Mil STD 1366e

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The document appears to be a technical specification that covers various topics related to engineering and specifications. However, most of the text is not readable.

The document seems to cover topics related to engineering specifications and technical documentation. However, the exact topics are difficult to discern due to the unreadable text.

Page 3 lists several bullet points, though the text is unreadable. It appears to continue discussing technical specifications and documentation.

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31 October 2006
18 December 1998



DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release;
Distribution is unlimited.
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1. This interface standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the
Department of Defense.

2. In addition to updating data contained in the previous version, this version

incorporates characteristics of new transporters such as the C-130J/J-30 aircraft, TSV, and
LCAC landing craft. We have also included more detailed information concerning transport in
Air Force cargo aircraft, and updated additional transportation asset characteristics.

3. Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to

Director, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Transportation
Engineering Agency (SDDCTEA), ATTN: SDTE-DPE, 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd, Suite
130, Newport News, VA 23606-4537 or emailed to [email protected]. Since
contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address
information using the ASSIST Online database at

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Table of Contents
1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 General. ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Applicability. ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Measurement units. ................................................................................................... 1

2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................... 1

2.1 General. ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.1.1. Specifications and standards. ................................................................................. 1
2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings and publications. ...................................... 2
2.2 Non-Government publications. .................................................................................... 4
2.3 Order of Precedence. ................................................................................................. 5

3. DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Airdrop (air delivery). .................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Athwartship. ................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Basic Issue Item (BII). ................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Breakbulk general-cargo ships. .................................................................................. 6
3.5 Cargo tiedown provision. ............................................................................................ 6
3.6 Circus loading method. ............................................................................................... 6
3.7 Combat developer (CBTDEV). ................................................................................... 6
3.8 CONUS. ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.9 Curb weight. ............................................................................................................... 6
3.10 Cushioned draft gear railcar. .................................................................................... 6
3.11 Deck loading. ........................................................................................................... 7
3.12 Defense transportation system (DTS) ....................................................................... 7
3.13. Deployability. ........................................................................................................... 7
3.14 Deployability engineering. ........................................................................................ 7
3.15 Equipment tiedown provision. ................................................................................... 7
3.16 Extraction parachutes. .............................................................................................. 7
3.17 Flatrack. ................................................................................................................... 7
3.18 Floor contact pressure. ............................................................................................ 7
3.19 Fragile item. ............................................................................................................ 7
3.20 Gross weight. ........................................................................................................... 7
3.21 Hazardous material. ................................................................................................. 8
3.22 Heavy vehicles. ........................................................................................................ 8
3.23 Internal aerial delivery. .............................................................................................. 8
3.43 Spreader bars. ....................................................................................................... 10
3.44 Standard draft gear railcar. ..................................................................................... 10
3.45 Strategic deployment. ............................................................................................. 11
3.46 Tactical deployment. ............................................................................................... 11
3.47 Transportability. ...................................................................................................... 11

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3.48 Transportability approval. ........................................................................................ 11

3.49 Transportability engineering. ................................................................................... 11
3.50 Transportability engineering analysis. ..................................................................... 11
3.51 Transportability report. ............................................................................................ 11
3.52 ‘Tween-deck. .......................................................................................................... 11
3.53 Vehicle payload. ..................................................................................................... 12
3.54 Watertight. .............................................................................................................. 12
3.55 Weathertight. .......................................................................................................... 12

4.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 12

4.1 Transportability Criteria............................................................................................ 12
4.2 DOD Engineering for Transportability and Deployability Program. ........................... 13
4.3 Transportability design responsibilities. ................................................................... 13
4.4 Transportability problem item. ................................................................................... 13
4.5 Management of transportability problem items. ........................................................ 14
4.6 Hazardous materials packaging and transportation requirements. ........................... 14

5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 14

5.1 Highway Transportation. .......................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 CONUS Highways. ................................................................................................ 14 Unrestricted transport. ........................................................................................ 14 U.S. Federal Bridge Gross Weight formula. ........................................................ 15 The National Network.......................................................................................... 16 U.S. highway permit limits. .................................................................................. 16 Certification Essential to National Defense. ....................................................... 16 Safety. ................................................................................................................ 17
5.1.3 Foreign highways. ................................................................................................. 17
5.1.4 Military Load Classification (MLC). ........................................................................ 18
5.1.5 Determining crew weights. .................................................................................... 18
5.1.6 Cargo restraint requirements. ................................................................................ 19

5.2 Rail Transportation. ................................................................................................ 20

5.2.1 General. ................................................................................................................ 20
5.2.2 North American rail. .............................................................................................. 21 Railcar availability. ............................................................................................. 21 Unrestricted transport. ........................................................................................ 21 CONUS transport for equipment exceeding the AAR diagram. ............................ 26 Typical vehicle loading on flatcars. ...................................................................... 26
5.2.3 Foreign Rail. ......................................................................................................... 26 NATO railcar availability. .................................................................................... 26 NATO Rail. ........................................................................................................ 29 NATO rail transport on major rail lines. ................................................................ 31 Other foreign rail clearances. .............................................................................. 31
5.2.4 Comparison of loading diagrams........................................................................... 31
5.2.5 Rail impact testing. ............................................................................................... 31

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5.3 Water Transportation. ............................................................................................. 35

5.3.1 General. ................................................................................................................ 35
5.3.2 Breakbulk general-cargo ships. ............................................................................. 36
5.3.3 Containerships. ..................................................................................................... 36 General. ............................................................................................................. 36 Full containerships. ............................................................................................ 36
5.3.4 Combination ships. ............................................................................................... 38
5.3.5 Barge Carriers ..................................................................................................... 38 General. ............................................................................................................ 38 LASH. ............................................................................................................... 38 LASH Lighters (barges). .................................................................................... 38 SEABEE. ........................................................................................................... 40
5.3.6 Roll-on/roll-off (RORO) ships. ................................................................................ 41 General. ............................................................................................................ 41 Large Medium speed roll-on/roll-off ships (LMSR). .............................................. 43 Fast sealift ships (FSS). .................................................................................... 43 Cape D class. .................................................................................................... 43 Cape H class. ..................................................................................................... 43 Miscellaneous RORO vessels. ............................................................................ 61
5.3.7 Support Vessels. ................................................................................................... 61
5.3.8 Logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) operations and inland waterways. ....................... 61 General. ............................................................................................................. 61 Landing craft....................................................................................................... 63 Amphibian. ......................................................................................................... 64 Air-cushioned. .................................................................................................... 64 Cargo deck and ramps. ................................................................................... 71 Strength limits. ................................................................................................. 71 Environmental conditions. ................................................................................ 71 Tiedown rails. .................................................................................................. 74 LCAC cargo restraint criteria. .......................................................................... 74 LCAC Heavy weather restraint criteria. ............................................................ 75 Future watercraft. ................................................................................................ 75 Designing for transport aboard amphibious ships. .............................................. 75

5.4 Fixed-wing air transport. ........................................................................................... 76

5.4.1 Flyable system weight............................................................................................ 76
5.4.2 U.S. military fixed-wing cargo aircraft. .................................................................... 76
5.4.3 Design data. .......................................................................................................... 77
5.4.4 Air cargo handling. ................................................................................................. 77 Shoring. .............................................................................................................. 77 463L cargo handling system. .............................................................................. 77
5.4.5 Air transport by DOD controlled aircraft. ................................................................. 78 AMC and CRAF fixed-wing aircraft. .................................................................... 78 AMC fixed-wing aircraft characteristics. .............................................................. 78

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MIL-STD-1366E AMC fixed-wing aircraft deployability. .................................................................. 82 Navy and Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft. ......................................................... 83 Army fixed-wing aircraft. ...................................................................................... 83

5.5 Air delivery by Low Velocity Airdrop (LVAD). ............................................................ 83

5.5.1 General. ................................................................................................................ 83
5.5.2 LVAD criteria. ........................................................................................................ 83
5.5.3 Airdrop platform. .................................................................................................... 83

5.6 Rotary-wing and tilt-wing air transport. ...................................................................... 88

5.6.1 General. ................................................................................................................ 88
5.6.2 Internal helicopter/tilt-wing transport. ...................................................................... 88
5.6.3 External helicopter/tilt-wing transport. ..................................................................... 92
5.6.4 NATICK certification. ............................................................................................. 92

5.7 Lifting and tiedown provisions. ................................................................................. 92

5.7.1 General guidance. ................................................................................................. 92
5.7.2 Equipment tiedown provisions. .............................................................................. 95
5.7.3 Lifting provisions. .................................................................................................. 95
5.7.4 Multipurpose provisions. ........................................................................................ 95
5.7.5 Cargo tiedown provisions. ..................................................................................... 96
5.7.6 Large cargo tiedown provisions. ............................................................................ 96
5.7.7 Supplemental air transport tiedown provisions. ...................................................... 96
5.7.8 All provisions. ....................................................................................................... 96

5.8 Intermodal cargo containers. ................................................................................... 97

5.8.1 Classification and dimensions of cargo containers. ............................................... 97
5.8.2 Designing for containerization. .............................................................................. 97
5.8.3 Rocket and missile containers. ............................................................................. 97
5.8.4 Flatracks. ........................................................................................................... 100 ISO flatracks. .................................................................................................... 100 FSS flatracks. ................................................................................................... 100 Heavy duty flatracks. ......................................................................................... 100
5.8.6 Load Handling System (LHS) flatracks. ............................................................... 102 Palletized Load System (PLS) M1077 flatrack. ................................................. 103 PLS M1 flatracks. ............................................................................................. 104 PLS M3 flatracks (CROP). ................................................................................ 104

5.9 Shelters. ................................................................................................................ 105

5.9.1 General. .............................................................................................................. 105 S-250 shelter. ................................................................................................... 105 Lightweight multipurpose shelter (LMS), S-788. ................................................ 105 S-280 shelter. ................................................................................................... 107 ISO Shelter. ...................................................................................................... 107
5.9.2 Shelter transportability and certification. ............................................................... 107

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5.9.2 NATICK certification. ........................................................................................... 107

5.9.3 Shelter modifications. .......................................................................................... 111
5.9.4 Nonstandard shelters. .......................................................................................... 111

5.10 Overloads. ........................................................................................................... 112

5.10.1 General. ............................................................................................................ 112
5.10.2 Overload prevention. ......................................................................................... 112
5.10.3 Other prime mover overload considerations. ...................................................... 112
5.10.4 Designing for transport. ..................................................................................... 112

5.11 Assembly/disassembly. ....................................................................................... 112

5.11.1 General. ............................................................................................................ 112
5.11.2 Transportability design for assembly/disassembly. ............................................. 113

6. NOTES. .................................................................................................................. 113

6.1 Intended use. .......................................................................................................... 113
6.2 Issue of DODISS. .................................................................................................. 113
6.3 Data requirements. ................................................................................................ 113
6.4 Subject term (key word) listing. ............................................................................... 113
6.5 International standardization agreements. ............................................................... 114
6.6 Changes from previous issues. .............................................................................. 114

Sample Problem for determining Bridge Formula Requirements ......................... 115
A.1 Scope. ................................................................................................................... 115
A.2 Applicable documents. .......................................................................................... 115
A.3 Symbols. ................................................................................................................ 115
A.4 General requirements. ........................................................................................... 115
A.5 Detailed requirements. ........................................................................................... 115
A.5.1 Example. ............................................................................................................ 115

Table 1. Crew Weights .................................................................................................. 19
Table 2. Typical North American railcar characteristics ................................................... 22
Table 2. Typical North American railcar characteristics - continued ................................. 23
Table 3. Characteristics of Railion (formerly DB) flatcars ................................................. 26
Table 4. Korean flatcar characteristics ........................................................................... 31
Table 5. Deck and hatch characteristics of typical breakbulk vessels ............................. 37
Table 6. Deck and hatch characteristics of a typical combination vessel ........................ 39
Table 7. LMSR hold summary (USNS Gordon) ............................................................... 44
Table 8. LMSR fixed-ramp characteristics (USNS Gordon) ............................................ 45
Table 9. Cargo hold door dimensions and locations (USNS Gordon) ............................. 46
Table 10. FSS Hold Summary ....................................................................................... 58
Table 11. FSS Fixed-ramp characteristics ..................................................................... 58
Table 12. RORO Ship characteristics ............................................................................. 59

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Table 12. RORO Ship characteristics continued ............................................................. 60

Table 13. Auxiliary ship characteristics ............................................................................ 62
Table 14. Auxiliary ship hatch data .................................................................................. 62
Table 15. T-ACS Ship Crane Capabilities ...................................................................... 63
Table 16. LOTS Lighterage Compatibility ....................................................................... 64
Table 17. USA, USMC, and USN lighterage .................................................................. 65
Table 18. LCAC characteristics ..................................................................................... 70
Table 19. LCAC capabilities .......................................................................................... 72
Table 20. LCAC specific limitations for the craft and cargo deck .................................... 72
Table 21. LCAC cargo restraint requirement .................................................................. 74
Table 22. LCAC G-force requirements for heavy weather transport ................................ 75
Table 23. Crash restraint criteria for Air Force fixed-wing aircraft ................................... 78
Table 24. C-27 and C-130 information ........................................................................... 80
Table 25. C-17/C-17ER/C-5 Cross-sectional information. .............................................. 81
Table 26. Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing cargo aircraft capabilities ................................ 84
Table 27. Design constraints for Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft .......................... 84
Table 28. Cargo restraint criteria for Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft.................... 85
Table 29. Army fixed-wing cargo aircraft capabilities ...................................................... 85
Table 30. Design constraints for Army fixed-wing aircraft................................................ 86
Table 31. Crash restraint criteria for Army fixed-wing aircraft .......................................... 86
Table 32. LVAD rigged load height ................................................................................ 86
Table 33. LVAD acceptable item height ......................................................................... 87
Table 34. Maximum gross rigged weights (GRW) for LVAD ........................................... 87
Table 35. Maximum allowable item weights for LVAD .................................................... 87
Table 36. Design constraints for Army rotary-wing aircraft .............................................. 89
Table 37. Crash restraint criteria for Army rotary-wing aircraft ......................................... 89
Table 38. Design constraints for Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft ........................ 90
Table 39. Cargo restraint criteria for Navy/Marine Corps ................................................ 90
Table 40. Army rotary-wing aircraft internal load capabilities
for 30 nautical mile radius ............................................................................................ 91
Table 41. Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft internal load capabilities
for 30 nautical mile radius ............................................................................................ 91
Table 43. Army rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities.......................................... 93
for maximum radius mission .......................................................................................... 93
Table 42. Army rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities
for 30 nautical mile radius .............................................................................................. 93
Table 44. Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities
for 30 nautical mile radius .............................................................................................. 94
Table 45. Dry cargo ISO containers ................................................................................ 99
Table 46. Design limits for equipment requiring transport in containers ........................... 99
Table 47. Maximum gross weight of container (fixed-wing) .............................................. 99
Table 48. FSS flatracks, dimensions, weight and capacities ......................................... 102

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Figure 1. Typical Dimensions of a Bi-level Flatcar. ......................................................... 24
Figure 2. AAR outline diagram of single loads, without end overhang, on open-top cars
(AAR diagram). ........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 3. DOD rail clearance diagram. .......................................................................... 27
Figure 4. Typical vehicle loading on HTTX flatcar (the OTTX layout is similar)................. 28
Figure 5. Typical vehicle loading on TTDX flatcar (the ITTX layout is similar). ................. 28
Figure 6. GIC Diagram. ................................................................................................. 30
Figure 7. NATO Envelope M (formerly Envelope B). ........................................................ 32
Figure 8. Korean clearance diagram. ............................................................................ 33
Figure 9. Comparison of loading diagrams. ................................................................... 34
Figure 10. LASH barge characteristics. ......................................................................... 40
Figure 11. SEABEE barge dimensional data. ............................................................... 41
Figure 13. Typical LMSR inboard profile (USNS Gordon). ............................................. 47
Figure 14a. USNS GORDON deck plan for the 02 Level and A Deck. ............................ 48
Figure 14b. USNS GORDON deck plan for the AB and A decks. ................................... 49
Figure 14c. USNS GORDON deck plan for the BC and C decks. .................................. 50
Figure 14d. USNS GORDON deck plan for the D, E, and F decks. ................................ 51
Figure 15. Typical LMSR end/side ramp positions (USNS Gordon). .............................. 52
Figure 16. Typical LMSR lashing pattern. ....................................................................... 53
Figure 17. FSS inboard profile. ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 18a. FSS deck layout. ........................................................................................ 55
Figure 18b. FSS deck layout continued. ........................................................................ 56
Figure 18c. FSS deck layout continued. ........................................................................ 57
Figure 19. Typical FSS lashing pattern. ......................................................................... 61
Figure 20. Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM-8). ............................................................ 66
Figure 21. Landing Craft, Utility (LCU 2000). ................................................................. 67
Figure 22. Logistics Support Vehicle (LSV). .................................................................. 68
Figure 23. Lighter, Amphibious (LARC-LX).................................................................... 69
Figure 24. LCAC cargo deck dimensions. ..................................................................... 73
Figure 25. LCAC cargo deck load diagram. .................................................................. 73
Figure 26. C-27 and C-130 equipment design limit cross-sections ................................ 79
Figure 27. C-17/C-17ER equipment design limit cross section ....................................... 80
Figure 28. C-5 equipment design limit cross section ...................................................... 81
Figure 29. Container Dimensions. ................................................................................. 98
Figure 30. FSS Flatrack. .............................................................................................. 101
Figure 31. S-250 shelter. .............................................................................................. 106
Figure 32. Lightweight Multipurpose Shelter, S-788. ..................................................... 108
Figure 33. S-280 shelter (MIL-S-55286). ..................................................................... 109
Figure 34. ISO shelter. .................................................................................................. 110
Figure 35. Sample case for determining bridge formula requirements. ......................... 117

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1.1 General.
In accordance with the Department of Defense (DOD) Engineering for
Transportability program described in DOD Instruction 4540.7, Operation of the DOD
Engineering for Transportability and Deployability Program, this standard establishes
basic transportability interface criteria for use in the development and shipment of items
of materiel. The standard covers dimensional and weight limitations for all modes of
transport to ensure that new and modified systems meet the interface requirements of
the Defense Transportation System (DTS) (highways, tunnels, bridges, railways, etc.)
and the DTS lift assets (rotary and fixed wing aircraft, railcars, ships, barges, etc.) for
unrestricted worldwide transport and deployment. It also covers lifting and tiedown
provisions, containerization criteria, overloads, assembly/disassembly, air delivery,
shelter criteria, transportability testing, and modeling and simulation of the
transportation environment. This standard will allow materiel development and
procurement activities to design military equipment to meet the transportability
requirements of various modes.

1.2 Applicability.
This DOD interface standard is for use by the DOD acquisition community, to
include the private sector, in the acquisition of defense materiel and systems. It should
be included, by reference, in appropriate documentation of the DOD acquisition process
to ensure acceptable transportability (see 3.45). The Defense Standards Improvement
Council (DSIC) approved this standard as an interface standard in May 1995; therefore,
reference of this standard in solicitations does not require a waiver.

1.3 Measurement units.

This standard uses the measurement system, either English or metric, of the
source material as the primary measurement. The conversion to the other
measurements system is provided in parentheses.


2.1 General.
The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, and 5 of this
standard. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this
standard or those documents recommended for additional information or as examples.
While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document
users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements documents cited in
sections 3, 4, and 5 of this standard, whether or not they are listed.

2.1.1. Specifications and standards.

The following specifications and standards form a part of this document to the

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extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are
those listed in the issue of the DOD Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS)
and supplement thereto cited in the solicitation (see 6.2).



MIL-STD-209 Interface Standard for Lifting and Tiedown Provisions

MIL-STD-810 Environmental Engineering Considerations and

Laboratory Tests

MIL-STD-814 Requirements for Tiedown, Suspension, and Extraction

Provisions on Military Materiel for Airdrop

MIL-STD-913 Requirements for Certification of Sling Loaded Military

Equipment by Department of Defense Helicopters



MIL-HDBK-669 Loading Environment and Related Requirements for

Platform Rigged Airdrop Materiel

MIL-HDBK-910 Mobile Tactical Systems Overload Prevention


MIL-HDBK-1791 Designing for Internal Aerial Delivery in Fixed-Wing Aircraft

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of above specifications and standards are

available from the following website:

2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings and publications.

The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issues are those cited in the solicitation.


CFR Title 23 Highways

CFR Title 49 Transportation

(Obtain copies from the following website:


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FM 5-170 Engineer Reconnaissance

TM 5-312 Military Fixed Bridges

AFJMAN 24-204/ Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air

TM 38-250/ Shipment
MCO P 4030.19/ DLAI 4145.3

AR 70-59 Department of Defense Tactical Shelter Program

AFR 80-8/MCO 3920.5A

(Obtain copies from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)


DI-PACK-80880 Transportability Report

(Obtain copies


TEA Pamphlet 70-1 Transportability for Better Deployability

Directory of Highway Permit and Mobilization Control (MOBCON) Officials

(Obtain copies from the Director, SDDCTEA, 720 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 130,
ATTN: SDTE­DPE, Newport News, VA 23606-4537, 757-599-1109, or download from
the internet at


DOD Directive 4510.11 DOD Transportation Engineering

(Obtain copies from

DOD Instruction 4540.7 Operation of the DOD Engineering for Transportability

and Deployability Program

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(Obtain copies from 4540.7 12 oct 04.pdf)


AF PAM 10-1403 Air Mobility Planning Factors

(Obtain copies from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.)

2.2 Non-Government publications.

The following documents form a part of this document to the extent specified here.
Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the
DODISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of documents
not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation.


Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules

Outline Diagram for Single Loads, Without End Overhang, on Open-Top Cars

Universal Machine Language Equipment Register (UMLER)

(Obtain copies from the Association of American Railroads, Washington DC, toll
free at 877-999-8824).


Limits of Motor Vehicle Sizes and Weights

(Obtain copies from the International Road Federation, 1010 Massachusetts Ave,
NW, Fourth Floor, Washington, DC 20001, (202) 371-5544,


STANAG 2021 ENGR Computation of Bridge, Ferry, Raft, and Vehicle


AMOVP-4 Technical Aspects of the Movement of Military

Materiels by Railroad

STANAG 2413 MH Demountable Load Layering Platforms (DLLP)

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(Obtain copies from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 4D, 700
Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, phone number (215) 697-2179,
facsimile (215) 697-1462.)


The Official Railway Equipment Register

(Obtain copies from the R.E.R. Publishing Corporation, Agent, 400 Windsor
Corporate Park, 50 Millstone Road, Suite 200, East Windsor, NJ 08520,, toll free 888-215-6084.)


ASTM E 1925 Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable

(Obtain copies from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr
Harbor Drive, West Conshocken, PA 19428, (610) 832-9585,

2.3 Order of Precedence.

In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited
here, the text with the most severe requirement will take precedence.


For the purpose of this document, the following definitions apply.

3.1 Airdrop (air delivery).

A tactical aircraft operation for the delivery of supplies or equipment by dropping
cargo from the aircraft (fixed or rotary-wing) in flight. The supplies or equipment can be
dropped free-fall or parachute retarded.

3.2 Athwartship.
Across the ship from side to side.

3.3 Basic Issue Item (BII).

Those essential ancillary items required to operate the equipment and to enable it
to perform the mission and function for which it was designed or intended. BII must be
with the equipment during operation and whenever it is transferred between property

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3.4 Breakbulk general-cargo ships.

Breakbulk ships are designated as general cargo ships because of their ability to
carry a variety of cargo in various forms. Cargo loading/unloading operations are
accomplished via lift-on/lift-off using shipboard or pierside cranes. The normal
constraints encountered with breakbulk vessels are low overhead clearances, limited
deck strengths, limited lifting capabilities or ship’s gear, and slow speed of cargo

3.5 Cargo tiedown provision.

A padeye, fixture, or attachment integral to the cargo compartments of trucks or
trailers for securing cargo or accessories. See MIL-STD-209.

3.6 Circus loading method.

Loading flatcars by placing a string of flatcars at an end ramp, and driving vehicles
on the flatcars filling the entire string. Vehicles are selected and staged so the flatcars
are loaded efficiently accounting for the type of flatcar and the type of equipment, and
the use of deck space is maximized.

3.7 Combat developer (CBTDEV).

The combat developer (CBTDEV) is the command or agency that formulates
warfighting requirements for doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and
education, personnel, and facilities (DOTLMPF). May be used generically to represent
the user and user maintainer community role in the materiel acquisition process
(counterpart to generic use of MATDEV).

3.8 CONUS.
Continental United States. This usually excludes Alaska and always excludes

3.9 Curb weight.

For light tactical vehicles, the curb weight is the weight of the vehicle with BII on
board and with a full load of fuels and lubricants. For medium and heavy tactical
vehicles, the curb weight includes the weight of the truck (or trailer), including materials
handling equipment (if applicable), with all kits, attachments, accessories, equipment,
BII and full complement of fuel, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluid, and crew.

3.10 Cushioned draft gear railcar.

Any railcar equipped with center or end-of-car cushioning devices. Cushioned draft
gear railcar cushioning devices are covered by Rule 59 in the Field Manual of the AAR
Interchange Rules. In general, the distance of draft gear (or center sill of railcars with
cushioned underframe) travel from normal position to maximum extension for one end
of car is 5 inches or greater.

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3.11 Deck loading.

