Chapter 1

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Advanced technology in the modern world has become a part of life

for every student or teenager. They always use it every day and has become

a regular cycle of their life to spend time browsing social media. Some

considers social media a stress reliever whenever they are down, while

others like to be involved and be noticed in social media and the gaming

world. Most of the students are fond of using social media and gaming

platforms; most of the time, they forget that they had more important things

to do and are still students and need to study to achieve high academic

performance. With that being said, students studying in a maritime school

are more involved in the gaming world and social media because most of its

population are males.

Maritime students nowadays tend to give more time to gaming and

social media than studying and making outputs. In online learning, they only

had to use their phones with applications installed. Almost all maritime

students are males. Some are driven by the temptation to play rather than

study because they are only in their homes, carrying a tool for connecting in

the social media world, the android devices. Some of them spent most of

their time playing rather than studying and making outputs; that is why only

a few students submitted their online class activities.

On the other hand, social media can be friendly to maritime students,

depending on how they used it. According to Banduras Social Learning

Theory, students who used social media for school-related purposes can

acquire skills and knowledge to boost their academic performance.

However, those students who overused social media, not for school-related

purposes, would have the consequence of abysmal academic performance.

They would achieve good academic performance if they used social media

in self-learning.

According to Malcolm Knowles, self-learning was a process by which

an individual took the initiative, with or without others' assistance. Self-

learning, especially at this present time, is very important because

synchronous sessions were limited, and there were many lessons in every

subject. Still, a majority of the maritime students were not spending their

time studying the topics provided. This would be the cause for them

dropping out and having abysmal performance in school.


In line with this, the researchers examined social media's influence on

the University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center selected

students' academic performance. The researchers are confident that this

study would help the maritime students know how social media affects their

academic performance.

Theoretical Background

This study was anchored by the Social Learning Theory, which stated

that people build upon their skills through imitative response. In today's

world of social media, this is even believable, and the evidence was

overwhelming. Technology has now provided the perfect platform for this

theory. The theoretical framework of the Social Learning Theory explained

the phenomena of social media used in education. (Deaton2015)

In education, social media has become more helpful because of its

vast content of information. Its content provided students with the ability to

obtain more information, connect with learning groups and other educational

systems to make education convenient. Following Bandura's Social Learning

Theory, an article by Fingsley Osie B., Jiaming Fang, and Frank

Sampong(2019) posited that students' social media usage for related

educational purposes would help them acquire skills and knowledge to boost

their academic performance. In this study, they examined academic self-

efficacy as a mediator between social media usage and academic


Understanding the importance of social media in education doesn't

mean that it can negatively affect academic performance. Every student's


academic performance depends on how they used social media in their

student life. Overused and temptation, especially in gaming, is what most

students has been doing in the present online class.

According to Isaac Morallo's (2013-2014) study, the established

effects showed that SNSs decreased students' study time and increased

leisure time. They used SNSs mainly for non-academic purposes or

entertainment activities and to communicate with friends and classmates

about school work and assignments. The student academic performance in

terms of GPA of the First Semester School Year 2012-2013 showed that the

mean GPA ranges from 2.0 to 1.50, equivalent to 87 to 95 per cent.

Karpinski (2009) found that SNSs, specifically Facebook usage, were

negatively correlated with its users' Grade Point Averages (GPAs). She

observed that the GPAs of non-users were relatively higher than the users of

these sites. The study also found that 68 per cent of students who used

Facebook had a significantly lower GPA than those who did not use the

SNSs. But the most surprising finding was that 79 per cent of Facebook

users denied having any adverse impact of this usage on their GPAs. It

means that they were not aware of the fact that networking habits affected

their academic performance.


Hence, their academic performance must be managed efficiently

without losing sight of all the factors that can positively or negatively affect

their educational performance. For instance, Facebook had a phenomenal

impact on the amount of influence and increasingly had many school users.

A study conducted by QuantCast (2007) found out that 46 per cent of SNSs

users like Facebook are 18-34 years of age, which permeated to current

students, prospective graduate students, and young alumni. On the other

hand, 27 per cent are within the range of 12-17 years old, which belong to


Having applications in mobile devices can persuade someone to use

them, and sometimes it can lead to overuse and addiction to social media.

