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etaining Walls

User manual
Embedded Software for
Engineering and

Retaining Walls
User manual

CYPE Ingenieros, S.A.

Avda. Eusebio Sempere, 5
03003 Alicante
Tel. (+34) 965 92 25 50
Fax (+34) 965 12 49 50
[email protected]
II Soil Retention Elements


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This Manual corresponds to the version of the software denominated by CYPE Ingenieros, S.A. as Soil Retention Elements (Embedded Retaining Walls). The infor-
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© CYPE Ingenieros S.A. (Registered in the European Community)

1st Edition (August 2003)
Edited and printed in Alicante (Spain)
Windows© is the registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation©

Embedded Retaining Walls III

Table of Contents

1. Calculations ....................................................................... 7 Building ................................................................. 15

1.1. Analysis Model ..................................................................... 7 Adjacent property ................................................. 15 Soil ......................................................................... 15
1.2. Lateral Pressures ................................................................. 7 Information ............................................................ 16
1.2.1.Seismic Analysis ............................................................ 9 2.2. Work mode ......................................................................... 16
1.3. Reinforcement Code Checks ............................................. 9 2.3. Program menus ................................................................. 16
1.3.1. Check for combined flexure and axial load .............. 10 2.3.1. F1 Key ......................................................................... 16
1.3.2. Check for shear .......................................................... 10 2.3.2. Question mark icon .................................................... 16
1.3.3. Check for the horizontal stiffeners ............................ 10 2.3.3. Quick Guide ................................................................ 17
1.3.4. Check for the vertical stiffeners ................................. 10
2.4. Assistant ............................................................................. 17
1.4. Design of the reinforcement ............................................. 10
2.5. Reports ............................................................................... 17
1.4.1. Design of the vertical reinforcement ......................... 10
2.6. Plans .................................................................................. 17
1.4.2. Design of the horizontal reinforcement .................... 10
1.4.3. Design of the stiffeners .............................................. 10 3. Earth pressure calculations ............................................ 18
1.5. Design of secant pile walls ............................................... 11 3.1. Introduction ....................................................................... 19

1.6. Design of sheet pile walls ................................................. 11 3.2. Static earth pressure ......................................................... 19
1.6.1. Stress with slenderness factor .................................. 11 3.2.1. Calculation of the active pressure ............................ 19
1.6.2. Stress with top of wall load eccentricity ................... 11 3.2.2. Calculation of the passive pressure .......................... 20
1.6.3. Slenderness ................................................................ 11 3.2.3. Calculation of the ‘at rest’ pressure .......................... 20
1.7. Design of Mini pile walls .................................................... 11 3.2.4. Pressure from loads situated on the ground ............ 20 Pressures produced by a uniformly
2. Program Description ....................................................... 12 distributed load ................................................................... 20 Pressures produced by a band load
2.1. Assistants ........................................................................... 12 parallel to the top of the wall ............................................. 21
2.1.1. Assistant 1. Reinforced concrete slurry wall Pressures produced by a line load
for buildings ........................................................................... 13 parallel to the top of the wall ............................................. 21 Pressures produced by a point or General data ......................................................... 13
concentrated load in reduced areas (footings) ................ 21 Soil ......................................................................... 13 Pressures from the ‘top of wall’ loads ................. 22 Intermediate stages of excavation ...................... 13 Floor slabs (construction phases) ....................... 14 3.3. Dynamic earth pressure .................................................... 22 Service phase (finished job) ................................ 14
3.3.1. Calculation of the active pressure ............................ 22
2.1.2. Assistant 2. Reinforced concrete slurry walls Coefficient of active pressure in dynamic
for buildings of one or two basements ................................ 14 conditions ........................................................................... 22

IV Soil Retention Elements Wall-soil friction angle .......................................... 23 Specific weight ..................................................... 23 Pressure from groundwater ................................. 23 Effects of the loads and surcharge
in the exterior ...................................................................... 23
3.3.2. Calculation of the passive pressure .......................... 23 Specific weight ..................................................... 23

