Ecosys M3040idn M3540idn M3550idn M3560idnenrmr16

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ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn

Firmware Release Notes

Subject: Firmware Update
Model ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn l:
Updated Machines
Serial Number:

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 03/19

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 03/19

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000. 007.124 007.124 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000. 007.124 007.124 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 007.118 007.118 HyPAS New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.002.001 002.001 HyPAS
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.024 001.030 HyPAS New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.027 Basic New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.008.001 008.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

No Topic Content
1 Support for KFS1.6 The following is supported matching the function of KFS1.6
A. Notice of the toner replacement information when replacing the toner
B. Support for downloading the firmware difference (Same version of the firmware is
not downloaded)
C. Support for displaying the gauge of the maintenance kit
D. Expanding the maintenance mode setting (Make it possible to set the following by
- U323: Abnormal temperature and humidity notification setting
- U327: Cassette heater control setting
- U339: Drum heater ON mode setting
- U206: Sets the coin vender
- U284: 2 color copy setting
- U286: Optional language setting
E. Send the data regardless of the connection condition of the XMPP server
F. Counter TX by coverage: switch by U332: Adjusting the black coverage coefficient
- U332: If the Mode is full color, not display the coverage counter
- U332: If the Mode is coverage, display the coverage counter
G. Support to restart the device when KFS is offline (Add the detection of system
error F60A) *4
When detecting the offline for more than one hour or the network lock-up, change is
made to detect system error F60A *1, and perform [Simple log storage *2] and
[Restart the main unit *3]
*1: Check once a day at the random time between 12:00AM and 06:00AM (Target:
KFS connected model) When detecting system error F60A, it is recorded in the Event
Log/Maintenance Report
*2: System error F60A is displayed on the panel for about 10 sec. while storing the
*3: When U287: [Automatic recovery function] is on (Default), restart the main unit.
When it is off, the main unit does not restart. Therefore, system error F60A is kept
displayed on the panel
*4: Confirm the remote service setting is off on the machine that does not perform the
remote service. (system error F60A occurs while continuing the state unable to
connect to the remote server)
2 Supporting N5Prox Card Support to recognize N5Prox Card Reader produced by NDDigital with the card
Reader authentication kit
3 Improve the reliability for the Change is made since external test/research organization pointed out.
4 Support for SHA-2 Support for SHA-2 which is an increase in security using in SSL communication

5 Change of the LED light From start of acquiring logs to acquiring in process:
pattern when pressing Memory and Attention LED blinks
multiple keys for acquiring When completing acquiring logs:
logs Memory and Attention LED continues to light
6 Corrective measures for the The result listed on the [TX result report] sent by the mail described only one result
display failure of [TX result even if sending multiple mails by the broadcasting.
report] sent by the mail
7 Correct at Separator Page When setting the separator page of Windows from [Printer properties] > [Advanced] >
[Separator Page] at the printer driver, the pages are not counted to the specified user
account code of the user account setting, but to other user account code. Therefore,
it is corrected.
8 Corrective measures for the Event Report might be communicated twice even if setting the communication time
different communication time as "Once in a month". (It occurs in case of exceeding over the summer time.)
of Event Report
9 Corrective measures for the In case of performing the Scan to SMB to a certain PC, the error might occur.
error on the Scan to SMB

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
10 Corrective measures for the The CCRX might not be connected after the main unit recovers from the sleep mode.
inability of connecting
Command Center RX
(CCRX) after the main unit
recovers from the sleep
11 Corrective measures for If no. of output line for one page with FAX RX image is 128 lines (600dpi with about
system error F485 5.4mm width), system error F485 might occur.
12 Corrective measures for Allocation of the printer imaging memory might not be appropriate so that it might not
output error with a certain file be possible to output with a certain file.
(Affected model of this phenomenon is HyPAS 3in1 only)
13 Corrective measures for There are some mistakes of Portuguese in the Command Center. This has been
translation mistake in corrected.
14 Corrective measures for System error F24C might occur. This has been corrected.
system error F24C
15 Corrective measures for the When connecting to the network, if a certain letters are entered, a lock-up might
lock-up when entering a occur. This has been corrected.
certain letters
16 Correcting display of the Old company name might be displayed in the status page. (Taiwan traditional
status page Chinese only) This has been corrected.
17 Corrective measures for F247 might occur irregularly. This has been corrected.
system error F247
18 Corrective measures for When using MyQ, there might be the possibility to output the cancelled job at the
outputting the job cancelled timing between the server side and the main unit controller side.
by MyQ
19 Corrective measures for When upgrading the firmware, F245 occurs and it might not be possible to upgrade
system error F245 the firmware.
20 Corrective measures for When replacing the main PWB for the field service in the main unit with the data
service call error C0660/C0640 security kit E installed, service call error C0660/C0640.ccurs.
C0660: Hard Disk encryption key error, C0640: Hard Disk error This has been
21 Corrective
H measures for System error F245 might occur with the firmware upgrade through KNV/KNA. This
E error F245 has been corrected.
22 Corrective measures for When cancelling the FAX timer TX, system error F375 might occur.
system error F375
23 Corrective measures for If [Prevent Bleed-through] is turned on with scanning through the platen, if feeding
system error F21B paper from MP tray to output, system error F21B might occur.
24 Corrective measures for the When printing a certain font, there might be the possibility that the font pitch is not
misalignment of the letter appropriate and the printed letters are shifted.
with a certain font
25 Improving the performance of When printing a certain file, it might take longer than competitor models. This has
PS data been corrected.
26 Corrective measures for System error F248 might appear when outputting the certain file as the PDF data
system error F248 when from the Mac viewer. This has been corrected.
outputting the certain file
27 Corrective measures for the The PS error might appear with the certain file.
PS error with the certain file
28 Corrective measures If directly printing a certain PDF file, different font might be printed. This has been
for outputting with corrected.
different font
29 Corrective measures for When printing a certain file, system error F248 might occur. This has been corrected.
system error F248

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
30 Corrective measures for the If a certain file is printed with the poster print, there might be the possibility that a thin
streaks with the poster print line might be printed at the boundary of some characters.
of a certain file
31 Corrective measures for not There might be the possibility that some part of text with a certain file might not be
printing some part of text with printed.
a certain file
32 Corrective measures for the The 2nd job might not be output even if a certain PS data is transmitted twice
failure when sending a repeatedly.
certain PS data
33 Corrective measures for the There might be the possibility to occur KPDL error if a certain data with [image
KPDL error priority] from Mac Illustrator
34 Change the error display The error message is displayed as shown below when the print can’t be done due to
when outputting the PDF file memory shortage. However, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the message.
Refer to the page 13 for the Therefore, the change is made
details. Display sample) PDFConversionError or VMerror
35 Corrective measures for The barcode image with a certain PS data might not be printed.
printing failure with a certain
PS data
36 Corrective measures for In case of printing a certain file on the letter size paper, white streaks might occur at
white streaks with a certain the position of about 76mm from the leading edge. (no problem with other sizes)
37 Corrective measures for KPDL error might occur with a certain file
KPDL error
38 Corrective measures for the The thin red line might not be printed
inability of printing the thin
red line
39 Corrective measures for System error F248 might occur with a certain PS data print
system error F248 with a
certain PS data print
40 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility that a certain file might output the blank sheet right
outputting the blank sheet after turning on the power of the main unit.
with a certain file
41 Corrective measures for the When outputting the data to the custom box while turning [Auto Error Clear] on at the
failure when outputting the command center, it might be printed after passing the certain time even if the
data to the custom box password is different.
42 Corrective measures for System error F248 might occur with a certain file
system error F248 with a
certain file
43 Corrective measures for the The white dotted line which must hide under an image might be printed with the
printed white dotted line with certain file.
the certain file
44 Corrective measures for the Form overlay might not be printed correctly on 2nd page and after.
output failure with form
45 Corrective measures for not There might be the possibility that a certain tool (API program) does not operate
operating a certain tool (API when receiving E-mail with E-mail RX function.
46 Corrective measures for the When printing under a certain user environment, the job supposed to be stapled
staple failure under a certain individually might be stapled all pages together.
47 Corrective measures for When printing from Mac, system error F248/F24B might occur. This has been
system error F248/F24B corrected.
48 Corrective measures for When printing a certain file, PCL-XL error might occur. This has been corrected.
PCL-XL error with a certain
49 Support for missing image When printing a certain file, some part of the image is missing. This has been

