like production loss, high well downtime, financial loss etc.

Aravind Ajith
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
Dr. MGR Educational & Research Institute University

Age : 24

Experience : 6 Months – Amazon

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Capital Budgeting, Pre-Audit and Feasibility Study of Upper Pay of Nawagam Field

The main objective of the Internship at ONGC was to acquire experience in Finance department. The internship was in the areas of budgeting, preparation
of physical targets and formulation of the respective Schemes along with various other functions of different sections of Finance and Accounts department.
The detailed study on the Budgeting, helped in understanding the cost structure, along with Pre-Audit process, Tendering and Feasibility Study aspects of
Redevelopment of Upper pay of Nawagam Field.
Costing procedure is most vital function of an E&P company. The costing module deals with the allocation of cost. The costs which are incurred by any
services are allocated and the pricing is done. Pre-audit is a finance function to check and verify propriety of vendor invoice and authorize it for payment.
Vendor invoices for purchase of material, services and other contractual payment were examined and passed for payment.
Ashtha S
Qualification : B.A. Language (Hindi) Delhi University

Age : 23

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Hindustan Petroleum Market research and Strategy Development for increasing the market share of HPCL in specialty products
Corporation Limited market

The project analyse the variables affecting the specialty products market. It focused on a detailed research on the buying behaviour of the customers of
specialty. Although a full comprehension of buying behaviour is impossible, since everyone is an individual, it is useful to reflect on common behaviours and
attempt to divide behaviours in types and stages. The tools used for analysis include survey for identification of districts with maximum customer potential,
Excel for data correlation. The market research methodologies employed include primary data collection using phone survey, email marketing and field
visits. The market research using phone survey aided in sales lead generation worth 12.5 crores for the company. Various problems were identified during the
research including lack of awareness, low import prices, lack of aggregator etc. The import market was deeply studied to identify the various factors leading
to the price leadership of importers of specialty products such as taxation policies, exchange rates, import market etc. Pricing models for various products
were also prepared to competitively price the products offered by HPCL. The formulation of the pricing model necessitated the deep understanding of the
prevailing pricing and taxation structure. Various strategies were provided to increase the market share of HPCL in the specialty products market. The
detailed interviews of the field visits can be found attached in the appendix along with recommended pricing model.

Benson B Shibu
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering) CSVTU

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Government of Gujarat Study of Power Management in Gujarat

Power is one of the most critical components of infrastructure crucial for the economic growth and welfare of nation. The power sector of Gujarat has
undergone significant growth in past few years. Our study was focused on the power sector of Gujarat. The study was mainly on the unbundling of the
Gujarat electricity board after the passing of electricity act. The study also covered tariff regulations, power trading, power purchase agreement, merit order
dispatch, mitigation of transmission and distribution losses. The methodology used was taking primary information from the officials and referring to the
secondary information available in the company reports. Further the challenges faced in the generation and distribution sector were also studied. Availability
of fuel, price of natural gas, collection losses due to non-payment of bills, were some factors which were affecting growth of power sector.
Bhavsinh Parmar
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Marwadi College

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Marketing Functions of Lubricant

The objective of the project was to learn all the business aspects related to lubricant market. Key deliverables included the study of present scenario of the
lubricant market, product flow cycle of lubricant and reviewing the present sales and recommending changes in approach for better sales in future. The basic
approach was to conduct a survey which encompassed key areas like product application, product segmentation, aspects related to buying and selling of
product, logistics contracts, OEM recommendation, types of product sales, market segmentation. Analysis was carried out on the service equipment and were
suggested alternative lubricants to optimize performance. Present trends and aspects affecting the market were identified and reported to the management. A
seminar was also organized for Heat Thermic Fluid in which major customers were acknowledged about the product and its better application which would
help to increase the customer base. Apart from this a study focused on assisting the SERVO Technical Services (TS) was done to provide expert technical
advice and solutions for ONGC- WSS and help the stimulation services run longer and more efficiently, while also reducing costs and environmental impact.

Chinmay Antani
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 24

: 6 Months – Largest Advisors, India
4 Months – Reliance Industries Ltd Hazira

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Reliance Industries Ltd. Petroleum & Petrochemicals Refinery Business, Feasibility and Operations Analysis

First part of project concerned decisions related to the feasibility of end products of petroleum industry by undertaking a market analysis. The basic approach
was to study significant factors of product market and forecast based on that, defining opportunity gap between demand and supply-capacity of upcoming
time span and based on that creating a financial model of production plant project. For this, vertically integrated product flow (Crude-Naphtha-Propylene-
Polypropylene) was taken into consideration. Since natural gas (NGL) is also a feedstock for petrochemicals it disrupts the market of naphtha so its market was
also analysed. In this analysis, tools like SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces model, and Sensitivity Analysis were also used.
The second part of the project aimed at analysis of operations and supply chain of Plant commissioning, Refining process, and enterprise assets management
planning. The basic approach was to learn the practical functionality, process flow in their system interface and challenges of all the main bodies of industrial
operations like Procurements & Contracts, Material Management Centre, Chemical and Catalyst Warehouse, Central Engineering Service, Planning, Detailed
Engineering Centre, Marine Tank Farm etc. Along with it by time and motion study and job understanding, the project analysed the maintenance job
productivity norms, workforce allocation, and used its work breakdown structure for scheduling shutdown using MS Project.
Debjit Jana
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Institute of Technical Education and Research

Age : 25

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
ONGC Petro additions Limited Effects of Ban on Plastics on Plastic Industry and Society as a whole

Ban on plastics has been a convenient tool for the State Governments to curb the negative effects that arise from plastic products, mostly plastic bags and
bottles due to their improper disposal. But imposing a blanket ban on consumption of plastic products has cascading effects on both the industries and the
lives of thousands working in such industries.
The internship project was aimed to study the effects of ban on plastics on the industries and society. This included understanding the demand and supply
of plastic products in India (mostly the raw materials), the effects of ban on plastics on the plastic industry, petrochemical industry, the ancillary industries
and ultimately the lives of thousands working in the aforementioned industries. A survey was done amongst the employees of OPaL, students, residents of
Maharashtra (the newest state to join the bandwagon of plastic ban) in order to get their opinion on the consumption of plastics and effects of ban on plastics.
Further, it also focused on understanding the strategies adapted by a petrochemical company (like OPaL) to minimize the effects of plastic ban on itself, i.e.,
exporting its products to beneficial markets and diversification of its customer base.

Dehran Ankur
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Gautam Buddh Technical University

Age :

Experience : 51 Months – Nova Industrial Gases Pvt. Ltd.

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
GERMI Delay Analysis of 10MW Solar Power Plant at ONGC, Hazira
Oil India Limited Understanding the lifecycle of E&P Business & Fiscal Policies in India

The objective of the project was to identify reasons for the delay in project, party responsible for it and find out whether the reasons behind the project delay
were avoidable. Key deliverables included monitoring construction progress of critical activities daily by taking into account, parameters like work force and
number of equipments available on a particular day and time-to-time recommendations to Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Company.
Based on analysis through Graphs, Histograms and Gantt-charts, key reasons for delay were identified. Originally, LD was 10% of total contract price but
EPC Company was recommended to pay 7.74% as power was delivered equally in two phases.

The objectives were to study lifecycle of E&P Business in India and understand fiscal system for oil and gas exploration in India covering the period from
liberalization of upstream sector to present. The approach undertaken was thorough study of various documents taken from books or websites which
encompassed key areas like types of Fiscal Policies, types of contracts like Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Revenue Sharing Contract (RSC) along
with their structures, different phases of E&P business like exploration, development, production and abandonment. Key features and limitations of various
fiscal policies were identified. Timeline for each phases of E&P business lifecycle was identified along with the type of method used in each phase.
Deepak Daryani
Qualification : B.Com (Accounting) Jai Narain Vyas University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Government of Gujarat Value Chain Analysis & Financial Aspects of Power Sector (Gujarat State)

Power is one of the most critical component of infrastructure and crucial for the economic growth of the country. The existence and development of adequate
infrastructure is essential for sustained growth of Indian economy. Indian power sector is undergoing a significant change that has redefined the industry
The main motive for this study was based on few points:
• To know how Gujarat has surplus power.
• Various Government initiates and policies such as Multi Year Tariff order, etc.
• How the inventory management is done to provide best services to its customers.
• Strategy applied by the companies in Gujarat, making them the profitable power company.
The basic approach was to get the basic details regarding the working of each department and analyzing the whole process to know how to increase efficiency
in key areas such as inventory management, power trading, and fuel management and understanding the importance of Open Access. With this approach
and study, it became evident that efficiency is the key with utmost customer satisfaction level.

