Case Analysis On Food Safety in The Home

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Case Analysis

To be submitted to the

Faculty of the Hotel and Restaurant Management Unit

Cavite State University

Cavite City Campus

In partial fulfilment

of the Midterm Examination of the subject

BSHM 65- Micro Perspective in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Jonalyn C. Tan

1st Semester A.Y. 2019- 2020

I. Time Context

 Year 2011

II. View point

 Department of Tourism (DOT) – The executive department of the Philippine

Government responsible for the regulation of the Philippine tourism industry

and the promotion of the Philippines as a tourist destination.

III. Problem Statement

 Even with the great effort of the Department of Tourism to promote tourism,

they still failed to attract half of the target percentage of foreign tourists.

IV. Statement of the Objectives

 To attract 10 million tourist by the end of 2016.(short- term)

 To narrow the gap in comparison between Philippines and Vietnam.(short-


 To increase the number of tourist visiting in the Philippines.(long-term)

 To be included in the top 10 tourist destination in Asia.(long term)

V. Areas of Consideration


 Filipino People

 Tourist destination

 Foods

 Accommodation

 Safety and Security Issue

 Weak transportation and infrastructure


 Capitalize on the Philippine’s globally attractive tourism assets and proximity

to large Asian growth markets.

 Capitalize on the government’s convergence strategies for socio economic

development and poverty reduction.

 Leverage participation in international tourism cooperation initiatives.


 Competition

 Natural Disaster

 Internal and external conflicts

 Financial economic crisis

 Climate change

VI. Alternative Courses of Action

a. Promotional advertisement / Social Media Advertising

b. Promo packages

c. Maintain natural wonders of the Philippines

d. Build new facilities/building for tourist accommodation.

e. Improve transportation infrastructure.

f. Offer new activities.

g. Make it cheaper to visit the Philippines


ACA No.1


Social media sites are great for building customer relationship and offers an incredible reach

and the opportunity to connect with customers in an entirely new way


Visitors mainly go to social media sites to socialize, and are not interested in advertising



Traffic generated can be extremely targeted


Traffic is typically in the learning stage of the buying process; hence it is more important to

inform and teach than sell outright



Social media tools are relatively inexpensive


 Social media can be a hard branding tool for small businesses, and it is not easy to build

awareness, create appeal and generate traffic

VII. Final Decision

 Department of Tourism must develop more promotional ads for television,

radio and to spread it to social networking site. They should encourage fellow

Filipino’s to get more involve to “It’s more fun in the Philippines” campaign.

VIII. Detailed Action Plan

 To become one of the top tourist destinations in the world, we have to

maintain and develop our natural wonders and man-made structures. The

government should give their full support to ensure that they will achieve the

target goals.

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