Noriega S Notes : Evidence
Noriega S Notes : Evidence
Noriega S Notes : Evidence
1. Definitions
a. Factum probandum ultimate fact or the fact sought to be established
b. Factum probans evidentiary fact or the fact by which the factum probandum is to be
2. Classification of evidence
a. Object (Real)
That which is directly addressed to the senses of the court and consists of tangible
things exhibited or demonstrated in open court, in an ocular inspection, or at a place
designated by the court for its view or observation of an exhibition, experiment or
Evidence supplied by written instruments or derived from conventional symbols, such
as letter, by which ideas are represented on material substances
That which is submitted to the court through the testimony or deposition of a witness
b. Relevant
Evidence having any value in reason as tending to prove any matter provable in an
Relevancy logical relation of evidentiary fact to fact in issue
Evidence directed to prove a fact in issue
One that is not excluded by law in particular case
c. Direct
That which proves the fact in dispute without the aid of any inference or
The proof of the facts other than the fact in issue from which, taken either singly or
collectively, the existence of the particular fact in dispute may be inferred as a
necessary or probable consequence
d. Cumulative
Evidence of the same kind and to the same state of facts
Additional evidence of a different character to the same point for higher probative
e. Prima facie
That which standing alone, unexplained or uncontradicted is sufficient to maintain a
Class of evidence which the law does not allow to be contradicted
f. Primary or Best
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That which the law regards as affording greatest certainty of the fact in question
Secondary or Substitutionary
That which is inferior to the primary evidence and is permitted by law only when the
best evidence is not available
g. Positive
The witness affirms that a fact did or did not occur
The witness states that he did not see or know of the occurrence of a fact
1. Persons Disqualified from becoming witnesses due to mental incapacity or immaturity:
a. Those whose mental condition, at the time of their production for examination, is such
that they are incapable of intelligently making known their perceptions to others; or
A mental retardate is not, for this reason alone, disqualified from being a witness.
b. Children whose mental maturity is such as to render them incapable of perceiving the
facts respecting which they are examined and of relating them truthfully.
1. Kinds of Privileged Communications:
Marital privilege
Public Officers Privilege
2. Requisites for Marital Privilege
Valid marital relation must have existed
Privilege is claimed with respect to a communication made by one spouse to another
during the marriage;
Communication was made in confidence
3. Marital disqualification and marital privilege distinguished
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Can be invoked only if one of the spouses is a Can be claimed whether or not the spouse is a
part to the action party to the action
Right to invoke belongs to the spouse who is a Right to invoke belongs to the spouse making
party to the action the communication
Applies only if the marriage is existing at the Can be claimed even after the marriage has
time the testimony is offered been dissolved
Constitutes a total prohibition against any Applies only to confidential communications
testimony for or against the spouse of the between spouses made during the marriage
witness (with certain exceptions)
4. Attorney-Client Privilege
There is an attorney-client relationship
There is a communication made by the client to the attorney
Such communication was made in the course of, or with a view to, professional
Extends to attorneys secretary, stenographer or clerk; requires consent of both employer
and the client to testify as to matters learned in their professional capacity
Actions brought by client against his attorney
Communications made in presence of third persons
Communications regarding an intended crime
General Rule: Lawyer may not invoke the privilege and refuse to divulge the name of his
If there is a probability that the revealing the client s name would implicate the client to
the activity for which he sought the lawyers advice;
The disclosure would open the client to civil liability;
Where the identity is intended to be confidential
Privilege not confined to verbal or written communications, but extends to all information
communicated by the client to the attorney by other means, such as when the attorney
is called to witness the preparation of a document.
5. Requisites for Physician-Patient privilege [CRANB]
The action is a Civil case
The Relation of physician-patient existed
The information was Acquired by the physician while attending to the patient in his
professional capacity
The information was Necessary for the performance of his professional duty
The disclosure of the information would tend to Blacken the character of the patient
A patients husband is not prohibited from testifying on a report prepared by his wife s
psychiatrist since he is not the treating physician (although it would be hearsay)
A physician is not prohibited from giving expert testimony in response to a strictly
hypothetical question in a lawsuit involving the physical or mental condition of a patient
he has treated professionally.
