Form 13 - Registration of entire series of debentures redeemable capital
Form 13 - Registration of entire series of debentures redeemable capital
Form 13 - Registration of entire series of debentures redeemable capital
(Please complete in typescript or in bold block capitals.)
1.1 CUIN (Registration Number)
2.4 Date of the covering deed (if any) by Day Month Year
which the security is created or
defined; or if there is no such deed the
first issue of any redeemable capital or
debenture of the series.
2.5 General description of the property
3.1 Declaration:
I do hereby solemnly, and sincerely declare that the information provided in the form is:
(i) true and correct to the best of my knowledge, in consonance with the record as
maintained by the Company and nothing has been concealed; and
(ii) hereby reported after complying with and fulfilling all requirements under the
relevant provisions of law, rules, regulations, directives, circulars and notifications
whichever is applicable.
1. Copy of verified deed, if any