Vessel decks, wharf decks, shop floors, and similiar structural platforms designed
to distribute a load, the deck loading is the weight of the Systems/Equipment (S/E)
distributed over the S/E’s shadow area (length times width of the S/E) not including
small protrusions such as the gun barrel on a tank. Also known as deck strength.

3.12 Defense transportation system (DTS)

That portion of the global transportation infrastructure that supports DOD common-
user transportation needs across the range of military operations. It consists of those
common-user military and commercial assets, services, and systems organic to,
contracted for, or controlled by the Department of Defense.

3.13. Deployability.
The ability to move forces and materiel anywhere in the world in support of a
military operation.

3.14 Deployability engineering.

The science of designing into the force (personnel and materiel) the ability to be
moved by transportation assets and/or modes anywhere in the world in support of a
military operation.

3.15 Equipment tiedown provision.

An integral part of an item, also called a tiedown eye, fixture, facility, or attachment.
A tiedown provision provides a means of attaching a tiedown lashing to the equipment
for restraint purposes during shipment. See MIL-STD-209.

3.16 Extraction parachutes.

One or more parachute(s) (usually smaller than main parachute) used to withdraw
an airdropped item from the aircraft.

3.17 Flatrack.
Cargo carrying platform, of a permanent character, suitable for repeated use.
Flatracks do not have sidewalls or a roof structure.

3.18 Floor contact pressure.

The resultant pressure exerted by the weight of S/E on the carrying surface of the
transporter through the portions of the S/E actually in contact with the carrying surface.

3.19 Fragile item.

An item of S/E that is susceptible to damage and/or loss of serviceability during
transport and handling. It requires special shipping procedures or equipment,
environmental control, or special packaging for protection during transport.

3.20 Gross weight.

The weight of the basic equipment (curb weight for vehicles) plus the weight of any

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associated support items of equipment (ASIOE) and cargo attached to the equipment,
contained within the equipment, or projected as payload for the equipment (that is,
shelters). For light vehicles, crew weight and pintle load are considered as payload. The
weight of ammunition and/or additional fuels and lubricants (to include water) necessary
to render the system combat ready is also considered as payload.

3.21 Hazardous material.

A substance or device that, as determined by the Secretary of Transportation, could
pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in
commerce and is so designated in the table set forth in 49 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) 172.101. Included are explosives; flammable, combustible, and pyrophoric
liquids; flammable solids; oxidizers, and organic peroxides; corrosive materials;
compressed gases; poisons and irritating materials; etiologic agents; and radioactive

3.22 Heavy vehicles.

As used in this standard, the term “heavy vehicles” means any vehicle where the
crew weight, pintle load, ammunition, and any additional fuels and lubricants (to include
water) necessary to render the system combat ready are NOT considered as payload.

3.23 Internal aerial delivery.

Internal air transport aboard military prime mission cargo aircraft or Civil Reserve
Air Fleet (CRAF) aircraft.

3.24 Item disassembly.

Removal of parts of an item to reduce its physical characteristics (weight and
dimensions) so that transport limitations are not exceeded.

3.25 Item reassembly.

Replacement of parts on an item to restore the item to its operational configuration.

3.26 Large cargo tiedown provision.

A padeye, fixture, or attachment integral to cargo trucks and trailers, flatbed trailers,
and flatracks used as a demountable truck or trailer bed for securing large, heavy items.
See MIL-STD-209.

3.27 Lifting provision.

An integral part of the equipment, also called a padeye, lug, eye, facility, or
attachment point. A lifting provision provides a means of attaching a sling to the
equipment for safe lifting. See MIL-STD-209.

3.28 Light vehicles.

As used in this standard, the term “light vehicles” means any vehicle where the
crew weight, pintle load, ammunition, and any additional fuels and lubricants (to include
water) necessary to render the system combat ready are considered as payload.

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3.29 Lighter.
Small vessel, used in loading/unloading ships in logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS)
operations. In the Army, lighters include amphibians, landing craft, and such harbor
craft as barges.

3.30 Light weight.

The empty weight of a railroad car including its trucks and any other appurtenances
considered standard to the railcar. The light weight is stenciled on every freight car in
conjunction with the load limit stenciling, and is abbreviated “LT WT.”

3.31 Load limit.

The maximum weight that can be loaded on a railcar. For railcars meeting standard
AAR design criteria, the load limit is equal to the maximum allowable gross weight on
the rails (determined by axle and wheel size) less the light weight of the railcar. Load
limit is stenciled on every freight car in conjunction with the light weight stenciling and is
abbreviated “LD LMT.”

3.32 Logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS).

Logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) - Transferring military equipment and supplies
from cargo ships anchored offshore to the beach in support of forces ashore. During
strategic deployments, most military equipment will be transported by ship. There may
be occasions, however, when improved ports are not available because of poor host
nation port infrastructure, sabotage, and so forth. LOTS provides both an alternative as
well as a supplemental method to move equipment from sealift ships to shore. (Also
known as Joint Logistics Over The Shore (JLOTS).)

3.33 Materiel Developer (MATDEV).

The Materiel Developer (MATDEV) is the research, development, and acquisition
(RDA) command, agency, or office (Program Manager (PM)/Program Executive Office
(PEO)) assigned responsibility for the system under development or being acquired.
The term may be used generically to refer to the RDA community in the materiel
acquisition process (counterpart to the generic use of CBTDEV).

3.34 Multipurpose provision.

A single provision that meets the requirements of this standard for both lifting and
equipment tiedown. See MIL-STD-209.

3.35 Operational configuration.

The state that equipment is in when it is fully capable of performing its mission as
set out in the requirements document.

3.36 Payload rating.

The maximum weight a vehicle is designed to safely transport. For light vehicles,
the crew weight, pintle load, ammunition, and any additional fuels and lubricants (to

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include water) necessary to render the system combat ready are considered as

3.37 Plane of the provisions.

A geometric plane connecting the centers of all lifting provisions of an item of
equipment. The “plane of the provisions” will only be a horizontal plane if the height of
the front and rear provisions is the same (see Appendix B of MIL-STD-209 for a pictorial
of the “plane of the provisions”).

3.38 Potential transportability problem item.

An equipment item in its proposed shipping configuration that, because of its size
or weight, or lack of adequate means for lifting and tiedown, may be denied movement.
It may require special permits or waivers and/or special equipment or handling, or may
be unacceptably delayed when moving within existing or newly designed transportation
systems. A more detailed, technical definition of a transportability problem item is given
in section 4 (see 4.4) of this military standard.

3.39 Recovery parachutes.

Parachutes used during airdrop delivery to retard and stabilize the descent of an
airdrop item.

3.40 Reporting marks.

Lettering appearing on the sides of all freight cars identifying ownership and car
number such as marks including TTX for TTX Company (formerly Trailer Train
Company), DODX for Department of Defense (SDDC Operations Center), or BNSF
identifying cars of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad company. The “X” denotes
private ownership as differentiated from railroad ownership. The first letters used with
TTX are arbitrary designations used to differentiate various car types.

3.41 S/E (Systems and equipment).

All items and item components necessary for equipping, maintaining, operating,
and supporting military activities, without distinction as to their application for
administrative or combat purposes, excluding ships.

3.42 Shipping configuration.

The item/system configuration, stated in weights and dimensions, that a military
unit will use for transport. It also includes the restraint arrangement for safe transport of
the item/system.

3.43 Spreader bars.

A bar, set of bars, or other framework used during lifting operations to prevent lifting
sling legs from damaging an item by compression, friction, and so forth.

3.44 Standard draft gear railcar.

Any railcar that is not equipped with center or end-of-car cushioning devices. The

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standard draft gear devices in these railcars are covered in Rule 21 of the Field Manual
of the AAR Interchange Rules. Typical travel is usually less than 3 inches (76 mm).
Railcars having standard draft gear are so listed in the Universal Machine Language
Equipment Register (UMLER) files maintained by the AAR.

3.45 Strategic deployment.

The continuous or sustained movement of units, personnel, and logistic support
items between CONUS and overseas areas or between theaters of operation.

3.46 Tactical deployment.

Deployment of units, personnel, and logistic support items within a theater of
operations. The C-130 aircraft, helicopters and landing craft are examples of tactical

3.47 Transportability.
The inherent capability of an item or system to be effectively and efficiently moved
by required transportation assets and modes.

3.48 Transportability approval.

A statement by the Director of TEA that an item of materiel, in its shipping
configuration, is transportable by the mode(s) of transportation specified in development
guides or materiel requirements, or meets amended transportability characteristics
approved by higher authority.

3.49 Transportability engineering.

The science of designing into an item or system the inherent capability to be
effectively and efficiently moved by required transportation assets and modes.

3.50 Transportability engineering analysis.

An analysis of the transportability of an S/E item or its components, which
assesses its ability to be transported by the modes specified in the materiel
requirements documents.

3.51 Transportability report.

An information package, submitted on a potential transportability problem item
during S/E development/acquisition. It contains all the information necessary for
performing a comprehensive transportability engineering analysis. The transportability
report is prepared by the materiel developer or contractor in accordance with the format
and content of Data Item Description, DI-PACK-80880 and TEA Pamphlet 70-1,
Transportability for Better Deployability. The materiel developer is responsible for
submitting this report to the appropriate transportability agent.

3.52 ‘Tween-deck.
Any deck below the upper deck and above the lowest deck. General cargo ship

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with one or more decks, known as ‘tween decks, dividing the cargo holds into lower and
upper cargo spaces.

3.53 Vehicle payload.

For light vehicles, payload is any load placed in or on the vehicle that increases the
vehicle weight above the curb weight. Payload includes the weight of the driver and
passengers (crew), weight of crew’s personal gear, cargo, water cans, table of
organization and equipment or common table of allowances items, kits, communications
and electronics equipment, cargo cover kits, shelterized systems (including the weight
of the shelter), ammunition and/or additional fuels and lubricants (to include water)
necessary to render the system combat ready. The trailer tongue load must be included
as a part of the payload for Group II High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles
(HMMWVs), Heavy HMMWV Variants (HHVs) and HMMWV Expanded Capacity
Vehicles. Tongue loads in excess of 200 pounds must be counted as part of the payload
for the Group I HMMWV models. For heavy vehicles, the payload shall include cargo

3.54 Watertight.
Designed and constructed to withstand a static head of water without any “leakage”
(46 CFR 114.400 and 175.400). This refers to structures that must withstand hydrostatic
loading for extended periods of time, including the hull bottom and sides, main deck
plating, tanks, and “subdivision bulkheads.” The latter are meant to contain the spread
of water that enters the hull as a result of hull breach due to collision, grounding, and so
forth. All weldments and penetrations of such structures are subject to strict testing
requirements to ensure that no leakage occurs under the particular design conditions of
the vessel.

3.55 Weathertight.
Weathertight means that water will not penetrate in any sea condition (46 CFR
114.400 and 175.400). This refers generally to topside structures subject to occasional
and short exposure to water on deck, from boarding waves or wind driven rain and
spray. Regulations specify arrangement and height for weathertight appurtenances, as
well as load and welding specifications, which are generally less stringent than for
watertight structures.


4.1 Transportability Criteria.

This standard provides the interface requirements necessary to design an item of
equipment to be transported through the Defense Transportation System (DTS). The
information provides the critical characteristics, both for the transport vehicle and
transportation system.

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4.2 DOD Engineering for Transportability and Deployability Program.

DOD Directive 4510.11, DOD Transportation Engineering, and DOD Instruction
4540.7, Operation of the DOD Engineering for Transportability and Deployability
Program, implement a coordinated engineering for transportability and deployability
program between the DOD components. This program provides for the inclusion of
transportability/deployability requirements in the design of end items of equipment
obtained through the materiel acquisition process for the military services.

Transportability is a consideration for all acquisition categories and all acquisition

sources, including new or modified equipment, rebuys, and commercial or non-
developmental systems.

Transportability is important throughout the acquisition cycle. However, it is

essential that transportability be considered at the beginning of the materiel acquisition
process when the impact on design is the greatest. Incorporation of transportability
characteristics into the initial concepts and designs minimizes the impact on program
cost and schedule. It is easier and less costly to incorporate equipment characteristics
that support transport into the initial design than it is to alter or retrofit actual hardware.

Transportability is equally important in other stages of the acquisition cycle. The

omission of transportability considerations during the middle or later stages of the cycle,
or deletion during tradeoff decisions, can negate all transportability efforts and
advances made during the early stages.

4.3 Transportability design responsibilities.

The materiel developer and/or contractor shall be responsible for incorporating
transportability considerations into equipment design.

4.4 Transportability problem item.

An S/E item is considered a transportability problem item when any of the following
conditions apply:

a. The item is wheeled or tracked, and is to be towed, hauled, or self-propelled on

or off highway.

b. The item increases the physical characteristics of the designated transport


c. The item requires special handling or specialized loading procedures.

d. The item has inadequate ramp clearance for ramp inclines of 15°.

e. Exceeds any of the following conditions:

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(1) Length - 20 feet (6096 mm, 240 in).

(2) Width - 8 feet (2438 mm, 96 in).

(3) Height - 8 feet (2438 mm, 96 in).

(4) Weight - 10,000 pounds (4,536 kg).

(5) Weight per linear foot - 1,600 pounds/foot (2381 kg/m).

(6) Floor contact pressure - 50 psi (344.7 kPa).

4.5 Management of transportability problem items.

If an S/E item meets any of the conditions listed in 4.4a-4.4c, or exceeds the
criteria of 4.4e, a transportability report shall be submitted by the MATDEV to the
appropriate service transportability agent. The report shall be prepared by the materiel
developer or contractor and shall be in accordance with the format and content of Data
Item Description, DI-PACK-80880 (see 6.2).

4.6 Hazardous materials packaging and transportation requirements.

In addition to the transportability criteria identified in this document, all shipments of
hazardous materials will also comply with applicable modal packaging and
transportation requirements as identified in AFJMAN 24-204/TM 38-250/NAVSUP
PUB505/MCO P4030.19/DLAM 4145.3 - Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air
Shipment, 49 CFR, The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the United
Nation’s Recommendation on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.


5.1 Highway Transportation.

Highway transport vehicles developed for over-the-road movement should meet the
physical, legal, and administrative limitations on roadways, bridges, and other structures
imposed by Federal, State, and local transportation authorities. This document
summarizes general size and weight constraints of CONUS and various foreign
highway systems. These limits establish guidelines to ensure that new military highway
transport equipment is compatible with the capabilities and limitations of CONUS and
foreign highway systems. This is important, since military vehicles are not normally
exempt from Federal, State, or local size and weight limitations.

5.1.2 CONUS Highways. Unrestricted transport.

Federal weight limits apply to vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations on Interstate
highways. States may issue permits for nondivisible vehicles or loads. On other non-
interstate highways, the state establishes weight limits. Federal length and width limits

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apply to the National Network (see 23 CFR 658 Appendix A.1). These provisions
preempt conflicting state laws and regulations. There is no federal law on height. The
size and weight legal limits of the interstate or National Network vary from State to
State. The “Summary of Size and Weight Limits” in appendix A of the Directory of
Highway Permit and Mobilization Control (MOBCON) Officials is prepared by the
American Trucking Association, Inc. and summarizes the State legal limits for moves of
oversize and overweight equipment. To ensure general unrestricted CONUS highway
transport, vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations shall be designed to the following
constraints when unrestricted CONUS highway transport is a requirement:

Height 162 inches (4115 mm, 13.5 ft)

Width 96 inches (2438 mm, 8 ft)

Length 40 feet for a single unit (12192 mm, 480 in)

55 feet for a combination unit (16 764 mm, 660 in)
48 feet for a semitrailer (14 630 mm, 576 in)

Single axle load 20,000 pounds (9072 kg)

Tandem axle load 34,000 pounds (15 422 kg)

Triple axle load 42,000 pounds (19 051 kg) (3 States have lower limits)

Gross vehicle weight *80,000pounds (36 287 kg)

*NOTE: The gross vehicle weight constraint is also dependent on the Federal
Bridge Gross Weight formula, which is presented in U.S. Federal Bridge Gross Weight formula.

The bridge gross weight formula specifies the relationship between the axle (or
groups of axles) spacing and the weight that the axle(s) may carry to prevent
overstressing highway bridges. The bridge formula is:

W = 500 (LN/(N-1) + 12N + 36)


W = overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the
nearest 500 pounds

L = distance in feet between the outer axles of any two or more consecutive axles

N = number of axles in the group under consideration

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The bridge formula is incorporated into Title 23 CFR 658. A sample problem for
determining bridge formula requirements is in appendix A.1 of this military standard. The National Network.

The National Network has been identified based on which large vehicles authorized
by the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) of 1982 are allowed to operate.
One configuration allowed to travel on the National Network is the truck tractor-
semitrailer-trailer combination. (Trailers must be no longer than 28 feet (8534 mm, 336
in) for unrestricted National Network transport.) This network includes the Interstate
System plus other qualifying Federal-Aid Primary System Highways. Title 23 CFR 658
establishes the requirements for highway transport on the National Network and
identifies the network. U.S. highway permit limits.

The U.S. highway permit limits are constraints within which a State will allow
highway transport under its permit procedures when unrestricted highway transport is
not possible. The conditions for which a State will issue movement permits without
certification as essential to the national defense are in the Directory of Highway Permit
and MOBCON Officials. Note that these limits are adjusted by particular conditions at
movement time and should be verified with the appropriate State highway official prior
to highway transport. Vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations shall meet the permit
limit criteria in the Directory of Highway Permit and MOBCON Officials when U.S.
highway transport within permit limitations is a requirement. Certification Essential to National Defense.

Certification for highway movement essential to national defense is certification by
an appropriate military authority that the cargo is “essential cargo.” The oversize or
overweight shipment cannot be reduced in size or weight and the shipment must be
moved via highway. This certification is a means to inform regulatory authorities of the
importance of the movement to allow maximum flexibility in approving the permit. This
materiel must be eligible for highway movement in accordance with the provisions of
DOD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR), Part III, Mobility. Training,
maintenance, and public-relations mission movements, or savings of transportation cost
or time, are not justifications for meeting certification requirements. Once the installation
commander determines that the materiel meets the requirements, he/she must request
that the Army commander of the shipping command certify the movement is essential to
national defense for movements by other than commercial carriers. Local installation
commanders cannot make this certification. Certification that the movement is essential
to national defense does not guarantee that U.S. highway authorities will allow
movement. States have absolute authority over their public roadways both in peacetime
and wartime and will make all final determinations of transport capability.

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MIL-STD-1366E Safety.
For movement on public highways, reference shall be made to safety, lighting,
brake, and stopping-distance specifications currently required for commercial vehicles
by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations
shall meet the safety requirements of Title 49 CFR.

5.1.3 Foreign highways.

The weight and dimensional constraints at which vehicles and vehicle cargo
combinations can move on foreign highways without permits constitute the foreign legal
limits. These weight and dimensional legal limits vary from country to country.

Because such a wide variation exists in the foreign legal limits and some countries
have limited highway systems, the following constraints are required to achieve general
unrestricted transport in most North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries:

Width 2.50 meters (8.2 ft, 98.4 in)

Height 4.00 meters (13.12 ft, 157.5 in)

Length 10.00 meters - single unit (32.81 ft, 393.7 in)

14.00 meters - combination unit (45.93 ft, 551.2 in)

Single axle load 10 000 kg (22,046 pounds)

Tandem axle load 16 000 kg (35,274 pounds)

Gross vehicle weight (GVW) is dependent on the vehicle type, as defined in the
Limits of Motor Vehicle Sizes and Weights. Vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations
shall have a military load classification number less than 50, and meet the requirements
of this paragraph and when unrestricted worldwide highway transport is a
requirement. For transportability purposes, the above limits represent the unrestricted
foreign highway transport limits even though highways can be found in foreign countries
that are more restricted.

For unrestricted highway transport in Korea the following apply:

Width 3.00 meters (9.84 ft, 118.1 in)

Height 4.00 meters (13.12 ft, 157.5 in)

Length 17.00 meters (55.77 ft, 669.3 in)

19.00 meters (62.34 ft, 748.0 in)
(twin combinations on four-lane expressway)

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Single axle load 10 000 kg (22,046 pounds)

Tandem axle load 16 000 kg (35,274 pounds)

Gross weight 40 000 kg (88,185 pounds)

5.1.4 Military Load Classification (MLC).

FM 5-170, STANAG 2021, and TM 5-312 provide guidance on route
reconnaissance and classification. To make maximum use of existing routes, the
military load-carrying capacity of the routes in a basic military road network must be
determined. This process is called classification. The MLC system assigns whole
numbers to vehicles, bridges, roads, and routes. Usually, the lowest bridge MLC
number determines the MLC of a route. The materiel developer should request an MLC
from the Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) for vehicles and vehicle
cargo combinations during the engineering and manufacturing development phase of
acquisition. Vehicles and vehicle cargo combinations shall be designed to the MLC

5.1.5 Determining crew weights.

The materiel developer must account for the weight of the crew when determining
the GVW and axle loads of highway transporters. Also, the crew weight is considered a
part of the payload for light vehicles. This weight includes the soldier’s body weight plus
the weight of the soldier’s basic load of clothing, ammunition, individual equipment and
weapon, and food. TEA identifies planning guidelines for crew member weights as

The basic crew weight figures include 20.72 pounds (9.40 kg) of clothing, 64.47
pounds (29.24 kg) of equipment, and 32.53 pounds (14.76 kg) of existence load per
person. Weight variances for multiple size crews account for reduced probability of
several 95th percentile crewmembers being assigned to the same system. The basic
body armor weights include a helmet (3 lbs), interceptor vest (8 lbs), vest plate (11 lbs),
deltoid ancillary protection (4 lbs), and lower body protection (3 lbs). Allowances shall
be made to accommodate increases in the crew weight due to operations in cold
weather scenarios. For cold weather scenarios, the clothing weight will increase to 35
pounds (15.88 kg) and the equipment weight will increase to 80 pounds (36.29 kg) per
person. This means a single-soldier crew weight will be 364 pounds (165.1 kg). The
information in this paragraph is based on the Land Warrior and the 82nd Airborne
Division. The materiel developer/contractor shall meet the requirements of this
paragraph when determining crew weights for highway transport. See table 1 for
applicable crew weights.

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Table 1. Crew Weights

Without B ody Armor With B ody Armor 1

Total C rew Weight
(lb, kg) (lb, kg)

334 363
Si ngle-Soldi er C rew
151.5 164.7

640 698
Two-Soldi er C rew
290.3 313.6

936 1,023
Three-Soldi er C rew
424.6 464.0

1,220 1,336
Four-Soldi er C rew
553.4 606.0

1,504 1679 2
Fi ve-Soldi er C rew
682.2 761.6

1. For a si ngle through four-soldi er crew, 29 pounds of body armor i s

added for each soldi er.
2. For a fi ve-soldi er crew, 116 pounds (4 x 29) i s added for crew
members' armor, plus 59 pounds i s added for the gunner's armor
(C upola Protecti on Ensemble).

5.1.6 Cargo restraint requirements.

Transported items need to be secured to prevent movement and damage to the
item and the transporter, and to prevent collateral damage. Restraint requirements vary
by mode, and can not readily be compared between modes as basic assumptions used
differ. For purposes of determining restraint, 1 g is the weight of the restrained item.

Highway: Current enforcement policy of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety

Administration, Department of Transportation is to restrain payloads against 0.4 g
deceleration in the forward direction, 0.5 g acceleration in the rearward direction, 0.25 g
acceleration in the lateral direction, and 0.2 g acceleration in the vertical direction.
These are considered normal operating conditions for motor vehicles. Cargo
securement devices and systems must be designed and used such that under normal
operating conditions the working load limit (WLL) for the devices is not exceeded.
Working load limits for different type restraints are typically ¼ of the breaking strength
for chain, ¼ of the nominal strength for wire rope, and 1/3 of the breaking strength for
straps. Restraint devices should be marked with their WLL. Equivalent means of
securement may be used in place of restraints, such as being in contact with a forward
semitrailer bulkhead may be used in place of restraint devices preventing forward

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Rail: Rail restraint is applied to withstand the greatest forces encountered in normal
transport. Restraint is applied to withstand 4.0 g in the longitudinal direction, 1.5 g in the
lateral directions, and 2.0 g in the vertical direction. Determining the number of
restraints required is based on the breaking strength of the restraints. Straps are not
acceptable restraint except for specifically tested and approved loads.

Marine: Marine restraint requirements vary according to ship characteristics. Ships

typically used for military shipments require restraint of 0.81 g in the lateral direction
relative to the ship, 0.42 g in the longitudinal direction. Consideration of vertical restraint
is not required. Application of ship’s restraint gear is based on the breaking strength of
the restraints.

Air (USAF) Fixed-Wing: Cargo restraint requirements are established to provide for
the safety of the crew and aircraft in a survivable hard landing. Only Air Force approved
restraint devices may be used. Restraint is applied to provide 3.0 g forward restraint
relative to the aircraft, 2.0 g vertical restraint, and 1.5 g restraint aft and lateral. In
addition, the cargo must have the structural integrity to withstand 4.5 g down.

Military Tactical Aircraft: There are varying restraint requirements for different
rotary-wing aircraft and tilt-rotor aircraft. These are provided in the rotary-wing air
transport section of this document. When internal transport is required by any of these
aircraft, the item must be designed to meet the specific restraint requirements.

