SV Uvm Ramdas

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The presentation discusses verification concepts, methodologies and introduction to SystemVerilog.

Verification is the process of demonstrating functional correctness of a design and ensuring specification is preserved in implementation.

Implications of not verifying include incorrect interaction between components, conflicts in accessing shared resources, deadlocks and unexpected system behavior.

SOC Verification with System

Ramdas M
Expert Verification Engineer

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 1

• Verification Concepts • Introduction to System
– What/Why/How Verilog
– History and evolution of SV
– Simulation based and Formal
– Comparison with Verilog
– Assertions and Coverage based
– Language Features
– Directed vs.. Random – OOP Concepts and support in
• Standard Verification
– Need for Methodologies
– Layered Testbench
– TLM concepts
– OVM/UVM concepts
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 2
• I have reused lots of materials available over web along
with my own customization based on experience to put it
all together
• Thanks to following useful content
– Accellera SystemVerilog workshop foils at DAC2003
– Verification Academy Trainings and OVM/UVM cookbooks
– Writing Testbenches using System Verilog – Janick Bergeron
– System Verilog lectures by Ahmed Hemani @ school of ICT, KTH

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• For more Course Resources, Tutorials see


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Verification Concepts

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What is verification
• Process of demonstrating functional correctness of a
• Process that ensures specification is preserved in the
• Different from validation and testing
– Validation ensures that product/design satisfied user needs
– Testing ensures that product is manufactured correctly

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Verification in VLSI Design Flow
Design Specifications

Design Entry (Schematic/HDL)

Functional Verification & Power Analysis

Logic & Test Synthesis Technology

Static Gate
Formal Power
Timing Level
Verification Estimation
Analysis Simulation

Floor Planning & CTS

Layout Design

Placement & Routing Front End

SDF & Back End

Parasitics Physical Verification Verification Signoff

1/4/2016 Tapeout
Verification with System Verilog 7
Verification in a SOC Project Life Cycle

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What if we don’t verify?
• Is it possible to guarantee a design without verification?
– Incorrect/Insufficient Specifications
– Misinterpretation of specifications
– Misunderstanding between designers
– Missed cases
– Protocol non-conformance

• Implications on the final system

– Incorrect interaction between IPs/Cores
– Conflict in accessing shared resources
– Deadlock and arbitration
– Priority conflicts in exception handling
– Unexpected behavior of the system
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The Importance of Verification
• 70% of design effort goes in verification
• Bug escapes to silicon can be costly including re-spin
– 50% reason for re-spins are because of bugs. Hence the need to
find all bugs early
• Ever increasing complexity of designs makes this harder
• Hence Verification is always on critical path for any product
• Verification time can be reduced by
– Parallelism
– Abstraction
– Automation

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Verification Space
• What to Verify?
– Functional Verification
– Timing Verification
– Performance Verification
• How to Verify?
– Simulation based Verification
– Emulation/FPGA based Verification
– Formal Verification
– Semi-Formal Verification
– HW/SW Co- Verification
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What is a Verification Plan?
• Verification plan is the specification document for
verification effort
– Design specification is the golden reference
– Mechanism to ensure all essential features are verified as
• What to verify ?
– Features and under what conditions to verify them
• How to verify ?
– What methodologies to use – Formal, Checking, Coverage etc.
– What should be - Stimulus, Checkers, Coverage
• Priority for features to be verified
– Schedules should be extractable from a detailed plan

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Verification Approaches
• Black-Box
 Verification without knowledge of design implementation.
 Lack of visibility and observability.
 Tests are independent of implementation.
 Impractical in todays designs.
• White Box
 Intimate knowledge of design implementation
 Full visibility and observability
 Tests are tied to a specific implementation
• Grey Box
 Compromise between above approaches

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Levels of Verification
• Each level of Verification will
be suited for a specific
– Lower levels have better
controllability and visibility
• Block level Verification helps
designs to be verified
independently and in parallel
• System Level Verification
focuses more on interactions

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Simulation Based Verification
• Generate Input sequences
– Directed/Random/Constrained-Random sequences
• Generate expected output sequence (golden)
• Simulate the DUT with the generated input sequences
• Verify DUT output against golden output
• Use Coverage Metrics for ensuring completeness
1 Simulator
0 0
1 1
1 1 ?
Test =
Generator 1 1
0 0 checker
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Formal Verification
• Equivalence Checking
– Checks for functional equivalence (not correctness)
between RTL and netlist or between two models
• Model Checking
– Algorithm takes two inputs
• A finite state transition system (FSM) representing the
• A formal property representing the specification
– The algorithm checks whether the FSM “models” the
property correctly
• This is an exhaustive search of the FSM to see whether it has
any path or state that violates the property

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Semi-Formal Verification
• Best of both worlds (Simulation & Formal)
• Use simulation to reach interesting states in the design
• Then fork off formal to do exhaustive analysis around the
interesting state
• Finds bugs sitting deep in the design
• Useful for bug hunting
• Difficult to guide tool in proper direction
• Unlike pure formal, cannot give a PASS status

