05 - Table of Cases

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Right to life with dignity

1. Francis Coralie V. U.T. of Delhi AIR 1981 SC 746
2. Bandhu Mukti Morcha V. U O I AIR 1984 SC 802
3. Vikram Deo Singh TomarV. St of Bihar AIR 1988 SC 1782,
4. People’s Union for democratic rights V U O I AIR 1982 SC 1473
5. State of maharashtra V. Prabhakar Pandurang sanzgiri, AIR: 1966, SC 424
6. Neeraja Choudhari V. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 1984,SC 1099
7. Satwant singh Sawhney V. asstt. Passport officer, AIR 1967 SC1836:1967 (3) SCR
Right to reputation;
8. In Prof. S N HegadeV. Lokayukta, Banglore AIR 2004 NOC 169(Kant.),
9. smt. Kiran Bedi V. Committee of Inquiry AIR 1989 SC 714
10. smt. Kiran Bedi V. Committee of Inquiry AIR 1989 SC 714
11. Jyoti V. State of U P Al R 2004 All. 45
12. Javed V. State of harayana AIR 2003 SC 3057,
13. Rajgopal R V. State of tamil Nadu AIR 1995 SC 264: (1994) 6 SCC 632,
14. In X V. Hospital Z (1998) 8 SCC 296,
Right to information:
15. In Reliance Petrochemicals Ltd. V Proprietors, Indian Express Newspapers, Bombay
Pvt. Ltd., AIR 1989 SC 190,
16. SKKanitkarV. BN Municipal council, AIR 2000 Bom. 453,
17. EssarOil ltd. V. Halar Utkarsh samitiAIR 2004 SC 1834
Right to livlihood
18. In Olega Tellis V. B.M.C. AIR 1986 SC 180
19. Sodan Singh V. New Delhi Municipal Corporation AIR 1989 SC 1988, a
20. Narendra Kumar Chandla v. st of Harayana AIR 1995 SC 519,
21. Madhu Kishwar V. State of Bihar (1996)5 SCC 125: AIR 1996,SC 1864
22. Banwasi sewa Ashram V. State Of U P (1986), 4 SCC 753 ,
23. MX of Bombay Indian Inhabitant V. M/S ZY AIR 1997 Bom 406
24. State of Maharashtra V. Chandrabhan AIR 1983 SC 803,
25. P N Krishna Lai V. Govt, of India (1995) Supp. 2 SCC 187,
26. Haniraj I Chulani (Dr) V. Bar Council of Maharashtra and goa (1996) 3 SCC 342: AIR
1996 SC 1708
Right to Environment
27. In M C Mehata V. UOI AIR 1987 SC 965,
28. MC Mehta VKamal nathAIR 2000 SC 1997,
29. In Vimal Choudhary V. Nagar Nigam, Jaipur, AIR 2004 SC 17,
30. Ratlam Municipality V. Vardichand AIR 1980 SC 1622)
31. In Hinch lal Tiwari V Kamala Devi, AIR 2001 SC 3211
32. L K Koolwal V. St of Rajasthan, AIR 1988 Raj 2
33. Virender Gaur V. State of Harayana, (1995) 2 SCC 577,
34. In Suo Motu V. State of rajasthan AIR 2005 Raj 82,
35. In Subhash Kumar V. St. of Bihar AIR 1991 S.C. /20
36. M.C. Mehta V.U. of I.AIR 1988 SC 1037,
37. M.C. Mehta V. U. of I. (1992) 3 SCCC 256
38. M C Mehta V. U O l AIR 1997 SC 734,
39. M C Mehata V. U OI AIR 1998 SC 2663
40. Vellore Citizen Welfare Forum V. U. of I. (1996) 5 SCC 647,
41. Kinkri Devi V. St. of H.P..AIR 1988 H.R4,
42. Indian Council for Enviro-legal Action V. U. of I. (1996) SCC 112
also see cases
43. Chetriya Pradushan Mukti Sangarsh Samiti V. I. of U.P. AIR 1990 S.C. 2060
44. Lakshmipati V. State AIR 1992 Kant 57
45. Raghav Ranjan Singh V. St. of Bihar AIR 1992 P at 86
46. M.C. Mehta V. U.of I. (1996) 4 SCC 750)
Right to sustainable development
47. In N D Jayal V. UO I AIR 2004 SC 867,
Right to shelter
48. Right to Shelter was accepted as part of Right to Life in French Coralie Mullin V. U.
Territary of Delhi AIR 1981 DV746 & in OlgaTellis V. U. Of LAIR 1986 S.C. 180
49. In SamathaV/StofA.P. (1977) 2SCJ530,
50. In Shantistar Business V. Narayan Khimalal Totane (AIR 1980 S.C. 630) the SC
Right to Education
51. In Mohini Jain V. St. of Karnataka AIR 1992 S.C. 1858,
52. J.P.Unnikrishnan V. St. of A.P. AIR 1993 SC 2187
53. T M A Pai Foundation and others V. state of Karnataka (25.11.2002 SC),
54. PA. Inamdar and Ors. Vs. State of Maharashtra and Ors. Decided On: 12.08.2005
Right to Health & Timely Medical Aid