4. Questions and Answers ................................................. 24

Embedded Retaining Walls 5

Soil Retention Elements

Embedded Retaining Walls
6 Soil Retention Elements

Embedded Retaining Walls 7

1. Calculations

Very Important 1.1. Analysis Model

Be aware that the program analyzes the embedded re- The analysis model employed consists of a vertical bar
taining walls as structural elements subjected to the later- whose mechanical properties are obtained by transverse
al pressures of the different soils and exterior loads linear foot of wall. On this wall acts: the soil, in the exterior
applied to them. as well as the interior, the loads on the ground, the lateral
support elements such as struts, active anchors, passive
Geotechnical calculations, such as the determination of anchors, or construction elements like floor slabs, and the
the end bearing resistance, frictional resistance, ground- loads applied at the top of the wall.
water flow, etc., are not carried out and they must be the
subject of an accompanying study based on the Geo- The introduction of lateral support elements such as struts,
technical report. The same applies for elements like brac- active anchors and passive anchors, establish exterior con-
es or struts, type of anchor, its diameter, anchorage ditions on the wall, which are modelled as springs with the
length, etc., which also require a separate study. same stiffness as the axial stiffness of the element.

The program does not determine safety factors against When a rock layer is introduced, the program considers
sliding or overturning. Completing the analysis for all the the wall fixed if it is embedded into the layer for a length
phases of the wall means that there exists a balance be- equal to or greater than two times the wall thickness. Be-
tween actions and reactions, but the reserve capacity in tween 8 in. and two times the thickness, the wall is consid-
case of a load increment or a reduction of the embed- ered to be simply supported by such layer, that is, rotation
ment depth during construction, etc., is not known. One is allowed but displacement is restrained.
way to estimate the available reserve capacity is to repeat
the calculation varying the initial conditions in a copy of The discretization of the wall is carried out every 10 in., ob-
the job. taining the soil behavior diagram at each point. Further-
more, the model also includes the points at which the lateral
For example, repeat a calculation reducing the wall em- supports act.
bedment depth by 20%, or reduce the soil parameters,
dividing the internal friction angle by 1.20 and the cohe-
sion by 2. If you had defined a percentage of the friction
angle between the soil and the wall interior or exterior, en- 1.2. Lateral Pressures
ter 0 to consider only lateral pressures. If the analysis of
The lateral pressures that the soil exerts on the wall depend
these copies is completed without problems, without
on the wall’s movement. To take this interaction into
messages warning that equilibrium is not satisfied, then
account, the program makes use of soil behavior
there exists a reserve capacity based on the factors intro-
diagrams like the one shown in the following figure:
duced, as a minimum.

8 Soil Retention Elements

mally, if a geotechnical study has been carried out, it must

provide the exact value of this modulus for the dimensions
that the wall will have.

These Subgrade Moduli come to represent the stiffness of

the soil at a given point, and may differ according to the di-
rection of the displacement.

In addition, since the stiffness of the soil tends to increase

with depth, a linear variation may be considered, known as
the Gradient Subgrade Modulus, which the user introduces
as the increment of the modulus per foot of depth.

In this diagram, the soil is considered to behave plastically,

in a way that between one phase and the next, the diagram
is updated. The figure below shows this concept, where
δpre is the displacement of the previous phase:

Fig. 1.1

The critical points in the graph, ea, ep, and eo, are the
known active, passive, and at rest pressures, respectively.
The active and passive displacement limits are represented
by δa and δp. These displacements are obtained through
the active and passive Subgrade Moduli introduced by the

The program calculates the coefficients of earth pressure

based on the following formulations:

- At rest earth pressure: Jaky formulation

- Active earth pressure: Coulomb formulation
Fig. 1.2
- Passive earth pressure: Rankine formulation
If the wall continues to displace to the right, a point is ob-
To obtain information on the calculation of these pressures, tained which moves on the load branch; while if its dis-
consult the Earth pressure calculations in section 3. placement changes direction, the pressure will vary along
the unloading branch, which passes through the initial point.
The values for the Subgrade Modulus, like any geotechnical
parameter, are difficult to estimate. In the program, some At the points where the soil exists on both the exterior and
guiding values are given for several types of soils, but it is the interior, the behavior diagram employed is obtained by
recommended that specialized literature and empirical data adding the corresponding diagrams at that depth on either
from soil tests be consulted for more accurate values. Nor- side of the wall.