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Assertion Based Verification
• An Assertion is a statement about a design’s intended behavior
,which must be verified
• Benefits of Assertions:
– Improving Observability and debug ability
– Improving integration through correct usage checking
• A design team inserts boundary assertions to monitor correct
interface communication during integration verification
– Improving verification efficiency
• Find bugs faster
• Work at all times and with all tools
• Facilitate formal analysis
– Improving communication through documentation
– Useful in both static and dynamic simulations
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Assertion Based Verification (2)
• Using Assertions in Formal Verification
– Formally specify all functional requirements and behavior of
design in a language
– Use a procedure to prove that all specified properties hold
• Using Assertions in Dynamic Simulation
– Specified properties are useful as checks and for coverage

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• What is Coverage?
– Coverage is the metric of completeness of verification
• Why coverage?
– Verification is based on samples
• Cannot run all possible tests (2n) to cover full space
• Need to know that all areas of the design have been
• Quality of a test suite is not a measure of it’s size
– Solution:
• Coverage Analysis

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Coverage (2)
• Coverage Goals
– Measure the quality of a test suite
– Tell a verification engineer when to stop!
– Achieve 100%
• Coverage Metrics
– Systematically created list of verification tasks
– Check that each task has been covered during verification
– Supplement verification plan by pointing to untested areas
– Help create/better regression suites
• Forms of Coverage
– Structural (Code)
– Functional coverage
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Code Coverage
• Statement
– Has each statement of the source code been executed?
• Branch
– Has each control structure been evaluated to both true
and false?
– Example: if, case, while, repeat, forever, for, loop
• Condition
– Has each boolean sub-expression evaluated both to true
and false?
– Extension of Branch coverage for conditional expressions

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Code Coverage (2)
• Expression
– Counts the no. of times an expression on the RHS of an
assignment statement is executed
– Example: x <= a xor (not b);
• Toggle
– counts each time a logic node transitions from one state to
– Standard – covers 0->1 and 1->0 transitions
– Extended – covers 0<->1, z<->1 and z<->0 transitions
– counts state reachability and transitions
– State coverage and FSM Arc coverage
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Functional Coverage
• Covers the functionality of the DUT
– Define functional coverage metrics in the verification plan
• Functional Coverage is derived from design specification
– DUT Inputs – Are all input operations injected?
– DUT Outputs/functions – Are all responses seen from every
output port?
– DUT internals –
• Are all interested design events being verified?
– e.g. FIFO fulls, arbitration mechanisms etc.

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Coverage Driven Verification

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Coverage Analysis
Functional Coverage Code Coverage Interpretation

Low Low Still lot of verification to do

Low High Muti-cycle scenarios,
corner cases, cross-
correlations still to be
High Low Verification plan and/or
functional coverage metrics
inadequate. Possibility of
duplicate/dead code
High High High confidence in
verification quality
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Directed Vs Random Testing
Directed Constrained Random Pure Random
 Can only cover  High ramp up time to  Need infinite
scenarios thought build smart test compute cycles to
through planning generators cover all condition
 High maintenance  Need to identify and space
cost implement Functional  Less user control.
 Works good when Coverage Simple to build
condition space is  Deep User control. generator
finite Complex Test generator
 No need of extensive  Best balance between
coverage coding engineer time and
compute time
 Can have static and
dynamic (during test
run) randomness

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Directed vs. Random Testing

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Hardware-Accelerated Simulation
• Simulation performance is improved by moving the time-consuming part of
the design to hardware.
• Usually, the software simulation communicates with FPGA-based hardware
• Challenges
– Generally improves speed but
degrades on HW-SW
(Testbench) communication
– Abstracting HW-SW
communication at transaction
level rather than cycle level
desired for better speeds
• HW Emulation
– Full mapping of HW into an emulator (array of FPGAs)
– More like a real target system. Speed up possible upto 1000X simulation
– Debug is a challenge with limited visibility
– Usually used for HW+SW co-verification
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HW/SW Co-Verification
• SOC designs involve both HW and SW development
• HW and SW components are verified separately but needs to work
together in real product
• Co-Verification will help projects to complete in short time and with
higher confidence on both HW and SW quality

• Three parts for Co-

– Platform (FPGA,
Emulator, ICE)
– Stimulus (HW or SW
stimulus, real
– Debuggability (Trackers,
Waveform captures, SW

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Verification Metrics
• Metrics
– Measurements that provide visibility into a process
– Help identify issues so corrective action can taken
– Historical trend data facilitates future project planning
• Metrics can help us
– Understand how the design was verified
– Measure the productivity of various stimulus methods
– Ensure that the desired checkers are in place and performing checks
– Ensure regressions are run effective and productive
– Coverage metrics helps in identifying stimulus holes
– Bug metrics can provide insight into the simulation, coverage and
overall progress
• Overall Metrics helps us tracking towards completeness and
quality of verification
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Examples of Various Verification Metrics

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Introduction to System Verilog

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• For more Course Resources, Tutorials see


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What is System Verilog
• SystemVerilog is a combined hardware
description language and hardware verification
• SystemVerilog is an extensive set of
enhancements to IEEE 1364 Verilog-2001
• It has features inherited from Verilog

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History and evolution of SV
• Verilog (IEEE standard 1364)
– Began in 1983 as a proprietary language
– Opened to the public in 1992
– Became an IEEE standard in 1995 (updated in 2001 and 2005)
– Between 1983 and 2005 design sizes increased dramatically!
• System Verilog (IEEE standard 1800)
– Originally intended to be the 2005 update to Verilog
– Contains hundreds of enhancements and extensions to Verilog
– Published in 2005 as a separate document
– Officially superseded Verilog in 2009
– Updated with more features in 2012 (IEE 1800 2012 standard)