Devalkumar Shah
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 24

Experience : 15 Months – Omkar Stampings

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Gujarat Gas Limited Study of Natural Gas & Alternative Fuels in Ceramic Industry

The objective of the project was to analyze different fuels used in ceramic industry and its advantages and disadvantages over Natural Gas and also to
understand Industry perception about usage of Natural Gas as a fuel. An Industrial survey was carried out to fulfill this objective. Mainly three alternate fuels
were identified during this survey and it was also identified that every fuel is different from another on different factors like price, availability, Operation and
Maintenance, environmental issues and product quality. Along with that, problems with usage of Natural Gas were also identified during the survey and
possible solutions were also looked into during the project. The study included PESTLE analysis and SWOT analysis of Morbi ceramic cluster to understand
different factors affecting it. Based on that an attempt was made to estimate the ceramic production and natural gas consumption projection in next three
Dhairya Gupta
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 23

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Emerson Process Management Study of Instruments used in Smart Pipelines & their Market Potential

The objective of the project is to learn about the various instruments used in regulation and operation of oil & gas pipelines and its market potential. To assess
the market potential the new oil and gas pipeline projects which are being planned and are at various stage of implementation were identified. The pipeline
operations are automated using various instruments which reduce the risk and prevent accidents. The project focused on the different types of flow meters
used in oil pipelines and gas pipelines separately. The different technologies and methods used for leak detection were also studied. Lastly the report discusses
the role of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the control of the pipeline networks. The study revealed that good number of new
pipeline projects in India are being planned and at various stage of implementation. Some the existing pipelines are being extended. Thus the study suggests
very good market potential for various instruments for automation of pipeline operations. The suppliers’ of such instruments should be prepared to meet the
increased demand.

Dhruval Patel
Qualification : B.E. (Information Technology) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Analysing the XTRAPOWER Platform for different Consumer Segments.

The main objective of the project was to understand and analyse the market dynamics of the XTRAPOWER program in terms of its diverse consumer
base. The consumers were categorized into a few segments, which were then individually analysed. Multiple Corporate customers as well as Fleet Owners
were contacted with an aim to increase the consumer base. Maintaining a healthy professional relationship with the customers is the foremost priority of
IOCL. Accordingly, meetings were conducted with the IOCL Platinum Customers to understand their requirements, through which the company aims at
serving them better. The study showed the need for an increase in the digital transaction facilities. Aggressive advertising needs to be undertaken by IOCL
to mitigate the lack of awareness among consumers. The project was a learning experience and contributed immensely to improve skills such as professional
communication, the market dynamics of the fuel market as well as the nuances of the petroleum business in India.
Gopal Parmar
Qualification : BBA – Saurashtra University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Marketing Research & Promotion of XTRAPOWER Fleet Programme

In this world where there is intense competition, it becomes very necessary to retain Loyal transporters and petrol pump owner’s. The cost of acquiring a
new customer is always more than retaining an old customer. The Project Confines specifically and categorically to the practical application, operational and
execution of the XTRAPOWER Fleet card program of IOCL. In brief study and analysis of IOCL Fleet Card Processes and overall research in the market in
terms of carrying out how Loyal transporters and owners are also important because the provide the consistency of volume, critical stocking and managing
just in time inventory to maintain the customer demand. The fleet card helps in identifying the customer with every transaction of purchase recorded by
the web and relevant detail monitored by IOCL.

Harsh Kachchhi
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Mahanagar Gas Limited Potential Estimation And Feasibility Study of Trigeneration System for Commercial Segment

The objective of the project was to analyse the business opportunity provided by Trigeneration System for commercial segment customers of MGL, identify
potential customers and study the feasibility of this technology for respective identified customers. The potential estimation included analysis of the current
electrical, cooling and heating energy requirements at each commercial establishment and forecasting the demand of natural gas arising after installation
of this system. Feasibility study covered different aspects like technological, financial, social, norms regulations abiding this system. Feasibility study also
included activities like estimation of investment required for individual customer, payback period, increase in natural gas volume to be consumed, proposal
of gas pricing strategy to be adopted for competitiveness against electricity tariffs, sizing of the system for complying with the energy requirements, gas
sourcing strategy, potential customers to be targeted for pilot projects, estimation of savings per unit (Rs./kW) of power consumed by consumers against
tariff of natural gas. Key risks were identified and risk mitigation steps were suggested complying to standards, procedures and policies.
Harshil Sarwala
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering), Gujarat Technological University

Age : 24

Experience : 10 Months - SSM Infotech Solutions Private Limited (Schneider Electric SI)

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
L&T Hydrocarbon 1. Digitalization of Reporting System for Hydrocarbon EPC Projects and its integration with Cloud and
Engineering Limited Blockchain based Enterprise Solution
2. Integration of Various Discretely Operating Project Management Software to the Enterprise Integrated
Project Management System

1. The project mainly focuses on designing the technical architectures and assessing it’s feasibility by understanding the challenges faced by the EPC Contractor
in making weekly, monthly and quarterly progress reports of projects in the hydrocarbon sector and streamlining the processes by digitalizing the existing
workflows, thereby improving the business processes, improving the accessibility of data and facilitating better information exchange across the value
chain, increasing the response time and customer service anywhere in the world, reducing costs, enabling the ability to leverage data using analytics, and
establishing improvement plan for business continuity. This also focuses on designing the Cloud (Microsoft Azure) and Blockchain (Hyperledger Fabric)
based enterprise infrastructure as the foundation technologies and eventually stacking the reporting system over the same foundation. Cost Benefit
Analysis of having a cloud based enterprise infrastructure using Microsoft Azure has also been discussed.
2. This project deals with the importance of integrating and linking data across discretely working software solutions for various project management
functions and designing technical architectures for integrating those with the Enterprise Integrated Project Management System. It also explains how
distributed and NoSQL database technologies like MongoDB proves advantageous over RDBMS based platforms like SAP HANA. This project finally
discusses about the importance of having a change management over time and framing IT strategies for an organization to adopt technologies in its
ecosystem, thereby enabling the digital transformation so as to unlock the functional systems and leverage the interconnectedness and interdependence
of everything in an organization.

Harshkumar Gandhi
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering), Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Sabarmati Gas Limited Tackling underutilization of CNG facilities at OMC ROs and Demand estimation for Industrial and
Commercial PNG

First part of project was aimed at identifying solutions to increase sales by mitigating factors causing underutilization of CNG facilities at OMC Retail Outlets
(ROs). For this purpose, visits at various Retail outlets were conducted at various locations of Gujarat. In these visits, one-on-one interviews were conducted
with the RO dealers, Driveway Salesman and customers apart from also analysing the practices carried out at RO which may result in underutilization of
CNG facilities. The key findings and recommendations derived from this study would be used in planning further activities that can be mutually beneficial
for both dealers and the Company.
The second part of project was on Demand Analysis of Natural Gas in select Industrial/Commercial areas. This included visits to the various industries
present in these areas. For this purpose, a structured questionnaire was exercised on respondents. Details from industry managers and owners were collected,
analysed and recommendations provided for further course of action.
Hem Shah
Qualification : B. Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Indus University

Age : 22

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
ONGC Petro additions Limited Study of Polyethylene Pipe Market - Market Dimensions in HDPE & LLDPE Pipe Sector- Applications,
Challenges, Dynamics and Growth Rate.

The project aimed at studying the Polyethylene Pipe market, its growth and challenges. The study also includes analysis of present and future scenario of
PE pipes in India. The main objective of the project was to study the Polyethylene market in India in the context of PE pipe market. The study includes
manufacturing and market segmentation aspects of PE Pipes. It also looked at the position of OPaL vis-a-vis other Petrochemical Industries in India in PE
Pipes market. The project was divided in to 4 parts. The first part consisting of primary introduction to Petrochemicals and export and import data related to
Petrochemicals and Polyethylene. The second part consist of studying the current market situation through secondary sources which includes the application
of PE Pipes and its current market scenario. In the third part market/field survey was undertaken wherein the distributors of OPaL, customers who are
related to OPAL were contacted for their feedback on OPaL regarding the PE pipe market scenario in various parts of Gujarat and how this market will grow
in the near future. The last part was to analyze the data and suggest the recommendations regarding the positioning of the brand which can help OPaL to
improve customer awareness & market presence.

