Micropile Inspector Guidelines: Geotechnical Engineering Manual GEM-25

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1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................3

1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Role and Responsibilities...............................................................................................4
1.3 Definition of Terms........................................................................................................6

2. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................7

2.1 Specifications .................................................................................................................9

2.2 Plans ...............................................................................................................................9
2.3 Contractor Submittal……………………………………………………………………………….10

3. MICROPILE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING ....................................................................12

4. CONTRACTOR SET-UP ..........................................................................................................13

5. DRILLING .................................................................................................................................13

6. GROUTING ...............................................................................................................................15

7. INSTALLATION OF REINFORCEMENT ..............................................................................17

8. POST INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................18

9. FIELD RECORDS .....................................................................................................................18

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................20

APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................21

A. Micropile Installation Log.................................................................................. A-1, A-2

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1.1 Purpose

These guidelines were written for use by the NYSDOT and their consultants. In the event that the
information in the guidelines is used by other municipalities, the responsibilities for the various
tasks contained herein are to be borne by that municipality, and not by the NYSDOT.

A micropile is a small diameter reinforced and grouted pile, constructed within a previously
drilled borehole that provides axial capacity, or resistance, for a substructure. Unlike a driven
pile, where each pile is a “tested” pile, the resulting axial capacity of each micropile is not
directly determinate unless a load test is performed on it. In addition, micropile capacity is very
sensitive to installation methods. Therefore, the role of the inspector is vital to ensure that the
final product meets the expectations of the designer and the owner. Proper design and installation
of micropiles is as much art as science, and their use should not be employed by the

These guidelines provide the inspector or Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) with a basic understanding
of what to record in micropile construction. These guidelines will provide the individual with
information to guide inspection efforts and enhance the transfer of information from the inspector
to the designer. The manual includes inspection forms on which to record this information.

To understand micropile installation techniques, a working knowledge of the methods and tools
used by Contractors is essential, as well as an understanding of the effects that these have on the
resulting performance of the micropile. This manual is not intended or designed to certify or
qualify an inspector to perform micropile installation inspection. It is highly recommended that
any inspector unfamiliar with micropile construction take NHI course No. 132078 Micropile
Design and Construction.

There is no substitute for direct contact between the inspector and the engineer/designer who
designed the micropile foundation. Contact with the micropile designer will give the inspector
access to information he/she may not have possessed otherwise, as well as insight into why
micropiles were utilized on this project.

The Geotechnical Engineering Bureau - GEB (or owner’s geotechnical engineer) and the EIC
will be reviewing the construction information recorded by the inspector, and will use this
information to evaluate the final product. For these reasons, it is prudent that the inspector/EIC
and the GEB (owner’s geotechnical engineer) have a good working relationship. At the very
least, the GEB (geotechnical engineer) should meet with the inspector/EIC before construction
begins and discuss any concerns either has.

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) currently employs the use of two
special specifications for micropiles; Micropiles (Design Provided) and Micropiles (Contractor
Designed). These specifications will be updated to incorporate LRFD, but the underlying
principles will not change. The Micropiles (Design Provided) specification is typically used
where the rock elevation and strength characteristics are well-defined. The Micropiles

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(Contractor Designed) specification is used for all other conditions, in order to best take
advantage of the specialty Contractor’s experience and methods. The information shown in the
plans, and the information the inspector will be interested in will vary accordingly, along with the
distribution of the risks. The owner should be thoroughly familiar with design and construction
of micropiles before the owner or their design consultant attempts to design micropiles.

When the Micropiles (Contractor Designed) specification is used, the loads and pile locations are
shown on the plans. The Contractor is responsible for the structural and geotechnical design, the
construction methods and tools, and the load testing.

1.2 Role and Responsibilities of the Inspector

The role of the inspector is to ensure that construction is done in accordance with the plans and
specifications, and the approved Contractor submittal, and to assure quality of each final
foundation element. Thus it is imperative that the inspector is familiar with the plans and
specifications, as well as with the approved submittal required by the specification. Any
deviation from the plans, specifications or submittal should be promptly noted and reported to

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the Engineer In Charge (or other proper authorities for non-NYSDOT jobs), who will determine
the appropriate course of action.

Another important function is to record and transmit information. The micropile inspector is
present to observe and document the Contractor’s installation of the micropile. In this regard
he/she should also try to be as complete and as concise as possible when recording and
transmitting this information to the EIC (or project manager, or other proper authority). The
quality of this information must be very high as it will be used to make important decisions such
as the approval or rejection of the micropile.

