Short Sightedness Vs Long Sight

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Comparison Chart

BASIS FOR MYOPIA (SHORT- HYPEROPIA (LONG- support in the development


Meaning The most common vision The problem when the Treatment Myopia can be treated by Hyperopia can be treated by
problem where the closer distant objects are clearly using the concave lens of using the convex lens of
objects are easy to see, while visible than the nearby appropriate focal length. appropriate focal length.
further objects are blurry, objects is known as long-
this is known as short- sightedness, far-sightedness
sightedness. or hyperopia. Associated Myopia may develop into Hyperopia has rare
complications glaucoma and cataract. complications like amblyopia
and strabismus. At the young
Causes When the eyeball gets When the eyeball gets age, hyperopia may cause the
elongated, or the cornea is flattened or short, there is problem of double vision
curved, there is reduction in increase in focal length of the which results in 'over-
the focal length of the eye eye lens, which prevents the focusing' to the patient.
lens, resulting in the light rays to directly focus on
diversion of the light rays retina.
from the surface of the

Image formed The coming light rays do not The coming diverging light
directly focus on the retina, rays do not refract directly on
rather in front of it. This the retina, rather behind it.
results in the blurry vision of This result in the blurry
the distant objects, whereas vision of the nearby objects,
closer objects are visible. while distant objects are

Shape of the The eyeball is too long, and The eyeball is too short and
eyeball thus it prevents the light rays thus prevent the light rays to
to focus on the retina focus on retina directly.

Other risk factors Environmental factors - Age factor, the birth defect of
sunlight, harmful radiation, a short eyeball, due to a
hereditary, age factor, and weakening of the ciliary
also working continuously on muscles, diabetes.
computers, laptops may

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