Problems in Phy
Problems in Phy
Problems in Phy
6 Circular motion 69
6.1 Uniform circular motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.2 Rotating frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.3 Nonuniform motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.4 Rotational kinematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
7 Conservation of energy 79
7.1 Conservation laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.2 Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.3 Kinetic energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
8 Conservation of momentum 97
8.1 Momentum: a conserved vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.2 Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.3 The center of mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
10 Fluids 121
10.1 Statics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
10.2 Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
11 Gravity 127
11.1 Kepler’s laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
11.2 Newton’s law of gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
11.3 The shell theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
11.4 Universality of free fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
11.5 Current status of Newton’s theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
11.6 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
12 Oscillations 141
12.1 Periodic motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
12.2 Simple harmonic motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
12.3 Damped oscillations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
12.4 Driven oscillations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
15 Circuits 169
15.1 Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
15.2 Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
15.3 The loop and junction rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
17 Electromagnetism 181
17.1 Electromagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
17.2 The magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
1.4 Estimation
It is useful to be able to make rough estimates,
e.g., how many bags of gravel will I need to fill
my driveway? Sometimes all we need is an esti-
mate so rough that we only care about getting
the result to about the nearest factor of ten, i.e.,
to within an order of magnitude. For example,
anyone with a basic knowledge of US geography
can tell that the distance from New Haven to
New York is probably something like 100 km, not
10 km or 1000 km. When making estimates of
physical quantities, the following guidelines are
companion and much nicer to come home to, how them settle. This results in a random packing.
many times more brain cells does a dog have than The closest random packing has f ≈ 0.64. Sup-
a cat? The answer is not 2. pose that golf balls, with a standard diameter
of 4.27 cm, are sold in bulk with the closest ran-
1-k1 One step on the Richter scale corre- dom packing. What is the diameter of the largest
sponds to a factor of 100 in terms of the en- ball that could be sold in boxes of the same size,
ergy absorbed by something on the surface of packed systematically, so that there would be the
the Earth, e.g., a house. For instance, a 9.3- same number of balls per box? √
magnitude quake would release 100 times more
energy than an 8.3. The energy spreads out
from the epicenter as a wave, and for the sake
of this problem we’ll assume we’re dealing with
seismic waves that spread out in three dimen-
sions, so that we can visualize them as hemi-
spheres spreading out under the surface of the
earth. If a certain 7.6-magnitude earthquake and
a certain 5.6-magnitude earthquake produce the
same amount of vibration where I live, compare
the distances from my house to the two epicen-
. Solution, p. 199
1-k2 The central portion of a CD is taken
Problem 1-k4.
up by the hole and some surrounding clear plas-
tic, and this area is unavailable for storing data.
The radius of the central circle is about 35% of 1-k5 Radio was first commercialized around
the outer radius of the data-storing area. What 1920, and ever since then, radio signals from our
percentage of the CD’s area is therefore lost?√ planet have been spreading out across our galaxy.
It is possible that alien civilizations could de-
1-k3 The Earth’s surface is about 70% water. tect these signals and learn that there is life on
Mars’s diameter is about half the Earth’s, but it earth. In the 90 years that the signals have been
has no surface water. Compare the land areas of spreading at the speed of light, they have cre-
the two planets. √ ated a sphere with a radius of 90 light-years. To
show an idea of the size of this sphere, I’ve in-
1-k4 At the grocery store you will see or- dicated it in the figure as a tiny white circle on
anges packed neatly in stacks. Suppose we want an image of a spiral galaxy seen edge on. (We
to pack spheres as densely as possible, so that don’t have similar photos of our own Milky Way
the greatest possible fraction of the space is galaxy, because we can’t see it from the outside.)
filled by the spheres themselves, not by empty So far we haven’t received answering signals from
space. Let’s call this fraction f . Mathemati- aliens within this sphere, but as time goes on, the
cians have proved that the best possible result is sphere will expand as suggested by the dashed
f ≈ 0.7405, which requires a systematic pattern outline, reaching more and more stars that might
of stacking. If you buy ball bearings or golf balls, harbor extraterrestrial life. Approximately what
however, the seller is probably not going to go year will it be when the sphere has expanded to
to the trouble of stacking them neatly. Instead fill a volume 100 times greater than the volume
they will probably pour the balls into a box and it fills today in 2010? √
vibrate the box vigorously for a while to make
Problem 1-p7.
Problem 1-p1.
1-q1 Estimate the number of man-hours re-
quired for building the Great Wall of China.
1-p4 Estimate the mass of one of the hairs in . Solution, p. 200 ?
Albert Einstein’s moustache, in units of kg.
1-q2 Plutonium-239 is one of a small num-
1-p5 Estimate the number of blades of grass
ber of important long-lived forms of high-level
on a football field.
radioactive nuclear waste. The world’s waste
stockpiles have about 103 metric tons of pluto-
1-p6 Suppose someone built a gigantic apart- nium. Drinking water is considered safe by U.S.
ment building, measuring 10 km × 10 km at the government standards if it contains less than
base. Estimate how tall the building would have 2×10−13 g/cm3 of plutonium. The amount of ra-
to be to have space in it for the entire world’s dioactivity to which you were exposed by drink-
population to live. ing such water on a daily basis would be very
small compared to the natural background radi-
1-p7 (a) Using the microscope photo in the ation that you are exposed to every year. Sup-
figure, estimate the mass of a one cell of the E. pose that the world’s inventory of plutonium-239
coli bacterium, which is one of the most com- were ground up into an extremely fine dust and
mon ones in the human intestine. Note the scale then dispersed over the world’s oceans, thereby
at the lower right corner, which is 1 µm. Each becoming mixed uniformly into the world’s wa-
of the tubular objects in the column is one cell. ter supplies over time. Estimate the resulting
(b) The feces in the human intestine are mostly concentration of plutonium, and compare with
bacteria (some dead, some alive), of which E. the government standard.
coli is a large and typical component. Estimate ?
the number of bacteria in your intestines, and
compare with the number of human cells in your
body, which is believed to be roughly on the or-
der of 1013 . (c) Interpreting your result from
2 Kinematics in one dimension
This is not a textbook. It’s a book of problems example, vAB is the velocity of A relative to B,
meant to be used along with a textbook. Although then
each chapter of this book starts with a brief sum-
vAC = vAB + vBC . (2.3)
mary of the relevant physics, that summary is
not meant to be enough to allow the reader to
actually learn the subject from scratch. The pur- The principle of inertia states that if an object
pose of the summary is to show what material is is not acted on by a force, its velocity remains
needed in order to do the problems, and to show constant. For example, if a rolling soccer ball
what terminology and notation are being used. slows down, the change in its velocity is not be-
cause the ball naturally “wants” to slow down
but because of a frictional force that the grass
2.1 Velocity exerts on it.
A frame of reference in which the principle of
The motion of a particle in one dimension can inertia holds is called an inertial frame of refer-
be described using the function x(t) that gives ence. The earth’s surface defines a very nearly
its position at any time. Its velocity is defined inertial frame of reference, but so does the cabin
by the derivative of a cruising passenger jet. Any frame of refer-
dx ence moving at constant velocity, in a straight
v= . (2.1) line, relative to an inertial frame is also an in-
ertial frame. An example of a noninertial frame
From the definition, we see that the SI units of of reference is a car in an amusement park ride
velocity are meters per second, m/s. Positive that maneuvers violently.
and negative signs indicate the direction of mo-
tion, relative to the direction that is arbitrarily
called positive when we pick our coordinate sys-
tem. In the case of constant velocity, we have 2.2 Acceleration
v= , (2.2) The acceleration of a particle is defined as the
time derivative of the velocity, or the second
where the notation ∆ (Greek uppercase “delta,” derivative of the position with respect to time:
like Latin “D”) means “change in,” or “final
minus initial.” When the velocity is not con-
stant, this equation is false, although the quan- dv d2 x
a= = 2. (2.4)
tity ∆x/∆t can be interpreted as a kind of aver- dt dt
age velocity.
Velocity can only be defined if we choose some It measures the rate at which the velocity is
arbitrary reference point that we consider to be changing. Its units2
are m/s/s, more commonly
at rest. Therefore velocity is relative, not abso- written as m/s .
lute. A person aboard a cruising passenger jet Unlike velocity, acceleration is not just a mat-
might consider the cabin to be at rest, but some- ter of opinion. Observers in different inertial
one on the ground might say that the plane was frames of reference agree on accelerations. An
moving very fast — relative to the dirt. acceleration is caused by the force that one ob-
To convert velocities from one frame of ref- ject exerts on another.
erence to another, we add a constant. If, for In the case of constant acceleration, simple al-
gebra and calculus give the following relations: Graphs of position, velocity, and acceler-
a= (2.5)
The motion of an object can be represented vi-
1 sually by a stack of graphs of x versus t, v versus
x = x0 + v0 t + at2 (2.6) t, and a versus t. Figure ?? shows two examples.
2 2 The slope of the tangent line at a given point on
vf = v0 + 2a∆x, (2.7) one graph equals the value of the function at the
same time in the graph below.
where the subscript 0 (read “nought”) means ini-
tial, or t = 0, and f means final.
Free fall
Galileo showed by experiment that when the
only force acting on an object is gravity, the ob-
ject’s acceleration has a value that is indepen-
dent of the object’s mass. This is because the
greater force of gravity on a heavier object is
exactly compensated for by the object’s greater
inertia, meaning its tendency to resist a change
in its motion. For example, if you stand up now
and drop a coin side by side with your shoe, you
should see them hit the ground at almost the
same time, despite the huge disparity in mass.
The magnitude of the acceleration of falling ob-
jects is notated g, and near the earth’s surface
g is approximately 9.8 m/s2 . This number is a
measure of the strength of the earth’s gravita-
tional field.
Figure 2.1: 1. Graphs representing the motion of an object moving with a constant acceleration of
1 m/s2 . 2. Graphs for a parachute jumper who initially accelerates at g, but later accelerates more
slowly due to air resistance.
2-c2 In 1849, Fizeau carried out the first Problem 2-c1.
terrestrial measurement of the speed of light;
previous measurements by Roemer and Bradley
had involved astronomical observation. The fig-
ure shows a simplified conceptual representation (a) Find the speed of light c in terms of L, n, √
of Fizeau’s experiment. A ray of light from a and f .
bright source was directed through the teeth at (b) Check the units of your equation . (Here f ’s
the edge of a spinning cogwheel. After traveling units of rotations per second should be taken
a distance L, it was reflected from a mirror and as inverse seconds, s−1 , since the number of
returned along the same path. The figure shows rotations in a second is a unitless count.)
the case in which the ray passes between two (c) Imagine that you are Fizeau trying to design
teeth, but when it returns, the wheel has rotated this experiment. The speed of light is a huge
by half the spacing of the teeth, so that the ray number in ordinary units. Use your equation
is blocked. When this condition is achieved, the from part a to determine whether increasing c
observer looking through the teeth toward the requires an increase in L, or a decrease. Do the
far-off mirror sees it go completely dark. Fizeau same for n and f . Based on this, decide for each
adjusted the speed of the wheel to achieve this of these variables whether you want a value that
condition and recorded the rate of rotation to is as big as possible, or as small as possible.
be f rotations per second. Let the number of (d) Fizeau used L = 8633 m, f = 12.6 s−1 , and
teeth on the wheel be n. n = 720. Plug in to your equation from part
a and extract the speed of light from his data. is to explain what this feature of the equation
tells us about the way speed increases as more
? distance is covered.
lower limit; if there really was a hole that deep, 2-i3 The photo shows Apollo 16 astronaut
the fall would actually take a longer time than John Young jumping on the moon and saluting
the one you calculate, both because there is air at the top of his jump. The video footage of the
friction and because gravity gets weaker as you jump shows him staying aloft for 1.45 seconds.
get deeper (at the center of the earth, g is zero, Gravity on the moon is 1/6 as strong as on the
because the earth is pulling you equally in every earth. Compute the height of the jump. √
direction at once). √
(e) Show that your answer to part e has units
that make sense.
(f) Show that the dependence of your answer on
the variables makes sense physically.
2-i10 You’re standing on the roof of your sci- d = 4 × 1016 m. Suppose you use an acceleration
ence building, which is 10.0 meters above the of a = 10 m/s2 , just enough to compensate for
ground. You have a rock in your hand, which you the lack of true gravity and make you feel com-
can throw with a maximum speed of 10.0 m/s. fortable. How long does the round trip take, in
(a) How long would it take for the rock to hit the
ground if you released the rock from rest? (c) Using the same numbers for d and a, find your
(b) How long would it take for the rock to hit the maximum speed. Compare this to the speed of
ground if you threw the rock straight downward? √
light, which is 3.0 × 108 m/s. (Later in this
course, you will learn that there are some new
(c) How long would it take for the rock to hit the things going on in physics when one gets close
ground if you threw the rock straight upward?√ to the speed of light, and that it is impossible to
exceed the speed of light. For now, though, just
(d) If you threw the rock straight upward, how use the simpler ideas you’ve learned so far.)√
high would it get above the ground? √
2-k1 If the acceleration of gravity on Mars is
2-i11 You’re standing on the roof of your sci- 1/3 that on Earth, how many times longer does
ence building. You drop a rock from rest and it take for a rock to drop the same distance on
notice that it takes an amount of time T to hit Mars? Ignore air resistance.
the ground. Express your answers to the follow- . Solution, p. 200
ing questions in terms of T and the acceleration 2-k2 Starting from rest, a ball rolls down a
due to gravity, g. √
ramp, traveling a distance L and picking up a
(a) How high is the building? final speed v. How much of the distance did the
(b) How fast must you throw the rock straight up √
ball have to cover before achieving a speed of
if the rock is to take 2T to hit the ground? v/2? [Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.]
(c) For the situation described in part b, how ?
long does it take from the time you let the rock go
2-k3 Suppose you can hit a tennis ball ver-
to when the rock reaches maximum height? tically upward with a certain initial speed, inde-
(d) For the same situation, what is the maximum pendent of what planet you’re on.
height that the rock gets to above the ground?√
(a) If the height the ball reaches on Earth is H,
what is the height the ball will reach on Pluto,
2-i12 You take a trip in your spaceship to an- where the acceleration due to gravity is about √
other star. Setting off, you increase your speed 1/15th the value on Earth?
at a constant acceleration. Once you get half- (b) If the amount of time the ball spends in the
way there, you start decelerating, at the same air on Earth is 3.0 seconds, how long would it
rate, so that by the time you get there, you have spend in the air on Pluto? √
slowed down to zero speed. You see the tourist
attractions, and then head home by the same 2-k4 You climb half-way up a tree, and drop
method. a rock. Then you climb to the top, and drop
(a) Find a formula for the time, T , required for another rock. How many times greater is the
the round trip, in terms of d, the distance from velocity of the second rock on impact? Explain.
our sun to the star, and a, the magnitude of the (The answer is not two times greater.)
acceleration. Note that the acceleration is not
constant over the whole trip, but the trip can be 2-k5 Most people don’t know that
broken up into constant-acceleration parts. Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, not Tyrannosaurus
(b) The nearest star to the Earth (other than our rex, was the biggest theropod dinosaur. We
own sun) is Proxima Centauri, at a distance of can’t put a dinosaur on a track and time it
in the 100 meter dash, so we can only infer factor of 1.9. Which deceleration is greater, and
from physical models how fast it could have by what factor? √
run. When an animal walks at a normal
pace, typically its legs swing more or less like
2-k8 In college-level women’s softball in the
pendulums of the same length `. As a further
U.S., typically a pitcher is expected to be at
simplification of this model, let’s imagine that
least 1.75 m tall, but Virginia Tech pitcher Jas-
the leg simply moves at a fixed acceleration as it
min Harrell is 1.62 m. Although a pitcher ac-
falls to the ground. That is, we model the time
tually throws by stepping forward and swing-
for a quarter of a stride cycle as being the same
ing her arm in a circle, let’s make a simplified
as the time required for free fall from a height `.
physical model to estimate how much of a disad-
S. aegyptiacus had legs about four times longer
vantage Harrell has had to overcome due to her
than those of a human. (a) Compare the time
height. We’ll pretend that the pitcher gives the
required for a human’s stride cycle to that for √ ball a constant acceleration in a straight line, and
S. aegyptiacus.
that the length of this line is proportional to the
(b) Compare their running speeds. √ pitcher’s height. Compare the acceleration Har-
rell would have to supply with the acceleration
2-k6 Engineering professor Qingming Li used that would suffice for a pitcher of the nominal
sensors and video cameras to study punches de- minimum height, if both were to throw a pitch
livered in the lab by British former welterweight at the same speed. √
boxing champion Ricky “the Hitman” Hatton.
For comparison, Li also let a TV sports reporter 2-k9 When the police engage in a high-speed
put on the gloves and throw punches. The time chase on city streets, it can be extremely danger-
it took for Hatton’s best punch to arrive, i.e., the ous both to the police and to other motorists and
time his opponent would have had to react, was pedestrians. Suppose that the police car must
about 0.47 of that for the reporter. Let’s assume travel at a speed that is limited by the need to
that the fist starts from rest and moves with con- be able to stop before hitting a baby carriage,
stant acceleration all the way up until impact, and that the distance at which the driver first
at some fixed distance (arm’s length). Compare sees the baby carriage is fixed. Tests show that
Hatton’s acceleration to the reporter’s. √ in a panic stop from high speed, a police car
based on a Chevy Impala has a deceleration 9%
greater than that of a Dodge Intrepid. Compare
2-k7 Aircraft carriers originated in World
the maximum safe speeds for the two cars. √
War I, and the first landing on a carrier was per-
formed by E.H. Dunning in a Sopwith Pup bi-
plane, landing on HMS Furious. (Dunning was 2-n1 The figure shows a practical, simple
killed the second time he attempted the feat.) experiment for determining g to high precision.
In such a landing, the pilot slows down to just Two steel balls are suspended from electromag-
above the plane’s stall speed, which is the min- nets, and are released simultaneously when the
imum speed at which the plane can fly without electric current is shut off. They fall through un-
stalling. The plane then lands and is caught by equal heights ∆x1 and ∆x2 . A computer records
cables and decelerated as it travels the length of the sounds through a microphone as first one
the flight deck. Comparing a modern US F-14 ball and then the other strikes the floor. From
fighter jet landing on an Enterprise-class carrier this recording, we can accurately determine the
to Dunning’s original exploit, the stall speed is quantity T defined as T = ∆t2 − ∆t1 , i.e., the
greater by a factor of 4.8, and to accomodate time lag between the first and second impacts.
this, the length of the flight deck is greater by a Note that since the balls do not make any sound
Problem 2-n2.
Problem 2-o2.
Problem 2-o4.
Problem 2-o6.
2-o6 (a) The ball is released at the top of the 2-p2 In July 1999, Popular Mechanics carried
ramp shown in the figure. Friction is negligible. out tests to find which car sold by a major auto
Use physical reasoning to draw v − t and a − t maker could cover a quarter mile (402 meters)
graphs. Assume that the ball doesn’t bounce at in the shortest time, starting from rest. Because
the point where the ramp changes slope. (b) Do the distance is so short, this type of test is de-
the same for the case where the ball is rolled up signed mainly to favor the car with the greatest
acceleration, not the greatest maximum speed maximum speed. (c) Check that your answer has
(which is irrelevant to the average person). The the right units. √
winner was the Dodge Viper, with a time of 12.08
s. The car’s top (and presumably final) speed 2-p7 Let t be the time that has elapsed since
was 118.51 miles per hour (52.98 m/s). (a) If the Big Bang. In that time, one would imagine
a car, starting from rest and moving with con- that light, traveling at speed c, has been able to
stant acceleration, covers a quarter mile in this travel a maximum distance ct. (In fact the dis-
time interval, what is its acceleration? (b) What tance is several times more than this, because
would be the final speed of a car that covered a according to Einstein’s theory of general rela-
quarter mile with the constant acceleration you tivity, space itself has been expanding while the
found in part a? (c) Based on the discrepancy ray of light was in transit.) The portion of the
between your answer in part b and the actual universe that we can observe would then be a
final speed of the Viper, what do you conclude sphere of radius ct, with volume v = (4/3)πr3 =
about how its acceleration changed over time? (4/3)π(ct)3 . Compute the rate dv/ dt at which
. Solution, p. 200 ? the volume of the observable universe is increas-
2-p3 A honeybee’s position as a function of ing, and check that your answer has the right
time is given by x = 10t−t3 , where t is in seconds units. √
and x in meters. What is its velocity at t = 3.0
s? √ 2-p8 Sometimes doors are built with mech-
anisms that automatically close them after they
2-p4 Objects A and B move along the x axis. have been opened. The designer can set both the
The acceleration of both objects as functions of strength of the spring and the amount of friction.
time is given by a(t) = (3.00 m/s3 )t. Object If there is too much friction in relation to the
A starts (at t = 0) from rest at the origin, and strength of the spring, the door takes too long
object B starts at x = 5.00 m, initially moving to close, but if there is too little, the door will
in the negative x direction with speed 9.00 m/s.
√ oscillate. For an optimal design, we get motion
(a) What is A’s velocity at time t = 2.00 s? √ of the form x = cte−bt , where x is the position of
(b) What is A’s position at the same time? √ some point on the door, and c and b are positive
(c) What is B’s velocity at the same time? √ constants. (Similar systems are used for other
(d) What is B’s position at the same time? mechanical devices, such as stereo speakers and
(e) Consider a frame of reference in which A is the recoil mechanisms of guns.) In this exam-
at rest, such as the frame that would naturally ple, the door moves in the positive direction up
be adopted by an observer moving along with A. until a certain time, then stops and settles back
Describe B’s motion in this frame. in the negative direction, eventually approach-
(f) After they start, is there any time at which ing x = 0. This would be the type of motion we
A and B collide? would get if someone flung a door open and the
door closer then brought it back closed again.