Himali Panchal
Qualification : B.E. (Computer Engineering), Gujarat Technological University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Study of XTRAREWARDS Loyalty Programme: Efficacy, Improvement and Alliance Partner Tie ups

The objective of the project was to suggest a marketing plan which will improve the overall functioning of loyalty program from streamlining back end IT
services to tapping new alliance partners and organising cross promotional activities with them. As a part of market research, survey was conducted for
XTRAREWARDS in which customers and dealers were surveyed at most populated Retail Outlets of Ahmedabad and comparison of various national and
international loyalty programs was also prepared. Acquisition of new alliance partners included reaching out to well-known brands having multiple outlets,
negotiation of viable discount schemes/offers, designing of contracts and marketing activities. Market survey led to better understanding of customer
expectations and to conclusion that such alliances help organisation to enrol new customers but to build a loyal customer base and retaining them requires
improved and enhanced services.
Himanshu Mahavar
Qualification : B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) Charusat University

Age : 22

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Hindustan Petroleum 1. Study of sales supportive team in bazaar lubes segment
Corporation Limited 2. Study of the distributor sales representative’s work and methods to improve them to increase the sales and
optimum utilization of the marketing budget

The objective of first project is study of sales supportive team in bazaar lubes segment. This project comprehended set of questionnaires of monthly sales,
reason for low sales, factor affecting most etc. to find out major issue of low sales of HP lubes. Thus, primary survey was carried out at 49 retail outlets. Data
was assimilated and statistically analyzed in order to provide recommendations regarding brand promotion, availability of product and other issues which
would help HPCL to improvise and hence increase their market share.
The Second project was focused on study of the distributor sales representative’s (DSRs) work and methods to upgrade and increase the sales and optimum
utilization of the marketing budget. Survey done on distributor and DSRs helped me to learn about the issues and challenges faced in lubes trading. Creation
of marketing budget plan was a different learning experience. Based on study and analysis on the collected data, an endorsement was provided for further
improvement of the DSRs efficiency to acquire better performance of HPCL in market.

Jainam Shah
Qualification : B.E. (Chemical Engineering) Mumbai University

Age : 23

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
GAIL (India) Ltd. Commercial Aspects of Natural Gas and LNG Industry

This Summer Internship covered understanding of the Natural Gas industry globally, GAIL’s role in the Indian Natural Gas industry, pricing of domestic
Natural Gas, LNG scenario in terms of LNG importers, LNG exporters, global LNG re-gasification and liquefaction capacities, LNG pricing, India’s take on
LNG, functioning of National Gas Management Centre (NGMC) and billing of the Gas, along with ways to increase Natural Gas penetration in India. The
project deals with relevant statistics relating to Natural Gas in India such as the trend of the domestic Gas prices, the historical and current consumption
of Natural Gas in various sectors, LNG imports, exports, re-gasification and liquefaction, and the pipelines network in India. With a specific objective to
understand the LNG Contractual Regimes, the project also involved an insight in GAIL LNG contract with Sabine Pass LLP. Overall the Summer Internship
Project helped gain an adequate understanding of relevant business and contractual aspects of Natural Gas Sector, including LNG. Finally the understanding
obtained from project led to extending some specific suggestions to tackle some bottlenecks in increasing the Natural Gas contribution in India’s Energy mix.
An application was developed to enable analysis of relevant metrics pertaining to Natural Gas Business.
Jay Prajapati
Qualification : B.Sc. (Chemistry) Gujarat University

Age : 21

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Marketing Functions of SERVO

The first phase comprised of Comparative Market Study and Sales Analysis of Industrial Lubricant Market. The research aimed at studying the business
potential of the lubricant market in and around Ahmedabad region. Also, a comparative analysis was carried out between SERVO and other lubricant brands
to understand the customer buying behaviour, brand association and brand positioning.
The second phase was to strategically profile key customers of Heat Transfer Fluids and create product awareness through promotional activities. A study
was carried out in order to understand its target market. Further for brand awareness, a conference: “SERVO-Heat Transfer Fluids, A Prism of Possibilities”
was organized targeting the top customer base in Gujarat.
This project provided me with the opportunity to understand the lubricant market in Gujarat, and the industry as a whole. Skills such as professional
communication as well as event management were also learnt during the course of this project.

Kalrav Joshi
Qualification : B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) Indus University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
SUN Mobility Pvt. Ltd. Franchising opportunities for SUN Mobility across India with a special focus to Bangalore

The project aimed to develop a go-to-market (GTM) strategy/plan for SUN Mobility to deploy battery swapping infrastructure for 2-wheeler and 3-wheeler
at a national level with a special focus on target city. Franchising is the quickest and most effective way to scale rapidly at city level and further to national
level. Key deliverables included the economics and a go to market strategy with the franchising partners. The strategy divides the partners into 3 priority
categories, viz. priority 1, priority 2 and priority 3. Priority 1 and 2 partners cater to a city completely, while the priority 3 partner covers the outliers of the
normal distribution curve of the hypothesis. The strategy also identifies high potential areas and maps out the stakeholders in the ecosystem viz. dealers,
drivers, operators, regulatory authorities. The basic approach was based on parameters like travel demand, electricity infrastructure availability and the
availability of real estate. The project concludes with a recommendation of 44 strategic partner locations (priority 1 – 24, priority 2 – 17, priority 3 – 03) to
deploy Quick Interchange Station TM (QIS) for a city which is scalable to any other city in the country along with the financial model for franchise partners.
Karan Kaushal
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Capital budgeting , Pre audit & feasibility study on Redevelopment of upper pay of Nawagam Field

The main objective of the Internship at ONGC was to acquire experience in the line of functions of Finance department. I choose to intern in the areas of
budget planning exercise, Initiation strategies with the preparation of physical targets and formulation of the respective Schemes along with various other
functions of different sections of Finance and Accounts department. Additionally, as a part of a detail study on the Budgeting, I briefly gathered knowledge
on the concepts of cost structure, Pre-Audit, Tendering and Feasibility Study of Redevelopment of Upper pay of Nawagam Field.
The Costing procedure is most vital function of an E&C company like ONGC. The costing module deals with the allocation of cost. The costs which are
incurred by any services are allocated and the pricing is done. Pre-audit is a finance function to check and verify propriety of vendor invoice and authorize it
for payment. Vendor invoices for purchase of material, services and other contractual payment were examined and passed for payment.
Budget is the most common, useful and widely used standard device of planning and control. It provides a structure to forecast and measure the activities of
the organization. They serve as a device for synchronizing the complex operations of the business, and providing a medium for communicating the financial
goals. Once a budget is approved and implemented, it becomes a standard with which to measure the different Heads (departments) financial performance
on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

Kartikeya Pandey
Qualification : B. Tech (Mechanical Engineering) KIIT University Bhubaneswar

Age : 25

: 8 Months - Arvind Limited (The Anup Engineering Limited)
12 Months - Chemilines India Private Limited

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Grant Thornton LLP 1. Development of Strategy for Identification and Mitigation of Risks through SoX Compliance & IOT Security Audit.
2. Implementation of Blockchain in Financial Auditing.
3. Corporate Valuation (ASC 805-Business Considernations, ASC 350 Goodwill Impairment Audit)

1. The project involved carrying out Internal Audit of Financial Controls according to SoX compliance for an Insurance Major. The risks were identified and
process narratives were prepared. Further, the controls in place were also tested to check their effectiveness. The other Audit performed was IOT Security
Compliance Audit of Smart Homes for an E-Commerce major. This audit involved identifying key avenues of risks in a smart home through segregation
of risk by Smart Peripherals installed. This was achieved through an approach where the risks were prioritized based on Financial Impact and frequency
of occurrence.
2. The second project involved Developing Preliminary Framework for Implementation of Blockchain in Financial Auditing for a global leading bank.
The project involved understanding the process of auditing transactions and trial balance in a blockchain as well as Identification of Key Risks that the
blockchain audit would present and how blockchain will be able to optimize the audit process.
3. The third project involved performing Corporate Valuation for M&A activities through ASC 805 Engagement to arrive at the Fair Value of an Refinery
Process Equipment Manufacturer. It involved calculating Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) along with
valuation of Workforce, Trademark, Customer Relationships and Non Compete Agreements to arrive at the Fair Value of the business. The project also
involved performing ASC 350 Engagement (Goodwill Impairment) for the firm through Income and Market Approach.
Company Topic
Oil India Limited Development of Strategy for Identification and Mitigation of Risks in Upstream Industry through Internal
Audit of Processes and Fiscal Modelling under Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Revenue Sharing
Contract (RSC) Regimes
Manu Rastogi
Qualification : B.Tech (Geoscience Engineering) UPES

Age : 27

Experience : 34 Months - Greka Drilling India Limited

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
SBI Capital Markets Limited Impact of Renewable Energy on Oil Consumption (with Special Focus on Electric Vehicle)

Leveraging the current advantages offered by renewables over fossil fuels, India has planned to increase the share of the renewable energy in its energy policy.
Therefore the government has planned to promote electric vehicles under schemes such as Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles
(FAME) and the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan-2020 (NEMMP). The objective of the project was to study and analyze various techno-commercial
aspects of electric vehicles in India and to understand their contribution in achieving the renewable energy goal of the nation.
The project identified the current status of electric vehicles as early footprints in India. It figured out the growing demand for energy in various sectors
specially transport sector across the country. A model was prepared using various financial tools showing calculations on how much India can save in
monetary terms while importing crude from exporting countries. Using sensitivity analysis the most conservative estimate of savings in crude oil demand
per annum was worked out.