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System Verilog – User View

• Has 5 major parts

– SVD – System Verilog for Design
• Features supporting Design
– SVTB – System Verilog for Test benches
• Test bench specific Features
– SVA – System Verilog Assertions
• Features for temporal and concurrent assertions
– SVDPI – SV Direct Programming Interface
• For better C/C++ integration
– SVAPI – SV Application Programming Interface
• For better Coverage/Assertion integration

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Why System Verilog

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Verilog Comparison
Verilog System Verilog

• Used for Design Entry • Module Level Design

• Module Level Verification • Constrained Random
• Assertions/Coverage
• One single language for
entire design flow

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Verilog Comparison – Data types
Verilog System Verilog

• Strict about usage of wire • Logic data type can be used so

& reg data type no need to worry about reg &
• Variable types are 4 state – • 2 state data type added – 0, 1
0,1,X,Z state
• 2 state variable can be used in
test benches,where X,Z are not
• 2 state variable in RTL model
may enable simulators to be
more efficient

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Verilog Comparison
Verilog System Verilog

• Used for Design Entry • Module Level Design

• Module Level Verification • Constrained Random
• Assertions/Coverage
• One single language for
entire design flow

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Verilog Comparison
Verilog System Verilog

• Used for Design Entry • Module Level Design

• Module Level Verification • Constrained Random
• Assertions/Coverage
• One single language for
entire design flow

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Verification Capabilities
Verilog System Verilog

• File I/o • All Verilog features

• Random number generation • Constrained random number

• Fork/join
• Classes and OOP features
• Initial block
• Fork/join_any,fork/join_none
• Task & functions • Final block
• PLI • Task & function enhancements

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Direct Programming Interface
• DPI is an interface between System Verilog and C that
allows inter-language function calls
• Simple to used as compared to PLI’s
• Values can be passed directly
• Import Functions
– SV calls C functions
• Export Functions
– C calls SV functions

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Why not VHDL ?
• VHDL Lacks
– Constrained Random Generation
– Functional Coverage
– Assertions
• Specman E/Vera
– Used with VHDL and Verilog for Constrained Random
generation and Functional Coverage
• PSL (Property Specification Language)
– Used for Assertions
• Learning 1 language (System Verilog) is better than
learning 2 languages (Specman E/Vera and PSL)

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Data Types

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Integer Data Type
shortint 2-state (1, 0), 16 bit signed
int 2-state, 32 bit signed
longint 2-state, 64 bit signed
byte 2-state, 8 bit signed
bit 2-state, user-defined vector size
logic 4-state (1,0,x,z) user-def
reg 4-state user-defined size
integer 4-state, 32 bit signed
time 4-state, 64 bit unsigned

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• byte, shortint, int, integer and longint defaults to signed
– Use unsigned to represent unsigned integer value
Example: int unsigned ui;
• bit, reg and logic defaults to unsigned
• To create vectors, use the following syntax:
logic [1:0] L; // Creates 2 bit logic vector

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• String – dynamic allocated array of bytes
• SV provides methods for working with strings

Str1 == Str2 Equality

Str1 != Str2 Inequality

<, <=, >, >= Comparison

{Str1, Str2, … Strn} Concatenation

Str1[index] indexing – return 0 if out

of range

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String Methods

• len • atoi, atohex,

• putc atoct, atobin
• getc • atoreal
• toupper • itoa
• tolower • hextoa
• compare • octtoa
• icompare • bintoa
• substr • realtoa

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SV additions for Flow Control
• Verilog includes: if-(else-(if)), case, forever, repeat,
while, for, ?: (ternary)
• System Verilog:
– Enhances for
• Loop variable declaration
• Multiple statements in init and step blocks (comma
• ++ and -- operators (Mentioned in operator section)
– Adds do..while, foreach
for (int i; i < arr.size(); j+=2, 1)x = 0; 2) do
i++) begin while (x) begin begin
arr[i] += 200; $display(“%d”, x); $display(“%d”, x);
x--; x--;
end end
end while (x);
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• case: 4-value exact matching, runtime evaluation, no fall
through, bit length of all expressions padded to same
• casex:
– Handles wildcard
– ‘z’ or ‘x’ bits will both match
• casez:
– Handles wildcard
– ‘z’ bit in either item or expression will be treated as a
match for that bit

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• Continuous execution, without end, of body statement(s)
• Used with timing controls
• Usually last statement in some block

initial : clock_drive
clk = 1’b0;
forever #10 clk = ~clk;
end : clock_drive

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• Repeat a block ‘x’ times, no conditional test
• repeat (expr) statement
• What happens with expr = ‘x’ or ‘z’?

• Example
x = 0;
repeat (16)
$display(“%d”, x++);

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User defined and Enumerated types
typedef <base_data_type> <type_identifier>
eg: typedef int inch ; // inch becomes a new type
inch foot = 12, yard = 36; // these are 2 new variables of type ‘inch’

enum [enum_base_type] { enum_name_declaration {,enum_name_declaration} }
enum_base_type: default is int

Enumeration is a useful way of defining abstract variables.

