Revised Despro Gaming

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Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

Vending has gone through significant changes. Many machines are

evolving to accept credit cards and companies are now able to monitor a

machine's state from afar. John Greenwick of the Greenway company is a former

Mars Electronics employee and former product manager of the first ever bill

acceptor. According to him, the industry saw a need for the ability to standardize

the acceptance of coins and currency on a global basis. As such, a standard

known as MDB (Multi-Drop Bus) was invented. This allows for machines around

the world to utilize the same bill acceptor and coin changer devices with an

international specification. In the area of service vending machines other

innovations include internet kiosks and DVD vending. Cashless vending now

allows consumers to use debit cards or precharged "keys" such as the U-Key for

added convenience. Vending is a multi-billion dollar industry. [1]

When the laser printers were first made by Chester Carlson in the year

1938, no one liked these at first. It was only until Xerox Corporation agreed to

have partnership with him that gave way for the release of Xerox printers in the

United States. Johannes Gutenberg has always been the father of modern

printing when he invested on the Gutenberg Press which came first before the

release of Xerox machines. He also started the use of oil based ink which has

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
been considered to be better than water based inks. This is the ancestor of the

modern inkjet cartridges being used nowadays. Inkjet printers are very

reasonably priced these days. Sure, for a big corporate printer you are shelling

out a pretty penny, but for a simple machine that does the works, you should not

have to spend over $100. That is quite an improvement from just a decade ago.


Printer ink cartridges are recyclable. Especially with the latest recycling

laws in place, it is even easier to recycle your inkjet cartridges than ever before.

You can send them into the Print Country Recycle Program, drop them off at

your local supply store or wait for the waste round-up in your neighborhood.

While laser printers are more expensive, their ink is cheaper than that of an inkjet

printer. However, inkjet printers do not need to warm up before they print. It is all

a balancing act, really. Inkjet cartridges also tend to be more expensive, but the

initial investment is cheaper. Again, it all depends on your needs and what you

can afford at the time of purchase. [3]

One thing to keep away from printed documents is water. Of course

saturating paper in water is going to ruin it, but even a drop of water on an inkjet

printed page can cause blurring of the ink.

The project’s main objective is to help the students and professors not to

go outside the campus to print important documents. Moreover with the use of

the project, the printed files are protected during rainy days from getting wet.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Lastly, it is more convenient because it is placed inside engineering building.

With the reasons stated, the proponents came up with the idea of developing a

MCU-Based Coin Operated Printing Machine that greatly speeds up the process

of printing the documents in instant.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The project attempts to address the following problems:

 Does the machine provide a convenient means of printing documents?

 Does the proposed project prints documents accurately?

 Does the project save the user’s time in printing documents?

 Is the proposed project’s rate of performing task at a maximum speed?

 Is the machine user-friendly?

1.3 Significance of the Study

The proposed project is designed to print documents and provide a user

friendly machine for the benefit and convenience of the users. The proponents

intend to develop a system that is a practical complement to traditional process

of printing paper works. The coin operated printing machine provides instant

printing service inside the engineering building.

1.3.1 Educational Significance. The quest for knowledge is never

ending. To that effect, the proponents like to contribute substantial information,

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
and findings that may be helpful to readers and inquisitive developers; in any

case, they may find it significant and reliable in their future studies.

1.3.2 Technological Significance. Modern technologies in the industry of

machineries are most likely to change without ceasing. More innovative and

more sophisticated designs are being developed to conform to the constantly

changing needs of most people demanding for better technology. With that, the

proponents intend to comply with these so called constant changes by providing

a more robust machine than that of the existing system in providing greater

service to people.

1.3.3 Economic Significance. Developing an instant printing machine

entails less cost, as well for its implementation. And with this in mind, it would be

beneficial to the users because it does not require a higher amount for the

printing service.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of the project is to give an instant printing

service by means of creating a coin operated printing machine.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To create a project that helps the students and professors

not to go outside the campus when they intend to print


 To keep the printed files protected during rainy days from

getting wet.

 To give good quality of printed materials for the users with a

reasonable price.

 To maintain the computer safe and away from viruses.

 To make sure that the user’s device is protected against


 To create a user friendly printing system.

1.5 Scope and Delimitations

The scope and delimitations are what your study is going to tackle and

what will its limitations be.

1.5.1 Scope

 It can be used during school hours. It depends on the place where it is


 The target users are the students or professors whose intend to print

some documents.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
 The system focuses on the use of machine that can dispense printed


 The system prints colored and black and white paper works. The paper

size maybe short or long.

 The printing service will be charged two pesos per page.

 For every one peso coin, the computer maybe accessed for three


 The system can import the files through flash-disk or internet.

 The computer system contains an anti-virus and deep-freezes program

security system for the flash-disk of the user.

 The system has an auto shutdown for every ten minutes, if the

computer mouse and keyboard is inactive.

1.5.2 Delimitations

 Only one peso coins are used, other coins and bills will not be allowed.

 It does not provide change. Excess money is forfeited. It is strongly

recommended that payments should be in exact amount.

 The project is not fully maintenance free. Once the ink or paper

becomes empty it requires manual filling. The user needs to provide

their own paper.

 The system does not have security system installed. Therefore users

should not leave their flash-disks unattended or must not forget to log

out their e-mail accounts if they are accessing the Printing Machine.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
 The system only read and prints the files that are compatible with

Microsoft office 2007 and PDF files.

 Once the system accidentally shuts down, all the imported files will be

automatically erased and the coin slot accumulator will be reset.