2-p5 The position of a particle moving on the (a) Infer the units of the constants b and c.
x-axis is described by the equation x(t) = t3 −4t2 (b) Find the door’s maximum speed (i.e., the
(with x in meters and t in seconds). Consider the greatest absolute value of its velocity) as it comes
times t = −1, 0, 1, 2, and 3 seconds. For which back to the closed position.
of these times is the particle slowing down? (c) Show that your answer has units that make
2-p6 Freddi Fish(TM) has a position as a func- ?
tion of time given by x = a/(b + t2 ). (a) Infer 2-p9 A person is parachute jumping. During
the units of the constants a and b. (b) Find her the time between when she leaps out of the plane
nents of a vector along the coordinate axes. If not have been so obvious, if we had defined ad-
we pick a Cartesian coordinate system with x, y, dition in terms of addition of components.
and z axes, then any vector can be specified ac-
cording to its x, y, and z components. We have
Dot and cross product
previously given a graphical definition for vector
addition. This is equivalent to adding compo- The vector dot product A · B is defined as the
nents. (signed) component of A parallel to B. It is a
scalar. If we know the magnitudes of the vectors
Unit vector notation and the angle θAB between them, we can com-
pute the dot product as |A||B| cos θAB . If we
Suppose we want to tell someone that a cer- know the components of the vectors in a partic-
tain vector A in two dimensions has components ular coordinate system, we can express the dot
Ax = 3 and Ay = 7. A more compact way of no- product as Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz .
tating this is A = 3x̂ + 7ŷ, where x̂ and ŷ, read The dot product is useful simply as a geomet-
“x-hat” and “y-hat,” are the vectors with mag- rical tool, but later in this course we will also
nitude one that point in the positive x and y see that it has physical applications that include
directions. Some authors notate the unit vectors mechanical work, as well as many examples in
as î, ĵ, and k̂ rather than x̂, ŷ, and ẑ. electricity and magnetism, such as electric flux.
There is also a way of multiplying two vectors
Rotational invariance to obtain a vector result. This is called the vector
cross product, C = A×B. The magnitude of the
Certain vector operations are useful and others
cross product is the area of the parallelogram il-
are not. Consider the operation of multiplying
lustrated in figure 3.3. The direction of the cross
two vectors component by component to produce
product is perpendicular to the plane in which
a third vector:
A and B lie. There are two such directions, and
Rx = Px Qx of these two, we choose the one defined by the
right-hand rule illustrated in figure 3.4.
Ry = Py Qy
Rz = Pz Qz .
3.2 Motion
Velocity and acceleration
If an object undergoes an infinitesimal displace- Figure 3.6: The car has just swerved to the right.
ment dr in an infinitesimal time interval dt, then The air freshener hanging from the rear-view
its velocity vector is the derivative v = dr/ dt. mirror acts as an accelerometer, showing that
This type of derivative of a vector can be com- the acceleration vector is to the right.
puted by differentiating each component sepa-
rately. The acceleration is the second derivative
d2 r/ dt2 .
Projectiles and the inclined plane
The velocity vector has a magnitude that in-
dicates the speed of motion, and a direction that Forces cause accelerations, not velocities. In par-
gives the direction of the motion. We saw in sec- ticular, the downward force of gravity causes a
tion 2.1 that velocities add in relative motion. downward acceleration vector. After a projec-
To generalize this to more than one dimension, tile is launched, the only force on it is gravity,
we use vector addition. so its acceleration vector points straight down.
The acceleration vector does not necessarily Therefore the horizontal part of its motion has
Problem 3-a4.
3-g1 Find a vector that is perpendicular to not be associative, i.e., that A × (B × C) need
both of the following two vectors: not be the same as (A × B) × C.
Problem 3-j7.
(what angle west of north)? need to run some distance along the far bank in
(b) How long does it take the plane to get to the
order to get to the town. Show that, surprisingly,
city? the optimal angle depends on the variables v and
(c) Check that your answer to part b has units w only through their sum v + w.
that make sense. ?
(d) Comment on the behavior of your answer in 3-m1 Is it possible for a helicopter to have an
the case where u = v. acceleration due east and a velocity due west? If
so, what would be going on? If not, why not?
3-j7 As shown in the diagram, a dinosaur
fossil is slowly moving down the slope of a glacier 3-m2 The figure shows the path followed by
under the influence of wind, rain and gravity. Hurricane Irene in 2005 as it moved north. The
At the same time, the glacier is moving relative dots show the location of the center of the storm
to the continent underneath. The dashed lines at six-hour intervals, with lighter dots at the time
represent the directions but not the magnitudes when the storm reached its greatest intensity.
of the velocities. Pick a scale, and use graphical Find the time when the storm’s center had a ve-
addition of vectors to find the magnitude and the locity vector to the northeast and an acceleration
direction of the fossil’s velocity relative to the vector to the southeast. Explain.
continent. You will need a ruler and protractor.
3-m3 A bird is initially flying horizontally
3-j8 Andrés and Brenda are going to race to east at 21.1 m/s, but one second later it has
see who can first get to a town across a river of changed direction so that it is flying horizontally
width 20.0 m. The water in the river is moving and 7◦ north of east, at the same speed. What
at a constant 0.60 m/s, each person can swim are the magnitude and direction of its accelera-
with speed 1.00 m/s with respect to the water, tion vector during that one second time interval?
and each person can run 4.00 m/s on land. (Assume its acceleration was roughly constant.)
Andrés is going to row in such a way that he
moves straight towards the town across the river. 3-m4 Two cars go over the same speed bump
Brenda, however, decides to get to the other side in a parking lot, Maria’s Maserati at 25 miles
of the river as quickly as she can, and run. per hour and Park’s Porsche at 37. How many
(a) How long does it take Andrés to swim to the √ times greater is the vertical acceleration of the
other side of the river? Call this TA Porsche? Hint: Remember that acceleration de-
(b) How long does it take Brenda to get to the pends both on how much the velocity changes
other side of the river (not at the town, since the
√ and on how much time it takes to change. √
river carries her downstream)? Call this t1 .
(c) How long does it take Brenda to run to the 3-p1 Two daredevils, Wendy and Bill, go over
town on the other side of the river? Call this √Niagara Falls. Wendy sits in an inner tube, and
t2 . lets the 30 km/hr velocity of the river throw her
(d) How long (TB = t1 + t2 ) does the total trip out horizontally over the falls. Bill paddles a
take Brenda? Who wins the race? √ kayak, adding an extra 10 km/hr to his velocity.
They go over the edge of the falls at the same
3-j9 César is on one bank of a river in which moment, side by side. Ignore air friction. Ex-
the water flows at speed w. He can swim at speed plain your reasoning.
u and run at speed v. On the other side, directly (a) Who hits the bottom first?
across from him, is a town that he wants to reach (b) What is the horizontal component of
in the minimum possible time. Depending on the Wendy’s velocity on impact?
direction in which he chooses to swim, he may (c) What is the horizontal component of Bill’s
Problem 3-s2.
functions of time.
(c) Give physical interpretations of b, c, d, x̂, ŷ,
and ẑ.
Problem 3-s12.
(c) What is the range of the ball (the horizon-
tal distance the ball has traveled by the time it
lands)? √
initial speed but reaches the same height. or decrease it. Then see whether your answer to
(a) What is the y-component of the green ball’s part a has this mathematical behavior.
initial velocity vector? Give your answer in √
(d) Do the same for the dependence on h.
terms of v0 alone. (e) Interpret your equation in the case where
(b) Which ball is in the air for a longer amount α = 90◦ .
of time? (f) Interpret your equation in the case where
(c) What is the range of the green ball? Your tan α = h/`.
answer should only depend on H. √
(g) Find u numerically if h = 70 cm, ` = 60 cm,
and α = 65◦ .
3-s9 You throw a rock horizontally from the
edge of the roof of a building of height 10.0 m.
The rock hits the ground at exactly twice its ini- 3-s13 A particle leaves point P at time t = 0 s
tial speed. How fast was the rock thrown off the with initial velocity (−2.0x̂ + 4.0ŷ) m/s. Point
roof? Express your answer to three significant P is located on the x axis at position (x, y) =
figures. √
(10.0 m, 0). If the particle experiences constant
acceleration a = (−5.0ŷ) m/s2 , then which axis
3-s10 You throw a rock horizontally from the does it cross first, x or y, and at what location?
edge of the roof of a building of height h with
speed v0 . What is the (positive) angle between 3-s14 A Hot Wheels car is rolling along a
the final velocity vector and the horizontal when horizontal track at speed v0 = 6.0 m/s. It then
the rock hits the ground? √
comes to a ramp inclined at an angle θ = 30◦
above the horizontal, and the car undergoes a
3-s11 Standing on the edge of the roof of a deceleration of g sin θ = 4.9 m/s when moving
building of height h, you throw a rock with speed along the ramp. The track ends at the top of
v0 at 30◦ above the horizontal. the ramp, so the car is launched into the air. By
(a) How high above the ground does the rock the time the car reaches the top of the ramp, its
get? speed has gone down to 3.0 m/s.
(b) How far away from the building does the rock (a) How high is the top of the ramp (vertical √
land? height, not distance along the ramp)?
(b) After the car is achieves lift-off, how long
3-s12 The figure shows an arcade game does it spend in the air before hitting the
called skee ball that is similar to bowling. The ground? √
player rolls the ball down a horizontal alley.
The ball then rides up a curved lip and is 3-s15 A Hot Wheels car is rolling along a
launched at an initial speed u, at an angle α horizontal track at speed v0 . It then comes to a
above horizontal. Suppose we want the ball to ramp inclined at an angle θ above the horizon-
go into a hole that is at horizontal distance ` tal. The car undergoes a deceleration of g sin θ
and height h, as shown in the figure. while rolling up the ramp. The track ends after
(a) Find the initial speed u that is required, in a distance L, so the car is launched into the air.
terms of the other variables and g. (a) What is the speed of the car when it leaves √
(b) Check that your answer to part a has units the ramp?
that make sense. (b) How high does the car get above the ground?
(c) Check that your answer to part a depends
on g in a way that makes sense. This means 3-s16 The figure shows a vertical cross-
that you should first determine on physical section of a cylinder. A gun at the top shoots a
grounds whether increasing g should increase u, bullet horizontally. What is the minimum speed
Problem 3-s16.
Figure 4.3: The four forces on the sailboat cancel 4.3 Newton’s third law
We have seen that a force is always an interaction
force of gravity. But the first law can also be ex- between two objects. Newton’s third law states
tended to apply to cases in which forces do act that these forces come in pairs. If object A exerts
on an object, but they cancel out. An example a force on object B, then B also exerts a force on
is the sailboat in figure 4.3. A. The two forces have equal magnitudes but are
An object can rotate or change its shape. A in opposite directions. In symbols,
cat does both of these things when it falls and
brings its feet under itself before it hits the FA on B = −FB on A . (4.2)
ground. In such a situation, it is not immedi-
ately obvious what is meant by “the” velocity Newton’s third law holds regardless of whether
of the object. We will see later that Newton’s everything is in a state of equilibrium. It might
first law can still be made to hold in such cases seem as though the two forces would cancel out,
if we measure its motion by using a special point but they can’t cancel out because it doesn’t even
called its center of mass, which is the point on make sense to add them in the first place. They
which it would balance. In the example of Baron act on different objects, and it only makes sense
von Munchausen, it is certainly possible for one to add forces if they act on the same object.
part of his body to accelerate another part of
his body by making a force on it; however, this
will have no effect on the motion of his center of
. Solution, p. 201
Problem 4-a4.
Problem 4-a2.
4-a5 A car is accelerating forward along a
4-a3 (a) Compare the mass of a one-liter wa- straight road. If the force of the road on the
ter bottle on earth, on the moon, and in inter- car’s wheels, pushing it forward, is a constant
stellar space. 3.0 kN, and the car’s mass is 1000 kg, then how
(b) Do the same for its weight. long will the car take to go from 20 m/s to 50
4-a4 In the figure, the rock climber has fin- . Solution, p. 201
ished the climb, and his partner is lowering him 4-a6 An object is observed to be moving at
back down to the ground at approximately con- constant speed in a certain direction. Can you
stant speed. The following is a student’s analysis conclude that no forces are acting on it? Explain.
of the forces acting on the climber. The arrows [Based on a problem by Serway and Faughn.]
give the directions of the forces.
force of the earth’s gravity, ↓ 4-a7 A book is pushed along a frictionless
force from the partner’s hands, ↑ table with a constant horizontal force. The book
force from the rope, ↑ starts from rest and travels 2.0 m in 1.0 s. If
the same force continues, how far will the book car is slowing down, she notices that according
travel in the next 1.0 s? √
to the scale, her weight appears to be off by 3%
from its normal value W . √
4-d1 A blimp is initially at rest, hovering, (a) Does the scale read 0.97W , or 1.03W ?
when at t = 0 the pilot turns on the engine driv- (b) What is the magnitude of the acceleration of
ing the propeller. The engine cannot instantly the elevator? √
get the propeller going, but the propeller speeds
up steadily. The steadily increasing force be- 4-g3 A person who normally weighs 890 N is
tween the air and the propeller is given by the standing on a scale inside an elevator. The eleva-
equation F = kt, where k is a constant. If the tor is moving upward with a speed of 10 m/s, and
mass of the blimp is m, find its position as a func- then begins to decelerate at a rate of 5.0 m/s2 .
tion of time. (Assume that during the period of (a) Before the elevator begins to decelerate, what √
time you’re dealing with, the blimp is not yet is the reading on the scale?
moving fast enough to cause a significant back- (b) What about while the elevator is slowing
ward force due to air resistance.) down? √
4-g1 The acceleration of a 1.0 kg object is 4-g5 You push a cup of mass M across a ta-
given in the graph. ble, using a force of magnitude F . Because of
(a) What is the maximum force that acts on the√ a second, frictional force, the cup’s acceleration
object over the time interval [0.0, 4.0] s? only has magnitude F/3M . What is the magni-
(b) What is the average force over the same in- tude of this frictional force? √
terval? √
4-g6 In an experiment, a force is applied to
two different unknown masses. This force causes
the first object, with mass m1 , to have accel-
eration a1 , and gives an object of mass m2 an
acceleration a2 , where a1 > a2 .
(a) Which mass is heavier: m1 or m2 ?
(b) Based on the experimental data (a1 and a2 ),
what acceleration would the force give to an ob-
Problem 4-g1. ject of mass m1 + m2 ? √
4-j3 At the turn of the 20th century, Samuel and that all other conditions are the same ex-
Langley engaged in a bitter rivalry with the cept for gravity. How much higher should he be √
Wright brothers to develop human flight. Lan- able to jump in Mexico City?
gley’s design used a catapult for launching. For (Actually, the reason for the big change between
safety, the catapult was built on the roof of a ’64 and ’68 was the introduction of the “Fosbury
houseboat, so that any crash would be into the flop.”)
water. This design required reaching cruising
speed within a fixed, short distance, so large 4-j5 Your friend, who’s kind of an idiot,
accelerations were required, and the forces fre- jumps out of a third-story window. After falling
quently damaged the craft, causing dangerous 7.0 m, he lands on his stomach so that as his
and embarrassing accidents. Langley achieved body compresses on impact, his center of mass
several uncrewed, unguided flights, but never only moves 0.020 m. What is the average force of
succeeded with a human pilot. If the force of the ground on your friend as he smacks the floor?
the catapult is fixed by the structural strength Express your answer in terms of his weight √ W.
of the plane, and the distance for acceleration by
the size of the houseboat, by what factor is the 4-j6 A book is pushed along a frictionless ta-
launch velocity reduced when the plane’s 340 kg ble with a constant horizontal force. The book
is augmented by the 60 kg mass of a small man?√ starts from rest and travels 2.0 m in 1.0 s. If the
same experiment is carried out again, but with
4-j4 In the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, the best a book having twice the mass, how far will this
men’s high jump was 2.18 m. Four years later in heavier book travel? √
Mexico City, the gold medal in the same event
was for a jump of 2.24 m. Because of Mex- 4-m1 In each case, identify the force that
ico City’s altitude (2400 m), the acceleration causes the acceleration, and give its Newton’s-
of gravity there is lower than that in Tokyo by third-law partner. Describe the effect of the
about 0.01 m/s2 . Suppose a high-jumper has a partner force. (a) A swimmer speeds up. (b) A
mass of 72 kg. golfer hits the ball off of the tee. (c) An archer
(a) Compare his mass and weight in the two lo- fires an arrow. (d) A locomotive slows down.
cations. . Solution, p. 201
(b) Assume that he is able to jump with the 4-m2 A little old lady and a pro football
same initial vertical velocity in both locations, player collide head-on. Compare their forces on
each other, and compare their accelerations. Ex- Shake the object up and down. What do you
plain. observe? Interpret your observations in terms of
Newton’s third law.
4-p1 (a) Let T be the maximum tension that
an elevator’s cable can withstand without break-
ing, i.e., the maximum force it can exert. If the
motor is programmed to give the car an acceler-
ation a (a > 0 is upward), what is the maximum
mass that the car can have, including passengers,
if the cable is not to break?
(b) Interpret the equation you derived in the spe-
cial cases of a = 0 and of a downward accelera-
tion of magnitude g.
force applied to it by Hooke’s law, For an idealized system,1 the fundamental prin-
ciples are:
F ≈ k(x − x0 ). (5.3)
1. The total force acting on any pulley is zero.2
2. The tension in any given piece of rope is
constant throughout its length.
3. The length of every piece of rope remains
the same.
5-d2 For safety, mountain climbers often
In problems 5-a1-5-a5, analyze the forces using a wear a climbing harness and tie in to other
table in the format shown in section 5.5 on p. 53. climbers on a rope team or to anchors such as
Analyze the forces in which the italicized object pitons or snow anchors. When using anchors,
participates. the climber usually wants to tie in to more than
5-a1 Some people put a spare car key in a lit- one, both for extra strength and for redundancy
tle magnetic box that they stick under the chassis in case one fails. The figure shows such an
of their car. Let’s say that the box is stuck di- arrangement, with the climber hanging from
rectly underneath a horizontal surface, and the a pair of anchors forming a “Y” at an angle
car is parked. (See instructions above.) θ. The metal piece at the center is called a
carabiner. The usual advice is to make θ < 90◦ ;
5-a2 Analyze two examples of objects at rest for large values of θ, the stress placed on the
relative to the earth that are being kept from anchors can be many times greater than the
falling by forces other than the normal force. Do actual load L, so that two anchors are actually
not use objects in outer space, and do not du- less safe than one.
plicate problem 5-a1 or 5-a5. (See instructions (a) Find the force S at each anchor in terms of √
above.) L and θ.
(b) Verify that your answer makes sense in the
5-a3 A person is rowing a boat, with her feet case of θ = 0.
braced. She is doing the part of the stroke that (c) Interpret your answer in the case of θ = 180◦ .
propels the boat, with the ends of the oars in the (d) What is the smallest value of θ for which S
water (not the part where the oars are out of the equals or exceeds L, so that for larger angles a
water). (See instructions above.) failure of at least one anchor is more likely than
it would have been with a single anchor?
5-a4 A farmer is in a stall with a cow when
the cow decides to press him against the wall,
pinning him with his feet off the ground. Analyze 5-d3 Problem 5-d2 discussed a possible
the forces in which the farmer participates. (See correct way of setting up a redundant anchor
instructions above.) for mountaineering. The figure for this problem
shows an incorrect way of doing it, by arranging
5-a5 A propeller plane is cruising east at the rope in a triangle (which we’ll take to be
constant speed and altitude. (See instructions isoceles). One of the bad things about the
above.) triangular arrangement is that it requires more
force from the anchors, making them more
5-a6 Someone tells you she knows of a certain likely to fail. (a) Using the same notation as in
type of Central American earthworm whose skin, problem 5-d2, find S in terms of L and θ.
when rubbed on polished diamond, has µk > µs . (b) Verify that your answer makes sense in the
Why is this not just empirically unlikely but log- case of θ = 0, and compare with the correct
ically suspect? setup.
5-d1 The figure shows a boy hanging in three
positions: (1) with his arms straight up, (2) with 5-d4 A person of mass M stands in the mid-
his arms at 45 degrees, and (3) with his arms at dle of a tightrope, which is fixed at the ends to
60 degrees with respect to the vertical. Compare two buildings separated by a horizontal distance
the tension in his arms in the three cases. L. The rope sags in the middle, stretching and
Problem 5-d4.
Problem 5-d1.
Problem 5-d3.
Problem 5-d6.
Problem 5-d7.
is desired and because the coefficient could be to one another. This position can be maintained
much lower if, for example, the surface was without any ledges or holds, simply by pressing
sandy rather than clean. We will assume that the feet against the walls. The left hand is be-
there is no friction where the rope goes over the ing used just for a little bit of balance. (a) Find
lip of the cliff, although in reality this friction the minimum coefficient of friction between the
significantly reduces the load on the boulder. rubber climbing shoes and the rock. (b) Inter-
(a) Let m be the mass of the climber, V the pret the behavior of your expression at extreme
volume of the boulder, ρ its density, and g the values of θ. (c) Steven Won has done tabletop
strength of the gravitational field. Find the experiments using climbing shoes on the rough
√ back side of a granite slab from a kitchen coun-
minimum value of µs .
(b) Show that the units of your answer make tertop, and has estimated µs = 1.17. Find the
sense. corresponding maximum value of θ.
(c) Check that its dependence on the variables . Solution, p. 201
makes sense. 5-g1 The figure shows two different ways of
(d) Evaluate your result numerically. The combining a pair of identical springs, each with
volume of my refrigerator is about 0.7 m3 , spring constant k. We refer to the top setup as
the density of granite is about 2.7 g/cm3 , and parallel, and the bottom one as a series arrange-
standards bodies use a body mass of 80 kg for √ ment.
testing climbing equipment. (a) For the parallel arrangement, analyze the
forces acting on the connector piece on the left,
and then use this analysis to determine the
5-d10 The figure shows a rock climber equivalent spring constant of the whole setup.
wedged into a dihedral or “open book” consisting Explain whether the combined spring constant
of two vertical walls of rock at an angle θ relative should be interpreted as being stiffer or less stiff.
Problem 5-g1.
5-j1 A cargo plane has taken off from a tiny equation for v(t) (without plugging in numbers),
airstrip in the Andes, and is climbing at con- and plot the result. √
stant speed, at an angle of θ = 17◦ with re-
spect to horizontal. Its engines supply a thrust
5-m1 Ice skaters with masses m1 and m2
of Fthrust = 200 kN, and the lift from its wings is
push off from each other with a constant force
Flift = 654 kN. Assume that air resistance (drag)
F , which lasts until they lose contact. The
is negligible, so the only forces acting are thrust,
distance between their centers of mass is `0
lift, and weight. What is its mass, in kg?
initially and `f when they lose contact.
(a) Find the amount of time T for which they
remain in contact.
(b) Show that your answer in part a has units
that make sense.
(c) Show that your answer has the right depen-
dence on F .
(d) Interpret the case where one of the masses
is very small.
Problem 5-j1.