Define an enumeration with “ enum ”

enum {red, green, yellow} traf_lite1, traf_lite2;

Values can be cast to integer types and auto-incremented

enum { a=5, b, c} vars; // b=6, c=7

A sized constant can be used to set size of the type

enum bit [3:0] { bronze=4’h3, silver, gold} medal; // All medal members are 4-bits

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Packed and Unpacked Arrays

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Dynamic Arrays

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Dynamic Array - Methods
– Resizing
<array> = new[<size>](<src_array>);
dyn= new[j * 2](fix);

function int size()

Returns the current size of the array

int addr[ ] = new[256];

int j = addr.size(); // j = 256

function void delete()

Empties array contents and zero-sizes it

int addr[ ] = new[256];


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Associative Arrays
• Associative arrays are used when the size of the array is
not known or the data is sparse.
• Syntax:
data_type array_name [index_type];
In other words
value_type array_name [key_type];
• It implements a lookup table of the elements of its
declared type.
• Data type used as an index serves as lookup key and
imposes an order.
• Associative array do not have their storage allocated
until it is used.

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Associative Array Methods
Function Use
num() Returns number of entries

delete(<index>) Index for delete optional. When

specified used to delete given index
else whole array.
exists (<index>) Returns 1 if element exists at index
else 0
first (<index>), last (<index>) assigns to the given index variable the
value of the first/last (smallest/largest)
index in the associative array.
It returns 0 if the array is empty, and 1
next (<index>), prev (<index>) finds the entry whose index is
greater/smaller than the given index.

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Queues and Lists
SV has a built-in list mechanism which is ideal for queues, stacks, etc.
A list is basically a variable size array of any SV data type.

int q1[$]; // $ represents the ‘upper’ array boundary

int n, item;

q1 = ‘{ n, q1 }; // uses concatenate syntax to write n to the left end of q1

q1 = ‘{ q1, n }; // uses concatenate syntax to write n to the right end of q1

item = q1[0]; // read leftmost ( first ) item from list

item = q1[$]; // read rightmost ( last ) item from list

n = q1.size; // determine number of items on q1

q1 = q1[1:$]; // delete leftmost ( first ) item of q1

q1 = q1[0:$-1]; // delete rightmost ( last ) item of q1

for (int i=0; i < q1.size; i++) // step through a list using integers (NO POINTERS)
begin … end

q1 = { }; // clear the q1 list

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Queue Methods

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Tasks and Functions

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Tasks and Functions - Usage
• Tasks
– Tasks can enable other tasks and functions
– Tasks may execute in non-zero simulation time.
– Tasks may have zero or more arguments of type input, output
and inout.
• Functions
– Function can enable other functions only. Task cannot be
called from functions.
– Functions should execute in zero simulation time.
– Functions have only one return value but System Verilog also
allows functions to have input, output or inout types.
• Both tasks and functions support passing arguments by
reference. By default arguments are passed by value.

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Argument passing
• Passing by value is the default mechanism for passing

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Abstracting IO

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Interfaces – Characteristics
• Interfaces bring abstraction-level enhancements to ports, not
just internals.
• An interface may contain any legal System Verilog code
except module definitions and/or instances. This includes
tasks, functions, initial/always blocks, parameters, etc.
• Bus timing, pipelining, etc. may be captured in an interface
rather than the connecting modules.
• Interfaces are defined once and used widely, so it simplifies
e.g. Changing a bus spec (add a new signal?) means editing
the interface only.
• Interfaces are synthesizable.

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• Different users of interface need different
views interface i2;
– Master/Slave wire a, b, c, d;
modport master (input a, b,
• Restrict access to internal interface signals output c, d);
– Protect implementation signals from modport slave (output a, b,
corruption input c, d);
endinterface : i2

module m (i2.master infm);

endmodule: m

module s (i2.slave infs);

endmodule: s

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Clocking Blocks
• The clocking block assembles signals that are
synchronous to a clock and makes their timing
• Clocking blocks capture timing and synchronization
requirements from the structural, procedural and
functional elements of a testbench.
• Enables writing of operations such as synchronous
events, input sampling etc in a concise and precise

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Input and output skews
• Input and output signals are sampled clocking dram @(clk);
at a designated clocking event. input #1ps address;
• For an input skew, the signal is input #5 output #6 data;
sampled at skew units before the
clock event.
interface Bus (input bit clk,
• For an output or inout, the signal is input bit req,
driven simulation time units after the output bit ack);
corresponding clock.
• A skew value is a constant expression clocking cb @(posedge clk);
and can be specified by a parameter. input clk;
input req;
• If a number is used for the time then
output #4 ack;
skew is interpreted based on endclocking: cb
timescale. modport master (clocking cb);
• An input skew of 1step indicates that endinterface: Bus
the signal is sampled at the end of
previous time step.

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Clocking block syntax
clocking block_name clocking_event;
item list;
endclocking : block_name

clocking bus @(posedge clock1);

default input #10ns output #2ns;
input data, ready,
output negedge ack;
input #1 addr;

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Program Blocks
• A program block is similar to a module. It is used
for testbench code.

program helloWorld();
begin: hello
$display("Hello World");

begin: there
$display(“Hello There”);
endprogram: helloWorld

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Program Blocks
• Programs can be instantiated inside modules, but not the
other way around.
• Program blocks may contain one or more initial blocks,
but may not contain always, UDPs, modules, interfaces,
or other programs.
• Programs may be explicitly exited using the $exit task.
• When all program blocks complete the simulation ends.
• Operations of a program block happen in the reactive
region of the simulation.