 For every session, the maximum number of pages allowed to be

printed is 10 copies.

1.6 Definition of Terms:

Aluminum An abundant metallic chemical element

which is widely used throughout the

world for a wide range of products. Use

for the housing or casing.

Automation Replacing manual operations with

computer procedures. For example,

office automation refers to replacing

typewriters, filing cabinets and paper

appointment books with computer

applications. Factory automation refers

to computer-driven assembly lines as

well as replacing humans with robots.

Circuit Breaker An automatically operated electrical

switch designed to protect an electrical

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
circuit from damage caused by overload

or short circuit.

Coin Is a piece of hard material that is

standardized in weight, is produced in

large quantities in order to facilitate

trade, and primarily can be used as a

legal tender token for commerce in the

designated country, region, or territory.

Coin slot A coin receptacle on a vending


Flow Chart Is a type of diagram that represents

an algorithm or process, showing the

steps as boxes of various kinds, and

their order by connecting these with


Hardware Is a general term for equipment such as

keys, locks, hinges, latches, handles,

wire chains, plumbing supplies, tools,

utensils, cutlery and machine parts.

Household hardware is typically sold in

hardware stores.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Ink Is liquid or paste that contains pigments

and/or dyes and is used to color a

surface to produce an image, text, or

design. Ink is used for drawing and/or

writing with a pen, brush, or quill.

Integrated Circuit (IC) Is an electronic circuit manufactured by

the patterned diffusion of trace elements

into the surface of a thin substrate of

semiconductor material.

Keypad Is a set of buttons arranged in a block or

"pad" which usually bear digits, symbols

and usually a complete set of

alphabetical letters.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Is a flat panel display, electronic visual

display, video display that uses the light

modulating properties of liquid crystals

(LCs). LCs does not emit light directly.

Memory Refers to the physical devices used to

store programs (sequences of

instructions) or data (e.g. program state

information) on a temporary or

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
permanent basis for use in a computer

or other digital electronic device.

Photoelectric Sensor Is a device used to detect the distance,

absence, or presence of an object by

using a light transmitter, often infrared,

and a photoelectric receiver. They are

used extensively in industrial


Power Cord Is a cable that temporarily connects an

appliance to the mains electricity supply

via a wall socket or extension cord.

Power Supply Is a device that supplies electrical

energy to one or more electric loads.

The term is most commonly applied to

devices that convert one form of

electrical energy to another, though it

may also refer to devices that convert

another form of energy (e.g.,

mechanical, chemical, solar) to electrical


MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Printer Is used to print anything that you want,

like pictures or documents or data. They

plug in where there is a USB slot, from

there you can click print and the

document is sent to the port where your

document is printed.

Program A set of coded instructions that a

computer can understand to solve a

problem or produce a desired result.

Two basic types of computer programs

are an operating system, which provides

the most fundamental instructions a

computer uses in its operations.

Prototype An original model on which something is


Relay Driver Is an electro-magnetic switch which is

useful if you want to use a low voltage

circuit to switch on and off a light bulb

(or anything else) connected to the 220v

main supply.

Solid State Relay Is an electronic switching device in

which a small control signal controls a

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
larger load current or voltage. It

comprises a voltage or current sensor

which responds to an appropriate input

(control signal), a solid-state electronic

switching device of some kind which

switches power to the load circuitry

either on or off, and some coupling

mechanism to enable the control signal

to activate this switch without

mechanical parts.

Stepper Motor Is a brushless, electric motor that can

divide a full rotation into a large number

of steps.

Switch Is an electrical component that can

break an electrical circuit, interrupting

the current or diverting it from one

conductor to another.

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a set of connectivity specifications

developed in collaboration with industry

leaders. Originally released in 1995 at

just 12 megabits per second (Mbps),

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
USB allows easy, high-speed

connections of peripherals to Personal

Computer that, once plugged in,

configure automatically.

USB Flash Drive Is a data storage device that consists

of flash memory with an integrated

Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface.

USB flash drives are typically removable

and rewritable, and physically much

smaller than a floppy disk.

USB Hub Is a device that expands a single USB

port into several so that there are more

ports available to connect devices to a

host system.

Vending Machine Is a machine which dispenses items

such as snacks, beverages, alcohol,

cigarettes, lottery tickets, consumer

products and even gold and gems to

customers automatically, after the

customer inserts currency or credit into

the machine.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Chapter 2

This chapter discusses the conceptual framework of the study, related

literature and studies that helped in further understanding this study. It also

contains some technical terms that are used from the researches that the

proponents has encountered while this study is conducted. This serves as a

guide for the readers to understand some concepts regarding the project. Facts

and data were gathered by the proponents from different books, journals,

magazines, websites and unpublished theses which provide significant ideas,

insights and probable answers to the problem of the design project.