5.2 Rail Transportation.

5.2.1 General.
Equipment requiring rail transport must be capable of being loaded and transported
with very little preparation and at gross weight (with full payload, see 3.20, that is,
loaded to the gross weight rating). Preparation must be kept to a minimum and may
include removing antennas, securing canvas and movable items (booms, gun barrels,
turrets, outriggers, and so forth), and folding mirrors but must not include adding lumber
or hardware items, which are not part of the BII for the equipment. The equipment must
be capable of being secured to a flatcar and in turn capable of restraining its payload
during rail shipment as verified by the rail impact test (see 5.2.5 and 5.7). Full payload
(gross weight) testing is required even for equipment that does not meet the various
clearance diagrams. Consideration in design must be given to the space required for
tiedowns between coupled vehicles such as trucks and trailers, semitrailers, and other
towed items. Loading for vehicles will generally be by the circus loading method, and
time will not be available for involved tiedown schemes devised to overcome
transportability shortcomings. Items developed for movement by the rail mode should
meet the limitation imposed by physical, legal, and administrative characteristics of rail
lines worldwide. This document presents the most significant constraints of North
American and foreign rail systems. These criteria establish guidelines to ensure that

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new military equipment requiring rail transport is compatible with the capabilities and
limitations of North American and foreign rail systems.

5.2.2 North American rail. Railcar availability.

Typical North American railcars and their dimensions are shown in table 2. Figure
1 shows typical dimensons of a bi-level flatcar. A description of cars, including numbers
and types of cars available in North America, is given in The Official Railway Equipment
Register. The information in this register is for railcars listed in the UMLER file, thereby
meeting rule 90f of the Field Manual of the AAR Interchange Rules. Rule 90f prohibits
the use of railcars not listed in the UMLER files for interchange from one rail line to
another. Normally, transportability problem items will require movement on open-top
railcars, that is, flatcars. New items of equipment shall be designed such that they will
fit on at least one type of the flatcars listed in table 2, when rail transport is a
requirement. Unrestricted transport.

For generally unrestricted movement in North America, the height and width of a
loaded flatcar shall remain within the limitations of the AAR outline Diagram for Single
Loads, Without End Overhang, on Open-Top Cars (AAR diagram) (see fig 2). A loaded
flatcar meeting the confines of this diagram will be capable of unrestricted transport in
North America except on a very few rail lines generally considered unimportant for DOD
use. Loads wider than the flatcar, or combined load plus flatcar heights greater than 15
feet 1 inch (4597 mm) above the top of the rails, are considered “dimensional loads.”
All involved railroad companies will perform clearance checks on “dimensional loads”
for the entire distance of shipment before such shipments will be accepted. Clearance
checks may delay rail transport because they are performed during normal working
hours. When a load overhangs the sides of a flatcar, the width is measured as two
times the largest distance from the flatcar centerline to outside edge of load. For
clearance purposes, this distance is the least critical when the load is centered on the
flatcar centerline. Loading instructions are to measure the overhang on both sides from
the car side to the widest part of the vehicle. The allowable variation is when the two
measurements, one subtracted from the other, have a difference of 1 inch or less. This
results in the load’s longitudinal centerline being no more than 1/2-inch away from the
flatcar’s longitudinal centerline. When flatcars are requested from a railroad company
on short notice, the railroad company will furnish what is readily available. Deck heights
of flatcars can vary. For these reasons, unrestricted rail transport is based on a
“standard deck height” railcar. Based on the deck heights of flatcars listed in The Official
Railway Equipment Register, the “standard deck height” is 51 inches above the top of
rails. When unrestricted North American rail transport is a requirement, new items of
equipment shall be designed such that the item outline is within the AAR diagram (see
fig 2) when placed on a 51-inch-high flatcar.

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Table 2. Typical North American railcar characteristics

Ty pical
Ty pe R ailcar d eck
Ty pical D eck Ty pical D eck Ty pical 2 Approximate
an d height
Length Width Load Limit N umber N otes
D esignation if abov e top
(ft, mm, in) (ft, mm, in) (lb, kg) Av ailable 3
an y 1 of rail
(ft, mm, in)

4-axle, cushi oned draft gear

flatcar equi pped wi th 3/8-i n.
89 8.5 3.50 chai ns. C hai ns have worki ng
Flatcars ITTX 140,000
27 127 2591 1067 1500 4
load li mi t of 9,000 lb. Also
and si mi lar 63 500
1068 102 42 equi pped wi th speci al
adjustable and foldaway

4-axle, cushi oned draft gear

89 8.5 3.50
Flatcars TTD X 140,000 flatcar equi pped wi th 1/2-i n.
27 127 2591 1067 300
and si mi lar 63 500 chai ns. C hai ns have worki ng
1068 102 42
load li mi t of 11,250 lb.

4-axle, cushi oned draft gear

60 10.5 3.75
Flatcars OTTX 144,000 1,700 4 flatcar equi pped wi th 3/8-i n.
18 288 3200 1143
and si mi lar 65 300 (1,168) chai ns. C hai ns have worki ng
720 126 45
load li mi t of 9,000 lb.

4-axle cushi oned draft gear

60 10.5 3.75 flatcar equi pped wi th heavy
Flatcars HTTX 146,000 900 4
18 288 3200 1143 duty ti edowns. Equi pped wi th
and si mi lar 66 200 (775)
720 126 45 1/2-i n. chai ns wi th worki ng
load li mi t of 13,750 lb.

4-axle, basi c multi purpose

60 10.5 3.50
Flatcars MTTX 148,000 cushi oned draft gear flatcar
18 288 3200 1067 400 4
and si mi lar 67 100 wi th plai n wood deck and
720 126 42
stake pockets, but no chai ns.

298,000 Heavy duty, 6-axle, cushi oned

68 10.4 135 200 14.08 draft gear flatcar wi th 1/2-i n.
Flatcars D OD X
20 726 3175 (140-ton 1245 566 chai ns wi th worki ng load li mi t
40000-seri es
816 125 nomi nal 49 of 13,750 lb and li ft -up
capaci ty) contai ner pedestals.

4-axle, steel-deck, cushi oned

68 10.5 4.17 draft gear flatcar equi pped
Flatcars D OD X 180,000
20 726 3200 1270 256 wi th 1/2-i n. chai ns wi th
41000-seri es 81 600
816 126 50 worki ng load li mi t of 13,750 lb
and li ft-up contai ner pedestals.

4-axle, steel-deck, cushi oned

89 9.5 4.25 draft gear flatcar equi pped
Flatcars D OD X 164,000
27 127 2896 1295 334 wi th 1/2-i n. chai ns wi th
42000-seri es 74 400
1068 114 51 worki ng load li mi t of 13,750 lb
and li ft-up contai ner pedestals.

4-axle, steel deck, cushi oned

draft gear, 160 chai n anchor
holes 20 i nches from
centerli ne for removable chai n
anchor chai n assembli es to be
Flatcars XXTX 89 9.3 3.67
205,900 suppli ed by shi pper. Sui table
142275 to 27 229 2819 1118 222
93 395 for a worki ng load li mi t of
142499 1072 111 44
13,750 lb. 16 slots for rai lroad
type i nterbox connectors (IBC )
for 20 or 40 foot contai ners. 4
stake pockets per end, 20
stake pockets per si de.

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Table 2. Typical North American railcar characteristics - continued

Ty pical deck
Ty pe R ailcar
Ty pical D eck Ty pical D eck height Approximate
an d Ty pical Load Limit
Length Width abov e top of N umber N otes
D esignation if (lb, kg)
(ft, mm, in) (ft, mm, in) rail Av ailable 3
an y 1
(ft, mm, in)

51.3 10.0
15 645 3200
Flatcars, 616 126
Others 4.17
100,000 to 140,000 wi dely Flatcars may have standard or
(cushi oned and TO 1270
45 400 to 63 500 avai lable 5 cushi oned draft gear.
standard draft 50
gear) 89.3 8.5
27 228 2591
1072 102

50.5 9.6
15 392 2920
606 115
100,000 to160,000 wi dely Boxcars may have standard or
Boxcars TO 1270
45 400 to 72 600 avai lable 5 cushi oned draft gear.
86.5 9.2
26 365 2896
630 114

46.0 9.6
14 021 2920
552 115
140,000 to200,000 wi dely Gondolas may have standard
Gondolas TO 1270
63 500 to 90 700 avai lable 5 or cushi oned draft gear.
52.5 9.5
16 002 2896
630 114

Of these, 12,872 are double

stack cars typi cally used i n
(C ontai ner on Sui table for 20-foot and 40-foot ISO contai ners Li mi ted by contai ner Vari able 32,660
speci al servi ce not avai lable i n
flatcar rai lcars)
all areas.

Sui table only for semi trai lers

TOFC Sui table for semi -trai lers up to 53 ft 3.75 wi th 2-i nch (50.8 mm) ki ng
140,000 Wi dely
(Trai ler on 16 150 mm, 1143 pi ns. Many are only sui table
63 503 avai lable 5
flatcar rai lcars 36 i n long 45 for 102-i nch (2590.8 mm)
wi de semi trai lers.

Sui table for HMMWVs and

40,000 per deck
3.46 trai lers. Most are equi pped
Bi -Level 80,000 total
See Fi gure 1 1054 30,000 wi th the Grate Lock C hocki ng
Flatcars 1 8 1 4 0 p e r d e ck
41.5 System (GLC S) rather than
36 280 total
chai ns.
See the definition of “reporting marks” in section 3 for an explanation of flatcar designations.
See section 3 for definition of load limit. The ability of general service flatcars (excluding 84- and 89-foot
flatcars) to carry a single heavy vehicle is usually limited to 75% of the load limit, depending on length of the
vehicle and design of the flatcar. Gondolas and boxcars have similar restrictions. The 84- and 89-foot flatcars
cannot carry concentrated loads. They are generally used to carry multiple lighter items.
Data source - The Official Railway Equipment Register, RER Publishing Corporation, Jul 03.
For the ITTX, HTTX, OTTX and MTTX flatcars, the number given denotes the total number of flatcars that have
that or a similar designation. The number in parentheses for the HTTX, OTTX and MTTX denotes the number of
flatcars that meet Note 3 in the Trailer Train Company section of the The Official Railway Equipment Register.
Note 3 states, “These 60-ft flatcars are capable of carrying 90% of the load limit over a centered 14 ft.” This
means these flatcars can transport tanks weighing up to about 64.8 tons (58 786 kg).
The term “widely available” means that railcars of this type are abundant; however, a specific car may not be
readily available.

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119.0 (3022.6) 9.92

max width at centerline of car

94.0 (2387.6) 7.83

61.0 (1549.4) 5.08

Dimensions are in inches (mm) feet

93.25 (2368.6) 7.77 109.0 (2768.6) 9.08

min tread to between typical posts
centerline roof
113.88 (2892.4) 9.49
between side panel flanges

229.0 (5816.6) 19.08 219.0 (5562.6) 18.25

87.0 (2209.8) 7.25 max
min clearance
197.0 (5003.8) 16.42
30.0 (762.0)
max, to lower eaves
64.0 (1625.6) 5.33
over hand brake
130.25 (3308.4) 10.85
nominal 103.0 (2616.2) 8.58
min at number 1 post

41.5 (1054.1) 3.46

Top of rail nominal

Car centerline

Figure 1. Typical Dimensions of a Bi-level Flatcar.

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128.0 (3251.2) 10.67

120.0 (3048) 10.00

84.0 (2133.6) 7.00

Dimensions are in inches (mm) feet


112.0 (2844.8) 9.33
108.0 (2743.2) 9.00

96.0 (2438.4) 8.00

88.0 (2235.2) 7.33


2.75 (69.9) 0.23

9 (228.6) 0.75
Top of rails
15 (381.0) 1.25

Figure 2. AAR outline diagram of single loads, without end overhang, on

open-top cars (AAR diagram).

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MIL-STD-1366E CONUS transport for equipment exceeding the AAR diagram.

For large equipment that cannot meet the AAR diagram, a special DOD rail
clearance diagram has been developed (see fig 3). Meeting the DOD diagram assures
strategic transport over rail lines considered important to the national defense, but
administrative delays are possible due to checking of clearances. When meeting the
DOD diagram is a requirement, new items of equipment shall be designed such that the
item outline is within the DOD diagram when placed on a 51-inch-high flatcar. Typical vehicle loading on flatcars.

Figures 4-5 show typical loading of vehicles on flatcars.

5.2.3 Foreign Rail. NATO railcar availability.

The flatcars listed in table 3 represent those available for military transport in NATO
countries. Railion, the railroad company in Germany, formerly known as DB (which
stood for Deutsche Bundesbahn or Die Bahn) manages the flatcars for western Europe.
The types and availability of railcars in other foreign countries vary from country to
country. Items of equipment shall be designed to fit on the flatcars listed in table 3,
when rail transport in NATO countries is a requirement.

Table 3. Characteristics of Railion (formerly DB) flatcars

Ty pical D eck D eck height Approximate
D esignation of D escription of Ty pical Load
D imensions Length abov e top of rail N umber
flatcars flatcars Limit (kg, lb)
by Width (mm, ft, in) (mm, ft, in) Av ailable

Li ght duty flatcar, 12 500 by 2770 1238

27 000 5,100
Ks/kbs/kls 2-axle, wi th removable 41.0 by 9.1 4.06
si de and end walls 492 by 109 48.7

18 500 by 2770 1305

Heavy duty flatcar, 50 500 2,800
Rs 60.7 by 9.1 4.28
4-axle 111,300
728 by 109 51.4

Heavy duty flatcar, 18 500 by 2770 1

55 000 4,100
Res 4-axle, wi th removable 60.7 by 9.11 4.06
si de walls 728 by 109 1 48.7

12 644 by 29041 1260

Heavy duty flatcar, 57 500 1,200
Rmms/Remms 4.5 by 9.51 4.13
4-axle, has dropsi des 126,760
498 by 114.31 49.6

Heavy duty flatcar,

8800 by 3150 1291
equi pped wi th stakes, 54 000 300
Rlmmps 28.9 by 10.3 4.24
4-axle, does not have 119,050
346.5 by 124.0 50.8

15 000 by 31101 1300

Heavy duty flatcar, 65 000 3,600
Samms 49.2 by 10.21 4.27
6-axle 143,300
591 by 122 1 51.2

1.The Res, Remms and Samms flatcars have drop si des or stakes. The wi dths shown are the full wi dths of these flatcars. For
unrestri cted rai l transport, the desi gner should use the followi ng as the maxi mum i tem/system wi dth :
Res - 2649 mm (8.69 feet, 104 i n.)
Remms - 2774 mm (9.1 feet, 109 i n.)
Samms - 2557 mm (8.39 feet, 101 i n.)

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144.0 (3657.6) 12.00

122.0 (3098.8) 10.17
97.0 (2463.8) 8.08

Dimensions are in inches (mm) feet




128.0 (3251.2) 10.67

112.0 (2844.8) 9.33
108.0 (2743.2) 9.00
40 96.0 (2438.4) 8.00 45
(1016.0) (1143.0)
88.0 (2235.2) 7.33 3.75
2.75 (69.9) 0.23

Top of rails
15 (381.0) 1.25 (228.6)

Figure 3. DOD rail clearance diagram.

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Figure 4. Typical vehicle loading on HTTX flatcar (the OTTX layout is similar).

Figure 5. Typical vehicle loading on TTDX flatcar (the ITTX layout is similar).

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MIL-STD-1366E NATO Rail.

When unrestricted foreign rail transport is a requirement, the item of equipment
shall be designed to meet requirements (1) through (5) in the definition of ordinary
transport military equipment (see when placed on a 1305 mm (4.28 ft, 51.4 in.)
high flatcar. STANAG 2175 defines two types of equipment - ordinary transport military
equipment and exceptional transport military equipment. This is based on the Rs flatcar.
Table 3 shows that the worst-case for European rail transport is the Rs flatcar.

a. Ordinary transport military equipment. Ordinary transport military equipment

consists of wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, and equipment that presents all the
following characteristics:

(1) Indivisible weight not exceeding 20 000 kg (44,092 lb).

(2) Length not exceeding 12 500 mm (41.01 ft, 492.1 in.).

(3) Load distribution: 16 500 kg (36,376 lb) maximum over a length of 25 000
mm (8.20 ft, 98.4 in.).

(4) Require no lowering of the carrying flatcar’s drop sides.

(5) The flatcar/equipment unit conforms to the Gabarit International de

Chargement (GIC), with a loading tolerance of 15 mm (0.59 in.) per half-width. The 15
mm (0.59 in.) per half-width tolerance allows for some error in the placement of an item
on a railcar. In other words, the equipment must be within the GIC by at least 15 mm
(0.59 in.) measured horizontally.

b. Exceptional transport military equipment. Exceptional transport military

equipment consists of wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, and equipment that present
at least one of the following characteristics:

(1) Indivisible weight over 20 000 kg (44,092 lb).

(2) Length over 12 500 mm (41.01 ft, 492.1 in.).

(3) Load distribution: more than 16 500 kg (36,376 lb) over a length of 25 000
mm (8.20 ft, 98.4 in.).

(4) Require lowering of flatcar’s drop sides. (see table 3)

(5) The flatcar/equipment unit is not in conformity with (exceeds) the GIC
diagram (see fig 6). The GIC diagram does not include the 15 mm (0.59 in.) per half-
width tolerance.

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3150 (124.02) 10.33

2000 (78.74) 6.56

(31.50) 2.62

1675 (65.94) 5.50

Radius center is offset 4280
from vertical centerline. (168.50)

Dimensions are in mm (inches) feet 4000

2980 (117.32) 9.78 (125.00)
2820 111.02 9.25

2450 (96.46) 8.04

2360 92.91 7.74

2020 (79.53) 6.63

1500 (59.06) 4.92


400 (15.75) 1.31

140 (5.51) 0.46
130 (5.12) 0.43 Top of rails 230 (9.06) 0.75

Figure 6. GIC Diagram.

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c. Military equipment not ordinary or exceptional for transport. Items that have
dimensions that exceed the ordinary transport criteria but do not exceed the GIC
diagram (see fig 6) are not classified as either ordinary or exceptional transport. These
items must be centered on the flatcar longitudinal centerline to avoid an exceptional
transport military equipment classification. NATO rail transport on major rail lines.

Items of equipment that do not meet GIC diagram clearances may still be
transported on the major NATO rail lines provided they meet envelope M (see fig 7).
When transport on major NATO rail lines is a requirement, the item of equipment shall
be designed to be within the envelope M gauge when placed on a 1305 mm (4.28 ft,
51.4 in.) high flatcar. Other foreign rail clearances.

Rail transport clearances in foreign countries other than NATO will vary from
country to country. Information on Korean flatcars is listed in table 4 and the Korean rail
clearance diagram is shown in figure 8. For simplicity, when unrestricted foreign rail
transport in countries other than NATO and Korea is a requirement, the item shall meet
the requirements of paragraph, unless specific detailed requirements are known.

Table 4. Korean flatcar characteristics

Ty pical D eck Ty pical D eck D eck height Approximate

D esignation of D escription of Ty pical Load
Length Width abov e top of rail N umber
flatcars flatcars Limit (kg, lb)
(mm, ft, in) (mm, ft, in) (mm, ft, in) Av ailable

15000 2900 1200

49 986
50T 6-axle 49.21 9.51 3.94 600
590.6 114.2 47.2

15300 3500 1400

69 853
70T 6-axle 50.20 11.48 4.59 120
620.4 137.8 55.1

5.2.4 Comparison of loading diagrams.

When the various loading diagrams are superimposed (see fig 9), it becomes clear
that meeting one diagram does not ensure meeting others.

5.2.5 Rail impact testing.

Rail transport in North America subjects items of equipment to severe longitudinal
forces. Therefore, items of equipment requiring rail transport must undergo testing to
determine suitability for rail transport. The MIL-STD-810 rail impact test is used to
validate the structural integrity of the item and the adequacy of the item’s tiedown
provisions and procedures. Any item that passes the MIL­STD-810 test should be
capable of rail transport without damage to the item or tiedowns.

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3470 (136.61) 11.38

3410 (134.25) 11.19

3250 (127.95) 10.66

(49.61) 4.13 4375
1850 (72.83) 6.07 14.35
2170 (85.43) 7.12 13.94
2600 (102.36) 8.53 13.62
2955 3040 (119.69) 9.97 (154.13)
(116.34) 12.84
9.69 3496
2755 (137.64)
(108.46) 11.47
Dimensions are in mm (inches) feet 3250
1875 (127.95)
(73.82) 10.66
1185 3050
(46.65) (120.08)
3.89 Top of rails 10.01

3150 (124.02) 10.33

3400 (133.86) 11.15

3510 (138.19) 11.52

Figure 7. NATO Envelope M (formerly Envelope B).

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3600 (141.73) 11.81

3400 (133.86) 11.15

2700 (106.30) 8.86

1960 (77.17) 6.43

Dimensions are in mm (inches) feet (177.17)
3200 (125.98) 10.50 10.17

2900 (114.17) 9.51

(49.21) 2600 (102.36) 8.53

50 (1.97) 0.16
350 Top of rails

Figure 8. Korean clearance diagram.

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DOD diagram

AAR diagram


Envelope M
Korean diagram

Top of rails

Figure 9. Comparison of loading diagrams.

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5.3 Water Transportation.

5.3.1 General.

Water transport is used for both strategic and tactical deployments. During
strategic deployment, the majority of U.S. Army equipment will be transported by ship.
Marine Corps equipment belonging to the assault follow-on-echelon (AFOE) will be
transported by strategic sealift ships. The Military Sealift Command (MSC) provides
common-user sealift across the range of military operations. Under normal peacetime
conditions, the MSC force consists of government-owned ships as well as privately
owned ships under charter to MSC. MSC resources available to the DTS beyond
MSC’s active peacetime fleet are fast sealift ships (FSS), large medium-speed roll-on/
roll-off (LMSR) ships, and pre-positioned ships. As a key element of sea basing, afloat
pre-positioning provides the military equipment and supplies for a contingency forward
deployed in key ocean areas before it is needed. The MSC Pre-positioning Program
supports the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the Defense Logistics
Agency. Pre-positioning ships remain at sea, ready to deploy on short-notice the vital
equipment, fuel and supplies to initially support our military forces in the event of a
contingency. The Pre-positioning Program consists of 34 at-sea ships plus 2 aviation
support ships kept in reduced operating status. These ships are pre-loaded with military
equipment and supplies needed for a war or other contingency and they are
strategically positioned in key ocean areas. The Prepositioning Program is divided into
three separate elements: the Combat Prepositioning Force (CPF), the Maritime
Prepositioning Force (MPF) and the Logistics Prepositioning ships. Sixteen MPF ships
carry equipment and supplies for the U.S. Marine Corps. Currently, 10 CPF ships
provide quick-response delivery of Army equipment for ground forces from strategic
locations in the world’s oceans. Ten Logistics Prepositioning Force ships (mostly
tankers and dry cargo ships) are loaded primarily with Defense Logistics Agency fuels,
Air Force ammunition, Marine Corps aviation support equipment, and Navy munitions.
The MPS and APS ships are available for common use after initial discharge and
release by the theater commander.

The Maritime Administration (MARAD) is the DOT agency responsible for

administering federal laws and programs designed to support and maintain a U.S.
merchant marine capable of meeting the Nation’s needs. It is responsible for managing
the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF), which contains the Ready Reserve Fleet
(RRF). As of February 2006, the RRF consists of 58 reserve ships maintained and
crewed by MARAD and which can be activated in 4, 5, 10 or 20 days. MSC inspects the
ships and accepts them. When activated, RRF ships come under the operational
control of MSC. The RRF includes government-owned tankers, crane ships, roll-on/roll-
off (RORO) ships, lighter aboard ships, modular cargo delivery system ships, and heavy
lift ships. Because of their configurations, RRF ships are uniquely capable of handling
bulky, oversized military equipment. The shortage of RORO ships in the U.S.
commercial market makes the RRF especially valuable.

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The U.S. commercial dry cargo fleet consists of four conventional ship types:
breakbulk, container, barge carriers, and RORO. Various combinations of these four
ship types also exist. For example, combination container/breakbulk, container/RORO,
and container/barge vessels are in service.

For additional information on maritime vessels not covered in this standard, please
see TEA Pamphlet 700-4, Vessel Characteristics for Shiploading, available at http://

5.3.2 Breakbulk general-cargo ships.

Breakbulk vessels are designated as such because of their ability to carry a variety
of cargoes in various forms. These vessels can transport bagged, boxed, palletized,
refrigerated, and limited containerized cargo. The configuration of a conventional
breakbulk vessel is a weather deck with a series of cargo holds beneath. The cargo
holds are divided by ‘tween’ decks and accessed by a series of hatches. Cargo
operations on a breakbulk vessel are lift on/lift off (LOLO). Since each hold on a
breakbulk vessel is serviced by ship’s gear (booms, cranes, winches, and so forth),
these vessels are considered to be self-sustaining. Although the breakbulk vessel is not
the preferred vessel to transport tracked and wheeled military equipment, it does have
the capability to offload equipment without the use of shoreside cranes. The normal
constraints encountered with breakbulk vessels are low overhead clearances, limited
deck strengths, limited lifting capability of ship’s gear, and slow speed of cargo
operations. Table 5 gives dimensional and weight capability data for two representative
classes of breakbulk vessels.

5.3.3 Containerships. General.
Modern containerships (including combination ships) are designed to carry all or
part of their cargo load in containers/flatracks (20 (6.1 m) or 40-foot-long (12.2 m)). The
containership allows containers to be secured without use of dunnage. Containerships
also have the capability for transporting containers that are stacked on the hatch covers.
S/E is transportable on containerships within containers, on flatracks, or on the hatch
covers. Full containerships.