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Program block semantics
• Statements and constructs within a program block that are
sensitive to changes (e.g., update events) on design signals are
scheduled in the Reactive region.
• @(clk) S1;
where clk is a design signal. Every transition of signal clk will
cause the statement S1 to be scheduled into the Reactive
region. The continuous assignment assign tclk = clk; would also
be scheduled in the Reactive region.
• Initial procedures within program blocks are scheduled in the
Reactive region.
• The standard # delay operator within program blocks
schedules process resumption in the
• Reactive region.
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• Creates a scope that contains declarations intended
to be shared among one or more compilation units,
modules, interfaces, or programs.
– Generally constants, type defs, tasks and functions
– No hierarchical references allowed

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OOP Concepts

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• For more Course Resources, Tutorials see


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What is OOP?
• OOP is object oriented programming
– Organize programs in same way as objects are organized in real
– Break program into blocks that work together to accomplish a
task, each block has a well defined interface

• Class – A blueprint for a house

– Program element “containing” related group of features and
– Encapsulates functionality
– Provides a template for building objects

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Class Basics
• A Class is a description of some group of things that have
something in common.
• Objects are individual instances of “classes”.
– Example: A class might be “Automobile”. Instances of
the “Automobile” class might be “Joe’s car”, “Bob’s
car”, “Sally’s truck”, etc.
• Objects/Classes have:
– Data
• Color, speed, direction, etc.
– Operations/Methods
• Start, stop, increaseSpeed, turn, etc.
• Encapsulation:
– Encapsulate implementation details internal to the
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 84
• Inheritance: (is-a relationship)
– Allows users to extend existing classes, making minor
modifications. Extending the “Automobile” class example,
users might create subclasses for “sedan”, “truck”, “van”,
etc. The “van” class might also have a “minivan” subclass.
Etc. In these cases, the subclass IS-A superclass. i.e. a
“sedan” is a “Automobile”.
– When using inheritance, the sub-class “inherits” all the
parents public/protected data properties and methods. It is
allowed to override them, or use them as-is.
• Composition: (has-a relationship)
– Composition is used for the case where one object HAS-A
instance of another class. For example, an “Automobile”
class might have 4 instances of a “wheel” class. In this case,
a wheel is not an “Automobile”, so inheritance should not
be used.
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 85
• Polymorphism:
– Most common definition of polymorphism is the ability of the
language to process objects differently depending on their data
type or class. System Verilog can only process objects differently
depending on their class.
– The primary usage of polymorphism in industry (object-oriented
programming theory) is the ability of objects belonging to
different types to respond to method, field, or property calls of
the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-
specific behavior.
– The program does not have to know the exact type of the object
in advance, and so the exact behavior is determined at run time
(this is called late binding or dynamic binding).

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 86

Overloading vs. overriding
• Don't confuse the concepts of overloading and overriding

• Overloading

– deals with multiple methods in the same class with the same name but
different signatures

– lets you define a similar operation in different ways for different data

• Overriding

– deals with two methods, one in a parent class and one in a child class,
that have the same signature

– lets you define a similar operation in different ways for different object

• SystemVerilog supports overriding not overloading.

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 87
Class Definition
• Definition Syntax

• Extern keyword allows

out of body method

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 88

Class Instantiation
• Objects Allocated and
Initialized Via Call to the
new Constructor
• All objects have built-in
new method
– No args
– Allocates storage for all
data properties
• User-defined new
method can initialize
and/or do other things

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 89

Class Inheritance
• Keyword extends Denotes Hierarchy of Definitions
– Subclass inherits properties and methods from parent
– Subclass can redefine methods explicitly

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 90

Static properties
• Static properties/data members are “static” to all instances of
the class. This means that all instances share the same value
of this variable. If one instance changes the value, it changes
the value for all instances

• Static methods do not require an instance of the class to

operate on. Static methods may only modify static properties.
To invoke a static method, use Classname::methodName

• The special variable this is a predefined object handle for the

current object instance

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 91

class BaseClass;
Polymorphism usage virtual function in myFunc(int b);
return(b + 10);
endfunction myFunc
endclass: BaseClass
• Instances of subclasses may class myFirstClass extends BaseClass;
be assigned to variables virtual function int myFunc(int b);
declared of the superclass return(b – 3);
type. endfunction: myFunc
endclass: myFirstClass
• This is useful for cases class mySecondClass extends BaseClass;
where the general virtual function int myFunc(int b);
algorithm is the same for all return(b + 3);
the subclasses, but only a endfunction: myFunc
few details need to change. endclass: mySecondClass

• If the subclass overrides a BaseClass bc;

method specified in the
superclass, the method // Returns an instance myFirstClass
defined in the class of the bc = getFirstClassInstance();
$display(“What do I print? %d”
object instance is called. ,bc.myFunc(6));

// Returns an instance mySecondClass

bc = getSecondClassInstance();
$display(“What do I print? %d”
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 92
Data Hiding and Encapsulation
• To make data members visible only to the
class, use the local keyword.
class myPacket extends BasePacket;
local int x;

• To make data members visible only to the

class, or any subclasses, use the protected
class myPacket extends BasePacket;
protected int x;

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 93

Constant Class Properties
• The const keyword may be used to make class properties
unchangeable. const constants are different from `define
constants because the initial value may be determined at
runtime, and may be different per class instance.
class myPacket extends BasePacket;
const int size; // Assignment of constant value in
// declaration makes it constant
// to all instances.