2.1 History of Computer Printer

In 1953, the first high-speed printer was developed by Remington-Rand

for use on the Univac computer. In 1938, Chester Carlson invented a dry printing

process called electro photography commonly called a Xerox, the foundation

technology for laser printers to come. [4]

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Figure 2.1: Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)

The original laser printer called EARS was developed at the Xerox Palo

Alto Research Center (PARC) beginning in 1969 and completed in November,

1971. Xerox Engineer, Gary Starkweather adapted Xerox copier technology

adding a laser beam to it to come up with the laser printer. According to Xerox,

The Xerox 9700 Electronic Printing System, the first xerographic laser printer

product, was released in 1977. The 9700, a direct descendent from the original

PARC "EARS" printer which pioneered in laser scanning optics, character

generation electronics, and page-formatting software, was the first product on the

market to be enabled by PARC research. According to IBM (International

Business Machine) Company, the very first IBM 3800 was installed in the central

accounting office at F. W. Woolworth’s North American data center in Milwaukee,

Wisconsin in 1976. The IBM 3800 Printing System was the industry’s first high-

speed, laser printer. A laser printer that operated at speeds of more than 100

impressions-per-minute. It was the first printer to combine laser technology and

electro photography according to IBM. In 1992, Hewlett-Packard released the

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
popular LaserJet 4, the first 600 by 600 dots per inch resolution laser printer. In

1976, the inkjet printer was invented, but it took until 1988 for the inkjet to

become a home consumer item with Hewlett-Packard’s release of the DeskJet

inkjet printer, priced at a whopping $1000[4].

In this article, the proponents showed how the printing or printer industry

has evolved. It helped the proponents to choose what are the appropriate specs

of the printer to be use in the project. Also in knowing the history of printing

industry the proponents get some idea of developing it into more well-situated for

the costumer.

Figure 2.2: First Computer Printer

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
2.2 Desktop Printing

In computing, a printer is a peripheral which produces a hard copy

(permanent readable text and/or graphics) of documents stored in electronic

form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many

printers are primarily used as local peripherals, and are attached by a printer

cable or, in most new printers, a USB cable to a computer which serves as a

document source. Some printers, commonly known as network printers, have

built-in network interfaces (typically wireless and/or Ethernet), and can serve as a

hardcopy device for any user on the network. Individual printers are often

designed to support both local and network connected users at the same time. In

addition, a few modern printers can directly interface to electronic media such as

memory sticks or memory cards, or to image capture devices such as digital

cameras, scanners; some printers are combined with a scanners and/or fax

machines in a single unit, and can function as photocopiers. Printers that include

non-printing features are sometimes called Multifunction printers (MFP), Multi-

Function Devices (MFD), or All-In-One (AIO) printers. Most MFPs include

printing, scanning, and copying among their features [5].

In this article, it shows that printing services can be very successful

because of the USB technology used as documentation source. The USB or

flash disk is very common tool today as storage for data or files. The proponents

chose the kind of printer that best suits for the design project and with a great

contribution for the operation of the system.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Figure 2.3: All-In-One Printer

2.3 Why Printer Ink Is So Expensive

Kudos to Anne Kadet over at Smart Money. Her latest article about printer

ink cartridges titled "Why Printer Ink Is So Expensive" is one of the best analysis

we've seen in a long time. Ms. Kadet rightly points out that: average retail price of

a milliliter of ink shot up 360 percent between 1999 and 2007. Meanwhile, a $30

ink cartridge costs just three bucks to make; suppliers could cut prices in half and

still take in a nice profit. Even while printer makers lose about $30 on every $100

printer sale, the typical customer spends more than three times as much on ink

over a three-year period as he did on the printer. Often, the cheapest models

require the most expensive ink. Strange quirk in the law that makes it almost

impossible to compare long-term ink costs. The 1966 Fair Packaging and

Labeling Act, which requires manufacturers to state quantities on consumer

packaging, allows just a few exceptions, including lighters, safety pins and you

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
guessed it ink. Only one of the major makers, HP, offers page yield information

on its cartridge packaging, and you still have to calculate per-page costs.

According to American Consumer Institute President Steve Pociask, Consumers

do not have the right information to make the right choice, who studies the ink

market [6].

In this article the discussion focuses on how much the cost of printer

cartridge. This article helped the proponents to choose what type of cartridge will

be use for more profitable services.

2.4 The Early Vending Machines

It is very surprising that the world's first drink vending machine was

invented by Hero of Alexandria around AD 50, that is, nearly 2000 years ago.

Though the description of the invention has been found in an ancient text of his

called The Pneumatica , the actual invention has yet to be discovered. This idea

was of dispensing some quantity of Holy Water when a coin was placed in a slot

on a machine. The coin dropped on to a pan on a lever and the weight of the coin

moved the lever which opened a crude valve and allowed the Holy Water to flow.

As the lever continued to move, the coin fell off. The lever moved back and the

water flow was shut off again.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Figure 2.4: The First Vending Machine

After this, it was in the 1880s that the vending machine became a commercial

success. The first machines vending postcards and books appeared in London.

Coffee and drinks vending machines are now a common sight in offices and


Figure 2.5: Popular Vending Machine

The development of machines has also led to more choice between

machines. All this depends on who exactly will be using the machine that is

where is the machine located? If it is located near a school or a college, then

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
children and teenagers will be using the vending machine which means they will

be more inclined to drink fruit juices and cold drinks. A snacks and can vending

machine will also be successful in such a location. There are so many drinks

which come packed in cans today. While hot coffee and tea will not be a popular

option with children and teenagers, cold coffee and cold tea, coming packed in

cans are a very popular option along with fruit juices and drinks. And why just

children and teenagers? These are popular amongst people of any age group. If

you are in an office with a reasonable number of employees and also have

guests consistently, then you can buy a big snack and can vending machine

which can serve hundreds of customers on a single fill. Many reputed suppliers

keep a stock of such snacks and can vending machines. In fact, a brief search on

the internet will open up many more options. You can get all the necessary

details about the machine and the supplier also. A good supplier having drinks

vending machine or a can vending machine will also provide you with the

necessary maintenance and also provide customer support 24 x 7. [7].

