2-OrB-I Guidelines Rev 8

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Additional Guidelines for Correct Entries

Oil Record Book – Part I

(Machinery Space Operations)

(Revision 08)

The following Guideline is intended to standardize Oil Record Book entries with an emphasis on the
Machinery Space Operations (Part I). They supplement the guidelines found in IMO MEPC.1/Circ.736
Guidance for the recording of operations in the Oil Record Book part I. All Masters should ensure these
Guidelines are followed in the completion of all ORB entries.

1. All entries in the Oil Record Book must be truthful and honest and accurately reflect the transfers
carried out on board the vessel.

2. When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational letter code, item number and
the required particulars shall be recorded chronologically in the appropriate columns. The dates
should be entered in dd-MMM-yyyy format, e.g., 16-MAR-2015

3. In order to maintain a legible and well presentable Oil Record Book all entries required to be
recorded in the ORB must be recorded by the Chief Engineer and signed by the Engineer in charge
of carrying out the operation. (This may at times be solely the Chief Engineer, depending on the
operation). The Master of the ship shall review carefully and sign each completed page verifying
completeness and correctness of records. Initials are not a substitute for the required signature
while commercial law expressions (i.e. in good faith or in true faith) shall be avoided.

4. Chief Engineer must countersign all entries for operations under charge of other engineers. This is
proof of review as per Flag state and Company requirements.

5. In the event of accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil a statement shall be made in the
Oil Record Book part I of the circumstances of, and reasons for, the discharge.

6. Any failure of the oil water separator monitoring and control system shall be noted in the Oil
Record Book Part I and properly reported to the assigned Shore Fleet personnel. Any servicing /
calibration of OCM operation done by shore personnel to be recorded in ORB I.

7. Leaving rows blank is not allowed and crossing out of the blank rows is not permitted. However
when a Master is scheduled to leave the vessel and a page on the ORB is incomplete, the signing
off Master can cross out the remaining blank rows and sign at bottom of the page.

8. Entries should be made in blue or black indelible ink only. Pencil entries are not allowed.
Correction Fluid must NOT be used to correct wrong entries.

9. If a wrong entry is made, it should be immediately struck through with a single line in such a way
that the wrong entry is still legible. The strike through entries should be signed and dated by the
person who made the changes. The new correct entry will be made in the next available space.

10. Quantities to be recorded up to the second decimal point.

11. If an entry is discovered to be incorrect, documentation is needed to prove that such an entry was
incorrect. The master shall notify the managing office for the incorrect entries immediately. The
managing office shall consider to notify the Flag State Administration and verify that the correct
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entries are made.

12. Vessels without Class-approved fixed piping arrangements from the engine room to the deck
sludge tank or slop tank should not transfer oily water or oil residues from the engine room to
deck facilities.

13. If section 3.2.3 ‘other acceptable means’ permits the transfer of Engine room Sludge and Bilge
water to Slop tanks/ ROT, entry of transfer should be recorded in both ORB part I and II. The
date, time and quantity of the transfer must correspond.

14. The quantity of sludge incinerated daily, as recorded in the ORB should be within the range of
the maximum capacity as described on the IOPP Form B. If, for any reason, the amount being
incinerated is above the incinerator capacity, advise the managing office immediately.

15. Collection of oil residues under Code C Items 11.1/ 11.2/ 11.3 must be recorded once a week
regardless of the length of the voyage.

16. Recording of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks listed under section 3.3 of the IOPPC
is required. These should also correspond to record of Bilge alarms. Bilge Water in the bilge
holding tank(s) is not required to be recorded weekly under Code C Items 11.1/ 11.2/11.3.
However, it can be recorded weekly under code”I”.

17. All operations must be recorded using Cubic Meters (m3).

18. All operations must be recorded using Local time (LT).

19. Tank name should be recorded as per the format noted within the International Oil Pollution
Prevention Certificate (IOPPC)

20. Incineration or landing ashore of oily mixed garbage and used filters should be recorded in the
Garbage Record book only.