The role of the inspector differs somewhat depending upon which specification is included in the
contract. For the Micropiles (Design Provided) specification, the inspector is verifying the pile is
constructed according to the plans and specification. For the Micropiles (Contractor Designed),
the contract documents, the contractor’s approved submittal, the contractor’s test pile
construction methods, and the results of the load tested pile that successfully meets the contract
requirements are all merged into the baseline for subsequent production pile installation. The
inspector’s role is to help ensure that all subsequent piles are constructed in accordance with the
above. By carefully documenting the pile installation and grouting processes, the inspector
provides the construction staff with the information needed to determine the acceptability of the

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1.3 Definition of Terms

Bond Breaker. A device or special treatment incorporated into a length of a micropile that
will allow no load to be transferred to the soil over that length. A bond breaker also
provides full lateral support of the pile over the length of the bond breaker.
Grout placed in contact with the soil using gravity pressure only will not be considered to
constitute a bond breaker.
Bond Zone. The gravity-grouted, pressure-grouted, and/or post-grouted length of a
micropile that provides the pile's capacity.
Design Load. The load permitted on a pile. The design load is indicated in the contract
Drill Casing. Steel pipe of flush joint type used in the drilling process to stabilize the drill
Duplex Drilling. A method of progressing and cleaning out a hole for installing a
micropile in which the outer drill casing is progressed simultaneously with an inner drill
rod string. The drill casing is cleaned using reverse circulation. Intimate contact between
the soil and an outer drill casing is maintained during drilling.
Extended Length. An additional pile length resulting from a requirement that the pile
capacity be achieved below a given elevation. Typically, extended lengths are prompted by
a conflict with subsurface elements (e.g., underground structure, utilities, etc.) or unreliable
soil strata. Bond breakers may be required.
Micropile. A small-diameter (typically less than 12 inches) friction pile formed by
removing material using non-vibratory and non-displacement methods to create a cased
open, cylindrical hole in the ground, which is subsequently filled with grout and steel
Non-production Pile. Non-production piles are piles that are not incorporated into the
substructure. For example, test piles which are abandoned after testing has been completed
are non-production piles.
Permanent Casing. A steel casing installed in the upper portion of a micropile to increase
the pile's moment capacity and lateral capacity against horizontal loads.
Positive circulation or flush. A method of progressing and cleaning out a hole for a
micropile where drilling fluid is injected into the hole and returns upward along the outside
of the drill casing.
Post grouting. A method used to increase pile capacity after the grout column has reached
initial set by pumping grout at very high pressure (up to 1000 psi) through a sleeved port
pipe (post grout tube). Each port location may be isolated using a device called a double-
packer to better control the post grouting.

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Pressure grouting. A method used to develop pile capacity wherein pressure is applied
continuously to the top of the fluid grout column through the drill head as the casing is
removed from the bond zone.
Production pile. A pile which will be incorporated into the structure's foundation as a
load-bearing element.
Recirculation. A method of handling drilling fluid where the fluid coming back out of the
hole is captured and reused.
Reverse Circulation. A method of cleaning the inside of the drill casing. Drilling fluid is
circulated down through the drill rods and returns upwards through the inside of the drill
casing to flush the drill casing clean.
Rock. Rock is identified in the boring logs. Rock may also be defined at the micropile
installation site by a Departmental Engineering Geologist. The State defines rock by its
load bearing capacity and often, the Contractor will define rock by the effort or tools
required to progress the excavation through the material. These conflicting criteria will
often result in different definitions of rock at a site. Refer to the Contract documents for
guidance on how rock is defined for the project.
Static Pile Load Test. A test to verify design assumptions and the adequacy of the
contractor’s installation methods.
Telltale. A simple mechanical device, a.k.a. “strain rod,” that is used to measure
displacement in concrete or steel. The device consists of a small-diameter steel rod that is
fixed at a selected point along or within the pile. This rod is encased, and free to move, in a

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slightly larger pipe or tube which extends up to the pile top. Dial gages are used to measure
the deflections at the top of the rod.
Tremie Grouting. A method used to place grout in a wet hole. A grout tube is placed to
the bottom of the drill hole. While keeping the tube opening submerged in the grout, grout
is pumped into the hole, causing the drilling fluid to be displaced.

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2.1 Specifications

The specification contains the following information that will be essential for the inspector to
consult during construction:

Materials Requirements –a description of material requirements, including drilling casing, steel

reinforcement, grout, and centralizers and spacers.