55. In Vincent V. Union of India (AIR 1987 SC 1990)
56. Consumer Education and Research Centre V.U. of I.. (1995) 3 S.C.C. 42,
57. Municipal Corpotation of Delhi V. Suraj Ram (1995) 2 Cr. L.S. 571,
58. C.F.S. E. Ltd. V.Subhash Chandra (1972) 1 SC 441
59. Paschim Bang Khet Mazdoor Samiti V. St. of West Bengal (1996) 4 SCC 37
60. Murli S. Deora V. U. of I. AIR 2002
61. In Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. V. Employees’ State Ins. Corp. (1996) 2 SCC 682,
62. Parmanand Katara V. U. of I. AIR 1989 S.C. 2039
63. Mahendra Pratap Singh vs. Orissa State 21980 Cri LJ 1075 2 AIR 1997 Ori 37
64. CERC vs. Union of India,3, (1995) 3 SCC 42
65. State of Punjab vs. Mohinder Singh Chawla4,
66. T. Ramakrishna Rao vs. Hyderabad Development Authority,
67. Virender Gaur vs. State of Haryana, 1995 (2) SCC 577,
68. Consumer Education and Research Centre vs. Union of India, (1995) 3 SCC 42,and
in Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. vs. Employees’State Insurance Corporation, (1996) 2 SCC
682:AIR 1996 SC 3261,
69. Subhash Kumar vs. State of Bihar, AIR 1991 SC 420 :(1991) I SCC 598,
70. Shantistar Builders v. Narayan Khimalal Totame, (1990) 2 SCJ 10 : AIR 1990 SC 630
= 1990 1 SCC 520,
71. M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India, (1987) 4 SCC 463 :AIR 1988 SC 1037,
72. SK Garg vs. State of U.P.6 decided on 21.12.98,
73. Peoples’ Union of Civil Liberties vs. Union of India8,
74. Marri Yadamma vs. State of Andhra Pradesh11,11 AIR2002AP164
75. Noorunissa Begum vs. District Collector, Khammam12
76. State of Punjab vs. Mohinder Singh Chawla, 14 (1997) 2 SCC 83
77. Surjeet Singh vs. State of Punjabi 5.15 (1996) 2 SCC 336,
78. Devindar Singh Shergil vs. State of Punjabi 6(1998) 8 SCC 552,
79. State of Punjab vs. Ram Lubhaya Bagga17 (1998) 4 SCC 117
80. Ram Datt Sharma’s case,21 AIR 2005 RAJ 317
81. Dr. Sarosh Mehta vs. General Manager, Central Railways22
82. Directorate of Enforcement vs. Ashok Kumar Jain,23 (1998) 2 SCC 105
83. D.K. Basu vs. State of West Bengal24. AIR 1997 SC 610
84. Dr. Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs. Dr. Trimbak Bapu Godbole AIR 1969 SC 1 2 8
85. Labonya Moyee Chandra vs. State of West Bengal6 SC decided on 31/7/1998,
Parmanand Katara vs. Union of Indial 0 AIR 1989 SC 2039
86. Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee vs. State of Bihar (1991) 3 SCC 482
87. Poonam Sharma vs. Union of India12 AIR 2003 Delhi
88. Lucy D’ Souza vs. State of Goa3 AIR 90 BOM 355
89. Common Cause vs. Union of India4 AIR 1996 SC 929,
90. M. Vijaya vs. The Chairman and Managing Director, Singareni Collieries Company
Ltd. 9, 2002 ACJ 32 , .