These vessels carry containers/flatracks as their normal full cargo load and have
little or no capability for carrying other types of cargo except for the cargo placed on the
hatch covers. Containerships are configured for the stacked stowage of containers both
in the space below the main deck and on the main deck (frequently referred to as the
weather deck). Since the vast majority of containerships are non-self-sustaining (that is,
lack an installed crane system), cargo operations require the use of shoreside container
gantry cranes, floating derrick cranes or auxiliary crane ships (T-ACS). Under certain
circumstances, mobile cranes could be placed on the weather deck of containerships to

Table 5. Deck and hatch characteristics of typical breakbulk vessels

H atch Opening H eight in H old Allowable D eck Load

B oom Lift C apacity
MAR AD D esign H old N o. Length by Width Minimum to Maximum Minimum to Maximum
(LTON , lb, kg)
(ft, m) 1 (ft, m) 2 (lb per ft2, kP a)

C ape G C lass 28' 6" by 22' 6" 7' 8" to 18' 0" 335 to 1,750
1 13.4, 30,000, 13 615
(2 shi ps) 8.9 by 6.9 2.3 to 5.5 16 to 83.8
42' 6" by 24' 6" 8' 10" to 18' 3" 335 to 1,875 35.8, 80,000, 36 374
13.0 by 7.5 2.7 by 5.6 16 to 83.8
21' 3" by 25' 6" 8' 10" to 9' 4" 335 to 1,875 17.8, 40,000, 18 085
6.5 by 7.8 2.7 by 2.8 16 to 83.8
42' 6" by 25' 6" 8' 2" to 9' 0" 335 to 1,875 35.8, 80,000, 36 374
13.0 by 7.8 2.5 by 2.7 16 to 83.8
17' 6" by 25' 6" 8' 9" to 14' 6" 335 to 1,250 17.8, 40,000, 18 085
9.09 by 7.59 2.6 to 4.4 16 to 59.8
35' 0" by 25' 6" 9' 2" to 14' 4" 335 to 785
6 35.8, 80,000 36 374
10.7 by 7.8 2.8 by 4.3 16 to 37.5
27' 6" by 25' 6" 8' 6" to 15' 0" 335 to 785
7 13.4, 30,000, 13 615
8.4 by 7.8 2.6 by 4.5 16 to 37.5
P i oneer C mdr 27' 0" by 16' 0" 7' 10" to 13' 2" 400 to 1,000 10, 22,400, 10,000
(+ 2 si ster shi ps) 8.23 by 4.88 2.39 to 4.01 19.3 to 47.6

10 and 15
42' 6" by 23' 0" 10' 3" to 12' 2" 495 to 1,865 22,400 and 33,600
12.95 by 7.01 3.12 to 3.71 30.0 to 89.3 10,000 and 15,000

10 and 15 and 70
42' 6" by 16' 0" 8' 7" to 14' 10" 430 to 1,740 22,400 and 33,600 and 156,800
12.95 by 4.88 2.62 to 4.52 20.6 to 83.4 10,000 and 15,000 and 70,000
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10 and 15 and 60
42' 6" by 23' 0" 7' 11" to 14' 10" 390 to 1,740 22,400 and 33,600 and 134,400
12.95 by 4.88 24.13 to 45.21 18.7 to 82.3 10,000 and 15,000 and 60,000

10 and 15
35' 0" by 23' 0" 8' 3" to 12' 11" 380 to 1,630 22,400 and 33,600
10.69 by 7.01 25.15 to 39.37 18.2 to 78.1 10,000 and 15,000

35' 0" by 23' 0" 7' 9" to 8' 8" 390 to 1,260 10, 22,400, 10,000
10.69 by 7.01 23.11 to 26.42 18.7 to 60.3
1. Values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 12" (.3 m) from the li sted values to ensure adequate clearance.
2. Values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 6" (.15 m) from the li sted values to ensure adequate clearance. The hi gher values are di rectly
under the hatches.
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facilitate the offload of containers at unimproved ports. This was successfully tested in
two Turbo CADS exercises.

5.3.4 Combination ships.

A combination vessel employs the cargo operation features of the combined ship
types making up its configuration. For example, a combination RORO and container
vessel may have a stern ramp, RORO decks, and holds configured for the stowage of
containers. Table 6 provides the characteristics for carrying breakbulk cargo on
combination ships.

5.3.5 Barge Carriers General.
Barge carriers are designed to carry specially designed barges or a combination of
such barges and containers. These barges are loaded or discharged at berths by
shore-based cranes. When cargo operations are complete, the barges are ferried by
tugs or other similar watercraft to the barge carrier, or mothership, where the barges are
brought aboard the vessel. The two types of barge carrying systems are the lighter
aboard ship (LASH) and the sea barge (SEABEE). The basic differences between the
two types of barge carriers are their methods of discharging, retrieving, and stowing
barges. LASH.
The LASH is a single-decked vessel with large hatches, wing-tank arrangements,
and a clear access to the stern. The LASH has a rail-mounted gantry crane with a
cargo handling capability of up to 446 LT (999,040 lb, 453 157 kg). This crane can
travel the entire length of the cargo area. The function of this crane is to convey barges
or lighterage from the stowed location aboard the ship to the stern region and to lower
the barges or lighterage into the water. Different classes of LASH ships have capacities
ranging from 49 to 89 barges or a mixture of LASH barges and military lighterage. LASH Lighters (barges).

Figure 10 shows specific LASH barge characteristics. The interior of the barge is
fitted with two levels of tiedowns. The first level consists of five tiedowns per side and
four per end and are located 2 feet 6 inches (.76 m) above the deck. The second level
has the same number of tiedowns as the first level, located 8 feet (2.44 m) above the
deck. The external dimensions of LASH barges are 61 feet 6 inches long by 31 feet 2
inches wide with a clear hatch opening of 26 feet by 44 feet. The internal dimensions
are 59 feet 11 inches long by 30 feet 1 inch wide. The minimum overhead clearance
within the barge is 9 feet 11 inches. The barge has stacking spacers that provide about
1-foot of additional overhead clearance when the hatch covers of the individual barge
are not used. The use of spacers provides an approximate class height of 13 feet 6
inches in the hatch square of the barge. The typical empty LASH barge weighs 80

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Table 6. Deck and hatch characteristics of a typical combination vessel

MAR AD H eight in H old Allowable D eck

H atch Opening
D esign Minimum to Load Minimum to B oom Lift C apacity
Length by Width
C ape N ome Maximum Maximum (LTON , lb, kg)
(ft, m) 1
H old N o. (ft, m) 2 (lb per ft2, kPa)
41' 11" by 8' 10"
12.77 by 2.69 5
(port and starboard) 13' 1" to 22' 6" 380 to 810 11,200
41' 11" by 17' 3" 3.98 to 6.86 18.19 to 38.78 5000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 17' 11"
12.78 by 5.46 30
(port and starboard) 16' 0" to 22' 6" 340 to 810 67,200
41' 11" by 17' 3" 4.88 to 6.86 16.28 to 38.78 30 000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 25' 8"
12.78 by 7.82 70
(port and starboard) 13'7" to22' 6" 650 to 2,450 156,800
41' 11" by 17' 3" 44.14 to 6.86 31.12 to 117.31 70,000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 25' 8"
12.78 by 7.82 30 and 70
(port and starboard) 15' 9" to 22' 6" 650 to 2,450 67,200 and 156,800
41' 11" by 17' 3" 4.80 to 6.86 31.12 to 117.31 30 000 and 70 000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 25' 8"
12.78 by 7.82 30 and 70
(port and starboard) 15' 9" to 22' 6" 650 to 2,450 67,200 and 156,800
41' 11" by 17' 3" 4.80 to 6.86 31.12 to 117.31 30 000 and 70 000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 25' 8"
12.78 by 7.82 30
(port and starboard) 15' 9" to 22' 6" 650 to 2,450 67,200
41' 11" by 17' 3" 4.80 to 6.86 31.12 to 117.31 30 000
12.78 by 5.26
41' 11" by 25' 8"
16' 9" to 22' 6" 190 to 490 11,200
7 12.78 by 7.82
5.11 to 6.86 9.10 to 23.46 5000
(port and starboard)

1. Values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 12" (.3 m) from the li sted values to
ensure adequate clearance.
2. Values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 6" (.15 m) from the li sted values to
ensure adequate clearance. The hi gher values are di rectly under the hatches.

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Figure 10. LASH barge characteristics.

LTON (179,200 lbs; 81 284 kg) and has an average cargo capacity of 370 LTON
(828,800 lb; 375 937 kg) The draft ranges from 2 feet 9 inches to 8 feet from light to
loaded, respectively. SEABEE.
The SEABEE is arranged much differently from the LASH in that it has three decks
on which the cargo barges are stowed. Barges are brought to each deck level by a
stern mounted, submersible 2000 LTON (4,480,000 lb; 2 032 094 kg) ship’s elevator
and are moved internally within the ship by the Transporter (conveyor) System. Two
barges can be loaded or discharged simultaneously in a cycle of about 40 minutes. The
SEABEE ship is the preferred ship to transport Army watercraft such as the landing craft
utility (LCU) and lighter amphibious resupply cargo (LARC). Each SEABEE carrier has
a capacity of 38 barges, however, only 24 barges are currently available per vessel.
The spatial characteristics of the SEABEE barge are shown in figure 11. The overhead
clearance directly below the hatch opening is 14 feet 7 inches, and 3 feet from the
forward and aft ends – the overhead clearance is 11 feet 3 inches. The clear opening,
with all hatch covers removed, is 84 feet 0 inches by 30 feet 3 inches. The overhead
clearance below the hatch opening of the barges loaded on the weather deck can be
increased to 16 feet 11 inches by leaving off the hatch covers. The typical empty
SEABEE barge weighs 166 LTON (371,840 lbs; 168 664 kg) and has a cargo capacity
of 834 LTON (1,868,160; 847 383). The draft ranges from 1 feet 9 inches to 10 feet 7
inches from light to loaded, respectively.

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Figure 11. SEABEE barge dimensional data.

5.3.6 Roll-on/roll-off (RORO) ships. General.
RORO vessels are designed primarily as vehicle transports. Some modern RORO
vessels not only carry vehicles but also carry a combination of containers and/or
breakbulk cargo. Cargo includes helicopters, wheeled, tracked, self-propelled, and
towed vehicles. Rapid cargo loading and discharge rates characterize RORO vessels.
The rapid movement of cargo is accomplished by a series of external and internal
ramps. Most RORO ships have external ramps that rest on the pier, allowing access to
the cargo holds. To maintain safe operations, the ramp angle for loading/unloading
procedures is not greater than 15°. When designing wheeled or tracked equipment, the
materiel developer/contractor must allow for adequate clearance underneath the vehicle
to prevent contact at the ramp crest/toe for a 15° ramp and enough clearance above the
vehicle to prevent projection interference problems. The cargo holds of RORO ships
are typically large, open bays, where equipment may be driven into, parked, and lashed
down. For this reason, RORO ships are considered to be self-sustaining. Because of
the versatility of these vessels, they are ideally suited for the movement of unit
equipment. Figure 12 illustrates traffic flow while loading a typical RORO ship.

1. All hatch covers are closed.
2. All watertight doors are shown open.
3. A-B and B-C hoistable decks are in raised position.

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Figure 12. Typical RORO loading traffic flow (USNS Gordon).

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MIL-STD-1366E Large Medium speed roll-on/roll-off ships (LMSR).

The DOD Mobility Requirements Study (MRS), 22 April 1991, identified a shortfall
of 2 million square feet (185 806 m2) in pre-positioned equipment and 3 million square
feet (278 709 m2) for surge sealift to carry equipment from U.S. ports to meet selected
conflict/contingency requirements. As a result of this study, DOD established a program
to procure 19 LMSR ships. Five of these ships were container-ships that were
converted to LMSR configuration (2 converted at Newport News Shipyard and 3
converted at NASSCO Shipyard). One of the NASSCO converted ships was
reconfigured and converted into a Maritime Pre-positioning Force-Enhanced (MPF-E)
ship. Since this vessel went to the Marine Corps, NASSCO shipyard received a
contract to build a 15th new construction ship to replace the vessel that was redesigned
for the MPF-E. All of the LMSRs are under the control of the MSC (9 LMSRs (8 Army &
1 Marine) are pre-positioned and 11 are in the surge fleet).

Since the conversion and new construction LMSRs were built in different shipyards,
their size and design are not the same. Ships built in the same shipyard are alike, that
is, the ships converted at the NASSCO shipyard have the same design (with the
exception of the reconfigured MPF-E ship) and the ships converted at the Newport
News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company shipyard have the same design. The new
construction ships are larger than the conversion ships. Tables 7-9 provide the specific
hold, ramp, and hatch information for the USNS GORDON (a representative LMSR
conversion). Figure 13 shows the USNS GORDON’s inboard profile, figure 14 shows
the deck arrangements, while figure 15 illustrates typical side and end ramp positions.
Figure 16 illustrates a typical lashing pattern of 6-foot centers with a cloverleaf socket
located in the approximate center of each 6-foot by 6-foot square. Fast sealift ships (FSS).

The U.S. Navy owns eight fast sealift ships (T-AKR), which are normally kept in
reduced operating status, but can fully activate and be underway to load ports within 96
hours. These vessels have secondary container and breakbulk capabilities. The FSS
is a side-ramp loading vessel. Figure 17 shows the detailed inboard profile of the FSS
vessels and tables 10 and 11 give specific hold and ramp information. Figure 18 shows
the deck layout of the FSS. Figure 19 illustrates a typical lashing pattern of cloverleaf
sockets spaced approximately 6-feet apart, forward to aft and port to starboard
throughout deck. Cape D class.

The Cape D class of RORO ships were designed and built as commercial vehicle
transporters. Currently, these vessels are configured as wheeled and tracked RORO
carriers with some container stowage capability. Table 12 provides Cape D vessel
characteristics. Cape H class.

The Cape H class RORO ships were designed as combination RORO and

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Table 7. LMSR hold summary (USNS Gordon)

H atch Opening B oom Lift R OR O

H eight in H old Allowable D eck Load
D eck H old Length by Width C apacity StowageArea (ft2 ,
(ft, m) (lb per ft2,kPa)
(ft, m) (LTON , lb, kg) m2)
02 Level 3 58' 8" by 18' 6" 15' 6" 350 113 14,502
17.9 m by 5.63 m 4.7 m 16.8 253,120 1347
113 000
A Fwd 1 68' 1" by 31' 11" 15' 6" 350 113 9,389
20.8 m by 9.72 m 4.7 m 16.8 253,120 872
2 68' 1" by 31' 11" 15' 6" 350 113 000 11,411
20.8 m by 9.72 m 4.7 m 16.8 1060
A Enclosed 3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 15' 6" 550 113 22,703
16.5 m by 4.9 m 4.7 m 26.3 253,120 2105
3 dri ve thru 10' 6" 550 113 000 2,016
3.2 m 26.3 187
A Aft 4 N/A 10' 6" 350 N/A 8,820
3.2 m 16.8 819
A-B1 1 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" 200 N/A 6,663
Hoi stable 2 16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.3 m 9.6 619
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" 200 10,836
16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.3 m 9.6 1007
54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" 200 12,767
16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.3 m 9.6 1186
B 1 54' 1" by 16' 1" 13' 0" (4.0 m) and 550, 26.3 113 7,985 (742) and
16.5 m by 4.9 m 21' 0" (6.4 m) 2 253,120 2,291 (213) 2
2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 13' 0" (4.0 m) and 550, 26.3 113 000 12,251 (1138) and
16.5 m by 4.9 m 21' 0" (6.4 m) 2 2,691 (250) 2
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 13' 0" (4.0 m) and 550, 26.3 14,998 (1393) and
16.5 m by 4.9 m 21' 0" (6.4 m) 2 1,187 (110) 2
4 15' 6" (4.7 m) 550, 26.3 15,181 (1410)
B-C1 2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" 200, 9.6 N/A 11,030
Hoi stable 16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.3 m 1025
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" 200, 9.6 12,177
16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.3 m 1131
C 1 54' 1" by 16' 1" 15' 6" (4.7 m) 550 113 6,143
16.5 m by 4.9 m 26.3 253,120 571
2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" (2.3 m) and 550 113 000 12,564 (1167) and
16.5 m by 4.9 m 15' 6" (4.7 m) 2 26.3 1,214 (113) 2
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 7' 6" (2.3 m) and 550 13,346 (1240) and
16.5 m by 4.9 m 15' 6" (4.7 m) 2 26.3 1,232 (114) 2
4 12' 0" (3.7 m) 550 13,873
26.3 1289

D 1 54' 1" by 16' 1" 10' 6" 550 113 3,200

16.5 m by 4.9 m 3.2 m 26.3 253,120 297
2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 10' 6" 550 113 000 12,325
16.5 m by 4.9 m 3.2 m 26.3 1145
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 10' 6" 550 15,076
16.5 m by 4.9 m 3.2 m 26.3 1401
4 12' 0" 550 8,080
3.7 m 26.3 751
E 2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 10' 6" 550 113 10,127
16.5 m by 4.9 m 3.2 m 26.3 253,120 941
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 10" 6" 550 113 000 15,068
16.5 m by 4.9 m 3.2 m 26.3 1400
F 2 54' 1" by 16' 1" 9' 4" 550 113 5,447
16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.8 m 26.3 253,120 506
3 54' 1" by 16' 1" 9' 4" 550 113 000 11,136
16.5 m by 4.9 m 2.8 m 26.3 1035
1. These decks can be rai sed i n secti ons to i ncrease the hei ght of the deck below.
2. Under the deck hatch. For desi gn purposes, subtract 6" from the lower li sted values to ensure adequate clearance.

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Table 8. LMSR fixed-ramp characteristics (USNS Gordon)

Vertical Strength
R amp 1
Width (ft-in., m) Area (ft2, m2)
C learance (lb per ft2 , kPa)

A/B (fwd) 15 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 2443, 227
4.7 m
A/B (aft) 15 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 1635, 152
4.7 m
B/C (fwd) 15 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 1573, 146
4.7 m.
B/C (aft) 12 ft 0 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 408, 38
3.7 m
C /D (fwd) 10 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 1562, 145
3.2 m
C /D (aft) 12 ft 0 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 1434, 133
3.7 m
D /E 10 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 1655, 154
3.2 m
E/F 9 ft 6 i n., 16 ft. 0 i n., 4.9 m 550, 26.3 1249, 116
2.9 m
02/A 15 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 350, 16.8 1600, 149
4.7 m
B4 7 ft 6 i n., 18 ft. 0 i n., 5.5 m 550, 26.3 572, 53
2.3 m
1. Vehi cles can be stowed on all ramps.

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Table 9. Cargo hold door dimensions and locations (USNS Gordon)

D imensions
D eck H old Location Ty pe
(W x H )

A 3 22' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door, portsi de aft Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 3.2 m Waterti ght
A 3 22' 1" X 15' 6" 1 door, portsi de Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 4.7 m forward Waterti ght
A 4 18' 1" X 16' 11" 1 door, mi d ramp Top-hi nged - Fi re
5. 5 m X 5.2 m from A-B
B 3 18' 1" X 16' 1" 1 door, bottom of Verti cal Sli di ng - Fi re
5.5 m X 4.9 m ramp from A-B
B 3 18' 1" X 16' 1" 1 door, top of Top-hi nged - Fi re
5.5 m X 4.9 m ramp from A-B Weatherti ght
C 2 22' 1" X 15' 6" 1 door port, 1 door Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 4.7 m starboard Waterti ght
C 3 22' 1" X 16' 8" 1 door, portsi de Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 5.1 m Waterti ght
C 3 18' 1" X 16' 0" 1 door, starboard Hori zontal Sli di ng -
5.5 m X 4.9 Waterti ght
D 2 22' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door, starboard Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 3.2 m Waterti ght
D 3 22' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door port, 1 door Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 3.2 m starboard Waterti ght
D 3 18' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door, bottom of Top-hi nged - Fi re
5.5 m X 3.2 m ramp from C to D
E 3 22' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door port, 1 door Hori zontal Sli di ng -
6.7 m X 3.2 m starboard Waterti ght
E 3 18' 1" X 10' 6" 1 door, bottom of Hori zontal Sli di ng - Fi re
5.5 m X 3.2 m rampfrom D to E
F 3 18' 0" X 9' 6" 1 door port, 1 door Hori zontal Sli di ng -
5.5 m X 2.9 m starboard Waterti ght

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Figure 13. Typical LMSR inboard profile (USNS Gordon).

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Figure 14a. USNS GORDON deck plan for the 02 Level and A Deck.
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Figure 14b. USNS GORDON deck plan for the AB and A decks.
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Figure 14c. USNS GORDON deck plan for the BC and C decks.
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Figure 14d. USNS GORDON deck plan for the D, E, and F decks.
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Figure 15. Typical LMSR end/side ramp positions (USNS Gordon).

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Figure 16. Typical LMSR lashing pattern.

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Figure 17. FSS inboard profile.

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Figure 18a. FSS deck layout.

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Figure 18b. FSS deck layout continued.

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Figure 18c. FSS deck layout continued.

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Table 10. FSS Hold Summary

H atch Opening R OR O C lear LOLO C lear Allowable D eck
H old D eck Length by Width H eight H eight L o ad
(ft, m) (ft, m) 2 (ft, m) 2 (lb per ft2, kPa)
1 Mai n 38' x 21', 11.6 x 6.4 N/A 8' 0", 2.4 200, 9.58
Second 35' 3" x 18' 8", 10.7 x 5.7 8' 0", 2.4 N/A 200, 9.58
37 ft Flat 17' x 18', 5.2 x 5.5 N/A 12' 8", 3.9 200, 9.58

2 Weather 68' 0" x 31' 6", 20.7 x 9.6 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 200, 9.58
A 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 19' 6", 5.9 525, 25.14
B 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
C 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
D N/A 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
E N/A 8' 2", 2.5 N/A 200, 9.58
3 Weather 68' 0" x 31' 6", 20.7 x 9.6 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 200, 9.58
A 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 19' 6", 5.9 525, 25.14
B 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
C 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
D 54' x 16', 16.5 x 4.9 13' 0", 4.0 13' 6", 4.1 525, 25.14
E 25' x 16', 7.6 x 4.9 8' 2", 2.5 8' 6", 2.6 525, 25.14
4 Weather N/A 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 200, 9.58
A N/A 13' 0", 4.0 19' 6", 5.9 525, 25.14
B N/A 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 525, 25.14
C N/A 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 525, 25.14
D N/A 13' 0", 4.0 N/A 525, 25.14
E N/A 8' 2", 2.5 N/A 200, 9.58
1. The boom li ft capaci ty of all holds i s 70 LTON (156,800 lb, 7000 kg).
2. RORO clear hei ghts are based on smallest constrai nts (hei ght of waterti ght doors) on route from si de port openi ng
to hold. These values are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 6" from the RORO and LOLO clear hei ghts
to ensure adequate clearance

Table 11. FSS Fixed-ramp characteristics

Leading Width H eight R amp S trength

(ft, m) 1 (ft, m) 1 (lb per ft2, kP a)
From To
2nd D eck B D e ck 12' 0", 3.7 10' 0", 3.0 525, 25.14
A D e ck B D e ck 18' 0", 5.5 13' 0", 4.0 525, 25.14
B D e ck C D e ck 18' 0", 5.5 13' 0", 4.0 525, 25.14
C D e ck D D e ck 18' 0", 5.5 13' 0", 4.0 525, 25.14
D D e ck E D e ck 12' 10", 3.9 13' 0", 4.0 525, 25.14
MD (aft) A D e ck 12' 0", 3.7 8' 4", 2.5 200, 9.58
1. The wi dth and hei ght values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 12"
from the wi dth values and 6" from the hei ght values to ensure adequate clearance. Vehi cles may
be stowed on all ramps except the MD aft ramp (no ti edowns).