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
50 Corrective measures for the When printing a certain PS data, all pages might not printed or some part of the font
failure when printing a might get overlapped This has been corrected.
specific PS data
51 Corrective measures for When printing a certain file, the extra gray band lines or the ruled lines became the
displaying the extra gray dotted line. This has been corrected.
band lines
52 Corrective measures for When making a certain PDF file from USB memory through the PDF direct print,
missing image with a certain some part of the image might be missing.
PDF file
53 Corrective measures for When printing the power point file created by Mac, F248 might occur.
system error F248
54 Corrective measures for not Even if setting the multiple sets of print, only one set might be printed
be able to output set number
of print
55 Corrective measures for the Print position of the numbers described under the bar code with a certain data can’t
print position error with be aligned.
certain data
56 Corrective measures for When printing under the user certain environment, character spacing might be
printing failure under a narrowed.
certain environment
57 Corrective measures 2 for When printing a certain document by Adobe Illustrator of Mac version, some part of
missing color when printing the background pattern = some part of the violet shaded section might be missing to
from Mac white.
58 Corrective measures for the When printing a certain file, PostScript error might occur.
PostScript error
59 Corrective measures for PS If printing a certain file (PS data), PS error might occur.
error with a certain file
60 Corrective measures for not A certain FRPO parameter is not reflected immediately after setting and it might be
reflecting a FRPO parameter reflected from the second job only.
61 Corrective measures for When printing a certain data, the extra page might output first.
outputting the unnecessary
page with a certain data
62 Improving the performance It takes time to output a certain PS data. This has been corrected.
on a certain PS data
63 Correcting the printing When printing a certain PS data, the printing direction might be wrong. This has been
direction with a certain PS corrected.
64 Corrective measures for F1D6 might occur. This has been corrected.
system error F1D6
65 Corrective measures for not Even if adding the user defined file name with the LDAP setting in Command Center,
reflecting the LDAP settings it does not work with its setting.
66 Corrective measures for When performing Scan to USB/SMB/Email, system error F12B might occur.
system error F12B when
67 Corrective measures for the There might be the possibility that error 1102 occurs at Scan to SMB
error 1102 at Scan to SMB
68 Corrective measures for the When using HyPAS application (PaperCut), the counter might not be correct.
failure when using HyPAS
application (PaperCut)
<HyPAS model only>
69 Support for KDKR specific Responding to partially missing information in monitoring tools used by KDKR
customer request specific customers.
70 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility to occur system error F25E
system error F25E
71 Corrective measures for If requesting the error information of the main unit from KFS, system error F245 might
system error F245 occur.
KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.
ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
72 Corrective measures Umlaut character with a certain file might not be output.
for not outputting
umlaut character with a
certain file
73 Corrective measures for When scanning the ID card in the card reader quickly and repeatedly, system error
system error F246 when F246 might occur.
using the ID card
74 Corrective measures for the When using URDS, the panel might lock while remote diagnosis is in progress.
panel lock when using URDS
75 Corrective measures for System error F010 might occur if using a certain application.
system error F010
76 Corrective measures for lock- When upgrading the firmware through remote, depending on the network condition or
up when upgrading the timing, it might fail to upgrade and the main unit might lock up.
firmware through remote
77 Corrective measures for the The E-mail (E-mail forwarding after receiving the fax) might not be sent.
E-mail sending failure
<HyPAS model only>
78 Corrective measures for When printing a certain PDF file from [Preview] of Mac OS 10.13, system error F248
system error F248 might occur.
79 Corrective measures for When printing with an SD card storing fonts, system error F248 might occur.
system error F248 with an
SD card storing fonts

Change the error display when outputting the PDF file

Before change After change

Error Name: Error Name:
Offending Command: Offending Command:
Operand Stack:
Operand Stack:

Offending Command Error Name (Before) Error Name (After) Description

pdftoken PDFConversionError PDFSyntaxError PDF Syntax Error
pdf_process_Encrypt PDFConversionError PDFEncryptionError Incorrect PDF Password
pdf_gen_user_password PDFConversionError PDFEncryptionError This file uses an unknown standard
security handler revision
pdf_check_password PDFConversionError PDFEncryptionError This file uses an unknown standard
security handler revision
Tf PDFConversionError PDFFontResourceError Unknown/Undefined Font Resource
FDSelect PDFConversionError PDFFontResourceError Missing/Invalid Font
buildType0 PDFConversionError PDFFontResourceError Missing/Invalid Font
findresource PDFConversionError PDFFontResourceError Missing/Invalid Font
stream PDFConversionError PDFFormatError PDF Format Error
resolvefn4 PDFConversionError PDFRangecheck Rangecheck Error
*any undefined undefined PDF Format Error
pdfconv (due to low memory) PDFConversionError VMerror Not enough memory.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 01/18

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 01/18

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.E06.107 E06.107 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.E06.107 E06.107 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 006.106 006.106 HyPAS
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.002.001 002.001 HyPAS
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.024 001.026 HyPAS
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.022 Basic
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.008.001 008.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of Changes
Topic Content
1 "Fixes MAC OS 10.13 "F248" starts appearing when Mac OS 10.12 (Sierra) was upgraded to Mac OS 10.13
F248 Error" (High Sierra). Updating firmware resolves this issue.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 07/17

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 07/17

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.006.113 006.113 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.006.113 006.113 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 006.106 006.106 HyPAS New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.002.001 002.001 HyPAS
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.024 001.026 HyPAS New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.022 Basic New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.008.001 008.001 New Upgrade
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of Changes
No Topic Contents
1 Support for KFS v1.4 ----------------------

2 Corrective measures for Depending on the user environment, there might be the possibility to occur the error as
SMB TX error conversion process or storing to the file name using when sending SMB can’t be
performed correctly.
- Add [Creating temporary file name] mode in the Command Center. (Possible to switch
On: Present mode, Off: New mode (Default value)
3 Make easy to obtain the To make easy to obtain the log in the field when the problem occurs, change is made
log in the field as follows.
Make sure the SD card has to be installed. (The log is stored in the SD card as there is
no capacity to store the log in the main unit.)
[Store the log]
- When detecting the system error or the service call error, records the log at that time
in the SC card.
- By pressing and holding the 4 hardware key ([*], [8], [6], [Clear]) at same time for
about 3 to 6 seconds, record the log at that time.
[Output the log]
- Add maintenance mode U964 and output the log data to the USB memory by
executing maintenance mode U964. (Make sure to insert the USB memory into the
USB memory slot beforehand when output the log data)
4 Deleting unnecessary Delete the note in the Command Center which is not necessary with these models.
note in the Command The following note is deleted in
Center “Network settings” > “Protocol” > “POP3 (E-mail RX)”
[Note: E-mail printing is unavailable if remote printing is not enabled. Printer settings]
5 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility to occur system error F245.
system error F245