function new(int id);

size = id * 4096; // Single assignment in
// constructor OK

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 94

Abstract Classes

• The virtual keyword may be used on a class to

make the class “abstract”. An abstract class
may not be instantiated. Users must subclass
the abstract class to create instances of the
virtual class BasePacket;

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 95

Typedef Class and Forward References
• Sometimes it is necessary to use a class before it has
been defined. To do this, you can use a typedef
forward reference, then later define the class.

typedef class C2; // Forward declaration of C2

class C1;
C2 c2Instance;

endclass: C1
class C2;
C1 c1Instance;

endclass: C2

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 96

Parameterized Class
• Allows Generic Class to be Instantiated as Objects of
Different Types
– Uses module-like parameter passing
– Avoids writing similar code more than once

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 97

Virtual Interfaces
• Classes cannot have modules or interfaces, need a
specialized mechanism
• Virtual interfaces provide a mechanism for separating
test programs/BFM models from the actual signals.
• Virtual interfaces let BFM models manipulate virtual set
of signals instead of actual RTL signals.
• Virtual interface is a variable that represents an interface
• Syntax:
virtual <interface name>
<variable name>;

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 98

Virtual Interfaces Example
// interface class BFM;
// definition virtual Bus bus;
interface Bus Xaction xaction;
(input logic clk);
bit req; function new (virtual Bus b);
bit grant; // need to initialize virtual interface
logic [7:0] addr; // in constructor
logic [7:0] data; bus = b;
endinterface: Bus xaction = new;
// testbench
// interface instance task req_bus();
Bus infc_b (clk); @(posedge bus.clk);
// dut instance bus.req <= 1'b1;
dut dut1 (infc_b, clk);
$display("Req = %b @ %0t",
// class instance bus.req, $time);
BFM mybfm =
endtask: req_bus
(infc_b); endclass: BFM
1/4/2016 99
Random Constraints

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 100

Simplest randomness
• $urandom system tasks
• $urandom() is SV, thread stable, deterministic
• $urandom returns unsigned 32-bit integers
• Procedural call can be inserted wherever

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 101

Better Randomness
• Constraints are built onto the Class system
• Random variables use special modifier:
– rand –random variable
– randc –random cyclic variable
• Object is randomized by calling randomize( )method
– Automatically available for classes with random variables.
• User-definable methods
– pre_randomize()
– post_randomize()

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 102

• Set of Boolean algebraic expressions
• Relationships between random variables and:
– Other random variables
– Non-random state variables

• Example:
• constraint a_le_b { a <= b; }
• constraint c_eq_10 {c == 10;}
• constraint b_in_range { b >= 2 && b <= 8; }
• constraint all_gt_0 {a > 0; b > 0; c > 0;}

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 103

Conflicting constraints
• What happens when you impose constraints that conflict
in some way?
• Example:
– constraint x_gt_y { x > y; }
– constraint y_gt_z { y > z; }
– constraint z_gt_x { z > x; }
– if ( x_inst.randomize() == 0 ) // Solver error
– begin
– …
– end

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 104

Constraint operators
• Any Verilog boolean expression
i.e. x < y+b-c*10>>20

• Other constraint operations

– set membership within
– implication -> or if…else…
– iterative constraint foreach
– variable ordering solve … before
– functions func_x()

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 105

Implication constraint
• Uses one boolean to decide if another constraint must

(trans_size == SMALL) -> (length < 10)

(trans_size == MED) ->
(length >= 10 && length <= 100)
(trans_size == LARGE) -> (length > 100)

• Advanced note:
a -> b is equivalent to !a || b

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 106

Loop/array constraints
• Constrain every element of an array in some fashion,
including reference to other elements of array

constraint c1 {
foreach ( A[i] )
A[i] inside {2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
constraint c2 {
foreach ( A[k] )
(k < A.size-1) -> A[k+1] > A[k];

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 107

Distribution Constraints
• Operators: := :/ dist
• Example:
constraint twsConstraint constraint distConstraint
{ {
tws dist cmd dist
{ {
[0:2] :/ 10, mem_write := 10,
[3:9] :/ 1, mem_read := 5,
[10:50] :/ 9 lrw := 1,
}; lrrww := 1,
} io_read := 1,
io_write := 1,
idle := 1

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 108

• Procedural invocation of constraint solver
• Any variables can be the random variables
• “with” block for constraints
• Normal .randomize() cannot include
variables outside scope of class

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 109

Arguments to .randomize()
• Normal form of .randomize()
– No arguments, randomize class members according to
declaration modifiers
• Optional arguments
– Specify the variables which are random
– Can make ‘rand’ override declaration type for this call
– Declares entire set of random variables for this run of
Constraint Solver
– ‘null’ argument forces checking constraints only
– Cannot change ‘randc’ to ‘rand’

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 110

Inline Constraints
• Specify inline constraints that are added to constraint
set to solve
trans.randomize() with { x < 100; z > buzz; };

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 111

Constraint Guards
• Guards prevent the application of constraints, similar to
implication, but remove the constraint from
consideration of the constraint solver
• Use the same implication operator, just using state
(!global_reset_state && cmd) -> (cmd_type != IDLE)
• Can even test obj pointers for null
(a != null && a.x > 10) ->
(y < 100 && y > a.x)