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Table 12. RORO Ship characteristics

R amp
C rane C argo D eck R amp
Total D eck N o. of Ac c e s s
Vessel N o. of Length B eam C apacity D eadweight H eight C apacity
Area L o we r D oor
C lass ships (ft, m) (ft, m) (LTON , lb, (LTON , lb, R an g e (LTON ,
(ft2, m2) D ecks 1 (width by
kg ) kg ) (ft, m) 2 lb, kg)
(ft, m) 3
199,362 to
70 14,210 8' 0" to 30' 0" by 72.0
946 106 206,963
FS S 8 156,800 31,830,400 5 19' 6" 13' 1" 161,280
288 32 18 521 to
71 124 14 438 269 2.4 to 5.9 9.1 by 3.99 73 155 4
19 228
387,662 to
113 19,039 7' 6" to 40' 0" by 125.0
LMSR 950' 106 392,584
15 253,120 42,647,360 6 21' 0" 16' 0" 280,000
(new) 290 32 36 015 to
114 813 19 344 576 2.3 to 6.4 12.2 by 4.9 125 000
36 472
907 to 302,087 to
106 113 15,205 5' 5" to 23' 0" by 125.0
LMSR 956 321,831
4 32 253,120 34,059,200 6/7 17' 9" 17' 0" 280,000
(conversi on) 276 to 28 065 to
114 813 15 449 040 1.6 to 5.4 7.0 by 5.2 125 000
291 29 899
18,450 5' 5" to 23' 0" by 65.0
680 97 167,359
C ape D 5 N/A 43,292,480 4 17' 10" 1 7 '' 0 " 145,600
207 30 15 548
18 746 123 1.6 to 5.4 7.0 by 5.2 65 000
36 19,327 9' 6" to 34' 4" by 128.0
653 94 161,372
C ape E 1 80,640 42,608,710 4 19' 0" 18' 3" 286,661
199 29 14 992
36 000 19 637 198 2.9 to 5.8 10.5 by 5.6 130,000
39 28,278 5' 9" to 39' 4" by 225
750 106 214,365
C ape H 3 87,360 63,342,720 4 20' 7" 20' 8" 504,000
229 32 19 915
39 000 28 731 862 1.8 to 6.3 10.5 by 6.3 228 611
30 13,244 9' 11" to 40' 0" by 100.0
685 102 149,088
C ape I 4 67,200 29,666,560 4 17' 11" 16' 0" 224,000
209 31 13,851
30 000 13 456 466 3.0 to 5.5 12.2 by 4.9 100 000
21,599 10' 1" to 82' 0" by 200.0
696 106 146,895
C ape K 2 N/A 48,381,760 3 21' 11" 22' 11" 448,000
212 32 13 647
21 945 665 3.1 to 6.7 25.0 by 7.0 200 000
13,521 13' 8" to 12' 8" by 30.0
682 75 75,644
C ape L 2 N/A 30,287,040 3 17' 5" 14' 2" 67,200
208 23 7028
13 738 012 4.2 to 5.3 3.9 by 4.3 30 000
25 15,896 9' 10" to 24' 10" by 91.6
635 92 118,780
C ape O 1 56,000 35,607,040 4 20' 8" 22' 3' 205,184
194 28 11,035
25,401 16 151 130 2.0 to 6.3 7.6 by 6.8 93 070
41' 0" by
23' 6"
12.5 by 7.2
203 209
15,808 11' 2" to (stern)
648 106 176,313 (stern)
C ape R 3 N/A 35,409,920 4 22' 7" 21' 0" by
198 32 16 380 60.0
16,061,718 3.4 to 6.9 20' 4"
6.4 by 6.2
60 000
(si de)
(si de)

116,004 to 36' 8" by 157.0

10,309 10' 4" to
634 89 117,854 26' 7" 351,680
C ape T 3 N/A 23,092,160 3 13' 3"
193 27 10 777 to 11.2 by 8.2 159 519
10,272,459 3.1 to 4.0
10 949 (stern) (stern)
16,421 20' 2" to 23' 8" by 292.0
632 87 133,409
C ape V 2 N/A 36,783,040 3 13' 6" 20' 2" 654,080
193 27 12 394
16 684 557 6.1 to 4.1 7.2 by 6.1 296 687
22,473 8' 4" to 26' 3" by 186.0
697 106 295,958
C ape W 2 N/A 50,339,520 7 14' 6" 19' 6" 416,640
212 32 27 495
22 832 568 2.5 to 4.4 8.0 by 5.9 188 985

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Table 12. RORO Ship characteristics continued

C rane C argo D eck R amp R amp
Total D eck N o. of
Vessel N o. of Length B eam C apacity D eadweight H eight Ac c e s s C apacity
Area L o we r
C lass ships (ft, m) (ft, m) (LTON , lb, (LTON , lb, R an g e D oor (width (LTON ,
(ft2, m2) D ecks 1
kg ) kg ) (ft, m) 2 by height, lb, kg)
ft, m) 3
19' 0" by
12' 0"
5.8 by 3.7
60 7,486 6' 11" to 60.0
499 78 88,357 (stern)
C omet 1 134,400 16,768,640 4 17' 0" 134,400
152 24 8209 15' 0" by
60 963 7 606 150 2.1 to 5.2 60 000
12' 0"
4.6 by 3.7
(si de)
18' 0" by 56.0
13' 0" 125,440
5.5 by 3.4 56 000
70 9,460 8' 6" to
540 83 103,440 (stern) (stern)
Meteor 1 156,800 21,190,400 4 14' 0"
165 25 9610 15' 0" by 54
71 124 9 611 833 2.6 to 4.3
13' 0" 120,960
4.6 by 4.4 54 000
(si de) (si de)
17' 0" by
18' 0"
5.2 by 5.5
120 9,225 7' 11" to 124,992
Adm. Wi lli am 694 92 153,825 (stern)
1 268,800 20,664,000 4 14' 8" 55 800
M. C allaghan 12 28 14 291 15' 0" by
121 926 9 373 061 2.4 to 4.5 (stern and
13' 0"
si d e )
4.6 by 4.0
(si de)
117 19,278 6' 6" to 43' 0" by 66.0
673 106 184,511
MPS Amsea 5 262,080 43,182,720 7 15' 0" 15' 1" 147,840
205 32 17 142
118 878 19 587 411 2.0 to 4.6 13.1 by 4.6 66 000
21' 3" by
15' 4"
6.5 by 4.8
120 14,488 7' 8" to 147,840
755 90 140,697 (stern)
MPS Maersk 5 268,600 32,453,120 4 29' 6" 66 000
230 27 13 071 28' 0" by
121 926 14 720 532 2.3 to 9.0 (stern and
11' 0"
si d e )
8.5 by 3.4
(si de)
98.4 19,069 6' 6" to 44' 0" by 200.0
MPS 821 106 149,874
3 220,416 42,714,560 5 18' 0" 18' 1" 448,000
Waterman 250 32 13 924
99 979 19 375 057 2.0 to 5.5 13.4 by 5.5 203 210
1. The number of lower decks i ncludes any car or retractable decks.
2. The values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 6" from the maxi mum deck hei ght to ensure adequate
3. The values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 12" from the wi dth values and 6" from the hei ghts values to
ensure adequate clearance.
4. The number gi ve i s for pi ersi de operati ons. The ramp capaci ty for i nstream operati ons i s 54.9 LTON/122,976 lb/55 781 kg at sea
state 3.

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Figure 19. Typical FSS lashing pattern.

container carriers for operations in undeveloped ports. Lift-on operations are

accomplished with a 39-LTON single pedestal, single boom crane. Table 12 provides
Cape H vessel characteristics. Miscellaneous RORO vessels.

Other RORO vessels in the current RRF are shown in table 12.

5.3.7 Support Vessels.

To support cargo operations at undeveloped ports, the military is establishing a
fleet of support vessels. The auxiliary crane ships’ (T-ACS) primary function is to load or
discharge non-self-sustaining cargo. Tables 13-15 provide transport characteristics for
the T-ACS.

5.3.8 Logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) operations and inland waterways. General.
Once in the theater of operations, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps watercraft are
used for port, inland waterway, LOTS, and intratheater movement operations. These
watercraft support operations in and around seaports when port facilities are

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Table 13. Auxiliary ship characteristics

N o. Tandem Max
C argo
MAR AD of Length B eam Max D raft B oom
Ship N ame D eadweight
D esign shi- (ft, m) (ft, m) (ft, m) C apacity 1
(LTON , lb, kg)
ps (LTON , lb, kg)
C 6-S-1qd 3 Keystone State 669' 76' 33' 3" 9,779 105
(T-AC S 1) 203.9 23.2 10.1 21,904,960 335,200
Gem State 9,779,000 105 000
(T-AC S 2)
Grand C anyon State
(T-AC S 3)
C 5-S-MA73c 3 Gopher State 610' 78' 31' 7" 8,400 120
(T-AC S 4) 185.9 23.8 9.6 18,816,000 268,800
Fli ckertai l State 8,400,000 120 000
(T-AC S 5)
C ornhusker State
(T-AC S 6)
C 6-S-MA1xb 2 D i amond State 668' 76' 33' 4" 11,700 120
(T-AC S 7) 204 23.2 10.2 26,208,000 268,800
Equali ty State 11 700 000 120 000
(T-AC S-8)
C 6-S-MA60d 2 Green Mountai n State 665' 75' 32' 6,500 120
(T-AC S 9) 203 22.9 9.8 14,560,000 268,800
Beaver State 6 500 000 120 000
(T-AC S 10)
1. See Table 13 for T-AC S hatch data. See Table 14 for addi ti onal T-AC S crane capabi li ti es.

Table 14. Auxiliary ship hatch data

H atch D imensions
(ft, m) 1
H old D eck

C enter Port and Starboard

21' 0" by 19' 4"

1 Foc'sle
6.4 by 5.9

43' 3" by 26' 10" (P)

43' 3" by 18' 2" (S)
2 Mai n
13.2 by 8.2 (P)
13.2 by 5.5 (S)
43' 3" by 26' 10" (P&S)
3 Mai n
13.2 by 8.2
43' 3" by 26' 10" 43' 3" by 18'2" (P&S)
4, 4A , 4B Mai n
13.18 by 8.2 13.2 by 5.5
41' 11" by 26' 10"
5 Mai n
12.7 by 8.2
43' 3" by 26' 10"
6 Mai n
13.18 by 8.2
25' 10" by 26' 10"
7 Mai n
7.9 by 8.2
1. The values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, substract 12" (.3m) from the length and
wi dth values to ensure adequate clearance.

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Table 15. T-ACS Ship Crane Capabilities

Single H oist 1 Twin H oist 1

Tandem H oist
Ship (below hook) (below equaliz ing beam)
(LTON , ft/lb, ft/kg, m)
(LTON , ft/lb, ft/kg, m) (LTON , ft/lb, ft/kg, m)
30 LTON @ 121' 30 LTON @ 96' 105 LTON @ 65'
T-AC S 1/2/3 67,200 @ 121' 134,400 @ 96' 235,200 @ 65'
30 000 @ 36.9 60 000 @ 29.3 105 000 @19.8
T-AC S 30 LTON @ 121' 60 LTON @ 121' 120 LTON @ 65'
4/5/6/7/8/9/10 76,200 @121' 134,400 @ 121' 268,800 @ 65'
30 000 @ 36.9 60 000@ 36.9 120 000 @ 19.8
1. Turntable parallel to centerli ne.

nonexistent, degraded, or denied. Strategic sealift ships may be required to discharge

in the stream, employing complex and often time-consuming operations to move cargo
and personnel across bare beaches. There is a broad spectrum of operations required
to open and reconstitute degraded ports, operate in small, undeveloped ports or fishing
villages, or gain access through inland waterways. The term LOTS encompasses the
capabilites required to operate across this spectrum of operations, to include the
discharge of cargo through major or secondary ports inaccessible or denied to deep
draft shipping, small ports, villages, inland waterways, and bare beaches when
necessary. Transferring cargo from ship to shore is accomplished by military lighterage.
The lighterage used to offload cargo vessels positioned offshore consists of amphibian
and landing craft (conventional) vessels. The lighterage must be compatible with the
vessels they service and the cargo needing transportation. Table 16 lists the lighterage
as they are best paired to particular cargo vessels. Vehicle design approach/departure
angles must prevent contact at the ramp crest/toe for a 15° ramp angle. Landing craft.

Landing craft are conventional watercraft designed to transport cargo from ship-to-
shore. Landing craft consist of three basic classes: landing craft, mechanized (LCM);
landing craft utility (LCU), and logistic support vessel (LSV). The LCM transports cargo,
troops, and vehicles from ship to shore or in retrograde movements. It is also utilized in
lighterage and utility work in harbors. The LCU provides worldwide transport of combat
vehicles and sustainment cargo. It provides intratheater movement of cargo and
equipment and, during LOTS operations, it can carry cargo from deep-draft ships to
shore ports or areas too shallow for larger ships. The LSV provides worldwide transport
of combat vehicles and sustainment cargo. It provides intratheater line haul of large
quantities of cargo and equipment. The LSV can transport cargo from ship-to-shore in

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Table 16. LOTS Lighterage Compatibility

Ship Ty pe Lighterage

Breakbulk C auseway Ferry, LSV, LC U, LC M,

C ontai ner C auseway Ferry, LSV, LC U, LC M,
RORO C auseway Ferry, LSV, LC U,
LASH/SEEBEE Towboat, Tug, Pusher C raft for Barge
Towi ng and Handli ng

LOTS operations, including those in remote areas with unimproved beaches. Table 17
provides transport weights and dimensional constraints for the landing craft. Figures 20
to 22 show plan views of the LCM-8, the LCU-2000, and the LSV. Amphibian.
The lighter amphibious resupply cargo-60 tons (LARC-LX) is used to transport
tracked and wheeled vehicles, including beach preparation equipment and sustainment
cargo from ship-to-shore or inland transfer points. The LARC-LX is a 1950’s design
using antiquated technology. It can be transported on a semi-submersible vessel, in the
well deck of an LSD, or aboard a SEABEE. It is the only amphibian in the Army
inventory, and the only vessel capable of landing on a beach through a breaking surf.
The LARC-LX can be deck-loaded on a commercial vessel or heavy lift ship for
transport overseas. It will be used with the Navy’s newest Off-Shore Petroleum System
to deliver the beach termination unit and beach tractor to the beach. It will also be fitted
with a large winch to haul conduit ashore. Figure 23 shows a plan view of the LARC-
LX. Air-cushioned.
The current air cushioned amphibious craft is the U.S. Navy’s lighter air cushioned
air cargo (LCAC). The LCAC is a high-speed, over-the-beach fully amphibious landing
craft capable of carrying a 60-75 ton payload. It can operate from existing and planned
well deck ships and transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo, and personnel from
ship to shore and across the beach. The transport weight and dimensional constraints
for this craft are given in table 18.

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Table 17. USA, USMC, and USN lighterage

C argo D eck C argo

R amp capacity
C apacity R amp width
C lass (short tons, lb,
(short tons, (ft, m) 1
Length Width H eight Area kg )
lb, kg)
(ft, m) (ft, m) (ft, m) (sqft, sqm)

503 60.0
37' 0" 13' 8" 13' 8"
LARC -LX N/A 47 120,000 N/A
11.3 4.2 4.2
54 431
58.4 65
42' 9" 14' 6" 620 14' 6' (Bow)
LC M-8 N/A 116,800 130,000
13.0 4.4 58 4.4 (Bow)
52 980 58 967
18' 6" 14' 6" 269 14' 6' (Bow)
LC M-8 Mod 2 N/A TBD 130,000
5.6 4.4 25 4.4 (Bow)
58 967
179.2 97.5
105' 0" 17' 0" 3
1785 15' 1" (Bow)
LC U 1600 3
N/A 358,400 195,000
32 5.2 166 4.6 (Bow)
162 570 88 452
392 224
100' 0" 38' 0" 30' 0" (Bow) 2500 16' 0" (Bow)
LC U-2000 784,000 448,000
30.5 11.6 9.1 (Bow) 232.3 4.9 (Bow)
355,622 203 200
19' 0" (Bow) 2
2000 58.24
256' 0" 60' 0" 17' 0" (Aft) 10500 5.8 (Bow) 2
LS V 4,000,000 116,480
78.0 18.3 5.2 (Aft) 976 16' 0" (Stern)
1,814,400 52 835
4.9 (Stern)
815 4 35
185' 0" 78' 0" 14' 6" 12114 14' 4" (Stern)
HSV-X1 1,630,000 70,000
56.4 23.8 4.4 1125 4.4 (Stern)
739 368 31 752
691 4 75
207" 0" 78' 0" 15' 4" 14000 15' 5" (Stern)
HSV-X2 1,382,000 150,000
63.1 23.8 4.7 1300 4.7 (Stern)
626 865 68 039
820 4 72
207' 0" 78' 0" 14' 8" 14000 15' 0" (Stern)
TSV-1X 1,640,000 144,000
63 23.8 4.5 1300 4.6 (Stern)
743 904 65 318
Marine C orps
112 (Bow)
14' 3" (Bow) 224,000 (Bow)
121' 0" 25' 0" 5
1850 4.4 (Bow) 101 606 (Bow)
LC U N/A 286,000
36.9 7.6 171.9 18' 0" (Stern) 97.5 (Stern)
129 730
5.5 (Stern) 194,000
87 998
60 65
LC M Mark 8 42' 0" 14' 0" 588 14' 9" (Bow)
N/A 120,000 130,000
(steel) 12.8 4.3 54.6 4.5 (Bow)
54 432 58 968
60 65
LC M Mark 8 42' 0" 17' 0" 714 14' 9" (Bow)
N/A 120,000 130,000
(alumi num) 12.8 5.2 66.3 4.5 (Bow)
54 432 58 968
789.27 4 36.4
WestPac 279' 0" 78' 0" 14' 3" 30,912 16' 0" (Stern)
1,578,540 72,800
Express 85 23.8 4.3 2,872 4.9 (Stern)
716 026 33 022
N av y
60 28' 4" (Bow)
78' 0" 27' 0" 1,969 120,000 8.6 (Bow)
LC A C 4
N/A 150,000
23.8 8.2 183 54,431 14' 10" (Stern)
68 040
4.5 (Stern)
1. Values gi ven are actual di mensi ons. For desi gn purposes, subtract 12" (0.3m) from the wi dth for ramps and 6"
(0.15m) from the hei ght li mi tati ons to ensure adequate clearance.
2. For wheeled and tracked i tems, the wi dth of the ramp i tself i s 19' (5.8m). Therefore, the maxi mum wi dth, wi dth
from outsi de-of-ti re to outsi de-of-ti re or outsi de-of-track to outsi de-of-track i s 19' (5.8m) mi nus 1' (.3m) to ensure
adequate clearance on the LSV bow ramp.
3. The LC U 1600 C lass reached the end of i ts economi c useful li fe i n 1996, but a few remai n i n U.S. army Reserve
uni ts. The LC U 1646 was replaced by the LC U 2000. The cargo deck wi dth of the LC U 1600 C lass vari es from 17'
0" to 28' 0" throughout the vessel. For desi gn purposes, use 17' 0" as the worst-case value.
4. Thi s i s the total deadwei ght of these vessels. Mi ni mum fuel must be carri ed on board for the vessel to perform at
maxi mum payload capaci ty.
5. The cargo deck contact area pressure li mi t i s 80 psi (552 kPa). Areas used for loadi ng or unloadi ng cargo, such
as ramps, are restri cted to wheel or track loads equal to a verti cal load factor of 1.5g of the vehi cle wei ght. The
cargo capaci ty li sted for the LC AC i s at i ts overload wei ght (maxi mum cargo capaci ty). The normal capaci ty load i s
60 tons (120,000 lbs, 54 431 kg).
6. WestPac Express has two decks. D i mensi onal data i s for the mai n deck wi th mezzani ne deck rai sed. Area
i ncludes the mai n deck (20,074 sqft) and upper or mezzani ne deck (10,838 sqft). Overhead clearance for mai n deck
wi th mezzani ne lowered i s 8'10" and the hei ght of the mezzani ne deck i s 7'4". Payload i s 425 STON wi th full fuel and
no troops/306 STON wi th full fuel and 970 troops.

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Figure 20. Landing Craft, Mechanized (LCM-8).

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Figure 21. Landing Craft, Utility (LCU 2000).

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Figure 22. Logistics Support Vehicle (LSV).

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Figure 23. Lighter, Amphibious (LARC-LX).

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Table 18. LCAC characteristics

C haracteristics D imension/D escripton

Hull (Less C ushi on) 8 1 '1 0 "
On C ushi on (C onventi onal Ski rt) 87'11"
On C ushi on (D eep Ski rt) 9 1 '9 "
B eam
Hull (Less C ushi on) 4 6 '9 "
On C ushi on (C onventi onal Ski rt) 4 7 '0 "
On C ushi on (D eep Ski rt) 49'2" @ reduced N2
47'8" @ desi gn N2

R amp Opening Width

B ow 2 8 '4 "
Stern 1 4 '1 0 "
C argo D eck D imensions 1
6 7 '0 " x 2 7 '0 "
Light C raft 2 (as deli vered) 193,770 - 208,578 lb
Maximum Speed (With 60-ton Pay load)
SWH of 0.5' to 1.0' (Structural Li mi t) 3 50 knots
SWH of 3.5' to 5.0' (Structural Li mi t) 3 35 knots
Over land (Terrai n dependent) 25 knots
1. Aft cargo ramp area provi des an addi ti onal 160 square feet of cargo space.
2. Li ght craft wei ghts vary as a functi on of hull number and confi gurati on status. Actual
li ght craft wei ght must be obtai ned from the craft log book. Thi s wei ght, i n addi ti on to
hull, i ncludes fi xed equi pment, stores, lube and hydrauli c flui ds, and unusable fuel (plus
3. Structural li mi t refers to the maxi mum speed at whi ch LC AC structure i s desi gned to
safely operate. These fi gures shall not be used for mi ssi on planni ng.

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LCAC are high-speed, up to 50 knots, ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship amphibious

craft. LCAC characteristics are shown in table 18. LCAC performance capabilities are
shown in table 19. LCAC are used to move supplies and weapons systems with
associated combat personnel to point(s) of need during amphibious operations.

LCAC are being modernized through a Service Life Extension Program (SLEP).
This program does not change LCAC dimensions, but it does increase the maximum
allowable craft weight (see table 19) and it changes the optimal longitudinal center of
gravity (LCG) position. All characteristics changed by SLEP are indicated as SLEP
LCAC. Regardless of listed capabilities, LCAC is much like an aircraft in operational
capability. In hot weather, LCAC capabilities are significantly reduced. It should also be
noted that in most cases LCAC loads are limited by cargo weight and not by cargo
square footage. Likewise, deep skirt is also a modification to the skirt system, which
allows the craft to operate higher above the water thus reducing the possibility of
damage to the craft in high sea conditions. This modification is a part of SLEP, but also
is installed on some standard LCACs. Cargo deck and ramps.

The LCAC cargo deck has approximately 1,969 square feet and accommodates all
combat and combat support equipment currently in the Marine Corps inventory. It is
constructed of 3/8-inch aluminum plate with internal longitudinal tee stiffeners spaced
every 9 inches, and athwartships framing every 4 feet. Four tie down rails run the length
of the deck. The rails are constructed of extruded aluminum sections welded flush with
the deck. Tie down sockets, 2 inches in diameter, are located on each rail. Stainless
steel inserts in the sockets accept a standard grab hook assembly. Socket horizontal
and longitudinal pull angles range from 15 to 80° from horizontal. The bow ramp, 28
feet 4 inches wide by 8 feet 6 inches high, and the stern ramp, 14 feet 10 inches wide
by 8 feet 6 inches high, both are operated by hydraulic cable winches, two for the bow
and one for the stern ramp. These ramps are hinged at the base and open downward to
provide a ground to craft interface. Cargo deck with dimensions is shown in figure 24. Strength limits.

The cargo deck load limitations are as shown in figure 25. The areas near the
center rails have additional strengthening for support of tracked vehicles and other
vehicles with a gross weight over 50,000 pounds. Bow and stern ramps are capable of
withstanding all cargo loads provided the ramp is extended to the ground position prior
to loading. For specific limitations for the craft and cargo deck, refer to table 20. Environmental conditions.

The LCAC cargo deck is an open area where cargo is subject to all environmental
conditions. This includes wind, salt spray, dirt, green water, rain, and other debris.
Cargo is also subject to propeller and bow thruster forces, which include the suction/
venturi effect from forward flight and rapid propeller pitch change forces that would be
encountered during a craft emergency stop where the propellers and bow thrusters are

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Table 19. LCAC capabilities

Ambient Air Temp

Variant Total Allowable C raft Weight

60° F 80° F 100° F

LC A C 355,000 lbs 343,000 lbs 322,000 lbs
S LE P LC A C 363,000 lbs 363,000 lbs 363,000 lbs
Total Allowable C raft Wei ght i s calculated usi ng a seri es of performance tables
to determi ne si gni fi cant wave hei ght, shallow water correcti on and ambi ent ai r
temperature, all of whi ch affect LC AC performance. The above calculati ons
assume a 3-foot si gni fi cant wave hei ght combi ned wi th a 20-foot shallow water
correcti on factor calculated at 60, 80, and 100-degree Fahrenhei t ambi ent ai r
temperatures for both standard and SLEP LC AC .

Table 20. LCAC specific limitations for the craft and cargo deck

Item Limitation

Maxi mum Allowable C raft Wei ght (i ncludes li ght craft wei ght, fuel 368,250 lbs conventi onal ski rt;
cargo, embarked personnel) 372,700 lbs deep ski rt
389,984 lbs SLEP LC AC
Opti mal Operati onal (cargo and fuel) Longi tudi nal C enter of 490-495 i nches Standard LC AC
Gravi ty (LC G) from the Forward Perpendi cular (FP) 480-485 i nches SLEP LC AC
Opti mal LC G Loaded (li ghtshi p plus cargo) 487 i nches Standard LC AC
481 i nches SLEP LC AC
Opti mal Transverse C enter of Gravi ty (TC G) C enterli ne
Maxi mum Allowable Footpri nt Wi thout Shori ng 8 0 p si
Tracked and Wheeled Vehi cles over 50,000 lbs C enter rai ls only
6000-lb Forkli ft (hard rubber ti res) movement on deck load li mi t 3,000 lbs

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Figure 24. LCAC cargo deck dimensions.

Figure 25. LCAC cargo deck load diagram.

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rapidly reversed. LCAC is limited to 50 knots forward speed and with wind speed of 25
knots common in the operating areas, cargo can easily experience 75 knots of wind
over the deck. This does not include the salt spray/green water or rapid reverse
propeller pitch operations that dramatically increase the loading on cargo. These
environmental conditions have a major negative impact on transporting soft-top
vehicles. Numerous Class A mishaps have occurred due to soft tops coming loose and
being sucked into LCAC propellers. Likewise, doors on soft-top vehicles have come off
during transport and created Foreign Object Debris (FOD) problems. Studies are
currently underway to determine loading factors on LCAC cargo. Until the loading
factors are known and steps are taken to minimize the risk to LCAC operations, soft-top
vehicles that show significant wear may be required to have the soft-top removed prior
to transport. Tiedown rails.

