NCP Ineffective Breastfeeding

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Leachon, Josking Oliver L. RLE 6.

Signs & Symptoms Diagnosis Rationale Objectives Interventions Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Data Post-NSD;  First time mothers At the end of the 4 and  Provided health After 4 and a half
 “Nakapag- ineffective may have some a half-hour shift, the teachings about hours of nursing
breastfeed breastfeeding, anxiety around client will be able to: breastfeeding intervention:
na ako pero secondary to breastfeeding that is  Breastfeed her  Proper positioning  For effective  The mother
di ko pa knowledge contributing to their baby the proper (Hold baby – tummy breastfeeding was able to
alam kung deficit. difficulties due to way to tummy, baby’s gain
pano yung limited experience, nose and chin knowledge
tamang knowledge and skill should be placed about the
paraan. in providing infant against the breast) proper way to
Unang anak care after giving  Breastfeed every 2- hold her
ko pa lang birth. 3 hours, 8-10 times baby,
kasi ito.” As daily breastfeed
verbalized by  How to get good her baby and
the patient. attachment (Make clean her
Objective Data sure baby sucks the breasts.
 VS: areola, not just the
 BP: 110/70 nipple. Baby's top
 PR: 89 and bottom lip
 RR: 23 should be turned
 Temp: 36.8 out. Baby's chin
 G1T1 should be pressed  Soap will remove
P0A0L0M0 into the breast) the natural oils that
 Doesn’t know  Clean her breasts  Clean breasts only are present on your
how to the right way. with water and cotton, breasts and nipples
breastfeed don’t use soap or and will contribute
completely. lotion. to drying and
 To be able to
 Hold her baby  Support baby’s head, breastfeed properly
properly. neck and back. and for the safety of
the baby.

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