21. The recording of general maintenance of items pertaining to the OWS is not required to be
recorded in the ORB. These maintenance jobs shall be recorded in the PMS on board.

22. The application or removal of MARPOL/Enviro Tags on valves/flanges for operational reasons is
not required to be recorded in the ORB. Relevant records shall be kept in the Enviro Tag Logbook.

23. Soot water collected after washing of economizer and separated from solid soot particles, can be
transferred manually into a sludge tank (transfer recorded in ORB as per Example #2A) for
eventual evaporation, incineration or disposal ashore.

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24. For vessels fitted with “Clean Drain Tanks” and issued with IBTS statement, the disposal of water
overboard from this tank via the 15ppm monitoring device, is not required to be recorded in ORB.
If contents of Clean drain tank are transferred to Bilge Holding tank, then record in ORB as per
Example #12A

25. During the period of dry-docking, any cleaning/ transfer operations conducted by shipyard or
shore contractor are not required in the ORB. However, all cleaning/transfer operation conducted
by crew before and after dry-dock should be made in the ORB.

26. During the period of dry-docking, the weekly entry for collection of oil residues(C 11.1/2/3) is not
required. However, before entering dry-dock and after completion dry dock, an entry of ROB in
those tanks is recommended.

27. Vessels provided with Bilge water incineration system shall not utilize this procedure to incinerate
Bilge water until the administration/authorities have provided clear instructions on recording this
in the ORB.

28. For vessels fitted with Primary Bilge tank and issued with an IBTS statement, please see Example

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#1: Weekly inventory of oil residues (sludge) tanks.
#2: Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge) tank
#2A: Recording of soot water transferred manually to in oil residue (sludge) tank
#2B: Recording of bilge water from bilge wells / PBT transferred manually to oil residue (sludge) tank
#3: Disposal of oil residue (sludge) via shore connection.
#4: Draining of water from a sludge tank to a bilge water holding tank
#5: Transfer from one oil residue (sludge) tank to another oil residue (sludge) tank.
#6: Incineration of oil residue (sludge) in Incinerator
#7: Burning of oil residue (sludge) in Boiler
#8A: Evaporation of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank.
#8B: Evaporation of water from Bilge Evaporation tank.
#9: Regeneration of fuel oil from oil residue (sludge) - NOT PERMITTED BY COMPANY
#10: Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to Bilge holding tank.
Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to Bilge Holding Tank via Primary Bilge Tank
(using the Primary Bilge Tank as pre-treatment unit)
#12: Transfer of bilge water between Bilge holding tanks listed in item 3.3 of IOPP Supplement
#12A: Transfer from Fresh water drain tank (Clean drain tank) to Bilge holding tank (Applicable to ships
which have a Statement of fact for IBTS)
#12B: Transfer of bilge water between Bilge holding tank to Sludge tank
#12C: Transfer of water from Primary Bilge Tank (PBT) to tank listed under item 3.3
#12D: Filling of Primary bilge tank after cleaning / water transfer operation.
#13: Pumping of bilge water overboard from BHT listed in item 3.3 of IOPPC Supplement
#13A: Pumping of bilge water to shore facility from BHT listed in item 3.3 of IOPPC Supplement
#14: Disposal of bilge water from BHT listed in item 3.3 of IOPPC Supplement to oil residue (sludge)
tank listed in item 3.1 of IOPPC Supplement. DELETED
#16: Failure of Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device
#17: When proper operation of the OWS / OCM or stopping device is restored

