Finding The Actual Causes of Hydraulic Cylinder Fault

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5th Conference „MAINTENANCE 2018“

Zenica, B&H, May 10 – 12, 2018



Darko Lovrec, Vito Tič

University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
SI-2000 Maribor

Hydraulic cylinder malfunctions are very common causes for the failure of the operation of the
hydraulic system. Most common causes are in cylinder’s seal failure, whereby the error by replacing
the seals can be relatively quickly eliminated. In the case of frequent occurrence of the same failure,
the problem should be more carefully addressed.

The focus of the paper is searching for the actual cause of the frequently repeated failure of the
closing cylinder on the plastic blow-moulding machine. The solution of the problem presented was the
use of a combined approach: analysis of wear particles in the oil, and measurement of the accuracy of
the motion of the cylinder’s piston rod.

Keywords: blow-moulding machine, hydraulic cylinder, seals failure, causes

On the blow-moulding machine for production of plastic canisters with volume up to 5 L, a
fault on the closing part of the machine occurred periodically. Opening and closing of the
tools is carried out by means of a hydraulic cylinder with dimension of 125/80 (Figure 1).

closing cylinder

Figure 1. Closing unit together with tool (left) and closing cylinder (right)

Based on the detailed inspection of the entire machine, especially the hydraulic components
and the machine control system it was found out, that the cause of the fault could be in the
hydraulic cylinder, because after replacing the hydraulic cylinder with the new one, the
machine was working properly. But after a certain time, the same error occurred again. A

repetitive errors lead to a longer standstill of the machine, due to the purchase and installation
of the new cylinder, causing a huge loss of production downtime.

After dismantling, disassembly and detailed inspection of the cylinder, the consequences of
wear on the inner surface of the cylinder were observed - the damaged surface of piston rod,
cylinder (scratches), and damaged seals – Figure 2.

piston rod damage

piston seal damage

Figure 2. Damages on the piston

rod and the seal


The causes that can lead to the cylinder damage and its seals are numerous and are very
different. A proper equipment inspection, a preventative maintenance procedure, a proper
cylinder design and installation… can all decrease the chances of these common cylinder
failures. The most common causes of faults in hydraulic cylinders and seals are as follows.

Seal installation - Improper installation is a major cause of hydraulic seal failure. The
important things to watch during seal installation are: cleanliness, protecting the seal from
nicks and cuts, and proper lubrication. Other problem areas are over tightening of the seal
gland where there is an adjustable gland follower or folding over a seal lip during installation.
Installing the seal upside down is a common occurrence, too. The solution to these problems
is common sense and taking reasonable care during assembly.

Side loading of cylinder - Side loading is the most common cause of wear and cylinder
failure. A common result of side loading is cylinder misalignment, which creates an unusual
force on the piston rod. A side load of enough magnitude can result in tube scoring, piston rod
and rod bearing wear, and even seal failure.

Contaminated Fluid - Contaminated fluid can cause premature rod seal failure. Abrasive
particles in the fluid can damage the seal and the piston rod surface; airborne contamination
can be drawn into a cylinder by a faulty wiper seal. Contamination occurs in numerous ways,
the most common is drawn in from oil or from the pump.

Proper Fluid Conditioning - Check for and remove any dirt or foreign materials in the
hydraulic fluid. Be careful not to introduce aerated fluid which can cause sound level issues.
Verify the filtration system is operating properly. Finally, inspect filter elements for clogs and
replace as necessary.
Rough or scored rod - It is crucial to ensure the cylinder rod is in good condition. Rough
places on the rod damage the seals and reduce their normal life resulting in the necessity for

frequent replacement. Be sure to inspect the rod finish as well. Worn seals are caused by too
smooth of a finish, while leakage past the seal is caused by too rough of a finish.