Generally, social media users are from the present generation, according to

the survey conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project entitled

"Generations Online" (2009). They are the most likely groups to use the

internet for entertainment and communicate with friends and family. These

younger generations are significantly more likely than their older

counterparts to seek satisfaction through online videos, online games, and

virtual worlds; they were also more likely to download music to listen to

later. Internet users aged 12-32 were more likely than older users to read

other people's blogs and write their own; they were also considerably more

likely than older generations to use social networking sites and create

profiles on those sites. Younger internet users often used personal blogs to

update friends on their lives, and they used social networking sites to keep

track of and communicate with friends. Teen and Generation Y users are

also significantly more likely than older generations to send instant

messages to friends. By a large margin, teen internet users' favourite online

activity is game playing; 78% of 12- 17-year-old internet users play games

online, four compared with 73% of online teens who email, the second most

popular activity age group. Online teens are also significantly more likely to

play games than any other generation, including Generation Y, only half

(50%) of whom play online games.

With many gaming applications and social media platforms made in

the present generation, the majority of the students tend to draw their

attention to it rather than to study. Abdulahi, Samadi, and Gharleghi (2014),

in their article titled "A Study on the Negative Effects of Social Networking

Sites Such as Facebook among Asia Pacific University Scholars in

Malaysia," disclosed that with frequent visits to a social networking site is

the decrease in the academic performance of the students. They said that

excessive exposure to the internet would affect the students' performance;

thus, the researchers recommended that social networking sites such as

Facebook should be blocked and be opened only during lunch breaks. In a

related study, Indian researchers Sidiqui and Singh (2016) discussed both the

positive and negative effects of social media on education. They concluded

that to avoid addiction, its use must be limited. However, their study, which

focuses on using social networks for academic purposes, generally

complains about the lack of institutional support for the use of these tools.

Similarly, academics value social media since this where they share

materials and follow other researchers' activities. As a result, it was

recommended that schools must delineate who is responsible for the

management of social media and strategically use such media in the

academic environment.

Proper use and limitations in using social media should be monitored

not to affect one's academic performance. But in the absence of face-to-face

learning, many students take this to their advantage to use social media and

engage themselves in gaming most of the time in their homes, leaving their

outputs and assignments behind. According to a study conducted by Maria

Daisy S. Cortes et al. (2012), Computer gaming, measured by the number of


hours spent playing, contributes to the probability of failing. The study of

Mañugo (2007, 45-46) proved that the number of subjects that failed

increased the likelihood of an LBNHS student dropping out. Thus, computer

gamers also tend to drop out of school; either repeat one academic year or

stop schooling. Because computer gaming poses a negative effect on

students' performance in school, there is a possibility that high school

education would tend to deteriorate. As the computer gaming industry

continues to grow, many students would lose interest in their studies. This

might mean that investment in higher education will lead to a lower rate of

return among students. Thus resources such as money, time, school inputs,

etc., are probably going to waste.

A study about gaming states that frequent use of multiplayer games

may put youth at higher risk for poor reading performance, perhaps because

kids replace reading time with the excitement of multiplayer games. This

interpretation is consistent with the results of a study of American

adolescents aged 10 to 19: Kids who played video games spent 30% less

time reading (Cummings and Vandewater 2007).

It has been said that engaging in either social media and gaming will

lead to students unable to read properly and submitted activities on time.


The majority of the population who use social media and gaming are usually

males. A study conducted by Johnvel Tabernilla (2013-2014) stated that the

majority of their respondents who engaged in social media and gaming are


Onoyase (2014), in her research, observed certain behaviours among

undergraduates of Delta State University, which depicted that many of them

are not interested in academic work. These deviant behaviours included

deliberate lateness to lectures, absenteeism, and inattentiveness in class.

Others include; paying colleagues to do assignments for them, unwillingness

to acquire textbooks and other reference material useful for their study, and

engaging excessively in un-educative activities such as social networking at

the detriment of their studies. To support these points, she cited, Oyensusi

(2008), who indicated that most students in this generation are frivolous in

their learning approach. They are just not as interested in having a sound

education as listening to the latest pop album or watching the latest movies

from Hollywood". Also commenting on this, Abdul (2004) noted that many

students are not interested in education because they did not see the need for

it and have therefore developed a negative attitude towards it.


Gaming and social media had caused many problems. For instance,

many students have lost interest in their school lessons as they spent most of

their time playing and involving themselves in the online world. Boyd

(2007) stated that that which started as a hobby for some computer literates

had become a social norm and way of life for people worldwide. Banquil &

Chua (2009) concluded that social networking sites adversely affect one's

academic performance. The areas directly cause a gradual drop in the grades

of students. They adversely affect students' academic performance if they

invest their time in social networking sites instead of their studies. Paul et al.

(2012), in their research on the effects of online social networking on

students" academic performance, discovered that there is a statistically

significant negative relationship between time spent by students on online

social networks and their academic performance. The students' attention

span heavily influenced the time spent on online social networks.

Specifically, they disclosed that the higher the attention span, the lower the

time spent on online social networks. Furthermore, attention span was highly

correlated with characteristics that predict or influence students' behaviour,

such as their perceptions about society's view of social networking, their

likes and dislikes of online social networks, ease of use of Online social

networks, etc.