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#18: Accidental Pollution.
#19: Bunkering of Fuel oil.
#20: Bunkering of Bulk Lubricating oil.
#21: Pumping oily bilge water from a Cargo Hold bilge holding tank to a tank listed under item 3.3 of
IOPPC Supplement
#22: Entry pertaining to an earlier missed operational entry
#23: De-bunkering of Fuel Oil
#24: Voluntary declaration of quantities retained in BHT – record weekly
#25: Manual removal of Sludge from tank listed in item 3.1 of IOPPC Supplement and collected into
Drums after cleaning of the Sludge Tank has been completed.
#26: Manual removal of Sludge from Fuel Oil Tank and collected into Drums after cleaning of the Fuel
Oil Tank has been completed.
#27: Disposal of Drums which contain Sludge from the cleaning of tank listed in item 3.1 of IOPPC
Supplement or from Fuel Oil Tank.
#27B: Incineration of contents of drums which contain Sludge from the cleaning of tank listed in item 3.1
of IOPPC Supplement or from Fuel Oil Tank.
#28: Transfer of sludge from engine-room oil residue (sludge) tank to deck/cargo slop tank.
#29: Transfer of bilge water from tank listed in item 3.3 of IOPPC Supplement to deck/cargo slop tank
#30: Oil Content Meter clock date – time adjustment entry
#31: New delivery or new Takeover – Initial entry in ORB for ROB of Bunker, Bilge & Sludge tanks.
#32: Testing of Oily Water Separator
#33: Cleaning of Fuel Oil Tanks (while vessel is in service)
#34: Discharge of Dirty Ballast ( while vessel is in service)

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Usage of code C-11: Collection of oil residues (sludge).

Example #1: Weekly inventory of oil residues (sludge) tanks (tank listed under item 3.1 in the
Supplement to the IOPPC). Each Tank must be recorded independently.

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3 {Capacity}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3 {Capacity}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3 {Capacity}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #2: Recording of oil residue (sludge) collected by manual operation in oil residue (sludge)
tank (tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC).
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3 {Capacity}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained}
11.4 xx.x m3 collected from {identification of Source}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Operator initiated manual collection where oil residue (sludge) is transferred (transfer with a pump) into the
oil residue (sludge) tank(s). Examples of such operations could be:
1. Collection of oil residue (sludge) from fuel oil separator drain tanks.
2. Collection of oil residue (sludge) by draining engine sump tanks.
3. Adding fuel oil to an oil residue (sludge) tank (all content of a sludge tank is considered sludge).
4. Collection of sludge from bilge water holding tanks – in this case a disposal entry for bilge water is also needed.

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Example #2A: Recording of soot water transferred manually to in oil residue (sludge) tank (tank
listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC).

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3{Capacity of sludge tank}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained in Sludge tank}
11.4 xx.x m3 collected from Soot water tank.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #2B: Recording of bilge water from bilge wells / PBT transferred manually to oil residue
(sludge) tank (tank listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC).

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3{Capacity of sludge tank}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained in Sludge tank}
xx.x m3 collected from Bilge well (e.g.Port Fwd / Starboard Fwd /Aft)
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Usage of code C-12: Disposal or Transfer of oil residues (sludge)

Example #3: Disposal of oil residue (sludge) via shore connection.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.1 xx.x m sludge from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3 retained,

to {identity or name of sludge receiver, i.e. barge, tank truck or shore facility}
during port stay {Name of Port}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Ships' masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank
trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of oil residue (sludge) transferred, together with the time
and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the
master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. The receipt or
certificate should be kept together with the Oil Record Book Part I.

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When sludge (Oily residue) is disposed to shore reception facility from multiple tanks in engine-room a
separate entry must be made in ORB Parts I for each tank separately.

Example #4: Draining of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank listed under item 3.1 in
the Supplement to the IOPPC, to a bilge water holding tank listed under item 3.3 in
the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.2 xx.x m3 water drained from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3 retained,
to {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Collection of bilge water need not to be accounted for, so only one entry is required.
Capacity of sludge tanks should not be recorded for C.12.x entries.