Chemical causes - Chemical breakdown of the seal material is most often the result of
incorrect material selection in the first place, or a change of hydraulic system fluid.
Misapplication or use of non-compatible materials can lead to chemical attack by oil
additives, hydrolysis and oxidation reduction of seal elements. Chemical breakdown can
result in loss of seal lip interface, softening of seal durometer, excessive swelling or
shrinkage. Discoloration of hydraulic seals can also be an indicator of chemical attack.

Impact of heat - Heat degradation is to be suspected when the failed seal exhibits a hard,
brittle appearance and/or shows a breaking away of parts of the seal lip or body. Heat
degradation results in loss of sealing lip effectiveness through excessive compression set
and/or loss of seal material. Causes of this condition may be use of incorrect seal material,
high dynamic friction, excessive lip loading, no heel clearance and proximity to outside heat

According to the above, the causes of the cylinder damage can be very different. The actual
cause of the repeated damage can be determined only by the appropriate analysis of the
individual cause using the elimination process.

An effective procedure for finding the real cause of the fault offers Root cause analysis
(RCA). RCA is a systematic process for identifying “root causes” of problems or events and
an approach for responding to them.

The chemical influence of the seal decomposition due to simultaneous damage to the piston
rod, as well as the thermal causes (e. g. elevated temperature) were eliminated. The causes of
incorrect installation of the seal and material used also fall off, because the identical cylinder
of the same manufacturer has been replaced for some time without any problems. So we can
pay more attention to the other causes.

3.1. Cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid

Due to the extensive damages on hydraulic cylinder (see Figure 2): visible metal parts of
wear, damaged seal... it is absolutely essential to check the condition of the hydraulic fluid,
not only the cleanliness level of hydraulic fluid, but also the other parameters, for example,
water content, hard particles... - a complete laboratory analysis of basic properties.

Especially because the fact, that high quality hydraulic components are used, e. g. a pilot
operated directional control valve with integrated electronics, which requires the use of an
appropriate cleanliness level of hydraulic fluid (a component of the servo hydraulics!).
Otherwise, there will be irregularities in the operation of the machine resulting from the wear
of hydraulic components and / even causes of sudden failure of a certain function.

In accordance with valve manufacturer recommendations (data sheet!), the use of hydraulic
mineral oil of HLP 46 quality, is recommended. Regarding the recommended oil cleanliness
level, the manufacturer prescribes the following requirements:

Maximal permissible fluid contamination Valve pilot stage class 17/15/12
class, according to ISO 4406 (c) Main valve stage class 20/18/15

Considering the fact, that both the pilot valve stage and the main valve stage are supplied
from the same source, the cleanliness of the oil should be handled according to a higher
requirement, that is, for the pilot valve: 17/15/12! The oil cleanliness level in the hydraulic
system is always determined with regard to the most sensitive component built into the
system! In the case of the use of such components, a high-pressure filter is also present.

In order to determine the actual state of the hydraulic fluid, a sample of the oil from the
hydraulic reservoir (a Minimess measuring port or a dynamic oil sampling attachment cannot
be observed on the aggregate) was taken and sent for detailed analysis to the appropriate,
certified laboratory (OLMA d. o. o., Ljubljana).

Sample 1
Appearance of oil - visually clear oil
Flash point ASTM D 92 (oC) 258
Viscosity /40 oC ASTM D 445 (mm2/s) 44.24
Viscosity /40 oC ASTM D 445 (mm2/s) 6.83
Viscosity index ASTM D 2270 109
Neutralisation number ASTM D 974 (mg KOH/g) 0.57
Cleanliness level ISO 4406 21/19/15
NAS 1638 11
Water content ASTM D 4377 (ppm) 316.0
Additive elements ASTM D 6481
Phosphorus (P) (wt. %) 0.065
Zinc (Zn) (wt. %) 0.0463
Figure 3. A section of the laboratory report of general parameters

The following conclusions and recommendations are based on the results of the laboratory
analysis of the oil sample. The oil contains water. The content is still in the permissible range,
and due to the non-homogeneous distribution in the oil, the content in other places in the
system is also significantly higher (it should be noted that the sample was taken from the
upper part of the reservoir).