. Solution, p. 201
5-m2 A wagon is being pulled at constant
5-j2 A toy manufacturer is playtesting teflon
speed up a slope θ by a rope that makes an angle
booties that slip on over your shoes. In the park-
φ with the vertical.
ing lot, giggling engineers find that when they
(a) Assuming negligible friction, show that the
start with an initial speed of 1.2 m/s, they glide
tension in the rope is given by the equation
for 2.0 m before coming to a stop. What is the
coefficient of friction between the asphalt and the sin θ
booties? FT = FW ,
√ sin(θ + φ)
5-m7 A cop investigating the scene of an acci- 5-m10 Blocks M1 and M2 are stacked as
dent measures the length L of a car’s skid marks shown, with M2 on top. M2 is connected by a
in order to find out its speed v at the beginning string to the wall, and M1 is pulled to the right
of the skid. Express v in terms of L and any with a force F big enough to get M1 to move.
other relevant variables. √ The coefficient of kinetic friction has the same
value µk among all surfaces (i.e., the block-block
5-m8 A force F is applied to a box of mass M and ground-block interfaces).
at an angle θ below the horizontal (see figure). (a) Analyze the forces in which each block par-
The coefficient of static friction between the box ticipates, as in section 5.5. √
and the floor is µs , and the coefficient of kinetic (b) Determine the tension in the string.
friction between the two surfaces is µk . (c) Find the acceleration of the block of mass
(a) What is the magnitude of the normal force M1 . √
on the box from the floor?
(b) What is the minimum value of F to get the √
box to start moving from rest?
(c) What is the value of F so that the box will
move with constant velocity (assuming it is al- √
ready moving)?
(d) If θ is greater than some critical angle θcrit ,
it is impossible to have the scenario described in
part c. What is θcrit ? √
Problem 5-m10.
5-m11 (a) A mass M is at rest on a fixed, mesh like gears in a gear train. A board is laid
frictionless ramp inclined at angle θ with respect on top of the wheels, so that two friction forces
to the horizontal. The mass is connected to the act upon it, one from each wheel. Characterize
force probe, as shown. What is the reading on √
the three qualitatively different types of motion
the force probe? that the board can exhibit, depending on the ini-
(b) Check that your answer to part a makes sense tial conditions.
in the special cases θ = 0 and θ = 90◦ . ??
Problem 5-m13.
Problem 5-m11.
5-p1 A tugboat of mass m pulls a ship of mass
5-m12 You are pushing a box up a ramp that M , accelerating it. The speeds are low enough
is at an angle θ with respect to the horizontal. that you can ignore fluid friction acting on their
Friction acts between the box and the ramp, with hulls, although there will of course need to be
coefficient µ. Suppose that your force is fixed in fluid friction acting on the tug’s propellers.
magnitude, but can be applied at any desired (a) Analyze the forces in which the tugboat par-
angle ϕ above the horizontal. Find the optimal ticipates, using a table in the format shown in
value of ϕ. section 5.5. Don’t worry about vertical forces.
? (b) Do the same for the ship.
(c) If the force acting on the tug’s propeller is F ,
what is the tension, T , in the cable connecting
the two ships? [Hint: Write down two equations,
one for Newton’s second law applied to each ob-
ject. Solve these for the two unknowns T and √
(d) Interpret your answer in the special cases of
M = 0 and M = ∞.
and accelerations. (2) The two accelerations of to stop. Both m and M continue accelerating,
the two masses have to be equal in magnitude with M dropping down into the crevasse and m
but of opposite signs, since one side eats up rope being dragged across the snow, slowed only by
at the same rate at which the other side pays it the kinetic friction with coefficient µk acting be-
out. (3) You need to apply Newton’s second law tween the ax and the snow. There is no signifi-
twice, once to each mass, and then solve the two cant friction between the rope and the lip of the
equations for the unknowns: the acceleration, a, √
crevasse. √
and the tension in the rope, T .] (a) Find the acceleration a.
(c) Many people expect that in the special (b) Check the units of your result.
case of M = m, the two masses will naturally (c) Check the dependence of your equation on
settle down to an equilibrium position side by the variables. That means that for each variable,
side. Based on your answer from part b, is this you should determine what its effect on a should
correct? √
be physically, and then what your answer from
(d) Find the tension in the rope, T . part a says its effect would be mathematically.
(e) Interpret your equation from part d in the
special case where one of the masses is zero.
Here “interpret” means to figure out what
happens mathematically, figure out what should
happen physically, and connect the two.
Problem 5-p3.
Problem 5-p4.
Problem 5-p5.
without causing the block to slide downhill. sense.
(b) Show that your answer to part a has the right (c) Check the physical behavior of your answer
units. in the special cases of M = 0 and θ = −90◦ .
(c) Show that it also has the right dependence on
θ, by comparing its mathematical behavior to its
physically expected behavior.
Problem 5-p8.
Problem 5-s1.
Problem 5-s2.
α= .
force and acceleration. This gives two equations, what is the maximum radius of the circle?
which can be solved for the two unknowns, θ and (b) Show that the units of your answer make
the tension in the string. (2) If you introduce sense.
variables like v and r, relate them to the vari- (c) Check that its dependence on the variables
ables your solution is supposed to contain, and√
makes sense.
eliminate them.] (d) Evaluate your result numerically for
(c) What happens mathematically to your solu- v = 10 m/s (the speed of an olympic sprinter)
tion if the motor is run very slowly (very large and µs = 5. (This is roughly the highest
values of P )? Physically, what do you think coefficient of static friction ever achieved for
would actually happen in this case? surfaces that are not sticky. The surface has an
array of microscopic fibers like a hair brush, and
is inspired by the hairs on the feet of a gecko.
These assumptions are not necessarily realistic,
since the person would have to run at an angle, √
which would be physically awkward.)
Problem 6-g3.
6-g5 In a well known stunt from circuses 6-g7 The 1961-66 US Gemini program
and carnivals, a motorcyclist rides around inside launched pairs of astronauts into earth orbit
a big bowl, gradually speeding up and rising in tiny capsules, on missions lasting up to 14
higher. Eventually the cyclist can get up to days. The figure shows the two seats, in a cross-
where the walls of the bowl are vertical. Let’s sectional view from the front, as if looking into a
estimate the conditions under which a running car through the windshield. During the Gemini
human could do the same thing. 8 mission, a malfunctioning thruster in the Or-
(a) If the runner can run at speed v, and her bit Attitude and Maneuvering System (OAMS)
shoes have a coefficient of static friction µs , caused the capsule to roll, i.e., to rotate in the
plane of the page. The rate of rotation got off when the motor is on a low speed, but at
faster and faster, reaching 296 degrees per sec- a greater speed, the tape won’t stay on. Why
ond before pilot Neil Armstrong shut down the would the greater speed change things? [Hint: If
OAMS system by hand and succeeded in cancel- you don’t invoke any law of physics, you haven’t
ing the rotation using a separate set of re-entry explained it.]
thrusters. At the peak rate of rotation, the as- ?
tronauts were approaching the physiological lim-
its under which their hearts would no longer be
able to circulate blood, potentially causing them
to black out or go blind. Superimposing the ap-
proximate location of a human heart on the orig-
inal NASA diagram, it looks like Armstrong’s
heart was about 45 cm away from the axis of ro-
tation. Find the acceleration experienced by his
heart, in units of g. √
Problem 6-j1.
Problem 6-j3.
is constant. After the flywheel has made N revo- 6-p3 A bug stands on a horizontal turntable
lutions, it comes to rest. What is the magnitude at distance r from the center. The coefficient of
of the angular acceleration? √
static friction between the bug and the turntable
is µs . Starting from rest, the turntable begins
6-m5 A rigid body rotates about a line ac- rotating with angular acceleration α. What is
cording to θ = At3 − Bt (valid for both negative the magnitude of the angular frequency at which
and positive t). the bug starts to slide? √
(a) What is the angular velocity as a function of
time? 6-p4 A 20.0 g cockroach is lounging at a dis-
(b) What is the angular acceleration as a func- tance r = 5.00 cm from the axis of the carousel
tion of time? of a microwave oven. Except for the species,
(c) There are two times when the angular veloc- the situation is similar to the one shown in the
ity is zero. What is the positive time for which figure. The cockroach’s angular coordinate is
this is true? Call this t+ . θ(t) = 12t2 − 4.0t3 , where t is in seconds and
(d) What is the average angular velocity over the θ is in radians.
time interval from 0 to t+ ? (a) Find the angular velocity and acceleration.√
6-m6 The angular acceleration of a wheel is (b) At what time t2 > 0 is the cockroach at rest?
α = 12t−24t3 , where α is in s−2 and t is the time At what time t1 , where 0 < t1 < t2 , is the cock-
in seconds. The wheel starts from rest at t = 0. roach moving the fastest?
How many revolutions has it turned between t = (c) Find the tangential and radial components
0 and when it is again at rest? of the linear acceleration of the cockroach at t1 .
√ What is the direction of the acceleration vector√
at this time?
6-p1 (a) Find the angular velocities of the (d) How many revolutions does the cockroach
earth’s rotation and of the earth’s motion around √
√ make from t = 0 to t = t2 ?
the sun. (e) Suppose that the carousel, instead of deceler-
(b) Which motion involves the greater accelera- ating, had kept spinning at constant speed after
tion? t1 . Find the period and the frequency (in revo-
lutions per minute). √
6-p2 A bug stands on a horizontal turntable
at distance r from the center. The coefficient of 6-p5 A CD is initially moving counterclock-
static friction between the bug and the turntable wise with angular speed ω0 and then starts de-
is µs . The turntable spins at constant angular celerating with an angular acceleration of mag-
frequency ω. nitude α.
(a) Is the bug more likely to slip at small values (a) How long does it take for the CD to come to
of r, or large values? rest?
(b) If the bug walks along a radius, what is the (b) Suppose that, after a time equal to half
value of r at which it looses its footing? √ that found in part a, point on the CD satisfies
|ar | = |at |. If the initial angular velocity of the
CD was 40 s−1 , what is the total time it takes
for the CD to come to rest (i.e., the numerical
value of your answer in part a)? √
Problems 6-p2, 6-p3, and 6-p4.
6-s1 The figure shows a microscopic view of
the innermost tracks of a music CD. The pits
represent the pattern of ones and zeroes that en- 6-s2 Find the motion of a bead that slides
code the musical waveform. Because the laser with coefficient of kinetic friction µ on a circular
that reads the data has to sweep over a fixed wire of radius r. Neglect gravity. [This requires a
amount of data per unit time, the disc spins at a couple of standard techniques for solving a differ-
decreasing angular velocity as the music is played ential equation, but not obscure or tricky ones.]
from the inside out. The linear velocity v, not ?
the angular velocity, is constant. Each track is
separated from its neighbors on either side by
a fixed distance p, called the pitch. Although
the tracks are actually concentric circles, we will
idealize them in this problem as a type of spiral,
called an Archimedean spiral, whose turns have
constant spacing, p, along any radial line. Our
goal is to find the angular acceleration of this
idealized CD, in terms of the constants v and p,
and the radius r at which the laser is positioned.
(a) Use geometrical reasoning to constrain the
dependence of the result on p.
(b) Use units to further constrain the result up
to a unitless multiplicative constant.
(c) Find the full result. [Hint: Find a differ-
ential equation involving r and its time deriva-
tive, and then solve this equation by separating √
(d) Consider the signs of the variables in your
answer to part c, and show that your equation
still makes sense when the direction of rotation
is reversed.
(e) Similarly, check that your result makes sense Problem 6-s2.
regardless of whether we view the CD player
from the front or the back. (Clockwise seen from
one side is counterclockwise from the other.)
Problem 6-s1.
7 Conservation of energy
This is not a textbook. It’s a book of problems metries of the laws of physics themselves. One
meant to be used along with a textbook. Although such symmetry is that laws of physics do not
each chapter of this book starts with a brief sum- seem to change over time. That is, they have
mary of the relevant physics, that summary is time-translation symmetry. The gravitational
not meant to be enough to allow the reader to forces that you see near the surface of the earth
actually learn the subject from scratch. The pur- are determined by Newton’s law of gravity, which
pose of the summary is to show what material is we will state later in quantitative detail.
needed in order to do the problems, and to show
Suppose that Newton’s law of gravity did
what terminology and notation are being used.
change over time. (Such a change would have
to be small, because precise experiments haven’t
7.1 Conservation laws shown objects to get heavier or lighter from one
time to another.) If you knew of such a change,
Newton presented his laws of motion as universal then you could exploit it to make money. On a
ones that would apply to all phenomena. We now day when gravity was weak, you could pay the
know that this is not true. For example, a ray electric company what it cost you to run an elec-
of light has zero mass, so a = F/m gives non- tric motor, and lift a giant weight to the top of
sense when applied to light. Today, physicists a tower. Then, on a high-gravity day, you could
formulate the most fundamental laws of physics lower the weight back down and use it to crank
as conservation laws, which arise from symmetry a generator, selling electric power back on the
principles. open market. You would have a kind of perpet-
An object has a symmetry if it remains un- ual motion machine.
changed under some sort of transformation such What you are buying from the electric com-
as a reflection, rotation, rotation, or translation pany is a thing called energy, a term that has a
in time or space. A sphere is symmetric under ro- specific technical meaning in physics. The fact
tation. An object that doesn’t change over time that the law of gravity does does not seem to
has symmetry with respect to time-translation. change over time tells us that we can’t use a
scheme like the one described above as a way
to create energy out of nothing. In fact, experi-
ments seem to show that no physical process can
create or destroy energy, they can only transfer
or transform it from one form into another. In
other words, the total amount of energy in the
universe can never change. A statement of this
form is called a conservation law. Today, New-
ton’s laws have been replaced by a set of conser-
vation laws, including conservation of energy.
Figure 7.1: In this scene from Swan Lake, the Writing conservation of energy symbolically,
choreography has a symmetry with respect to we have E1 + E2 + . . . = E10 + E20 + . . ., where
left and right. the sum is over all the types of energy that are
present, and the primed and unprimed letters
The fundamentally important symmetries in distinguish the energies at some initial and final
physics are not symmetries of objects but sym- times. For more compact writing, we can use the
of cable and then a further section, the energy The units of power can be abbreviated as watts,
must also be proportional to d. As an arbitrary 1 W =R 1 J/s. For the conditions under which
standard, we pick the constant of proportionality W = F dx is valid, we can use the funda-
to be 1, so that the energy transferred, notated mental theorem of calculus to find F = dW/ dx,
W for work, is given by and since dW/ dt = (dK/ dx)(dx/ dt), the power
transmitted by the force is
W = F d. (7.2)
P = F v. (7.7)
This equation implicitly defines the SI unit of
energy to be kg · m2 /s2 , and we abbreviate this
as one joule, 1 J = 1 kg·m2 /s2 . 7.3 Kinetic energy
In general, we define work as the transfer of
energy by a macroscopic force, with a plus sign Having chosen mechanical work as an arbitrary
if energy is flowing from the object exerting the standard for defining transfers of energy, we are
force to the object on which the force is exerted. led by Newton’s laws to an expression for the
(In examples such as heat conduction, the forces energy that an object has because of its mo-
are forces that occur in the collisions between tion, called kinetic energy, K. One form of this
atoms, which are not measurable by macroscopic work-kinetic energy theorem is as follows. Let
devices such as spring scales and force probes.) a force act on a particle of mass m in one di-
Equation (7.2) is a correct rule for computing mension. By the chain rule, we have dK/ dx =
work in the special case when the force is ex- (dK/ dv)(dv/ dt)(dt/ dx) = (dK/ dv)a/v. Ap-
erted at a single well-defined point of contact, plying a = F/m and dK/ dx = F (work) gives
that point moves along a line, the force and the dK/ dv = mv. Integration of both sides with
motion are parallel, and the force is constant. respect to v results in
The distance d is a signed quantity.
When the force and the motion are not paral- K= mv 2 , (7.8)
lel, we have the generalization 2
where the constant of integration can be taken to
W = F · ∆x, (7.3) be zero. The factor of 1/2 is ultimately a matter
of convention; if we had wanted to avoid the 1/2
in which · is the vector dot product. When force
in this equation, we could have, but we would
and motion are along the same line, but the force
have had to define work as 2F d.
is not constant,
When we heat an object, we are increasing
Z the kinetic energy of the random motion of its
W = F dx. (7.4) molecules. The amount of energy required to
heat one kilogram a substance by one degree is
Applying both of these generalizations at once called its specific heat capacity. A useful figure is
gives Z that the specific heat of water is 4.2×103 J/kg·◦ C.
W = F · dx, (7.5)
wish to review section 1.4 on order-of-magnitude 7-j3 In each of the following situations, is the
estimates.) work being done positive, negative, or zero? (a)
a bull paws the ground; (b) a fishing boat pulls
7-g4 All stars, including our sun, show varia- a net through the water behind it; (c) the water
tions in their light output to some degree. Some resists the motion of the net through it; (d) you
stars vary their brightness by a factor of two stand behind a pickup truck and lower a bale of
or even more, but our sun has remained rela- hay from the truck’s bed to the ground. Explain.
tively steady during the hundred years or so that [Based on a problem by Serway and Faughn.]
accurate data have been collected. Neverthe-
less, it is possible that climate variations such 7-j4 (a) Suppose work is done in one-
as ice ages are related to long-term irregulari- dimensional motion. What happens to the work
ties in the sun’s light output. If the sun was if you reverse the direction of the positive coor-
to increase its light output even slightly, it could dinate axis? Base your answer directly on the
melt enough Antarctic ice to flood all the world’s definition of work. (b) Now answer the question
coastal cities. The total sunlight that falls on based on the W = F d rule.
Antarctica amounts to about 1 × 1016 watts. In
the absence of natural or human-caused climate 7-j5 Does it make sense to say that work is
change, this heat input to the poles is balanced conserved?
by the loss of heat via winds, ocean currents, and
emission of infrared light, so that there is no net 7-j6 (a) You release a magnet on a tabletop
melting or freezing of ice at the poles from year near a big piece of iron, and the magnet leaps
to year. Suppose that the sun changes its light across the table to the iron. Does the magnetic
output by some small percentage, but there is no energy increase, or decrease? Explain. (b) Sup-
change in the rate of heat loss by the polar caps. pose instead that you have two repelling mag-
Estimate the percentage by which the sun’s light nets. You give them an initial push towards each
output would have to increase in order to melt other, so they decelerate while approaching each
enough ice to raise the level of the oceans by 10 other. Does the magnetic energy increase, or de-
meters over a period of 10 years. (This would be crease? Explain.
enough to flood New York, London, and many
other cities.) Melting 1 kg of ice requires 3 × 103 7-j7 Students are often tempted to think of
J. potential energy and kinetic energy as if they
were always related to each other, like yin and
7-j1 A ball rolls up a ramp, turns around, yang. To show this is incorrect, give examples of
and comes back down. When does it have the physical situations in which (a) PE is converted
greatest gravitational energy? The greatest ki- to another form of PE, and (b) KE is converted
netic energy? [Based on a problem by Serway to another form of KE.
and Faughn.]
7-j8 Anya and Ivan lean over a balcony side
by side. Anya throws a penny downward with
7-j2 Can gravitational potential energy ever an initial speed of 5 m/s. Ivan throws a penny
be negative? Note that the question refers to upward with the same speed. Both pennies end
P E, not ∆P E, so that you must think about up on the ground below. Compare their kinetic
how the choice of a reference level comes into energies and velocities on impact.
play. [Based on a problem by Serway and
Faughn.] 7-j9 Decide whether the following statements
regarding work and energy are true or false.
(a) The work done by a frictional force depends you’ll observe that the solid doesn’t heat very
only on the initial and final points of the path of quickly, although eventually melting begins in
a particle. one small spot. Once this spot forms, it grows
(b) If a force is perpendicular to the direction rapidly, while the rest of the solid remains solid;
of motion of an object, the force is not changing it appears that a microwave oven heats a liquid
the kinetic energy of the object. much more rapidly than a solid. Explain why
(c) The work done by a conservative force is zero. this should happen, based on the atomic-level
(d) Doubling the amount of time a force is ap- description of heat, solids, and liquids.
plied will double the work done on an object by Don’t repeat the following common mistakes:
the force. In a solid, the atoms are packed more tightly and
(e) Since KE is always positive, the net work on have less space between them. Not true. Ice
a particle must be positive. floats because it’s less dense than water.
In a liquid, the atoms are moving much faster.
7-j10 When you buy a helium-filled balloon, No, the difference in average speed between ice
◦ ◦
the seller has to inflate it from a large metal at −1 C and water at 1 C is only 0.4%.
cylinder of the compressed gas. The helium in-
side the cylinder has energy, as can be demon- 7-j13 The figure above is from a classic 1920
strated for example by releasing a little of it into physics textbook by Millikan and Gale. It rep-
the air: you hear a hissing sound, and that sound resents a method for raising the water from the
energy must have come from somewhere. The to- pond up to the water tower, at a higher level,
tal amount of energy in the cylinder is very large, without using a pump. Water is allowed into the
and if the valve is inadvertently damaged or bro- drive pipe, and once it is flowing fast enough, it
ken off, the cylinder can behave like a bomb or forces the valve at the bottom closed. Explain
a rocket. how this works in terms of conservation of mass
Suppose the company that puts the gas in the and energy.
cylinders prepares cylinder A with half the nor-
mal amount of pure helium, and cylinder B with 7-m1 A grasshopper with a mass of 110 mg
the normal amount. Cylinder B has twice as falls from rest from a height of 310 cm. On the
much energy, and yet the temperatures of both way down, it dissipates 1.1 mJ of heat due to air
cylinders are the same. Explain, at the atomic resistance. At what speed, in m/s, does it hit
level, what form of energy is involved, and why the ground?
cylinder B has twice as much. . Solution, p. 202
7-m2 Suppose that the cost of energy in your
7-j11 Explain in terms of conservation of en- city is 15 cents per kilowatt-hour. A cost-efficient
ergy why sweating cools your body, even though light bulb uses energy at a rate of 25 W. How
the sweat is at the same temperature as your much does it cost to leave the light on for the
body. Describe the forms of energy involved in entire month of January? √
this energy transformation. Why don’t you get
the same cooling effect if you wipe the sweat off 7-m3 Lisa times herself running up the stairs
with a towel? Hint: The sweat is evaporating. of her science building and finds that it takes her
23 s to reach the top floor. Her mass is 44 kg.
7-j12 A microwave oven works by twisting If the vertical height reached is 11.0 m, what is
molecules one way and then the other, counter- minimum average power she would have to have
clockwise and then clockwise about their own produced during the climb (i.e., only taking into
centers, millions of times a second. If you put account the energy required to overcome grav-
an ice cube or a stick of butter in a microwave, ity)?
Problem 7-j13.
goes into the water, not into the dirt it strikes,
7-m4 How long will it take a 3.92 kW motor, and ignore the relatively small amount of energy
operating at full power, to lift a 1150 kg car to required to heat the water from room tempera-
a height of 25.0 m? Assume frictional forces are ture to 100◦ C. [Numerical check, not for credit:
negligible. (To make this more vivid for people Plugging in Eb = 2.3 MJ/kg should give a result √
in the US, 3.92 kW is 5.26 horsepower.) √
of 230 km.]