In this first part of article it mentions the very first vending machine of the

Hero of Alexandria, the machine use coin as payment. The proponents also use

this method because it is simple and considered the price of the payment which

is at low price. Based from this article, the right location of vending machine is

the key to success for profitable outcome. It helped the proponents to pick a right

area and use tips in maintenance of vending machine. The proponents use this

as guideline in building this project.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
2.5 Hi-tech Vending Machine

Vending machines used to just swallow your money. Now they sell

anything from drinks to live crabs and can even offer a lifeline in disaster hit


In the early 1990s, environmental campaigners in Japan used to highlight

the fact that the nation's 3.6m vending machines collectively used electricity

equal to the output of one nuclear power station. Such a comparison holds extra

poignancy today, of course, especially when you consider there are now twice

the numbers of vending machines in the country that famously just can't get

enough of them. In fact, with the country experiencing rolling blackouts following

the earthquake on 11 March, a grassroots campaign was launched to persuade

Coca-Cola to switch off its 980,000 vending machines to help conserve energy.

An executive from another drinks firm was quick to retaliate: But vending

machines constitute a lifeline for residents.

Are vending machines now such an essential component of our instant-fix,

consumer lifestyles that we can't do without them, even in an emergency?

According to Jonathan Hilder chief executive of the Automatic Vending

Association, There is one vending machine for every 23 people in Japan. They

are the biggest vending market in the world and there is a machine on every

street corner selling anything from drinks and live crabs to music and underwear.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
In the UK, there is a vending machine for every 55 people. But expect vending

machines to get ever-more commonplace as they get ever-more sophisticated.

Vending has come a long way since the ancient Greeks relied on Hero's

coin-operated machine to dispense holy water at temples. The first machines

appeared in the UK during the late Victorian era, selling postcards before moving

on to the ubiquitous machines we see today selling items such as chocolate

bars, stamps and cigarettes that are found in railway stations and other busy

public places.

The thing that defines these vending machines is their crude, mechanical

simplicity and invariable reluctance despite often receiving a Fonz like whack

from the frustrated purchaser's clenched fist to accept coins without rejecting at

least a third of them. (The introduction of new 5p and 10p coins by the Royal Mint

was recently delayed until next year after lobbying by the vending industry saying

it would cost £17m to recalibrate all its machines.)

According to Hilder, the common perception that vending machines do not

accept most coins is now largely false. The technology has come on enormously

in recent years, According to Hilder, and don't blame it all on the industry: 2.8%

of £1 coins are forgeries. More than seven billion products are vended in the UK

each year. The machines offer superb convenience in an age when we crave


MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
The staples will always be popular, but vending is undergoing a revolution

in terms of the range of items machines offer, as well as how they are operated.

For example, hot drinks are the most popular vended item in the UK today, with

60% of vending machines now found in the workplace. According to Hilder, It's

not so much that you can get a hot drink now that's been the case for years but

the variety on offer is fast increasing. In the past five years, there's been a boom

in larger drink sizes, with 9oz and even 12oz cups becoming the norm. And

rather than rely on instant coffee, some machines are even grinding their own

coffee beans.

According to Hilder, Most new vending machines now are touch screen,

giving users a wealth of information and options. And once a universal wave pay

system is adopted which will be about five to 10 years away the options will be

incredible for what can be vended. But until that day arrives, food and drink will

continue to dominate vending. Earlier this month, Coca-Cola revealed a new

drinks vending machine it claimed had been in development for six years. Called

the Freestyle, the touch-screen machine offers up to 106 varieties of beverage.

At its launch in Atlanta, the company's director of marketing offered some bold

claims for the machine: To our knowledge there is nothing like this in the world.

This is the future of fountain dispensing. [8]

According to the article entitled the rise of the Hi-Tech vending machine,

the vending machine is very threading technology. The development of this very

in demand. The vending machine can sell drinks to live crabs. The point of the

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
proposed project is to give most useful and very high demand vending machine

in the campus. The proposed project considers all things that give instant printing

services without the need of going out the campus which will be beneficial to the

costumer. The article helped the proponents to have endless ideas in developing

the proposed project and to high-end industry of vending machine.

Figure 2.6: Tokyo’s Vending Machines

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
2.6 Faronics Deep-Freeze

The situation of San Juan Unified is a K-12 school district with 45,000

students over 74 sites. District wide there are over 12,000 workstations and 80

central servers; 8,000 of those are Macintosh computers running OS 9 and OS

X. The remaining 4,000 machines are HP and Compaqs running Windows 2000

and XP. The servers primarily run Windows 2003 Server, but there are some

Windows 2000 and OS X platforms as well. The problem is The Windows

workstations at San Juan Unified suffered from virtually constant software issues

that rendered computers unusable on a daily basis, and those computers were

often left unrepaired for up to six weeks, due to lack of maintenance manpower.

