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The 4 essentials of TMap

Business Driven Test Management (BDTM) Structured test process

The test process will be arranged and controlled based on the BDTM-aspects A complete and generic applicable description of the total test process.
results, risks, time and costs.

Test goal table Life cycle model Master test plan and test plans
Type of test goal Description Example of characteristics
Business processes Processes A and B must continue Functionality, performance, Preparation Specification Execution Completion Master test plan
A and B to function correctly after the user friendliness
change. Control Acceptance test
User requirements Check of the credit worthiness Functionality


ofthe application must be
possible. B
System test
Development test
Critical success factors Online offer must appear on the Performance
Assignment and test goals screen within one minute. P V S U A Evaluation
Critical success factors Quality characteristics Functionality, performance, Functionality, performance,
Change proposals user friendliness user friendlyness, suitabiliy
Requirements I
Business processes Master test plan risk table
... Planning Setting up and maintaining infrastructure
Characteristic: Object parts: Subsys1 Subsys2 Totalsys
Functionaliteit Chance of failure H M L
Test goals Damage
Determining risk class Business process A H A B B Activities diagram
Client Business process B L C C -
Risk class => A B B
1 7
Master test plan strategy table Start Start 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 end
C5.3 Master test plan
3 1
2 9
Characteristic/objectpart RC Evaluate OT ST UAT PAT
Functionality 2
Results, • •• •• • reporting and
Risks, Determining - subsys 1 A 3
- subsys 2 B • • •• I 4 adjusting
Time and Light/thorough testing - total B • •• C6.2
Costs User friendliness B • I •• End 1 9
Performance C • • C6.2Test plan per
Start 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 end
test level
5 Test design table
2 11

2 reporting and management

Allocating test techniques Charasteristic Subsys1 Subsys2 Totalsys
Functionality A/ B/I • B/•• 3
adjusting C6.4 Setting up and 2
Test basis functional regression 4 C6.4-6.8 Start 1 4 5 6 end
Performance - - B/•• End Test activities maintaining infrastructure 3

C6.5 Preparation Start 1 2 3 4 end

Test design table
Creating test cases Characteristic Object part Test type Techniques C6.6 Specification Start 3 end
Functionality Subsys1 Functional test te1: sample ST 2

(A/ ) te2: sample ST
Functionality Total system Regression te3: DCT C6.7 Execution Start 1 2 3 4 einde
(B/ )

6 1
User friendliness Total system Usability te4: SUMI
(B/ ) C6.8 Completion Start einde
Test execution
C5.2 Planning phase C5.3 Control phase of the total test process C6.4 Setting up and maintaining
of the total test process 1. Management infrastructure
Goal 1. Establishing the assignment 2. Monitoring 1. Specifying the assignment
The objective of BDTM is the rearrangement and control of the test process. This is achieved in 2. Understanding the assignment 3. Reporting 2. Realising the infrastructure
consultation with the client and involves finding a balance in the aspects results, risks, time and costs(4). 3. Analysing the product risks 4. Adjusting 3. Specifying the infrastructure intake
4. Determining the test strategy 4. Intake of the infrastructure
5. Estimating the effort 5. Maintaining the infrastructure
Process 6. Determining the planning C6.2 Planning 6. Preserving the infrastructure
First the assignment is formulated and the test goals are ascertained (1). Then the risk classes and 7. Defining the test products 1. Establishing the assignment
8. Defining the organisation 2. Understanding the assignment C6.5 Preparation
depth of testing are determined (2 and 3). Subsequently the test techniques are allocated (5). From 9. Defining the infrastructure 3. Determining the test basis 1. Collection of the test basis
these the work activities of the tester can be mapped. The allocated test techniques are applied the 10. Organising the management 4. Analysing the product risks 2. Creating checklists
test basis, the test cases are formulated and executed, and the results of the testing are reported (6). 11. Determining the test project risks 5. Determining the test strategy 3. Assessing the test basis
and countermeasures 6. Estimating the effort 4. Creating the testability review report
12. Feedback and consolidation 7. Determining the planning
Test strategy of the plan 8. Allocating test units and test C6.6 Specification
In dialogue with the client and other stakeholders, the test aims, risks, objects and characteristics are techniques 1. Creating the test specifications
9. Defining the test products 2. Defining central starting point(s)
linked together. Step by step a table is developed which will result in a strategy for each test type. 10. Defining the organisation 3. Specifying the test object intake
Each strategy is translated into task packages for the tester: the test units. 11. Defining the infrastructure
12. Organising the management C6.7 Execution
Test cases which are specified by applying the test design techniques are correlated to the strategies.
13. Determining the test project risks 1. Intake of the test object
The report concerning the execution of the test gives insight in the quality of the test object and the and countermeasures 2. Preparing the starting points
status of the BDTM aspects results, risks, time and costs. 14. Feedback and consolidation of 3. Executing the (re)tests
the plan 4. Checking and assessing the test results
driven test Structured test C6.3 Control C6.8 Completion
management process 1. Management 1. Evaluating the test process
2. Monitoring 2. Preserving the test ware
3. Reporting

4. Adjusting

Adaptive Complete toolbox




TMap® can be applied in all test situations, for instance when testing Many practical applicable tools like examples, checklists,
new development, maintenance, iterative and agile approaches, or of description of techniques, procedures, test organisation
the shelf software, tailor-made and with outsourcing (parts) of testing. structures, test environments and test tools.

“Adaptive is the ability to split up an element into sub-elements that, in a different combination,
result in a new, valuable element for the specific situation.”
TMAP NEXT Carreer cube
Te oce
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Te gem ana
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ma s im sulti
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Test Test- Testtool- M ld

ho ed
consultant manager consultant a ke nc
St d va ion
® A at
TMap® offers a complete and generically applicable approach for structured testing in all test situations. Being adaptive Organisation (who) ap din
TM o-or
is part of the approach. BDTM results in strategy that is tailor-made for each situation. The phases of the test process st
Te rshi ling

can be adapted to the development method used and interaction with the test environment ensures a constant Test policy Test Test Test tool a d
Le ct ha
meth. expert Co-ordinator expert i
Permanent test organisation Co
n fl
alignment with the test process. da cou
Test organisation in projects ou
Functional ® F ucti
Test professional growth ro d
Int raini mee
TMap®’s four adaptiveness properties: Test roles Tester Test tool ol
t g /
programmer To iewin
Execution e r v
Int Training
Respond to changes No experience
Techniques (how) Advice Leadership Functional differentiation
Adapting to changing priorities in results, risks, time or costs will be part of the process in the test strategy. Experience
The impact of changes in requirements or design will be assessed in co-ordination with the client. Test estimation Expert
Defect management
Product risk analysis
(Re)use products and processes Test design techniques
Test cases, test data and tools will be re-used for maintenance. Evaluation techniques From test basis to test cases
Various checklists and overviews
TMap® is a registered trademark of Sogeti Netherlands B.V.

The internal defect management procedure will also be used by external suppliers.
Life cycle model for test tool
Learn from experiences
implementation Coverage type Basic technique Test situations

Fault tolerant parts of a test object will be tested with special attention. Coverage ratio
The test process gives on-going information to the stakeholders. Tool policy
Test design

Test cases
Quick scan technique

Try before use Plan of approach

Test basis
When it works in a pilot situation, it can be applied broadly.
Test tool Set up
Develop ideas, try them out, but also dare to throw away. configuration preconditions


Infrastructure (where, with what)


Test environments
Test tools

Use and maintenance

For more information, downloads (for instance checklists)

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