Mauli Patel
Qualification : B.E. (Computer Engineering) LDRP-ITR

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Management of Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Business at GUVNL

The main objective of the study was to understand management of power business. It covered the functioning of power generation, transmission, and
distribution segments across the state.
In power generation segment, the key focus was on study of tariff determination, power purchase agreement (PPA), regulatory framework, project
management and contracts, and fuel (coal) procurement such as lignite, bitumen, anthracite coal, etc.
Transmission network links the generating stations and load centers. In transmission segment, the study focused primarily on optimum scheduling and
dispatch of electricity within the state, availability based tariff (ABT), and supervision and control over the intra-state transmission system.
Although distribution segment is considered as the weakest link in the Indian power sector, overall condition of distribution utilities in the state of Gujarat is
far better than other states. Key aspects covered in power distribution segments were challenges faced by companies in rural areas, mitigations of transmission
and distribution losses, and inventory management.
Meghrajsinh Atodaria
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

Experience : 12 Months - Amcet Sanli Engineering Company

E-mail :

Company Topic
L&T Hydrocarbon Understanding Complexity of EPC Supply Chain in Oil & Gas Projects
Engineering Limited

The Project aimed at understanding process of material Procurement and services including delivery up to site for Engineering, Procurement and
Construction (EPC) supply chain projects in the hydrocarbon Midstream and Downstream sector. The procurement activities managed in an efficient
manner thereby achieving the quality and cost within specified project schedule and targets for enhancing the profitability of operations and maintaining
flexibility to adapt to project-specific requirements. The basic approach was to work upon procurement plan, pre-order activities, Techno-commercial
negotiation with vendors, vendor relationship, Bid evaluation, order execution, Monitoring, E-Auction, Supplier Selection, Inspection and Logistics
Management with Maximum usage of System, Application, products (SAP) and E-Procurement platform.

Mehul Upadhyay
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) DIT University, Dehradun, Uttrakhand

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Protiviti India Member Firm Internal Audit Engagement- Reliance Industries Limited (Patalganga Manufacturing Division)

Internal Audit through its independent and objective assessments within the organization ensures that appropriate controls existing in an organization that
would enable it to focus its resources and efforts towards achieving the objective for which it is established. The project was guided by following objectives;
Detecting and Preventing fraud, Testing Internal Control and Monitoring Compliance with company policy and government regulations.
It required active involvement right from audit plan development, to its planning’s, field work and execution for the client, scope of IAS included sections
like Administration, Process Compliance, Sales Process, Purchasing, Dispatch, Inventory and analyzing current practices for compliance with regulations.
Methodology of IAS includes; Process understanding, Data collection and Sampling, analyzing of data, deriving observations, drafting summary reports to
management after each successful analysis performed, including their conclusions and recommendations for improvements as well as maintaining active
dialogues with field and corporate personnel to serve as an internal auditor as well as working proactively with client to make sure that audit recommendations
are implemented.
In my project the field of audit covered the areas of Inventory and Dispatch (solid & liquid) in which according to the audit methodology data based on
various process risk were analyzed and observations were brought forward for the management to work upon.
Learning outcomes from the projects are; prioritizing tasks, categorizing and identification of risk, managing ambiguity, developing skill set for IA services.
Mohammad Saif Khan
Qualification : B.E. (Civil engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 24

Experience : 15 Months

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Acquisition of new/inactive customers for the XTRAPOWER Loyalty Program

The objective of our project was to acquire new or reinstate inactive customers for the XTRAPOWER Loyalty Program. In order to achieve the objective, it
was necessary at first to understand the key distinguishing features of the loyalty program. This was done by regular meetings with industry mentor and other
officials at IOCL. The interactions with them gave us insights required to convince customers to enroll in the program.
Further a list of customers were given who had failed to make a financial transaction for the last financial year. We had to communicate with these customers
in order to make them aware regarding the benefits they are being deprived of by not using the Fleet Card. Simultaneously our task was also to convince
the potential customers and enroll them in a program. This was done by visiting dealers of the fuel stations as well as transport hub across Ahmedabad. The
dealers had the necessary information about the high volume consuming customers. We then communicated with these customers and tried to enroll them
in the program. After several meetings, UBER, GTC oil field and local transporters were enrolled under Indian oil loyalty program. The project work was
appreciated by industry mentor at IOCL and received appreciation letter for the same.

Nimesh Shah
Qualification : B.M.S. – Mumbai University

Age : 26

: 13 Months – Directi Software Services
22 Months – Legato Speciality Lubricants

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
SUN Mobility Pvt. Ltd. Electric Vehicle Battery Charging / Swapping station deployment strategy and mapping of Energy
Infrastructure required to power them

The objective of the project was to frame a strategic methodology for battery charging/swapping station deployment and mapping energy infrastructure
required for a designated number of 3 wheelers and 2 wheelers in a city. Project deliverables included evaluation of two major factors – city mobility and
electricity infrastructure, recognizing key parameters and forming a procedure to identify precise locations for station deployment. A grid methodology to
deploy charging/swapping stations was established using key parameters like IPT (intermediate public transport) demand, electricity infrastructure network
and primary research with various stakeholders. Electricity tariff structures, infrastructure provisioning costs and regulatory frameworks were analysed for
various scenarios. Major bottlenecks and cost intensive factors were identified and reported to the concerned departments. A draft functional tool to bring
all stakeholders on a common platform to identify and deploy charging/swapping stations – City Visualisation Tool (CVT); along with a methodology to
map energy infrastructure was developed and presented to the management.
Parshwa Patel
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

: 6 Months - Zeeta Electrical Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
11 Months - Shree Sai Service (Bluestar Authorized Dealer)

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Mahanagar Gas Limited Potential Estimation and Feasibility Study of the Tri-generation System for Commercial Segment Customers of MGL
Gujarat State Petronet Limited Analysis of Natural Gas Pipeline tariff orders issued by PNGRB

The objective of the project was to identify potential customers for the emerging, highly energy efficient tri-generation system and conduct a feasibility study
for Mahanagar Gas Limited. With the wider scope of applications of this system ranging from Commercial establishments to Industrial applications Tri-Gen
System has a tremendous potential of increasing share of Natural Gas in the energy mix. To promote and make such energy efficient system viable in the
Indian market, Government bodies are taking initiatives such as International collaboration for energy projects, policies like National Mission for Enhanced
Energy Efficiency (NMEEE). Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), Viability Gap funding (VGF) for new energy system, Smart City Mission etc. The
project also included understanding of these initiatives and policies.
Potential customers were identified based on their Post-Tri-Gen Natural Gas demand by analyzing their current electrical, heating and cooling energy
requirement. The feasibility study covered various aspects like Technological, Financial, Social, Urban Development Norms, and Regulations relevant to this
system. It also dealt with investment required from prospective customers, payback period, incremental volume of natural gas to be consumed due to Tri-
Gen system, Proposal of Gas price for competitiveness against electricity tariff, Sizing of the system for complying with the energy requirement, Gas sourcing
strategy, and estimation of saving per unit of power consumed by consumers against proposed natural gas tariff.

The objective of the project was to understand the process of natural gas pipeline tariff determination and to identify the issues and possible bias in cases
involving large and well-established entities. With a view of that, an analysis of natural gas pipelines tariff orders issued by the PNGRB was carried out. The
project included identifying the areas under which the tariff was reduced, issues raised by the entities and PNGRB’s stand on it, opportunities to increase the
tariff, and tariff models that suits GSPL’s Pipeline Network. The insights from the analysis can be used in proposing provisional initial and/or final pipeline tariff.