Example #5: Transfer from one oil residue (sludge) tank to another oil residue (sludge) tank, both
listed under item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.2 xx.x m sludge transferred from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, xx.x
retained, to {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #6: Incineration of oil residue (sludge) in Incinerator

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.3 xx.x m sludge from {Name of Sec 3.1 or 3.2.3 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3

retained, Burned in Incinerator for xx.x hours.

signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #7: Burning of oil residue (sludge) in Boiler

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.4 xx.x m3 sludge from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3
retained, Burned in Boiler for xx.x hours.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

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Example #8A: Evaporation of water (disposal) from an oil residue (sludge) tank listed under items
3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.4 xx.x m water evaporated from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation},
xx.x m3 retained,
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #8B: Evaporation of water from Bilge Evaporation tank

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I xx.x m water evaporated from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation},
xx.x m3 retained,
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #9: Regeneration of fuel oil from oil residue (sludge) NOT PERMITTED BY COMPANY
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.4 xx.x m sludge disposed by regeneration of xx.x m3 fuel in {Fuel Tank &

Designation} and xx.x m3 of water in {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Only permitted if mentioned as an approved means of disposal in the IOPPC Supplement.

Usage of code D: Non-automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal

otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces.

Example #10: Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank listed under item 3.3
in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from engine-room bilge wells,
14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.3 To {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Timings should also correspond to record of bilge alarms (if any)

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Example #11:

Pumping of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to Bilge Holding Tank via Primary Bilge Tank (using
the Primary Bilge Tank as pre-treatment unit)
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m3 bilge water from engine-room bilge wells,
14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
To Bilge Holding Tank, Pre-treated via Primary Bilge Tank; retained
BHT xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Timings should also correspond to record of bilge alarms (if any)

Example #12: Transfer of bilge water between tanks listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3

14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.3 To {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #12A: Transfer from Fresh water drain tank (Clean drain tank) to Bilge holding tank
(Applicable to ships which have a Statement of fact for IBTS)
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m3 transferred from fresh water drain tank , xx.x m3 Capacity,
xx.x m3 retained,
14 Transfer Start hh:mm, Transfer stop: hh:mm
15.3 To Bilge holding tank, quantity retained in tank xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Overboard discharge arrangements of clean drains are independent from the system of oily bilge water.
Discharge of clean water through IBTS is not required to be recorded in Oil Record Book.

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Vessels not having the IBTS statement of compliance shall not discharge the water from Clean Drain tank
directly overboard. Water collected in CDT should be transferred to Bilge Holding tank for disposal through
the OWS.

Example #12 B: Transfer of bilge water from tanks listed in item 3.3 to tank listed in item 3.1 in the
Supplement to the IOPPC (Bilge tank to Sludge tank )
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3

14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.3 To {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy C 11.1 {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
11.2 xx.x m3 {Capacity}
11.3 xx.x m3{Retained}
11.4 xx.x m3 collected from { Name of Sec 3.3Tank & Designation }
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #12 C: Transfer of water from Primary Bilge Tank (PBT) to tank listed under item 3.3
(Applicable to ships which have a Statement of fact for IBTS)
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 3
xx.x m transferred from Primary Bilge Tank,
14 Transfer Start hh:mm, Transfer stop: hh:mm
To [Name of sec 3.3 Tank & Designation], quantity retained in tank
xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #12 D: Filling of Primary bilge tank after cleaning / water transfer operation.

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy I water is filled in Primary Bilge Tank for bilge water pre treatment
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

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Example #13: Pumping of bilge water overboard through 15ppm equipment from tank listed in item
3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation},
Capacity: xx.x m3, retained: xx.x m3
14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.1 Through 15 ppm equipment overboard
Position start: xx deg xx min N/S, xxx deg xx min E/W
Position stop: xx deg xx min N/S, xxx deg xx min E/W
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
The timings shall also correspond to start/stop of OWS from alarm in monitoring system, and OWS internal
memory (if fitted).
The timings for operation should be recorded in ship’s LT, and if required, Time in UTC can be entered
additionally as stated below:
Example: D 14 - Start: 10:30 LT (12:30 UTC), Stop 14:15 LT (16:15 UTC)

