Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India
ID Number
Zone Nature of business
District Code State Code
(To be filled in by RBI)
(To be filled in by all residuary non-banking financial companies and submitted to the concerned Regional
Office of the Department of Supervision, Financial Companies Wing as specified in paragraph 15 of the
Return as on March 31, 199 .
(Please see Instructions)
2. Full address
(i) Registered Office
Phone No. Telex Fax
(ii) Head/Administrative Office @
Phone No. Telex Fax
8. Nature of business
9. Classification if given by RBI : Residuary Non-Banking Co./Loan/Investment/Hire Purchase
Finance/Equipment Leasing/Mutual Benefit Co./
Miscellaneous Non-Banking Co.
10. If registered with RBI, registration No.
11. Number of branches/offices # #
12.Whether a holding company or a subsidiary $
13. If a joint venture, the names of the promoting institutions:
@ If it is at a place other than the Registered Office.
# Tick the box which is appliable
# # A list showing the names and addresses of the places where the branches/offices of the company are
situated should be enclosed.
$ If it is a subsidiary, the name of the holding company may be indicated.
2. The submission of the return should not be delayed for any reason such as the
finalisation/completion of the audit of the annual accounts. The compilation of the return should
be on the basis of the figures available in the books of account of the company.
3. The return, wherever possible, should be sent in a floppy diskette (Floppy size 3.5”, package dbase
IV+), together with a hard copy, duly signed.
4. The number of accounts should be given in actual figures while the amounts of deposits should
be in thousands of rupees. Amount should be rounded off to the nearest thousand. For example,
an amount of Rs.4,560 should be shown as 5 and not as 4.6 or 5,000. Similarly, an amount of
Rs.61,495 is to be shown as 61 and not as 61.4 or 61,000.
5. The return should be signed by Manager (as defined in Section 2 of the Companies Act 1956) and
if there is no such Manager, by Managing Director or any official of the company who has been
duly authorised by the Board of Directors and whose specimen signature has been furnished to the
Reserve Bank for the purpose. In case the specimen signature has not been furnished in the
prescribed card, the return must be signed by the authorised official and his specimen signature
furnished separately.
6. In case there is nothing to report in any part/item of return, the relevant part/item may marked
7. ‘Subsidiaries’ and ‘Companies in the same group’ mentioned in this return have the same meanings
assinged to them in section 4 and section 372(11) respectively, of the Companies Act, 1956.
PART - 1
Particulars of deposits outstanding
as on the 31st March, 19 .
. .
(1) In the case of partly convertible debentures/bonds, the non-convertible portion should be included
under this item and the convertible portion should be shown against item 4 of Part-2.
(2) The amounts shown in Part-1 should not be shown in Part-2.
(3) Amount shown against item 3 should include the total amount of deposits received together with
interest, bonus, premium or other advantage, accrued or payable to the depositors.
. .
4. Of the total deposits at item 2 above, deposits which are collected in lumpsum and/or by way of
subscriptions in instalments under any scheme, the following break-up may be given amount-
Total 150
(c) Above 7 years
i) upto - 5,000 161
ii) 5,001 - 10,000 162
iii)10,001 - 15,000 163
iv)15,001 - 20,000 164
v) 25,001 - 50,000 165
vi)Above 50,000 166
Total 160
Grand Total
(a + b + c) 170
1. The amounts shown under columns 4, 6, 8 and 10 should represent the aggregate of the denominations of the certificates
issued/deposits accepted and should not include the interest, bonus, premium and other advantages, accrued or payable
to the depositors.
2. The period-wise classification of certificates issued/deposits accepted should be made according to the periods
they have been originally issued/accepted/renewed and not according to the periods they have to run as from
the 31st March, i.e. the date of this return.
3. Brief details of the types of savings schemes, face value, duration, number and amount of instalments payable and the
amount payable by way of interest, premium, bonus or other advantage by whatever names called, may be given as annexure/s.
Particulars of deposits in respect of defaults have occurred
Note: The reasons for non-payment of each deposit and the steps taken for repayment should be
indicated in an annexure.
PART - 2
As on March 31, 19
12. Preference Share Capital as per the latest balance sheet 361
2. “Free Reserves” mentioned under item 1 of Part 3 shall include the balance in the share premium
account, capital and debenture redemption reserves and any other reserve shown or published in
the balance sheet and created through an allocation of profits (including credit balance of Profit
& Loss Account) but not being :
(i) a reserve created for repayment of any future liability or for depreciation of assets or for
provision against non-performing asssets/bad debts; or
(ii) a reserve created by revaluation of the assets of the company.
3. ‘Hire purchase’ exposures would mean stock-on-hire less unmatured finance charges. ‘Lease
finance’ would mean written down value of Assets on lease +/- Lease Adjustment Account.
PART - 4
Statement showing outstanding credit exposures viz., loans and advances,
hire-purchase and equipment leasing, bills discounting, inter-corporate
deposits (other than those mentioned at item 8 of Part - 3) as on March 31, 19 .
3. Total 600
1. ‘Total amount of deposits’ would mean amount of deposits received together with interest,
bonus, premium or other advantage, accrued or payable to the depositors. The aggregate of the
amounts under columns 5 and 7 against item 1 of this Part should agree with item 2 of Part-1.
2. If the investments against items 2(a) and 2(b) above were less than the prescribed minimum in
paragraphs 6(a) and (b) of Notification No. DFC.55/DG(O)-87 dated 15.5.1987, the company
must explain in an accompanying letter the reasons therefor.
3. The name of the public sector bank with which the above securities are entrusted in terms of
paragraph 6(3) of the above notification may be mentioned. If no such bank has been entrusted
with the securities, the reasons therefor must be mentioned in an accompanying letter.
4. Please give full particulars of the fixed deposits/securities mentioned against item 2 above,
indicating their book value and market value (in case of securities) in an Annexure (Annexure
No. ).
PART - 7
Business statistics/information for the
financial year ended 199 *
4. Purchases/sales of shares/debentures/
commercial papers:
1. Certified that the directions contained in the Residuary Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 1987 are being complied with.
2. Further certified that the particulars/information furnished in this Return have been verified and
found to be correct and complete in all respects.
Signature of Manager/Manager
Director/Authorised Official
Date :
Auditor’s Report
Place :
1. The following documents should be submitted along with the return in case they have not already
been sent. Please tick in the box against the item for the documents enclosed and state the date of
submission in other cases.
(i) A copy of the audited balance sheet and profit and loss account dated nearest to the date
of return.
(ii) Specimen signature card (Please see instruction No.5)
(iii) A copy of application form referred to in paragraph 8 of the Notification No.DFC.55/
DG(O)-87 dated the 15th May, 1987.
2. A list of Principal officers and the names and addresses of directors in the form
enclosed is to be sent with this return.
I. Principal Officers
II. Directors