Construction Tolerances - all the allowable micropile tolerances, such as location, and verticality
(e.g. plumbness). Failing to meet these tolerances will result in a rejected micropile.

Drilling and Excavation Methods - the allowable procedures for the different drilling methods.
They also provide the requirements of each procedure. The contractor must adhere to these
requirements or the micropile may be rejected. The inspector should also be aware that the
specifications prohibit certain operations, such as bentonite slurry and rock blasting.

Rebar and Grout Placement, and Casing Removal - The specification contains the allowable
procedures and requirements for the above operations. The contractor must adhere to these
requirements or risk rejection of the micropile.

The inspector should become familiar with the additional miscellaneous information on the
micropile requirements contained in the specification.

2.2 Plans

The contract plans contain all of the specific requirements of that particular project as opposed to
the specification which covers only general requirements. The specifications refer to the contract
plans many times. The plans also refer back to the specification for direction where applicable
(for example: ....as per Item xxx.xx...). When the Micropiles (Design Provided) specification is
used, the contract plans should contain the actual micropile design and any and all requirements
that are not covered in the specification. These requirements define the basis of the bid, and what
the Contractor must construct. Any unauthorized deviation from the contract plans should be
reported immediately to the EIC (or project manager).

2.3 Contractor Submittal

In accordance with the specification, the Contractor is required to submit information to the
Deputy Chief Engineer – Structures (owner) for review and approval. The owner should make
the inspector aware of which operations/equipment are crucial for the acceptance of the
micropile. Each of these items should be reviewed in detail, so that all parties understand what to
accept and what to look for during construction. This information includes the following:

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1. Pile computations (for Contractor designed piles) and details for each design capacity
including, but not limited to, nominal diameter, length, reinforcement, pile connections,
post grout tube and grouting pressures.
2. Information on the proposed steel drill casing/pipe or rebar used as reinforcement. Note
that any steel that becomes a permanent part of the micropile must meet Buy America
3. Details of equipment for pile installation.
4. Details of procedures for pile installation including, but not limited to, installation
sequence and the approximate time required for each sequence step.
5. Procedures for advancing through boulders and other obstructions.
6. Procedures for mixing drilling fluid, containment of drilling fluid and spoil, and disposal
of spoil.
7. Where applicable, drawings that show the specific work can be performed under limited
headroom conditions and as close to obstructions, as site conditions warrant, to install
the micropiles at the locations indicated in the contract documents. Provide information
on the length of the casing sections to be used, as dictated by the length of the drill mast
and by the available overhead clearance, and the resulting location of joints.
8. When steel drill casing/pipe is used as reinforcement, account for the reduced area of the
threaded joint in the structural design of the pile, particularly for the capacity in tension
and bending. Identify any joint location restrictions that must be followed in
construction. Decide whether additional casing testing will be performed (casing used
for reinforcement per design) to confirm either casing mill certification or coupon test
9. Procedures and equipment for placing grout.
a. Prepare the mix design for the grout and obtain documentation from an
independent laboratory (approved by the Deputy Chief Engineer Technical
Services) showing the following:
i. The mix design conforms to the submitted mix and meets the strength
requirements set by the Contractor.
ii. The compressive strength of the mix, tested at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days.
iii. The specific gravity of the mix.
b. Identify a method for monitoring quality control of the mix. At a minimum, the
Contractor shall use a Baroid Mud Balance in accordance with the American
Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 13B-1: Standard Procedure
for Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids, to check the specific gravity of the mixed
grout prior to placement of the grout into each micropile.
c. Provide pressure gages accessible to the inspector capable of measuring the actual
grout pressures used and such that actual pressure readings are within the middle
third of the gage. The pressure gauge should be located as closely as possible to the
pile top and the gauge location should not change for the duration of the project.

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10. If proposed, details of post-grouting equipment and procedures, including the method,
sequence of operations and equipment required.
11. Layout drawings showing the proposed sequence of pile installation. Coordinate this
sequence with the proposed phasing and scheduling.

In addition, the Contractor performing the work described in this specification shall submit proof
of the following:

1. Two projects in the past two years on which the Contractor has successfully installed
micropiles or soil tiebacks using non-displacement methods, under similar site conditions
to those indicated in the contract documents.

2. The proposed On-Site Supervisor for this work having supervised the successful
installation of micropiles or soil tiebacks on at least two projects in the past two years.