Embedded Retaining Walls 9

1.3. Reinforcement Code Checks

The procedure for checking the Code provisions applica-
ble to the reinforcement is as follows: first, the geometric
and strength criteria are verified for the horizontal and verti-
cal reinforcement. Then, the stiffeners are checked.

Geometric criteria include concrete cover, spacing limits,

and minimum and maximum reinforcement ratios. Strength
criteria follow the requirements for shear, combined bend-
ing and axial force, mechanical reinforcement ratios, and
lap splice lengths. For more information, please see the
Code checks report notes and the corresponding articles
Fig. 1.3 in the Code.

For the strength checks, the program establishes sections

to verify every foot. In each one of the sections, the design
forces are obtained based on the results of each phase
1.2.1.Seismic Analysis and according to the following cases:
Seismic action makes the pressures on the wall increase
- C1: Axial, shear, and bending moment, multiplied by
the load factor.
The active pressure in seismic conditions is greater than - C2: Shear and bending moment, multiplied by the load
the corresponding one for the static situation. factor, with no axial force.

Similarly, the passive pressure that the wall can exert on the For the checks of ultimate limit states, the program applies
soil may be reduced considerably during seismic events. the load factor introduced by the user, which is a function of
whether the phase is a construction or service phase.
To evaluate these pressures, a pseudo-static method has
been employed with the coefficients of dynamic pressures The forces are always calculated by panel and the Code
based on the Mononobe-Okabe equations. For more infor- checks are carried out with respect to the resistant (effec-
mation, please consult the Earth pressure calculations tive) area of such panel, as indicated in the following figure.
in section 3.

In the results of each construction phase, two graphs are

shown: the first without seismic action and the second with
seismic action.

Likewise, in the force reports, the results for anchorage ele-

ments, etc., both cases appear.

Fig. 1.4

10 Soil Retention Elements

The next sections expand on some of the critical checks as distributed along the whole height of the wall, and the spac-
well as those that the program verifies in addition to the ing is equal to or less than 8 ft.
Code requirements.
These criteria have been extracted from the NTE (Spanish
Technological Standards for Buildings), Soil Preparation,
1.3.1. Check for combined flexure and axi- Foundations.
al load
The check for section strength (design strength) is carried 1.3.4. Check for the vertical stiffeners
out using as a constitutive law the stress-strain diagram
with the simplified rectangle compression block. With this The same checks as for the horizontal stiffeners apply, but
principle, the program can also differentiate zones of the spacing of the vertical stiffeners must be equal to or
cracked concrete sections, due to combined forces, from less than 5 ft.
uncracked sections.

The combined flexure and axial load check is implemented 1.4. Design of the reinforcement
for all the Codes that the program allows for with their own
peculiarities with respect to compatibility formulations and 1.4.1. Design of the vertical reinforcement
strains permitted for the materials that make up the section From the total entries in the reinforcement table, the most
(steel and concrete). economic of all the ones that comply with the Code re-
quirements for strength, reinforcement ratios, spacing, etc.,
When the check is carried out, the program makes sure
is selected. The base reinforcement, in addition to adhering
that the reinforcement is anchored properly to be able to
to the spacing and minimum ratio criteria, must cover at
consider them in the combined forces calculation.
least 50% of the zones where the maximum moment oc-
curs. In those regions where the base reinforcement does
1.3.2. Check for shear not pass the checks, strengthening bars are provided.
The check for this ultimate limit state is carried out, as with In the cases where the bar lengths are greater than those in-
the combined flexure and axial load case, at different troduced by the user, the required lap splices are generated.
heights of the wall. Since the wall has no transverse rein-
forcement, only the contribution of the concrete is consid-
ered for resisting shear forces. 1.4.2. Design of the horizontal reinforce-
The contribution of the concrete against shear is taken from
the term Vc, which is obtained from the simple empirical for- From all the entries in the reinforcement table, the program
mula stipulated by the Code. This term is a function of the selects the most economical from those that meet the spac-
concrete strength and the width and effective depth of the ing and quantity criteria described previously in section 1.3.