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Contents
6 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility that KFS can’t be connected under a certain user network
KFS connection failure environment.
with a certain user
7 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility to occur system error F57D if multiple jobs continue to fail
system error F57D to secure shared memory due to network printing, etc.
8 Corrective measures for The macro file including the PCL downloading font can’t be output correctly.
the failure when
outputting the macro file
9 Corrective measures for A certain PDF file can’t be output correctly.
the abnormal output with
a certain PDF file
10 Corrective measures for When operating the HyPAS application (PaperCut), ”Scan to Me(E-mail)” icon which is
disappearing the icon added in the Home screen disappears by turning the power off/on.
when operating the
HyPAS application
HyPAS model only
11 Corrective measures for The signal is resent if the communication between the main PWB and FAX PWB is
service call error C0950 disconnected due to some reason. However, depending on this timing, there might be
[FAX job stay error], the possibility to occur the following.
system error F14E [FAX - The image data can’t be processed correctly and the error occurs between the main
control section error PWB and FAX PWB. (C0950)
detection] - Necessary signal does not come and continue to wait which makes the lock up.
<4in1 model (M35****) (F14E)

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 04/17

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.006.010 006.010 M3040idn
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.006.010 006.010
MMI 2NM_7000. 006.051 006.051 HyPAS New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.006 001.006
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.024 001.024 HyPAS
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.021 Basic
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.007.001 007.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Detail of Changes
No. Topic Content
1 Corrective measures Even if executing [Initialize] at U201 "Init Touch Panel", the position detected on the touch
for the correction panel might not be corrected.
failure at U201 "Init [Cause]
Touch Panel" The area where the data is stored is not initialized. Therefore, if the unspecified data is in
the area, "Correction is unnecessary" might be judged depending on the value of the data.
(For HyPAS models [Change]
only) Initialize the area before storing the data in the area.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 03/17

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 03/17

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.006.010 006.010 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.006.010 006.010 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 006.010 006.010 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.006 001.006
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.024 001.024 HyPAS New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.021 Basic
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.007.001 007.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of Changes
No. Topic Content
1 Corrective measures for When restarting the main unit from the Command Center (Management Settings >
the machine lock-up Reset > [Restart Device]) in the sleep mode while setting the sleep lever to "Quick
when restarting from the Recovery", the main unit might lock up.
Commend Center
2 Corrective measures for When setting Panel Plus to the startup initial screen and the panel reset timer to
the restart-up failure with "30s", Panel Plus might restart every 30s and the Loading screen might appear. This
Panel Plus is corrected.
For HyPAS models only
3 Corrective measures for When executing [Export] in U917 (retrieving the backup data from the main unit to a
the FAX Set error on the USB memory device), the exported result of [FAX Set] (FAX setting information) might
backup data export result be e2725 error.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 11/16

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 11/16

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.005.010 005.010 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.005.010 005.010 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 005.009 005.009 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.006 001.006
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.023 001.023 HyPAS New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.021 001.021 Basic New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.007.001 007.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of Changes
No Topic Content
1 Support for KFS 1.3 --------

2 Change of the FAX flow This is changed so that the destination set as the default value is always set (indicated)
when using PanelPlus to the FAX destination when using PanelPlus 3.3.
For HyPAS only
3 Corrective measures for The characters might be rotated by 90 degrees when outputting the certain data.
the character rotation by
90 degrees with the
certain data
4 Corrective measures There might be the possibility to start the scan for the other person than the user who is
when using KNM logged in when using KNM (Extended Authentication).
For HyPAS only
5 Increasing the reliability To increase the reliability for the security, correction is made.
for the security
6 Corrective measures for The obtaining result of MAC address might fail and MAC address might change to
the abnormal MAC 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'. As a result, printing might be unavailable.
7 Corrective measures for In a certain network environment, the network might not be connected, or system error
the failure of the network F25E might appear.
8 Corrective measures for The icon "Send to Me(E-mail)" might disappear after activating the HyPAS application at
the disappeared icon the environment of setting "Authentication settings" to on.
"Send to Me(Email)" with
the HyPAS application
For HyPAS only

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
9 Corrective measures for The Anonymous authentication on the LDAP from the Command Center might fail. (No
authentication failure problem from the operation panel)
from the Command
10 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility that the specified content can’t be output from the user
the output failure from box.
the user box
11 Corrective measures for The packet processing output from the network equipment might become unstable
system error F24C depending on the user's environment (connecting to the certain network equipment), and
system error F24C might appear.
12 Corrective measures for There might be the possibility to reboot the Panel Plus at every 30 seconds and start up
rebooting Panel Plus at screen comes up together with the beep sound every time once Panel Plus is set as the
every 30 seconds default screen and reset timer is set to 30 seconds. And also activation error might occur
For HyPAS only after about 10 minutes.
13 Corrective measures for The dotted lines might be partly drawn as solid lines when outputting the certain PS data
the failure with the (PDF data).
certain file
14 Corrective measures for The printing failure might occur when printing the data with the certain macro according
printing failure with the to the certain procedures.
certain macro data
15 Corrective measures for System error F55C might appear with the certain file.
system error F55C with
the certain file
16 Corrective measures for Paper might be always fed from the default cassette even if the paper size is selected to
paper feeding from the request it when outputting the certain PS data.
unselected cassette
with the certain file
17 Corrective measures for The registered macro might not be printed when sending the macro data.
the failure when sending
the macro data
18 Corrective measures for Page break might be done at the unexpected position unless setting the paper size when
unexpected page break specifying the paper source for outputting the certain file.
19 Corrective measures for When directly printing the PDF file specifying 'Times New Roman', the characters might
the inability of the not be printed with 'Times New Roman' that is resident font of the printer.
certain font printing
when directly printing
the PDF file
20 Corrective measures for The characters might shift when printing them with the XPS printer driver at a user's
the character shifting in environment.
a user's environment
21 Corrective measures for When sending the certain data by using a job where the certain font is stored in a SD
the font outputting card and the font is read to print by being inserted the SD card into the main unit, the
failure with the certain font might not be output.
22 Corrective measure for System error F24B might appear with the certain data.
system error F24B
23 Corrective measures for The bold font letters specified when printing the certain PCL macro data might be invalid.
the invalid bold font
24 Download font 'DingbatD' The download font 'DingbatD' is enabled.
25 Corrective measures for System error F248 might appear when sending the data containing PRESCRIBE
system error F248 command by the certain setting and procedure.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
No Topic Content
26 Corrective measures for A part of texts might be duplicated when printing the certain PCL/HPGL data.
the duplicate print of the
27 Corrective measures for The certain letter in the symbol set might not be displayed.
not displaying the
certain letter
28 Corrective measures for The certain letter might not be displayed when using the download font under HPGL.
not displaying the letter
of the download font.
29 Corrective measure for When printing the multiple jobs, there might be the possibility that the density of the
the density change of water mark text become partially light.
the water mark text
30 Corrective measures for The frame line might not be correctly printed when printing the data from the certain
the outputting failure system.
from the certain system
31 Corrective measure for System error F248 might appear with the certain data.
system error F248 with
the certain data
32 SMBv2/SMBv3 (CIFS-
NQ) support