The inspector should collect and record the following final information:
1. If design drawing or proposal lacks pile numbers, assign them now and relay this
information to all parties involved.
2. Record wall thickness information, record mill certification or test coupon data
results (compare results to Fy of casing steel used in design calculations), and collect
Reinforcing Steel Certification.
3. On all designs, note Fy for Casing, Fy of Reinforcing Steel, and Fc for grout.

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Since the acceptance or rejection of a micropile is usually based solely on results of inspection
records and load tests (when performed) of the micropile installation, a micropile preconstruction
meeting is essential. The primary focus of this meeting (or meetings, if more than one is
necessary to resolve issues) is to review the contractor’s submittals and resolve any concerns.
Attendees of this meeting should include the Engineer-In-Charge (EIC), the inspector(s), the
owner’s technical experts (i.e. Geotechnical Engineering Bureau), the prime Contractor, the
contractor/subcontractor who will be performing the work, and the micropile designer.

This meeting will allow the EIC, the inspector and the micropile designer to review the
Contractor’s submittals to see if there are any concerns on either side. It will also alert the
inspector as to what aspects of the submittal could potentially affect the performance of the
micropile. The designer should have reviewed (and commented back to the Contractor, if
necessary) these submittals prior to the meeting.

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Preparation is vital to inspecting micropiles. Before work starts the inspector/construction staff
should take the following actions:

o Review the plans, specifications and approved submittal to become familiar with the
requirements. Note that there are different requirements depending on which specification
is used. For the Micropiles (Design Provided) specification, the Contractor must install
the micropiles to the design (reinforcement, grout strength, diameter and length) stated in
the plans. For the Micropiles (Contractor Designed) specification, the Contractor prepares
his submittal and design which is reviewed and approved. His design and methods must
then be “proven” in the field through a load test, or tests. After the final design and
methods are approved and proven, the Contractor must then install the remainder of the
piles in the same manner in which the successful piles were installed. There may be more
than one design and installation method, based on the loads and subsurface conditions at
the project site. The inspector needs to become familiar with the design and site
conditions at each location.
o Review the micropile Contractor’s schedule
o Inform the Contractor of quality assurance and testing requirements and frequency
o Check the overall condition of the Contractor’s equipment
o Become familiar with the subsurface conditions at the site by reviewing the available
boring logs
o Review and record all data and markings on the outside of micropile casings. For
multiple lots and/or sublots, determine who will record which sublot (or combination of
lot/sublots) were used on each pile.


Most micropile excavations are done using rotary drilling machines. These machines come in
many different sizes and designs. The capacity of a drill rig is expressed in terms of the
maximum torque that can be applied to the drilling tool, as well as the downward force, or
“crowd”, that the rig can apply to the drilling tool. Torque and crowd are transmitted from the rig
to the drilling tool by the drill casing. Drill rigs can be mounted on trucks, cranes, or crawlers.

The inspector/construction staff should verify that the micropile contractor:

o Has submitted the requisite proof of experience and expertise, and that the personnel
listed in the approved submittal are actually the personnel performing the work
o Conducts his operations to minimize ground loss
o Conducts his operations to prevent collapse of the borehole
o Does not progress a hole, pressure grout or post-grout within a radius of 5 pile diameters
or 5 feet, whichever is greater, of a micropile until the grout for that micropile has set for
24 hours, or longer if a retarder is used
o Does not drill or flush more than 1 foot ahead of the casing during duplex drilling
o Removes casing carefully, using methods so that the reinforcement is not disturbed,
damaged, or is left in contact with the soil

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o Keeps hole full of grout to prevent hole collapse, or leave casing in place to accomplish
the same results, provided that doing so will not affect the performance or function of the
o Keeps fluid level in hole above the external groundwater level to maintain balance of
pressures and prevent flowing sand conditions. Special attention is needed when drilling
into artesian conditions.
o Schedules drilling, reinforcement installation and grouting to suit ground conditions
(keep process continuous)
o Plugs or covers drilled holes for safety and to prevent foreign objects and material from
falling in
o Provides for the proper disposal and containment of spoil
o Meets construction tolerances (3 inches from plan location; rebar within 3/8” of center of
pile; ¼ inch/foot or less variation from vertical or batter)

Additional tasks of the inspector during micropile construction include the following:
o Review the soil boring logs for each location
o Confirm stability of each hole and record specific methods used to maintain hole stability
o Verify and record the depth to top of rock, where encountered
o Verify the final depth of each hole by counting drill casings used, and/or by using a
weighted tape
o Record casing type and length if temporary casing is used
o Record observations made during drilling. Pay particular attention to loss of drilling fluid,
sudden drop of drill tools, and encountering boulders or other obstructions
o Verify that the drilling slurry/spoil materials are well contained and do not enter into
nearby waterways.
o Pay close attention when drilling adjacent to bodies of water, as air pressure can follow
underground fissures in rock and percolate into adjacent water. If this happens, the
contractor should immediately halt the operation and develop a procedure to eliminate the
possibility of silt or grout from entering the waterway or water body.