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6. Requisites for Priest-Penitent Privilege
Confession was made or advice given by the priest in his professional character in the
course of the discipline enjoined by the church to which the priest or minister belongs;
The confession must be confidential and penitent in character
7. Requisites for Public Officers Privilege
Communication made to a public officer in official confidence
Public interest would suffer by the disclosure
8. Newsmans privilege a publisher, editor, columnist or duly accredited reporter cannot be
compelled to disclose the source of news report or information appearing in the publication
which is related in confidence, the disclosure of which is not demanded by the security of the
4. Compromises
Civil Cases: not admission of liability
Criminal Cases: implied admission of guilt.
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Except: quasi-offenses or those allowed by law to be compromised, or when made to
avoid risks of criminal actions against him.
Also, offer to pay expenses occasioned by injury not admissible as proof of civil or
criminal liability for the injury.
A plea of forgiveness made with the knowledge, consent or acquiescence of the accused
is tantamount to an offer to compromise by the accused.
If the purpose of the offer is to buy peace and avoid litigation, then the offer is
5. Requisites for Admission by Silence (Adaptive Admissions)
The party heard and understood the statement
He was at liberty to interpose a denial
Statement was with respect to some matter affecting his rights or in which he was then
interested, and calling, naturally, for an answer
Facts were within his knowledge
Facts admitted or inference to be drawn from his silence is material to the issue
If private complainant in a rape case fails to rebut testimonies of defense witnesses that
she and accused were sweethearts and that they had previous sexual encounters, she is
deemed to have impliedly admitted the truth of the facts asserted by said witnesses.
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6. Res inter alios acta alteri nocero non debet
a. First branch
Section 20, the rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act, declaration or
omission of another
EXCEPTIONS: where the third person is a partner, agent, joint owner, joint debtor or
has a joint interest with the party, or is a co-conspirator or a privy of the party,
during the existence of the partnership, conspiracy, etc. as established by evidence
other than such act or declaration, or while holding title to property in relation to
b. Second branch
Sec. 34, evidence that one did or did not do a certain thing at one time not
admissible to prove that he did or did not do the same/similar thing at another time
Exceptions: [KISSHICUP] it may be received to prove a specific intent or knowledge,
identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom, or usage
7. Admission by a Co-Partner or Agent
Partnership, agency or joint interest is established by evidence other than the act or
Act or declaration is within the scope of the partnership, agency or joint interest
Act or declaration must have been made during the existence of the partnership, agency
or joint interest
8. Admission by Co-conspirator
Requisites apply only to extrajudicial acts or statements, and not to testimony during trial
Conspiracy is shown by evidence other than the act or declaration
Admission was made during existence of the conspiracy
Admission relates to the conspiracy itself
An extra-judicial confession of an accused is not admissible in evidence against his co-
accused when the latter had not been given the opportunity to hear him testify and
cross-examine him. Such confession is not admissible as an Admission by co-conspirator
because it was made after the conspiracy had ended and after the commission of the
9. Admissions by Privies
Must be a relation of privity between the party and the declarant
Admission was made while declarant as predecessor in interest, while holding title to the
Admission is in relation to said property
HOWEVER, such evidence is still not admissible to contradict the terms of the written
10. Opinion of a witness
Expert special knowledge, skill experience or training
Identity of person about whom he has adequate knowledge
Handwriting, if with sufficient familiarity
Mental sanity, if sufficiently acquainted
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Impressions on emotion, behavior, condition or appearance which he has observed
Ordinary matters common to all men of common perception
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1. Exceptions to hearsay rule
Dying declaration ante mortem or in articulo mortis
Declaration against interest
Act or declaration against pedigree
Family reputation or traditions regarding pedigree
Common reputation
Res gestae
Entries in course of business
Entries in official records
Commercial lists and the like
Learned treatises
Court takes judicial notice; or
Testified to by an expert
Testimony or deposition at a former proceeding
Newspaper clippings are hearsay and have no evidentiary value unless substantiated by
persons with personal knowledge of the facts.