According to Chuck Taylor, a Microcomputer Specialist at San Juan Unified, their

biggest problems occurred in minimally supervised areas. For example, students

were often left unsupervised on library computers and kids would purposely trash

the operating systems. Other kids, who meant no harm, caused damage by

going to their favorite web sites and unintentionally inviting spyware, malware,

worms, and other harmful programs into the system. With only six technicians

responsible for the troubleshooting, repair, and management of 12,000

computers, it is no wonder that the school district experienced large amounts of

downtime. Spent countless hours cleaning viruses and malware from Microsoft

computers, but no sooner would we get one computer fixed and two more were

called in for repair.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
The Solution In their preventative efforts, the IT staff implemented

pop-up blocker software for Windows Explorer by installing the Google Toolbar,

and gave their end users more control over cleaning their own spyware by

installing and configuring Spybot. They also installed CA Trust Pest Patrol on

helpdesk computers so the department could remotely clean issues on site

computers. But they were still looking for something to solve these security and

downtime problems. It was at a CETPA tradeshow that Mr. Taylor first heard

about a product from Faronics Technologies called Deep Freeze. But because of

the financial challenges in the K-12 public school system, it took three years to

convince the department to even consider the purchase. Only when spyware was

at an all time high and work orders were taking longer to get to do the

department decide to purchase 250 licenses for evaluation. The evaluation was

conducted on 250 computers over several library sites using Deep Freeze

Enterprise. The department set up a central server to monitor the Deep Freeze

computers from several remote Deep Freeze consoles. Some of the concerns

the department had included performing Windows and antivirus definition

updates, as well as the general robustness of the consoles because the district

WAN covered 72 square miles. Some sites have T1 lines, while a few have faster

DS-3 lines coming in and out. Controlling all the remote computers was very

important. The more we learn about Deep Freeze, the better the product gets.

Faronics has been excellent with documentation, technical white papers, and the

development of free configuration tools. Mr. Taylor reports that the day-to-day

operation of lab computers is now reliable. Mr. Taylor said I have had teachers

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
near retirement tell me they were ready to call it quits because of erratic and

inconsistent computer software. Not until after last summer when Deep Freeze

was installed did they finally remember why they liked to teach. Computer issues

sometimes used as much as 20 minutes of a teacher’s 45 minute period before

Deep Freeze was deployed. And re-imaging because of software problems is a

thing of the past. Every summer for the past 10 years, we have re-imaged every

business lab in preparation for the coming year. Typically, we did not finish our

last lab until after the new school year had started. Because of Deep Freeze, for

the first time in 10 years, we didn’t need to re-image those labs this past summer.


The article and the proponents have same idea of eliminating the viruses

that can get trough internet or from the different users that use the computer. The

proponent implement deep-freeze to secure the users flask disk and to maintain

the proper configuration of the computer. It is very convenient for the users and

for the proponents.

Figure 2.7: Logo of Faronics Deep-Freeze

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

[1]; History of Computer Printers

[2] J. L. Zable and H. C. Lee. "An overview of impact printing"

[3] Elward, Lauren (2008-12-19). "The Printer Cartridge Game". The Castle

Ink Blog. Retrieved 2010-06-11.

[4] History of the computer printer by Rainier Wong

[5] M. Morris Mano “Desktops Printing: how to do desktop printing from a

laser or inkjet home or office printer 2007



[8] Fox Gadget magazine Leo Hickman “the rise of hi-tech vending

machine P. 34-40

[9] Faronics Deep-Freeze and San Juan Unified School District case

study, September 2006.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Chapter 3

The factors that push the proponents to be inquisitive are very important in

the process of research. Proponents should be determined to observe, search

and continue what they have started. This chapter represents the method of

research that have been utilized in developing the proposed system. Methods of

research used, data gathering instruments, analytical tools, methods for product

evaluation as well as technical, operational and economic feasibility information

are also featured in this section.

3.1 Methods of Research

In order to achieve understanding of all activities required to develop and

design this system, the proponents used various research methods and data

gathering instruments.

3.1.1 Library Research Method

It is the most common method that the proponents used. This

method is applied in order to gain information and ideas from other references

such as books, published materials and unpublished thesis. This method was

also used to get ideas to be written in the related literature and on the conducted


MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.1.2 Creative Research Method

This type of research employs basically a stylistic approach and

analysis of human experience. It utilizes the creativity and sense of originality of

the proponents so that they can broaden the scope of the proposed system.

3.1.3 Prognostic Research Method

This method refers to any scientific investigations in which the main

and stated purpose is to predict the future operation of factors investigated. This

method helped the proponents know the economic and technical feasibility of the

proposed system. Considering that automation will be implemented in the future

state of our construction firms.

3.2 Data Gathering Instruments

These data gathering instrument are used in this study to obtain useful

information that would help the proponents in creating the proposed design

project. Most of information we gathered came from data, through internet and

reading materials. The proponents also used observation and evaluation as


3.2.1 Observation

An instrument used to evaluate and verify the facts gathered by the

proponents. The proponents were able to identify the problems in going outside

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
of the campus whenever they indeed to print some documents thus urges us in

designing this project. Observations are usually done in conjunction with another

data gathering method that is used to fill in the gaps and answer questions.

3.2.3 Questionnaire

The use of questionnaire is another way to gather information about the

system. Students are to be asked by means of questionnaire designed to

promulgate the intentions of the project.


Efficiency – the capability to produce the desired output with

minimum effort on the part of the user

Accuracy – the ability to produce desired output without error

Reliability – the ability of the system to performed the required

function and could be easily accessed by the user

Usefulness – the ability of the system to print documents

User Friendliness – the characteristic of the system to be easily

understood and used by the user

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.3 Conceptual Frameworks

With the fast growing of technologies and growing needs of the society,

proponents’ prime objective is to create a machine that would lighten the works

and would benefit the society. For this reason the proponents conceptualize a

design project regarding the interest in automation of devices which leads us to

the creation of an MCU-Based: Coin Operated Printing Machine that would give

instant printing service.