1.4.3. Design of the stiffeners

1.3.3. Check for the horizontal stiffeners
The diameter of the stiffener bar, vertical as well as horizon-
The program verifies that: the diameter of the stiffener is at tal, must be equal to or greater than the largest diameter
least equal to the base reinforcement, they are uniformly

Embedded Retaining Walls 11

used in either the exterior or interior face. A number of bars product of the axial load at the top of the wall and the maxi-
are provided so that the spacing of the horizontal stiffeners mum eccentricity produced by the deformation of the wall.
is at most 8 ft., and 5 ft. for the vertical stiffeners.
1.6.3. Slenderness
1.5. Design of secant pile walls The slenderness must not be greater than the value recom-
mended by the Code when the element is subject to com-
The design of reinforced concrete secant pile walls follows pression forces.
the same procedure as for slurry walls. All the reinforce-
ment Code Checks listed in section 1.3 apply except for
stiffeners which are not used in this type of walls.
1.7. Design of Mini pile walls
Mini pile walls are cylindrical elements, drilled on site, rein-
1.6. Design of sheet pile walls forced with steel tubing and filled with grout or cement mor-
tar, and whose diameters do not usually surpass 12 in. The
Once a series and a profile within the series have been cho-
user must define the exterior diameter or the excavation di-
sen, the design may proceed. In the case that the profile
ameter, and the program selects the cylindrical steel tube
does not meet the strength requirements, the program
from those defined in the library. The design of the Mini pile
places the next section in the series and analyzes the wall
follows from combined flexure and axial loads. For the cal-
again, since the stresses also change when the profile
culation of the concrete section in ultimate limit states, the
changes. Next, the check is run once more, and if the new
program uses the strain compatibility method, with the cor-
section does not pass either, then the process is repeated.
responding concrete and steel stress-strain diagrams. Be-
The checks made on this type of wall are the following: ginning with the section chosen for the job, all the sections
in the series are checked in sequence. A minimum or acci-
dental eccentricity is considered, as well as the buckling ec-
1.6.1. Stress with slenderness factor centricity based on the Code, limiting the value of the
Von Misses stress calculated from the normal stress (a mechanical slenderness, also as indicated by the Code.
function of the axial force, effective length due to the slen-
The effective length considered is the clear distance in each
derness, bending moment, and the section modulus) and
phase, taking into account that the embedded portion is
the tangent stress (a function of the shear force and the re-
fixed, or the distance between points of zero moment
sisting shear area).
(when there are floor slabs, struts, etc., that produce inflec-
tion points in the bending moment diagram).
1.6.2. Stress with top of wall load eccen-
tricity The maximum size of the circular tube is limited to the
diameter of the Mini pile.
In this case, rather than multiplying the axial force by the ef-
fective length factor as in the previous situation, the pro-
gram considers the additional moment calculated from the

12 Soil Retention Elements

2. Program Description

Fig. 2.1

2.1. Assistants
When creating a new job, the Assistant Selection dia-
logue will open.

Fig. 2.2

Embedded Retaining Walls 13

If you create a new job with an Assistant, the program gen- General data
erates the data necessary to describe it, depending on the
One must indicate the total depth of the excavation.
type of Assistant selected, using a minimum number of pa-
rameters introduced in sequence. It includes the generation
of the construction process and the pre-dimensioning of
the geometry of a reinforced concrete slurry wall - excavat-
ed by phases with successive bracing (temporary or per-
manent). A wall that supports the various floors at the
different heights while considering the possibility of having
adjacent structures. It will also generate the final service
stage in which the wall is able to support the load of a build-
ing. Any data generated can be reviewed and/or modified
after the job has been created.