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 08/16A

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 08/16A

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.004.110 004.110 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.004.110 004.110 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 004.108 004.108 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.007 007.007
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.006 001.006
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.022 001.022 HyPAS New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NZ_81BR.001.020 001.020 Basic New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.007.001 007.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of Changes
No. Item Content
1 KFS1.2 fixes ----------------------

2 KFS Offline support Offline failure might occur on the KFS.

3 Corrective measures for the The main unit might lock up when recovering from the sleep mode.
lock-up when recovering
from the sleep mode
4 Corrective measures for the
When combining the following conditions, the main unit might not recover from
Sleep mode and output might be unavailable.
recovery failure from Sleep
• KFS is connected, or the maintenance mail transmission is set.
mode when connecting to
• Timing of obtaining the machine information is overlapped to the timing of
transmitting the output data from PC.
5 Enabling the KPDL font The custom KPDL font in the compact flash card or the SD card can be used.
registered from the external
6 Improving the output The output speed of the print job with a SD card has been approved.

7 Corrective measures for the The text might not be assigned to the expected font when outputting certain data.
unexpected font when
outputting certain data
8 Corrective measures printing Depending on the user environment, printing might be unavailable from Mac.
from MAC
9 Corrective measures for the A communication error with a server might occur when logging out with certain
machine lock-up with certain HyPAS applications. HyPAS Models only
HyPAS applications

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 08/16

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 08/16

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.004.022 004.022 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.004.022 004.022 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 004.021 004.021 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.007.004 007.004 New Upgrade
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.006 001.006 New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.019 001.019 New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.007.001 007.001 New Upgrade
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Change and
No. Remarks
1 Obtaining the Log To obtain the Log easier when the problem occurs in the field, the following has done.
easier in the field SD card has to be installed in the main unit. (Store the data in the SD card as there is no
capacity available to store in the main unit.)
[Store the Log]
• When detecting the system error or the service call error, record the Log in the SD card.
• Store the Log data by pressing and holding 4 hard keys ([*], [8], [6], [Clear]) at once for
3-6 seconds.
[Output the Log]
U964 is newly added. Log data is output in the USB memory by executing U964. (A USB
memory has to be inserted in the USB memory slot before output the data.)
2 Support for MyPanel -----------------------------------------
HyPAS Only
3 Support for the auto The function is added to enable the DP to automatically judge the original size from the
DP original size sub scanning length of the original without the instruction of the original size by users.
HyPAS only
Refer to the following
pages for the details
4 Support for the proxy -----------------------------------------
settings for the Google
Cloud Print2.0
5 Support for New Card New Card Reader (HID OMNIKEY 5427) is supported.
6 Support for the USB USB key board is supported in the HyPAS application.
key board
HyPAS only

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Change and
No. Remarks
7 Corrective measures The print position might shift when the panel emulation is IBM-5577.
for the print shifting
with IBM-5577
8 Support for the [Kanji Font] (2-bite characters) setting from the panel might not be updated immediately.
immediate update
when selecting [Kanji
Font] from the panel
9 Corrective measures In case of opening the property of the target machine by KNV, the counter value might
for the output failure remain retrieving and might not be displayed.
10 Corrective measures F245 might occur.
for F245
11 Corrective measures In case of setting the 'security = share' at the security setting of SAMBA 3.6.3 with Linux
for the error at Scan (Ubuntu), sending error 1102 might appear at the Scan to SMB.
to SMB
12 Corrective measures The underline might be printed above the letters when printing a certain file.
for the print failure
with the certain file
13 Corrective measures Hebrew character might not be printed.
for inability of Hebrew
character print
14 Corrective measures Unexpected font might be output with the certain file.
for the output failure
15 Corrective measures A user data with the macro definition might not be overlay printed.
for the failure with a
user data containing
the macro definition
16 Improving the output Output of the macro data from AS400 via prescribe is quickened.
performance from
17 Corrective measures When outputting the certain PCL data, the 3rd page might be fed from the incorrect paper
for the paper feeding source.
from the incorrect
paper source when
outputting the certain
PCL data
HyPAS only
18 Corrective measures The main unit might lock up when using MyQ under a certain user environment.
for the lock-up when
using MyQ
19 Corrective measures Timeout was set so that an error appears when exceeding 30s for the HyPAS application
for the HyPAS activates. Therefore, this setting is deleted.
Activation Error
HyPAS only
20 Corrective measures Scan to SMB might be unavailable when sending the scan data to Windows Server
for inability of Scan to 2008R2 Enterprise via NTLMv2.
SMB under the
certain environment
21 Improving the Scan to Scan to SMB for Windows7 is improved.
SMB performance
22 Correcting the The German message on the operation panel is corrected.
German message on • Wrong: FAX-Send.journal
the operation panel • Correct: FAX-Sendebericht
KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.
ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Change and
No. Remarks
23 Corrective measures The main unit might lock up when Google Cloud Print is set and also the port for that
for the machine lock- setting is closed.
up when setting the
Google Cloud Print
24 Corrective measures [Start] key might not be operated (might not be able to be pushed) when copying spread-
for the inability of page originals.
[Start] key
25 Corrective measures Only the first job might fail when sending FAX using the HyPAS application 'FAX Hub'
for the FAX sending while the main unit has any error such as paper empty, cover open, etc.
failure from the HyPAS
26 Corrective measures The searching result of the LDAP external address book might be overlapped 3 times.
for the overlapped
indication of the LDAP
external address book
27 Corrective measures The ID card reader might not be recognized.
for the ID card reader
recognition failure
28 Correcting the The contents of the job information acquired from the certain HyPAS application might
information acquired differ from the expectation.
from the HyPAS
HyPAS only
29 Changing the error The sending error code when reaching the size limitation of the destination folder is
code when reaching changed from "720F" to "1103" in order to reduce the call from users.
the size limitation of [Instruction about 720F in Operation Guide]
the destination folder • Turn the main power switch off and back on. If this error occurs several times, make a
note of the displayed error code and contact your service representative.
[Instruction about 1103 in Operation Guide]
• Check the SMB settings.
• Check the FTP settings.
30 Corrective measures The main unit might lock up when recovering from the sleep mode.
for the lock-up when
recovering from the
sleep mode
31 Corrective measures F010 might appear due to the improper error log storage when KERNEL PANIC occurs.
for F010 Therefore, the error log of the KERNEL PANIC is not stored from now on.
32 Correcting U917 In case of reading and writing the date which is registered in the program by using U917
[Read/Write Backup [Read/Write Backup HDD Data (USB)], 'Paper size' and 'Media type' are written with
HDD Data (USB)] initialized condition.
33 Corrective measures The font pitch might be improper or the font might be rotated on the image when printing
for the font printing the data using PC-PR201.
34 Corrective measures The file might not be attached to the event report sent by email.
for the file attachment
failure with the event
35 Corrective measure The text file might not be attached to the maintenance mail.
for the failure of the Or, the send error 0x800a might appear when sending.
maintenance mail