2. Doctrine of independently relevant statements
Independent of whether the facts stated are true, they are relevant since they are the
facts in issue or are circumstantial evidence of the facts in issue
Not covered by the hearsay rule
Example: The statements or writings attributed to a person who is not on the witness
stand are being offered, not to prove the truth of the facts stated therein, but only to
prove that such statements were actually made or such writings were executed, or to
prove the tenor thereof.
3. Requisites of Declaration Against Interest
a. Declarant dead or unable to testify
Mere absence from jurisdiction does not make declarant unable to testify.
Exception contemplates that the declarant is dead, mentally incompetent or
physically incapacitated
b. Declaration was against his own interest
c. Reasonable man in declarants position would not have made the declaration unless he
believed it to be true
Declarations by accused against his interest are inadmissible if done in violation of his
constitutional rights
4. Requisites of Act or Declaration about Pedigree
Declarant dead or unable to testify
Declarant is related to the person whose pedigree is in question
Made ante litem motam
Relationship between declarant and person whose pedigree is in question showed by
evidence other than the declaration
5. Requisites of Family Reputation/Tradition regarding Pedigree
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Reputation or tradition exists in family of person whose pedigree is in question
Reputation or tradition existed previous to the controversy
Witness testifying thereon is a surviving member of that family, by either affinity or
A persons statement as to the date of his birth and age, as he learned of these from his
parents or relatives, is an ante litem motam declaration of family reputation.
6. Requisites of Common Reputation
Facts to which the reputation refers are of public or general interest
Reputation is ancient (or more than 30 years old)
Reputation must have been formed among a class of persons who were in a position to
have some sources of information and to contribute intelligently to the formation of the
Reputation must exist ante litem motam
HOWEVER, if the reputation concerns marriage or moral character, the requisite that
the reputation must be ancient does NOT apply
7. Requisites of Dying Declarations
a. Declaration must concern cause and surrounding circumstances of declarants death
Cannot be admitted to establish fact of robbery; strictly limited to criminal
prosecutions for homicide/murder as evidence of the cause and surrounding
circumstances of the death
b. Declaration was made under consciousness of impending death
c. Declaration was freely and voluntarily made
d. Declarants testimony, if alive, would have been competent (eg: dying declaration would
not be admissible if it consisted of hearsay, or of the declarants opinion)
8. Res gestae
2 kinds/classes:
a. Spontaneous statements;
There is a startling occurrence
Statement must relate to the circumstances of the occurrence
Statement is unconscious and unpremeditated
Factors to be considered in determining spontaneity of statement:
Time that elapsed between occurrence and the making of the statement
Place where statement was made
Condition of the declarant when he made the statement
Presence or absence of intervening occurrences between the occurrence and the
Nature and circumstances of the statement itself
b. Verbal acts:
Res gestae or principal act must be equivocal
Act material to issue
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Statements must accompany equivocal act
Statements must give legal significance to equivocal act
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9. Res gestae and Dying Declarations distinguished
Statement of the killer himself after or during Can be made only by the victim
the killing, or that of a third person (e.g.,
Statement may precede, accompany or be Made only after the homicidal attack has been
made after the homicidal act was committed committed
Justified by the spontaneity of the statement Trustworthiness is based upon its being given
under awareness of impending death
Sufficient that entrant made the entries entrant is a public officer in performance of
pursuant to a duty either legal, contractual, duty, or if a private individual, must have acted
moral or religious, or in the regular course of pursuant to a specific legal duty (specially
business or duty enjoined by law)
The person who made such entries must be there is no such requirement for admissibility
dead or unable to testify
The resolution came out last November 21, 2000. The rule took effect last December 15, 2000.
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Is absent from the hearing and the proponent of his statement has been unable to
procure his attendance by process or other reasonable means.
d. When the child witness is unavailable, his hearsay testimony shall be admitted only if
corroborated by other admissible evidence.