(b) Show that the units of your answer in part a
7-m5 A roller coaster starts from rest and de- come out right based on the units given for Eb .
scends 35 meters in its initial drop and then rises
23 meters before going over a hill. A passenger 7-m8 Most modern bow hunters in the U.S.
at the top of the hill feels an apparent weight use a fancy mechanical bow called a compound
which is 2/3 of her normal weight. By using the bow, which looks nothing like what most people
fact that the energy loss due to friction must be imagine when they think of a bow and arrow. It
greater than zero, find a bound on the radius of has a system of pulleys designed to produce the
curvature of the first hill. Is this an upper bound, force curve shown in the figure, where F is the
or a lower bound? √
force required to pull the string back, and x is
the distance between the string and the center
7-m6 A piece of paper of mass 4.5 g is of the bow’s body. It is not a linear Hooke’s-
dropped from a height 1.0 m above the ground. law graph, as it would be for an old-fashioned
The paper dissipates 37 mJ of energy through bow. The big advantage of the design is that
frictional heating on its way down. relatively little force is required to hold the bow
(a) How much kinetic energy does the paper have
stretched to point B on the graph. This is the
when it reaches the ground? force required from the hunter in order to hold
(b) What is the speed of the paper when it hits the bow ready while waiting for a shot. Since it
the ground? √
may be necessary to wait a long time, this force
can’t be too big. An old-fashioned bow, designed
7-m7 Let Eb be the energy required to boil to require the same amount of force when fully
one kg of water. (a) Find an equation for the drawn, would shoot arrows at much lower speeds,
minimum height from which a bucket of water since its graph would be a straight line from A
must be dropped if the energy released on im- to B. For the graph shown in the figure (taken
pact is to vaporize it. Assume that all the heat from realistic data), find the speed at which a
26 g arrow is released, assuming that 70% of the there be between the top and bottom of a 50-
mechanical work done by the hand is actually meter waterfall? (c) What assumptions did you
transmitted to the arrow. (The other 30% is lost have to make in order to calculate your answer to
to frictional heating inside the bow and kinetic part b? In reality, would the temperature change
energy of the recoiling and vibrating bow.) √ be more than or less than what you calculated?
[Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.] √
molecule is eight times greater than that of a He Note that this problem can be done without any
atom, what is the ratio of their average speeds? conversions or knowledge of US units. √
Which way is the ratio, i.e., which is typically
moving faster? (b) Use your result from part a 7-s1 A soccer ball of mass m is moving at
to explain why any helium occurring naturally in speed v when you kick it in the same direction
the atmosphere has long since escaped into outer it is moving. You kick it with constant force F ,
space, never to return. (Helium is obtained com- and you want to triple the ball’s speed. Over
mercially by extracting it from rocks.) You may what distance must your foot be in contact with
want to do problem 11-s1 first, for insight. √ the ball? √
7-p3 Two speedboats are identical, but one 7-s2 A laptop of mass m and a desktop com-
has more people aboard than the other. Al- puter of mass 3m are both dropped from the top
though the total masses of the two boats are of a building. The laptop has kinetic energy K
unequal, suppose that they happen to have the when it reaches the ground.
same kinetic energy. In a boat, as in a car, it’s (a) Find the kinetic energy of the desktop ma- √
important to be able to stop in time to avoid chine on impact, in terms of K, m, or both.
hitting things. (a) If the frictional force from (b) Find its speed in terms of the same variables.
the water is the same in both cases, how will
the boats’ stopping distances compare? Explain. 7-s3 A girl picks up a stone of mass m from
(b) Compare the times required for the boats to the ground and throws it at speed v, releasing
stop. the stone from a height h above the ground. If
the maximum power output of the girl is P , how
7-p4 A car starts from rest at t = 0, and many stones could she throw in a time T ?
starts speeding up with constant acceleration.
(a) Find the car’s kinetic energy in terms of its 7-s4 A car accelerates from rest. At low
mass, m, acceleration, a, and the time, t. (b) speeds, its acceleration is limited by static fric-
Your answer in the previous part also equals the tion, so that if we press too hard on the gas, we
amount of work, W , done from t = 0 until time will “burn rubber” (or, for many newer cars, a
t. Take the derivative of the previous expression computerized traction-control system will over-
to find the power expended by the car at time t. ride the gas pedal). At higher speeds, the limit
(c) Suppose two cars with the same mass both on acceleration comes from the power of the en-
start from rest at the same time, but one has gine, which puts a limit on how fast kinetic en-
twice as much acceleration as the other. At any ergy can be developed.
moment, how many times more power is being (a) Show that if a force F is applied to an object
dissipated by the more quickly accelerating car? moving at speed v, the power required is given
(The answer is not 2.) √ by P = vF .
(b) Find the speed v at which we cross over from
7-p5 While in your car on the freeway, you’re the first regime described above to the second.
travelling at a constant speed of 55 miles/hour, At speeds higher than this, the engine does not
requiring a power output of 50 horsepower from have enough power to burn rubber. Express your
the engine. Almost all of the energy provided by result in terms of the car’s power P , its mass m,
the engine is used to fight air resistance, which is the coefficient of static friction µs , and g.
proportional in magnitude to the square of the (c) Show that your answer to part b has units
speed of the car. If you step on the gas pedal that make sense.
all the way and increase the power output to (d) Show that the dependence of your answer on
100 horsepower, what final speed will you reach? each of the four variables makes sense physically.
(e) The 2010 Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible ramp is only half of what it would have been
has a maximum power of 3.23×105 W (433 horse- without friction. Knowing this, what is the coef-
power) and a mass (including a 50-kg driver) of ficient of friction µk in terms of the other given
2.03 × 103 kg. (This power is the maximum the quantities? √
engine can supply at its optimum frequency of
7600 r.p.m. Presumably the automatic trans- 7-s7 Some kids are playing a game where they
mission is designed so a gear is available in which shoot a ball of mass m off a spring into a cup that
the engine will be running at very nearly this fre- is a distance D away from the base of the table
quency when the car is moving at v.) Rubber on (see figure). The ball starts at a height H, and
asphalt has µs ≈ 0.9. Find v for this car. An- the spring has spring constant k. The goal of
swer: 18 m/s, or about 40 miles per hour. the problem is to find the distance you should
(f) Our analysis has neglected air friction, which compress the spring so that the ball lands in the
can probably be approximated as a force propor- cup.
tional to v 2 . The existence of this force is the rea- (a) Infer as much as possible about the form of
son that the car has a maximum speed, which is the result based on units.
176 miles per hour. To get a feeling for how good (b) Find the result. √
an approximation it is to ignore air friction, find
what fraction of the engine’s maximum power is
being used to overcome air resistance when the
car is moving at the speed v found in part e.
Answer: 1%
MB . There is a coefficient of kinetic friction µk positive.
between block A and the table. The system is (b) What is the speed of the box when it is first
released from rest and block B drops a distance in contact with the platform?
D. (c) What is the maximum speed of the box?
(a) What is the work done by gravity on block √
Hint: the box speeds up until the force from the
B? √
spring equals the gravitational force. √
(b) What is the tension in the string? ?
(c) What is the work done on block B by the √
(d) By adding your results in parts a and c, find√
the speed of block B.
(e) Show that the sum of the works done on block
A equals the change in KE of block A.
Problem 7-s12.
7-v2 An object’s potential energy is described (c) What is the velocity of the object when it √
by the function U (x) = −αx2 +βx4 , where α and reaches the unstable equilibrium point?
β are positive constants. (d) What is the lowest value of x that the object
(a) For what positive value of x is the force on
√ gets to? √
the object equal to zero?
p What is the force on the particle when x = 7-v5 A banana starts at rest and is subject
2 α/β? √ to the force shown. This force is the only force
acting on the banana.
8.2 Collisions
A collision is an interaction between particles in
which the particles interact over some period of
time and then stop interacting. It is assumed
that external forces are negligible. Often the re-
sult of a collision can be uniquely predicted by
simultaneously imposing conservation of energy
and conservation of momentum,
Figure 8.1: A hockey puck is released at rest. X X
Will it start moving in some direction? Ej = Ej0 (8.3)
pk = pk , (8.4)
The laws of physics are in fact observed to be
Problems t = τ?
(b) What is the final momentum of the object?
8-a1 When the contents of a refrigerator
cool down, the changed molecular speeds imply 8-d5 The force acting on an object is F =
changes in both momentum and energy. Why, At2 . The object is at rest at time t = 0. What
then, does a fridge transfer power through its is its momentum at t = T ? √
radiator coils, but not force?
. Solution, p. 202
8-a2 A firework shoots up into the air, and 8-g1 Decide whether the following statements
just before it explodes it has a certain momen- about one-dimensional motion are true or false:
tum and kinetic energy. What can you say about (a) The momentum transferred to an object is
the momenta and kinetic energies of the pieces equal to the final momentum of the object.
immediately after the explosion? [Based on a (b) The momentum delivered to an object by a
problem from PSSC Physics.] force F is equal to the average force on the ob-
. Solution, p. 202 ject multiplied by the time over which the force
acts on the object.
8-a3 Two people in a rowboat wish to move
(c) Momentum transfer has the same dimensions
around without causing the boat to move. What
as force (SI units of newtons).
should be true about their total momentum? Ex-
(d) The area underneath a momentum-vs-time
graph gives the average force delivered to an ob-
8-a4 Two blobs of putty collide head-on and
stick. The collision is completely symmetric: the
blobs are of equal mass, and they collide at equal 8-g2 Can the result of a collision always be
speeds. What becomes of the energy the blobs determined by the condition that both energy
had before the collision? The momentum? and momentum are conserved? If your answer is
no, give a counterexample.
8-d1 Derive a formula expressing the kinetic
energy of an object in terms of its momentum 8-g3 The big difference between the equations
and mass. √ for momentum and kinetic energy is that one is
proportional to v and one to v 2 . Both, how-
8-d2 Show that for a body made up of many ever, are proportional to m. Suppose someone
equal masses, the equation for the center of mass
tells you that there’s a third quantity, funkos-
becomes a simple average of all the positions of
ity, defined as f = m2 v, and that funkosity is
the masses. conserved. How do you know your leg is being
8-d3 Objects of mass m and 4m are dropped . Solution, p. 202 ?
from the top of a building (both starting from
rest). When it hits the ground, the object of 8-j1 A mass m moving at velocity v collides
mass m has momentum p. What is the mo- with a stationary target having the same mass
mentum of the heavier object when it hits the m. Find the maximum amount of energy that
ground? can be released as heat and sound. √
8-d4 The force acting on an object is F = 8-j2 A bullet leaves the barrel of a gun with
Ae−t/τ , where A and τ are positive constants. a kinetic energy of 90 J. The gun barrel is 50 cm
The object is at rest at time t = 0. long. The gun has a mass of 4 kg, the bullet 10
(a) What is the momentum of the object at time g.
(a) Find the bullet’s final velocity. √
is the velocity of the cars immediately after the
(b) Find the bullet’s final momentum. collision? √
(c) Find the momentum of the recoiling gun.
(d) Find the kinetic energy of the recoiling gun, 8-j6 Two equal masses travel at equal speeds
and explain why the recoiling gun does not kill and collide in a perfectly inelastic collision. The
the shooter. √ final velocity of the two masses is 1/3 the initial
speed. What was the angle between the veloc-
8-j3 The figure shows the force acting on a ity vectors of the two masses when they collided?
58.5 g tennis ball as a function of time. (Give an exact expression, not a decimal approx-
(a) What is the momentum transferred to the √ imation.) √
tennis ball?
(b) What is the final speed of the tennis ball √if
8-j7 A ball of mass m1 is moving to the right
it is initially at rest?
at speed v0 when it collides with a ball of mass
(c) What is the final speed of the tennis ball if
m2 initially at rest. After the collision, m1 loses
its initial velocity is −25m/s? √ 75% of its initial kinetic energy and has a veloc-
ity at an angle θ1 = 60◦ below the horizontal, as
(a) What is the speed of ball 1 after the collision?
engine stops firing? Assume it goes straight up, heat and sound are produced. Find the velocity
and neglect the force of gravity, which is much of the pin immediately after the collision.
less than a meganewton. √
8-m1 A student of mass M is traveling on
his skateboard of mass m. They are both mov-
ing at speed v, when suddenly the student kicks
the board back so that it is immediately at rest
relative to the ground. How fast is the student
moving after kicking back the skateboard?
8-j9 Cosmic rays are particles from outer
space, mostly protons and atomic nuclei, that
are continually bombarding the earth. Most of
them, although they are moving extremely fast,
have no discernible effect even if they hit your
body, because their masses are so small. Their Problem 8-m2.
energies vary, however, and a very small minority
of them have extremely large energies. In some
cases the energy is as much as several Joules, 8-m3 The figure shows a view from above
which is comparable to the KE of a well thrown of a collision about to happen between two air
rock! If you are in a plane at a high altitude and hockey pucks sliding without friction. They have
are so incredibly unlucky as to be hit by one of the same speed, vi , before the collision, but the
these rare ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, what big puck is 2.3 times more massive than the small
would you notice, the momentum imparted to one. Their sides have sticky stuff on them, so
your body, the energy dissipated in your body when they collide, they will stick together. At
as heat, or both? Base your conclusions on nu- what angle will they emerge from the collision?
merical estimates, not just random speculation. In addition to giving a numerical answer, please
(At these high speeds, one should really take into indicate by drawing on the figure how your angle
account the deviations from Newtonian physics is defined.
described by Einstein’s special theory of relativ- . Solution, p. 202
ity. Don’t worry about that, though.) 8-m4 The moon doesn’t really just orbit the
Earth. By Newton’s third law, the moon’s grav-
8-j10 A 10-kg bowling ball moving at 2.0 m/s itational force on the earth is the same as the
hits a 1.0-kg bowling pin, which is initially at earth’s force on the moon, and the earth must re-
rest. The other pins are all gone already, and the spond to the moon’s force by accelerating. If we
collision is head-on, so that the motion is one- consider the earth and moon in isolation and ig-
dimensional. Assume that negligible amounts of nore outside forces, then Newton’s first law says
their common center of mass doesn’t accelerate, 8-m8 A car of mass M and a truck of mass
i.e., the earth wobbles around the center of mass2M collide head-on with equal speeds v, and the
of the earth-moon system once per month, and collision is perfectly inelastic, i.e., the maximum
the moon also orbits around this point. The possible amount of kinetic energy is transformed
moon’s mass is 81 times smaller than the earth’s.into heat and sound, consistent with conserva-
Compare the kinetic energies of the earth and tion of momentum.
moon. (a) What is the magnitude of the change in mo- √
mentum of the car?
(b) What is the magnitude of the change in mo-
8-m5 A very massive object with velocity v √
mentum of the truck?
collides head-on with an object at rest whose
(c) What is the final speed of the two vehicles?√
mass is very small. No kinetic energy is con-
verted into other forms. Prove that the low-mass
(d) What fraction of the initial kinetic energy
object recoils with velocity 2v. [Hint: Use the
was lost as a result of the collision?
center-of-mass frame of reference.] √
8-m6 An ice puck of mass m, traveling with 8-m9 A 5.00 kg firework is launched straight
speed v, hits another identical ice puck that is up into the air. When it reaches its maximum
sitting at rest. The collision is 1-dimensional. height of H = 140 m, it explodes into two frag-
(a) If the collision is perfectly elastic, what is ments that fly off in horizontal directions. The
the final speed of the puck that was initially at√ explosion is very quick, and only lasts 15 ms.
rest? One of the two fragments (fragment A, with mass
(b) If the collision is perfectly inelastic, what MA = 2.00 kg) lands 290 meters away from the
is the final speed of the two pucks after the √ initial launch position.
collision? (a) Find the speed of fragment A just after the √
(c) If the collision is perfectly inelastic, what explosion.
fraction of the total energy was lost during the √ (b) By using conservation of momentum and
collision? your answer from part a, find the speed of the
(d) If one-fourth of the initial kinetic energy was other fragment (call this fragment B) just after√
lost during the collision, what is the final speed the explosion.
of the puck that was initially at rest? √ (c) Calculate the magnitude of the momentum
transferred to fragment A due to the explosion.
8-m13 A flexible rope of mass m and length
(d) Calculate the magnitude of the impulse de- L slides without friction over the edge of a table.
livered by gravity to fragment A over the course√
Let x be the length of the rope that is hanging
of the explosion. over the edge at a given moment in time.
(e) How far away from the initial launch position (a) Show that x satisfies the equation of motion
does fragment B land? Hint: the center of mass d2 x/ dt2 = gx/L. [Hint: Use F = dp/ dt, which
of the two fragments lands at the location where allows you to handle the two parts of the rope
the firework was initially launched. √
separately even though mass is moving out of
one part and into the other.]
8-m10 An object of mass m, moving at veloc- (b) Give a physical explanation for the fact that
ity u, undergoes a one-dimensional elastic colli- a larger value of x on the right-hand side of the
sion with a mass km that is initially at rest. Let equation leads to a greater value of the acceler-
the positive direction be in the direction of the ation on the left side.
initial motion, so that u > 0. (a) What is the (c) When we take the second derivative of the
final velocity of mass m? function x(t) we are supposed to get essentially
(b) What is the final velocity of the mass km? the same function back again, except for a con-
? stant out in front. The function ex has the prop-
8-m11 Two blocks, each of mass M , are con- erty that it is unchanged by differentiation, so it
nected by a thread and moving with speed v0 . is reasonable to look for solutions to this problem
Between them is also a spring of spring constant that are of the form x = bect , where b and c are
k, and it is compressed a distance x (so that constants. Show that this does indeed provide a
the tension in the thread is kx). Suddenly, the solution for two specific values of c (and for any
thread breaks, and the spring relaxes to its equi- value of b).
librium length. Find the speed of the block that (d) Show that the sum of any two solutions to
is pushed forward by the spring. the equation of motion is also a solution.
? (e) Find the solution for the case where the rope
8-m12 Suppose a system consisting of point- starts at rest at t = 0 with some nonzero value
like particles has a total kinetic energy Kcm mea- of x.
sured in the center-of-mass frame of reference. ?
Since they are pointlike, they cannot have any
energy due to internal motion. 8-m14 A rocket ejects exhaust with an ex-
(a) Prove that in a different frame of reference, haust velocity u. The rate at which the exhaust
moving with velocity u relative to the center- mass is used (mass per unit time) is b. We as-
of-mass frame, the total kinetic energy equals sume that the rocket accelerates in a straight line
Kcm + M |u|2 /2, where M is the total mass. starting from rest, and that no external forces act
[Hint: You can save yourself a lot of writing if on it. Let the rocket’s initial mass (fuel plus the
you express the total kinetic energy using the dot body and payload) be mi , and mf be its final
product.] mass, after all the fuel is used up. (a) Find the
(b) Use this to prove that if energy is conserved rocket’s final velocity, v, in terms of u, mi , and
in one frame of reference, then it is conserved in mf . Neglect the effects of special relativity. (b)
every frame of reference. The total energy equals A typical exhaust velocity for chemical rocket en-
the total kinetic energy plus the sum of the po- gines is 4000 m/s. Estimate the initial mass of
tential energies due to the particles’ interactions a rocket that could accelerate a one-ton payload
with each other, which we assume depends only to 10% of the speed of light, and show that this
on the distance between particles. design won’t work. (For the sake of the estimate,
ignore the mass of the fuel tanks. The speed is
τ =0
9-a5 Find the angular momentum of a parti- 9-d2 Give a numerical comparison of the two
cle whose position is r = 3x̂ − ŷ + ẑ (in meters) molecules’ moments of inertia for rotation in the
and whose momentum is p = −2x̂ + ŷ + ẑ (in plane of the page about their centers of mass.
kg·m/s). √
9-d1 The sun turns on its axis once every 9-d3 A baseball pitcher can throw a curveball
26.0 days. Its mass is 2.0 × 1030 kg and its toward home plate at 138 km/hr with a spin of
radius is 7.0 × 108 m. Assume it is a rigid sphere 2500 r.p.m. What percentage of the total KE
of uniform density. √ of the baseball is in rotational kinetic energy?
(a) What is the sun’s angular momentum? Treat the 145-gram baseball as a uniform sphere
In a few billion years, astrophysicists predict of radius 3.7 cm. √
that the sun will use up all its sources of nuclear
energy, and will collapse into a ball of exotic,
Problem 9-d12.
. Solution, p. 202
Problem 9-d10.
9-e1 The nucleus 168 Er (erbium-168) contains
68 protons (which is what makes it a nucleus of
9-d11 You race a hoop, a solid sphere, and the element erbium) and 100 neutrons. It has
a solid cylinder down an incline of angle θ with an ellipsoidal shape like an American football,
respect to the horizontal. Each object rolls with- with one long axis and two short axes that are of
out slipping. equal diameter. Because this is a subatomic sys-
(a) What is the linear acceleration of the center tem, consisting of only 168 particles, its behav-
of mass of the hoop? ior shows some clear quantum-mechanical prop-
(b) The solid sphere? erties. It can only have certain energy lev-
(c) The solid cylinder?Note this problem is easier els, and it makes quantum leaps between these
if you don’t do each part separately, but rather levels. Also, its angular momentum can only
say that I = cM R2 , and plug in different values have certain values, which are all multiples of
of c at the very end of the calculation. 2.109 × 10−34 kg · m2 /s. The table shows some
of the observed angular momenta and energies of
Er, in SI units (kg · m2 /s and joules).