The cargo deck has four rows of tiedown rails spaced approximately 99 inches
apart with 2-inch diameter receptacles located between 12 and 15 inches apart along
the entire length of the tiedown rail. The ultimate load capability for each tiedown socket
is 40,250 pounds; working load is 35,000 pounds at the optimum 30° restraint angle. LCAC cargo restraint criteria.

The amount of restraint that must be used to keep cargo from moving in any
direction is “restraint criteria.” It is expressed in units of the force of gravity or “Gs” the
cargo must overcome. The G’s required to be restrained in four directions for both
peacetime training and combat loads are shown in table 21. Both tiedown arrangements
provide for the safe transport of cargo aboard the LCAC, but the peacetime training
plan provides a lower risk for damage to the LCAC and cargo loads during non-combat

Table 21. LCAC cargo restraint requirement

D irection
Peacetime C ombat
Forward 1.5 1
Aft 1 0.5
Si de/Transverse 1 0.5
Verti cal 1.5 0.5

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MIL-STD-1366E LCAC Heavy weather restraint criteria.

Heavy weather cargo restraint is defined as the restraint required in G’s to restrain
cargo when the LCAC is secured in the well deck of a ship and the ship is subject to
Significant Wave Heights (SWH) of 29.5 to 45.5 feet. Tiedown requirements vary by
ship type. The maximum G requirements for heavy weather are provided in table 22.

Table 22. LCAC G-force requirements for heavy weather transport


Longitudinal Side/Transv erse Vertical

1.35 2.88 3.44 Future watercraft.

Significant changes are being made to the watercraft fleet. These changes will
affect watercraft doctrine, policy, deployment training, technology, and material.
Transforming the watercraft fleet into a fully modernized Force Projection enabler is one
of the key doctrinal changes that are being made. Shallow-draft and high-speed
capabilities are being pursued to reduce the in-theater logistics footprint and provide
combatant commanders with the agility and flexibility to quickly move forces. One of
the most viable alternatives to provide the watercraft fleet with this agility and flexibility
is the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV). The JHSV will be the next generation of self-
deploying watercraft. The JHSV program is a Navy led acquisition of a platform
intended to support users in the Department of the Navy and Department of the Army.
The JHSV will be capable of transporting personnel, equipment, and supplies over
operational distances in support of maneuver and sustainment operations. The JHSV
will include a flight deck for helicopter operations and an offload ramp that will allow
vehicles to quickly drive off the ship. It will be shallow draft (under 15 feet). Four
prototype high-speed vessels, Joint Venture (HSV X1), Spearhead (TSV 1X), Swift
(HSV X2), and the West Pac Express have already been used to support operations in
the Global War on Terror (GWOT), Iraqi Freedom, the Horn of Africa, Persian Gulf,
Southeast Asia, Tsunami, and hurricane relief. These vessels were able to access ports
inaccessible to other ships in the logistics force and played a critical role in the early
delivery of supplies. Table 17 shows dimensional constraints for these vessels. Designing for transport aboard amphibious ships.

When transport aboard amphibious shipping is a requirement, the materiel
developer and/or contractor shall design S/E to the constraints identified in the Ship’s
Loading Characteristics Pamphlet (SLCP) for the required class of amphibious ship.
The LHA, LHD, LPH, LPD, LSD, and LST comprise the list of available amphibious
ships. The U. S. Navy prepares SLCPs for each amphibious ship. Some of these

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SLCPs are available online at These SLCPs are submitted by the ship,
approved by group and are reviewed by the Type Commanders. SLCPs can be
obtained by contacting the appropriate Amphibious Group responsible for the specific

5.4 Fixed-wing air transport.

Fixed-wing aircraft are available for both tactical and strategic cargo missions.
Tactical missions generally cover shorter distances, can use airdrop, and may require
short field takeoffs or landings. Strategic missions are generally intercontinental from
and to large, secure airfields.

5.4.1 Flyable system weight.

S/E air transport weight must be based on realistic aircraft cargo capability. Each
aircraft has a published maximum payload rating based on optimum flight conditions.
However, operational planning factors, such as flight altitude and air temperatures, will
likely reduce actual payload for a given range. In addition to this are “real-world aircraft
factors” such as aircraft weight increases, age or other conditions that further reduce
actual mission payload.

5.4.2 U.S. military fixed-wing cargo aircraft.

The following list shows fixed-wing cargo aircraft for the various services.

Air Force cargo aircraft:

C-5A/C-5B (Lockheed Martin (formerly Lockheed))
C-17 (Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas))
C-130E/C-130H (Lockheed Martin (formerly Lockheed))
C-130J (Lockheed Martin updated C-130)
C-27 (Alenia G-222)

Army cargo aircraft:

C-23A/B (Shorts 330)
C-12 (Beechcraft King Air 200)

Navy/Marine Corps cargo aircraft:

C-2A (Grumman, Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD))
C-9B (Boeing)
LC-130/KC-130J/KC-130R (Lockheed Martin)
C-12B (Beechcraft, Super King Air 200)

Other military aircraft types with limited cargo capabilities and/or limited
C-5C (2 modified C-5As used for Space Shuttle payloads)
KC-10 (Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas) DC-10-30 tanker)
KC-135A/E/R (Boeing 707 Tanker)
C-9A (21 Med-Evac Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas) DC-9-30s)

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C-20 (Gulfstream IV)

C-21 (Learjet)
U-21 (5 Beechcraft King Air 100s)
C-22B (4 Boeing 727-200s)
HU-25 (Dassault USCG “Falcon”)
VC-25A (4 Boeing 747-200s)
C-26A (Fairchild Metro 3)
C-29A (British Aerospace 125-800)
C-32A (4 Boeing 757-200s; to replace VIP VC-137s)
C-40A (Boeing 737-700; to replace Navy C-9s)
CT-43 (12 Boeing 737-200s; converted T-43 trainers)

5.4.3 Design data.

MIL-HDBK-1791, Designing for Internal Aerial Delivery in Fixed-Wing Aircraft, is the
primary source of design data for military equipment intended for transport in Air
Mobility Command (AMC) or Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) fixed-wing aircraft.
MIL­HDBK-1791 also includes design requirements for airdrop from AMC aircraft.

5.4.4 Air cargo handling.

On military aircraft, most vehicles are loaded, restrained, and carried directly on the
aircraft floor. Wheeled and tracked vehicles must be able to negotiate and crest a 15°
ramp while maintaining weight distribution among the wheels/roadwheels to accomplish
unassisted loading (MIL-HDBK-1791). General cargo may also be palletized and carried
in the aircraft’s 463L cargo handling system, which consists of rows of conveyor rollers
and guidance/restraint rails designed to interface with the pallets/platforms. Airdrop
cargo is loaded on airdrop platforms or plywood skidboards. Most aircraft are equipped
with a cargo winch to assist in loading wheeled and palletized cargo. Shoring.
Standard sized lumber and plywood are both used to shore aircraft loads. Shoring
is used to protect the aircraft floor, distribute cargo load over a larger area of aircraft
floor (and substructure), and, on occasion, to reduce the ramp-angle during vehicle
loading (see MIL­HDBK-1791). Shoring weight is part of the aircraft payload, reducing
the usable payload available for military equipment. On international flights, shoring
must meet treatment requirements to prevent the transport of insects and disease. The
shipper is responsible for any required shoring; it is not provided by the Air Force.
Systems should be designed to minimize the requirements for shoring to limit the future
logistics burden during air movement and minimize volume of solid waste generated. 463L cargo handling system.

This is the standard military air cargo system. The 463L cargo system includes
aircraft specific equipment and airfield material handling equipment (MHE). The 463L
cargo pallet is a major part of the system. The 10,000-pound (4535 kg) capacity 463L
pallet has a flat aluminum deck ~84" by ~104" (~2.1 m by ~2.6 m), 88" by 108" (2.2 m X
2.7 m) overall including fixed locking lugs. The 2.25-inch (57 mm) thick 463L pallets can

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be connected together to accommodate longer items. This pallet is compatible with

some commercial cargo systems. Loading the pallet into the aircraft is accomplished
with a roller floor equipped K-loader. This vehicle includes an adjustable cargo deck to
match the height, pitch, and alignment of the aircraft deck and rail system. This
prevents both overloading aircraft rollers and the binding of pallets against the rails as
they are loaded. Because aircraft deck heights vary, straight-in loading of palletized
cargo from standard cargo vehicles is typically not possible.

5.4.5 Air transport by DOD controlled aircraft.

Equipment requiring air transport by DOD operated or leased aircraft (CRAF or
other) shall be designed to meet the weight, size, and restraint (tiedown) limitations of
the specified aircraft. The aircraft that make up the long-range portion of CRAF cargo
fleet are the wide-body B-747, MD-11, DC-10, and the narrow-body DC-8. The floor
strengths of these aircraft are low, so they are limited primarily to the transport of pallets
and some light vehicles. AMC and CRAF fixed-wing aircraft.

Items that approach aircraft capacity limits in size, weight, ramp angle or other
loading consideration shall be reviewed by the USAF Aeronautical Systems Center
(ASC) as required by DODI 4540.7. A successful review results in certification for
internal air delivery. The ASC review can lead to an aircraft test loading of the item to
support the certification for internal air delivery. A listing of certified items is maintained
by ASC and made available to AMC aircraft loadmasters with memorandums detailing
any special loading considerations. Items requiring frequent airlift and involving complex
loading procedures are documented and published by AMC in the specific AMC aircraft
loading manual (TO-1C-XX-9). AMC fixed-wing aircraft characteristics.

Restraint criteria for AMC fixed-wing air transport are given in table 23. Figures 26-
28 and tables 24-25 give dimensional and payload characteristics for various AMC
fixed-wing aircraft. Detailed information on aircraft floor strength and ramp restrictions
including overhang and projection limits is included in MIL-HDBK-1791. The KC-10 and
KC-135 are tanker aircraft with some payload capability. Since their primary mission is
the tanker mission, S/E missions will be limited. These aircraft are suitable for transport
of cargo pallets and small vehicles.

Table 23. Crash restraint criteria for Air Force fixed-wing aircraft
Aircraft Ty pe Forward G's Aft G's Lateral G's U p G's D own G's

C -130, C -17, C -5 3 1.5 1.5 2 4.5

KC -10 9 1
1.5 1.5 2 4.5
KC -135 8 2
1.5 1.5 2 4.5
1. 1.5 G's wi th cargo barri er net.
2. 3 G's wi thout passengers or wi th major command authori ty.

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C-27 equipment design limit cross-section

C-130 equipment design limit cross-section

Figure 26. C-27 and C-130 equipment design limit cross-sections

(dimensions are in inches).

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Table 24. C-27 and C-130 information

E quipment D esign D imensions

Aircraft C apabilities 2
(inches, m) 1
Aircraft AC L for 3,200 R ange (nm)
Length Width H eight nm w/max AC L (lb,
(lb, kg) kg ) 3
337 86 88.6 700/20,000
C -27 N/A 4
8.6 2.2 2.25 700/9070
4685 1076 102 60/42,000
C -130 E /H/J (short) N/A 8
12.5 2.77 2.6 60/19 050
636 1076 102 90/43,000
C -130J-30 (long) N/A 9
16.8 2.77 2.6 90/19 504
1. D i mensi ons allow for 6-i nch (152 mm) clearance top and both si des. Length di mensi on does not i nclude
usable ramp area. C ompli ance wi th these di mensi ons does not guarantee an i tem wi ll be certi fi ed for transport
i n an A MC ai rcraft. S ee MIL-HD B K -1791 for detai ls.
2. Refer to AF P amphlet (A FP ) 10-1403 and MIL-HD B K -1791 for detai led ai rcraft li mi ts.
3. Publi shed A llowable C abi n Load (A C L). Range based on sti ll ai r, one-way, and flyi ng at best alti tude/crui se
speed. It i s very rare for the ai rcraft to fly wi th these A C Ls. These A C Ls are i ncluded for i nformati on only and
should not be used for desi gn purposes.
4. 2,800 nm max range.
5. Item length shown i s reduced to allow for forward and aft restrai nt space, and to allow crew access.
6. Wi dth at the ai rcraft floor up to hei ght of 5.5 i nches i s 105.62 i nches.
7. B etween C -130 fuselage stati ons 477 and 617 the maxi mum allowable wi dth i s 99 i nches (2.5 m) to open a
safety ai sle for crew passage.
8. 2,900 nm max range for C -130E /H, 2,600 nm max range for C -130J(short).
9. 2,600 nm max range.

Figure 27. C-17/C-17ER equipment design limit cross section

(dimensions are in inches).

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Figure 28. C-5 equipment design limit cross section

(dimensions are in inches)

Table 25. C-17/C-17ER/C-5 Cross-sectional information.

E quipment D esign D imensions (inches, m) 1 Aircraft C apabilities 2

Aircraft AC L for 3,200 R ange (nm)

Length Width H eight nm w/max AC L (lb,
(lb, kg) kg ) 3
2,300 nm
C -17/C -17E R 784 204 142 to 156 130,000
cargo deck 19.9 5.2 4 3.6 to 4.0 5 58 900
C -17/C -17E R 238 204 127 40,000 6 40,000 6
ramp 6.0 5.2 3.2 18 144 18 144
1,454 216 156 178,000 1,600/265,000
C -5 cargo deck
36.9 5.4 3.9 80 700 1,600/120,200
116 216 142 15,000 6
15,000 6
C -5 fwd ramp
2.9 5.4 3.6 6804 6804
155 216 142 15,000 6
15,000 6
C -5 aft ramp
3.9 5.4 3.6 6804 6804
1. D i mensi ons allow for 6-i nch (152 mm) clearance top and both si des. Length di mensi on does not i nclude usable
ramp area (fore and aft on C -5). C ompli ance wi th these di mensi ons does not guarantee an i tem wi ll be certi fi ed for
transport i n an A MC ai rcraft. S ee MIL-HD B K -1791 for detai ls.
2. Refer to A F P amphlet (A FP ) 10-1403 and MIL-HD B K -1791 for detai led ai rcraft li mi ts.
3. P ubli shed A llowable C abi n Load (A C L). Range based on sti ll ai r, one-way, and flyi ng at best alti tude/crui se speed. It
i s very rare for the ai rcraft to fly wi th these A C Ls. These A C Ls are i ncluded for i nformati on only and should not be used
for desi gn purposes.
4. Front secti on of cargo deck i s only 116 i nches (2.9 m) wi de. Thi s porti on has been excluded from the 784 i nch
5. The hei ght of the cargo deck i s 142 i nches under and forward of the wi ng box and 156 i nches aft of the wi ng box.
6. Maxi mum load allowed on ramp, i ndependent of range. Ramp payload i s part of maxi mum ai rcraft payload.

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MIL-STD-1366E AMC fixed-wing aircraft deployability.

The maximum aircraft payloads are not the anticipated payloads that would be
used during strategic deployment. Deployment payloads depend on the mission range
and flight conditions encountered. Aircraft payload is any item placed on the aircraft for
transport. This includes not only the S/E, but also its crew when transported along with
the item, and any shoring required. Aircraft range is not the distance between airfields
but includes standard or wartime departure/approach patterns, weather diversions, and
avoiding restricted airspace. It is possible for the flight distance between airfields to be
significantly greater than the straight-line distance, as demonstrated by flights between
Germany and Bosnia that did not have clearances to fly over neutral countries.

a. Strategic Deployment. The C-5 and C-17/C-17ER are the military aircraft for
equipment deployment. The C-141 is no longer in service. S/E should no longer be
designed for transport on this aircraft. A range of 3,200 nautical miles (nm) is required to
support efficient worldwide deployment. Conditions that reduce aircraft payload include
temperature, altitude, runway lengths and winds encountered. To ensure deployment
analyses reflect real-world deployment conditions in most operational scenarios, the
payloads that should be used for the C-17, C-17ER, and C-5 are 130,000 pounds (58
900 kg), 127,500 pounds (57 800 kg) and 178,000 pounds (80 700 kg), respectively. While
reduced range will allow increased payload, other factors (ground time for intermediate
stops, the potential for mission abort at intermediate airfields, and less direct routing)
result in reduced air fleet throughput.

b. Tactical deployment. Tactical deployment is accomplished by the C-130 and

C-17/C-17ER. The C-130 has access into more airfields because of its lesser ground
pressure and greater tolerance to a dust environment. For this reason, equipment with a
tactical air deployment mission should be designed for C-130 transport. While the C-130
is capable of transporting 38,000 pounds for 860 nautical miles under near ideal
conditions (15° centigrade, sea level takeoff, no-wind and level-dry runway), these
conditions are not often met. Increases in temperature and altitude quickly reduce the
payload capability of the C-130. To ensure C-130 transport is available under widely
varying conditions, S/E should weigh no more than 24,000 pounds when C-130 tactical
transport is required.

When tactical transport by a C-17 or C-17ER is required, S/E should weigh no

more than 167,400 pounds or 164,900 pounds, respectively, when the landing surface
is paved. If the landing surface is unpaved, then S/E should weigh no more than
141,000 pounds and 138,500 pounds for the C-17 and C-17ER, respectively.

c. Assault Landings. Assault landing procedures (steeper approach angle and

firmer touchdown) are used when the runway is shorter and/or narrower than required
for a normal landing. The dimensions, rather than the surface type (for example, dirt
versus concrete) generally are the controlling factors in determining whether assault
landing procedures must be used. An aircraft can make a normal landing on an

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adequately long and wide dirt runway. Conversely, an aircraft would have to make an
assault landing on a paved runway that was not sufficiently long and/or wide for a
normal landing.

Operation of the C-130 into any airfield with a length between 3,000 feet and 5,000
feet, and/or a width between 60 feet and 80 feet is considered an assault landing. The
maximum payload the C-130 can deliver by assault landing is 35,000 pounds. If aircraft
fuel is not available at the assault airfield, this payload is further reduced to allow aircraft
fuel for a recovery flight.

Operation of the C-17 into any airfield with a length between 3,500 feet and 5,000
feet, with a width of at least 90 feet, is considered an assault landing. The maximum
payload is not limited when doing assault landings on a paved runway. Also, there is no
further reduction beyond the numbers shown in paragraph when doing
assault landings on unpaved runways. Navy and Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft.

General design guidance, based on aircraft capacity limits, is given in tables 26-28.
NAVAIR certifies equipment for transport on Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. Army fixed-wing aircraft.

General design guidance, based on aircraft capacity limits, is given in tables 29-31.

5.5 Air delivery by Low Velocity Airdrop (LVAD).

5.5.1 General.
LVAD (that is ~28 ft/sec (8.5 m/sec) parachute retarded descent) is used to support
mass assault or resupply military operations. The C-130, C-5, and C-17 aircraft have
airdrop capabilities. Energy-dissipating material placed between the item and the
airdrop platform (see para 5.5.3) mitigates landing shock. Rigged load height (item,
cushioning material and airdrop platform) vary with aircraft type and is shown in table
32. Acceptable item height also varies with equipment type and is shown in table 33.
Maximum gross rigged weights (GRW) for LVAD are shown in table 34. For equipment
design purposes, the maximum allowable item weights for LVAD are shown in table 35.
Actual weight allowed may vary based on final rigging procedures.

5.5.2 LVAD criteria.

MIL-HDBK-669, MIL-STD-814 and MIL-HDBK-1791 provide further detailed airdrop

5.5.3 Airdrop platform.

The airdrop platform is similar to the 463L cargo pallet. An airdrop platform is 108
inches (2.7 m) wide (across the locking lugs) and 3-1/2 inches thick. It is assembled in
lengths ranging from 8 to 32 feet (2.4 to 9.7 m), in 4-foot (1.2 m) increments.

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Table 26. Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing cargo aircraft capabilities

Take-off JP-5 Fuel

Flight Pay load Still-Air R ange 4
Aircraft Weight Internal/[External]
C onditions (lb, kg) (N autical Miles)
(lb, kg) (lb, kg)

C -2A(R) 1 Basi c C argo 54,354 12,400/[N/A] 7,240

C argo C age Mi ssi on 24 650 5600/[N/A] 3300

C -2A(R)
Max. Payload 54,354 9,400/[N/A] 10,000
Wi thout C argo 950
Mi ssi on 24 650 4250/[N/A] 4530
C age
Max. Payload
155,000 47,328/[0] 34,965
KC -130R 2.5 Load Factor 3,000
70 300 21 500/[0] 15 860
(LF) 2

Max. Fuel 155,000 47,328/[15,592] 19,373

KC -130R 4,500
2.5 LF 70 300 21 500/[7100] 8800

Max. Payload
175,000 47,328/[9,965] 45,000
KC -130R (Overload) 2.25 3,500
79 379 21 500/[4500] 20 400

110,000 18,215/[N/A] 32,444

C -9B 8 463L Pallets 1,000
49 895 8260/[N/A] 14 700

6-1/2 463L 110,000 27,779/[N/A] 22,880

C -9B
Pallets 3 49 895 12 600/[N/A] 10 400 1,900
1.Re-procurement C -2A C arri er Onboard D eli very (C OD ) Ai rcraft. The cargo cage consi sts of structural members that,
when i nstalled, provi de a soli d structural envelope wi thi n the cabi n compartment. The cargo cage retai ns cargo to the
ulti mate load li mi ts of the ai rcraft.
2. Fli ght maneuver "G" li mi t.
3. Half-si ze 463L pallet: 54" x 88" (1.4 m X 2.2 m).
4. Standard day fli ght condi ti ons, best crui se alti tude.

Table 27. Design constraints for Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft

C argo Opening C argo C ompartment
Wi dth Hei ght Length Wi dth Hei ght Floor Load
(i n., m) (i n., m) 1 (i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (lb/ft2, kPa) 3
C -2A Rear 65 325 86 63 300
Ramp 2 1.6 8.2 2.1 1.6 14.3
[Floor /Top]
KC -130R/ 5 0 p si
120 106 492 120 106
KC -130J 340 kPa
3.0 2.7 12.4 3.0 2.6
Rear Ramp Local pressure
C -9B 136 80 725 115 80 300
S i de door 3.5 2.0 18.4 2.9 2.0 14.3
C -12B 52 52 156 48 40 200
S i de door 1.3 1.3 3.9 1.2 1.0 9.5
1. Ai rframe di mensi ons. Si de and top clearance i s requi red. For C -9 and C -130 allow 6 i n. (152 mm) at
top and 5 i n. (127 mm) on both si des. For C -2 and C -12 allow 6 i n. (152 mm) at top and 10 i n. (254 mm)
on one si de (for crew passage) and 5 i n. (127 mm) on the other si de.
2. When C -2 "cargo cage" i s i nstalled use: 83/57 i n. (2.1 m/1.4 m) (floor-li ne/ top) and 63 i n. (1.6 m) for
openi ng hei ght.
3. Structural floor load li mi t for enti re cargo compartment. See speci fi c ai rcraft NATOPS Fli ght Manual
and/or C argo Loadi ng manual.

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Table 28. Cargo restraint criteria for Navy/Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft

Ty pe/
Fwd G's Aft G's Lateral G's Up G's
C ategory of Aircraft1
C -130 3 2 1.5 2
Fi xed-wi ng cargo transport 3 2 2 2
C arri er Onboard D eli very (C -2) 20 7 7 4
1. For commerci al deri vati ves, use g-levels above for appli cable type/category or the
FAA requi rement, whi chever i s hi gher. For FAA requi rements lower than the values
above, approval wi ll be based on gui deli nes set forth i n NAVAIR Instructi on 13100.15
"Engi neeri ng Techni cal Revi ew of C ommerci al D eri vati ve Ai rcraft Programs."

Table 29. Army fixed-wing cargo aircraft capabilities

Take Off Fuel B urn Pay load Still-Air

Weight (lb, kg) (lb, kg) 1 (lb, kg) 2 R ange (nm) 3
12,500 2,000 2,000
C -12 880
5700 900 900
22,900 1,600 4,950
C -23A 400
10 400 725 2200
25,600 1,990 7,280
C -23B 500
11 600 900 3300
1. JP-4, Max range speed.
2. Max cargo wei ght.
3. Standard day fli ght condi ti ons 10,000 ft.

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Table 30. Design constraints for Army fixed-wing aircraft

C argo Opening C argo C ompartment
Wi dth Hei ght Length Wi dth Hei ght Floor Load
(i n., m) 1 (i n., m) 1 (i n., m) 1 (i n., m) 1 (i n., m) 1 (lb/ft2, kPa) 3
C -23A 63 75 296 70 75
Vari es 3
Rear Ramp 1.6 1.9 7.5 17.8 1.9 1
C -23B
Rear Ramp 70 75 306 67 75
1.7 1.9 7.7 1.7 1.9 Vari es 3

C argo D oor 2 55 65 50 65 60
1.3 1.6 1.2 1.6 1.6
C -12 52 52 167 54 57 200
S i de D oor 1.3 1.3 4.2 1.3 1.4 9.5 4
1. Ai rframe di mensi ons. For C -23 and C -12 allow 6 i n. (152 mm) at top and 10 i n. (254 mm) on one si de
(for crew passage) and 5 i n. (127 mm) on the other si de. When C -23 has cargo rollers i nstalled, use 72.5
i nches (1.8 m) for the compartment hei ght.
2. The left-si de crew door can be used to load cargo. (On the C -23A thi s door i s parti ally blocked by the
fli ght mechani c seat.)
3. Floor structural capaci ty i n mai n cabi n vari es from 125 to 150 lbs./ft2 (5.99 - 7.18 kPa). See fli ght
manual for detai led loadi ng li mi ts.
4. Floor structural load li mi t for cargo placed on the seat tracks. Use 100 lbs./ft2 (4.79 kPa) for cargo
placed on cabi n decki ng.