The previous theories, related literature, and studies have provided the

researchers with enough information to undertake the research involving the

maritime students of the University of Cebu-Maritime Education and

Training Center.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to assess Social Media Engagement's effect on the

Academic Performance of students of the University of Cebu – Maritime

Education and Training Center for the first semester of school year S.Y.


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following question:

1.) What is the respondent's frequency of engaging in:

1.1 Social media/ Gaming

2.) What is the academic performance of respondents as to:

2.1 GPA;

2.2 Academic Behavior;

3.) Is there a correlation between the frequency of social media engagement

and academic performance?


4.) Based on the findings, what recommendations were made?

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

Hₒ: Student's engaged in social media are more likely to have poor

academic performance

Significance of the Study

The result of this study provides essential information and knowledge to

specific populations. Among these populations are:

Students. This study helps the maritime students be aware of how

engaging in social media affects their academic performance.

Parents. This study guides the parents to watch their children not be

addicted to social media at home.

Instructor. This study serves as basis for spreading awareness to their


Researchers. This study provides other researchers to determine

how social media engagement affects students in school performances.

Future Researcher. This study provides information and would serve

as a basis for future identical studies.



Research Design

This study applied a qualitative descriptive survey research method

that revealed the effects of social media engagement among maritime

students. This is descriptive research since the researcher uses lived

experiences and feedback in gathering data.

Below is the researched flow of the study:


1. Approval Letter
2. Input Analysis
with the use of:
 Student's  Lay-out and
frequency of checklist
 Feedback  Recomme
engaging in Instrument
 Questionnaire
social media or 3. Data and lived
gaming. solicitation
4. Data Analysis and

Figure 1.Research Flow

Research Environment

The study was conducted at the University of Cebu-Maritime

Education and Training Center (UC-METC). This campus in Alumnos,

Mambaling Cebu City is one of the four campuses of the University of

Cebu. While other campuses such as; UC-Banilad, UCLM, UC-Main house

varied courses, the UC-METC has only maritime courses like Bachelor of

Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT), Bachelor of Science in Marine

Engineering (BS-MarE), and Catering and Stewardship (CS). Living with a

mission to produce world-class seafarers, the university, as one of the

leading institutions. For years, the UC-METC institution played a significant

role in creating healthy and well-trained cadets. Many maritime students has

been monitoring their health each year because of the upcoming medical

exams. With these standards and recognition, this research adheres to the

effects of vices among maritime students.

Research Respondents

In this study, the participants and respondents were the selected

students of UC- METC. The study respondents were both Maritime

Transportation students and Marine Engineering students of the University

of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center of the Academic Year

2020-2021, with a total population of 700. The sample size is 150 in gaming

and 150 in social media. The researchers used purposive sampling to choose

the respondents and get the total population needed for the study. The

respondents have social media accounts and are fond of gaming, and can

provide detailed information about the effects they encountered.

Research Instrument

The study used a researcher-made questionnaire to gather the data

needed. The study was intended to determine the effects of social media

engagement towards maritime students of the University of Cebu Maritime

Education and Training Center. Likewise, the researchers wanted to know

the results and suggest recommended action for the involved students to

overcome such a habit. The students answered the questions honestly and

accurately. The researchers prepared questions for the respondents to

answer. The researchers let the students identify how many hours they spend

browsing social media and gaming. Based on the results, the researchers can

identify the frequency of the students in both gaming and social media and

what recommended actions to take.

Research Procedure

Gathering Data. Before the research study, the researchers acquired

approval from the research Adviser, the Chairman of the Panel, and the

Dean/Chairperson/Research Director to perform the proposal before

gathering data. The researchers processed out for the sample population and

target population, the (Bachelors of Science in Marine Engineering) and

bsmt Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation. The researchers made a

letter to the Dean asking permission to conduct the study at UC- METC.

Pilot testing was done to validate the researcher-made questionnaire

and analyzed the result using Cronbach's Alpha. The researchers informed

the bsmar'e and bsmt students that they are the respondents in the study by

giving them informed consent.

With the help of a statistician, the data were analyzed and interpreted

accurately. After the process, the researchers made an action plan based on

the given results

Weighted Mean. This was used to get the results after the sampling



For a better understanding of this study, the following terms were

operationally defined.

Academic Performance

This term refers to the capacity of maritime students to perform in

school-related activities and lessons.

Academic Behavior

This term pertains to how the maritime students behave in school

when submitting outputs, activities, and assignments.


This term refers to the use of gaming applications and different gaming

platforms of maritime students.

GPA (Grade Point Average)

This term refers to how good or how bad the average scores in the

subjects of maritime students.

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