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1. Presumptions of law
May be conclusive or absolute, or disputable or rebuttable
A certain inference must be made whenever the facts appear which furnish the basis of
the inference
Reduced to fix rules and form a part of the system of jurisprudence
2. Presumptions of fact
A discretion is vested in the tribunal as to drawing the inference
Derived wholly and directly from the circs of the particular case by means of the common
experience of mankind
3. Burden of proof
Onus probandi
Obligation imposed upon a party who alleges the existence of facts necessary for the
prosecution of his action or defense to establish the same by the requisite presentation
of evidence
In civil cases, it is on the party who would be defeated if no evidence is given on either
side; in criminal cases, the prosecution has the burden of proof.
Does not shift; remains on party upon whom it is imposed
Determined by pleadings filed by party
4. Burden of evidence
Lies with party asserting affirmative allegations
Shifts during trial, depending on exigencies of the case
Determined by developments at trial or by provisions of law (presumptions, judicial
notice, admissions)
In criminal cases, a negative fact must be proven if it is an essential element of the crime.
People vs. Macagaling in a charge of illegal possession of firearms, the burden is on the
prosecution to prove that the accused had no license to possess the same.
People vs. Manalo in a charge for selling regulated drugs without authority, it was held
that although the prosecution has the burden of proving a negative averment which is an
essential element of the crime (i.e. lack of license to sell), the prosecution, in view of the
difficulty of proving a negative allegation, need only establish a prima facie case from the
best evidence obtainable. In this case, the lack of license was held to have been
established by the circumstances that the sale of the drug was consummated not in a
drug store or hospital, and that it was made at 10:00 PM.
Section 9. Use Not Mandatory. - Without prejudice to the application of Section 27 of the Act
and Section 37 of these Rules, nothing in the Act or these Rules requires a person to use or
accept information contained in electronic data messages, electronic documents, or electronic
signatures, but a person's consent to do so may be inferred from the person's conduct.
Section 10. Writing. - Where the law requires a document to be in writing, or obliges the parties
to conform to a writing, or provides consequences in the event information is not presented or
retained in its original form, an electronic document or electronic data message will be sufficient
if the latter:
Maintains its integrity and reliability; and
Can be authenticated so as to be usable for subsequent reference, in that:
It has remained complete and unaltered, apart from the addition of any endorsement and any
authorized change, or any change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage
and display; and
It is reliable in the light of the purpose for which it was generated and in the light of all relevant
Section 11. Original. - Where the law requires that a document be presented or retained in its
original form, that requirement is met by an electronic document or electronic data message if
There exists a reliable assurance as to the integrity of the electronic document or electronic data
message from the time when it was first generated in its final form and such integrity is shown
by evidence aliunde (that is, evidence other than the electronic data message itself) or otherwise;
The electronic document or electronic data message is capable of being displayed to the person
to whom it is to be presented.
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For the purposes of paragraph (a) above:
The criteria for assessing integrity shall be whether the information has remained
complete and unaltered, apart from the addition of any endorsement and any
change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage and
display; and
The standard of reliability required shall be assessed in the light of the purpose for
which the information was generated and in the light of all relevant
An electronic data message or electronic document meeting and complying with the
requirements of Sections 6 or 7 of the Act shall be the best evidence of the agreement and
transaction contained therein.
Section 12. Solemn Contracts. - No provision of the Act shall apply to vary any and all
requirements of existing laws and relevant judicial pronouncements respecting formalities
required in the execution of documents for their validity. Hence, when the law requires that a
contract be in some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, or that a contract is proved
in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and indispensable.
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Section 15. Method of Authenticating Electronic Documents, Electronic Data Messages, and
Electronic Signatures. - Electronic documents, electronic data messages and electronic
signatures, shall be authenticated by demonstrating, substantiating and validating a claimed
identity of a user, device, or another entity in an information or communication system.