9-d12 The figure shows a tabletop experi- L × 1034 E × 1014
ment that can be used to determine an unknown 0 0
moment of inertia. A rotating platform of radius 2.109 1.2786
R has a string wrapped around it. The string is 4.218 4.2311
threaded over a pulley and down to a hanging 6.327 8.7919
weight of mass m. The mass is released from 8.437 14.8731
rest, and its downward acceleration a (a > 0) is 10.546 22.3798
measured. Find the total moment of inertia I of 12.655 31.135
the platform plus the object sitting on top of it. 14.764 41.206
(The moment of inertia of the object itself can 16.873 52.223
then be found by subtracting the value for the (a) These data can be described to a good ap-
empty platform.) √ proximation as a rigid end-over-end rotation. Es-
timate a single best-fit value for the moment of
9-d13 Show that when a thin, uniform ring inertia from the data, and check how well the
rotates about a diameter, the moment of inertia data agree with the assumption of rigid-body √
is half as big as for rotation about the axis of rotation.
symmetry. (b) Check whether this moment of inertia is on
the right order of magnitude. The moment of in- 9-e4 Find the moment of inertia of a solid
ertia depends on both the size and the shape of rectangular box of mass M and uniform density,
the nucleus. For the sake of this rough check, ig- whose sides are of length a, b, and c, for rotation
nore the fact that the nucleus is not quite spher- about an axis through its center parallel to the
ical. To estimate its size, use the fact that a neu- edges of length a. √
tron or proton has a volume of about 1 fm3 (one
cubic femtometer, where 1 fm = 10−15 m), and 9-e5 (a) Prove the identity a × (b × c) = b(a ·
assume they are closely packed in the nucleus. c) − c(a · b) by expanding the product in terms
of its components. Note that because the x, y,
9-e2 When we talk about rigid-body rota- and z components are treated symmetrically in
tion, the concept of a perfectly rigid body can the definitions of the vector cross product, it is
only be an idealization. In reality, any object only necessary to carry out the proof for the x
will compress, expand, or deform to some ex- component of the result.
tent when subjected to the strain of rotation. (b) Applying this to the angular R momentum of
However, if we let it settle down for a while, a rigidly rotating body, L = r × (ω × r) dm,
perhaps it will reach a new equilibrium. As an show that the diagonal elements of the moment
example, suppose we fill a centrifuge tube with of
R inertia tensor can be expressed as, e.g., Ixx =
some compressible substance like shaving cream (y 2 + z 2 ) dm.
or Wonder Bread. We can model the contents (c) Find the diagonal elements of the moment of
of the tube as a one-dimensional line of mass, inertia matrix of an ellipsoid with axes of lengths
extending from r = 0 to r = `. Once the ro- a, b, and c, in the principal-axis frame, and with
tation starts, we expect that the contents will the axis at the center. √
be most compressed near the “floor” of the tube
at r = `; this is both because the inward force 9-e6 Let two sides of a triangle be given by
required for circular motion increases with r for the vectors A and B, with their tails at the ori-
a fixed ω, and because the part at the floor has gin, and let mass m be uniformly distributed on
the greatest amount of material pressing “down” the interior of the triangle. (a) Show that the dis-
(actually outward) on it. The linear density tance of the triangle’s center of mass from the in-
dm/ dr, in units of kg/m, should therefore in- tersection of sides A and B is given by 31 |A + B|.
crease as a function of r. Suppose that we have (b) Consider the quadrilateral with mass 2m,
dm/ dr = µer/` , where µ is a constant. Find the and vertices at the origin, A, B, and A + B.
moment of inertia. Show that its moment of inertia, for rotation
about an axis perpendicular to it and passing
through its center of mass, is m 2 2
6 (A + B ).
9-e3 (a) As suggested in the figure, find the (c) Show that the moment of inertia for rotation
area of the infinitesimal region expressed in po- about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the
lar coordinates as lying between r and r +dr and √ original triangle, and passing through its center
between θ and θ + dθ. of mass, is m (A2 + B 2 − A · B). Hint: Combine
(b) Generalize this to find the infinitesimal the results 18 of parts a and b with the result of
element of volume in cylindrical coordinates problem ??.
(r, θ, z), where the Cartesian z axis is perpendic-
ular to the directions measured by r and θ.
9-e7 In this problem we investigate the
(c) Find the moment of inertia for rotation about
notion of division by a vector.
its axis of a cone whose mass is M , whose height
(a) Given a nonzero vector a and a scalar b,
is h, and whose base has a radius b. √ suppose we wish to find a vector u that is the
solution of a · u = b. Show that the solution is
9-g2 Make a rough estimate of the mechanical (b) What is its angular velocity at t = 7 s? √
advantage of the lever shown in the figure. In
other words, for a given amount of force applied
9-g7 A disk starts from rest and rotates about
on the handle, how many times greater is the a fixed axis, subject to a constant torque. The
resulting force on the cork? work done by the torque during the first revolu-
tion is W . What is the work done by the torque
9-g3 An object is observed to have constant during the second revolution? √
angular momentum. Can you conclude that no
Problem 9-m1.
One fairly good approximation to the electrical
energy is the Lennard-Jones formula,
a 6
a 12
U (r) = k −2 ,
r r
Problem 9-s1.
ground on the bar? of mass lies to the right of the point of contact
(c) What is the static frictional force provided with the ground.) (a) What is the tension in the
by the ground on the bar? √
(b) What is the normal force provided by the √
(c) What is the minimum coefficient of friction
required for this configuration to be in static
equilibrium? Evaluate your expression for θ =
30◦ . √
Problem 9-s2.
(a) What is the tension in the rope?
(b) What is the x component of the force from
the hinge on the bar?
(c) What is the y component of the force from
the hinge on the bar? √
Problem 9-s8.
Problem 9-v2.
Problem 9-v1.
Problem 9-v3.
9-v2 A person of mass M is climbing a lad-
der of length L and negligible mass, propped up
against a wall making an angle θ with respect 9-v4 The box shown in the figure is being ac-
to the horizontal. There is no friction between celerated by pulling on it with the rope.
the ladder and the wall, but there is a coefficient (a) Assume the floor is frictionless. What is
of static friction µs between the ladder and the the maximum force that can be applied with- √
ground. What is the maximum distance along out causing the box to tip over?
the ladder that the person can reach before the (b) Repeat part a, but now let the coefficient of
ladder starts to slide? friction be µ.
? (c) What happens to your answer to part b when
9-v3 You wish to determine the mass of a the box is sufficiently tall? How do you interpret
ship in a bottle without taking it out. Show that this?
this can be done with the setup shown in the ?
figure, with a scale supporting the bottle at one 9-v5 (a) The two identical rods are attached
end, provided that it is possible to take readings to one another with a hinge, and are supported
with the ship slid to several different locations. by the two massless cables. Find the angle α in
Note that you can’t determine the position of terms of the angle β, and show that the result is
the ship’s center of mass just by looking at it, a purely geometric one, independent of the other√
and likewise for the bottle. In particular, you variables involved.
can’t just say, “position the ship right on top of (b) Using your answer to part a, sketch the con-
the fulcrum” or “position it right on top of the figurations for β → 0, β = 45◦ , and β = 90◦ . Do
balance.” your results make sense intuitively?
Problem 9-v6.
Problem 9-v4.
Problem 9-v5. 9-v8 The uniform cube has unit weight and
sides of unit length. One corner is attached to
a universal joint, i.e., a frictionless bearing that
9-v6 Two bars of length L are connected with allows any type of rotation. If the cube is in
a hinge and placed on a frictionless cylinder of equilibrium, find the magnitudes of the forces a,
radius r. (a) Show that the angle θ shown in the b, and c.
figure is related to the unitless ratio r/L by the
r cos2 θ
= .
L 2 tan θ
Problem 9-v8.
10 Fluids
This is not a textbook. It’s a book of problems If the forces are to cancel, then this force must be
meant to be used along with a textbook. Although the same on all sides on an object such as a cube,
each chapter of this book starts with a brief sum- so it follows that pressure has no direction: it is
mary of the relevant physics, that summary is a scalar. The SI units of pressure are newtons
not meant to be enough to allow the reader to per square meter, which can be abbreviated as
actually learn the subject from scratch. The pur- pascals, 1 Pa = 1 N/m2 . The pressure of the
pose of the summary is to show what material is earth’s atmosphere at sea level is about 100 kPa.
needed in order to do the problems, and to show Only pressure differences are ordinarily of any
what terminology and notation are being used. importance. For example, your ears hurt when
you fly in an airplane because there is a pressure
difference between your inner ear and the cabin;
10.1 Statics once the pressures are equalized, the pain stops.
We begin by restricting ourselves to the case of Figure 10.1: The pressure is the same at all the
fluid statics, in which the fluid is at rest and in points marked with dots.
equilibrium. A small chunk or “parcel” of the
To find the variation with depth, we consider
fluid has forces acting on it from the adjacent
the vertical forces acting on a tiny, cubical parcel
portions of the fluid. We have assumed that the
of the fluid having infinitesimal height dy, where
parcel is in equilibrium, and if no external forces
positive y is up. By requiring equilibrium, we
are present then these forces must cancel. By
find that the difference in pressure between the
the definition of a fluid these forces are perpen-
top and bottom is dP = −ρg dy. A more elegant
dicular to any part of the imaginary boundary
way of writing this is in terms of a dot product,
surrounding the parcel. Since force is an additive
quantity, the force the fluid exerts on any surface dP = ρg · dy (10.2)
must be proportional to the surface’s area. We which automatically takes care of the plus or mi-
therefore define the pressure to be the (perpen- nus sign, and avoids any requirements about the
dicular) force per unit area, coordinate system. By integrating this equation,
F⊥ we can find the change in pressure ∆P corre-
P = . (10.1) sponding to any change in depth ∆y.
Archimedes’ principle
A helium balloon or a submarine experiences un-
equal pressure above and below, due to the vari-
ation of pressure with depth. The total force
of the surrounding fluid does not vanish, and is
called the buoyant force. In a fluid in equilib-
rium that does not contain any foreign object,
any parcel of fluid evidently has its weight can-
celed out by the buoyant force on it. This buoy-
ant force is unchanged if another object is substi-
tuted for the parcel of fluid, so the buoyant force
on a submerged object is upward and equal to
the weight of the displaced fluid. This is called
Archimedes’ principle.
10.2 Dynamics
We now turn to fluid dynamics, eliminating the
restriction to cases in which the fluid is at rest
and in equilibrium. Mass is conserved, and this Figure 10.2: Due to conservation of mass, the
constrains the ways in which a fluid can flow. stream of water narrows.
For example, it is not possible to have a piece of
pipe with water flowing out of it at each end in- then its kinetic energy changes. If it rises or falls,
definitely. The principle of continuity states that its potential energy changes as well. If there is
when a fluid flows steadily (so that the velocity a net change in KE + P E, then this must be
at any given point is constant over time), mass accomplished through forces from the surround-
enters and leaves a region of space at equal rates. ing fluid. For example, if water is to move uphill
Liquids are highly incompressible, so that it is at constant speed, then there must be a pres-
often a good approximation to assume that the sure difference, such as one produced by a pump.
density is the same everywhere. In the case of Based on these considerations, one can show that
incompressible flow, we can frequently relate the along a streamline of the flow,
rate of steady flow to the cross-sectional area,
as in figure 10.2. Because the water is incom- 1
ρgy + ρv 2 + P = constant, (10.3)
pressible, the rate at which mass flows through a 2
perpendicular cross-section depends only on the
which is Bernoulli’s principle.
product of the velocity and the cross-sectional
area. Therefore as the water falls and acceler-
ates, the cross-sectional area goes down.
Bernoulli’s equation
Consider a parcel of fluid as it flows from one
place to another. If it accelerates or decelerates,
Problem 10-k1.
in each concentric spherical shell is nearly con- This fact had first been demonstrated em-
stant. Therefore for terrestrial gravity, each shell pirically a generation earlier by Galileo, who
acts as though its mass was at the center, and dropped a cannonball and a musketball simul-
the result is the same as if the whole mass was taneously from the leaning tower of Pisa, and
there. observed that they hit the ground at nearly the
same time. This contradicted Aristotle’s long-
accepted idea that heavier objects fell faster.
Modern experiments have verified the universal-
ity of free fall to the phenomenal precision of
about one part in 1011 .
Problem 11-d9.
Problem 11-d10.
Problem 11-d4.
you will find that the total force is slightly dif- the mass of the object, in units of the mass of
ferent from Jupiter’s force. √
the sun, 2 × 1030 kg. If the object was a tightly
packed cluster of normal stars, it should be a
11-g1 Tidal interactions with the earth are very bright source of light. Since no visible light
causing the moon’s orbit to grow gradually is detected coming from it, it is instead believed
larger. Laser beams bounced off of a mirror left to be a supermassive black hole. √
on the moon by astronauts have allowed a mea-
surement of the moon’s rate of recession, which is 11-j3 (a) A geosynchronous orbit is one in
about 4 cm per year. This means that the grav- which the satellite orbits above the equator,
itational force acting between earth and moon and has an orbital period of 24 hours, so
is decreasing. By what fraction does the force that it is always above the same point on the
decrease with each 27-day orbit? spinning earth. Calculate the altitude of such √a
[Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.] satellite.
. Solution, p. 203 (b) What is the gravitational field experienced
11-g2 How high above the Earth’s surface by the satellite? Give your answer as a percent-
must a rocket be in order to have 1/100 the age in relation to the gravitational field at the
weight it would have at the surface? Express earth’s surface.
your answer in units of the radius of the Earth.
11-g3 You are considering going on a space 11-j4 (a) Suppose a rotating spherical body
voyage to Mars, in which your route would be such as a planet has a radius r and a uniform
half an ellipse, tangent to the Earth’s orbit at density ρ, and the time required for one rotation
one end and tangent to Mars’ orbit at the other. is T . At the surface of the planet, the appar-
Your spacecraft’s engines will only be used at ent acceleration of a falling object is reduced by
the beginning and end, not during the voyage. the acceleration of the ground out from under it.
How long would the outward leg of your trip last? Derive an equation for the apparent acceleration
(The orbits of Earth and Mars are nearly circu- of gravity, g, at the equator in terms of r, ρ, T√,
lar, and Mars’s is bigger by a factor of 1.52.)
√ and G.
(b) Applying your equation from a, by what frac-
11-g4 Where would an object have to be lo- tion is your apparent weight reduced at the equa-
cated so that it would experience zero total grav- tor compared to the poles, due to the Earth’s √
itational force from the earth and moon? √ rotation?
(c) Using your equation from a, derive an equa-
11-j1 In a Star Trek episode, the Enterprise tion giving the value of T for which the appar-
is in a circular orbit around a planet when some- ent acceleration of gravity becomes zero, i.e., ob-
thing happens to the engines. Spock then tells jects can spontaneously drift off the surface of
Kirk that the ship will spiral into the planet’s the planet. Show that T only depends on ρ, and √
surface unless they can fix the engines. Is this not on r.
scientifically correct? Why? (d) Applying your equation from c, how long
would a day have to be in order to reduce the
11-j2 Astronomers have recently observed apparent weight of objects at the equator of the
stars orbiting at very high speeds around an un- Earth to zero? [Answer: 1.4 hours]
known object near the center of our galaxy. For (e) Astronomers have discovered objects they
stars orbiting at distances of about 1014 m from called pulsars, which emit bursts of radiation at
the object, the orbital velocities are about 106 regular intervals of less than a second. If a pulsar
m/s. Assuming the orbits are circular, estimate is to be interpreted as a rotating sphere beaming
11-j8 Planet X rotates, as the earth does, 11-m1 Astronomers calculating orbits of
and is perfectly spherical. An astronaut who planets often work in a nonmetric system of
weighs 980.0 N on the earth steps on a scale at units, in which the unit of time is the year, the
the north pole of Planet X and the scale reads unit of mass is the sun’s mass, and the unit of
600.0 N; at the equator of Planet X, the scale distance is the astronomical unit (A.U.), defined
only reads 500.0 N. The distance from the north as half the long axis of the earth’s orbit. In these
pole to the equator is 20,000 km, measured units, find an exact expression for the gravita-
along the surface of Planet X. tional constant, G. √
(a) Explain why the astronaut appears to weigh
more at the north pole of planet X than at the
equator. Which is the “actual” weight of the 11-m2 Suppose that we inhabited a universe
astronaut? Analyze the forces acting on an in which, instead of Newton’s law of gravity, we
astronaut standing on a scale, providing one had F = k m1 m2 /r2 , where k is some constant
analysis for the north pole, and one for the with different units than G. (The force is still
equator. attractive.) However, we assume that a = F/m
(b) Find the mass of planet X. Is planet X more and the rest of Newtonian physics remains true,
massive than the earth, or less massive? The and we use a = F/m to define our mass scale, so
radius of the earth is 6370 km, and its mass is that, e.g., a mass of 2 kg is one which exhibits
5.97 × 1024 kg. half the acceleration when the same force is ap-
plied to it as to a 1 kg mass.
(c) If a 30,000 kg satellite is orbiting the planet
very close to the surface, what is its orbital (a) Is this new law of gravity consistent with
period? Assume planet X has no atmosphere, Newton’s third law?
so that there’s no air resistance. (b) Suppose you lived in such a universe, and you
(d) How long is a day on planet X? Is this longerdropped two unequal masses side by side. What
would happen?
than, or shorter than, the period of the satellite
in part c? (c) Numerically, suppose a 1.0-kg object falls
with an acceleration of 10 m/s2 . What would
be the acceleration of a rain drop with a mass of
0.1 g? Would you want to go out in the rain?
11-j9 A 20.0 kg satellite has a circular or- (d) If a falling object broke into two unequal
bit with a period of 2.40 hours and a radius of pieces while it fell, what would happen?
8.00 × 106 m around planet Z. The magnitude of (e) Invent a law of gravity that results in behav-
the gravitational acceleration on the surface of ior that is the opposite of what you found in part
the planet is 8.00 m/s2 . √
b. [Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.]
(a) What is the mass of planet Z? √
(b) What is the radius of planet Z?
(c) Find the KE and the PE of the satellite. 11-m3 The structures that we see in the
What is the ratio PE/KE (including both magni- universe, such as solar systems, galaxies, and
tude and sign)? You should get an integer. This clusters of galaxies, are believed to have con-
is a special case of something called the virial densed from clumps that formed, due to grav-
theorem. itational attraction, in preexisting clouds of gas
(d) Someone standing on the surface of the and dust. Observations of the cosmic microwave
planet sees a moon orbiting the planet (a cir- background radiation suggest that the mixture
cular orbit) with a period of 20.0 days. What is of hot hydrogen and helium that existed soon
the distance between planet Z and its moon? after the Big Bang was extremely uniform, but
not perfectly so. We can imagine that any region
that started out a little more dense would form a
natural center for the collapse of a clump. Sup- strong gravitational fields, so we expect these es-
pose that we have a spherical region with density timates to be rough.
ρ and radius r, and for simplicity let’s just as- (a) For an object of mass M , what would its ra-
sume that it’s surrounded by vacuum. (a) Find dius have to be if all of its mass was to fit within
the acceleration of the material at the edge of the Schwarzschild radius?
the cloud. To what power of r is it proportional?
(b) Evaluate your equation from part a for M
equal to the masses of the earth and the sun. If
(b) The cloud will take a time t to collapse to these bodies were compressed to approximately
some fraction of its original size. Show that t is these sizes, they would become black holes. (Be-
independent of r. cause these are rough estimates, treat them as
Remark: This result suggests that structures would get having no more than 1 significant figure.)
a chance to form at all scales in the universe. That is, √
solar systems would not form before galaxies got to, or
vice versa. It is therefore physically natural that when
we look at the universe at essentially all scales less than Problems 11-m6-11-m8 all investigate
a billion light-years, we see structure. the following idea. Cosmological surveys at the
largest observable distance scales have detected
structures like filaments. As an idealization of
11-m4 You have a fixed amount of material such a structure, consider a uniform mass distri-
with a fixed density. If the material is formed bution lying along the entire x axis, with mass
into some shape S, then there will be some point density λ in units of kg/m. The purpose of this
in space at which the resulting gravitational field problem is to find the gravitational field created
attains its maximum value gS . What shape max- by this structure at a distance y.
imizes gS ? (a) Determine as much as possible about the
form of the solution, based on units.
(b) To evaluate the actual result, find the contri-
11-m5 The escape velocity of a massive body bution dg to the y component of the field arising
is the speed for which the total energy of a pro- from the mass dm lying between x and x + dx,
jectile is zero: the projectile has just enough then integrate it.
KE to move infinitely far away from the massive . Solution, p. 204
body, with no left-over KE. The escape velocity
depends on the distance from which the projec- 11-m7 Let us slightly change the physical sit-
tile is launched — often the body’s surface. uation described in problem 11-m6, letting the
The Schwarzschild radius (Rs ) of a massive filament have a finite size, while retaining its
body is the radius where the escape velocity is symmetry under rotation about the x axis. The
equal to the speed of light, c = 3.00 × 108 m/s. details don’t actually matter very much for our
An object is called a black hole if it has a purposes, but if we like, we can take the mass
Schwarzschild radius. density to be constant within a cylinder of ra-
An object must be very compact to be a black dius b centered on the x axis. Now consider the
hole. For example, escape velocity from the sur- following two limits:
face of the earth is tens of thousands of times less
than c, as is the escape velocity for a projectile g1 = lim lim g and
y→0 b→0
launched from the center of the earth through a
hypothetical radial, evacuated tunnel. g2 = lim lim g.
b→0 y→0
In this problem we will make some numerical
estimates of how compact an object has to be in Each of these is a limit inside another limit, the
order to be a black hole. We will use Newtonian only difference being the order of the limits. Ei-
gravity, which is a poor approximation for such ther of these could be used as a definition of the
field at a point on an infinitely thin filament. Do 11-p3 The shell theorem describes two cases,
they agree? inside and outside. Show that for an alternative
law of gravity F = GM mr (with r1 rather than
11-m8 Suppose we have a mass filament like r ), the outside case still holds.
the one described in problems 11-m6 and 11-m7,
but now rather than taking it to be straight, let
it have the shape of an arbitrary smooth curve. 11-p4 The figure shows a region of outer
Locally, “under a microscope,” this curve will space in which two stars have exploded, leaving
look like an arc of a circle, i.e., we can describe behind two overlapping spherical shells of gas,
its shape solely in terms of a radius of curvature. which we assume to remain at rest. The figure is
As in problem 11-m7, consider a point P lying a cross-section in a plane containing the shells’
on the filament itself, taking g to be defined as centers. A space probe is released with a very
in definition g1 . Investigate whether g is finite, small initial speed at the point indicated by the
and also whether it points in a specific direction. arrow, initially moving in the direction indicated
To clarify the mathematical idea, consider the by the dashed line. Without any further infor-
following two limits: mation, predict as much as possible about the
path followed by the probe and its changes in
1 speed along that path.
A = lim and
x→0 x
B = lim 2 .
x→0 x
11-p5 Approximate the earth’s density as be-
We say that A = ∞, while B = +∞, i.e., both ing constant. (a) Find the gravitational field at
diverge, but B diverges with a definite sign. For a point P inside the earth and half-way between
a straight filament, as in problem 11-m6, with an the center and the surface. Express your result
infinite radius of curvature, symmetry guaran- as a ratio gP /gS relative to the field we expe-
tees that the field at P has no specific direction, rience at the surface. (b) As a check on your
in analogy with limit A. For a curved filament, answer, make sure that the same reasoning leads
a calculation is required in order to determine to a reasonable result when the fraction 1/2 is re-
whether we get behavior A or B. Based on your placed by the value 0 (P being the earth’s center)
result, what is the expected dynamical behavior or the value 1 (P being a point on the surface).
of such a filament?