Parth Patel
Qualification : BBA (Finance) VNSGU

Age : 22

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
ONGC Petro additions Limited Working Capital Management of OPaL

Working Capital is a crucial element for functioning of any company. For a capital-intensive industry, such as the Petrochemical industry, Long-term Capital
Financing is often considered more critical. However, the driving financial force behind the day to day operation also holds much significance. The internship
involved understanding basic operations of OPaL, to comprehend its working capital requirements. A detailed study and analysis, of the key components of
working capital, were undertaken and documented. Working Capital Trend Analysis, Debtors/creditors collection period, and means of Short-term Funding
proved instrumental for the purpose. Analysis and interpretation of variety ratios, backed by the hypothesis, helped to gain vital insights of the company.
Pranav Sharma
Qualification : B.Com, St. Xaviers College

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Hindustan Petroleum 1. Comparative Study and Analysis of Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMO) and High-End Diesel Engine Oil in
Corporation Limited Bazaar Segment
2. Study of the distributor sales representative’s work and methods to improve them to increase the sales and
optimum utilization of the marketing budget

The first project at HPCL primarily aims to understand the position of HP Lubricants in private car vehicle segment at designated location. Primary
Survey was conducted to get a fair idea of HPCL’s current position in the market. After primary survey was conducted to identify the market position of
HPCL’s lubricant, threats and opportunities for the same was identified. Primary survey was conducted by surveying the distributors and workshops and
questionnaire was prepared to assimilate the product variety, monthly sale, profit margin and credit period. Data was assimilated and statistically analysed
to suggest the recommendations regarding rebranding and repositioning of the brand which can help HPCL to create more customer awareness & market
presence and hence can create profitability.
An elaborative survey with literature was carried out on few topics in the field of marketing, promotion, consumer behaviour, new product adoption and
lubricants marketing published in reputed international and Indian journals to identify research gaps, which are in absence of studies on awareness, adoption
and usage of the newly launched low involvement product category of synthetic lubricants for two-wheelers in India.
In addition, this report also contains a marketing strategy specifically designed for HPCL, Bangalore region. This strategy made from the data gathered
during primary survey conducted and looking at the current market situation of HPCL, Bazaar lubes in Bangalore region.

Prashant Kumar
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Hindustan University, Chennai

Age :

: 11 Months - Gammon India Limited
19 Months - TATA Projects Limited

E-mail :

Company Topic
Grant Thornton LLP Financial Due Diligence and Business valuation w.r.t. Mergers and Acquisitions for various clients
Oil India Limited Understanding Petroleum E&P business & Upstream Policies in India and Overview of risk assessment and internal audit

SIP at Grant Thornton LLP involved conducting financial Due Diligence and business valuations for various clients for the purpose of Merger and acquisition.
The financial due diligence and business valuations was done especially for the to understand the feasibility of the merger to take place. In the process various
financial indicators were calculated such as EBITDA, working capital, net debt, leverage, various cost involved to name a few. As a part of Due diligence
various adjustments were to be made to find adjusted working capital and Pro forma EBITDA. The SIP at Grant Thornton LLP helped me to understand the
various aspects of financial due diligence and business valuations and gave me a practical experience of complete M&A life cycle.
The project aimed at developing the model to assess economic feasibility & risks for Oil India Limited’s XYZ Block awarded in Krishna Godavari Basin.
Through the model, firm can identify optimum number of wells to be drilled. Further breakeven point in terms of price for discovery was calculated and
risk involved was also determined. The model comprises of expected value analysis method, through which economic model was generated for the identified
prospects, it also provided NPV of the project and therefore enables company to take decisions. The model also generated expected production profile of
each well, for 20 years, on the basis of cost parameters. Through the model, decision made couldn’t conclude the breakeven analysis of the discovery made
under different economic scenarios. In the Business Development department of OIL the study helped identify various ways to exit a block in India and
overseas. Strategies practiced by OIL for their various overseas businesses were studied and ways to exit a block were suggested. The other part of the project
was to study the practices involved in Internal Audit department of OIL. We studied about Audit universe, it is an audit program to cover all the business
areas and operational activities on the basis of risk perception.
Richa Tiwari
Qualification : B.Tech (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Biju Patnaik University of Technology

Age :

Experience : 18 Months - Tata Consultancy Services

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Study of automation in Retail Sales

This study delves into response of one of the stakeholders to automation and hence understand its effects on the performance of business of Oil and Gas
Retail Sales. The retail operators and managers views are compiled and evaluated on parameters of operational costs, efficiency and complexity. It was
concluded that presence of an automation system is just not enough to derive the benefits. Familiarity with the system and level of technical knowledge of
various stakeholders of the business also plays an important role. In order to achieve greater market-share the company deploys technology to improve its
operations, reduce costs and gain margins without pushing prices. But, an inappropriate system can become a liability. Hence, it is important to understand,
what all the stakeholders expect from the automation implemented, which requirements were met and gaps that continue to exist.

Rohan Tandon
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering)

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Piramal Glass Pvt Ltd. To study the consumption and price linkage of natural gas used by PGPL, and design risk mitigation strategy
using hedging tools.

The objective of the project was to mitigate the risk of the company on the consumption of natural gas by the use of hedging tools. The research study was
basically done on the quantitative and qualitative basis in which the Indian domestic natural gas price mechanism (Administered price mechanism, Market
determined price), International gas price mechanism, the price linkages and build-up of natural gas was understood, to identify risk against the volatility of
the price of the benchmark. Also to identify assets available on different exchanges and dynamics of the derivative market for hedging purposes, to mitigate
risk associated with their forward contracts with other companies. Out of sample analysis was being performed for different derivative products to make the
company aware of the benefits of strategies (Plain vanilla, exotic options, and Costless color).
The main focus of the project was to prepare and modify the existing forecasting models which can be used to predict the future prices (Existing contract:
Price performance and coming month price prediction, Furnace oil Price Forecast)
Recommendation and suggestion were being given to the company to start hedging their commodities and in how much quantity they should start it in their
initial period and with which hedging strategies they should move forward in it.
Rohit Gidh
Qualification : B.Com (General), Andhra Loyola College Vijayawada

Age :

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. Study of GUVNL and its subsidiaries and power sector management

Internship project at GUVNL, GSECL, SLDC and UGVCL was aimed at (i) understanding the present power sector scenario, (ii) studying the area of
improvement and possible measures of controls, (iii) understanding coordination of activity between different GUVNL subsidiaries, (iv) studying the
financial targets, and (v) analysing the performance keeping in view the available resources.
The project work helped me understand the Indian electricity ACT 2003, Multiyear tariff, Power purchase agreement, Open access, Fuel procurement,
scheduling, Power trading, Inventory management, Power bidding process, Tariff fixation, financial management of UGVCL, Transmission and distribution
losses, Availability based tariff, billing collection efficiency etc.

Roneet Jena
Qualification : B.Tech (Electrical And Electronics) NIT Puducherry

Age : 25

Experience : 8 Months - Future Supply Chain Solutions Ltd.

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
GUVNL Analysis of Operational & Economical aspects of Power Sector
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Analysis of Refinery Operations & Pricing of end products

The project was undertaken to study the operational & economic aspects of the power sector. The study was conducted at various parts of Power Sector
Value Chain viz. generation (Gujarat State Energy Corporation Ltd., GSECL), Transmission (Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation, GETCO) & State
Load Dispatch Centres (SLDC) and Distribution (Uttar Gujarat Vij Corporation Ltd., UGVCL). Key deliverables included analysing procurement of fuel,
projection of power demand, reviewing Implementation & implication of open access and auditing power purchase agreements. Other aspects of internship
included identifying problems faced by State Power Companies in execution of renewable projects, SLDC functioning, scheduling & dispatch of power to
state, ABT (Availability Based Tariff), Supervision & Control over the intra-state transmission system. The project concluded with examining the implications
of above mentioned aspects on the tariff and power contracts of DisComs.

The project was undertaken to study the operational & economic aspects of the Refinery sector. The study was concentrated mainly at refinery and pipelines
divisions of organization. Key deliverables included analysing functioning of different units at refinery, working of pipelines sector, transportation of final
products and crude oil from pipelines. Further the study also focused on inventory management of chemicals and utilities at refinery. Other peruses included
select pricing aspects of imported crude oil, determination of prices for the end products, taxes levied on final products in domestic market & determination
of GRM (Gross Refinery Margin).
Roshan Dhatrak
Qualification : B.Tech (Chemical Technology) LIT Nagpur

Age :

: 4 Months - Berger Beckers Coating Pvt. Ltd.
21 Months - Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd.
4 Months - Asian Paints Ltd.