Table 31. Crash restraint criteria for Army fixed-wing aircraft

C rash Load R estraint C riteria 1

Fwd G's Aft G's Lateral G's Up G's D own G's
C -12 9 1.5 1.5 3 3
C -23A 9 1.5 4 3 6
C -23B 9 1.5 4 3 6
1. C rash restrai nt i s based on ti edown provi si on strength (ulti mate load) and addi ti onal
ti edown lashi ng to i tem hard-poi nts. C argo nets are also used, when appropri ate, on
small i tems.

Table 32. LVAD rigged load height

C -130 C -5 C -17

Hei ght 1 100 105 118

(i n., m) 2.5 2.6 2.9
Wi dth 108 108 126
(i n., m) 2.7 2.7 3.2
1. Ri gged load hei ght i s further restri cted forward of the i tem's center of gravi ty
to allow extracti on under malfuncti on condi ti ons (i .e., extracti on parachute fai ls to
fully deploy). Ti p-off curves that establi sh these li mi ts are i n MIL-HD BK-1791.

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Table 33. LVAD acceptable item height

C -130 C -5 C -17

Hei ght 1 90 95 108

(i n., m) 2.2 2.4 2.7
Hei ght 2 84.5 89.5 102.5
(i n., m) 2.1 2.2 2.6
1. Allowable hei ght for i tems (vehi cles) wi th suspensi on systems (rubber ti res
and spri ngs).
2. Allowable hei ght for all other i tems (bulk, ski d-based, etc.).

Table 34. Maximum gross rigged weights (GRW) for LVAD

C -130 (lb, kg) C -5 (lb, kg) C -17 (lb, kg)

35,000 1 42,000 2 42,000 2

15 875 19 050 19 050
1. Increases to 42,000 (19 050 kg) duri ng conti ngenci es.
2. Testi ng showed that thi s wei ght could i ncrease to 60,000
(27 215), however the 60K ri ggi ng exi sts only i n extremely
li mi ted quanti ti es.

Table 35. Maximum allowable item weights for LVAD

C -130 (lb, kg) C -5 (lb, kg) C -17 (lb, kg)

28,305 34,200 34,200

12 839 15 512 15 512
1. Allowable i tem wei ght i s based on the above GRWs and
the formula:
Item wei ght (lb) = (GRW - 1600)/1.18

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5.6 Rotary-wing and tilt-wing air transport.

5.6.1 General.
Rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters) are used mainly for short-range, tactical missions.
Tilt-wing aircraft allow vertical take-off and landing with greater aircraft range and speed
in flight over helicopters. Cargo is transported either internally or suspended externally
beneath the aircraft by special helicopter slings. Each aircraft has a published maximum
payload rating based on optimum flight conditions. However, mission specifics and
other factors will likely reduce actual flyable payload.

U.S. military cargo helicopters:

Army cargo helicopters:

UH-60A/UH-60L/MH-60K/UH-60Q/HH-60L (Sikorsky)
CH-47D/F (Boeing)
MH-47E (Boeing)

Navy cargo helicopters:

UH-1N (Bell)
SH-60B/SH-60F/HH-60H/MH-60R/MH-60S (Sikorsky)
CH-53E (Sikorsky)

US Coast Guard cargo helicopters:

HH-60J (Sikorsky)

Marine Corps cargo helicopters:

UH-1N/UN-1Y (Bell)
CH-46D/CH-46E (Boeing)
CH-53D/CH-53E (Sikorsky)

Air Force cargo helicopters:

UH-1N (Bell)
HH-60D/MH-60G (Sikorsky)

U.S. military tilt-wing aircraft:

Marine Corps tilt-wing aircraft:

MV-22 (Bell/Boeing)

Air Force tilt-wing aircraft:

CV-22 (Bell/Boeing)

5.6.2 Internal helicopter/tilt-wing transport.

Tables 36-41 give design limits on weight and dimensions for equipment intended
for transport within Army and Navy/Marine Corps cargo helicopters. NATICK (see

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Table 36. Design constraints for Army rotary-wing aircraft

C argo D oor 1 Equipment D esign Limits2

Floor Load
Wi dth Hei ght Length Wi dth Hei ght (lb/ft2, kPa)
Locati on
(i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m)
68 52 127.5 50 46 300
MH-60K E a ch si d e
1.7 1.3 3.2 3 1.2 3 1.1 14.3
C H-47D /F Rear 90 78 331 80 72 300
MH-47E 5 ramp 2.2 1.9 8.4 2.0 1.8 14.3 4
1. Ai rframe di mensi ons
2. Wi dth di mensi ons allow a 5-i nch (127 mm) clearance i nsi de the centerli ne of the peri meter ti edown fi tti ngs. Hei ght
di mensi ons allow about 6-i nches (152 mm) of clearance over cargo.
3. Usable cargo area i s reduced to 92" long by 46" wi de (2.3 m by 1.1 m) when door gunners are needed.
4. Up to 2,500 lbs/ft2 (119 kPa) on the treadways.
5. External cargo hook capaci ti es: C enter hook - 26,000 lbs; Forward & aft hooks - 17,000 lbs.
Tandem hookups si ngle i tem maxi mum wei ght - 25,000 lbs.

Table 37. Crash restraint criteria for Army rotary-wing aircraft

C rash Load R estraint C riteria 1

H elicopter
Fwd G's Aft G's Lateral G's Up G's D own G's
MH-60K 12 3 8 3 -
C H-47D /F
4 2 1.5 2 4
1. C rash restrai nt i s based on ti edown provi si on strength (ulti mate load) and addi ti onal
ti edown lashi ng to i tem hard-poi nts. C argo nets are also used, when appropri ate, on
small i tems.

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Table 38. Design constraints for Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft

C argo D oor C argo C ompartment 1

Wi dth Hei ght Length Wi dth Hei ght Floor Load
Locati on
(i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (i n., m) (lb/ft2, kPa) 2
UH-1 N/Y E a ch si d e 91, 2.3 48, 1.2 59, 1.5 74, 1.8 48, 1.2 100, 4.7
E a ch si d e 44, 1.1 54, 1.3 130, 3.3 73, 1.8 54, 1.3 225, 10.7 3
MH-60S E a ch si d e 68, 1.7 54, 1.3 151, 3.8 72, 1.8 52, 1.3 300, 14.3
C H-46 D /E Rear ramp 70, 1.7 69, 1.76 290, 7.3 72, 1.8 69, 1.7 300, 14.3
C H-53 D /E 7
Rear ramp 90, 2.2 75, 1.9 6
360, 9.1 90, 2.2 75, 1.9 4
300, 14.3
MH-53E 7
Rear ramp 90, 2.2 75, 1.9 6
360, 9.1 90, 2.2 75, 1.9 5
300, 14.3
V-22 Rear ramp 68, 1.7 66, 1.76 250, 6.3 68, 1.7 66, 1.7 300, 14.3
1. These are ai rframe di mensi ons and do not i nclude requi red clearance between cargo and ai rcraft. C learance requi red: 6
i nches (152 mm) at top, 10 i nches (254 mm) (mi ni mum) on one si de (for crew passage), and 5 i nches (127 mm) on the other
si de. The V-22 requi res 4 i nches (102 mm) on each si de.
2. Floor load li mi ts are for di stri buted loads only. Refer to the speci fi c ai rcraft NATOPS Fli ght Manual and/or C argo Loadi ng
Manual for concentrated loads.
3. On SH-60F and HH-60H allowable floor loadi ng vari es from 75 lbs/ft2 (3.59 kPa) i n the forward cabi n to 300 lbs/ft2 (14.36 kPa)
i n the aft cabi n. See speci fi c ai rcraft NATOPS Fli ght Manual and/or C argo Loadi ng manual.
4. Mi ne C ounter Measure (MC M) equi pment reduces avai lable hei ght i n aft cabi n to 58 i nches (1.47 m). See ai rcraft NATOPS
5. Si ngle-poi nt cargo hook reduces hei ght 2 i nches (50 mm). See ai rcraft NATOPS Manuals.
6. Ramp level condi ti on wi ll reduce hei ght values shown. See ai rcraft NATOPS Manuals.
7. C argo hook capaci ti es: C enter hook - 36,000 lbs; forward & aft hooks - 25,000 lbs. Tandem hookups si ngle i tem maxi mum
wei ght - 36,000 lbs.

Table 39. Cargo restraint criteria for Navy/Marine Corps

rotary-wing/tiltrotor aircraft

Fwd G's Aft G's Lateral G's Up G's

4 3 3 3

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Table 40. Army rotary-wing aircraft internal load capabilities

for 30 nautical mile radius

S ea lev el, 60°F 2,000 ft, 70°F 4,000 ft, 95°F

H elicopter 1
(lb, kg) (lb, kg) (lb, kg)
UH-60A /Q 2 8,050, 3650 7,500, 3400 4,850, 2190
UH-60L/HH-60L 2 8,450, 3800 8,500, 3850 6,950, 3150
MH-60K 6,900, 3100 6,100, 2760 3,400, 1540
C H-47D 23,300, 10 500 23,350, 10 500 16,900, 7660
MH-47E 21,250, 9600 19,750, 8950 16,900, 7660
1. Mi ssi on:
-Warm-up, 8 mi n. @ i dle power.
-Take-off/hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n @ T/O power.
-C rui se @ 100 K TA S for 30 nauti cal mi les.
-Hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n.-Land/offload payload.
-Return 30 nauti cal mi les @ best range speed.
-Land wi th 20 mi n reserve fuel.

2. P ayloads are not normally practi cal for Medevac versi ons (UH-60Q and
HH-60L); i t i s not possi ble to restrai n maxi mum payload wei ght to the
requi rements of Table 37.

Table 41. Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft internal load capabilities

for 30 nautical mile radius

Sea lev el, 60°F 2,000 ft, 70°F 4,000 ft, 95°F
H elicopter 1
(lb, kg) (lb, kg) (lb, kg)
1,763 1,622 724
800 736 328
5,925 5,955 3,503
C H-46E
2688 2701 1589
12,749 10,610 4,860
C H-53D
5783 4813 2204
29,941 27,827 17,004
C H-53E
13 581 12 622 7713
27,261 26,441 20,190
12 365 11 993 9158
3,763 3,802 2,323
1707 1725 1054
5,589 4,988 3,028
2535 2263 1373

6,231 5,631 3672

2826 2554 1666

16,029 13,352 9943

7271 6056 4510
1. Mi ssi on:
-Warm-up, 8 mi n. @ i dle power.
-Take-off/hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n @ T/O power.
-C rui se @ 100 KTAS for 30 nauti cal mi les wi th i nternal load.
-Hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n.
-Land/offload payload.
-Return 30 nauti cal mi les @ best range speed.
-Land wi th 20 mi n reserve fuel.

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paragraph 5.6.4) certifies equipment for internal transport on Army helicopters. NAVAIR
certifies equipment for internal transport on Navy and Marine Corps helicopters.

5.6.3 External helicopter/tilt-wing transport.

Tables 42 and 43 give lift capabilities for Army cargo helicopters. Table 44 covers
Navy/Marine cargo helicopters/tilt-wing aircraft. USAF helicopters have similar lift
capabilities. NATICK (see paragraph 5.6.4) certifies equipment for external helicopter
transport by Army, Navy, and Marine Corps helicopters/tilt-wing aircraft.

5.6.4 NATICK certification.

The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center (NATICK) certifies all external helicopter sling
loads (HSL) carried under DOD helicopters. Rigging uses standard sling sets adopted
by each service. Spreader bars are rarely available or used and are considered only as
a last resort in HSL. Contact NATICK [(508) 233-5276, DSN 256-5276] for details. In
general HSL certification is based on:

a. An engineering evaluation of the proposed item’s characteristics (weight/size/

flight shape), slinging provision suitability (location/strength), and compliance with the
criteria in MIL-STD-913.

b. Proof-load testing of the slinging provisions.

c. Static lift testing to verify sling lengths and clearances.

d. Helicopter flight testing to determine the maximum stable airspeed and

demonstrate maneuver stability during flight.

In general NATICK internal air transport certification is based on:

a. An engineering evaluation of the proposed item’s characteristics (weight/size)

and tiedown provision suitability (location/strength).

b. Proof-load testing of the tiedown provisions.

c. Validation test loading to verify tiedown and clearances.

5.7 Lifting and tiedown provisions.

5.7.1 General guidance.

New items of equipment, re-procurements of existing equipment, and modified
equipment that meet the definition of a transportability problem item shall have lifting,
tiedown, and for cargo carrying equipment, cargo tiedown provisions meeting the
requirements of MIL-STD-209, Interface Standard for Lifting and Tiedown Provisions.
MIL­STD-209 establishes the number, location, strength, dimensional, testing, and
directional requirements of the lifting, equipment tiedown, and cargo tiedown provisions.

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Table 42. Army rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities

for 30 nautical mile radius

C argo H ook Sea lev el, 60°F 2,000 ft, 70°F 4,000 ft, 95°F
H elicopter 1
Limit (lb, kg) (lb, kg) (lb, kg) (lb, kg)
9,000 7,843 7,302 4,700
4082 3550 3310 2130
9,000 9,000 9,000 6,630
4082 4082 4082 3000
9,000 6,512 5,640 2,998
4082 2950 2550 1350
26,000 (11 800)
center 23,324 23,396 16,644
C H-47D
17,000 (7710) 10 580 10 610 7550
26,000 (11 800)
center 20,657 19,171 16,567
17,000 (7710) 9370 8690 7510
1. Mi ssi on:
-Warm-up, 8 mi n. @ i dle power.
-Take-off/hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n @ T/O power.
-C rui se @ 100 KTAS for 30 nauti cal mi les wi th external load.
-Hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n.
-offload payload.
-Return 30 nauti cal mi les @ best range speed.
-Land wi th 20 mi n reserve fuel.

Table 43. Army rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities

for maximum radius mission
S ea lev el, 59°F 2,000 ft, 70°F 4,000 ft, 95°F
H elicopter 1
P ayload Range P ayload Range P ayload Range
(lb, kg) (nm) (lb, kg) (nm) (lb, kg) (nm)
6,426 5,832 3,156
UH-60A 113 121 136
2910 2640 1430
8,490 7,900 5,173
UH-60L 102 108 120
3850 3580 2340
5,229 4,306 1,591
MH-60K 94 100 110
2370 1950 720
19,089 19,089 12,187
C H-47D 129 133 144
8650 8650 5525
17,516 16,170 13,659
MH-47E 100 100 100
7940 7330 6190
9,658 8,077 5,425
MH-47E 2
284 291 306
4380 3660 2460
1. Mi ssi on:
-Warm-up, 8 mi n. @ i dle power.
-Take-off/hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n @ T/O power.
-C rui se @ 100 K TA S wi th external load.
-Hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n.
-offload payload.
-Return @ best range speed.
-Land wi th 20 mi n reserve fuel.
2. Wi th range extensi on tanks.

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Table 44. Navy/Marine Corps rotary-wing aircraft external load capabilities

for 30 nautical mile radius

Sea lev el, 60°F 2,000 ft, 70°F 4,000 ft, 95°F
H elicopter 1
(lb, kg) (lb, kg) (lb, kg)
1,542 1,464 333
699 664 151
5,801 5,268 3,416
C H-46E
2631 2390 1549
12,568 10,450 4,718
C H-53D
5701 4740 2140
31,321 27,689 16,706
C H-53E
14 207 12 560 7578
27,179 26,376 20,087
12 328 11 964 9111
4,583 4,172 2,248
2079 1892 1020
5,505 4,905 2,948
2497 2225 1337
6,144 5,546 3,589
2787 2516 1628
15,393 12,641 9,167
6982 5734 4158
1. Mi ssi on:
-Warm-up, 8 mi n. @ i dle power.
-Take-off/hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n @ T/O power.
-C rui se @ 100 KTAS for 30 nauti cal mi les wi th external load.
-Hover out-of-ground-effect 1 mi n.
-offload payload.
-Return 30 nauti cal mi les @ best range speed.
-Land wi th 20 mi n reserve fuel.
2. C rui se w/external load at 65 KTAS. Insuffi ci ent power to crui se @ 100

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Meeting these requirements ensures that military equipment can be safely and
efficiently lifted or tied down for transport. The following paragraphs provide general
guidance on lifting, tiedown and cargo tiedown provisions. Consult MIL-STD-209 for
more detailed information on lifting and tiedown provisions.

5.7.2 Equipment tiedown provisions.

(1) Equipment tiedown provision strengths are based on the gross weight of the

(2) Equipment tiedown points should be located symmetrically about the item of
equipment, preferably mounted on the front and rear ends, and higher than the center
of gravity.

(3) Equipment tiedown provisions shall have the required strength to meet the
directional load factors in MIL-STD-209. These forces are applied statically and
independently. For design purposes, each tiedown provision shall be used for restraint
in only one longitudinal direction, either fore or aft, and only one lateral direction, either
left or right. Tiedown of equipment will be entirely by the tiedown provisions without
depending on any blocking or brakes.

(4) Items/systems shall be equipped with four equipment tiedown provisions.

5.7.3 Lifting provisions.

(1) Required strengths for lifting provisions are based on the equipment gross
weight and item’s lift requirements (requirement for helicopter transport and crane lift).

(2) When locating lifting provisions the designer shall consider a range of sling
angles that will be used for lifting in the field. The range to consider is as follows: Sling
legs yielding a 45° equal length single apex sling assembly (with respect to the plane of
the provisions) to those same length sling legs attached to an 8-foot by 20-foot
container spreader bar. Sling legs are never less than 12 feet in length.

(3) Lifting provisions shall be located such that the item/system will not be
damaged due to compressive forces exerted on the item through contact with a sling

(4) Items/systems shall be equipped with four lifting provisions.

5.7.4 Multipurpose provisions.

A single provision can be used as both an equipment tiedown provision and a lifting
provision as long as the requirements of both types of provisions are met.

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5.7.5 Cargo tiedown provisions.

(1) All cargo carrying vehicles/platforms shall have cargo tiedown provisions.

(2) The number of cargo tiedown provisions shall be determined by the size of the
cargo area.

(3) The strength of the cargo tiedown provisions is based on the maximum payload
capacity of the cargo area.

5.7.6 Large cargo tiedown provisions.

(1) Equipment with a payload greater than 5,000 pounds shall be equipped with
four large cargo tiedown provisions.

(2) Required strength of large cargo tiedowns is based on the maximum payload
rating of the cargo area.

(3) The front and rear end of the cargo area must be equipped with either two or
four large cargo tiedown provisions.

(4) If the cargo area is longer than 40 feet, then the cargo area shall be equipped
with two rows of large cargo tiedown provisions (either two or four provisions in each
row) along either side of the longitudinal centerline of the cargo area.

5.7.7 Supplemental air transport tiedown provisions.

(1) Equipment weighing over 10,000 pounds that requires transport on USAF cargo
aircraft shall be equipped with supplemental air transport tiedown provisions. The
requirement for supplemental air transport provisions is in addition to meeting the
requirements for equipment tiedown provisions used for other modes of transport.

(2) The number of supplemental air transport tiedown provisions depends on the
weight of the item, the strength of the provisions, and the directional capabilities of the

(3) The required strength for the supplemental air transport tiedown provisions shall
be 10,000 or 20,000 pounds for vehicles suitable for C-130 transport, and 25,000 or
50,000 pounds for C-17/C-5 transport.

5.7.8 All provisions.

(1) Provisions that can be removed are prohibited. A tiedown or lifting provision that
doubles as another device, such as a towing provision, shall not be used if the

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secondary function requires removal of the provision.

(2) Shackles shall not be used as lifting, equipment tiedown, or multipurpose

provisions unless they meet the requirements of an alloy, safety (bolt-pin) anchor
shackle in RR-C-271D, and the nut is secured by welding.

(3) Height of lifting, equipment tiedown, and multipurpose provisions shall be

between 2 and 6 feet, measured from the ground when the equipment is resting on a
level surface, unless an integral means for reaching the provisions is provided.

(4) All lifting, tiedown, and cargo tiedown provisions shall be designed to prevent
the movable parts from freezing in place during cold weather or from jamming because
of accumulations of mud, paint, rust, and/or infrequent use.

(5) The use of spreader bars to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-209 is not
allowed unless approved by SDDCTEA or the appropriate service transportability agent.

5.8 Intermodal cargo containers.

5.8.1 Classification and dimensions of cargo containers.

To take full advantage of the intermodal benefits of containerization, materiel
should be transportable, when practical, in International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) dry box or platform (flatrack) containers. Capacities and
dimensional characteristics of ISO containers are shown in figure 29 and table 45.
There are other nonstandard sizes of containers available in some countries, however
to be capable of worldwide transport, containerized systems should utilize one of the
containers listed in table 45. Container standards require the container floor to withstand
a uniformly distributed load of not less than the maximum gross weight of the container.
For series 1 AA, 1A, and 1C containers the floor must withstand a wheel load of not less
than 6,000 pounds (2720 kg) per wheel, applied to a contact area of not greater than 22
square inches (14 2 cm2), assuming a wheel width of not less than 7 inches (18 cm) and
a distance between wheel centers of 30 inches (76 cm).

5.8.2 Designing for containerization.

In designing equipment for transport by ISO containers, there should be allowance
for adequate clearance for the equipment to both fit inside the container and be tied
down. The design criteria in table 46 allows for clearances to prevent S/E from
contacting the door and/or walls of the container during loading. In addition, the item of
equipment shall not exceed the container floor load limitations described in 5.8.1.
Additional weight limitations may be imposed on item design, depending on the mode of
transport involved. Container gross operating weights shall not exceed the weight
limitations in table 47 when a fixed-wing aircraft transport requirement exists.

5.8.3 Rocket and missile containers.

Containers shall protect rockets or missiles in all environments encountered during

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S = Length between centers of apertures in corner fittings

P = Width between centers of apertures in corner fittings
C1 = Corner fitting measurement 4 inches (105 mm)
C2 = Corner fitting measurement 3 ¾ inches (89 mm)
L = Overall External length of container
D = Distance between centers of apertures of diagonally opposite
corner fittings resulting in 6 measurements: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, and D6
K1 = Difference between D1 and D2 or between D3 and D4;
i.e. K1=D1-D2 or K1 = D2-D1 or K1 = D3-D4 or K1 = D4-D3
K2 = Difference between D5 and D6; i.e. K2 = D5-D6 or D6-D5
H = Overall height

N ominal Length Ov erall (L) S 1

P 1
(feet) mm ft-in. mm ft-in. mm ft-in. mm in. mm in.

40 12190 40' 0" 11985 39' 3-7/8" 2259 7' 4-31/32" 19 3/4 10 3/8

20 6055 19' 10-1/2" 5853 19' 2-7/16" 2259 7' 4-31/32" 13 1/2 10 3/8

10 2
2990 9' 9-3/4" 2787 9' 1-23/32" 2259 7' 4-31/32" 10 3/8 10 3/8

Wi dth Overall (W): 8 ft. 0 i n. (2435 mm)

Hei ght Overall (H): 8 ft. 0 i n. (2435 mm), 8 ft. 6 ¾ i n. (2600 mm), or 9 ft. 6 i n. (2896 mm)
1. D i mensi ons S and P are reference di mensi ons only. The tolerances to be appli ed to S and P are governed by the tolerances shown for the overall length (L)
and overall wi dth (W)
2. Not i n general servi ce.

Figure 29. Container Dimensions.

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Table 45. Dry cargo ISO containers

N ominal Actual Exterior Approximate Interior Gross
D oor Opening
C ontainer ISO D imensions D imensions D imensions Weight
W by H
D esignation W by H by L W by H by L W by H by L R atings
(in., mm)
(ft, m) (ft, m) (in., mm) (lb, kg)
8 by 8 by 20 8 by 8 by 19.88 90.5 by 86.5 by 231 90 by 84 52,900
2.44 by 2.44 by 6.10 2.44 by 2.44 by 6.06 2299 by 2197 by 5867 2286 by 2134 23 995
8 by 8.5 by 20 8 by 8.54 by 19.88 90.5 by 92.5 by 231 90 by 89 52,900
1C C
2.44 by 2.59 by 6.10 2.44 by 2.60 by 6.06 2299 by 2350 b y 5867 2286 by 2134 23 995
8 by 8 by 40 90.5 by 86.5 by 472.38 90 by 84 67,200
1A 8 by 8 by 40.00
2.44 by 2.44 by 12.19 2299 by 2197 by 11 998 2286 by 2134 30 482
8 by 8.5 by 40 8 by 8.54 by 40.00 90.5 by 92.5 by 472.38 90 by 89 67,200
1A A
2.44 by 2.59 by 12.19 2.44 b y 2.60 by 12.19 2299 by 2350 by 11 998 2286 by 2261 30 482
8 by 9.5 by 40 8 by 9.51 by 40.00 90.5 by 104.67 by 472.50 90 by 102 67,200
1A A A 1
2.44 by 2.90 by 12.19 2.44 by 2.90 by 12.19 2299 by 2659 by 12 002 2286 by 2591 30 482
1. Thi s ISO contai ner could be di ffi cult to transport effi ci ently worldwi de due to bri dge and tunnel clearances.