The cleanliness level of the oil is too low for this hydraulic system, which contains the
components of the servo systems. On the basis of experience, it can be assumed that the
cleanliness level in case of in-line sampling it would be better for one to two levels, but the
but there would still be no change in opinion on the lack of fluid cleanliness.

3.2. Additional laboratory analysis

The number and size of particles in oil are very useful parameters in contamination
monitoring process of hydraulic fluids and represents the state of the art in the field of
Condition Monitoring of hydraulic fluid. They enable determination of cleanliness level and
comparison with hydraulic equipment producer specifications. The most convenient way for
cleanliness level determination is use of automatic particle counters. Particularly when the
cleanliness level is outside of recommendations, we usually want to find material and source
of particles.

A general analysis of hydraulic fluids, including cleanliness level measurement, gives no
answer about material and source of contaminants. One method that gives an answer about
material of particles in oil is X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). XRF-method enables
determination of concentration of different chemical elements; indirectly it gives an
opportunity to make inferences about their source.

To monitor contaminants, we must first understand how they get into the system. The first of
four major contaminant sources is in the original fabrication process. Even the best-made
systems can have some degree of residue in the form of dust, grit, paint chips, or other debris
that remains from fabrication. For new or rebuilt systems, a "running-in" period is suggested
to completely flush out the contaminants.

A second source of contamination is from air that gets into the system. Typically, hydraulic
systems allow a certain amount of air to enter and circulate to compensate for fluctuation in
the fluid level due to thermal contraction and expansion. Though necessary, this air can
contain microscopic bits of dirt that contaminate the system.

A hydraulic fluid can also be contaminated when new oil is added. Although hydraulic fluids
are blended under clean conditions, by the time they reach the system, they would have
passed through so many pipes, hoses, and pumps, that it is almost certain that contaminants
would have been brought along with them.

Finally, contaminants are generated through the wear that naturally occurs in the system.
Even a system running on clean fluid is subject to the natural erosion of its components, and
although commonplace, this source of contamination is the most harmful. If the contaminated
particles are not quickly collected and removed, they create even more particles at an
accelerated rate, exponentially increasing the likelihood of a breakdown.

3.3. Importance of wear metal analysis

Monitoring and controlling problems that lead to active machine wear are critical to an
effective oil analysis strategy. For this reason, educated oil analysis users focus their attention
on contamination monitoring and control, and on ensuring that the physical and chemical
properties of the oil are in good condition. Nevertheless, no matter how effective a proactive
lubrication management program might be, at some time or another, a component will start to
show signs of wear. This is where wear analysis comes into play. This is especially important
in case of hydraulic system and components.

When it comes to wear analysis, there are a number of test methods available, from simple
tests (such as assessment of contamination level – quantity of contaminants), to sophisticated
tests such as elemental analysis. Each test has its advantages and limitations when detecting
and analysing active machine wear. For this reason, it’s important that users of oil analysis
become familiar with which test is appropriate for specific situations, enabling the selection of
the most appropriate test for routine and exception sample analysis.

Advanced warning of abnormal wear in high value, high mission critical assets, provides
important options otherwise unavailable to decision-makers. With advanced warning of
failure, a better understanding of the nature of the problem can be obtained, reducing
uncertainty about maintenance decisions and enabling the scheduling of maintenance actions.
Secondary damage may be avoidable by identifying and removing the worn parts.

To gain an understanding about the failure, the wear particles generated during the wear
process should be analysed with intention to forecast wear related failures in e.g. hydraulic
system. In Table 1, are as illustration given the some metal elements, which are often found in
hydraulic fluids, their possible source and a recommended, allowed concentration.

