EE201 Tutorial-7 Transformer 23sep19 PDF

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The document discusses transformer testing and calculations related to equivalent circuits, efficiency, voltage regulation, and maximum efficiency.

The document discusses transformer testing and calculations for a single-phase transformer based on open and short circuit test results.

The steps to calculate transformer efficiency are to determine the load power, iron losses, copper losses, power output, and then calculate efficiency as the ratio of power output to total input.

Revision Tutorial – Transformer Date 23-Sep-19

EE201 Tutorial-7 – Transformer

Problem No. 2.15
The nameplate on a 50-MVA, 60-Hz single-phase transformer
indicates that it has a voltage rating of 8.0-kV:78-kV. An open-
circuit test is conducted from the low-voltage side, and the
corresponding instrument readings are 8.0 kV, 62.1 A, and 206
kW. Similarly, a short-circuit test from the low-voltage side
gives readings of 674 V, 6.25 kA, and 187 kW.
a) Calculate the equivalent series impedance, resistance, and
reactance of the transformer as referred to the low-voltage
b) Calculate the equivalent series impedance of the
transformer as referred to the high-voltage terminals.
c) Making appropriate approximations, draw a T equivalent
circuit for the transformer.
d) Determine the efficiency and voltage regulation if the
transformer is operating at the rated voltage and load (unity
power factor).
e) Repeat part (d), assuming the load to be at 0.9 power factor

Data Given:
Apparent power capacity on nameplate = 50 MVA
Rated frequency = 60 Hz
Number of phases = 1

Primary voltage rating = 8 kV
Secondary voltage rating = 78 kV
Open circuit test results on low voltage side:
Open circuit primary voltage, V1oc = 8 kV
Open circuit primary current, I1oc = 62.1 A
Open circuit input power, P1oc = 206 kW
Short circuit test results on the low voltage side:
Short circuit primary voltage, V1sc = 674 V
Short circuit primary current, I1sc = 6.25 kA
Short circuit input power, P1sc = 187 kW
Apparent load power = 50 MVA

Load power factor = 1
Voltage across load = 78 kV

a) Calculate the equivalent series impedance, resistance and

reactance of transformer referred to the low voltage
b) Calculate the equivalent series impedance of the
transformer as referred to the high voltage terminals;
c) Making approximations, draw a-T equivalent circuit of the
d) Determine the efficiency and voltage regulation if the
transformer is operating at the rated voltage and load at
unity power factor;

e) Repeat part (d), assuming the load to be 0.9 power factor

Rated apparent power = 50 x 106 VA;
Rated primary voltage, V1 = 8000 V;
Rated secondary voltage, V2 = 78000 V;
Transformation ratio,

Open circuit test results on low voltage side:

Open circuit primary voltage, V1oc = 8 kV = 8000 V
Open circuit primary current, I1oc = 62.1 A
Open circuit input power, P1oc = 206 kW = 206 000 [W]
Short circuit test results on the low voltage side:
Short circuit primary voltage, V1sc = 674 V
Short circuit primary current, I1sc = 6.25 kA = 6250 A
Short circuit input power, P1sc = 187 kW = 187 000 [W]
Shunt branch
I1 Req=R1+R’2 Xeq=Xl1+X’l2
admittance a N2
+ Iϕ +
V1 Xm Rc V’2 V2

Im Ic
- - -

Fig. Approximate equivalent circuits of transformer

Shunt branch conductance, I1 Req=R1+R’2 Xeq=Xl1+X’l2

+ Iϕ +
V1oc Xm Rc V’2oc
Shunt branch susceptance, Im Ic
- -

Equivalent circuit of transformer in

open circuit condition

√ √

Magnetization reactance,

Core loss resistance,

No load power factor

√ √
Current in core loss resistance,

Current in magnetization branch reactance,

From the short circuit test results on the low voltage side:
Equivalent impedance of series I1 Req=R1+R’2 Xeq=Xl1+X’l2

branch, + Iϕ
V1 Xm Rc I’2sc

Im Ic
- -

Equivalent circuit of transformer

8 under short circuit
Equivalent resistance of series branch,

( )
Equivalent reactance of series branch,

√ √

We shall refer the equivalent resistance, reactance and

impedance to the secondary winding also since we shall
require these values to calculate the efficiency and regulation

We shall segregate the resistance of primary and the
secondary winding referred to primary in equal ratio, or, 1:1,

We shall now calculate the impedance of secondary winding:

Calculation of Efficiency:
Z1=R’1+jX’1 Z2=R2+jX2
I’1 =I2 L
Apparent load power, VA2 = 50 V’1
O V2
MVA = 50,000,000 [W] D