11-p1 11-p6
(a) If the earth was of uniform density, The earth is divided into solid inner
would your weight be increased or decreased at core, a liquid outer core, and a plastic mantle.
the bottom of a mine shaft? Explain. Physical properties such as density change dis-
continuously at the boundaries between one layer
(b) In real life, objects weigh slightly more at the
bottom of a mine shaft. What does that allow and the next. Although the density is not com-
us to infer about the Earth? pletely constant within each region, we will ap-
proximate it as being so for the purposes of this
problem. (We neglect the crust as well.) Let R
11-p2 Consult a proof of the shell theorem be the radius of the earth as a whole and M its
in your textbook or in some other source such mass. The following table gives a model of some
as Wikipedia.Prove that the theorem fails if the properties of the three layers, as determined by
exponent of r in Newton’s law of gravity differs methods such as the observation of earthquake
from −2. waves that have propagated from one side of the
planet to the other.
Problem 11-p4.
where c = b/2m and ω = [k/m − b2 /4m2 ]1/2 . (1) The steady-state response to a sinusoidal
It is customary to describe the amount of driving force occurs at the frequency of the force,
damping with a quantity called the quality fac- not at the system’s own natural frequency of vi-
tor, Q, defined as the number of cycles required bration.
for the energy to fall off by a factor of e2π ≈ 535. (2) A vibrating system resonates at its own
The terminology arises from the fact that friction natural frequency.1 That is, the amplitude of the
is often considered a bad thing, so a mechanical steady-state response is greatest in proportion
device that can vibrate for many oscillations be- to the amount of driving force when the driving
fore it loses a significant fraction of its energy force matches the natural frequency of vibration.
would be considered a high-quality device. (3) When a system is driven at resonance, the
Underdamped motion occurs for Q > 1/2. For steady-state vibrations have an amplitude that
the case Q < 1/2, referred to as overdamped, is proportional to Q.
there are no oscillations, and the motion is a de- (4) The FWHM of a resonance, defined in fig-
caying exponential. ure 12.1, is related to its Q and its resonant fre-
quency fres by the equation
12.4 Driven oscillations FWHM = .
earth using pendula. If the highest and low- of the glider.
est latitudes accessible to explorers were 0 and (b) Notice that the graph says that the maxi-
70 degrees, then the the strength of gravity mum acceleration of the glider is 12.0 m/s2 . Use
would in reality be observed to vary over a range this to find the amplitude of oscillations, A.
from about 9.780 to 9.826 m/s2 . This change, (c) When the glider is A/3 away from its equilib-
amounting to 0.046 m/s2 , is greater than the rium position, what are its kinetic and potential
0.022 m/s2 effect to be expected if the earth had energies?
been spherical. The greater effect occurs because (d) Suppose x(t) = A cos(ωt+φ), where 0 ≤ φ <
the equator feels a reduction due not just to the 2π. Find φ. √
acceleration of the spinning earth out from un-
der it, but also to the greater radius of the earth
at the equator. What is the accuracy with which
the period of a one-second pendulum would have
to be measured in order to prove that the earth
was not a sphere, and that it bulged at the equa-
tor? √
Problem 12-g4.
Problem 12-g2.
U = −Bm cos θ,
12-j1 A mass m on a spring oscillates around Problems 12-k1 through 12-k4 require specific
an equilibrium at x = 0. Any function F (x) knowledge of the properties of simple and physi-
with an equilibrium at x = 0, F (0) = 0, cal pendulums.
can be approximated as F (x) = −kx, and if 12-k1 A simple pendulum of length L is re-
the spring’s behavior is symmetric with respect leased from from angle θ. Solve for the maximum
to positive and negative values of x, so that speed of the pendulum bob two ways: √
F (−x) = −F (x), then the next level of im- (a) Exactly, by using conservation of energy.
provement in such an approximation would be (b) Approximately, by assuming θ 1, using
F (x) = −kx − bx3 . The general idea here is |vmax | = Aω, and writing A and ω in terms of
that any smooth function can be approximated the given quantities. Your result is the first non-
locally by a polynomial, and if you want a better zero term in the Taylor expansion of the exact
approximation, you can use a polynomial with answer around θ = 0. √
more terms in it. When you ask your calculator
to calculate a function like sin or ex , it’s using a 12-k2 A pendulum of length L has period
polynomial approximation with 10 or 12 terms. T on Earth. If a pendulum of length 2L has a
Physically, a spring with a positive value of b gets period 4T on planet W, then what is the accel-
stiffer when stretched strongly than an “ideal” eration due to gravity on planet W? Give your
spring with b = 0. A spring with a negative b answer to two significant figures. √
is like a person who cracks under stress — when
you stretch it too much, it becomes more elastic 12-k3 A uniform rod of length L is hung at
than an ideal spring would. We should not ex- one end. What is the period of oscillations for
pect any spring to give totally ideal behavior no this physical pendulum? √
matter no matter how much it is stretched. For
example, there has to be some point at which it 12-k4 A pendulum with length L has pe-
breaks. riod T when a very small mass is placed at the
Do a numerical simulation of the oscillation of end of it (with size much less than L). Suppose
a mass on a spring whose force has a nonvan- we do not want to ignore the size of the bob.
ishing b. Is the period still independent of am- Consider a spherical bob with radius xL (x is a
plitude? Is the amplitude-independent equation dimensionless constant, and L is the length of
for the period still approximately valid for small the string, connecting the pivot to the center of
enough amplitudes? Does the addition of an x3 the bob). The periodpof motion of this physical
term with b > 0 tend to increase the period, or pendulum is T = 2π L/gf (x). What is f (x)?
decrease it? Include a printout of your program Your expression for f (x) should satisfy f (0) = 1.
and its output with your homework paper. (Why?) √
12-j2 An idealized pendulum consists of a 12-m1 If one stereo system is capable of pro-
pointlike mass m on the end of a massless, rigid ducing 20 watts of sound power and another can
rod of length L. Its amplitude, θ, is the angle the put out 50 watts, how many times greater is the
rod makes with the vertical when the pendulum amplitude of the sound wave that can be created
is at the end of its swing. Write a numerical sim- by the more powerful system? (Assume they are
ulation to determine the period of the pendulum playing the same music.)
for any combination of m, L, and θ. Examine
the effect of changing each variable while manip- 12-m2 What fraction of the total energy of
ulating the others. an object undergoing SHM is kinetic at time t =
T /3 (where T is the period of motion) if:
(a) the object is at maximum displacement from
equilibrium at t = 0; 12-p2 (a) We observe that the amplitude of
(b) the object is at equilibrium at t = 0. √
a certain free oscillation decreases from Ao to √
Ao /Z after n oscillations. Find its Q.
12-m3 An object undergoing simple har- (b) The figure is from Shape memory in Spider
monic motion has amplitude A and angular fre- draglines, Emile, Le Floch, and Vollrath, Nature
quency ω. What is the speed of the object when 440:621 (2006). Panel 1 shows an electron mi-
it is at a distance x = A/4 from equilibrium? croscope’s image of a thread of spider silk. In
2, a spider is hanging from such a thread. From
12-m4 A spring is attached to a wall as shown an evolutionary point of view, it’s probably a
(the horizontal surface is frictionless). One fact bad thing for the spider if it twists back and
is known about the spring: when compressed a forth while hanging like this. (We’re referring
distance 11.0 cm, the spring holds 1.00 J of elas- to a back-and-forth rotation about the axis of
tic potential energy. the thread, not a swinging motion like a pendu-
(a) What mass M must be attached to the spring lum.) The authors speculate that such a vibra-
so that it will oscillate with a period of 1.00 s?√ tion could make the spider easier for predators
to see, and it also seems to me that it would be
(b) If the amplitude of the motion is 5.00 cm and a bad thing just because the spider wouldn’t be
the period is that specified in part a, where is the able to control its orientation and do what it was
object (relative to equilibrium) and in what di- trying to do. Panel 3 shows a graph of such an
rection is it moving 0.35 s after it has passed the oscillation, which the authors measured using a
equilibrium position, moving to the left? video camera and a computer, with a 0.1 g mass
(c) At the instant described in part b, what are hung from it in place of a spider. Compared to
the kinetic and potential energies of the system? human-made fibers such as kevlar or copper wire,
the spider thread has an unusual set of proper-
(d) What force (magnitude and direction) does ties:
the spring exert on mass M when it is 3.00 cm 1. It has a low Q, so the vibrations damp out
to the right of the equilibrium position, moving quickly.
to the right?
2. It doesn’t become brittle with repeated
12-p1 (a) Let W be the amount of work done twisting as a copper wire would.
by friction in the first cycle of oscillation, i.e., the 3. When twisted, it tends to settle in to a new
amount of energy lost to heat. Find the fraction equilibrium angle, rather than insisting on
of the original energy E that remains in the os- returning to its original angle. You can see
cillations after n cycles of motion. this in panel 2, because although the exper-
(b) From this, prove the equation imenters initially twisted the wire by 35 de-
Q grees, the thread only performed oscillations
1− = e−2π with an amplitude much smaller than ±35
E degrees, settling down to a new equilibrium
at 27 degrees.
(recalling that the number 535 in the definition
of Q is e2π ). 4. Over much longer time scales (hours), the
(c) Use this to prove the approximation 1/Q ≈ thread eventually resets itself to its origi-
(1/2π)W/E. (Hint: Use the approximation nal equilbrium angle (shown as zero degrees
ln(1 + x) ≈ x, which is valid for small values on the graph). (The graph reproduced here
of x, as shown on p. ??.) only shows the motion over a much shorter
time scale.) Some human-made materials
Problem 12-p2.
Problem 12-m4.
would the amplification be at least a factor of (c) Use the previous result, combined with
50? the result of problem 4, to prove that Q equals
k/2πbf .
(d) Combine the preceding result for Q with
12-s2 As noted in section ??, it is only ap- the equation FWHM = b/2πm from section ??
proximately true that the amplitude has itspmax- to prove the equation FWHM = fres /Q.
imum at the natural frequency (1/2π) k/m.
Being more careful, we should actually p define
two different symbols, fo = (1/2π) k/m and
fres for the slightly different frequency at which
the amplitude is a maximum, i.e., the actual res-
onant frequency. In this notation, the amplitude
as a function of frequency is
A= q .
2π 4π 2 m2 (f 2 − f02 ) + b2 f 2
12-s5 An oscillator has Q=6.00, and, for con-
Show that the maximum occurs not at fo but venience, let’s assume F = 1.00, ω = 1.00, and
m o
rather at m = 1.00. The usual approximations would give
r r
b2 1
fres = f0 − 2 2 = f02 − FWHM2
2 ωres = ωo ,
8π m 2
Ares = 6.00, and
Hint: Finding the frequency that minimizes the ∆ω = 1/6.00.
quantity inside the square root is equivalent to,
but much easier than, finding the frequency that Determine these three quantities numerically us-
maximizes the amplitude. ing the result derived on page ?? , and compare
with the approximations.
12-s3 An oscillator with sufficiently strong
damping has its maximum response at ω = 0.
Using the result derived on page ?? , find the
value of Q at which this behavior sets in.
situation that we’re trying to measure. From the 13.5 The field of a continu-
definition, we see that the electric field is a vec-
tor with units of newtons per coulumb, N/C. Its ous charge distribution
gravitational counterpart is the familiar g, whose
magnitude on earth is about 9.8 m/s2 . Because The field of a continuous charge distribution can
forces combine according to the rules of vector be found by integrating the contribution to the
addition, it follows that the electric field of a field from each infinitesimal part of the distribu-
combination of charges is the vector sum of the tion.
fields that would have been produced individu-
ally by those charges.
The electric field contains energy. The electri- 13.6 Gauss’s law
cal energy contained in an infinitesimal volume
dv is given by dUe = (1/8πk)E 2 dv. When we look at the “sea of arrows” represen-
tation of a field, 13.1/1, there is a natural visual
tendency to imagine connecting the arrows as in
13.3 Conductors and insula- 13.1/2. The curves formed in this way are called
field lines, and they have a direction, shown by
tors the arrowheads.
Some materials, such as metals, are good elec-
trical conductors, meaning that they contain
charges that are free to move. A material like
dry wood is an insulator, because it contains few
such free charges. When a perfect conductor is in
static equilibrium, any net charge is on the sur-
face, and the electric field is zero on its interior.
The electric field at the surface is perpendicular
to the surface.
When the total charge is zero, this relation Electric field lines originate from positive
uniquely defines d, regardless of the point chosen charges and terminate on negative ones. We can
as the axis. In the simplest case, of charges +q choose a constant of proportionality that fixes
and −q at opposite ends of a stick of length `, how coarse or fine the “grain of the wood” is,
the dipole moment has magnitude q` and points but once this choice is made the strength of each
from the negative charge to the positive one. The charge is shown by the number of lines that be-
potential energy of a dipole in an external field gin or end on it. For example, figure 13.1/2
is shows eight lines at each charge, so we know that
U = −d · E. (13.4) q1 /q2 = (−8)/8 = −1. Because lines never begin
or end except on a charge, we can always find waves flying around. Gauss’s law can be thought
the total charge inside any given region by sub- of as a definition of electric charge.
tracting the number of lines that go in from the
number that come out and multiplying by the
appropriate constant of proportionality. Ignor- 13.7 Gauss’s law in differen-
ing the constant, we can apply this technique to tial form
figure 13.2 to find qA = −8, qB = 2 − 2 = 0, and
qC = 5 − 5 = 0. Gauss’ law is a bit spooky. It relates the field on
the Gaussian surface to the charges inside the
surface. What if the charges have been moving
around, and the field at the surface right now
is the one that was created by the charges in
their previous locations? Gauss’ law — unlike
Coulomb’s law — still works in cases like these,
but it’s far from obvious how the flux and the
charges can still stay in agreement if the charges
have been moving around.
Figure 13.2: The number of field lines coming For this reason, it would be more physically at-
in and out of each region depends on the total tractive to restate Gauss’ law in a different form,
charge it encloses. so that it related the behavior of the field at one
point to the charges that were actually present
Let us now make this description more math- at that point. We define the divergence of the
ematically precise. Given a smooth, closed sur- electric field,
face such as the ones in figure 13.2, we have an ∂Ex ∂Ey ∂Ez
inside and an outside, so that at any point on div E = + + .
∂x ∂y ∂z
the surface we can define a unit normal n̂ (i.e.,
a vector with magnitude 1, perpendicular to the Gauss’s law in differential form is
surface) that points outward. Given an infinitesi-
mally small piece of the surface, with area dA, we div E = 4πkρ.
define an area vector dA = n̂ dA. The infinites-
imal flux dΦ through this infinitesimal patch of
the surface is defined as dΦ = E · dA, and in-
tegrating Rover theR entire surface gives the total
flux Φ = dΦ = E · dA. Intuitively, the flux
measures how many field lines pierce the surface.
Gauss’s law states that
qin = , (13.5)
where qin is the total charge inside a closed sur-
face, and Φ is the flux through the surface. (In
terms of the constant 0 = 1/(4πk), we have
qin = 0 Φ.)
Unlike Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law holds in
all circumstances, even when there are charges
moving in complicated ways and electromagnetic
Problem 13-a3.
13-a5 Suppose that a proton in a lead nucleus and magnitude of the total force on it? Assume
wanders out to the surface of the nucleus, and there are no other defects nearby in the crystal
experiences a strong nuclear force of about 8 kN besides the two shown here. √
from the nearby neutrons and protons pulling it
back in. Compare this numerically to the repul-
sive electrical force from the other protons, and
verify that the net force is attractive. A lead
nucleus is very nearly spherical, is about 6.5 fm
in radius, and contains 82 protons, each with a
charge of +e, where e = 1.60 × 10−19 C. √
13-a10 As shown in the figure, a particle upper atmosphere. Lightning occurs when the
of mass m and charge q hangs from a string of magnitude of the electric field builds up to a crit-
length `, forming a pendulum fixed at a central ical value, Ec , at which air is ionized.
point. Another charge q is fixed at the same (a) Treat the cloud as a flat square with sides of
distance `, directly below the center. Find the length L. If it is at a height h above the ground,
equilibrium values of θ and determine whether find the amount of energy released in the light- √
they are stable or unstable. ning strike.
? (b) Based on your answer from part a, which is
more dangerous, a lightning strike from a high-
altitude cloud or a low-altitude one?
(c) Make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the
energy released by a typical lightning bolt, as-
suming reasonable values for its size and altitude.
Ec is about 106 N/C.
See problem ?? for a note on how recent re-
search affects this estimate.
Problem 13-a10.
13-g3 Find an arrangement of charges that
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the interior field has zero total charge and zero dipole moment,
when the two capacitors are put together in the but that will make nonvanishing electric fields.
manner shown. Ignore effects arising from the
redistribution of each capacitor’s charge under √
13-g4 This is a one-dimensional problem,
the influence of the other capacitor. with everything confined to the x axis. Dipole
(c) Calculate the energy of the put-together con- A consists of a −1.000 C charge at x = 0.000 m
figuration. Does assembling them like this re- and a 1.000 C charge at x = 1.000 m. Dipole
lease energy, consume energy, or neither? √ B has a −2.000 C charge at x = 0.000 m and a
2.000 C charge at x = 0.500 m.
13-g1 P The definition of the dipole moment, (a) Compare the two dipole moments.
D = qi ri , involves the vector ri stretching (b) Calculate the field created by dipole A at
from the origin of our coordinate system out to x = 10.000 m, and compare with the field dipole
the charge qi . There are clearly cases where this B would make. Comment on the result. √
causes the dipole moment to be dependent on
the choice of coordinate system. For instance, if 13-g5 A dipole has a midplane, i.e., the plane
there is only one charge, then we could make the that cuts through the dipole’s center, and is per-
dipole moment equal zero if we chose the origin pendicular to the dipole’s axis. Consider a two-
to be right on top of the charge, or nonzero if we charge dipole made of point charges ±q located
put the origin somewhere else. at z = ±`/2. Use approximations to find the
(a) Make up a numerical example with two field at a distant point in the midplane, and show
charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign. that its magnitude comes out to be kD/R (half
Compute the dipole moment using two different what it would be at a point on the axis lying an
coordinate systems that are oriented the same equal distance from the dipole).
way, but differ in the choice of origin. Comment
on the result. 13-j1 Astronomers believe that the mass dis-
(b) Generalize the result of part a to any pair of tribution (mass per unit volume) of some galax-
charges with equal magnitude and opposite sign. ies may be approximated, in spherical coordi-
This is supposed to be a proof for any arrange- nates, by ρ = ae−br , for 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞, where ρ is
ment of the two charges, so don’t assume any the density. Find the total mass.
(c) Generalize further, to n charges. 13-j2 A hydrogen atom in a particular state
has the charge density (charge per unit volume)
13-g2 Compare the two dipole moments. of the electron cloud given by ρ = ae−br z 2 , where
r is the distance from the proton, and z is the co-
ordinate measured along the z axis. Given that
the total charge of the electron cloud must be
−e, find a in terms of the other variables.
approaches infinity. Note that λ is not changing, to Einstein’s famous equation E = mc2 , the energy re-
so as L gets bigger, the total charge Q increases. quired to create such a pair should only be 2mc , which
is finite. One way out of this difficulty is to assume that
no particle is really pointlike, and this is in fact the main
(b) It can be shown that the field of an infinite, motivation behind a speculative physical theory called
uniformly charged plane is 2πkσ. Now you’re string theory, which posits that charged particles are ac-
going to rederive the same result by a different tually tiny loops, not points. √
method. Suppose that it is the x − y plane that
is charged, and we want to find the field at the 13-j6 (a) A rod of length L is uniformly
point (0, 0, z). (Since the plane is infinite, there charged with charge Q. It can be shown by in-
is no loss of generality in assuming x = 0 and tegration that the field at a point lying in the
y = 0.) Imagine that we slice the plane into an midplane
h p of the rod ati a distance R is E =
infinite number of straight strips parallel to the y kλL/ R2 1 + L2 /4R2 , where λ is the charge
axis. Each strip has infinitesimal width dx, and per unit length. Show that this field reduces to
extends from x to x + dx. The contribution any E = 2kλ/R in the limit of L → ∞.
one of these strips to the field at our point has a (b) An infinite strip of width b has a surface
magnitude which can be found from part a. By charge density σ. Find the field at a point at
vector addition, prove the desired result for the a distance z from the strip, lying in the plane √
field of the plane of charge. perpendicularly bisecting the strip.
(c) Show that this expression has the correct be-
13-j4 Consider the electric field created by havior in the limit where z approaches zero, and
a uniformly charged cylindrical surface that ex- also in the limit of z b. For the latter, you’ll
tends to infinity in one direction. need the result of problem 13-j3a, which is given
(a) Show that the field at the center of the cylin- on page ??.
der’s mouth is 2πkσ, which happens to be the
same as the field of an infinite flat sheet of 13-j7 A solid cylinder of radius b and length `
charge! is uniformly charged with a total charge Q. Find
(b) This expression is independent of the radius the electric field at a point at the center of one
of the cylinder. Explain why this should be so. of the flat ends.
For example, what would happen if you doubled
the cylinder’s radius? 13-m1 A sphere of radius b contains a uni-
form charge density ρ. Use Gauss’s law to find
13-j5 (a) Show that the energy in the electric the electric field at radius r ≤ b, and verify that
field of a point charge is infinite! Does the the result is the same as the one obtained using
integral diverge at small distances, at large Newton’s shell theorem for gravity. Problem by
distances, or both? P. Widmann. √
(b) Now calculate the energy in the electric
field of a uniformly charged sphere with radius 13-m2 A spherical shell of uniform charge
b. Based on the shell theorem, it can be shown density ρ extends from r = a to r = b. Find the
that the field for r > b is the same as for a point field in the regions r ≤ a, a ≤ r ≤ b, and r ≥ b.
charge, while the field for r < b is kqr/b3 . (Ex- Problem by P. Widmann. √
ample ?? shows this using a different technique.)
13-m3 A piece of metal contains a hollow
Remark: The calculation in part a seems to show that spherical cavity of radius a, and at the center of
infinite energy would be required in order to create a
this cavity is a point charge q. Find the charge
charged, pointlike particle. However, there are processes
that, for example, create electron-positron pairs, and density on the inner surface of the cavity. Prob-
these processes don’t require infinite energy. According lem by P. Widmann.
field given by E = bx̂ sin cz, where b and c are
13-m4 An infinite, uniform slab of charge constants. (There would also be an associated
with density ρ extends from x = 0 to x = h. magnetic field.) We observe that light can travel
The distant field on the left is zero. Find the through a vacuum, so we expect that this wave
field in the three regions x ≤ 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ h, and pattern is consistent with the nonexistence of any
h ≤ x. Problem by P. Widmann. charge in the space it’s currently occupying. Use
Gauss’s law to prove that this is true.