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 112

Enable/Disable rand/constraints
• rand_mode – method to toggle the “rand”
attribute off on a class variable
• constraint_mode – method to toggle the
application of a named constraint

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 113

Layered Constraints
• Constraints Inherited via Class Extension
– Just like data and methods, constraints can be inherited or
typedef enum{ low, high, other }AddrType;
class MyBusextends Bus;
rand AddrTypetype;
constraint addr_rang {
( type == low ) =>addrin { [ 0 : 15] };
( type == high ) =>addrin { [128 : 255] }; }

• Bus::word_align Constraint is also active

– Inheritance allows layered constraints
– Constraints can be enabled/disabled via

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 114

A Full Example
module test_rand;
typedef enum {SM, MED, LRG} trans_len;
class transaction {
rand bit [19:0] addr;
rand trans_len len;
rand bit [3:0] byte_len;
rand bit wr_or_rd_b;

constraint c1 { wr_or_rd_b -> len != LRG; }

constraint c2 { (len == SM) -> (byte_len <= 4); }
constraint c3 { (len == MED) -> (byte_len > 4 && byte_len <=
constraint c4 { (len == LRG) -> (byte_len > 8); }
// Mem above 16-bit is write-only IO devices
constraint c5 { (!wr_or_rd_b) -> (addr[19:16] != 0); }

virtual function string toString()

return sformat(“%5H: %s %d bytes”, addr, (wr_or_rd_b ? “WR” :
“RD”), byte_len);
endfunction : toString
endclass : transaction
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 115
A Full Example (2)
transaction trans = new();
begin : test_body
int counter = 0;
repeat (20)
begin : rand_gen
if (trans.randomize() == 0)
$display(“ERROR: Random constraints
$display(“%d: %s”, counter++, trans.toString());
end : rand_gen
end : test_body

endmodule : test_rand

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 116


1/4/2016 117
Sequential vs.. Concurrent Blocks
• Sequential Block: • Concurrent Block
– Simulator executes statements – Simulator executes statements
in a sequential block in in a concurrent block in parallel
sequence – It starts executing all
– It finishes the current statements simultaneously
statement, then begins the – You can not know the order in
next which it actually executes
– You always know the order in statements scheduled for the
which it actually executes the same simulation time
statements – The simulator exits the block
– The simulator exits the block after finishing the latest
after finishing the last statement.
statement – A return statement in the
context of fork..join is illegal.

1/4/2016 118
Process and Threads
• Threads are created via fork…join
• Threads execute until a blocking statement
– wait for: (event, mailbox, semaphore, variable, etc.)
• $exit terminates the main program thread

• Multiple Independent Threads Maximize Stimulus


1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 119

fork-join fork-join_any fork-join_none
fork join_any fork
a;b;c; disable fork //kill all child a;b;c;
join // process join_none
wait fork //wait till child
//process over

fork fork fork

join Join_any Join_none

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 120
Events Trigger Types [1]
• Triggering an event module event_testing ();
event a, b;
– Named events are triggered
bit clk;
using -> operator. always @(posedge clk)
– Triggering an event unblocks -> a;
all processes currently always @(negedge clk)
-> b;
waiting on the event. initial
– These events are such that begin
trigger state cannot be clk = 1'b0;
observed but only their forever #10 clk = !clk ;
• Event can be visualized in wave

1/4/2016 121
Events Trigger Types [2]
• Nonblocking event trigger
– They are triggered using always @(posedge clk)
->> operator. begin
– The statement executes if (counter == 2)
->> a;
without blocking and it
creates a nonblocking assign end
update event in the time in
which the event occurs. initial
– The effect of this event is
forever @(a)
felt during the nonblocking $display("event a
assignment region of a triggered @ %0t, $time);
simulation cycle. end

1/4/2016 122
Waiting for an event
• @ is used to wait for an module event_testing ();
event. event a, b, c;
bit clk;
• The @ operator blocks the always @(posedge clk)
calling process until the -> a;
always @(negedge clk)
given event is triggered. -> b;
always @(a or b)
-> c;
clk = 1'b0;
forever #10 clk = !clk ;

1/4/2016 123
Event Variables [1]

• Merging Events Example

event a, b;
– When one event
a = b;
variable is assigned to
-> a; // also triggers b
another, both merge
-> b; // also triggers a
into one event variable.
– Executing -> on either
one of the events affects
processes waiting on
either event variable.

1/4/2016 124
Event Variables [2]

• Event Comparison Example

event E1, E2;
– Event variables can be
if ( E1 )
compared against other // same as if ( E1 != null )
event variables or the E1 = E2;
special value null. if ( E1 == E2 )
$display( "E1 and E2 are the
– Equality (==) with another
same event" );
event or with null.
– Inequality (!=) with
another event or with null.

1/4/2016 125
• Semaphores are typically used for mutual exclusion, access
control to shared resources, and basic synchronization
• Can be described as counters used to control access to
shared resources by multiple processes [threads].
– eg: Accessing a shared bus
• Implemented as a bucket with fixed number of keys
– Processes using semaphores must first procure a key before
– All others must wait until a sufficient number of keys is
returned to the bucket.

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Semaphore Methods
• Semaphore provides following built-in methods:

Method Use
new() Create a semaphore with
specified number of keys.
put() Return one or more keys
get() Obtain one or more keys.

try_get() Try to get one or more keys

without blocking.