Example #13A: Pumping of bilge water to shore reception facility from tank listed in item 3.3 in the
Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation},
Capacity: xx.x m3, retained: xx.x m3
14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.2 to {identity or name of receiver, i.e. barge, tank truck or shore facility} during
port stay {Name of Port}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Ships' masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and tank
trucks, a receipt or certificate detailing the quantity of oil residue (sludge) transferred, together with the time
and date of the transfer. This receipt or certificate, if attached to the Oil Record Book Part I, may aid the
master of the ship in proving that his ship was not involved in an alleged pollution incident. The receipt or
certificate should be kept together with the Oil Record Book Part I.

Example #14: Disposal of bilge water from tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC to
oil residue (sludge) tank listed in item 3.1 in the Supplement to the IOPPC

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 3
xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}, retained: xx.x

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14 start hh:mm, stop: hh:mm
15.3 Collected in {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s): xx.x
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Note: SEE #12B
A code C.11.4 recording may be required if this operation is a manual operator initiated operation.

Usage of code E: Automatic starting of discharge overboard, transfer or disposal

otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces.



Example #15: Automatic Transfer of bilge water from engine-room bilge wells to a tank listed under item
3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy E 17 Transfer start hh:mm to {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}
18 stop hh:mm
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
Note:Automatic transfer of Bilge wells to Bilge holding tank(s) is not encouraged by the Company.

Usage of code F: Condition of oil filtering equipment

Example #16: Failure of Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or stopping device
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy F 19 hh:mm {time of Failure}
20 hh:mm {Time put back in service. Might be unknown – if spare parts has been ordered, in
that case make a record N/A}
21 {Reason for Failure if known}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
The condition of the oil filtering equipment also covers the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if
A code 'I' entry should also be made indicating that the overboard valve was sealed shut due to non working
Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter.
On the date where the system is functional again, a new entry, using code F 19 / 20 / 21 should be made
where F 19 is the date and time of the initial failure and F 20 is the time the system is functional again.

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Example #17: When proper operation of the Oily Filtering Equipment, Oil Content Meter or
stopping device is restored
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy F 19 dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm {date and time of Failure, same as in example #16}
20 hh:mm {Time put back in service}
21 {Reason for Failure if known}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
The condition of the oil filtering equipment also covers the alarm and automatic stopping devices, if
A code 'I' entry should also be made indicating that the overboard valve was unsealed since the operation of
the Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter has been restored.

Usage of code G: Accidental or other exceptional discharges of oil

Example #18: Accidental Pollution.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy G 22 hh:mm
23 Place or Position. xx deg xx min N/S xxx deg xx min E/W
24 Type and Quantity of oily residue {if known}
25 Circumstances of the discharge
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
If failure of Oil Filtering Equipment or Oil Content Meter related equipment is involved, appropriate (F)
entry is to be made in ORB. Relevant sections of the SOPEP (SMPEP) are to be used to combat oil spills at
Examples of Circumstances of discharge include, but are not limited to:
1. Oil Content Meter failure.
2. Fuel tank overflow.
3. Ruptured bunkering hose/flange.
4. Fuel tank leakage (due to collision or grounding).

Usage of code H: Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil

Example #19: Bunkering of Fuel oil.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy H 26.1 {Name of Port or Position if STS at Open Sea}
26.2 start: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm stop: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm
26.3 xxxx.x MT BDN quantity / xxxx.x MT Ship received quantity of
ISO-8217/2010 ** HFO x.x % S bunkered in tanks:
xxxx.x MT added to {Tank Name & Designation}. total content xxxx.x MT

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xxxx.x MT added to {Tank Name & Designation}. total content xxxx.x MT
xxxx.x MT added to {Tank Name & Designation}. total content xxxx.x MT
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Note: Tank wise distribution as per ship received quantity.
** Grade of Bunker as mentioned in Bunker stem message from operation department.

Example #20: Bunkering of Bulk Lubricating oil.