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Change and
No. Remarks
36 Corrective measures The counter value might remain the state that is trying to be acquired when opening the
for the counter value printer property of the target main unit using KNV, and it might not be displayed.
indication error with
37 Corrective measures The log-out might be unavailable with the HyPAS application (MyMFP).
for the log-out failure
with the HyPAS
application (MyMFP)
HyPAS only
38 Corrective measures F24A might appear when operating the HyPAS application (WatchGuard Report Print) to
for F24A with the print the PDF data and to execute the printing.
HyPAS application
HyPAS only
39 Corrective measures When outputting the Application Status report from the main unit that installs the
for the failure when application with the application name containing 2-byte characters, 2-byte characters
might be printed as blank in the application name.
outputting the report
by the HyPAS
HyPAS only
40 Corrective measures Once the device user list is created by using the device user list that the file is stored with
for the failure of the the other model by the KNV, there might be the possibility that the operation panel of the
main unit shows English display.
display language
when using KNV
41 Corrective measures F24B or F000 might appear when printing a large amount of pages.
for F24B [Change]
When printing a large amount of pages, unauthorized access occurs as deleting the font
cash does not process properly; therefore, change is made to process deleting properly.
42 Corrective measure Print failure might occur with the certain file (PCL5).
for the print failure of (The font size might become big and protrude from the cell frame.)
the certain file (PCL5)
43 Improving the output Outputting in the certain environment is quickened.
44 Improving the Printing of the certain PS data is quickened.
performance of the
certain PS data
45 Corrective measures A part of fonts might overlap on the image when printing the certain data.
for the output failure
with the certain data
46 Corrective measures The unexpected result might be output with the certain PS data.
for the failure with the
certain PS data
47 Corrective measures The print position might shift or letters might overlap with the certain file.
for print shifting with
the certain file
48 Corrective measures Printing might not be properly executed with the certain data.
for the inability of (By the case, printing might not be executed and F248 might appear.)
proper printing with
the certain data

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Change and
No. Remarks
49 Corrective measures The black and white image might be inversed with the PCL data.
for black & white
image inversed output
with the PCL5 data
50 Correcting printing Characters might be garbled when printing through a USB cable after installing the driver
from MAC OS by the MAC OS (El Capitan).
through a USB cable
51 Corrective measures Depending on the user environment, printing might be unavailable from Mac.
for the inability of
printing from MAC
52 Corrective measures The data scanned through DP might not be stored in the USB memory with the certain
for F21A with the application. And, the main unit might lock up and F21A might appear.
certain application.
HyPAS only
53 Corrective measures The setting of Address Book might be unavailable when setting the language to French in
for the failure when the Command Center.
setting the language (There is no reflection even if clicking any tabs.)
to French in the
Command Center
54 Corrective measures
The USB memory connection might be disconnected since the USB connection between
for F14D (4in1 only)
the controller and the FAX PWB is affected by the electric noise from the telephone line,
and F14D might appear.
Therefore, this new firmware is to recover this situation.
• When the USB communication error occurs, reset the USB HUB and try to connect USB
between the controller and the FAX board together with re-try.
• Create timeout and display F143 when timeout occurs. (There might be the possibility
that the cause might relate to the hardware when F143 turns on).
55 Improving the The following fuser controls are changed to improve the smudges on the press roller.
smudges on the press • Improve decreasing temperature right after feeding the paper.
roller -Before: Temperature for the center section of the heat roller has decreased about 10
degrees C or 18 decrees F immediately after feeding the paper.
-After: Control the temperature drop off for the surface of the heat roller.
• Newly add the target temperature change mode in Custom6.
In order to support the customer who has the dirt of the press roller even if using by the
default condition, the mode is set in Custom6 that the control temperature of the heat
roller is increased.
[Custom6]: Control is made to increase the fuser temperature about 20 degrees C or
36 degrees F.
56 Changing the Change is made for supporting the deterioration with time of the fuser section when the
temperature control unit is used continuously with the EcoFuser mode OFF as follows.
when EcoFuser is [Change]
OFF Make the temperature 10 degrees C lower than the ready temperature after 2 minutes has
passed under the condition of the EcoFuser off.
(In case if the timer setting for the sleep mode and low power mode is 1 minute, this
operation will not turn on)
57 Changing face up Paper might be output to the face up tray or face down tray randomly when continuously
switch timing outputting with the duplex face up setting. Therefore, the switch timing of the feed-shift
guide for the face up is changed.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Change and
No. Remarks
58 Corrective measures In case of detecting the toner low during the toner supply control with high print coverage
for the early toner print, the toner empty might be detected at the early stage.
empty after the toner [Change]
low is detected
If the toner low is detected during the toner supply control, it does not clear the cumulative
print coverage ratio that uses for the toner empty detection and continue to use the print
coverage ratio before toner low is detected. Then, the machine detects the early toner
empty. Therefore, change is made to clear the cumulative print coverage ratio when the
toner low is detected during the toner supply control.
59 Changing the toner Toner low might be detected at 3k-4k print after replacing the toner container.
adjustment table [Change]
The range of the reduction for the toner low/supply threshold value was bigger at 3k to 4k;
therefore, change is made to make the range of the reduction smoother.
60 The clicking sounds might be caused by turning the relay on and off during Sleep Mode.

Support for the auto DP original size detection

Adding the selection menus to the System Menu the auto original size detection
(The following menus in red are added.)
M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn (HyPAS)
Menu Setting value Remarks
Common Original Auto Detect Original Size (DP)
settings settings
Auto Detect Off, On Default setting: Off
System of Units Inch, Metric Depending on the setting at
Legal/OficioII/216x340mm Legal, OficioII, 216x340mm This icon is selectable when
[System of Units] is set to
Default setting: legal
Def. Orig. Size (Table) Off, A4, A5…, Letter… This icon is selectable when
[Auto Detect] in [Auto Detect
Original Size (DP)] is set to
Def. Orig. Size A4, A5…, Letter, … This icon is selectable when
[Auto Detect] in [Auto Detect
Original Size (DP)] is set to

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes
ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 12/15

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 12/15

Summary of Changes:

1. AirPrint1.4 support
2. Net Manager PIN code Authentication (For the BASIC models only)
3. MyPanel support (For the Basic models only)
4. Adding the DP mixed size original loading function for the duplex scan with variable magnification
5. Corrective measures for system error F26F
6. Corrective measures for the data destruction inside the JFF2 ( Journaling Flash File System Ver.2)
And others.
7. Google Cloud Print2.0 support