Until the Supreme Court, by appropriate rules, shall have so provided, electronic
documents, electronic data messages and electronic signatures, shall be authenticated, among
other ways, in the following manner:
The electronic signature shall be authenticated by proof that a letter, character, number or other
symbol in electronic form representing the persons named in and attached to or logically
associated with an electronic data message, electronic document, or that the appropriate
methodology or security procedures, when applicable, were employed or adopted by a person
and executed or adopted by such person, with the intention of authenticating or approving an
electronic data message or electronic document;
The electronic data message or electronic document shall be authenticated by proof that an
appropriate security procedure, when applicable was adopted and employed for the purpose of
verifying the originator of an electronic data message or electronic document, or detecting error
or alteration in the communication, content or storage of an electronic document or electronic
data message from a specific point, which, using algorithm or codes, identifying words or
numbers, encryptions, answers back or acknowledgement procedures, or similar security devices.
Section 16. Burden of Authenticating Electronic Documents or Electronic Data Messages. - The
person seeking to introduce an electronic document or electronic data message in any legal
proceeding has the burden of proving its authenticity by evidence capable of supporting a finding
that the electronic data message or electronic document is what the person claims it to be.
Section 17. Method of Establishing the Integrity of an Electronic Document or Electronic Data
Message. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the integrity of the information and
communication system in which an electronic data message or electronic document is recorded
or stored may be established in any legal proceeding, among other methods
By evidence that at all material times the information and communication system or other similar
device was operating in a manner that did not affect the integrity of the electronic document or
electronic data message, and there are no other reasonable grounds to doubt the integrity of the
information and communication system;
By showing that the electronic document or electronic data message was recorded or stored by a
party to the proceedings who is adverse in interest to the party using it; or
By showing that the electronic document or electronic data message was recorded or stored in
the usual and ordinary course of business by a person who is not a party to the proceedings and
who did not act under the control of the party using the record.
Section 18. Admissibility and Evidential Weight of Electronic Data Messages and Electronic
Documents. - For evidentiary purposes, an electronic document or electronic data message shall
be the functional equivalent of a written document under existing laws. In any legal proceeding,
nothing in the application of the rules on evidence shall deny the admissibility of an electronic
data message or electronic document in evidence:
On the sole ground that it is in electronic form; or
On the ground that it is not in the standard written form.
The Act does not modify any statutory rule relating to the admissibility of electronic data
messages or electronic documents, except the rules relating to authentication and best evidence.
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In assessing the evidential weight of an electronic data message or electronic document,
the reliability of the manner in which it was generated, stored or communicated, the reliability of
the manner in which its originator was identified, and other relevant factors shall be given due
Section 19. Proof by Affidavit and Cross-Examination. - The matters referred to in Section 12 of
the Act on admissibility and evidentiary weight, and Section 9 of the Act on the presumption of
integrity of electronic signatures, may be presumed to have been established by an affidavit
given to the best of the deponents or affiants personal knowledge subject to the rights of parties
in interest to cross-examine such deponent or affiant as a matter of right. Such right of cross-
examination may likewise be enjoyed by a party to the proceedings who is adverse in interest to
the party who has introduced the affidavit or has caused the affidavit to be introduced.
Any party to the proceedings has the right to cross-examine a person referred to in
Section 11, paragraph 4, and sub-paragraph (c) of the Act.
Section 20. Retention of Electronic Data Message and Electronic Document. - Notwithstanding
any provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary:
a. The requirement in any provision of law that certain documents be retained in their
original form is satisfied by retaining them in the form of an electronic data message or
electronic document which:
Remains accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference;
Is retained in the format in which it was generated, sent or received, or in a format
which can be demonstrated to accurately represent the electronic data message
or electronic document generated, sent or received; and,
Where applicable, enables the identification of its originator and addressee, as well
as the determination of the date and the time it was sent or received.
The requirement referred to in paragraph (a) is satisfied by using the services of a third
party, provided that the conditions set forth in subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of
paragraph (a) are met.
Relevant government agencies tasked with enforcing or implementing applicable laws
relating to the retention of certain documents may, by appropriate issuances, impose
regulations to ensure the integrity, reliability of such documents and the proper
implementation of Section 13 of the Act.