The pre-dimensioning of the wall thickness is H/20 (where

Fig. 2.3
H is the excavation depth), with a minimum of 18 in. and a
maximum of 42 in. Rounding occurs to values of 18, 24, 32,
and 42. Soil
The total height of the wall varies between 2H and 1.4H, de- There is the possibility of introducing ground water, rock,
pending on whether the excavation is braced or not. A val- and a surcharge on the ground in the exterior. In addition,
ue within that range is chosen based on the number of one must configure the different soil layers found.
excavation phases. If rock exists at a shallower depth, the
wall will be embedded 4 in. into the layer; this is the mini-
mum value to consider the wall simply supported at that

To understand the approximations made, read the help win-

dows for every dialogue of the Assistant.

There are two types of Assistants:

2.1.1. Assistant 1. Reinforced concrete

slurry wall for buildings Fig. 2.4
Assistant for the generation of walls of various levels. Data
entry dialogues appear successively and their options con-
tain on-screen help through the question mark icon. Note Intermediate stages of excavation
that when an “elevation” is called for, one must introduce a One must define the number of excavation stages in which
negative sign since the program takes the ground surface anchors are placed, and for each, the elevation and type of
as elevation 0'-0".

14 Soil Retention Elements

anchor (strut, permanent or provisional active anchor, per-

manent or provisional passive anchor). The anchor has its
own elevation.

For each excavation stage, the Assistant generates 2 phas-

es. The first is the excavation of the ground, and the second
is the placement of the anchorage. The elevations of the ex-
cavation stages cannot be greater than the value of the total
excavation depth indicated in the first window of the Assist-
ant, General data. If, for example, the total depth of the ex-
cavation is 30 ft. and its excavation stages are of 10ft., only
two stages need to be defined: the first, at the elevation
Fig. 2.6
-10 ft., and the second at -20 ft. The program automatically
generates the last excavation stage without an anchorage
phase. Service phase (finished job)
One may introduce the loads at the top of the wall, if any,
and the service phase shears that the basement floors
transfer to the wall.

Fig. 2.5 Floor slabs (construction phases)

Fig. 2.7
This is the list of floors and foundation (if this exerts an an-
chorage type effect), indicating their top elevation, depth
(thickness), and shear load (in lbs/ft) in the construction
phase. Meaning that the slab on grade or mat foundation
must also be defined. The top elevation of the foundation
2.1.2. Assistant 2. Reinforced concrete
minus its depth must coincide with the elevation of the bot-
slurry walls for buildings of one or two
tom of the excavation, in this case: -50 ft. - 3 ft. = -53 ft. basements
Just as with the previous Assistant, successive data entry
dialogues appear.

Embedded Retaining Walls 15 Adjacent property

Type of adjacent property (no adjacent structures, road
with light traffic, road with heavy traffic, or adjacent building
for which one must define the number of floors and the av-
erage height of its foundation). Based on the selection, a
surface load will be applied on the ground in the exterior.

Fig. 2.8 Building
By default, one starts with one basement; if the corre-
sponding box is activated, a sub-basement may be estab-
lished. One must indicate the clear heights between floors,
transverse spans (free span of the floors between the wall
and the next support; with this data the program will ap-
proximate the depths of the floor slabs and the loads that
Fig. 2.10
they transmit to the wall), whether the building is supported
by the wall (indicating the number of floors above ground
level), and, lastly, the type of foundation. With this last entry, Soil
one informs the Assistant of the type of foundation for the
building. A maximum of two layers are allowed. One can also define
whether a rock layer or groundwater exists, indicating their
respective depths.

Fig. 2.9

Fig. 2.11

16 Soil Retention Elements Information 6. Review the Code checks report by clicking on the but-
ton with the same name.
Before creating the job, a list appears with all the data
entered and approximations made. At this point, one may 7. Edit the reinforcement, if necessary, with the Reinforce-
still go back and make changes, or otherwise wait for the ment Editor, and verify the Code requirements once
program to finish creating the job. This list can be printed more with the Code checks button.
or exported to HTML, PDF, TXT, and RTF. 8. Obtain the job reports and plans by using the Job Re-
ports and Job Plans buttons respectively.

2.3. Program menus

The program menus and the dialogues that open when ex-
ecuting certain options have on-screen help available.