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.003.034 003.304 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.003.304 003.304 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 003.021 003.021 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.006.002 006.002
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.005 001.005 New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.017 001.017 New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.006.009 006.009 New Upgrade
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Details of Changes
Changes and
AirPrint1.4 support ---------------------
Net Manager PIN code ---------------------
(For the BASIC models
MyPanel support ---------------------
(For the BASIC models
Adding the DP mixed While the DP mixed size original loading function for the single scan with equal
size original loading magnification was added, this function also supports the duplex scan with variable
function for the duplex magnification.
scan with variable
Corrective measures for When unnecessary events stay in the queue used for the IPP print due to any causes
system error F26F and the queue is filled, the system error F26F might appear. Thus, the unnecessary
events are deleted to prevent the processing from being delayed.
Corrective measures for The system error might appear, or the machine lockup might occur since the data
the data destruction inside the JFFS2 (Journaling Flash File System Ver.2) is destroyed.
inside the JFF2 [Change]
The controller firmware is corrected so that the internal data destroyed can recover
Support for the The description on the Command Center is translated in German.
translation in German on The applicable button is originally indicated as [Übersicht] in German, but its
the Command Center description was "Start".
Corrective measures for The characters might drop out when outputting the file via the main system.
the character drop-out
Corrective measures for When printing e-mail data from the FAX Server, the attached file might not be printed.
the printing failure of the
attached file
Improving the The output of the certain PDF file is quickened.
performance with the
certain PDF file
Corrective measures for The SSFC card might not be recognized after setting the SSFC card on the setting
the recognition failure of screen of the TASKGUARD ID Printing. (The login might not be unavailable while the
the SSFC card using LED of the card reader blinks but does not react.)
Corrective measures for When outputting the A5/Legal size data from a certain environment, its print position
the output failure might shift.
Corrective measures for The area specified to halftone might be filled with solid color.
the solid image output
instead of halftone image
GARP support The control is corrected since the network communication might need the time
excessively at the certain user's environment.
・The GARP is resent repeatedly 3 times.
(The resending interval is 60s.)
・The value of the retry timeout when acquiring the IP address with DHCP is changed
from 300s to 30s.
Corrective measures for Figures might not be partly printed out when outputting the certain PCL data.
the output failure

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Changes and
Improving the printing The output of the Adobe InDesign file at Mac OSX environment is quickened.
performance of the
Adobe InDesign file
Corrective measures for The judging process of Object Type of CIDMap when outputting the certain file is
the KPDL error with the incorrect. Consequently, the KPDL error might appear.
certain file
Corrective measures for The undefined error might appear on the 3rd page when printing the PS data at the
the undefined error at the certain environment (EBS AventX).
certain environment
Corrective measures for The settings from Quicksetup during the sleep mode might be invalid.
the invalid settings with
Quicksetup during the
sleep mode
Corrective measures for The TIFF data might be damaged when it is transmitted from the MFP models to a PC
the damage of the TIFF via the HyPAS application.
Corrective measures for The unexpected output might result when printing the certain PS data.
the output error of the
certain PS data
Corrective measures for While the paper jam error should appear normally, system error F246 might appear
system error F246 that instead.
appears instead of the
paper jam error
MIB OID support The following MIB OID is supported.
"", // prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex
Adding the menus to the The following menus are added to Web Server RX (Command Center) for TA.
Command Center for TA ・Link ・HyPAS Applications ・Network options
Corrective measures for System error F21B might appear when the output format of the certain software is
system error F21B transmitted via Network Fax.
during the Network Fax
Corrective measures for The image at the paper right edge might drop out when outputting the certain data
the image drop-out at the from the main system while setting the full-page output.
paper right edge when
outputting the data from
the main system
Corrective measures for When outputting from Mobile Print, the monochrome print and the zoom to fit the
the output failure with paper size might be unavailable.
Mobile Print [Phenomena]
・Color print:
The data might be printed with color even if selecting the monochrome mode.
・Paper size:
While the paper of the defined size is fed and ejected, the image might be printed in
the full magnification.
(The image might not be zoomed according to the defined paper size.)
Corrective measures for System error F248 might appear when printing the certain file successively.
system error F248
Corrective measures for The login might be unavailable if the ID card login is repeated.
the unavailable ID card
login (For the HyPAS
models only)

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Changes and
Corrective measures for The successive blank pages might be output when printing the PS data (PDF) from
the successive blank the ERP System.
page output (For the
HyPAS models only)
Corrective measures for The left icon of the HyPAS application icon on the HOME screen might be grayed out
gray-out of an icon when and unavailable when installing or activating one of the HyPAS applications. (This
issue might occur after turning the power on. Also, when the HOME screen is
activating a HyPAS
redisplayed after opening another function screen or recovering from the sleep mode,
application (For the it will recover normally.)
HyPAS models only)
Corrective measures for The pull-down list image might remain on the operation panel when activating the
remaining the pull-down HyPAS application.
list image with the
HyPAS application (For
the HyPAS models only)
Corrective measures for The undefined error might appear irregularly when setting and using PanelPlus.
the error when using
PanelPlus (For the
HyPAS models only)
Corrective measures for "ReadError" might appear on the way of installing the HyPAS application.
the error when installing
the HyPAS application
(For the HyPAS models
Corrective measures for The successive blank pages might be output when printing the PS data (PDF) from
the successive blank the ERP System.
page output (For the
BASIC models only)
New models support The FAX firmware is upgraded to support the new models.
< FAX>

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 04/15

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 04/15

Summary of Changes:
1. Corrective measures for the installation inability of 5 HyPAS applications
2. Equitrac new card reader support
3. Corrective measures for the logout failure via the HyPAS application
4. Correcting the error display at toner empty
5. Corrective measures for the system error F14E

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.304 002.304 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.002.304 002.304 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.302 002.302 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.006.002 006.002
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.005.001 005.001 New Upgrade
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Details of Changes
Change and
No Implementation Remark
1 Corrective measures The application is stored in the SD card and the main unit. The application in the main unit
for the installation remains even if executing maintenance mode U021 (Memory initializing) or the SD card
inability of 5 HyPAS format via the System Menu.
applications When trying to install additional applications by storing it in the SD card, that installation
may be unavailable due to the number of the applications remaining in the main unit.
The control is added so that the controller uninstalls and erases the application stored in
the main unit at the same time as the SD card format via the System Menu.
2 Equitrac new card The new card reader made by NUANCE Communications, Inc. (Old company name is
reader support Equitrac, Ltd.) is supported.
(The current card reader control is unavailable due to the firmware upgrade of the card
New card reader: NUANCE USB Card Reader-Multi Card for Equitrac
(Orderable Part Number: CRU0MF02)
3 Corrective measures The logout process via the HyPAS application might fail if the screen other than the
for the logout failure standard functions is set as the default screen
via the HyPAS
4 Correcting the error The message "Toner is empty" is added at the error display at toner empty.
display at toner empty (See below.)

5 Corrective measures The system error F14E might appear when executing the following operation.
for the system error Press the on-hook key > Auto dial and Auto sending > Cancel >
F14E > Press the on-hook key again > Auto dial

Correcting the error display at toner empty]

The following message is added because the operation panel with the old firmware version does not display it.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes
ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 12/14

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 12/14

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.202 002.202 M3040idn
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.002.202 002.202
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.201 002.201 New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.006.002 006.002
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.004.001 004.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of changes
No. Modification Details
1 LCD display failure The LCD screen display failure (uneven, shifted or flickering) occurred to some machines at
factory assembly line. As a preventative measure, the clock control method of LCD is
changed. In addition, in order to stabilize the LCD operation, the LCD will be restarted after
the main switch is turned ON.
Please be aware that, due to this change, the screen shall momentarily turn black
(see below) in the middle of LCD screen transition, when starting up the machine.

New Startup Display

Main SW ON Screen turns black ECOSYS screen displays

WELCOME screen displays momentarily as LCD

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes
ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 11/14

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 11/14

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.202 002.202 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.002.202 002.202 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.028 002.028
ENGINE 2NM_1000.006.002 006.002
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.004.001 004.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Details of changes
No. Changes Details
1 Measure to prevent the The area specified as half-tone may be printed in solid color. This has been corrected.
half-tone area from being
printed in solid color

2 Measure for the The characters may drop out when outputting a file from the main system. This has
character dropout been corrected.