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Grout for micropiles must be designed and placed in a manner that is unique to micropiles. The
basic characteristics of grout for micropiles are:

High strength
Good Durability
Low shrinkage

There are four general methods for grouting micropiles:

a. Type A grouting is placing grout under gravity head only (tremie grouting).
b. Type B grouting is pressure grouting through the casing during withdrawal.
c. Type C grouting is when the primary grout is placed under gravity head (tremie
placed), then applying one phase of secondary “global” pressure grouting.
d. Type D grouting is when the primary grout is placed under gravity head (Type A)
or under pressure (Type B), and one or more phases of post-grouting are

The inspector should ensure that the micropile Contractor:

o Provides continuous grout placement

o Ensures that the grout is mixed using a colloidal mixer, and is continuously
o Prevents presence of air in the grout lines
o Does not draw down the level of grout in the agitation tank to below the crown of
the exit pipe
o Excludes foreign matter during grout placement

Additional tasks of the inspector during micropile construction include the following:

o Verify the water/cement ratio and grout mix design

o Verify that all grouting equipment (pumps, gauges, hoses, etc.) are in good
working order
o Record the initial volume of grout required to fill the hole
o Grout cubes shall also be taken for later strength testing, at a frequency of one set
of three cubes taken for every 10 micropiles installed. They will be tested in
accordance with NYSDOT NY 701-19E Test method for Grout Testing.
o Record grouting pressure and volume of grout (“grout take”) pumped during
pressure grouting for each micropile. Readings are typically recorded in 2 or 5
foot increments for the entire pressure grouted zone.
o Observe the quality of grout at the ground surface (i.e. when the hole is full of
grout). Excess grout should be pumped until the flushing grout appears to be
o Record the pressure required to crack the grout during post grouting. Record the
grout pressure and grout take during post grouting.

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o Check and record the specific gravity of the grout using a baroid mud balance test
(API Recommended Practice RP 13B-1), at a frequency of one test per micropile.
The general procedure is as follows:
o Fill the cup to capacity with fresh, screened grout.

o Replace lid and rotate until firmly seated, making sure some grout is
squeezed out the vent hole. Wipe or wash excess grout from the exterior of the
balance, and dry. Then seat the balance with its knife edge on the stand and
level it by adjusting the rider.

o Read grout density from the edge of the rider as indicated by marker on the
rider. Use any of the four scales to express the grout density as required.

o Calibration should be checked by filling the cup with fresh water. It should
read 8.34 lb./gal or 1.0 g/cm3.

The inspector should monitor the micropile contractor’s operations during grout placement to
ensure that the following good construction practices are followed:

o Prevent heaving or ground distress by limiting grout pressures and/or the quantity
of grout pumped.
o Prevent soil in bottom of hole from blowing in by ensuring that a positive head of
grout is maintained at all times.
o Tie the tremie tube loosely enough to permit easy removal during or after grouting
o Grout as soon as possible after drilling the bond zone
o Place grout from the bottom-up to ensure complete filling of the hole
o Maintain a positive head at the grout holding tank
o Measure grout pressures close to the point of injection to account for line losses.
The pressure gauge should be mounted on the drill rig and its location should not
be changed for the duration of the project.
o Monitor grout pressures and volumes throughout all grouting processes

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Tasks of the inspector during micropile construction include the following:

o Verify reinforcement size, type, length and condition just prior to insertion into
the drill hole
o Verify size, type, and condition of bar couplers
o Ensure that the micropile contractor installs the reinforcement either before or
after initial grout placement but before temporary casing (if used) is withdrawn
o Always record the total pile length and bond zone length
o Ensure that the micropile contractor inserts the reinforcement to the prescribed
length without the use of force
o Verify location and spacing of centralizers/spacers, and locations of couplers
o Ensure that the micropile contractor takes precautions to not damage corrosion
protection or centralizers/spacers during installation
o Make sure reinforcement is clean of any surface dirt, oil, mud, etc.
o Check the attachment and intervals of centralizers/spacers
o Ensure that the reinforcement remains centered in the borehole