13-m5 Assume the earth is an infinite flat
sheet, as some persons claim. Flat-earth cos-
mologies often omit any description of what’s on
the flip side, so let’s assume that the gravita-
tional field is zero there. If the density of the
earth is 4 g/cm3 , find the thickness that the earth 13-m10 An electric field is given in cylindrical
must have in order to give g = 9.8 m/s2 on our coordinates (R, φ, z) by ER = ce−u|z| R−1 cos2 φ,
side. Problem by P. Widmann. √ where the notation ER indicates the component
of the field pointing directly away from the axis,
13-m6 Use Gauss’ law to find the field inside and the components in the other directions are
an infinite cylinder with radius b and uniform zero. (This isn’t a completely impossible ex-
charge density ρ. √ pression for the field near a radio transmitting
antenna.) (a) Find the total charge enclosed
13-m7 In a certain region of space, the elec- within the infinitely long cylinder extending from
tric field is constant (i.e., the vector always has the axis out to R = b. (b) Interpret the R-
the same magnitude and direction). For simplic- dependence of your answer to part a.
ity, assume that the field points in the positive
x direction. (a) Use Gauss’s law to prove that
there is no charge in this region of space. This is
most easily done by considering a Gaussian sur-
face consisting of a rectangular box, whose edges
are parallel to the x, y, and z axes. 13-m11 An electron in an atom acts like a
(b) If there are no charges in this region of space, probability cloud surrounding the nucleus. For
what could be making this electric field? a hydrogen atom in its lowest-energy state, the
probability falls off exponentially, so we can
13-m8 (a) In a certain region of space, the mock this up with a charge density ρ = ρ0 e−r/a ,
electric field is given by E = bxx̂, where b is a where r is the distance from the nucleus, and
constant. Find the amount of charge contained ρ0 and a are constants. Find the electric field.
within a cubical volume extending from x = 0 to Problem by P. Widmann. √
x = a, from y = 0 to y = a, and from z = 0 to
z = a.
(b) Repeat for E = bxẑ.
(c) Repeat for E = 13bzẑ − 7cz ŷ.
(d) Repeat for E = bxzẑ.
ues of the charges on the plates from q to q + ∆q: When a capacitor has the space between its
electrodes filled with a dielectric, its capacitance
V = (Eq+∆q − Eq )/∆q is increased by the factor /0 .
At a boundary between two different materi-
∆ 1 2
= q als, if there is no free charge at the boundary,
∆q 2C
q the components of the fields D⊥ and Ek are con-
= tinuous.
Many books use this as the definition of capac-
itance. It follows from this relation that capac- 14.4 Poisson’s equation and
itances in parallel add, Cequivalent = C1 + C2 ,
whereas when they are wired in series, it is their
Laplace’s equation
−1 −1 −1
inverses that add, Cequivalent = C1 + C2 . Gauss’s law, div E = 4πkρ, can also be stated in
terms of the potential. Since E = ∇V , we have
div ∇V = 4πkρ. If we work out the combination
14.3 Dielectrics of operators div ∇ in a Cartesian coordinate sys-
tem, we get ∂ 2 /∂x2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 + ∂ 2 /∂z 2 , which
Many electrically insulating materials fall into a is called the Laplacian and notated ∇2 . The
category known as dielectrics. Such materials version of Gauss’s law written in terms of the
can be modeled as containing many microscopic potential,
dipoles (molecules) that are randomly oriented
∇2 V = 4πkρ,
but can become aligned when subjected to an
external field. When we apply Gauss’s law to a is called Poisson’s equation, while in the special
region of space in which a dielectric is present, case of a vacuum, with ρ = 0, we have
the charge can have contributions both from free
charges (such as the ones that flow in a circuit) ∇2 V = 0,
measurable with measuring devices such as am-
meters, but also from the bound, microscopic known as Laplace’s equation. Many problems
charges inside the dipoles. It can therefore be in electrostatics can be stated in terms of find-
useful to rewrite Gauss’s law as ing potential that satisfies Laplace’s equation,
usually with some set of boundary conditions.
ΦD = qfree , For example, if an infinite parallel-plate capac-
itor has plates parallel to the x-y plane at cer-
where tain given potentials, then these plates form a
D = E. boundary for the region between the plates, and
Laplace’s equation has a solution in this region
When the field is constant over time and not of the form V = az + b. It’s easy to verify that
too strong, is approximately constant, and is this is a solution of Laplace’s equation, since all
a property of the material called its permittiv- three of the partial derivatives vanish.
ity. In a vacuum, = 1/4πk, referred to as 0 ,
while a dielectric has > 0 . With time-varying
fields, most materials have permittivities that 14.5 The method of images
are highly frequency-dependent. For materials
such as crystals, which have special directions A car’s radio antenna is usually in the form of
defined by the regular atomic lattice, cannot a whip sticking up above its metal roof. This
be modeled as a scalar, and the relation between is an example involving radio waves, which are
D and E becomes more complicated. time-varying electric and magnetic fields, but a
. Solution, p. 204 hydrogen is a gas, and we want a foil for our
target, we have to use a hydrogen compound,
14-a5 The figure shows a simplified diagram
such as a plastic. Discuss what effect this would
of a device called a tandem accelerator, used for
have on the experiment.
accelerating beams of ions up to speeds on the
order of 1-10% of the speed of light. (Since these
velocities are not too big compared to c, you can
use nonrelativistic physics throughout this prob-
lem.) The nuclei of these ions collide with the
nuclei of atoms in a target, producing nuclear
reactions for experiments studying the structure
of nuclei. The outer shell of the accelerator is Problem 14-a5.
a conductor at zero voltage (i.e., the same volt-
age as the Earth). The electrode at the cen-
ter, known as the “terminal,” is at a high posi- 14-d1 A hydrogen atom is electrically neu-
tive voltage, perhaps millions of volts. Negative tral, so at large distances, we expect that it will
ions with a charge of −1 unit (i.e., atoms with create essentially zero electric field. This is not
one extra electron) are produced offstage on the true, however, near the atom or inside it. Very
right, typically by chemical reactions with ce- close to the proton, for example, the field is very
sium, which is a chemical element that has a strong. To see this, think of the electron as a
strong tendency to give away electrons. Rela- spherically symmetric cloud that surrounds the
tively weak electric and magnetic forces are used proton, getting thinner and thinner as we get
to transport these −1 ions into the accelerator, farther away from the proton. (Quantum me-
where they are attracted to the terminal. Al- chanics tells us that this is a more correct pic-
though the center of the terminal has a hole in it ture than trying to imagine the electron orbiting
to let the ions pass through, there is a very thin the proton.) Near the center of the atom, the
carbon foil there that they must physically pen- electron cloud’s field cancels out by symmetry,
etrate. Passing through the foil strips off some but the proton’s field is strong, so the total field
number of electrons, changing the atom into a is very strong. The potential in and around the
positive ion, with a charge of +n times the funda- hydrogen atom can be approximated −1 −r
using an
mental charge. Now that the atom is positive, it expression of the form V = r e . (The units
is repelled by the terminal, and accelerates some come out wrong, because I’ve left out some con-
more on its way out of the accelerator. stants.) Find the electric field corresponding to
(a) Find the velocity, v, of the emerging beam this potential, and comment on its behavior at
of positive ions, in terms of n, their mass m, the very large and very small r.
terminal voltage V , and fundamental constants. . Solution, p. 204
Neglect the small change in mass caused by the √
14-d2 (a) Given that the on-axis field of a
loss of electrons in the stripper foil. dipole at large distances is proportional to D/r3 ,
show that its potential varies as D/r2 . (Ignore
(b) To fuse protons with protons, a minimum positive and negative signs and numerical con-
beam velocity of about 11% of the speed of light stants of proportionality.)
is required. What terminal voltage would be √
(b) Write down an exact expression for the po-
needed in this case? tential of a two-charge dipole at an on-axis point,
without assuming that the distance is large com-
(c) In the setup described in part b, we need a pared to the size of the dipole. Your expression
target containing atoms whose nuclei are single will have to contain the actual charges and size of
protons, i.e., a target made of hydrogen. Since the dipole, not just its dipole moment. Now use
approximations to show that, at large distances, that works: with a little mathematical insight,
this is consistent with your answer to part a. we see that the potential V = Vo b−2 xy is consis-
tent with all the given information. (Mathemati-
14-d3 A carbon dioxide molecule is struc- cians could prove that this solution was unique,
tured like O-C-O, with all three atoms along a but a physicist knows it on physical grounds: if
line. The oxygen atoms grab a little bit of ex- there were two different solutions, there would be
tra negative charge, leaving the carbon positive. no physical way for the system to decide which
The molecule’s symmetry, however, means that one to do!)
it has no overall dipole moment, unlike a V- (a) Find the field in the vacuum region.
shaped water molecule, for instance. Whereas (b) Sketch the field as a “sea of arrows.” √
the potential of a dipole of magnitude D is
proportional to D/r2 , (see problem 14-d2), it
turns out that the potential of a carbon dioxide
molecule at a distant point along the molecule’s
axis equals b/r3 , where r is the distance from the
molecule and b is a constant (cf. problem 13-g3).
What would be the electric field of a carbon diox-
ide molecule at a point on the molecule’s axis, at
a distance r from the molecule? √
14-g1 The figure shows a vacuum chamber 14-g2 (a) A certain region of three-
surrounded by four metal electrodes shaped like dimensional space has a potential that varies as
hyperbolas. (Yes, physicists do sometimes ask V = br2 , where r is the distance from the origin.
their university machine shops for things ma- Find the field.
chined in mathematical shapes like this. They (b) Write down another potential that gives ex-
have to be made on computer-controlled mills.) actly the same field.
We assume that the electrodes extend far into
and out of the page along the unseen z axis, 14-j1 Find the capacitance of the surface of
so that by symmetry, the electric fields are the the earth, assuming there is an outer spherical
same for all z. The problem is therefore effec- “plate” at infinity. (In reality, this outer plate
tively two-dimensional. Two of the electrodes would just represent some distant part of the
are at voltage +Vo , and the other two at −Vo , as universe to which we carried away some of the
shown. The equations of the hyperbolic surfaces earth’s charge in order to charge up the earth.)
are |xy| = b2 , where b is a constant. (We can in- √
15.2 Resistance
Current will not flow at all through a perfect in-
sulator. When a material is neither a perfect
insulator nor a perfect insulator, then current
can flow through it, and the result in terms of
energy is that electrical energy is transformed
into heat. For many materials, under some fairly
large range of electric fields, the density of cur-
rent is proportional to the electric field. When a
two-terminal device is formed from such a mate-
rial, and a voltage difference is applied across it,
then the current flowing through it is given by
Ohm’s law, I = ∆V /R, where R, called the resis-
tance, depends on both the geometry of the de-
vice and the material of which it is constructed.
(b) Although the planetary model of the atom √
can be made to work with any value for the ra-
dius of the electrons’ orbits, more advanced mod- 15-d1 If a typical light bulb draws about 900
els that we will study later in this course predict mA from a 110-V household circuit, what is its
resistance? (Don’t worry about the fact that it’s 15-g1 You are given a battery, a flashlight
alternating current.) √
bulb, and a single piece of wire. Draw at least
two configurations of these items that would re-
15-d2 (a) Express the power dissipated by a sult in lighting up the bulb, and at least two that
resistor in terms of R and ∆V only, eliminating would not light it. (Don’t draw schematics.) If
I. you’re not sure what’s going on, borrow the ma-
(b) Electrical receptacles in your home are terials from your instructor and try it. Note that
mostly 110 V, but circuits for electric stoves, air the bulb has two electrical contacts: one is the
conditioners, and washers and driers are usually threaded metal jacket, and the other is the tip (at
220 V. The two types of circuits have differently the bottom in the figure). [Problem by Arnold
shaped receptacles. Suppose you rewire the plug Arons.]
of a drier so that it can be plugged in to a 110 V
receptacle. The resistor that forms the heating
element of the drier would normally draw 200 W.
How much power does it actually draw now? √
Problem 15-g5.
Problem 15-g16.
Problem 15-g14.
Problem 15-j1.
Problem 16-a1.
17 Electromagnetism
This is not a textbook. It’s a book of problems
meant to be used along with a textbook. Although
each chapter of this book starts with a brief sum-
mary of the relevant physics, that summary is
not meant to be enough to allow the reader to
actually learn the subject from scratch. The pur-
pose of the summary is to show what material is
needed in order to do the problems, and to show
what terminology and notation are being used.
17.1 Electromagnetism
The top panel of figure 17.1 shows a charged par-
ticle moving to the right, parallel to a current
Figure 17.1: A charged particle and a current,
formed by two countermoving lines of opposite
seen in two different frames of reference. The
charge, moving at velocities ±u. The two lines of
second frame is moving at velocity v with respect
charge are drawn offset from each other to make
to the first frame, so all the velocities have v
them easy to distinguish, but we think of them
subtracted from them (approximately).
as coinciding, so that the line is electrically neu-
tral over all, much like a current-carrying cop-
per wire. Based on our knowledge of electro- only known about electrical interactions, relativ-
statics, we would expect the lone charge to feel ity would have compelled us to introduce mag-
zero force, since the neutral “wire” has no elec- netic interactions as well. Relativity unifies the
tric field. electrical and magnetic interactions as two sides
The bottom panel of the figure shows the of the same coin. The unified theory of electric-
same situation in the rest frame of the lone ity and magnetism is called electromagnetism.
charge. Although velocities do not exactly add
and subtract in special relativity as they would
in Galilean relativity (problem 16-a1, p. 179), 17.2 The magnetic field
they approximately do if the velocities are not
too big, so that the velocities of the two lines The magnetic force acting on a charged particle
of charge are approximately u − v and −u − v. is qv × B, where B is the magnetic field. This is
Since the magnitudes of these velocities are un- partly a definition of B and partly a prediction
equal, the length contractions are unequal, and about how the force depends on v. The units
the “wire” is charged, according to an observer of the electric field are N·s/C·m, which can be
in this frame. Therefore the lone charge feels an abbreviated as tesla, 1 T = 1 N·s/C·m.
attractive (downward) electrical force. Empirically, we find that the magnetic field
has no sources or sinks. Gauss’ law for mag-
The descriptions in the two frames of refer-
netism is
ence is inconsistent, so we introduce a force in
ΦB = 0.
the original frame. A moving charge always in-
teracts with other moving charges through such In other words, there are no magnetic
a force, called a magnetic force. Thus if we had monopoles. There are, however, magnetic
c2 2
dUm = B dv.
When a static magnetic field is caused by a
current loop, the Biot-Savart law,
kI d` × r
dB = ,
c2 r3
gives the field when we integrate over the loop.
Ampère’s law is another way of relating static
magnetic fields to the static currents that created
them, and it is more easily extended to nonstatic
fields than is the Biot-Savart law. Ampère’s law
states that the circulation of the magnetic field,
ΓB = B · ds,
Γ= Ithrough .
17-a5 (a) A line charge, with charge per
17-a1 A particle with a charge of 1.0 C and unit length λ, moves at velocity v along its own
a mass of 1.0 kg is observed moving past point length. How much charge passes a given point
P with a velocity (1.0 m/s)x̂. The electric field in time dt? What is the resulting current?
at point P is (1.0 V/m)ŷ, and the magnetic field (b) Show that the units of your answer in part a
is (2.0 T)ŷ. Find the force experienced by the work out correctly.
particle. √ Remark: This constitutes a physical model of an electric
current, and it would be a physically realistic model of
17-a2 For a positively charged particle mov- a beam of particles moving in a vacuum, such as the
electron beam in a television tube. It is not a physically
ing through a magnetic field, the directions of the realistic model of the motion of the electrons in a current-
v, B, and F vectors are related by a right-hand carrying wire, or of the ions in your nervous system; the
rule: motion of the charge carriers in these systems is much
more complicated and chaotic, and there are charges of
both signs, so that the total charge is zero. But even when
v along the fingers, with the hand flat the model is physically unrealistic, it still gives the right
B along the fingers, with the knuckles bent answers when you use it to compute magnetic effects.
This is a remarkable fact, which we will not prove. The
F along the thumb interested reader is referred to E.M. Purcell, Electricity
and Magnetism, McGraw Hill, 1963.
Make a three-dimensional model of the three vec-
tors using pencils or rolled-up pieces of paper to
represent the vectors assembled with their tails 17-a6 Two parallel wires of length L carry
together. Make all three vectors perpendicular currents I1 and I2 . They are separated by a dis-
to each other. Now write down every possi- tance R, and we assume R is much less than L,
ble way in which the rule could be rewritten by so that our results for long, straight wires are ac-
scrambling up the three symbols v, B, and F. curate. The goal of this problem is to compute
Referring to your model, which are correct and the magnetic forces acting between the wires.
which are incorrect? (a) Neither wire can make a force on itself.
Therefore, our first step in computing wire 1’s
force on wire 2 is to find the magnetic field
17-a3 A charged particle is released from rest.
made only by wire 1, in the space occupied by
We see it start to move, and as it gets going, we
wire 2. Express this field in terms of the given
notice that its path starts to curve. Can we tell √
whether this region of space has E 6= 0, or B 6= 0,
(b) Let’s model the current in wire 2 by pretend-
or both? Assume that no other forces are present
ing that there is a line charge inside it, possessing
besides the possible electrical and magnetic ones,
density per unit length λ2 and moving at veloc-
and that the fields, if they are present, are uni-
ity v2 . Relate λ2 and v2 to the current I2 , using
the result of problem 17-a5a. Now find the mag-
netic force wire 1 makes on wire 2, in terms of
17-a4 A charged particle is in a region of
I1 , I2 , L, and R.
space in which there is a uniform magnetic field
(c) Show that the units of the answer to part b
B = Bẑ. There is no electric field, and no other
work out to be newtons.
forces act on the particle. In each case, describe
the future motion of the particle, given its initial
velocity. 17-a7 Suppose a charged particle is moving
(a) vo = 0 through a region of space in which there is an
(b) vo = (1 m/s)ẑ electric field perpendicular to its velocity vec-
(c) vo = (1 m/s)ŷ tor, and also a magnetic field perpendicular to
both the particle’s velocity vector and the elec- (d) What would happen if wire 1’s current was
tric field. Show that there will be one particular in the opposite direction compared to wire 2’s?
velocity at which the particle can be moving that
results in a total force of zero on it. Relate this17-a11 (a) In the photo, magnetic forces
velocity to the magnitudes of the electric and cause a beam of electrons to move in a circle.
magnetic fields. (Such an arrangement, called The beam is created in a vacuum tube, in which
a velocity filter, is one way of determining the a small amount of hydrogen gas has been left. A
speed of an unknown particle.) few of the electrons strike hydrogen molecules,
creating light and letting us see the beam. A
17-a8 The following data give the results of magnetic field is produced by passing a current
two experiments in which charged particles were (meter) through the circular coils of wire in front
released from the same point in space, and the of and behind the tube. In the bottom figure,
forces on them were measured: with the magnetic field turned on, the force per-
q1 = 1 µC , q2 = −2 µC , pendicular to the electrons’ direction of motion
v1 = (1 m/s)x̂ , v2 = (−1 m/s)x̂ , causes them to move in a circle. infer the di-
F1 = (−1 mN)ŷ F2 = (−2 mN)ŷ rection of the magnetic field from the motion of
The data are insufficient to determine the mag- the electron beam. (The answer is given in the
netic field vector; demonstrate this by giving two answer to the self-check on that page.)
different magnetic field vectors, both of which (b) Based on your answer to part a, find the di-
are consistent with the data. rection of the currents in the coils.
(c) What direction are the electrons in the coils
17-a9 The following data give the results of going?
two experiments in which charged particles were (d) Are the currents in the coils repelling the
released from the same point in space, and the currents consisting of the beam inside the tube,
forces on them were measured: or attracting them? Check your answer by com-
q1 = 1 nC , q2 = 1 nC , paring with the result of problem 17-a10.
v1 = (1 m/s)ẑ , v2 = (3 m/s)ẑ ,
F1 = (5 pN)x̂ F2 = (10 pN)x̂ 17-a12 A charged particle of mass m and
+(2 pN)ŷ +(4 pN)ŷ charge q moves in a circle due to a uniform
Is there a nonzero electric field at this point? A magnetic field of magnitude B, which points
nonzero magnetic field? perpendicular to the plane of the circle.
(a) Assume the particle is positively charged.
17-a10 This problem is a continuation of Make a sketch showing the direction of motion
problem 17-a6. Note that the answer to prob- and the direction of the field, and show that
lem 17-a6b is given on page ??. the resulting force is in the right direction to
(a) Interchanging the 1’s and 2’s in the answer produce circular motion.
to problem 17-a6b, what is the magnitude of the (b) Find the radius, r, of the circle, in terms of
magnetic force from wire 2 acting on wire 1? Is m, q, v, and B.
this consistent with Newton’s third law? (c) Show that your result from part b has the
(b) Suppose the currents are in the same direc- right units.
tion. Make a sketch, and use the right-hand rule (d) Discuss all four variables occurring on the
to determine whether wire 1 pulls wire 2 towards right-hand side of your answer from part b. Do
it, or pushes it away. they make sense? For instance, what should
(c) Apply the right-hand rule again to find the happen to the radius when the magnetic field is
direction of wire 2’s force on wire 1. Does this made stronger? Does your equation behave this
agree with Newton’s third law? way?
Problem 17-a13.
(c) Does the electron experience a magnetic field at the center of the whole apparatus.
from the proton? Explain. (b) What value of h (not equal to b) would make
(d) Does the electron experience a magnetic field this difference equal to zero? √
created by its own current? Explain.
(e) Is there an electric force acting between the
√ The figure shows a nested pair of cir-
proton and electron? If so, calculate it. cular wire loops used to create magnetic fields.
(f) Is there a gravitational force acting between
(The twisting of the leads is a practical trick for
the proton and electron? If so, calculate it. reducing the magnetic fields they contribute, so
(g) An inward force is required to keep the elec-
the fields are very nearly what we would expect
tron in its orbit – otherwise it would obey New-for an ideal circular current loop.) The coordi-
ton’s first law and go straight, leaving the atom.
nate system below is to make it easier to discuss
Based on your answers to the previous parts, directions in space. One loop is in the y−z plane,
which force or forces (electric, magnetic and the other in the x − y plane. Each of the loops
gravitational) contributes significantly to this in-
has a radius of 1.0 cm, and carries 1.0 A in the
ward force? direction indicated by the arrow.
[Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.] (a) Calculate the magnetic field that would be √
produced by one such loop, at its center.