This help can be acquired in three different ways:

2.3.1. F1 Key
Fig. 2.12 To obtain help about a menu option, place the cursor over
the menu option and, without clicking on it, press the F1 key.

2.2. Work mode

The following steps are recommended: 2.3.2. Question mark icon
1. Create a New file with the name of the job. On the menu bar of the program’s main window there is an
icon with a question mark. You can obtain help about a
2. Select the type of Assistant or rather, None. In the latter
specific program option in the following way: click on the
case, one must create the construction phases or stag-
icon; scroll down the desired menu option and place the
es manually with the Selection button and indicate all
cursor over the command for which you would like help;
the data necessary for each phase: depth of excava-
click on that command. Having done this, a window will ap-
tion, anchors, etc.
pear with the desired help.
3. Review the data introduced, browsing through the
phase selection. To deactivate this type of help, you can do one of the fol-
4. Calculate and review the forces for each phase by click- lowing: click on the right mouse button, click on the ques-
ing on the Forces button. tion mark icon, or press the Esc key. One can also obtain
help on the toolbar icons. To do this, click on the question
5. If the wall is a reinforced concrete slurry wall, click on the
mark icon. By browsing through the icons, a blue outline
Design button to obtain the reinforcement.
will appear on those icons for which help is available. Next,
click on the desired icon to open the help window.

Embedded Retaining Walls 17

There also exists a question mark icon on the title bar of the
dialogues that are opened when selecting a program op-
tion. When clicking on this icon and browsing through the
dialogue window, the options that contain help will be high-
lighted in blue. Click on those options to open the help win-

2.3.3. Quick Guide

The information related to the menu options can also be
viewed and printed by choosing the option Help > Quick
Guide. The quick guide does not list information on the us-
age and options of the dialogues.

2.4. Assistant
When creating a new job, one has the option of using an
Assistant that will generate the data necessary to describe Fig. 2.13
the wall using a reduced number of parameters in se-
quence. It includes the pre-dimensioning of the geometry
and the generation of loads. Any data generated can be re-
viewed and/or modified once the job has been created.
2.6. Plans
The way to obtain job reports is through the File > Print
> Job Plans option or the plotter icon on the upper right
2.5. Reports hand corner of the main window.

The following operations can be carried out for the drawing

The way to obtain job reports is through the File > Print
of plans:
> Job Reports option or the printer icon on the upper
right hand corner of the main window. - The Plan selection window (Fig. 2.14) allows adding
one or various plans to print simultaneously and speci-
The reports can be directed to a printer (with an optional
fy the peripheral of choice: printer, plotter, DXF, or
print preview, page adjustment, etc.) or one can generate
DWG; one may also select a title block (from CYPE or
HTML, PDF, TXT, and RTF files (Fig. 2.13).
any other defined by the user), and configure the lay-

18 Soil Retention Elements

- Modify the position of the texts.

Fig. 2.14

- In each plan, one can configure the elements to print,

with the possibility of including previously imported
user details. Fig. 2.16

- Change the layout of the objects within the plan or

move them to another.