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o Verify pay quantities

o Record load test data. The procedures for conducting and inspecting load tests are
addressed in separate documents. Remember that under the Micropiles
(Contractor Designed) specification, the load test data verifies the Contractor’s
design and construction methods, and forms the basis for all future construction of
contractor-designed micropiles.
o Report any deviations from the Contractor’s approved installation methods.
o Report unacceptable load test results and micropiles that fail to meet specification
requirements and/or tolerances to the EIC. The pile acceptance criteria includes:
o Pile meets Construction Tolerance criteria
o Pile was installed in accordance with the approved submittal
o Pile is not damaged
o Pile was installed using the same method, grout volumes, and pressures as the
accepted test pile, if applicable
o Submit the required documentation (i.e. micropile installation logs, grout records,
etc.) to the EIC.


The inspector should start the documentation process before the micropile installation process
starts. The inspector shall complete a micropile installation log for every micropile installed.

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1. NHI FHWA-05-039 Micropile Design and Construction, December 2005.

2. NYSDOT Test Method NY 701-19E, Grout Cube Molding Procedure.
3. American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 13B-1: Standard
Procedure for Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids
4. Geotechnical Control Procedure GCP-18, Static Pile Load Test Manual.

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Micropile Installation Log
PIN, Project Contract # Inspector
Substructure Pile # Installation Date
Pile Information

Pile Inclination Vertical Micropile Design Design Provided

or Batter or Contractor Design

Casing Dia/Wall Thickness Bond Length in Soil

Reinforcement Size/Length Bond Length in Rock
Casing Length Below BOF Casing Length above BOF
Cased Bond Length (Plunge) Total Pile Length
Bond Length Below Casing Tip

Drilling Information

Drilling Method Drill Rig

Drill Bit Type/Size Drill Operator

Time Elevation, or Soil/Rock Description Comments (Observations, changes, breakdowns,

Depth Below BOF obstructions, etc.)

Grouting Information

Pressure Grouting: (Max) (Avg) Post Grouting:

Grout Pressure Initial (“Cracking”) Pressure
/Grouting Pressure
Grout Take Post Grout Tube Location(s):
Time Began
Time Ended Post Grout Phase 1 2 3
Grout Take
Cement Type w/c Ratio Grouting Method
Admixtures Grout Density (Type A, B, C, or D)


Pile Acceptance: Y N Quantity for Payment (see spec requirements)

(circle one) Each (Contractor Designed)
or Length _______ (Design Provided)

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Micropile Installation Log
D_________, PIN ______ DWR #
Project Description 1 DATE
Project Description 2 SHEET OF
________ COUNTY
Contractor: __________________ INSPECTOR B. Lightyear

Substructure Description: ________ Pile #___

Pressure Grouting Log

Depth Target Net Flow Rate

Casing # Pressure (psi) Volume (gal) Total Vol. (gal)
(ft) Pressure (psi) (gpm)

Gross Net Total =

Notes: ►

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Alternate Inspection Log

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Contract No.
Project Name Pile Designation #



Pile Inclination Compression
Permanent Casing Diameter/Thickness Tension
Permanent Casing Length
Installation Casing Diameter INSTALLATION DATE / TIME
Reinforcement Type / Size Date
Reinforcement Length Time
Cased Bond Length (plunge) Start of Drilling
Bond Length Below Casing Start of Grouting
Total Pile Length Below Cut-Off Pile Completion
Casing Length Above Cut-Off Total Duration

Drill Method Drill Rig #
Drill Bit Type and
Drill Operator

Depth From
Time Soil / Rock Description Comments

Grout Plant # / Operator Cement Type
Tremie Grout Quantity gal bag Admixtures
Pressure Grout Quantity gal bag W/C Ratio
Post Grout Quantity gal bag Grout Specific Gravity
Total Grout Quantity gal bag Grout Density

Detailed grouting record shown on reverse Inspector

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Depth Target Measured Flow Rate Volume
Time Notes
(ft) Pressure (psi) Pressure (psi) (gpm) (gal)
Pressure Grouting

Total Volume

Depth Target Pressure Measured Volume (gal) / phase

(ft) (psi) Pressure (psi) 1 2 3
Post Grouting

Total Volume

EB 10-030 Appendix A-1

EB 10-030 Appendix A-2

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