PV Valves Operation and Maintenance Procedure

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Pressure/Vacuum (PV) valves for chemical tankers

Pressure/Vacuum valves are designed to provide protection of

all cargo tanks against over/under pressure and provide for
the flow of small volumes of tank atmosphere resulting from
temperature variations in the cargo tank(s) and should operate
in advance of the pressure/vacuum breaker, where IG system
is in use.

Secondary PV System

To meet the requirements of SOLAS II-2, Part C, Reg. 11,

6.3.2, a secondary means of full flow venting for all tanks is to
be provided – this is typically the combination of IG line P/V
breaker / vent rise plus individual tank P/V valves. An
alternative means of compliance is for a pressure monitoring
and alarm system to be fitted. As this is the secondary means,
the alarm is required to go off at a higher pressure than the
P/V valve.

Fig:Chemical tanker pressure vacuum valves

The following points are critical:

1. The alarm settings for the pressure sensors must be set
to activate when the tank pressure or vacuum reaches a
reasonable margin of safety above the normal actuation
settings of the Pressure/Vacuum valves themselves.
2. These pressures are to be clearly indicated in the Cargo
Control Room.
3. During cargo operations, loading or discharging, the
audible alarm must not be disabled.

Vetting inspectors will frequently ask what the alarms are set
at and for a demonstration of the system working. As a
guidance as to what level to set the pressure alarms, Masters
are referred to the most recent OCIMF Vessel Inspection
Questionnaire (VIQ). Petroleum tankers should set the high
pressure alarms at 10% above the design opening settings of
the pressure valve.

With regards to the low pressure alarms, this will vary

depending on the vessel’s inerted state:-

 For inert tanks the pressure in the tank should never be

permitted to fall below zero and so the pressure sensors
within the IG system required by the Inert Gas Code and
SOLAS should be set to alarm at positive 200 mmWg
(LOW) and 100 mmWG (LOW -LOW). Should the low
pressure alarms sound or there be a failure of the IG
system, discharging operations must be suspended

With regards to the individual tank pressure sensors,

these should be set to positive 50 mmWg in order to give
warning in the event that the main IG alarms have failed
to suspend cargo discharging operations. This equally
applies where nitrogen has been taken from shore to
provide padding .
 For non-inert tanks, the sensor should be set at a
vacuum 10% greater than the normal actuation settings
of the vacuum valves.

Chemical Tankers and smaller tankers not fitted with

Inert Gas systems, may, by design, be capable of
discharging to a higher vacuum which could be up to
20% of the P/V valve opening setting. In such cases
Masters should refer to the ship’s specific operating
manuals or contact the office for advice.

A notice is to be posted in the CCR stating:

1. Alarm set-point values,

2. Procedures to be followed in the event of alarms
3. A notice stating that audible alarms are not to be

Note that this only refers to alarms fitted on tankers where the
alarm system is provided to meet the requirement for a
secondary means of venting. If a vapour recovery system
(VRS) is fitted, a pressure alarm will be fitted in the vapour
return line. This must be set to actuate before the P/V valve
design pressures. The USCG requires this alarm to be set to
90% of the designed P/V valve actuation settings.

Full details of the VEC system will be in the ship specific

Vapour Emission Control Manual. Hi-Jet type high velocity
pressure/vacuum valves are designed to provide protection to
individual tanks and are capable of allowing high volumes of
tank atmosphere to pass, as would be the case during
loading/discharging. They are also designed to throw the
vented gases clear of the deck area. They are not designed to
be operated in the “jacked-open” position. The maximum PV
valve flow capacity is to be readily available in the cargo
control room. This flow capacity is 125% maximum loading

Fig: Failure of venting system leading to Cargo tanks explosion

PV valves maintenance

The correct maintenance of these valves is essential to the

safe operation of the vessel.

 At each dry-dock all P/V valves are to be overhauled and

tested according to maker’s guidelines and a certificate is
to be issued by a competent authority.
 A spare P/V valve for each type fitted is to be carried
 Each P/ V valve is to be dismantled over a 12 month
cycle interchanging with the spare valve. This is to be
done on the ballast voyage with tank open to atmosphere
and all supply valves to the tank shut. Maintenance to be
as required by maker’s instructions. On re-assembly,
valve tightness is to be tested using soapy water.
 Each P/V valve is to be numbered and a record to be kept
of all maintenance for each valve maintained in PMS.

Flame arrestor gauzes fitted to cargo related systems are to be

checked prior to cargo operations to ensure that they are free
from damages and polymerised substances which may prevent
freedom of vapour flow.

Flame arrestor gauzes

Flame gauzes/screens on P/V valves, Hi-Jet type valves,

vapour lines, mast risers, purge pipes, p/v breakers and on
ullage ports are to be inspected as per PMS and replaced as

Flame screens on ballast tank and bunker tank vents must be

inspected as per PMS and replaced, as necessary.

P/V Breaker

Every inert gas system is required to be fitted with one or

more pressure/vacuum breakers or other approved devices.
These are designed to protect the cargo tanks against
excessive pressure or vacuum and must therefore be kept in
perfect working order by regular maintenance in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.

When these are liquid filled it is important to ensure that the

correct fluid is used and the correct level maintained for the
density of the liquid used. The level can normally only be
checked when there is no pressure in the inert gas deck main.
Evaporation, condensation and possible ingress or sea water
must be taken into consideration when checking the liquid
condition, density and level.

In heavy weather, the pressure surge caused by the motion of

the liquid in the cargo tanks may cause the liquid in the
pressure/vacuum breaker to be blown out. When cold weather
conditions are expected, liquid filled breakers must be checked
to ensure that the liquid is suitable for low temperature use,
and if necessary anti-freeze is to be added.

The P/V breaker(s) are to be clearly marked with their high

pressure and vacuum opening pressures and also with the type
and volumetric concentration of antifreeze (if water filled
type), and minimum operating temperature.

During a recent loading operation at Odfjell terminal, it was
observed that PV Valves of the passive tanks (tanks which
were not being loaded or discharged) were found to be
covered with canvas. Investigation revealed that intention to
cover the PV valves was to prevent ingress of water from the
passing squalls.

It is important to note that PV valves are not required to be

covered at any time due to simple reason as it has direct
impact on the safe working of the PV valve and would defeat
the very purpose of the equipment.

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