All Student Engagement For Excellence (ASEE)
All Student Engagement For Excellence (ASEE)
All Student Engagement For Excellence (ASEE)
Enhancing Student Performance in
Engineering Mechanics Course
Using Mathcad Interactive Tutorial
Ramalingam Radhakrishnan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prairie View A & M University, Texas
Primary Goals
1. Presenting a systematic five-fold plan for
enhancing student engagement and performance
SIM3 to B: 0
A sin(θA – θB) + B sin(θB – θB) = C sin(θC- θB)
B is eliminated.
( θ ) A
r r
+ PAL of F
C rL
C1. Moment of A Force
Lever angle θL = (θF – θr)
Lever Arm rL = r sinθL
MCA = Lever Arm * Force = rL* F
r W
C2. Composite
Armed Force
C is moment Center, W = W e(270)
Composite Arm = Arm1 + Arm2 `
CG = CA + AG (Chain Rule)
rL = 2 sin(270 – 255) + 1.2 sin(270 – 30)
= - 0.522
Mathcad Calculation. Units can be chosen.
2.7 km Godavari Arch Bridge at RajaMahendraVaram, AP, India by focus TV, Mar 26, 2017
Notion Press
Reading Page 4 of Unit 1 “Systems with Two Unknowns”, Class 1 “Introduction” from
“EEM with SIMS by Malladi” followed by “Classic Timoshenko Problem & SIMSolution”
17th Century: Isaac Newton, a native of England developed the three laws of motion
for a particle moving in a straight line / single dimension (1D) for the subject “Mechanics”.
18th Century: Bernard Lamy, a native of France (Lami's Theorem Fame), developed
parallelogram law of forces for two forces in a plane (2D Space) on a particle at rest.
19th Century: J.W. Gibbs, native of USA and O. Heaviside, native of UK, independently
developed vectors for 3 dimensional space (3D) to study the laws of electro-magnetism found by
J.C. Maxwell, a native of Scotland.
20th Century: Stephen Timoshenko, a native of Russia, applied the mechanics to
engineering problems and as a professor at Stanford University, USA came to be known as the
Father of Modern Engineering Mechanics with the publication of his classic book on engineering
mechanics in 1937 with D.H. Young. However they did not use the vector notation in their book,
which is still in use with its later editions.
J.L. Meriam pioneered the use of vector notation in engineering mechanics in US with his
textbook in 1952, followed by Beer & Johnston in 1956, Irving H. Shames in 1959 and many
others, with their later editions now. However books with cartesian vector notation did not get
popular in India except at Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the like. The author taught
engineering mechanics using vector notation at IIT Madras, between 1965 and 1973. The author
spent about 40 years in US, doing R&D work in mechanisms for computers, ATMs, railways and
NASA. He also taught high school (ASMS) to graduate courses at several US institutions.
21st Century: After his return to India, the author was inspired by a classic Timoshenko
statics problem with six unknowns, he came across in a semester exam during 2015. He found
that the same had been asked earlier in several Indian University semester exams. The traditional
textbooks and guidebooks provided solutions to this and other similar problems by formulating
component equations along cartesian axes, resulting in simultaneous or convoluted equations
with several unknowns. This procedure usually involved a lot of computing steps and lengthy
calculations. When the author applied the concept of perpendicular component equation that he
developed at Tuskegee University in early 1990s (unpublished), for the kinematic analysis of
mechanisms, with its extensions, the Timoshenko problem was reduced to solving six equations,
each with only one unknown. Five Simplified Integrated Methods of Solution (SIMS) with an
innovative polar unit vector notation, were developed. The ten types of basic planar vector
systems identified by the author, in 2018, are solved with the Five SIMS with least computing.
The Class-book provides reading material for 60 classes at 10 per Unit, in 6 Units.
IILA (Integrated Instruction, Learning and Assessment) is achieved with a Five-fold Plan.
1. Class Reviews in OpenOffice and interactive Mathcad formats
2. YouTube Class Reviews (15 minutes each) by the author
3. Prep Tutorial Set for each class to prepare for the Class
4. Discussion Videos (15 min) by the author for independent and home-study students
5. Class Tutorial Sets for each class for class discussion and homework
Mathcad Assessment is integrated in all Tutorials.
Proceedings of the 2022 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference
Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX
Copyright 2022, American Society for Engineering Education
Unit 2 EEM with SIMS by Malladi Class 6 - P18
Systems with Three Unknowns FBD T9 Reading Page2
Example 25. The Classic Timoshenko Problem Solved Using All the Five SIMS.
A rigid bar AB with rollers of weights P = 40 N at end A and Q = 80 N at end B is placed
inside a circular ring in a vertical plane as shown in the system space diagram. Radius of the ring
and the length AB are such that the radii AC and BC make a right angle at the center of the ring
C. Neglecting friction and the weight of the bar AB, prove that the angle ψ, AB makes with the
horizontal is [(α – β) / 2]. Find α, β & ψ; the contact (normal) reactions NA & NB at A and B
and the axial compressive force S in the bar AB. P C Q
The author was inspired in 2015, by this classic
A α
homework problem by Timoshenko and Young in their β
original textbook of 1937. This is a tough problem that θ B
was repeatedly asked in several university exams in India.
The traditional textbooks and guides provided lengthy
solutions, for this and similar problems, requiring several
steps. Based on his earlier unpublished work and ASEE System Space Diagram
2019 Conference paper on Five Simplified Integrated
Methods of Solution (SIMS), this class-book “Essential C
Engineering Mechanics (EEM)” is written. R
β β R
Solution: Let us first prove the expression for ψ.
A ψ α
SIM4: Equating expressions for the same quantity.
In Isosceles Δ ABC, AC = BC, Angle B = Angle A B
So (α – ψ) = (β + ψ); (α – β) = 2 ψ; ψ = (α – β) /2
Proved. Isosceles Triangle ABC T6
FBD A is T9 : Canonical Moment Center is C.
SIM5: Σ MC = CAL * 40 N + CAL * 80 N = 0
(R sin α ) 40 – (R cos α) 80 = 0 R sin α C R cos α
40 sin α = 80 cos α; tan α = 2; α = 63.4o Ans.1
40 N
R + BL
α + β = 90o, β = 90 – 63.4, β = 26.6o Ans.2 R 80 N
A α
ψ = (α – β) /2, ψ = 18.4 o
Ans.3 β =0
Force Equilibrium Equation: NA (90 - α )
NA e(26.6) + NB e(116.6) + (40 +80) e(270) = 0
SIM3 to NB (116.6) NA = 53.73 N Ans.4 FBD A T9
to NA (26.6) NB = 107.3 N Ans.5 NB (180 - α)
Course Exam
“All A's by All” grading:
Fourth and
Later Sittings A4 7/10 C
+ Mystic Energy
+ Mystic Endorphins
Mindful SAMBA
(Scientific Algorithm for
Miracle Brain Activation)
By Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi, PhD
Self & Group Healing
Creative Peace among Individuals and Nations For more details
3-4 Mystic
2 3
Prahlaada Kriya
1. Puraka “Ha-Om”
Move Palms for Union.
4 2. Kumbhaka “So-Ham”
Rotate Palms for Namaste.
3. Rechaka “Ha-Reem”
Offering Karma to Nature.
4. Sunyaka “Ham-Saha”
to form Prana and Apana
Prahlaada Mudra