Table 1. Recommended and still acceptable concentration of wear metals in hydraulic oil

metal Possible sources Industrial Servo

hydraulic hydraulic
iron Hydraulic pump, hydro motor, valves, 3 to 15 ppm 1 to 7 ppm
piston and rod, cylinder, roller bearing,
pump housing, pipelines, sealing rings
chromium Roller bearing, vanes of (Vickers) vane 2 to 8 ppm 1 to 5 ppm
pumps, chromate parts e.g. piston rods,
copper Component of brass and bronze, parts of 10 to 40 ppm 2 to 10 ppm
pumps e.g. valve plates, pistons, guiding
rings, ball races, oil chillers, bearing rings,

In the present case additionally X-ray fluorescent spectrometry (XRF) was carried out. The
result of the XRF analysis is a spectrum, with energy on x-axis - regarding the element
(material) and its intensity on y-axis. Using a computer programme we can directly compare
two spectra of the same fluid - the fresh and already used-up, heavy contaminated the same
type of hydraulic oil - Figure 4.

Figure 4. Comparison of fresh (red spectrum, ISO 4406: 22/21/18) and

used-up hydraulic oil (yellow spectrum, ISO 4406: >24/24/19

On both spectra presence of wear particles respectively metal in hydraulic oil is evident. In
case of fresh oil the particles of Zinc (Zn) are observable present, in case of used-up oil but
beside Zinc as well Iron (Fe), Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu). It is known that Zinc is
present as an oil additive element, therefore present on both spectra. Comparing their peaks
by used-up oil, its intensity is lower, because of consumption this additive in oil.
The presence of all the other elements, as a deviations in intensity the spectra, are only the
consequence of the wear processes. This information represents a very useful directive to look
for place or component, where are they generated.

Due to the presence of excessive wear debris in particular iron and chromium, it was
considered that the origin of this combination of damage to the piston rod of the hydraulic
cylinder. The cause of the piston rod damage is certainly in the incorrect motion of the piston
rod or/and the presence of side forces, which consequently lead to the wear of the piston rod
(which is chromed) and the inner cylinder surface (iron). The presence of side forces during
the piston motion was verified by measuring the uniformity of motion in two rectangular
planes - Figure 5.

Figure 5. Motion accuracy measurement in two directions using precise gauge

On the basis of the measurements, it was found that a larger transverse displacement of the
piston rod occurs at the end of the movement, when the tool is already closed and leans on the
support point - in this case, on adjustable screw. The movement was inaccessible to
1,125 mm, which already led to the wear of the surface of the piston rod (visible to the naked
eye) and probably also the interior of the cylinder (the presence of Fe in the oil).

Why is the increased displacement of the piston rod near the end position? The reason is the
incorrect adjustment of the support-screw, which also showed strong signs of wear - Figure 6.

Figure 6. Incorrect adjustment of the support-screw (left) and strong signs of wear (right)

Solving the problem was, in the end, quick, simple and cheap: correct, reinstalling the support
screw and re-control with the measurement prevented the worst: further damage of hydraulic
cylinder and stopping the machine.

The presented example illustrates how a detailed analysis of the events and their
consequences leading to otherwise repetitive and costly congestion of the machine can
ultimately be solved with the minimum costs.

The gradual elimination of possible causes, as well as the use of basic and more detailed
analyses, leads to the cause of the error. In our case, a general laboratory analysis of the
general hydraulic oil condition, especially the oil cleanliness. On the basis of the results, an
analysis of the type of wear particles was additionally carried out. This gave a hint for later
locating of failure, based on the measuring the piston rod motion accuracy, throughout the
whole stroke, which led to the actual cause - the incorrectly set support-screw.

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[3] Karl, H.: Filtration von Hydraulikflüssigkeiten; 13th International Colloquium Tribology 2002,
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We wish to thank the company OLMA d. o. o., Ljubljana, for their contribution to this project.
Especially for their valuable technical support in carrying out, both the basic and in-depth
laboratory analysis of used hydraulic oil.


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