3 Preventing some of the Some fonts may be printed smaller when outputting a certain file. This has been
fonts from being printed corrected.
in smaller size

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 10/14

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 10/14

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.102 002.102 M3040idn New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.002.102 002.102 New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.028 002.028
ENGINE 2NM_1000.006.002 006.002 New Upgrade
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.004.001 004.001
Combined Firmware packages are posted as shown above.

Engine Version only upgraded from these serial numbers

Model Specification Firmware implemented Remarks
ECOSYS M3550idn KDA120V LSM4704747 and above
ECOSYS M3540idn KDA120V N/A
ECOSYS M3040idn KDA120V N/A
ECOSYS M3560idn KDA120V LSR4800817 and above Also Implemented from LSR4800743~545

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Details of changes
No. Change item Details
1 Measure for Due to deterioration of humidity sensor over time, a detection error may occur. As a result,
smeared image
inadequate correction of transfer separation bias is performed, causing the smeared image.
As a preventative measure, the following changes are implemented.
- The control is changed to minimize the quality deterioration even if the humidity sensor
failure occurs. (Machines manufactured to July 2014)
Transfer table for temperature is newly added to use for control based on the temperature
sensor instead of the humidity sensor.
- Machines are made identifiable by the machines serial number so the above control is
performed on the machines manufactured to July 2014.
- As a preventative measure for the humidity sensor deterioration, electrical current
control to the sensor in recovery priority sleep mode is changed.

Example of smeared image

(Problem is exaggerated to show the issue above.)

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes
ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 08/14

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.028 002.028 M3040idn
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000. 002.028 002.028
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.028 002.028
ENGINE 2NM_1000.005.001 005.001
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.004.001 004.001 <--New Upgrade

Fax Firmware is upgraded due to production reasons only and does not affect field machines.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 07/14

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 07/14

Firmware packs are posted as shown above.

Summary of Changes:

1. New mixed size originals feature for DP

2. Implementing alternative to network LED for checking the connection
3. Implementing more detailed messages
4. Measure for a system error F56B with HyPAS application
5. Measure for a CF248 error when printing a PDF file
6. Change to the lateral gray lines on the MyQ application screen
7. Preventing the abnormal image output with a certain application file
8. Measure for output error
9. Preventing a font error with a certain file
10. Measure for a system error F248 when printing certain PDF data
11. Measure for the failure to shift to Home screen
12. Measure for the text dropout with certain XPS data
13. Preventing the KPDL error when direct printing certain PDF data
14. Preventing the abnormal image when printing a certain file
15. Preventing the PS font call processing error
16. Measure for partial failure of the raster graphic command
17. Measure for the Limit check error

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.002.028 002.028 M3040idn <--New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000. 002.028 002.028 <--New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000. 002.028 002.028 <--New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.005.001 005.001 <--New Upgrade
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.004 001.004 <--New Upgrade
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.016 001.016 <--New Upgrade
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.002.001 002.001

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes
Details of Changes
No. Changes/Implementations Content
1 New mixed size originals It is now possible to scan/output the mixed size originals below using the document
feature processor. (100% magnification only)
[Applicable original size] Metric models: A4 and FOLIO
Inch models: LETTER and LEGAL
[Original orientation] Short edge facing left (DP entry direction)
[New feature] Mixed size originals feature can be selected for copying or sending.
[How to set] On the copy or send screen:
[Function list]  [Mixed size originals] Select On or Off.
Default: Off
** A leaflet is bundled with machine. (File name: 3V2P65651-A.pdf)
2 Implementing alternative An LED is not installed to the network cable connection connector, it is made available
to network LED for to check the connection by operation panel instead of LED.
checking the connection [How to check] [Home screen]  [Check status/Stop Job]  [Network connection]
3 Implementing more 1. The network description is changed as shown below when connecting the IB-51
detailed messages (Wireless support).
- [System menu/counter] key  [Option network] in the [System/Network] is
changed to [Network (Wi-Fi)]. (There is no change except for the IB-51
(See the following pages connection.)
for details.) 2. More details are added to the MP tray Jam/DP Jam message.
3. More details are added to the message when the envelope setting mismatch occurs.
4. More details are added to the send error message.
4 Measure for a system A system error F56B may trigger when continuously scanning with the AccuSender
error F56B with HyPAS FAX (HyPAS). This has been corrected.
HyPAS models only
5 Measure for the CF248 The CF248 may be detected when printing a PDF file after the OCR character
error when printing a PDF recognition scanning. This has been corrected.
6 Change to the lateral gray The gray lateral lines (2~3 mm in width) displayed on the top and the bottom of the MyQ
lines on the MyQ application screen stand out and affect the design balance. As a corrective measure,
application screen the color is changed to Black that is equivalent to the background color.
HyPAS models only
7 Preventing the abnormal When printing using a certain application, the font and image are filtered with pattern,
image output with a causing a paste image to occur. This has been corrected.
certain application file
8 Measure for the output Data may not output normally or the character space error may occur. This has been
error corrected.
9 Preventing a font error in Certain font may not be printed in a certain file. This has been corrected.
a certain file
10 Measure for a system A system error F248 may trigger with certain PDF data. This has been corrected.
error F248 when printing
certain PDF data
11 Measure for the screen In rare cases, the screen transition may not occur from application screen to main
transition failure to Home machine Home screen. This has been corrected.
HyPAS model only
12 Measure for the text When outputting certain XPS data, a text dropout may occur. This has been corrected.
dropout with certain XPS

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

No. Changes/Implementations Content

13 Preventing the KPDL This has been corrected.
error when direct printing
certain PDF data
14 Preventing the abnormal When printing a certain file, the font may overlap. This has been corrected.
image with a certain file
15 Measure for the PS font When calling the PS font registered to HDD, it may not be processed correctly. This
call processing error has been corrected.
16 Measure for the partial This has been corrected.
failure of the raster
graphic command
17 Measure for the Limit When printing a certain PS data, the Limit check error may occur. This has been
check error corrected.
18 Preventing a system error This has been corrected.
F248 from triggering when
printing from Mac
19 Measure for the output It may take time when printing a certain PDF file from the MAC OS. This has been
error of a certain PDF file corrected.
20 Preventing a system error A system error F248 may trigger when using the SmartScan (HyPAS). This has been
F248 corrected.
21 Measure for the SMB When sending a certain original via SMB, it may take time. This has been corrected.
transmission issue
22 Measure for the When the following settings are selected with the FAX driver, the FAX transmission is
transmission failure with disabled.
the FAX driver - Local authentication: OFF
- Local authentication information: Prohibited to use for FAX transmission only.
23 Performance It takes time to direct print a certain PDF file. This has been corrected.
enhancement with a
certain file
24 Measure to prevent the Corner of the BOX (square) created by Prescribe may become corrupted and the lines
corner of the BOX may stretch, and depending on the area, upper and lower (left and right) lines may stick
(square) created by together. This has been corrected.
Prescribe from becoming
25 Improving the difference In some cases, there may be a big difference in performance between PCL (GDI mode)
in performance between and PDL (GDI mode). This has been corrected.
26 Preventing the error when If MyQ is deactivated after coming out of sleep mode, the HTTP 404 error may occur,
My Q is deactivated This has been corrected.
HyPAS model only
27 Preventing the memory This has been corrected.
full condition when
outputting a certain data
28 Change to the address Even if the language is set to English, it is necessary to use Japanese “furigana” for the
book input address book input. This has been corrected.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