Load power factor = 1 Fig. Equivalent circuit of transformer
for calculation of voltage regulation
Voltage across load, V2 = 78
kV = 78,000 [V]

Load current,

Iron loss in the transformer,

Copper loss in the transformer,
I’1 =I2 L
Output power at rated load condition V’1

Fig. Simplified Equivalent circuit of
transformer referred to secondary
Input power at rated load condition

( )

Efficiency at rated load condition

Voltage Regulation at Rated Load
Change in voltage from no-load to full-load in lagging or unity
power factor can be stated as,

Therefore the voltage regulation at rated load at unity power

factor is stated as,

( )
( )

We shall now calculate the efficiency and voltage regulation at

0.9 power factor leading, rated load.
Calculation of Efficiency at 0.9pf leading rated load:
Apparent load power, VA2 = 50 MVA = 50,000,000 [W]
Load power factor = 0.9
Voltage across load, V2 = 78 kV = 78,000 [W]

√ √

Load current,

Iron loss in the transformer,

Copper loss in the transformer,

Output power at rated load condition

Input power at rated load condition

( )

Efficiency at rated load condition

Voltage Regulation at Rated Load at 0.9pf leading:

Change in voltage from no-load to full-load in lagging or unity
power factor can be stated as,

Therefore the voltage regulation at rated load at unity power

factor is stated as,

( )
( )

R1=0.002394 R2'=0.002394
X1=0.05386 X2'=0.05386 N2
+ +
I1 -I2 '
V1 Xm=141.57 Rc=310.68 V2
Im Ic
- - -

T-Equivalent circuit of the transformer

X2=5.1207 R2=0.2275
R1=0.002394 X1=0.05386 N2
+ + + +
I1 I2
Rc= E2 V2
V1 Xm=141.57
Im Ic
- - -
Equivalent circuit of the practical transformer

Problem No. 2.16
A 550-kVA, 60-Hz transformer with a 13.8-kV primary winding
draws 4.93 A and 3420 W at no load, rated voltage and
frequency. Another transformer has a core with all its linear
dimensions √ times as large as the corresponding dimensions
of the first transformer. The core material and lamination
thickness are the same in both transformers. If the primary
windings of both transformers have the same number of turns,
what no-load current and power will the second transformer
draw with 27.6 kV at 60 Hz impressed on its primary?

Data Given:
Apparent power rating of transformer = 550 kVA;

Rated frequency = 60 Hz;
Primary voltage, V1 = 13.8 kV;
No load current, I1nl = 4.93 A;
Primary power loss in no load condition = 3420 W;
Larger transformer has it linear dimensions larger by =

Larger transformer has a no load voltage = 27.6 kV
Larger transformer has a frequency = 60 Hz.

Calculate no load current and power of the larger transformer?

Since increase is linear dimensions like width and length of the
core are √ the smaller transformer the area of cross
section, , of the core of larger transformer will be larger than
the smaller transformer by
√ √
Applying the same reasoning the length of magnetic flux path,
, will be larger than the smaller transformer by,

Hence the volume of the larger transformer will be larger by
( ),
√ √ √ √
We know that the energy lost in the core
of transformer due to iron losses is given
as (lecture-4 slide-13),

( )

Thus if the flux density is maintained same the energy will

increase in proportion to the volume of transformer core.
Therefore the core loss, and the no load losses, of the larger
transformer may be stated as,
√ √
We shall now estimate the values of magnetization reactance
and the core loss resistance of the larger transformer. Let us
first estimate the magnetization reactance and core loss
resistance of the given transformer. From the data given we
Open circuit test results on low voltage side:
Open circuit primary voltage, V1oc = 13.8 kV = 13800 V
Open circuit primary current, I1oc = 4.93 A
Open circuit input power, P1oc = 3420 [W]
Shunt branch admittance

Shunt branch conductance,

Shunt branch susceptance,

√ √ ( )

Magnetization reactance,

Core loss resistance,

No load power factor

√ √

Current in core loss resistance,

Current in magnetization branch reactance,

Using the above reasoning we shall calculate the values of

magnetization reactance and the core loss resistance of the
larger transformer as stated next.
The no load voltage of the larger transformer is given as
27.6kV hence we may state,

We have also calculated the no load losses of the larger

transformer as,
√ √
Thus we may estimate now the conductance of the larger
transformer as,

Core loss resistance,

We know that the magnetization inductance is given as,

The change is flux path reluctance of the larger transformer
may be stated as,

√ √ √
Thus the inductance of larger transformer increases by,

Since the frequency is the same in both of the transformers we
may state the magnetization reactance of the larger
transformer as,
√ √
Thus the magnetization susceptance is stated as,

The shunt branch admittance

√ ( )
Therefor the primary current in no load condition may be stated

Therefore the increase in no load power is stated as


And the increase in no load current is stated as,

Problem No. 2.17

The following data were obtained for a 20-kVA, 60-Hz,
2400:240-V distribution transformer tested at 60 Hz:
(As per the table given below)

Table of data given
Voltage, Current, Power,
With high voltage 240 1.038 122
winding open circuited
With low voltage 61.3 8.33 257
terminals short circuited

a. Compute the efficiency at full-load current and the rated

terminal voltage at 0.8 power factor.
b. Assume that the load power factor is varied while the load
current and secondary terminal voltage are held constant.