91. Mr. X vs. Hospital Z12AIR 2003 SC 664
92. P of Bombay vs. Union of India 162001 Calcutta High Court 17 (2004
93. Poonam Verma vs. Ashwin Patel,2(1996)4 SCC 332
94. Mukhtiar Chand (Dr.) vs. State of Punjab3, (1998)7 SCC 579
95. State of Tamil Nadu vs. M.C. George11, W.A. No. 108 of 2005
96. Electropathy Medicos of India vs. State of Maharashtra 13,
97. D.K. Joshi vs. State of U.P.,
98. Shri Sarjoo Prasad vs. State of Biharl 7, 2003 1 BLJR 686
99. Jacob Mathew vs. State of Punjab2
100. Dr. Suresh Gupta vs. Govt, of Delhi3, (2004) 6 SCC 422
101. Dr. Anand R. Nerkarvs. Smt Rahimbi Shaikh Madar5 1991(1) Bom. C.R.
102. Indian Medical Association vs. V.P. Shantha7(1995) 6 SCC 651,
103. Dr. J.J. Merchant vs. ShrinathChaturvedi,11,(2002) 6 SCC 635,
104. Spring Meadows Hospital vs. Harjo Ahluwalia12, (1998) 4 SCC 39 \
105. Sailesh Munja vs. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),14, 2004 3 CPR 27
106.Suhas Haldulkar vs. Secretary, Public Health Dept., State of Maharashtra16, 1994 3
107. Dr. Laxman Balkrishna Joshi vs. Dr. Trimbak Bapu Godbole18 , AIR 1969 SC 128
108. Shyam Sunder vs. State of Rajasthan,23, AIR 74 SC 876
109. S. Mittal vs. State of U.P.26, (1989) 3 SCC 223
110. Mohd. Ishfaq vs. Dr. Martin D’souza36,
111. State of Punjab vs. Shiv Ram39, (2005) 7 SCC 1 ,
112. Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. vs. State of Kerala2, AIR 2002 Kerala 357
113. Chimanlal vs. State of Maharashtra3, AIR 1963 SC 665
114. Prabhudas KalyanjiAdhia vs. State of Maharashtra4, AIR 1970 BOM 134
115. S.R. Pvt. Ltd vs. Prem Gupta, Drug Controller (India) New Delhi AIR 1993 P&H 28
116. Systopic Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. vs. Dr. Prem Gupta & Ors. (1994) Supp 1 SCC 160
117. Vincent Panikulangara vs. Union of lndia(1987) 2 SCC 165
118. Hamdard Dawakhana vs. Union of
119. Rajangam, Secretary, Dist. Beedi Worker’s Union vs. State of Tamil Nadu AIR 1993
SC 401,
120. Bandhua Mukti Morcha vs. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 2218 a PIL
121. Bandhua Mukti Morcha vs. Union of IndiaAIR (1984) SC 802; 19843 SCC 161
122. ASIAD Construction Workers Case (People’s Union for Democratic Rights vs. Union
of India: AIR 1982 SC 1473, (1982) 3 SCC 235)