Table 46. Design limits for equipment requiring transport in containers

Maximum Item D imensions

External C ontainer Gross Weight
D imensions (ft, m) Width H eight Length (lb, kg)
(in., mm) (in., mm) (in., mm)

8 by 8 by 20 85 80 219 52,900
2.44 by 2.44 by 6.10 2159 2032 5563 23 995

8 by 8.5 by 20 85 85 219 52,900

2.44 by 2.59 by 6.10 2159 2159 5563 23 995

8 by 8 by 40 85 80 460 67,200
2.44 by 2.44 by 12.19 2159 2032 11 684 30 482

8 by 8.5 by 40 85 85 460 67,200

2.44 by 2.59 by 12.19 2159 2159 11 684 30 482

8 by 9.5 by 40 85 100 460
2.44 by 2.90 by 12.19 2159 2540 11 684 30 482

Table 47. Maximum gross weight of container (fixed-wing)

Freight C ontainer Maximum Gross

D esignation Weight (lb, kg)
20-foot contai ners
20 412
40-foot contai ners
11 340

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transportation, handling, and storage. See 4.6 for more information about transporting
hazardous materials.

5.8.4 Flatracks.
This section addresses the ISO flatracks, FSS (35-foot (10.5 m)) flatracks, and the
conventional containership (40-foot (12 m)) heavy-duty units. There are other flatracks
available in varying sizes, configurations, and methods of employment. Flatracks are
portable, open-top, open-side, ‘tween-deck’ (see 3.50) cargo-carrying platforms that fit
into the standard cells of container-carrying ships (see fig 30). The heavy duty flatracks
have approximately twice the cargo capacity of commercial flatracks. The FSS and
heavy-duty flatracks provide the capability to stow vehicles, oversized equipment, and
breakbulk cargo that cannot be placed into containers. Heavy-duty and FSS flatracks
are provided with wood flooring and recessed 70,000-pound (310 kN) capacity D-rings
for securing cargo. ISO flatracks.

ISO flatracks are intended for transport of long or awkward to handle items such as
drums, coils, pipes, and long crates. ISO flatracks may have either open or paneled end
walls. Ammunition shipments require that the end wall be paneled. ISO flatracks are
available with both folding and fixed end frames. The external dimensions and
capacities are the same as shown for containers in table 45. FSS flatracks.

The FSS flatracks have a maximum gross weight of 55,000 pounds (25 mton). The
FSS (35-foot (10.5 m)) flatracks were produced in three types to maximize the cargo
capacity of the ships. Flatrack weight and dimensional limitations are provided in table
48. When designing an item/system for transport in FSS flatracks, the item/system
weight and dimensions shall not exceed the limitations given in table 48. Heavy duty flatracks.

The general characteristics of the 40-foot (12 m) heavy-duty flatrack are as shown
below. When designing an item/system for transport in the 40-foot (12 m) heavy-duty
flatracks, the item/system weight and dimensions shall not exceed the maximum
internal limitations cited in this paragraph.

External Dimensions:
Length 40 feet 0 inch (1220 cm)
Width 8 feet 0 inch (244 cm)
Height 13 feet 0 inch (396 cm) *

*Some heavy duty flatracks have adjustable endposts allowing a cargo height
range from 8 feet 6 inches to 13 feet 0 inch.

Internal Dimensions: (cargo maximums)

Length 38 feet 6 inches (1173 cm)

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35-foot open-top, open-sided flatrack

Flatracks used as a temporary ‘tween’ deck

Figure 30. FSS Flatrack.

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Table 48. FSS flatracks, dimensions, weight and capacities

Ty pe I Ty pe II Ty pe III

Quanti ty aboard 53 22 3

D i mensi ons (External)

35.00, 10.67 35.00, 10.67 35.00, 10.67
Length (ft, m)
8.00, 2.44 8.00, 2.44 8.00, 2.44
Wi dth (ft, m)
15.25, 4.65 12.00, 3.66 10.25, 3.12
Hei ght (clear) (ft, m)

D i mensi ons (Internal), or

Maxi mum cargo si ze 33.75, 10.29 33.75, 10.29 33.75, 10.29
Length (ft, m) 8.00, 2.44 8.00, 2.44 8.00, 2.44
Wi dth (ft, m) 13.50, 4.11 10.25, 3.12 8.50, 2.59
Hei ght (clear) (ft, m)
Wei ght of flatrack (lb, kg) 19,300, 8754 17,841, 8093 17,511 7943
Area per flatrack (sq ft, m2) 270, 25.08 270, 25.08 270, 25.08
Volume per flatrack 3,645 2,768 2,295
(cu ft, m3) 103.22 78.38 64.99
35,700 37,159 37,489
Wei ght capaci ti es
16 193 16 855 17 005
Li fti ng 1 (lb, kg)
134,000 134,000 134,000
Maxi mum 2 (lb, kg)
60 782 60 782 60 782
1. The maxi mum wei ght that can be placed on a flatrack that i s to be li fted wi th a 35-ft (10.67 m)
contai ner li fti ng spreader.
2. The actual wei ght that can be placed on a flatrack that has been posi ti oned i n a cargo hold.

Width 8 feet 0 inch (244 cm)

Height 10 feet 6 inches (320 cm)

Flatrack weight (nominal): 18,000 pounds (8165 kg)

Maximum cargo weight: 144,000 pounds (65 318 kg)
Maximum point load: 190 psi (1.3 mPa)
Maximum uniform load: 525 psf (2563 kg/m2)

NOTE: The maximum gross lifting weight of a heavy-duty flatrack, using a 40-foot
(12.19 m) spreader is 67,200 (30 480 kg) pounds.

5.8.6 Load Handling System (LHS) flatracks.

The palletized load system (PLS) and HEMTT LHS has an integral load handling
system (LHS) capable of loading and unloading flatracks onto the PLS truck and trailer
or HEMTT LHS. Currently, there are three flatracks that are compatible with the PLS;
the M1077, M1, and M3 (Container Roll-in/Out Platform (CROP)) flatracks. The PLS
flatracks comply with the requirements of the Interoperable Flatrack Main Dimensions

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drawing of NATO STANAG 2413 and can be loaded, transported and unloaded using
the LHSs of the partner nations’ vehicles. The partner nations are the United States,
France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Payloads on other than the PLS truck and
trailer will be reduced and limited by the vehicle’s LHS payload and rating. Palletized Load System (PLS) M1077 flatrack.

The M1077 flatrack is typically referred to as the A-frame flatrack. The M1077 is
equipped with ISO corner fittings and can transport a 20-foot (6.10 m) ISO container at
a maximum weight of 33,060 pounds.

External Dimensions: Length 240 inches 610 cm

Width 96 inches 244 cm
Height 68.4 inches 174 cm
Internal Dimensions: Length 230.4 inches 585 cm
(cargo maximums, other than Width 90.5 inches 230 cm
ISO container) Height 72.3 inches 184 cm
Tare weight: 3,190 pounds 1,447 kg
Gross weight: 36,250 pounds 16,443 kg

M1077 (A-frame) Flatrack

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MIL-STD-1366E PLS M1 flatracks.

The M1 flatrack is transportable throughout the intermodal system as a flatrack or
on the PLS truck without the use of additional equipment.

External Dimensions: Length 240 inches 610 cm

Width 96 inches 244 cm
Height 82 inches 208 cm
Internal Dimensions: Length 228 inches 579 cm
(cargo maximums) Width 96 inches 244 cm
Height 70 inches 178 cm
Tare weight: 7,300 pounds 3,311 kg
Gross weight: 36,250 pounds 16,443 kg

M1 (Intermodal) Flatrack PLS M3 flatracks (CROP).

The M3 or CROP is a cargo-carrying platform capable of being transported on the
PLS truck and trailer and inside any ISO 1 CC dry cargo container.

External Dimensions: Length 230 inches 584 cm

Width 91.5 inches 232 cm
Height 10.5 inches 26.7 cm (to top of deck)
Internal Dimensions: Length 217 inches 551 cm
(cargo maximums) Width 89 inches 226 cm
Height 74 inches 188 cm
Tare weight: 4,000 pounds 1,814 kg
Gross weight: 36,250 pounds 16,443 kg

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M3 and M3A1 (CROP) Flatrack

5.9 Shelters.

5.9.1 General.
A rigid wall shelter is a transportable facility designed and constructed to house
equipment, such as electronics and communication systems, shop sets, medical
equipment, and so forth. These shelters see widespread use and are exposed to
multiple forms of transportation, which result in shelters being the primary interface for a
system’s mobility. The DoD Joint Committee on Tactical Shelters (JOCOTAS) has
recognized a limited number of shelters as standard and acceptable for DoD use.
These shelters are identified in the Defense Acquisition Deskbook under “JOCOTAS”.
General design, construction and test criteria for DoD shelters are described in ASTM E
1925, Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures. Specific
performance, interface, and fabrication details are found in ASTM specifications for
each shelter type. Nonstandard shelters have not been demonstrated to be suitable for
transport within the DTS. S-250 shelter.

Weight and dimensional characteristics of the S-250 shelter are given in figure 31. Lightweight multipurpose shelter (LMS), S-788.

The LMS is an empty shelter for use on the HMMWV (M1037, M1097, M1113,
M1152A1) which has been produced in two types. The Type I is a basic shelter with
personnel door, door access ladder, HMMWV mounting kit, and pintle extension. The
Type III shelter is modified to include a tunnel across the front of the shelter for

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Empty Weight: 770 lb, 349 kg

Gross Weight: 3,330 lb, 1211 kg
Lifting and Tiedown Provision Capacity: 5,000 lb, 2268 kg

Shelter Dimensional Data (dimensions in inches and mm)

N omenclature A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

85 5/8 79 1/16 70 1/8 78 1/16 75 3/32 64 3/32 30 55 19 9/32 15 7/32 3 1/2 37 36 39 2 3/32
2175 2008 1781 1983 1907 1628 762 1397 490 387 89 940 914 991 53

Figure 31. S-250 shelter.

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mounting an auxiliary power unit. The LMS types are described in Figure 32. The LMS
configuration has been the basis of the production of three versions of the SICPS Rigid
Wall Integrated Shelter.
NSN: 5411-01-333-0663 S-787/G Shelter, Non-Expandable, Rigid Wall,
Integrated (SICPS Rigid Wall Shelter - Version 1)

NSN: 5411-01-436-3326 S-832/G Shelter, Non-Expandable, Rigid Wall,

Integrated (SICPS Rigid Wall Shelter - Version 4)

NSN: 5411-01-494-7124 S-842/G Shelter, Non-Expandable, Rigid Wall,

Integrated (SICPS Rigid Wall Shelter - Version 5)

The integrated shelter payload must meet the requirements of both the LMS
payload and the HMMWV total payload and individual axle load ratings. S-280 shelter.

Weight and dimensional characteristics of the S-280 shelter are given in figure 33. ISO Shelter.

Weight and dimensional characteristics for the ISO shelter are given in Figure 34.
ISO shelters are tested and certified by the Convention for Safe Containers (CSC).
Shelters built to dimensions other than ISO standard are not truly ISO shelters, even
when ISO corner fittings are provided. These shelters do not match with the ISO
transportation equipment. Lifting and tiedown provisions IAW MIL-STD-209 should be
used on all shelters not matching ISO dimensional standards.

5.9.2 Shelter transportability and certification.

Standard DOD shelters are designed and tested to be safely transported at their
maximum rated payload. DOD systems housed in shelters and designed for movement
by any mode of transport must stay within the payload limitations imposed by the
shelter, prime-mover, and transport equipment. Staying within these payload capabilities
promotes safe transport, reduces potential damage to mission equipment, prime-mover,
shelter, and transport equipment, and reduces prime-mover and transporter
maintenance requirements. When determining the system payload and/or gross weight
of the prime mover, the system developer must consider all associated items of
equipment that are transported with the item or system, as well as crew members, their
equipment, and trailer tongue weights. Consistent with the definition of gross weight and
vehicle payload, associated items of equipment may include such items as camouflage,
concertina wire, tents, extra fuel, water, spreader bar assemblies, and tools and spare

5.9.2 NATICK certification.

The US Army Natick Soldier Center (NATICK) is the DoD certification authority for
shelter transportability and overload. Contact NATICK via e-mail (AMSSB-RSC-
[email protected]) for details. In general, shelter certification is based on:

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Tare Weight
Tare Weight
with mounting
without Pay load
Ty pe N SN kit and pintle D escription
mounting kit (lb)
(lb) 1
The basi c shelter consi sts of the shelter
structure wi th personnel door, a door access
ladder for when the shelter i s mounted on a
host vehi cle, a drai n plug i n the floor of the
I 5411-01-357-3582 608 746 3,300
shelter, front and rear vehi cle mounts wi th
hardware, i nserts for attachment of a bootwall,
roof-edge doubler plate, and fold out steps on
the si de wall.
Shelter modi fi ed. Thi s shelter i ncludes
everythi ng contai ned i n the type I basi c shelter
II 5411-01-357-3583 643 781 3,300 and i n addi ti on, a 29-i nch wi de by 33-i nch
hi gh tunnel across the bottom front of the
shelter wi th openi ngs on each si de.
1. The mounti ng ki t wei ghs 88 pounds and the pi ntle extender wei ghs 50 pounds.

Figure 32. Lightweight Multipurpose Shelter, S-788.

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Shelter Dimensional and Weight Data (Dimensions in inches and mm)

N omenclature A B C D E F G H I J K L

147 87 83 3/8 138 81 3/4 74 3/4 35 64 3/4 47 71 44 4

S-280/G, A/G
3734 2210 2118 3505 2076 1899 889 1645 1194 1803 1118 102
147 87 86 3/8 138 81 3/4 77 1/8 35 64 3/4 55 68 44 4
S-280C /G
3734 2210 2194 3505 2076 1959 889 1645 1397 1727 1118 102

S-280/G, S-280
A/G, B /G C /G
(lb, kg) (lb, kg)
1,380 1,400
Empty wei ght
626 635
6,380 8,500
Gross wei ght
2894 3856
Li fti ng and
11,000 14,400
ti edown provi si on
4990 6532
capaci ty

Figure 33. S-280 shelter (MIL-S-55286).

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ISO Shelter Shipping Mode Dimensions (inches and mm)

N omenclature A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O

238.5 96 96 229.3 90.8 85.3 36 80 34 82.5 7 6.3 120 49 42

Non expandable
6058 2438 2438 5824 2306 2167 914 2032 864 2096 178 160 3048 1245 1067
1 si d e 238.5 96 96 229.3 84 85.3 36 80 34 82.5 7 6.3 121 59 46
expandable 6058 2438 2438 5824 2134 2167 914 2032 864 2096 178 160 3073 1499 1168
2 si d e 238.5 96 96 229.3 77.8 85.3 36 88 34 82.5 7 6.3 122 49 48
expandable 6058 2438 2438 5824 1976 2167 914 2032 864 2096 178 160 3099 1245 1219

1-side 2-side
N on-expandable
Shipping Mode expandable expandable
(lb, kg)
(lb, kg) (lb, kg)
3,860 5,520 6,950
Empty Wei ght
1751 2504 3153
11,140 9,480 8,050
5053 4300 3651
15,000 15,000 15,000
6804 6804 6804

Figure 34. ISO shelter.

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a. An engineering evaluation of the modifications to the shelter used to house

the proposed system.

b. Evaluation of the test plan and results.

5.9.3 Shelter modifications.

In many cases, a system developer is required to modify a standard shelter
during system integration. These modifications typically include wall cutouts for
environmental control equipment, electronics interface, and the installation of racks.
These systems may be required to conduct shelter transportability certification testing,
depending upon the extent to which the shelter is modified and the transport modes
required for the system’s movement. The system’s transportability report should
highlight any shelter modifications so the transportability analysis can recommend
when additional testing is required. Particular consideration should be given to the use
of the Army Standard Family of ISO Shelters and other DOD ISO shelters.
Modifications to these types of shelters may require ISO recertification before they will
be shipped by commercial modes. Modifications to ISO shelters may affect structural
characteristics and their ability to meet loads imposed by shipping (i.e. stacking 6 or 9
high in container ships). Shelter modification drawings must be reviewed by a Coast
Guard approved inspection agency (check Convention for Safe Containers (CSC)
certification plate for agency) for a determination of recertification. Retesting may be
required in some cases.

5.9.4 Nonstandard shelters.

Any use of a shelter not included in the DOD inventory of standard shelters must
be approved by the Joint Committee on Tactical Shelters (JOCOTAS). Shelters bought
off the GSA schedule may not meet all of its transportability requirements. Therefore,
neither a shelter transportability certification nor transportability approval will be granted
unless approval from JOCOTAS is obtained. Shelters must be compatible with the
cargo bed and cargo tiedown provisions of the planned transport vehicle. Lifting and
tiedown provision testing and rail impact testing with the shelter at gross weight with
operational equipment installed is typically required to ensure the shelter can be
adequately restrained for transport and has the structural integrity for transport within
the DTS. System Developers should contact their JOCOTAS service representatives for
guidance in the use of nonstandard shelters. Service representatives can be found by
contacting the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center, ATTN: AMSSB-RSC-B, Kansas Street,
Natick, MA 01760, DSN 256-4347 or (508) 233-4347.

Converting ISO shipping containers (aka. CONEX’s) to serve a shelter function is

becoming more commonplace. For simplicity, an ISO shipping container is considered
to be converted to a shelter if it is used for anything other than transporting bulk cargo
from one location to another. If an ISO shipping container is converted to serve as a
shelter, JOCOTAS does not need to waive its use. However, a shelter tranpsortability
certification is still required (see paragraph

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5.10 Overloads.

5.10.1 General.
Items of equipment developed for movement by any mode of transport should meet
the payload limitations imposed by the transport equipment. Staying within the payload
capabilities of the transport equipment promotes safe transport, reduces potential
damage to transport equipment, and reduces transporter maintenance requirements.
When determining the payload and/or gross weight of the transport equipment, the
designer must consider all associated items of equipment that are transported with the
item or system. Consistent with the definition of gross weight and vehicle payload,
associated items of equipment may include such items as camouflage, concertina,
tents, extra fuel, water, spreader bar assemblies, and tools and spare parts.

5.10.2 Overload prevention.

Procedures for preventing overloads are found in MIL-HDBK-910. It describes
shelters, trailers, vehicles, and their interaction in determining accurate system payloads
and identifying areas where overload situations exist.

5.10.3 Other prime mover overload considerations.

For S/E requiring highway transport, the following prime mover characteristics shall
not be exceeded. They are: towed load allowance for a cargo truck or truck tractor
pintle, towed load allowance for a truck tractor fifth wheel receptacle, vertical pintle load
allowance, fifth wheel receptacle vertical load allowance, and prime mover vehicle
weight and axle ratings.

5.10.4 Designing for transport.

Unless otherwise specified, new items of equipment shall be designed such that
their weight does not exceed the payload capabilities of the required transport
equipment. When an item of equipment/system is designed for transport by specific
transport equipment, the item/system shall meet requirements to prevent overloads.

5.11 Assembly/disassembly.

5.11.1 General.
The objective of transportability design is to ensure developed items of equipment
are capable of rapid and efficient deployment by all required transport modes. Large
and heavy items of equipment may not meet weight and dimensional transport
limitations, thereby requiring alternate routing, special procedures, and/or disassembly
for transport. This can cause unnecessary delays during item transport, costly delays
for receiving units, and use of valuable time to reassemble the item. When practical, an
item of equipment should be designed such that transport can be achieved without
major disassembly of the item.

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5.11.2 Transportability design for assembly/disassembly.

Unless otherwise required by the combat developer (CBTDEV), S/E to be used in
the initial support of forces deployed in a contingency operation, including supply by air,
shall be operational immediately, except for selected engineer construction equipment,
which must be capable of employment within 1 hour. Removed items should be stowed
on the S/E or be transported on the same vehicle/aircraft to ensure the S/E can be
quickly reassembled at the destination.

This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be
helpful, but is not mandatory.

6.1 Intended use.

This standard is intended for use as an element of the overall engineering for
transportability program as both design and evaluation criteria for the development of
DOD systems and equipment.

6.2 Issue of DODISS.

When this standard is used in acquisition, the issue of the DODISS applicable to
the solicitation should be cited (see 2.1.1and 2.1.2).

6.3 Data requirements.

Data Item Description (DID) DI-PACK-80880, Transportability Report, should be
listed on the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) when this standard is
applied on a contract to obtain the data.

6.4 Subject term (key word) listing.

Approval, transportability Criteria
Engineering, transportability
Cargo tiedown provision
Military standards
Provision, lifting
Provision, tiedown
Report, transportability
Supplemental air transport tiedown provision
Transport, air
Transport, highway
Transport, rail
Transport, water
Transportability engineering analysis Transportability problem item

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6.5 International standardization agreements.

Certain provisions of this standard are the subject of international standardization
agreements (STANAG 2021, STANAG 3400, STANAG 3542, STANAG 3548, STANAG
3854, STANAG 4062, A MOV P-4, QSTAG 328, AIR STD 44/9, AIR STD 44/12 and AIR
STD 44/21). When a change notice, revision, or cancellation of this standard is
proposed that will modify the international agreements concerned, the preparing activity
for this standard will take appropriate action through international standardization
channels, including departmental standardization offices, to change the STANAG(s) or
make other appropriate accommodations.

6.6 Changes from previous issue.

Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to
the previous issue due to the extent of the changes.

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Sample Problem for determining Bridge Formula Requirements

A.1 Scope.
This appendix establishes a sample application of the bridge formula.

A.2 Applicable documents.

This section is not applicable to this appendix.

A.3 Symbols.
As stated in paragraph, the following letter symbols apply.

W = overall gross weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles to the
nearest 500 pounds.

L = distance in feet between the extreme of any group of two or more consecutive

N = number of axles in the group under consideration.

A.4 General requirements.


A.5 Detailed requirements.

A.5.1 Example.
See figure 35. For a vehicle with weights and axle dimensions as shown in this
figure, bridge formula requirements are determined as follows.

Determine axle combinations to be analyzed. The contractor and/or MATDEV must
determine bridge formula requirements for all axle combinations. For the example in
figure 35, the possible axle combinations are:

1 through 2 2 through 4
1 through 3 2 through 5
1 through 4 3 through 4
1 through 5 3 through 5
2 through 3 4 through 5

Bridge formula requirements must be met for all of these combinations.

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A.5.1.2 Using bridge formula, determine maximum allowable loading for each
axle combination.

a. For the single axle (axle 1), tandem axles (axles 2-3 and 4-5), and vehicle gross
weight (axles 1-5); the actual axle loads must not exceed 20,000 pounds, 34,000
pounds, and 80,000 pounds, respectively. Please note that the bridge gross weight
formula defines a tandem axle as two or more consecutive axles whose centers may be
included between parallel vertical planes spaced more than 40 inches and not more
than 96 inches apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle. In figure 35, axle
groupings 2 through 3 and 4 through 5 are each spaced 4 feet apart. Therefore, these
two axle groupings are both tandem axles. As shown in the figure, the actual axle loads
for the single axle, tandem axles, and gross weight are 12,000 pounds, 34,000 pounds
(for both 2-3 and 4-5), and 80,000 pounds, respectively. Hence, the bridge formula is
not exceeded for these combinations.

b. For the other axle combinations, the following calculation shows an example of a
bridge formula calculation. This calculation is for the axle combination 1 through 3.

W = 500 (LN/(N-1) + 12N + 36)

W = 500 [(21 x 3)/(3 - 1) + (12 x 3) + 36]

W = 51,500 pounds (rounded to nearest 500 pounds)

This is the maximum allowable load for axles 1 through 3 under the bridge formula.
All other axle combinations would be computed similarly to this.

c. Compare maximum allowable loading to actual loading:

For axle combinations 1 through 3:

W actual = 12,000 + 17,000 + 17,000 = 46,000 pounds

For this axle combination, W actual (46,000 pounds) < W maximum (51,500

Hence, the bridge formula is met for axle combination 1 through 3.

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d. Using the bridge formula, the maximum allowable loading for each of the
possible axle combinations for this example are (see A.5.1.1):

1 through 2 = 47,000 pounds 2 through 4 =58,500 pounds

1 through 3 = 51,500 pounds 2 through 5 =64,500 pounds
1 through 4 = 73,500 pounds 3 through 4 =56,000 pounds
1 through 5 = 80,000 pounds* 3 through 5 =58,500 pounds
2 through 3 = 34,000 pounds* 4 through 5 =34,000 pounds**

* Maximum allowable gross weight.

** Maximum allowable for tandem axle.

e. There is one exception to the bridge formula. Two consecutive sets of tandem
axles may carry a gross load of 34,000 pounds each providing the overall distance
between the first and last axles of such consecutive sets of tandem axles is 36 feet or
more. In figure 35, the distance between the first axle of grouping 2 through 3 and the
last axle of 4 through 5 is 34 feet. Hence, this example does not meet the exception.

f. Please note that for this example: For axle combination 2 through 5 W actual
(68,000 pounds) > W maximum (64,500 pounds). Therefore, the example in figure 35
does not meet the bridge formula because the loading for axle combination 2 through 5
exceeds the bridge formula allowable.

Figure 35. Sample case for determining bridge formula requirements.

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Custodian: Preparing Activity:

Army - MT Army – MT
Navy - SA
Air Force – 11 Project No. Pack - 1142

Review activities:
Army - CR3, PT, SM, TM2
Navy - AS, CG, NP, TD
Air Force - 13
Other - SE, SP

NOTE: The activities listed above were interested in this document as of the date
of this document. Since organizations and responsibilities can change, you should
verify the currency of the information above using the ASSIST Online database at http://


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