No. Changes/Implementations Content

29 Preventing the wrong When printing a certain data, a system error F248 triggers in place of PCL-XL error.
error code F248 from This has been corrected.
triggering when printing a
certain data
30 Corrective measure for Despite of the absence of toner container, the toner full information is sent to HyPAS
sending the toner application. This has been corrected.
remainder information
when toner container is
not installed
HyPAS model only
31 Preventing the abnormal If raster data is outputted after running the barcode command with HPGL, it will be
image after running the printed as a black square. This has been corrected.
barcode command

32 Preventing the abnormal When a certain PDF file is direct printed, the character may fall apart. This has been
image output when using corrected.
a certain file
33 Corrective measure to If the paper is all used up and replenished during the print operation with HyPAS
prevent the returning application, the application feature default screen may display. This has been
screen failure after corrected.
replenishing the paper
during the HyPAS print

HyPAS model only

34 Preventing the print When outputting from a certain environment, the print position of the A5/Legal size data
position error with the may become shifted. This has been corrected.
output from a certain
35 Measure for the panel Depending on the contents displayed on the panel with HyPAS application, a slight
response issue with movement of the finger may cause a slow or no panel response. This has been
HyPAS application corrected.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Implementing more Detailed Messages

MP Tray Jam / DP Jam Simplified panel Fig. Envelope mode mismatch / Send error message
Simplified panel Fig.

(1) (1)


(1) and (2) correspond to the location in the above Fig.

Before change After change
MP tray Jam
(1) Paper jam. (1) Paper jam.
(2) Remove paper from Multipurpose tray. (2) Remove paper from multipurpose tray and then replace paper in
the tray.
DP Jam
(1) Paper jam. (1) Paper jam.
(2) Open the document processor and remove the jammed original (2) Open the document processor and remove the jammed original
from the reading guide. from the reading guide.
Close the document processor and close the cover.
Envelop mode mismatch
(1) Check the envelope lever. (1) The device is set to envelope mode.
(2) Open rear cover. (2) Open the rear cover. Lower the blue envelope lever.
Lower envelope lever If lever is up. Lift the lever If lever is down. Close the cover.

(1) The device is not set to envelope mode.

Same as above (2) Open the rear cover. Lift the blue envelope lever.
Close the cover.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

More detailed information added to the send error message

(The table below describes only the parts indicated by (2) at the simplified panel figure on the previous page. There is no
change to (1), as being “Send error”.)
The send error message regarding the e-mail transmission/FTP/SMB reads “Failed to send …..….” as shown below and the
message is unclear as it is. Therefore, supplemental content is added to display according to the situation.

[Message Before Change] Green: E-mail transmission, Yellow: FTP, Blue: SMB
Failed to send the e-mail.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via FTP.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via SMB.
Job is canceled. Press [End].

[Message After Change]
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the host name of the SMTP server on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the e-mail address.
* If the address is rejected by the domain, you cannot send the e-mail. Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Select [On] of the SMTP settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the sender address of SMTP on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Select [On] of the secure protocol settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the followings of the FTP server.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the network and COMMAND CENTER RX.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the network.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the e-mail size limit of the SMTP settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Failed to send the e-mail.

Check the authentication methods of both the sender and the recipient.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send the e-mail.
Check the SMTP user authentication method of the recipient.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the host name or IP address of FTP.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the FTP settings.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via FTP.
Select [On] of the FTP settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Failed to send via FTP.
Select [On] of the secure protocol settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the followings of the FTP server.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the network and FTP settings.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the network.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via FTP.
Check the followings of the FTP server.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via SMB.
Check the SMB settings.
> Login user name and login password
* If the sender is a domain user, specify the domain name.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via SMB.
Check the SMB settings.
> Login user name and login password
Press [Next >].

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Failed to send via SMB.

Select [On] of the SMB settings on the COMMAND CENTER RX.
Job is canceled. Press [End].
Failed to send via SMB.
Check the network and SMB settings.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].
Failed to send via SMB.
Check the network.
> The network cable is connected.
> The hub is not operating properly.
Press [Next >].

(Note) “COMMAND CENTER RX” in the message is replaced by “Embedded Web Server RX” for the OEM specification.

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 05/14A

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 05/14A

Firmware packs are posted as shown above.

Details of changes
No. Item Details
1 Change to the detection The excessive current error when operating the cassette lift motor is now detected
method for excessive sooner. When the error is detected, instead of displaying the C1010 code, a message
current at the cassette lift is displayed instructing the user to reset the cassette.

M3550idn, M3560idn only (Before change)

If the excessive current is detected 3 times consecutively at 10 ms intervals, the
C1010: PF lift motor error detection starts to be counted. When the excessive current is detected 31 times
consecutively at 10 ms intervals, it is judged as an error.
When the error is detected the first time, the C code displays.

(After change)
Excessive current is judged as an error when it is detected 20 times Consecutively at
10 ms intervals.
The message instructing the user to reset the cassette is displayed up to the 4 error
Detection. (Refer to Page 2.)
Upon the 5 error detection, the C code displays.

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.001.302 001.302 M3040idn
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.001.302 001.302
MMI 2NM_7000.001.300 001.300
ENGINE 2NM_1000.004.001 004.001 <--New Upgrade
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.003 001.003
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.012 001.012
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.002.001 002.001 <--New Upgrade

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

1. Change to the detection method for excessive current at the cassette lift motor
The following message will be displayed on the operation panel up to the 4 detection of excessive current.
(Cassette 1 is shown as an example below.)

Error occurred at cassette 1.

Remove cassette 1.

Press [Next > ].


KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

ECOSYS M3040idn/M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn
Firmware Release Notes

Previous Changes

ECOSYS M3040idn Combined firmware 05/14

ECOSYS M3540idn/M3550idn/M3560idn Combined firmware 05/14

Details of Changes
Items Contents
1 Corrective measures for a Modified in order to not avoid the maintenance mode during Quick
malfunction during Quick Setup Setup.
2 Support for F349 error when using When using KNM (MyQ/aQrate), the system error F340 might appear.
KNM (MyQ/aQrate) This has been corrected
3 Support for the start up failure The system error F000/F345 might appear as the startup failure
because of low temperature caused at low temperature through the register setting error of ASIC.
(Corrective measures for F000/F345) This has been corrected.
4 Corrective measures for firmware Firmware Update started normally, but can’t update. This has been
update error from USB memory corrected.

Firmware Information
Type Program No. VER. Remarks
MAIN 2NY_2000.001.302 001.302 M3040idn <--New Upgrade
M3540idn, M3550idn,
MAIN 2NM_2000.001.302 001.302 <--New Upgrade
MMI 2NM_7000.001.300 001.300 <--New Upgrade
ENGINE 2NM_1000.003.001 003.001 <--New Upgrade
BROWSER 2NM_F000.001.003 001.003
LANGUAGE BR 2NM_81BR.001.012 001.012
(Combined software of
FAX ALL 2NM_5400.001.006 001.006

KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc.

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