Fig. 2.15

Fig. 2.17

Embedded Retaining Walls 19

3. Earth pressure calculations

3.1. Introduction
γ 'partial = γ ' + ( γ − γ ' ) · 1 − 100 − x 
 100 
The lateral earth pressures on a wall can be of the following
The program considers the infiltrated water along the
• Active pressure. The soil exerts a pressure on the whole height of the wall.
wall allowing enough deformations in the direction of the • Percentage of passive pressure (only in cantilev-
push to take the soil to a state of failure. This is the typi- er or basement walls). Expressed as a % over the
cal case when a soil ‘action’ is developed. passive pressure value.
• At rest pressure. The soil exerts a pressure, but the • Elevation of passive pressure (only in cantilever
wall does not suffer considerable deformations, that is, or basement walls). Elevation below which passive
they are null or negligible. The value of the pressure is pressure is considered (0 by default; then it will only act
greater than the active. in the footing, if passive pressure is considered).
• Passive pressure. When the wall displaces against • Rock. Activating this option permits defining a rock lay-
the soil, the soil is compressed and it reacts. This situa- er, for which one must indicate the elevation, and this
tion is always a ‘reaction’. Its value is much greater than must be lower than the fill elevation. From the rock ele-
the active. vation down, all earth pressures are annulled, save for
the hydrostatic pressures.
The parameters that characterize a layer of soil or fill are:
• Water table. Above such level, the soil is considered
• Slope angle (β β). Expressed in degrees with respect to with its apparent unit weight γ or with the unit weight of
the horizontal. Its limit is the internal friction angle. the partially saturated soil if the percentage of drainage
loss is under 100%. Below the water table, the sub-
• Apparent unit weight (γγ). Also called the dry unit
merged unit weight γ’ is used, additive to the hydrostat-
ic pressure to obtain total lateral pressures.
• Submerged unit weight: (γγ’). The unit weight of the
soil below the water table.
ϕ). Intrinsic soil property that
• Internal friction angle (ϕ
describes the maximum natural slope angle at which 3.2. Static earth pressure
failure will not occur.
• Drainage loss (only in cantilever or basement 3.2.1. Calculation of the active pressure
walls). Expressed as a %, allows the consideration of The active pressure is resolved by applying Coulomb’s
infiltrated water in the soil that increases the lateral pres- theory.
sure as an additional fraction of the hydrostatic pres-
sure and the partially saturated unit weight. A value X% The values of the horizontal and vertical pressures in a
will produce a hydrostatic pressure of (100 - X) % and point of the exterior located at a depth ‘z’ are calculated
an earth pressure according to the following unit weight: with:

20 Soil Retention Elements

p h = γ ⋅ z ⋅ λh ; pv = γ ⋅ z ⋅ λ v 3.2.3. Calculation of the ‘at rest’ pressure

The ‘at rest’ pressure is resolved by applying Jaky’s theory.
where: It is calculated as:
sin2 ( α + ϕ )
λ h= = prest = γ ⋅ z ⋅ Krest
 sin ( ϕ + δ ) · sin ( ϕ − β ) 
sin2α · 1 +  where:
 sin (α − δ ) · sin (α + β ) 
  Krest = 1− sin ϕ
z: depth
λ v = λh ⋅ cot g (α − δ) γ: unit weight of the soil
ϕ: internal friction angle of the soil
z: depth
α: angle of the wall face with the horizontal
γ: unit weight of the soil In the case where there is a slope or embankment, the
δ: wall-soil friction angle
complementary formulation of the Corps of Engineers,
1961, is used.
ϕ: internal friction angle of the soil
β: angle of the slope

When the cohesion of the soil is considered: 3.2.4. Pressure from loads situated on the
ph = γ ⋅ z ⋅ λh − 2 ⋅ c ⋅ λ h ⋅ cos δ Pressures produced by a uniformly
distributed load
Coulomb’s method is applied and the horizontal and verti-
c = cohesion of the soil
cal pressures produced by a uniform surcharge equal:

3.2.2. Calculation of the passive pressure

The calculation of the passive pressure is similar to the cal-
culation of the active pressure. But one must change the
sign of the internal friction angle in the previous formulas.

Moreover, when the cohesion of the soil is considered:

ph = γ ⋅ z ⋅ λh + 2 ⋅ c ⋅ λh ⋅ cos δ

c = cohesion of the soil

Fig. 2.1

Embedded Retaining Walls 21

sin α sin α Pressures produced by a line load
ph = λ h ⋅ q ⋅
sin ( α + β ) ;
pv = λ v ⋅ q ⋅
sin (α + β )
parallel to the top of the wall
The method based on Elastic Theory has been employed.
where: The lateral pressure that a line load q exerts, for the case of
λh: coefficient of horizontal pressure a vertical exterior face and a horizontal ground surface,
λv: coefficient of vertical pressure equals:
q: surface load
α: angle of the wall face with the horizontal
β: angle of the slope Pressures produced by a band load

parallel to the top of the wall
The lateral pressure that a band load exerts for the case of
a vertical exterior face and a horizontal ground surface, fol-
lowing Elastic Theory, equals:

Fig. 2.3

pq = sin2 2ω
π⋅z Pressures produced by a point or

concentrated load in reduced areas (foot-
The method based on Elastic Theory has been employed.
Fig. 2.2
The lateral pressure that a point surcharge exerts, for the
case of a vertical exterior face and a horizontal ground sur-
face, equals:
pq = ⋅ (β − sin β ⋅ cos 2ω)
π If (m < 0.4),
q: band load
pq = 0.28 ·
· n2
β and ω: angles as described in the figure. The first in the formula 2 3
is measured in radians.
H 0.16 + n2 
 

22 Soil Retention Elements

If (m ≥ 0.4), To evaluate these pressures, a pseudo-static method has

been employed with the coefficients of dynamic pressures
m2 n2 based on the Mononobe-Okabe equations.
pq = 1.77 · ·
2 3
H m2 + n2 
 
3.3.1. Calculation of the active pressure Coefficient of active pressure in dy-
namic conditions
The coefficient of active pressure in dynamic conditions is
the following:

cos ( α + θ )
K ad = ⋅ K*
cos θ ⋅ cos α a

α: angle of the wall face with the vertical
θ: angle defined by the following expressions:

 ah 
θ = arctg   Case 1
Fig. 2.4  g − av 

 ah  γd Case 2 Pressures from the ‘top of wall’ loads θ = arctg  ⋅ γ'
 g − av 
One may introduce point loads or a bending moment at the
top of the wall. where:
g: acceleration due to gravity
These loads generate forces on the wall directly, but they γd: dry unit weight
may also have a passive response from the soil if that is γsat: saturated unit weight
the case. γ’: submerged unit weight
ah: design horizontal acceleration
av: design vertical acceleration, which the program takes as half
of the horizontal
3.3. Dynamic earth pressure K*a the coefficient of active pressure in static conditions, but in its
calculation, α is replaced by (α + θ), and β by (β + θ).
Seismic action makes the pressures on the wall increase
periodically. The active pressure in seismic conditions is
greater than the corresponding one for the static situation. Case 1 corresponds to dry or partially saturated soils in
the exterior, always located above the water table.
Similarly, the passive pressure that the wall can exert on the
soil may be reduced considerably during seismic events. Case 2 corresponds to soils below the water table.

Embedded Retaining Walls 23 Wall-soil friction angle Effects of the loads and surcharge in
the exterior
The wall-soil friction angle can decrease considerably dur-
ing seismic events. This leads to an additional increase of The intensity of the loads on the ground shall be multiplied
the active pressure. Therefore, by considering an angle of by:
0, one remains on the side of safety. a
f = 1+ v
g Specific weight where:

av: design vertical acceleration = 1/2 · ah
The pressure due to the weight of the soil is greater since g: acceleration due to gravity
there is an increase in the specific weight of the soil, above
as well as below the water table. The coefficient to apply to
the unit weight, which the program considers automatically, 3.3.2. Calculation of the passive pressure
The passive pressure can decrease during a seismic event.
f = 1+ v The coefficient of passive pressure in dynamic conditions
g is the following:
where: cos (α − θ )
av: design vertical acceleration = 1/2 · ah K pd = ⋅K*
cos θ ⋅ cos α p
g: acceleration due to gravity
α: angle of the wall face with the vertical Pressure from groundwater θ: the same angle defined for the active pressure case
Below the water table, the increase in pressure at each K*p: the coefficient of passive pressure in static conditions, but in
point is calculated as: its calculation, α is replaced by (α - θ), and β by (β - θ).

∆E w = 7 ⋅ h ⋅ γ w hz Specific weight
8 g
where: The pressure due to the weight of the soil is smaller. The
ah: design horizontal acceleration
coefficient to apply to the unit weight, which the program
considers automatically, is:
g: acceleration due to gravity
hz: depth a
f = 1− v
γw: unit weight of water g

av: design vertical acceleration = 1/2 · ah
g: acceleration due to gravity

24 Soil Retention Elements

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