123. Citizens Action Committee, Nagpur vs. Civil Surgeon, Mayo (General) Hospital, Nagpur
and Ors AIR 1986 Bom 136
124. Hamid vs. State of M.P. AIR 1997 MP 191
125. Dr. Upendra Baxi vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, (1983) 2 SCC 308
126. Rakesh Chandra Narayan vs. State of Bihar(1989) SUPP 1 SCC 644,
127. Sheela Barse vs. Union of lndia(1986) 3 SCC 632
128. Sheela Barse(1993) 4 SCC 204
129,Saarthak Registered Society and another vs. Union of India, (2002) 3 SCC 31
130. Veena Sethi vs State of Bihar,
131. S.P. Sathe vs. State of Maharashtral2,
132. Javed vs. State of Haryana and Ors AIR 2003 SC 3057,
133. State of Haryana vs, Smt. Santara AIR 2000 SC 1888 .
134. Achutrao Haribhau Khodwa vs. State of Maharashtra and Ors8
135. Arun Balakrishnan Iyer and Anr vs. Soni Hospital and Ors AIR 2003 Mad 389,
136. Ms.X vs. Mr. Z and Anr 96 (2002) DLT354,
137. Cehat and Ors. vs. Union of India AIR 2003 SC 3309
138. Samar Ghosh vs. Jaya Ghosh,23 TABLE OF CASES
Right to die
139. S.C. Devisingh P. Rathinam’s case 1994 Cr. L.J. 1605 , was overruled in Gian Kaur.
AIR 1996 SC 946,
Right to terminate Pregnancy - Liberty of Born V. Life of unborn
140. Dr Nikhil D Datar V U O I 2008 Vol.110 (9) Bom. L. R. 3293

Right to social and Economic Security in a welfare state

141. State of arunachal Pradesh V. Khudiram Chakma 1994 Supp. (1) SCC 615
142. National Human Rights Commission V. State of Arunachal Pradesh, (1996) 1 SCC
Right to social security and protection of the family
143. In Calcutta Electricity Supply Corporation (I) Ltd. V. Subhash Chandra Bose AIR
1992 SC 573,
144. Chameli Singh V. State of U P (1996) 2 SCC 549 : AIR 1996 SC 1051, the
145. In Regional Directors ESI Corporation V. Francis De Costa (1993) Supp. 4 SCC 100,
146. Gaurav Jain V. U OI, AIR 1997 SC 3021 : (1997) 8 SCC 114;
Right to personal liberty
147. In Gopalan A.K. V. St. of Madras, (AIR 1950 SC 27)
148. Makhan Sing Tarrikka V. State of Panjab (AIR 1952 SC 27),
149. Shankari Prasad Singh Deo V. Union of India
150. Sajjan Singh V. St. of Rajasthan,
151. In ADM-JabalpurV.S. ShuklaAIR 1976S.C. 1254
152. In Bachan Singh V. St. of Punjab AIR 1980 S.C. 898
153. Maneka Gandhi V.U. of India (AIR 1978 S.C. 597),
154. In Golak Nath V. State of Panjab
155. Maneka Gandhi V. Union Of India, AIR 1978 SC 597,
156. Kesavananda V. State of Kerala
157. Indira Nehru Gandhi V. Raj Narayan,
158. In Minerva Mill's case
159. Kartar Singh v. Union of India, (1994) 3 SCC 569
160. In Joginder Kumar V. St. of U.P. (AIR 1884 SC 1349 : (1994) 4 SCC 260
Fair Trial:
161. State of Panjab V. Baldev Singh (AIR 1999 SC 2378; (1999) 6 SCC 172)
162. Varkey Joseph V. State of Kerala, (AIR 1993 SC 1892 : 1993 Supp (3) SCC 745)
Speedy Trial:
163. Hussainiara Khatoon V. Home Secretary, State of Bihar (AIR 1979 SC 1360 :
(1980) 1 SCC 81)
164. Hussainiara V. Home Secretary, Bihar (II) (AIR 1979 SC 1369) : (1980) SCC
165. Hussainara III
166. Kartar Singh V. St. of Panjab (1994) 3 SCC 569 :1994 SCC (Cri) 899
167. State of Mah. V. Champalal (AIR 1981 SC 1675: (1981) 3 SCC 610
168. Abdul Rehman Antulay V. R.S. Naik (AIR 1992 SC 1701 : (1992) 1 SCC 225)
169. also P. Ramchandra Rao V. St. of Karnataka (2002) 4 S.CCC 578 at 603 )