Input Process Output

 Coins  Microcontroller checks if the  Printed on

 Selection of requirements to access or print paper
Service are already met.  Papers out
(Computer  Import files via internet or flash
Access or disk
Printing  Printing

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework

In the design project, the proponents choose the coin as the medium. The

system displays if the service is either computer access or printing service. If

computer access will be the needed service, one peso coin will be inserted and

the system gives three minutes of computer service. If printing service is chosen,

the system asks to input number of copies and microcontroller will require certain

conditions on how many coins should be imputed. After the coin is inserted in

the coin acceptor, the computer monitor, mouse and keyboard turn on and for

every coin inserted the time to access the system will increase. The system

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
allows you to browse your flash-drive or download from the internet so that you

can choose which document you want to print. The photoelectric sensor will

detect the paper out. Every time the sensor detects that a paper is out, the

microcontroller deaccumulates the countdown until it reaches zero. When that

happens, the printer automatically shuts down.

3.3.1 Computer Access or Printing Service

The user select if the system is to be use as a computer or a printer. The

printer, LCD monitor, mouse and keyboard is initially off. If the users choose the

computer access and inserted at least one peso coin. The computer monitor,

mouse and the keyboard automatically turn on for three minutes. If the users

select the printing service and input how many copies to be print. It will display

how much the price and once the certain condition is fulfilled the printer

automatically turn on. The computer monitor, mouse and the keyboard will

automatically shutdown once the countdown timer reaches the zero. The

computer printer will automatically shutdown after finish printing the files.

3.3.2 Standby Mode and Inactive Mode

The LCD monitor, mouse, keyboard and computer printer is initially off so

no one can use the printing system and automatically resumes the power if the

user inserts a coin. If the computer is idle, where the mouse and keyboard is

totally inactive in ten minutes. The computer CPU is automatically shutdown.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.3.3 Importing Files

In printing some documents the system required a file to print. The system

can import the files thought flash disk or via internet. The system is free from

virus because it is having an anti-virus application like avast-pro anti-virus,

faronics deep-freeze and usb-security. All the files imported or downloaded will

automatically vanished once the once the computer rebooted.

3.4 Statistical Tools

Mean. It is one of the simplest and most efficient measures of central

tendency. (Montana & Pagoso, 2002)



Equation 3.1. Mean Formula

Where: M= is the average number of respondents.

N= Total number of respondents

n= refers to the sample size or total number of


Likert Scale. Likert Scale is made up of a series of opinion statement

about some issue when individuals are presented with a list of statements about

a single topic and are instructed to respond to each statement in terms of their

agreement or disagreement. The proponents used this device to determine the

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
magnitude of the responses of the respondents and applied the results.

(Montana & Pagoso, 2002)

Table 3.1: Likert Scale

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.5 Billing of Materials

Quantity Material Unit Price (PHP) Amount (PHP)

1 Casing 6000 6000
1 Photo Electric 4960 4960
2 Solid State Relay 2280 4560
1 LCD Display (20x4) 2600 2600
1 LCD Monitor 3500 3500
1 Coin Slot 2500 2500
1 Printer 2400 2400
1 Keypad 1700 1700
1 Power Supply 1600 1600
1 Ink 1250 1250
3 Relay Driver 160 480
1 Circuit Breaker 350 350
1 PIC16F877 320 320
1 USB Hub 280 280
1 USB Network 280 280
1 USB Keyboard 250 250
1 USB Mouse 150 150
TOTAL: PHP 33,180

Table 3.2: Billing of Materials

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.6 Material Specifications

3.6.1 Circuit Breaker

Slot 4x220 volts

Power 500watts
Protection Short circuit and overload protection
Casing Metal coated
Table 3.3 Circuit Breaker Specifications

3.6.2 Coin slot

An electronic device where coins are inserted to trigger and

activate other devices. It requires 12v input voltage.


 Suitable all coins diameter and thickness and materials.

 Timer switch function for adjustable.

 Anti-stringing to protect machine.

 Counter available

 CPU control alarm and cyclical lockout (HI-07CS)

 CPU control LED that to execute state and cyclical lockout


MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.6.3 Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Language English
System Manufacturer Samsung Electronics Co., LTD
System Model Desktop system
Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz
Memory 254MB RAM
Direct C Version DirectX 9.0c
Table 3.4 CPU Specifications

3.6.4 Dot Matrix Liquid Crystal Display Controller/Driver

The HD44780U character generator ROM is extended to generate

208 5 x 8 dot characters fonts and 35 5 x 10 dot character fonts for a total

of 240 different character fonts. The low supply (2.7V to 5.5V) of the

HD44780U is suitable for any portable battery-driven product requiring low

power dissipation.


 5 x 8 and 5 x 10 dot matrix possible

 Low power operation support: 2.7 to 5v5V

 Wide range of liquid crystal display driver power: 3 to 11v

 Liquid crystal display waveform; one line frequency AC


 Correspond to high speed MPU bus interface: 2MHz (when

VCC = 5V)

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
 4-bit or 8-bit display RAM (80 characters max)

 9920-bit character generator ROM for total of 240 character

fonts: 208 and 32 character fonts

 64 x 8-bit character generator RAM: 8 characters font and 4

characters font.

3.6.5 Keypad

The keypad requires only 4 wires to operate: +VDC, GND, TX, RX.

Remove the top half of the unit by removing the 6 screws around the outer

edge and attach the 4 wires to the terminal strip as indicated by the label.