Use a phasor diagram to determine the load power factor
for which the regulation is greatest. What is this

Data Given
Rated capacity of the transformer = 20 kVA
Rated frequency = 60 Hz
Primary side voltage (HV) = 2400 V
Secondary side voltage (LV) = 240 V
Operating frequency = 60 Hz

Results of open circuit test conducted from the secondary side:
Voltage applied to secondary in OC condition, V2oc = 240 V
Current drawn by secondary in OC condition, I2oc = 1.038 A
Power drawn by the secondary in OC condition, W 2oc = 122 W

Results of short circuit test conducted from the primary side:

Voltage applied to primary in SC condition, V2sc = 61.3 V
Current drawn by primary in SC condition, I2sc = 8.33 A
Power drawn by the primary in SC condition, W2sc = 257 W

a) Compute the efficiency at full-load current and the rated
terminal voltage at 0.8 power factor;
b) Determine the load power factor for which the regulation is
greatest. What is this regulation?

Turns ratio,

Rated apparent power

From the open circuit test results we get the magnetization

reactance, core loss resistance etc. as follows,

Shunt branch admittance

Shunt branch conductance, Xeq=Xl1+X’l2

+ + Iϕ

V’1oc Xm Rc
Shunt branch susceptance, V2oc
Im Ic
- -

Equivalent circuit of transformer in
open circuit condition

Magnetization reactance,

Core loss resistance,

No load power factor

√ √
Current in core loss resistance,

Current in magnetization branch reactance,

From the short circuit test results on primary (HV) side:

Equivalent impedance of series I1 Req=R1+R’2 Xeq=Xl1+X’l2

branch, + Iϕ
V1 Xm Rc I’2sc

Im Ic
- -

Equivalent circuit of transformer

under short circuit

Equivalent resistance of series branch on primary side,

( )
Equivalent reactance of series branch,

√ √

We shall refer the equivalent resistance, reactance and
impedance to the secondary winding also since we shall
require these values to calculate the efficiency and regulation

Z1=R’1+jX’1 Z2=R2+jX2
I’1 =I2 L
O V2
Calculation of Efficiency: D

Apparent load power, VA2 = 20 Fig. Equivalent circuit of transformer
for calculation of voltage regulation
kVA = 20,000 [W]
Load power factor = 0.8
Voltage across load, V2 = 240 [V]

√ √

Load current,

Iron loss in the transformer,

Copper loss in the transformer,

I’1 =I2 L
O V2

38 -
Fig. Simplified Equivalent circuit of
transformer referred to secondary
Output power at rated load condition

Input power at rated load condition

( )

Efficiency at rated load condition

Voltage Regulation at Rated Load
The voltage regulation at rated load and 0.8 pf (lagging) is
given as:
( )
( )

( )

We shall now calculate the power factor of the load

corresponding to maximum value of regulation, which is stated

√ √

The sine theta and cos theta values correspond to the

maximum regulation which is stated as,

( )
( )

( )

Problem No. 2.23

The high-voltage terminals of a three-phase bank of three
single-phase transformers are supplied from a three-wire,
three-phase 13.8-kV (line-to-line) system. The low-voltage
terminals are to be connected to a three-wire, three-phase
substation load drawing up to 4500 kVA at 2300 V line-to-line.
Specify the required voltage, current, and kVA ratings of each
transformer (both high- and low-voltage windings) for the
following connections:
Given in the table below:

Connection Type HV LV
Windings Winding
a) Star Delta
b) Delta Star
c) Star Star
d) Delta Delta

Data Given:
Line to line value of high voltage = 13.8 kV = 13,800 V
Line to line value of the low voltage = 2300 V
Apparent load power = 4500 kVA = 4500,000 VA

We have to work out the voltage, current and apparent power
for each transformer. In such problems it is always good to
work out the values on per-phase basis, as shown below.
Apparent load power for each transformer

For connection type (a) STAR/DELTA:

Phase voltage on HV side

Phase voltage on LV side = 2300 V

Phase current on HV side

Phase current on LV side

Apparent power of single phase = 1500 kVA

For connection type (b) DELTA/STAR:

Phase voltage on HV side

Phase voltage on LV side

Phase current on HV side

Phase current on LV side

Apparent power of single phase = 1500 kVA

For connection type (c) STAR/STAR:

Phase voltage on HV side

Phase voltage on LV side

Phase current on HV side

Phase current on LV side

Apparent power of single phase = 1500 kVA

For connection type (c) DELTA/DELTA:

Phase voltage on HV side
Phase voltage on LV side

Phase current on HV side

Phase current on LV side

Apparent power of single phase = 1500 kVA

Problem No. 2.20
A 120:480-V, 10-kVA transformer is to be used as an
autotransformer to supply a 480-V circuit from a 600-V source.
When it is tested as a two-winding transformer at rated load,
unity power factor, its efficiency is 0.979.
a. Make a diagram of connections as an autotransformer.
b. Determine its kVA rating as an autotransformer.
c. Find its efficiency as an autotransformer at full load, with
0.85 power factor lagging.

Data Given:
As a two winding transformer the rating is given as:

The primary side voltage = 120 V
The secondary side voltage = 480 V
The apparent power rating of transformer = 10 kVA
Efficiency at rated load, unity power factor = 0.979
When used as autotransformer the voltages are:
Autotransformer secondary side voltage = 480 V
Autotransformer primary side voltage = 600 V

a) The connection diagram when connected as
autotransformer is shown below.

120 : 480
120 V N1 N2 480V
600 V

120 V N1 N2 480V


Two winding transformer Autotransformer connection

b) The apparent power rating as autotransformer is:

The apparent power rating of the two winding transformer
is stated as 10 kVA.
Hence the rated current as rated voltage is

When connected as an autotransformer the primary and
secondary windings are in series as shown in the figure.
Hence the total voltage is stated as,

Which is the voltage stated as that of the primary side.

The current rating of the autotransformer is the same as
the low voltage current rating of the two windings
transformer, hence,
Current rating of the autotransformer is
Hence the apparent power output from the transformer is
stated as,
c) The efficiency as an autotransformer at full load, with 0.85
power factor lagging can be calculated as follows:
The losses as a two winding transformer can be
calculated from the efficiency as

( )

( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

We shall now calculate the efficiency of the

autotransformer at full load with 0.85 power factor lagging.
The losses of the autotransformer and the two winding
transformer remain the same as the same iron core is
used and the current of the winding is also the same.
Hence the efficiency of the autotransformer is stated as,

From above the output of the autotransformer at 0.85
power factor lagging is
Input of the autotransformer

Therefor the efficiency may be stated as,

The efficiency of the autotransformer is high because the

losses correspond to the two winding transformer power
output of 10 kVA.

Problem on Maximum Efficiency & Regulation
A three phase 500 kVA step down transformer has a primary
side line voltage 11kV and a no-load secondary line voltage of
440 V. The rated power factor is 0.8.
The single phase equivalent circuit parameters given below:
Req2 = 0.005 Ω; Xeq2=0.02 Ω; The total iron loss in all three
phases is 10,000 W.
Calculate the efficiency of the transformer at 80% loading at a
power factor of 0.75. Also calculate the load at which the
efficiency will be maximum, and the value of efficiency.
Calculate the voltage regulation of the transformer at rated load
and 0.8 power factor lagging.

Data Given:
Rated capacity of transformer = 500 kVA
Power factor at rated condition = 0.8
Primary side line voltage,
Secondary voltage
Req = Xeq =
(R’1=+ R2) (X’1 + X2)
0.005Ω = 0.02Ω
Load on the N1 N2
+ +
transformer = 80% of +
Primary I2 L
rated load; Line Voltage E1
O V2
= 11 kV A
Load power factor = D
0.75; Ideal
- -

Equivalent resistance Iron loss = 10,000 W

transf. Secondary Line
Voltage = 440 V
and leakage
Figure: Simplified single phase equivalent circuit of a
reactance of the three phase transformer

transformer winding referred to the secondary

Total iron loss in the three phases = 10,000 W

Part-I: Efficiency at the given load

The apparent power on transformer

The load power factor, ;

The secondary phase voltage,

The secondary current,
Three phase Iron loss,

Three phase Copper loss,

Power output

Efficiency at the given load (400kVA)

( ) ( )

Part-II: Load at which Efficiency is maximum, and value

We know that the efficiency is maximum when the following
condition is met,
Total copper loss at maximum efficiency

Copper loss per phase

Copper loss per phase is also stated as,

Hence we can calculate the secondary current at the maximum

efficiency as,

√ √

The real power output at maximum efficiency condition can

therefore be calculated at rated power factor as,

Maximum efficiency

( ) ( )

Part-III: Voltage Regulation at rated load

The rated real load on the transformer

Current at rated load,
Voltage regulation,
( )
( )

( )



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