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
KPMG 1. Contract Compliance and Work Certification
2. Joint Venture (Onshore blocks) & Production Sharing Contract (PSC) compliance

The project was intended to carry out Internal Audit for the organization basically covering areas like legal and professional services and facility management
services. The main aim of the audit was to benchmark the different services used by firm in accordance to the standard Industrial practices and to find out
recoveries/savings in different services. SAP was used for collecting data and different analytical tools were used to find out observations and the same was
also validated by collecting data from the field.
The other Project covered review of Joint Venture (JV) books of accounts of onshore blocks of a leading conglomerate in Exploration & Production sector
and adherence to the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) compliances. Joint Venture audit was carried out to ensure that all Joint Operating Agreement
compliances were adhered by the organization and the same was reported to regulatory body as well as JV partner. The compliances were also validated in
accordance with the PSC requirements.

Sahil Bhandari
Qualification : B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Kurukshetra University

Age :

Experience : 15 Months - Centroid Customs Co.

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Gujarat Energy Research & Feasibility Analysis & Recovery Model for the Proposed World’s Largest Solar Park, Dholera
Management Institute (GERMI)

The project was undertaken to conduct feasibility study regarding various aspects relevant to the Dholera Solar Park project viz Technical, Social & Political,
Economic and Financial and to formulate a recovery model for the entire lifecycle of the solar park. The feasibility study and the recovery model were to
be documented in an exhaustive report (Detailed Project Report) which delineates all the above-mentioned aspects. Along with that a detailed plan of
action as to how the development of the Solar Park shall be carried out was illustrated in the DPR. Other Key deliverables included recounting solar market
trends & scenarios in India and preparing cost estimates for the project. The basic approach adopted for the feasibility analysis was evaluation of technical,
operational, economical & legal requirements and recommendation of actions in the project for its better implementation. An estimated cost for an EPC
contractor’s point of view for the development of a solar power plant inside the proposed solar park was also illustrated in the DPR using PVsyst & PV*SOL
simulation software.
The Detailed Project Report shall be submitted to the Energy & Petrochemicals Department (Govt. of Gujarat) and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) for the approvals and the award of work for the project and later to the World Bank for its participation in the scheme of finance for the project. The
DPR shall also be used for planning, decision making & approval of the projects.
Sanjana Kurup
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
SBI Capital Markets Ltd. Opportunities in the Indian Road Sector with the focus on Hybrid Annuity Model and TOT Model

Government of India laid focus on developing the infrastructure sector especially the road sector because of increase in vehicle owners, transportation of
goods and small medium sized enterprises. The main problem in the road sector was the finance risks which lead to stalling of the projects. The objective of
the project was to find the opportunities that would be created on introducing Hybrid Annuity Model and Toll Operate Transfer Model in the road sector.
The approach made to the project was secondary data and financial model. These new models addressed the risk faced by the Concessionaire and the
Government. Many projects had been awarded under these new models.

Shail Modi
Qualification : B.E. (Instrumentation and Control) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 22

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Acquisition of new/inactive customers for the XTRAPOWER Loyalty Program

The objective of our project was to acquire new or reinstate inactive customers for the XTRAPOWER Loyalty Program. In order to achieve the objective, it
was necessary at first to understand the key distinguishing features of the loyalty program. This was done by regular meetings with industry mentor and other
officials at IOCL. The interactions with them gave us insights required to convince customers to enroll in the program.
Further a list of customers were given who had failed to make a financial transaction for the last financial year. We had to communicate with these customers
in order to make them aware regarding the benefits they are being deprived of by not using the Fleet Card. Simultaneously our task was also to convince
the potential customers and enroll them in a program. This was done by visiting dealers of the fuel stations as well as transport hub across Ahmedabad. The
dealers had the necessary information about the high volume consuming customers. We then communicated with these customers and tried to enroll them
in the program. After several meetings, UBER, GTC oil field and local transporters were enrolled under Indian oil loyalty program. The project work was
appreciated by industry mentor at IOCL and received appreciation letter for the same.
Shivali Pancholi
Qualification : B.E. (Information Technology) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited XTRAREWARDS Loyalty Program: Its Efficacy and Improvement

Petro-retailing in India has been evolving for the past few years. Emerging competitive forces are pushing retailers to review their ways of doing business.
In order to improve profitability, petro retailers need to enhance revenues by exploring alternate revenue lines to create strong brand equity. By building
strategic tie-ups with the sectors like FMCG, Food, Automobile, Entertainment, Hospitality under Loyalty programs, petro-retailers are enhancing their
non-fuel revenues. The study basically focused on understanding the working of XTRAREWARDS- Loyalty program by IOCL in Surat division through
customers’ perceptions on functioning, benefits and then to suggest strategy and further scope of improvements of the program. As a part of the project, 9
new alliance partners with the total of 38 franchise outlets were added to the XTRAREWARDS portfolio of the subjected IOCL Division Office. The project
was also included marketing loyalty card to the customers with the help of promotional schemes of IOCL’s alliance partners. To promote XTRAREWARDS
loyalty program, a detailed marketing strategy was prepared as to conduct cross promotional activities at retail outlets of IOCL, Surat as well as alliance
partner’s location.

Shrey Patel
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
ONGC Petro additions Limited Working Capital Management of OPaL
GSECL Planning and Project aspects of Power Generation Company

Working Capital management for Finance manager is a crucial element for financial consideration of any firm because profitability of the firm depends
on it. For a medium and small scale company it plays vital role but however capital-intensive industry, such as the Petrochemical industry also find a lot
significance because it is the driving force for the day to day expenses. The internship incorporated understanding basic operations of OPaL, to calculate
its working capital requirements as taught. For this purpose, ‘Tandon Committee report’ was studied as a base and also the Drawing Power calculation
made from the latest available stock sheet. A detailed study and analysis of the key components of working capital were undertaken and documented.
Working Capital Trend Analysis, Debtors/creditors collection period, and means of Short-term Funding proved instrumental for the purpose. Analysis and
interpretation of variety ratios through charts, backed by the correlation helped to gain vital insights of the company. The company was financially silent and
managed to achieve good ratings. So Working Capital financing is not the difficult task for the firm.
Planning and Conceiving of the project is the very important thing for the Power Generation firm. The internship involved understanding 0f basic operation
of Power Generation Utility Firm, Process of conceiving of Thermal and Renewable Projects, Financial aspects of the same, Gas procurement for Combined
Cycle Power Plant, Coal procurement, tendering process and Bid evaluation, Tariff calculation Process on the basis of secondary data from published
sources and company-provided documents. It is very important sign that trend towards sustainable development through Renewables is increasing and even
Government firm like GSECL is eagerly bidding for GUVNL and performing very well for Solar Park installation in a cut- throat competition.
Siddharth Dixit
Qualification : B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics) Indus University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited 1. Study of Cashless Transactions at Retail Outlets (ROs)
2. Strategy development for Alliance Partner Tie ups under XTRAREWARDS Loyalty Programme

All the public-sector Oil Marketing Companies offer different advantages to customers for using Cashless mode of transaction at their retail outlets, some of
which are directly provided by the company and rest are given by financial institutions. Inline with this trend, the study was conducted to test whether the
cashback and advantages influence the mode of payment selected by customers. The aim of the study was to get insights into the consumer’s understanding,
awareness, and adaptability of Cashless mode as a preferred payment method. The data from the study was used to understand the factors affecting the
consumer’s payment decision, challenges faced by stakeholders (consumers, dealers & employees) and to strategize on increasing the percentage of cashless
sales at retail outlets using the current resources available with the Gujarat state office. The project data provided important insights to the organisation on
new payment methods that can be introduced to be at par with other global Oil Marketing Companies.
The second part of the project was to understand how the company can retain its retail customers and direct interviews were conducted with dealers and
customers to understand their needs. IndianOil Corporation runs its own loyalty program under the name of “XTRAREWARDS”. As a part of this program,
IndianOil tries to provide additional non-fuel advantages through its alliance partnership program. The study was conducted to understand the challenges
faced by alliances and retail outlet owners in providing cross-promotions and creating awareness among the customers for the same. As part of the project,
the insights from the study were used to prepare a detailed marketing strategy for various cross-promotional activities to be undertaken at various Retail
outlets of IOCL, Ahmedabad as well as at Alliance partner’s locations. In addition to these, new alliances were formed and older alliances were convinced to
renew their contract based on the new marketing strategy.