Input Voltage +9 to 20 VDC

Input Current 300 mA (max)
Table 3.5 Keypad Specifications

3.6.6 LCD Monitor: Samsung 15’’ LCD Monitor


Manufacturer: Samsung

Part Number: 152B Silver

Display Type TFT active matrix

Diagonal Size 15 in

Viewable Size 15 in

Aspect Ratio 4:3

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Native Resolution 1024 x 768 at 75 Hz

Pixel Pitch 0.3 mm

Brightness 350 cd/m2

Image Contrast Ratio 450:1

Color Support 16.7 million colors

Response Time 25 ms

Vertical Refresh Rate 75 Hz

Horizontal Refresh Rate 61 kHz

Video Bandwidth 80 MHz

Factory Preset Resolution Modes 640 x 350 / 70 Hz,

640 x 480 / 60 Hz,

720 x 400 / 70 Hz,

640 x 480 / 75 Hz,

640 x 480 / 72 Hz,

800 x 600 / 56 Hz,

800 x 600 / 60 Hz,

800 x 600 / 75 Hz,

800 x 600 / 72 Hz,

1024 x 768 / 60 Hz,

1024 x 768 / 70 Hz,

1024 x 768 / 75 Hz

Horizontal Viewing Angle +80 / -80

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Vertical Viewing Angle +70 / -80

Controls & Adjustments Color temperature,

Color balance,

H/V position,



OSD Languages Japanese

Dimensions (WxDxH) 14.1 in x 7.3 in x 13.7 in

Interfaces 1 x VGA - 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15)

Flat Panel Mount Interface 75 x 75 mm

Form Factor External

Voltage Required AC 120/230 V ( 50/60 Hz )

Power Consumption Operational 31 Watts

Power Consumption Standby / 2 Watt


Table 3.6 LCD Monitor Specifications

3.6.7 Photoelectric switch

Switches used mainly for situations such as sentry devices or

outside lights. The generation of electricity by the photovoltaic cell when

light is present.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
Sensing Method Through-beam
Light source (wavelength) Red LED (660nm)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC±10%, ripple (p-p): 10% max.
Current consumption 40 mA max.
Sensing distance Groove width of 5 mm
Response time Operate or reset: 0.5 ms max.
Case PBT (polybutylene terephthalate)
Lens Acrylics

Table 3.7 Photoelectric Switch Specifications

3.6.8 PIC16F877

High-performance RISC CPU:

 Lead-free:RoHS-compliant

 Operating speed:20Mhz, 200ns instruction cycle

 Operating voltage:4.0-5.5volts

 Industrial temperature range(-40 to +85 degrees)

 15 Interrupt sources

 35 single word instructions

 All single-cycle instructions except for program branches

Special Microcontroller Features:

 Flash memory:14.3KB(8192 words)

 Data SRAM:368 bytes

 Data EEPROM:256 bytes

 Self-reprogrammable under software control

 In-circuit serial programming via two pins

 Watchdog timer with on-chip RC oscillator

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
 Programmable code protection

 Power-saving code protection

 Selectable oscillator options

 In-circuit debug via two pins

Peripheral Features:

 33 I/O pins : 5 I/O ports

 Timer0:8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler

 Timer1:16-bit timer/counter with prescaler

 Timer2:8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register,

prescaler and postscaler

 Two capture, compare, PWM modules

 Synchronous serial port with two modes

 USART/SCI with 9-bit address detection

 Parrallel slave port

 Brown-out detection circuitry for brown-out reset

3.6.9 Power Supply


Output Three
Output Power 220W
Low Ripple Full loading 50mV
Mechanical Dimension (L*W*H): 184*130*54 mm
Carton Dimension (L*W*H): 410*400*295 mm
Weight 680g
Table 3.8 Power Supply Specifications

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.6.10 Printer: Canon PIXMA ip2770

The latest series of Canon printers that have been using hybrid ink

system. Three-color ink cartridge is packed with a single mold so that

yielding sharper color. Black ink to create a text printed with a print speed

of 7.0 ipm printers images per minute while for colored ink with a print

speed of 4.8 ipm for color sharper.

Full specifications:

 Resolution (dpi)*2 4800 x 1200dpi (max.)

 Min. Ink Droplet Size 2pl

 Number of Nozzles 1472

 Cartridge Type PG-810, CL-811 (PG-810XL,

CL811XL Optional)

 Printable Width Up to 203.2mm (8-inch)

 Borderless: Up to 216mm (8.5-inch)

 Recommended Printing Area Top margin: 31.2mm

 Bottom margin: 32.5mm

 Applicable Media Sizes A4, Letter, Legal, A5, B5,

Envelopes (DL, COM10), 4 x 6", 5 x 7", 8 x 10"

 Borderless Photo 4 x 6" / 8 x 10" / A4

 Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2 / SP3, Vista SP1 / SP2

 Macintosh OS X 10.4.11 - 10.6

 Interface USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Canon Bundled Software

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
 Power AC100 - 240V, 50 / 60Hz

 Weight 3.4kg

 Dimension (W x D x H) 445 x 250 x 130mm

3.6.11 Relay Driver

A relay is an electro-magnetic switch which is useful if you want

to use a low voltage circuit to switch on and off a light bulb (or anything

else) connected to the 220v mains supply.

2x330 ohm Resistor

1x4.7k ohm Resistor
Relay 12V

Table 3.9 Relay Driver Specifications

3.6.12 Solenoid State Relay

A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with liquid

or gas. The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid: in

the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off; in the case of a

three-port valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet ports.


 Input: 3-32VDC

 Model: SSR-10DA

 Load: 24-480VAC

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
3.6.13 USB Hub: CD-R King Octopus 7-Port USB Hub


 Adds seven 2.0 USB high-speed ports.

 Fully compliant with USB 2.0 and 1.1 specification.

 Supports data transfer rate up to 480Mbps.

