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Background and Rationale of the study

In everyday life, there will be changes and development as environment meets growth. This
passed years until today, one of the most trending topics is all about Digital devices such as
computers, smartphones, laptop and etc.(Arvind Raj 2013). The use of digital devices can actively
educate students more and lessen the time that consume and at the same time students might get
overusing digital devices which can lead to ineffective learning. Now, what do you think will be
the effects of digital devices to student’s academic performance?

The foundation of education starts from elementary schools which define as starter stage
of students learning. Where students overcome different subject areas, nurturing information and
applying it in reality. Digital devices turn to serve more services and can apply different and
reliable information in students learning. It is great opportunity to anyone specially for students to
become more knowledgeable, creative, active and updated.

This study used qualitative data which pertains to descriptive research and it involves
description, interpretation and analysis. Descriptive research deals with the different information
and observing the participants and going to be as output of the topic in this study. The purposes of
the study are given below and it tends to consider on how digital devices affects students in their
process of learning, to know the advantages and disadvantages of using digital devices and to seek
impact of changes and development to the academic performance of students. While, the research
design composed of survey questionnaires and the process of providing collecting data is through
the use of consent letter that was requested to the administrator of Limay Polytechnic College
which will be the permit of researcher to link the study to participants.

The said problems and situation pursued the researcher to conduct this study about digital
devices. The researcher focus to the effects of using digital devices in studying for grade school
I. Table 1. Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Digital Devices
Academic Performance of Grade 6 students in
Computers, Laptop, Smartphones etc. Limay Elementary School.

Table 1 shows the hypothesized relation between the variables on the effects of digital
devices to academic performance of grade 6 students.

Independent variables are the digital devices like computers, laptop, smartphones and etc.
these digital devices are known as the variable which observed to determine the effects of digital
devices to the academic performance of grade 6 students, which is under the dependent variable.

II. Research Questions

1. Are you one of the students who aimed high academic performance by the use of digital
2. As a grade school student, did you know the positive effects of using digital devices?
3. As a grade school student, did you know the negative effects of using digital devices?
4. Are digital devices like computers, laptop, and smart phone really affects your study?

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to know the effects of digital devices on the academic performance of grade
6 students in Kitang Elementary School.

1. Participant’s profile in terms of;

1.1 Sex
2. Learning capabilities of Grade school students in terms of;
1.1 Smart phones
1.2 Computers/ Laptop
1.3 Tablets
3. The effects of digital devices can be described in terms of;
1.1 Advantages
1.2 Disadvantages
4. What is the implication of the effects of digital devices on the academic performance of
elementary students?

Purposes of the Study

The purposes of the study are the following:

 To know how digital devices affects students in elementary level.

 To know the positive and negative effects of digital devices to students.
 To know the impact of digital devices to the academic performance of students.

III. Research Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between using digital devices and the academic
performance of elementary student.

IV. Research Method

This chapter presents the research design, participants, instruments, data gathering
procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

In this study, researchers used qualitative data or descriptive research as research

method. It involves description, interpretation and analysis. The descriptive research observed the
relationship between different variables and it describes to explore the effects of the study as it
deals with the nature of situation as it exists today. This method used to aim the objectives of the
study and seeks to answer questions based from present condition, especially in this study where
it focused to the effects of digital devices on the academic performance of elementary students.
Table 2. Participants of the Study

Grade 6 students of Kitang Elementary School (draft)

Sex Participants
Female 15

Male 13

Total: 28

Table 2 shows the participants of the study where grade 6 students of Kitang
Elementary School are included; for female it has 15 students while male students has 13, a total
of 28 participants.

Research Instrument

The survey is the best instrument to describe the participant’s feedback. The survey
research instrument was used to collect original data from the participants of the study, where it
includes the responses of participants.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of agreement coming from the Administrator of Limay Polytechnic College was

requested. The letter contains an attachment of the permit for conducting the study was forwarded

to District office which was located at Limay Elementary School. The said letter was asking

permission to float survey questionnaires to Grade 6 students of Kitang Elementary School who

were assigned to fill the survey. Different opinions and information from the topic of the study

was expected to be observed.

In process of gathering data, the questionnaires are used to evaluate the responses of

participants and to evaluate the effects of digital devices as medium. The participants are only

required to check the choices in particular boxes by each of questionnaires given by the

researchers. This study consisting 4 parts of data gathering came from the statement of the problem

under chapter 1 of the study.

Part 1. The information about the participant’s profile, it includes sex.

Part 2. It shows the different types of digital devices which students use for learning.

Part 3. It contains different effects of using digital devices; the positive and negative


Part 4. The descriptions of research questions which indicates to the statement of the

problem are the following;

Research Question number 1. It indicates to the impact of using digital devices on the

academic performance of the students.

Research Question number 2. Here where positive effects are observed as medium in class


Research Question number 3. Where negative effects are observed as medium in class


Research Question number 4. It shows how digital devices affects students learning.
Data Analysis (draft)

This chapter presents the results of the analysis and interpretation of data relevant to the

Effects of Digital Devices on the academic performance of Grade 6 students in Kitang Elementary

School. This chapter also involves discussing the findings in relation to other studies conducted

by other researchers on similar subject.

To clear and comprehensible findings, here are the results of the questionnaires given.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 3 shows the participant’s profile in terms of sex.

Sex f p
Female 15 53.58
Male 13 46.42
TOTAL 28 100.00%
Table 3.

The table above shows the profile of the respondents where in female there are fifteen (15) or

53.58% male respondents and Thirteen (13) or 46.42% are female.


 Yesilyurt M.E., Basturk R., Yesilyurt F. & Kara I. (2014) The effect of technological
devices on student's academic success: evidence from Denizli.
Retrieved from
 Arvind (2013) The Effects of Digital Devices to The Learning Performance Of Students.
Retrieved from

Submitted to: Mr. Ginno Jhep Pacquing

Submitted by: Rosalinda Samong & Renz Paguio BEEd-II

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