Siddharth Shah
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

: 7 Months - Caparo Engineering India Ltd.
23 Months - Space India

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Mott MacDonald Pvt. Ltd. Demand estimation of Natural Gas for City Gas Distribution Companies

Objective of the project was to carry out demand assessment of Natural Gas (NG) of 9 different GA (Geographical Area) of Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and
Odisha. There are 4 different segments of customer. Project involved understanding the demand for each segment of natural gas. They are Domestic, Industrial,
Commercial and automobiles. Industrial and commercial demand was estimated by field survey. Mapping was done using Google Earth Pro. Domestic demand
was estimated using census data of 2001 and 2011. Automobile demand specifically, CNG, was done by collecting data from RTO (Regional Transport Office).
Each GA was divided into number of CA (Charged Area). Thus demand for each CA was calculated for current year. After estimating suitable growth rate for each
segment demand for NG was projected for 25 years.
Snehal Jaiswal
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Study on Financial Activities of Upstream Oil and Gas Industry
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Marketing functions of SERVO

The objective was to study and understand various functions of finance in a corporate environment by understanding the financial accounting system at
ONGC. The project encompassed different departments, such as costing which includes Geo tech Process, cost structure, and allocation of cost. The scope of
the project also involved the analysis of procurement strategy, material management and activities under the Pre-audit section such as preparation of Goods
Receive Voucher, Logistic Invoice Verification and process of centralized vendor payment system as per policy and procedure of organization under Cash &
bank section. It also includes understanding schemes and accounting exercise for employees at Personal claim section.

The first phase comprised of Comparative Market Study and Sales Analysis of Industrial Lubricant Market. The research aimed at studying the business
potential of the lubricant market in and around Ahmedabad region. Also, a comparative analysis was carried out between SERVO and other brands to
understand the customer buying behaviour, brand association and brand positioning.
The second phase was to strategically profile key customers of Heat Transfer Fluids and create product awareness through promotional activities. A study
was carried out in order to understand its target market. Further for brand awareness, a conference: ‘SERVO-Heat Transfer Fluids, a Prism of Possibilities’
was organized targeting the top customer base in Gujarat.
The third phase was to provide customer services for ONGC-Well Stimulation Services. The project was focused on assisting the ‘SERVO Technical Services’
to suggest alternative lubricants for service equipment used by ONGC-WSS for optimized performance.

Sunkara Vineeth
Qualification : B. Tech (Electronics and Communication)
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology

Age :

: 12 Months - Genpact
12 Months - Tera Software

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
GSECL Analysis of Power Generation and Distribution in Gujarat

Power sector is a very important sector in a state’s growth and transformation. Gujarat state has shown good performance in the recent decade in power
sector.The Objective of the study was to analyse the Power Sector companies in Gujarat on the Operational and Economical aspects of the Power Industry. A
study of the Regulatory framework, Power-Purchase Agreement, Importance of Electricity Act 2003 , determination of the Multi Year Tariff.
The study covered the methodology for procurement of fuels for electricity generation and contracts. It also involved State Load Dispatch Centre functioning,
Scheduling and dispatching of power within the state and ABT (Availability Based Tariff) and basic operation of Distribution Company (UGVCL) covering
the contracts and retail supply of electricity, inventory management and challenges faced by the company regarding the reduction of Transmission and
Distribution losses.
Sunny Sinha
Qualification : B.E. (Industrial Production) RGPV

Age :

Experience : 72 Months - BLK

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Hndustan Petroleum 1. Study of Sales Supportive Team in Bazaar Lubes Segment
Corporation Limited 2. Study of distributor sales representative’s work & methods to improve them to increase the sales and
optimum utilization of the marketing budget

In the world of cut-throat competitions among numerous players in the Lubricant   Sector, customer satisfaction plays a crucial role in the company’s
sustained development. Hence, the study of Retail Outlets aspirations is pivotal in bridging the gap between currently available services and Business partner
satisfaction through the same. The analysis included, assessment of facilities available, management and operation of Retail Outlets for selling lubricant,
after which certain suggestions were made for  Retail outlet to increase sales and brand building, serve the customers better. The report also analyses overall
customer satisfaction through inferences based on facility available for the customer. The survey research methodology have been used to collect feedback on
lubricant low sales. Data has been collected from Retail Outlets owner and customers. Customer feedback and complaints along with personal observation
and assessment were also considered. The project included the application of analytical skills, knowledge regarding business research and survey methods,
also provided a chance to directly interact with HPCL business partner.
The objective of the report was to give the recommendation to improve DSR’s efficiency after analyzing the DSR’s work. The methodology undertook
was meeting with 166 retailers, mechanics, distributors and their Distributor Sales Representatives (DSR). These meetings gave the insight of real market
scenario of the Lubricants especially of forth HP Lubes and also about the issues and challenges. After analyzing the current budget, new marketing budget
was created. Based on study and analysis, recommendations were given to the company which was area-wise and grade-wise exclusive for Benguluru. Other
suggestions were provided for improvement of DSR’s efficiency.

Supriya Keretta
Qualification : B.Sc. (Electronics & Telecommunication) Ravenshaw University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Hindustan Petroleum Effectiveness of Loyalty Programs in Engaging Customers
Corporation Limited

The first study includes analysis of effectiveness of HP refuel in engaging customers. The analyses were done on presence, margin and schemes available in
the market from different brand. The second project was focused on the analysis of effectiveness of HP’s loyalty programs in engaging customers. One of the
objectives was to find out the way to increase the awareness of the loyalty program among customers and maintain customer loyalty.
Major learnings came from meetings with 16 retail outlet managers/dealers and 10 transporters, which gave insights of real market scenario for the HP
loyalty programs. Additionally, meeting with the dealers helped to learn the issues and challenges in a different way. Project involved the study of effectiveness
of loyalty programs among customers, dealers and transporters through market research tools like questionnaire and interviews. The collected data and
findings were then statistically analyzed to make recommendations and suggestions on the basis of the results.
Tejan Dattani
Qualification : B.E. (Chemical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
ONGC Petro additions Ltd. Study on Domestic Polymer Business

The project was intended to study about the domestic polymer market and its business in macro as well as micro terms. In the Initial stage of the internship,
the aim was to learn and gather the knowledge about the global polymer market which is expected to grow with CAGR around 5% and also analyze its
trends. After that, moving to the Indian Polymer Market which is expected to grow with the CAGR above 10 % in the next decade and also learning about
the demand and supply of polymers in the Indian polymer market. Furthermore, the project focused on the macro view of polymer business of the OPaL.
The domestic polymer business is highly scattered in MSMEs (Medium small and micro enterprises) which makes the business more complex. Moreover,
the project was focused on analyzing the challenges that Domestic polymer industry is facing currently and also it might face in the future due to increasing
per capita consumption ( At present : India - 11 kg, world - 24 kg ) of the polymers and to find the possible solutions to overcome the challenges. After
interactions with the marketing employees, colleagues and mentor, the learning regarding the polymer industry evolved more clear and broad. The last and
final part of the internship was focused to the micro level of the domestic polymer market that includes learning about the modes of payments and credit
policy that OPaL follow for receiving the payments either from the dealer or directly from the customer. Also after that the learning of the whole chain
starting by placing the quotation by the customer to the final delivery and payments made the understanding more sharp about the polymer industry.

Upanjana Paul
Qualification : B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) Marwadi University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Study of Xtra Rewards and its efficacy

The aim of the study was to understand the current functioning of XtraRewards loyalty program in Rajkot Division.
This included market survey where feedbacks of customers were taken and observations were made on quality of service levels. It also cited the customer’s
perception and their views, as well as responses of the outlet dealers regarding this program. Based on this, suggestions were provided to make the program
more efficient.
Although the sample is a convenience one, the results indicate that loyalty may not be derived from the program itself and that it may be a prerequisite for
joining it, as well as pointing out the fact that a longitudinal evaluation of customers is more appropriate for determining the impact of such a program.
Veena Karve
Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Mumbai University

Age :

Experience : 39 Months - Cybermarine Knowledge Systems Pvt. Ltd.