 Individual port over current protection.

 Ergonomic design

 Provides up to 500mA to each port.

 Hot swappable, Plug and Play.

 Supports Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/ME/98 and Mac OS

3.6.14 Wi-Fi Receiver: CD-R King Wireless-N USB Network Adapter


 802. 11b: 1,2,5,5 11Mbps

 802. 11g: 6,9,12,18,24,36,48 54Mbps

 802. 11n: (20MHz) MCS0-7, Support up to 72Mbps (40MHz)

MCS0-7, Support up to 150 Mbps.

 OFDM, peak rate 150 Mbps, Peak throughout 90Mbps.

 Security support for 64/128 WEP, WPA, WPA2, TKIP, AES.

 Operates in 2.4GHz frequency bands. Power Management.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Chapter 4

The interpreted results of the design project’s evaluation are carefully

being discussed in this chapter. The proponent discusses the summarized result

of the survey and finished output of the design project.

4.1 Presentation of the Results

The graphs represented herein show the results from the analysis phase

of the proposed project. The result of the evaluation of the respondents to the

proposed project is also shown.

The criteria for the survey are developed based on the objectives of the

project. The proponents came up with the criteria of testing the efficiency,

accuracy, reliability, usefulness and user friendliness of the project. These criteria

would help the proponents determine if the system achieved its objective.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean Interpretation

Efficiency 8 9 3 0 0 20 4.25 Very Satisfactory
Accuracy 8 9 3 0 0 20 4.25 Very Satisfactory
Reliability 9 10 1 0 0 20 4.4 Very Satisfactory
Usefulness 11 7 2 0 0 20 4.45 Very Satisfactory
User friendliness 11 6 3 0 0 20 4.65 Excellent
Table 4.1 Respondent’s rating to the project

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
The Table 4.1 shows the number as a result from the evaluation and then

computed according to the statistical tools used. Given by 20 respondents the

proponents computed the mean value for each corresponding criteria by means

of Weight Mean Formula. The remarks were from the Likert’s Scale furthermore,

according to the computed results, the project shows a consistent rating that is

above average.

4.1.1 Efficiency

Figure 4.2: Survey Result # 1

For the testing the efficiency of the project, nine out of twenty students

answered that it is “very satisfactory” while eight out of twenty students said that

it is “excellent” and the remaining three said that it is “satisfactory”. By evaluating

the results, the proponents were able to know if the project is more efficient in

printing documents rather than going outside the campus. The students will get

to print their files with less effort.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
4.1.2 Accuracy

Figure 4.3: Survey Result # 2

For the testing the efficiency of the project, nine out of twenty students

answered that it is “very satisfactory” while eight out of twenty students said that

it is “excellent” and the remaining three said that it is “satisfactory”. Getting this

result, the proponents were able to know if the project is accurate in terms of

giving the desired service of the user. The system will provide accurate

countdown and correct number of prints.

4.1.3 Reliability

Figure 4.4: Survey Result # 3

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
For testing the reliability of the project, ten out of twenty students

answered that it is “very satisfactory” while nine out of twenty answered that it is

“excellent” and the remaining student think that it “satisfactory”. This shows that

the project is reliable in terms of printing quality documents. Users will no longer

go outside the campus thus the user can rely on the project whenever they

intend to print documentation.

4.1.4 Usefulness

Figure 4.5: Survey Result # 4

For testing of the usefulness of the project, twelve out of twenty students

said that it is “excellent”, while seven out twenty said that it is “very satisfactory”

and the remaining think that it is “satisfactory”. This shows that the project is very

useful for users in printing document.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
4.1.5 User Friendliness

Figure 4.6: Survey Result # 5

The table shows that eleven out of twenty students said that the project is

“excellent” while six out of twenty said that it is “very satisfactory” while the

remaining students said that it is “satisfactory”. Getting this result, the proponents

were able to know if the project can be easily understood and used.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

Chapter 5

5.1 Conclusion

The proponents have made several conclusions from the designed

project. An initial conclusion is the overall efficiency of the project is more

acceptable rather than the traditionally going out of the campus for printing

purposes. The proponents decided to make the said design project because of

the problems encounter on present system; going outside of the campus is time

consuming inaccurate computation of total charges

Another conclusion is the heightened accuracy and reliability of the

system in terms of printing services. Evaluated results drawn the conclusion that

students can rely on the accuracy the system can provide. Add to that the

Internet feature of the system. For this users will also get to use the internet to

download and import missing files into their worksheets while editing.

The proponents achieved their objectives in making this project. They had

finished making design project, which have given satisfaction to their stated

problem. They developed a design project to have a system that will give instant

printing service inside the building rather than going outside of the campus.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine
5.2 Recommendation

There are a number of research areas in which improvements would bring

better results throughout the system. The following is a list of recommended

research areas for this product:

5.2.1 Multi-Coin acceptor and Coin dispenser

Instead of single recognize coin acceptor a Multi Coin acceptor and

Coin Dispenser has dual function. Aside from accepting coins being inserted it

also has the capability to dispense coins when the user decides to cancel the

operation. These conditions are not present in the current system since the

project is only using coin acceptor.

5.2.2 Multi Function Printer

There are some improvements that can also be made in the project

such as using Multi Function Printer. It includes a printer, scanner and copier for

variety of purposes. The current design project is using single function printer

limited for “print only” function. By using the recommended 5-1 printer, the

system is able to store rims of bond paper which the current system printer

doesn’t support.

MCU Based Coin Operated Printing Machine

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