17-a15 The following data give the results (b) Describe the direction of the magnetic field
of three experiments in which charged particles that would be produced, at its center, by the
were released from the same point in space, and loop in the x − y plane alone.
the forces on them were measured: (c) Do the same for the other loop.
q1 = 1 C , v1 = 0 , F1 = (1 N)ŷ (d) Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field
q2 = 1 C , v2 = (1 m/s)x̂ , F2 = (1 N)ŷ produced by the two loops in combination, at
q3 = 1 C , v3 = (1 m/s)ẑ , F3 = 0 their common center. Describe its direction.√
Determine the electric and magnetic fields. √
17-a19 Four long wires are arranged, as
17-a16 If you put four times more current shown, so that their cross-section forms a square,
through a solenoid, how many times more energy with connections at the ends so that current
is stored in its magnetic field? √
flows through all four before exiting. Note that
the current is to the right in the two back wires,
17-a17 A Helmholtz coil is defined as a pair but to the left in the front wires. If the di-
of identical circular coils lying in parallel planes mensions of the cross-sectional square (height
and separated by a distance, h, equal to their ra- and front-to-back) are b, find the magnetic field
dius, b. (Each coil may have more than one turn (magnitude and direction) along the long central
of wire.) Current circulates in the same direc- axis. √
tion in each coil, so the fields tend to reinforce
each other in the interior region. This configu- 17-a20 In problem 17-a15, the three exper-
ration has the advantage of being fairly open, so iments gave enough information to determine
that other apparatus can be easily placed inside both fields. Is it possible to design a procedure
and subjected to the field while remaining visi- so that, using only two such experiments, we can
ble from the outside. The choice of h = b results always find E and B? If so, design it. If not, why
in the most uniform possible field near the cen- not?
ter. A photograph of a Helmholtz coil is shown
in example ?? on page ??. 17-a21 Consider two solenoids, one of which
(a) Find the percentage drop in the field at the is smaller so that it can be put inside the other.
center of one coil, compared to the full strength Assume they are long enough so that each one
Problem 17-a19.
only contributes significantly to the field inside Each strip carries current I, and we assume for
itself, and the interior fields are nearly uniform. concreteness that the currents are in opposite di-
Consider the configuration where the small one is rections, so that the magnetic force, F , between
inside the big one with their currents circulating the strips is repulsive. √
in the same direction, and a second configura- (a) Find the force in the limit of w h.
tion in which the currents circulate in opposite (b) Find the force in the limit of w h, which
directions. Compare the energies of these config- is like two ordinary wires.
urations with the energy when the solenoids are (c) Discuss the relationship between the two re-
far apart. Based on this reasoning, which config- sults.
uration is stable, and in which configuration will
the little solenoid tend to get twisted around or 17-a24 Suppose we are given a permanent
spit out? magnet with a complicated, asymmetric shape.
Describe how a series of measurements with a
17-a22 Consider two solenoids, one of which magnetic compass could be used to determine
is smaller so that it can be put inside the other. the strength and direction of its magnetic field at
Assume they are long enough to act like ideal some point of interest. Assume that you are only
solenoids, so that each one only contributes sig- able to see the direction to which the compass
nificantly to the field inside itself, and the inte- needle settles; you cannot measure the torque
rior fields are nearly uniform. Consider the con- acting on it.
figuration where the small one is partly inside
and partly hanging out of the big one, with their
currents circulating in the same direction. Their 17-d1 Use the Biot-Savart law to show that
axes are constrained to coincide. the magnetic field of a long, straight wire is
(a) Find the difference in the magnetic energy 2kI
between the configuration where the solenoids |B| = 2
c R
are separate and the configuration where the
small one is inserted into the big one. Your
equation will include the length x of the part 17-d2 Magnet coils are often wrapped in
of the small solenoid that is inside the big one, multiple layers. The figure shows the special
as well as other relevant variables describing the√
case where the layers are all confined to a sin-
two solenoids. gle plane, forming a spiral. Since the thickness
(b) Based on your answer to part a, find the force of the wires (plus their insulation) is fixed, the
acting spiral that results is a mathematical type known
as an Archimedean spiral, in which the turns
17-a23 Two long, parallel strips of thin metal are evenly spaced. The equation of the spiral is
foil form a configuration like a long, narrow sand- r = wθ, where w is a constant. For a spiral that
wich. The air gap between them has height h, starts from r = a and ends at r = b, show that
the width of each strip is w, and their length is `. the field at the center is given by (kI/c2 w) ln b/a.
Problem 17-d2.
. Solution, p. 205
17-d3 Perform a calculation similar to the one
in problem 17-d2, but for a logarithmic spiral,
defined by r = weuθ , and show that the field is
B = (kI/c2 u)(1/a − 1/b). Note that the solution
to problem 17-d2 is given in the back of the book.
Problem 17-g2.
18 Maxwell’s equations and electromag-
netic waves
This is not a textbook. It’s a book of problems the cross product E × B, and carry momentum
meant to be used along with a textbook. Although p = U/c.
each chapter of this book starts with a brief sum-
mary of the relevant physics, that summary is
not meant to be enough to allow the reader to 18.3 Maxwell’s equations in
actually learn the subject from scratch. The pur- matter
pose of the summary is to show what material is
needed in order to do the problems, and to show A complete statement of Maxwell’s equations in
what terminology and notation are being used. the presence of electric and magnetic materials
is as follows:
18.1 Maxwell’s equations ΦD = qfree
ΦB = 0
The fundamental laws of physics governing elec-
tric and magnetic fields are Maxwell’s equations, dΦB
ΓE = −
which state that for any closed surface, the fluxes dt
through the surface are dΦD
ΓH = + Ifree ,
ΦE = 4πkqin and
where the auxiliary fields D and H are defined
ΦB = 0. as
18-a1 A U-shaped wire makes electrical con-
tact with a second, straight wire, which rolls
along it to the right, as shown in the figure. The
whole thing is immersed in a uniform magnetic
field, which is perpendicular to the plane of the
circuit. The resistance of the rolling wire is much
greater than that of the U.
(a) Find the direction of the force on the wire
Problem 18-a2.
based on conservation of energy.
(b) Verify the direction of the force using right-
hand rules. √
(c) Find magnitude of the force acting on the
wire. There is more than one way to do this, but 18-a3 (a) For each term appearing on the
please do it using Faraday’s law (which works right side of Maxwell’s equations, give an exam-
even though it’s the Ampèrian surface itself that√
ple of an everyday situation it describes.
is changing, rather than the field). (b) Most people doing calculations in the SI sys-
(d) Consider how the answer to part a would tem of units don’t use k and k/c2 . Instead, they
have changed if the direction of the field had express everything in terms of the constants
been reversed, and also do the case where the
direction of the rolling wire’s motion is reversed. 1
o = and
Verify that this is in agreement with your answer 4πk
to part c. 4πk
µo = 2 .
Rewrite Maxwell’s equations in terms of these
constants, eliminating k and c everywhere.
We assume there is a number, i, such that Complex numbers can be added and sub-
i2 = −1. The square roots of −1 are then i tracted by adding or subtracting their real and
and −i. (In electrical engineering work, where i imaginary parts. Geometrically, this is the same
stands for current, j is sometimes used instead.) as vector addition.
This gives rise to a number system, called the The complex numbers a + bi and a − bi, lying
complex numbers, containing the real numbers at equal distances above and below the real axis,
as a subset. Any complex number z can be writ- are called complex conjugates. The results of
ten in the form z = a+bi, where a and b are real, the quadratic formula are either both real, or
and a and b are then referred to as the real and complex conjugates of each other. The complex
imaginary parts of z. A number with a zero real conjugate of a number z is notated as z̄ or z ∗ .
ω≈√ .
I = Io exp − t ,
√ √
and how does this relate to your plot?
19-g1 (a) Show that the equation VL = (c) What is the resonant frequency fres corre-
L dI/ dt has the right units. sponding to your answer in part b? √
(b) Verify that RC has units of time.
(c) Verify that L/R has units of time.
19-g4 Starting from the relation V = L dI/ dt 19-g9 (a) In a series LC circuit driven by a
for the voltage difference across an inductor, DC voltage (ω = 0), compare the energy stored
show that an inductor has an impedance equal in the inductor to the energy stored in the
to Lω. capacitor.
(b) Carry out the same comparison for an LC
19-g5 If an FM radio tuner consisting of an circuit that is oscillating freely (without any
LRC circuit contains a 1.0 µH inductor, what driving voltage).
range of capacitances should the variable capac- (c) Now consider the general case of a series LC
itor be able to provide? circuit driven by an oscillating voltage at an
arbitrary frequency. Let UL and be the average
energy stored in the inductor, and similarly for
19-g6 (a) Find the parallel impedance of a
UC . Define a quantity u = UC /(UL + UC ),
37 kΩ resistor and a 1.0 nF capacitor at f = √ which can be interpreted as the capacitor’s
1.0 × 104 Hz.
average share of the energy, while 1 − u is the
(b) A voltage with an amplitude of 1.0 mV drives
inductor’s average share. Find u in terms of L,
this impedance at this frequency. What is the
C, and ω, and sketch a graph of u and 1 − u
amplitude of the current drawn from the voltage
versus ω. What happens at resonance? Make
source, what is the current’s phase angle with re-
sure your result is consistent with your answer √
spect to the voltage, and does it lead the voltage,
to part a.
or lag behind it? √
something like 10 beans, so it looks like the jar car covered the quarter mile in the same time but
has about 10 × 10 × 10 or ∼ 103 beans inside. the real car was moving more slowly at the end
1-q1 Let’s estimate the Great Wall’s volume, than the idealized one, the real car must have
and then figure out how many bricks that would been going faster than the idealized car at the
represent. The wall is famous because it covers beginning of the race. The real car apparently
pretty much all of China’s northern border, so has a greater acceleration at the beginning, and
let’s say it’s 1000 km long. From pictures, it less acceleration at the end. This make sense, be-
looks like it’s about 10 m high and 10 m wide, so cause every car has some maximum speed, which
the total volume would be 106 m×10 m×10 m = is the speed beyond which it cannot accelerate.
108 m3 . If a single brick has a volume of 1 liter, or 3-j2 The boat’s velocity relative to the land
10−3 m3 , then this represents about 1011 bricks. equals the vector sum of its velocity with respect
If one person can lay 10 bricks in an hour (taking to the water and the water’s velocity with respect
into account all the preparation, etc.), then this to the land,
would be 1010 man-hours.
2-k1 ∆x = 12 at√2 , so for a fixed value of ∆x, vBL = vBW + vW L .
we have t ∝ 1/ a. Translating this p into the
language of ratios gives t /t = aE /aM = If the boat is to travel straight across the river,
√ M E
i.e., along the y axis, then we need to have
3 = 1.7.
vBL,x = 0. This x component equals the sum
2-n4 (a) Other than w, the only thing with
of the x components of the other two vectors,
units that can occur in our answer is g. If we
want to combine a distance and an acceleration vBL,x = vBW,x + vW L,x ,
to produce
p a time, the only way to do so is
like w/g, possibly multiplied by a unitless con- or
stant. 0 = −|vBW | sin θ + |vW L |.
(b) It is convenient to introduce the notations L
for the length of one side of the vee and h for the Solving for θ, we find
height, so that L2 = w2 + h2 . The acceleration is
sin θ = |vW L |/|vBW |,
a = g sin θ = gh/L. To travel a distance L with
this acceleration takes time
p 2w h w
t = 2L/a = + . |vW L |
g w h θ = sin−1 .
|vBW |
Let x = h/w. For a fixed value of w, this time is 4-a1 (a) The force of gravity on an object can’t
an increasing function of x + 1/x, so we want the just be g, both because g doesn’t have units of
value of x that minimizes this expression. Taking force and because the force of gravity is different
the derivative and setting it equal to zero gives for different objects.
x = 1, or h = w. In other words, the time is (b) The force of gravity on an object can’t just be
minimized if the angle is 45◦ . m either. This again has the wrong units, and
p Plugging x = 1 back in, we have t = 2t = it also can’t be right because it should depend
4 w/g, so the unitless factor was 4. on how strong gravity is in the region of space
2-p2 (a) Solving for ∆x = 12 at2 for a, we find where the object is.
a = 2∆x/t2 = 5.51 m/s2 . (b) v = 2a∆x = (c) If the object happened to be free-falling, then
66.6 m/s. (c) The actual car’s final veloc- the only force acting on it would be gravity, so
ity is less than that of the idealized constant- by Newton’s second law, a = F/m, where F is
acceleration car. If the real car and the idealized the force that we’re trying to find. Solving for F ,
we have F = ma. But the acceleration of a free- much normal force FN the climber can make on
falling object has magnitude g, so the magnitude the walls with each foot, so the frictional force
of the force is mg. The force of gravity on an can be made arbitrarily large. This means that
object doesn’t depend on what else is happening with any µ > 0, we can always get the verti-
to the object, so the force of gravity must also cal forces to cancel. The theoretical minimum
be equal to mg if the object doesn’t happen to value of µ will be determined by the need for the
be free-falling. horizontal forces to cancel, so that the climber
4-a2 (a) This is a measure of the box’s resis- doesn’t pop out of the corner like a watermelon
tance to a change in its state of motion, so it seed squeezed between two fingertips. The hori-
measures the box’s mass. The experiment would zontal component of the frictional force is always
come out the same in lunar gravity. less than the magnitude of the frictional force,
(b) This is a measure of how much gravitational which is turn is less than µFN . To find the mini-
force it feels, so it’s a measure of weight. In lu- mum value of µ, we set the static frictional force
nar gravity, the box would make a softer sound equal to µFN .
when it hit.
(c) As in part a, this is a measure of its resis- Let the x axis be along the plane that bi-
tance to a change in its state of motion: its mass. sects the two walls, let y be the horizontal di-
Gravity isn’t involved at all. rection perpendicular to x, and let z be ver-
4-a5 a = ∆v/∆t, and also a = F/m, so tical. Then cancellation of the forces in the
z direction is not the limiting factor, for the
∆v reasons described above, and cancellation in y
∆t =
a is guaranteed by symmetry, so the only issue
m∆v is the cancellation of the x forces. We have
F 2Fs cos(θ/2)−2FN sin(θ/2) = 0. Combining this
(1000 kg)(50 m/s − 20 m/s) with Fs = µFN results in µ = tan(θ/2).
3000 N
(b) For θ = 0, µ is very close to zero. That
= 10 s
is, we can always theoretically stay stuck be-
4-m1 (a) The swimmer’s acceleration is caused tween two parallel walls, simply by pressing hard
by the water’s force on the swimmer, and the enough, even if the walls are made of ice or pol-
swimmer makes a backward force on the wa- ished marble with a coating of WD-40. As θ gets
ter, which accelerates the water backward. (b) close to 180 , µ blows up to infinity. We need at
The club’s normal force on the ball accelerates least some dihedral angle to do this technique,
the ball, and the ball makes a backward normal because otherwise we’re facing a flat wall, and
force on the club, which decelerates the club. (c) there is nothing to cancel the wall’s normal force
The bowstring’s normal force accelerates the ar- on our feet.
row, and the arrow also makes a backward nor- (c) The result is 99.0◦ , i.e., just a little wider
mal force on the string. This force on the string than a right angle.
causes the string to accelerate less rapidly than it
would if the bow’s force was the only one acting 5-m1 (a) By Newton’s third law, the forces
on it. (d) The tracks’ backward frictional force are F and −F . Pick a coordinate system in
slows the locomotive down. The locomotive’s which skater 1 moves in the negative x direction
forward frictional force causes the whole planet due to a force −F . Since the forces are con-
earth to accelerate by a tiny amount, which is stant, the accelerations are also constant, and
too small to measure because the earth’s mass is the distances moved by their centers of mass are
so great. ∆x1 = (1/2)a1 T 2 and ∆x2 = (1/2)a2 T 2 . The
5-d10 (a) There is no theoretical limit on how accelerations are a1 = −F/m1 and a2 = F/m2 .
of yourself, contact is broken very quickly. Let the ring have total mass M and radius b.
7-m1 The proportionality
M dm
Etotal,i = Etotal,f =
2π dθ
P Ei + heati = P Ef + KEf + heatf
gives a change of variable that results in
mv 2 = P Ei − P Ef + heati − heatf
2 M 2π 2
= −∆P E − ∆heat I= r dθ.
2π 0
−∆P E − ∆heat If we measure θ from the axis of rotation, then
v= 2
m r = b sin θ, so this becomes
= 6.4 m/s M b2 2π 2
I= sin θ dθ.
2π 0
8-a1 Momentum is a vector. The total mo-
mentum of the molecules is always zero, since The integrand averages to 1/2 over the 2π range
the momenta in different directions cancal out on of integration, so the integral equals π. We there-
the average. Cooling changes individual molec- fore have I = 21 M b2 . This is, as claimed, half the
ular momenta, but not the total. value for rotation about the symmetry axis.
8-a2 By conservation of momentum, the total 9-g1 The pliers are not moving, so their an-
momenta of the pieces after the explosion is the gular momentum remains constant at zero, and
same as the momentum of the firework before the the total torque on them must be zero. Not only
explosion. However, there is no law of conserva- that, but each half of the pliers must have zero
tion of kinetic energy, only a law of conservation total torque on it. This tells us that the magni-
of energy. The chemical energy in the gunpowder tude of the torque at one end must be the same
as that at the other end. The distance from the are the same in the two situations, so F ∝ M r−2 .
axis to the nut is about 2.5 cm, and the dis- In terms of ratios, this is
tance from the axis to the centers of the palm −2
and fingers are about 8 cm. The angles are close Fc Mc rc
= .
enough to 90◦ that we can pretend they’re 90 de- Fe Me re
grees, considering the rough nature of the other
assumptions and measurements. The result is The result is 11 N.
(300 N)(2.5 cm) = (F )(8 cm), or F = 90 N. 11-d2 (a) The asteroid’s mass depends on the
10-d5 (a) If the expression 1 + by is to make cube of its radius, and for a given mass the sur-
sense, then by has to be unitless, so b has units face gravity depends on r−2 . The result is that
of m−1 . The input to the exponential function surface gravity is directly proportional to radius.
also has to be unitless, so k also has of m−1 . The Half the gravity means half the radius, or one
only factor with units on the right-hand side is eighth the mass. (b) To agree with a, Earth’s
Po , so Po must have units of pressure, or Pa. mass would have to be 1/8 Jupiter’s. We as-
(b) sumed spherical shapes and equal density. Both
planets are at least roughly spherical, so the only
dP = ρg dy way out of the contradiction is if Jupiter’s den-
1 dP sity is significantly less than Earth’s.
ρ= 11-g1 Any fractional change in r results in
g dy
Po −ky double that amount of fractional change in 1/r2 .
= e (−k − kby + b) For example, raising r by 1% causes 1/r2 to go
down by very nearly 2%. A 27-day orbit is 1/13.5
(c) The three terms inside the parentheses on of a year, so the fractional change in 1/r is
the right all have units of m−1 , so it makes sense
(4/13.5) cm 1 km
to add them, and the factor in parentheses has 2× 5 km
× 5 = 1.5 × 10−11
those units. The units of the result from b then 3.84 × 10 10 cm
look like 11-j5 Newton’s second law gives
kg Pa −1
= m F = mD aD ,
m3 m/s2
N/m2 where F is Ida’s force on Dactyl. Using Newton’s
= 2 2
m /s universal law of gravity, F= GmI mD /r2 ,and the
kg·m−1 ·s−2 equation a = v 2 /r for circular motion, we find
= ,
m2 /s2
GmI mD /r2 = mD v 2 /r.
which checks out.
11-a1 Newton’s law of gravity depends on the Dactyl’s mass cancels out, giving
inverse square of the distance, so if the two plan-
ets’ masses had been equal, then the factor of GmI /r2 = v 2 /r.
0.83/0.059 = 14 in distance would have caused
Dactyl’s velocity equals the circumference of its
the force on planet c to be 142 = 2.0 × 102 times
orbit divided by the time for one orbit: v =
weaker. However, planet c’s mass is 3.0 times
2πr/T . Inserting this in the above equation and
greater, so the force on it is only smaller by a
solving for mI , we find
factor of 2.0 × 102 /3.0 = 65.
11-d1 Newton’s law of gravity is F = 4π 2 r3
GM m/r2 . Both G and the astronaut’s mass m mI = ,
GT 2
so Ida’s density is
(b) Plugging in numbers, we get 5.9 × 107 m/s.
ρ = mI /V This is about 20% of the speed of light, so the
4π 2 r3 nonrelativistic assumption was good to at least
= . a rough approximation.
GV T 2
14-d1 By symmetry, the field is always directly
11-m6 (a) Based on units, we must have g = toward or away from the center. We can there-
kGλ/y, where k is a unitless universal constant. fore calculate it along the x axis, where r = x,
(b) For the actual calculation, we have and the result will be valid for any location at
Z that distance from the center.
g = dgy
Z E=−
dm dx
=G cos θ,
r2 d
x−1 e−x
where θ is the angle between the perpendicular
= x−2 e−x + x−1 e−x
and the rpvector. Then dm = λ dx, cos θ = y/r,
and r = x2 + y 2 , so
Z ∞ At small x, near the proton, the first term domi-
λ dx b
g=G 2 2
·p nates, and the exponential is essentially 1, so we
−∞ x + y
x +y 2
Z ∞ have E ∝ x−2 , as we expect from the Coulomb
2 2 −3/2 force law. At large x, the second term domi-
= Gλy (x + y ) dx.
−∞ nates, and the field approaches zero faster than
an exponential.
Even though this has limits of integration, this
15-a1 ∆t = ∆q/I = e/I = 0.16 µs
is an indefinite integral because it contains the
15-d5 In series, they give 11 kΩ. In parallel,
variable y. It’s nicer to clean this up by doing a
they give (1/1 kΩ + 1/10 kΩ)−1 = 0.9 kΩ.
change of variable to the unitless quantity u =
15-g2 It’s much more practical to measure
x/y, giving
voltage differences. To measure a current, you
Gλ ∞ 2 have to break the circuit somewhere and insert
g= (u + 1) du. the meter there, but it’s not possible to discon-
y −∞
nect the circuits sealed inside the board.
The definite integral is the sort of thing that sane 15-g11 The actual shape is irrelevant; all we
people these days will do using computer soft- care about is what’s connected to what. There-
ware. It equals 2. The result for the field is fore, we can draw the circuit flattened into a
plane. Every vertex of the tetrahedron is adja-
g= . cent to every other vertex, so any two vertices to
which we connect will give the same resistance.
14-a4 (a) Conservation of energy gives Picking two arbitrarily, we have this:
UA = UB + KB
KB = UA − UB
mv 2 = e∆V
2 r
2e∆V This is unfortunately a circuit that cannot
m be converted into parallel and series parts, and
d` × r
c2 r3
acceleration potential energy, 82
defined, 15 power, 81
angular acceleration, 70 Poynting vector, 191
angular momentum, 105 pressure, 121
angular velocity, 69, 70 principle of inertia, 15
Archimedean spiral, 187 projectile motion, 33
Archimedes’ principle, 122 pulley, 53
momentum, 97
Newton’s laws
first, 43
second, 44
third, 44
period, 69