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
SBI Capital Markets Study of CGD Industry and impact of CGD bidding regulations (9th round) on Financial Analysis

This project aimed to understand the basics of gas distribution system, network establishment, business elements involved and the safety parameters
implemented. It primarily focused on analyzing impact of recent bidding parameters associated with establishment of CGD in Indian market on the bidding
prices for gas distribution across different sectors.
The project was divided into two parts. The first part involved collection of available data from secondary resources and its analysis to understand different
aspects of CGD business in India as well as its growth potential. The second part involved financial analysis for a pre-established CGD network with the
appropriate changes as per CGD Bidding Regulations for 9th round of CGD Bidding established by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board
(PNGRB). The calculations involved profitability projections considering authorization period of 25 years (as per PNGRB guidelines). Also, calculations
focused on arriving at competitive bidding prices for gas distribution across four segments- domestic, commercial, industrial and Compressed Natural Gas

Veli Desai
Qualification : B.E. (Computer Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited To understand marketing function of SERVO

The first phase comprised of Comparative Market Study and Sales Analysis of Industrial Lubricant Market. The research was aimed to study lubricant
business’s market potential in and around Ahmedabad region. Also, a comparative analysis was carried out between SERVO and other brands to understand
the customer buying behaviour, brand association and brand positioning.
The second phase was to strategically profile key customers of Heat Transfer Fluids and create product awareness through promotional activities. A study
was carried out in order to understand its target market and market segmentation. Further for brand awareness, a conference: ‘SERVO-Heat Transfer Fluids,
a Prism of Possibilities’ was organized targeting the top customer base in Gujarat.
The third phase was to provide innovative customer services for ONGC-Well Stimulation Services. The project was focused on assisting the ‘SERVO
Technical Services’ to suggest alternative lubricants for service equipment used by ONGC-WSS for optimized performance. Further, to summarize the study,
Graphical User Interface was developed and presented to ONGC-WSS for assistance.
Vinay Chintapatla
Qualification : B.E. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age :

: 9 Months - Aegon Religare Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
9 Months - Ninth Dimesion IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

E-mail :
[email protected]

Company Topic
GUVNL Analysis of Power Generation and Distribution in Gujarat

Gujarat being an energy surplus state leads the country in per capita consumption of electricity. The Objective of the study was to analyse the Power Sector
companies in Gujarat on the Operational and Economical aspects of the Power Industry. A study of the Regulatory framework, Power-Purchase Agreement,
importance of Electricity Act 2003, Open Access system and determination of the Multi Year Tariff.
The study covered the methodology for procurement of fuels for electricity generation and contracts. It also involved State Load Dispatch Centre functioning,
Scheduling and dispatching of power within the state and ABT (Availability Based Tariff).
The study also included the basic operation of Distribution Company (UGVCL) covering the contracts and retail supply of electricity, metering in industrial
and residential areas, inventory management and challenges faced by the company regarding the reduction of Transmission and Distribution losses.

Vishal Modi
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Gujarat Gas Limited Analysing competition for CGD business, Problems faced by Natural Gas consumers (Industrial Segment)
and suggesting service level improvements

The project was carried out to understand the services provided by CGD (City Gas Distribution) Company and problems faced by Natural Gas consumers,
also suggesting measures for improvement of services and finding barriers for new industries to switch on Natural Gas. For this purpose, survey was
conducted in Vapi region of Gujarat and for that data from 200+ different industries like Chemicals, Pigments, Textiles, Packaging, and Foundries etc. were
collected through face to face interviews. A structured questionnaire was given to respondents which include different parameters to rate the service like
Commercial & Marketing (Post Sales Services), Operation & Maintenance (Emergency Response), Continuity of gas supply and Billings & Payments. Details
from industry Managers and Owners were collected and analysed. Initial barriers to switch on Natural Gas were discovered during survey and measures for
improvement of service level were recommended.
A case study was carried out to understand the business of a firm, which is providing Piped Steam (as an alternative to natural gas) to the consumers, future
of steam industry and how it is affecting the business of Gujarat gas limited.
Vyom Shah
Qualification : B.E. (Electrical Engineering) Gujarat Technological University

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
Indian Oil Corporation Limited Retail Network Planning- Facilities and Services
Torrent Power Fuel Management and Plant Operations

The objective of the project was to focus upon the facilities, services, cashless transactions and the integrated automation at the Petro Retail Stations of
Ahmedabad and develop a model displaying relationship between the various parameters to sales, from the data collected by segmentation of retail outlets
as per their location and ownership. It also aimed to formulate further plan of action for strategic deployment of these parameters at retail outlets by giving
sustainable, practical, economical and scalable recommendations through ground level insights. With fixed margins of the retail outlet owners, there is a
scope for revenue maximization which can be achieved by providing improved services and facilities at the Retail Outlets.

At a time when the power sector in India is getting synonymous with the word ‘stressed assets’, it is extremely crucial for the generating companies to
optimize the fuel management and power generation processes for economical plant operations.
The objective of the project was to undertake the cost benefit analysis on the basis of coal grades and freight for procurement of coal from Western Coalfields
Limited over the incumbent supplier South Eastern Coalfields Limited, both of which are subsidiaries of Coal India Limited. The scope of project also
involved analysis of procurement techniques for imported coal from Indonesia and Singapore along with the procurement of indigenous coal and blending
as per the requirements of the plant, and also ash management and disposal. Other key areas that the project encompassed were the main plant operations,
coal handling, electrical maintenance department, integrated management system, quality control and environmental norms pertaining to the plant.

Yash Bengali
Qualification : B.E. (Petrochemical Engineering) MIT Pune

Age : 23

E-mail : [email protected]

Company Topic
KPMG Internal Audit Engagement

The project was focused on conducting Internal Audits/Process reviews for the prospective clients. The objective of the project was to identify critical risk in
existing processes, to evaluate the risks and then classify based on criticality and their impact on business.
1. Sales and Marketing review was conducted for a leading FMCG, wherein sub activities relating to Sales planning, Receivables management and Contract
compliance were carried out. Possible risks were identified in the current discounting schemes. Analysis of consumer complaints and goods movement
were carried out and feasible improvements were suggested
2. Credit Note review as a part of Sales and Marketing review was conducted for a leading Fertilizer company. Scope of this review was checking and
verifying credit notes issued for multiple discounting schemes. It involved understanding various discounting schemes and sales returns process and
report observations for discrepancies. Also, delay in actual realization of cheques was analyzed and costs due to delay was worked out and suggested.
3. Carrying and Forwarding Agent review of leading pharmaceutical company was carried out which involved verification of sales invoices, credit and debit
notes and physical verification of stock.
4. Logistics and Fixed Assets review for a manufacturing industry was conducted which focused on reviewing current logistics services and fixed assets
register. Various checks of logistics documents and fixed asset register were carried and loopholes were identified.
Summer Internship Programme (SIP) 2017
Like every year, this year too our students have been placed at various reputed organizations throughout India. Some
of the companies that participated in SIP process were Reliance, BPCL, IOCL, HPCL, MGL, Mott Macdonald, IRM Energy,
GSPC LNG, KPMG, Hazira LNG, GGL and many more.

Glimpse of Summer Internship 2018

Internship is a part of academic curriculum wherein our students are given opportunities from various organizations so
that the young talent can get the exposure of real managerial work and extract as much learning possible in the tenure.
Our students have been offered internship from more than 22 organizations spreading across various sect¬ors such as
Consulting, Oil and Gas, Power, Marketing, Bank, Retail, Digital Marketing etc. Students have been offered various profiles
in the above sectors such as Risk Management, Research Analyst, Marketing, Operations, Finance and HSE etc.

SIP 2018

Business Development

Digital Operations
Energy Finance
Market Research
12% Finance


BATCH OF The class consists of 61 students who are from as many as 12 states of India. This is the most

diverse batch consisting of students from various disciplinary backgrounds like Engineering,
B.Com, B.B.A. & B.A. Out of 61 students, 24 students have work experience in varied sectors
2017-2019 like Textile, Power, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Media, Education etc.






1-12 Months
Months 8
More than B.Com B.Sc. BBA BA BMS
36 Months
6 6
3 3
2 2



14% 47%


MBA 2015-17
` 17.5 LPA

Name of the Organization:

Address :

Contact Person: Designation :

Phone No.: E-mail:

Area(s) of Requirement:

Method of selection (Kindly Tick):

Written exam Resume Group discussion / Case discussion

Interview / Telephonic Others (please mention)

Position offered:

Initial remuneration (In case of Cost to Company, please provide details)

Salary: Other perks:

Training / Probation period (if any):

Remuneration on confirmation:

Likely places of posting:

Any other information:

Date: Signature & Seal

Final Placements at School of Petroleum Management - A Glance
The placement initiatives of SPM for all of its ten batches attracted a good number of companies from Energy & Infrastructure,
Oil & Gas, BFSI, Consulting and other sectors. All of our students managed to bag the substantial job profiles at prestigious
organizations. Also School of Petroleum Management has managed to receive accolades industry vibes, both in terms of alumnus
performance and the curriculum structure. Since its inception, following companies have participated in Placements Season:


[email protected] [email protected]
+91 8122324887 +91 9898245279


[email protected] [email protected]
+91 9557272689 +91 8082051088

Off. Koba - Gandhinagar Highway, Raisan, Gandhinagar - 382 007, Gujarat, India.
Phones : + 91 79 23275124/107 Email : [email protected]


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