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy H 26.1 {Name of Port or Position if STS at Open Sea}
26.2 start: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm stop: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm
26.4 xxx.x MT of {Type of Lube Oil} bunkered in tanks:
xxx.x MT added to {Tank Name & Designation}. total content xxx.x MT
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Separate entries required for each grade of fuel oils and lubricating oils respectively to ensure transparency.
This entry is not required if lubricating oils are delivered onboard in packaged form (55 gallon drum, etc.).

Usage of code I: Additional operational procedures and general remarks

Example #21: Pumping oily bilge water from a Cargo Hold bilge holding tank to a tank listed under item 3.3
in the Supplement to the IOPPC
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I xx.x m3 oily bilge water from Cargo Hold bilge holding Tank to
{Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Any collection and transfer of oily bilge water into the engine-room bilge holding tank(s) from a cargo hold
bilge holding tank(s) should be recorded using code (I)

Example #22: Entry pertaining to an earlier missed operational entry

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I Entry pertaining to an earlier missed operational entry.
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.2
xx.x m3 sludge transferred from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}
xx.x m3 retained.
To {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, retained in tank(s) xx.x m3
(1) signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
(2) signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy

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Date (1) to be the date of the original operation.
Date (2) to be the current date i.e. the date the entry is made.
Signed (1) Signature of Officer making I entry / Date (2)
Signed (2) Signature of Officer making missed entry / Date (2)

Example #23: De-bunkering of Fuel Oil

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I xxxx.x MT of ISO-xxxxx HFO x.x % S de-bunkered from tanks:
xxxx.x MT removed from {Tank Name & Designation}. now containing
xxxx.x MT
De-bunkered to {identity or name of receiver i.e. barge, tank truck or shore
facility} in {Name of Port or Position if STS at Open Sea}
start: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm stop: dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Include receipt & certificate from receiver for amount & type of fuel oil de-bunkered.

Example #24: Voluntary declaration of quantities retained in bilge water holding tanks ref.
MEPC.1/Circ.640 – record weekly
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I Weekly Inventory of bilge water tank(s)
{Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation} Capacity: xx.x m3 retained: xx.x m3
{Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation} Capacity: xx.x m3 retained: xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #25: Manual removal of Sludge from tank listed in item 3.1 in the Supplement to the
IOPPC and collected into Drums after cleaning of the Sludge Tank has been
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.4 xx.x m sludge removed manually from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank &
Designation}, and collected into drums.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

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Example #26: Manual removal of Fuel oil Residue from Fuel Oil Tank and collected into Drums
after cleaning of the Fuel Oil Tank has been completed.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I xx.x m of fuel oil residue removed manually from {Name of Fuel oil Tank
& Designation}, and collected into drums.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #27: Disposal of Drums which contain Sludge from the cleaning of tank listed in item 3.1
in the Supplement to the IOPPC or from Fuel Oil Tank.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.1 xx.x m sludge/Fuel Oil residue collected in drums from {Name of Tank}
to {identity or name of sludge receiver, i.e. barge, tank truck or shore facility}
during port stay {Name of Port}
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #27B: Incineration of contents of drums which contain Sludge from the cleaning of tank
listed in item 3.1 of IOPPC Supplement or from Fuel Oil Tank.

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy I xx.x m sludge {Name of Tank} / Fuel Oil residue collected in drums
burned in Incinerator for xx.x hours.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Tankers with slop tanks

Example #28: Transfer of sludge from engine-room oil residue (sludge) tank to deck/cargo slop tank.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy C 12.4 xx.x m sludge from {Name of Sec 3.1 Tank & Designation}, xx.x m3 retained,

Transferred to {designation of tank} retained in {deck slop tank} xx.x m3

signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Requires this method listed in the IOPPC Supplement under item 3.2.3.
If non-oil-cargo related oily residues are transferred to slop tanks of oil tankers, the discharge of such
residues should be in compliance with MARPOL Regulation 34. (UI 22.1.1 for Regulation 15).
Requires an entry in the Oil Record Book – Part II using code (J).