170. Raj Deo sharma V. St.of Bihar (I) AIR 1998 SC 3281 7 & (II) (1999) 7 SCC, 604
171. Kadra Pahadiya V. St. of Bihar AIR 1981 SC 939 : (1981) 3 SCC 671
172. Santosh De Y. Archana Guha (AIR 1994 SC 1229) and
173. Sheela Barse V. State of Mah., AIR 1986 SC 1773, and
174. Mahendralal Das V. St. of Bihar, AIR 2000 SC 2989 : (2002) 1 SCC 149
175. Union of India V. Ashok Mitra AIR 1995 SC 1976
Custodial violence and police torture
176. Raghubr singh V State of Harayana AIR 1980 SC 1087
177. In Sheela Barse V State of maharashtra, AIR 1986 SC 1773 : (1986) 3 SCC596,
178. Charles Sobraj V Supdt., Tihar jail, AIR 1978, SC 1514,
179. Sunil Batra V. Delhi Admin. AIR 1980 S C 1579 : (1980) 3 SCC 488,
180. KhatriV. St. of Bihar AIR 1981 SC928: (1981) 1 SCC623, (the Bhagalpur blinding
181. Francis Coralie Mullin V. U.T. of Delhi AIR 1981 SC 746: (1981)1 SCC 608.
182. In T.V. Vetheesarall V. St. of Tamil Nadu AIR 1983 SC 361(2): (1983) 2 SCC 68 ,
183. In Kishore Singh V. St. of Rajasthan AIR 1981 SC 625: (1981) ISCC 503
184. Ram Murthy V. State of Karnataka (AIR 1997 SC 1739: (1997) 2 SCC 642)
185. D.K. Basu V. St. of West Bengal (AIR 1997 SC 610 : (1997)1 SCC 416,
186. In R.D. Upadhyay V. State of A.P. and Ors. (1996) 3 SCC 422
Right to Bail
187. In Common Cause, A Registered Society V. Union of India (AIR) 1996SC 1619)
188. In Babu Singh V. St. of U.P. (AIR 1978 SC 527 at 529: (1978) 1 SCC 579)
189. St. of N.P. V Ram Krishna, Balothia AIR 1995 SC 1198 : (1995) 3 SCC 221)
190. Suresh Chandra V. St. of Gujarat AIR 1976 SC 2462,
191. R Ramachandra Rao V. State of Karnataka (2002) 4 SCC 578
192. M.S. Hoskot V. St. of Mah. AIR 1978 SC 1548 : (1978) 3 SCC 544.
193. In KhatriV. St. of Bihar AIR 1981 SC 928 : (1981) 1 SCC 623
194. SukDas V. U.T. of Arunachal Pradesh AIR 1986 SC 991: (1986) 2 SCC 401
195. In Rajan Dwivedi V. U.O.I. AIR 1983 SC 624 : (1993)3 SCC 307,
Hand Cuffing of Under trials
196. In Prem Shankar V. Delhi Administration (AIR 1980 SC 1535 : (1980)3 SCC
Sexual harassment
197. InVishakhaV. State of rajasthan AIR 1997 SC 3011 : (1997) 6 SCC 241,
198. In Bodhisattwa Gautam V. Subhra Chakravarti, AIR 1996 SC 922: (1996) 1 SCC 490
199. Apparel Export Promotion Council V. A K Chopra AIR 1999 SC 625,
200. In Chairman, Railway Board V. Chandrima das (2000) 2 SCC 465: AIR 2000 SC 988
201. State of Panjab V.Baldev Singh (1999) 6 SCC 172: AIR 1999 SC 2378,
202. Constitutionality of a Death Sentence
203. Jagmohan Singh V.St. of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1973 SC 947 : (1973) 1 ,SCC 20
204. And in Rajendra Prasad V. St. of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1979 SC 916 : (1979)3 SCC
464 & in Bachan Singh V. St. of Panjab AIR 1980 SC 898,
205. Machhi Singh V. St. of Panjab (AIR 1983 SC 947 : (1983) 3 SCC 470),
206. Attorney Gen. Of I. V. Lachma Devi (AIR 1986 SC 467 :1968 Supp (1) SCC264)
207. T.V. Vetheeswaran V. St. of Tamil Nadu AIR 1983 SC 361(2): (1983) 2 SCC 68
208. Munawar Harun V. St. of Mah. *
209. TrivenibenV. St. of Gujarat,
210. Madhu Mehta V. U.O.I., AIR 1989 SC 2299 : (1989) 4 SCC 62)
211. Shivaji Jaising BabarV. St. of Mah. AIR 1991 SC 2147 : (1991) 4 SCC 375.
Damages for violation of Art 21
212. In Khatri V. St. of Bihar AIR 1981 SC 928: (1981) 1 SCC 627
213. In Rudal Shah V. St. of Bihar AIR 1983 SC 1086: (1983) 4 SCC 141,
214. In Sebastian M. Hangray V. U.O.I. AIR 1984 SC 1026
215. In B.C. Oraon V. St. of Bihar,
216. In Saheli V. Commr. of Police, AIR 1990 SC 513 : (1990)1 SCC 422.
217. State of Mah. V./ Ravikant S. Patii 1991, AIR SCW 871, : (1991) 2 SCC 373,
218. Nilabati Behera V. St. of Orrisa,
219. Jagdish Raj V. State of J. and K. AIR 1991 J&K 156)

ACHR American Convention on Human Rights
ACHPR African Charter on Human and People’s Rights
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
Al Amnesty International
AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
AMA American Medical Association
APA American Psychiatric Association
BMA British Medical Association
CAT Convention Against Torture (UN)
CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
CoE Council of Europe
CERD International Convenant on the Elimination of
all forms of Racial Discrimination
CRC Convention on the Rights of the Child
CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
DRM (French) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
EC HR European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
ECtHR European Court of Human Rights
(E)CPT (Council of Europe’s) Committee for the Prevention of Torture
ECJ European Court of Justice
ECOSOC UN Economic and Social Council
ESC European Social Charter
IBHR International Bill of Human Rights
ICCPR International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
ICESC International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
ICJ International Court of Justice
ICN International Council of Nurses
IGO Inter-Governmental Organisation
ILO International Labour Organisation
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UN United Nations
UNCAT United Nations Convention Against Torture / United Nations Committee
UNCHR United Nations Commission on Human Rights
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNGA United Nations General Assembly
UO! Union Of India
WHO World Health Organisation
WMA World Medical Association
WPA World Psychiatric Association
SC Supreme Court
RCH Reproductive and Child Health
PHC Primary Health Center
CHC Community Health Center
THC Tertiary Health Center
BSC Blood Storage Center
FRU First Referral Units
ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist
JSA Jan Swasthya Abhiyan
PHM Peoples Health Movement
NHRM National Rural Health Mission
AAYUSH Allopathy Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha Homeopathy
PWD Persons With disability
SATHI Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiatives
CEHAT Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes
VHAI Voluntary Health Association of India
PDHRE jc Novfe.fr'K.e^t Q'y HuwiAvi t~oi ucevl

ANC Ante natal care






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