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If sludge or bilge water is transferred from multiple tanks in engine-room a separate entry must be made in
ORB Parts I & II for each transfer.

Example #29: Transfer of bilge water from tank listed in item 3.3 in the Supplement to the IOPPC to
deck/cargo slop tank
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy D 13 xx.x m bilge water from {Name of Sec 3.3 Tank & Designation}
Capacity: xx.x m3 retained: xx.x m3
14 start: hh:mm stop: hh:mm
15.3 Transferred to {designation of tank} retained in {deck slop tank} xx.x m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Requires this method listed in the IOPPC Supplement under item 3.2.3.
If non-oil-cargo related oily residues are transferred to slop tanks of oil tankers, the discharge of such
residues should be in compliance with MARPOL Regulation 34. (UI 22.1.1 for Regulation 15).
Requires an entry in the Oil Record Book – Part II using code (J).
If sludge or bilge water is transferred from multiple tanks in engine-room a separate entry must be made in
ORB Parts I & II for each transfer.

Example #30: Oil Content Meter clock date – time adjustment entry
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I The OCM internal clock noted to be offset from UTC.
At UTC time hh:mm the corresponding OCM time was hh:mm
Clock has now been synchronized with UTC
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #31: New delivery or new Takeover – Initial entry in ORB for ROB of Bunker, Bilge &
Sludge tanks.
Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I Vessel delivered by shipyard/previous management/previous owner
on dd-MMM-yyyy at hh:mm hrs LT at Port xxxxxxxxxx
ROB at time of delivery:
HSFO x.x % S = XXX.X MT {Total quantity in MT} contained in
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}

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{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
LSFO x.x % S = XXX.X MT {Total quantity in MT} contained in tanks:
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
MGO x.x %S = XXX.X MT {Total quantity in MT} contained in tanks:
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
BDN of above is on board.
Bulk Lube Oil:
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
{Designation of Tank with quantity in MT}
ROB Sludge tanks:
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
ROB Bilge water tanks:
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
{Designation of Tank with capacity and retained quantity in m3}
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

Example #32: Testing of Oily Water Separator

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge
dd-MMM-yyyy I Oily water separator equipment tested in recirculation mode
Location: (Record Position of the vessel or Name of the Port)
From: HH:mm TO: HH:mm
OWS 15 PPM alarm and functions tested and found satisfactory.
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

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Usage of code A: Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
Example #33: Cleaning of Fuel Oil Tanks (while vessel is in service)

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy A 1 Name of the tank cleaned
Whether cleaned since they last contained oil and, if not, type of oil
previously carried
3.1 Position of vessel, time at the start and completion of cleaning
Method of cleaning {if cleaning with chemicals; type and quantity of
chemicals used in m3}
3.3 Name of the tank into which cleaning water was transferred and
quantity in m3
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy

When in cleaning process the position of vessel and time at the start and completion of cleaning should be
identified. The tank(s) should be identified in which one or another method has been employed (rinsing
through, steaming, cleaning with chemicals; type and quantity of chemicals used, in m3) and also the tank(s)
into which cleaning water was transferred and the quantity in m3. In ballasting the position of vessel and
time at start and end of ballasting as well as the quantity of ballast if tanks are not cleaned, in m3 should be

Usage of code B: Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks
referred under section A
Example #34: Discharge of Dirty Ballast ( while vessel is in service)

Date Code Item No. Record of operations/signature of officer in charge

dd-MMM-yyyy B 5 Name of tank(s)
6 Position of vessel at start of discharge
7 Position of vessel on completion of discharge
8 N/A
9.2 Method of discharge to reception facilities, location of the vessel
10 xx.x m3 quantity discharged
signed: {Officer-in-charge, Name & Rank} dd-MMM-yyyy
signed: {Name} Ch/Eng dd-MMM-yyyy
Under the Code B 9 Method of discharge:
.1 Through 15 ppm equipment
.2 To reception facilities

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