1/4/2016 127
Semaphore example
module semaphore_test (); initial
semaphore spr = new(2); begin:init2
#5 spr.get(2);
initial $display(" inital2 takes 2
begin:init1 keys at %0t",$time);
#1 spr.get(1); #5 spr.put(1);
$display("initial1 takes $display(" inital2 returns
1 key at %0t", $time); 1 key at %0t",$time);
#6 spr.put(1); end
$display("initial1 returns endmodule: semaphore_test
1 key at %0t",$time);
#1 spr.get(1);
$display("initial1 takes 1
key at %0t", $time);
# initial1 takes 1 key at 1
# initial1 returns 1 key at 7
# inital2 takes 2 keys at 7
# inital2 returns 1 key at 12
# initial1 takes 1 key at 12
# q -f

1/4/2016 128
• Mailbox is a communication mechanism that allows
messages to be exchanged between different processes.
– Data can be sent to a mailbox by one process and retrieved
by another

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 129

Mailbox Types
• Mailboxes can be classified as:
– Unbounded mailboxes
• No restrictions placed on size of mailbox.
• put() will never block.
• Ex: mailbox m = new ();
– Bounded mailboxes
• Number of entries is determined when the mailbox is
• Bound value should be positive.
• put() will be blocked if the mailbox is full.
• Ex: mailbox m = new (5); // mailbox of depth = 5

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 130

Mailbox Methods
 Messages are placed in strict FIFO order. This does not
guarantee order of arrival but that the arrival order
shall be preserved.
 Mailboxes provides following built-in methods:
Method Use
new() Create a new mailbox.
put() Place a message in a mailbox.
get() Retrieve a message from mailbox.
try_get()/ Try to retrieve a message from the mailbox
try_peek() without blocking.
try_put() Try to place a message in mailbox without
Useful only for bounded mailboxes.
peek() Copies a message from mailbox without actually
removing it.

1/4/2016 131
Mailbox example
module mailbox_ex (); mb_size = mb.num();
class Xaction; for (int i=0; i<mb_size; i++)
rand bit [2:0] addr; begin: dis_l
endclass Xaction d_x;
typedef mailbox #(Xaction) mbx; mb.get(d_x);
mbx mb = new (); $display("Addr = %h",
initial end: dis_l
begin: t end: t
Xaction xaction; endmodule: mailbox_ex
int mb_size;

for (int i=0; i<5; i++)

xaction = new;
xaction.addr = 3’b111;
$display("BEFORE:: Addr = %h",

1/4/2016 132

• For more Course Resources, Tutorials see


1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 133

System Verilog Assertions

1/4/2016 134
System Verilog Scheduling

1/4/2016 135
System Verilog Enhanced Scheduling

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Standard Verification

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Why do we need Standard Methodology?
• Traditional methods doesn’t scale up or enable re-use across
verification for complex design
• Verification is increasingly becoming critical and complex
– Building constrained random test benches is complex and time
– Projects demand verification engineers to divide and conquer
• Following needs to be addressed for efficiency
– Automation
– Abstraction
– Re-use
– Interoparability
– Quality

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 138

What must a methodology Provide?
• Standard to enable re-use
– Abstraction/Project/Company/Industry wide re-use
• Layered approach to enable a division of skills and
– Developing verification IP
– Re-using and configuring existing verification IP
– Separation of Stimulus from Testbench Structure
– Writing of new code
• Assertions and/or coverage points
• Writing or re-using checkers
• Writing or re-using test cases

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 139

What must a methodology Provide?
• A consistent approach
– Naming conventions
– Verification IP configuration
• Defining the number of agent
• How they connect to the DUT
• Whether an agent is ACTIVE or PASSIVE
– Well-defined generation and simulation phases
• Build, connect, pre-run, run, post-run
• The power to find bugs fast
– Faster development of Testbench
– Good control on stimulus, observability and debug ability
• Vendor/Tool independence
• Verification Management - Planning, progress and completion
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History of Verification Methodologies

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 141

What is OVM/UVM ?
• OVM - Open Verification Methodology
– Backward compatible with AVM and URM
• UVM - Universal Verification Methodology
– Accellera standard
– SystemVerilog UVM Base Class Library (BCL)
– Near-backward compatible with OVM
• Both are Open source (Apache licence)
• Test benches for (System)Verilog / VHDL / SystemC
• SystemVerilog class library

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OVM/UVM Conceptual View

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 143

Highlights of OVM and UVM
• Constrained random, coverage-driven verification
• Configurable, flexible, test benches
• Verification IP reuse
• Separation of tests/stimulus from test bench
• Transaction-level communication (TLM)
• Layered sequential stimulus
• Standardized messaging
• Register layer (Newly added in UVM)
– Enables programming and verifying registers in a consistent
and efficient manner

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 144

UVM – OVM - Differences
• UVM is based on OVM 2.1.1
– The deprecated features from OVM were removed in UVM
(deprecated.txt file in the OVM install area).
– The URM and AVM compatibility layers were removed from
• Updates in UVM
– Enhancements to the OVM callback facility, including a new
message catching facility.
– Enhancements to the OVM objection mechanism.
• These enhancements introduce some minor backward incompatibilities to
the OVM callback facility.
– Few capabiilties donated from VMM (not sure what?)
– Other than this – it is a blind change from ovm_* to uvm_* for
the whole library
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 145
Layered Test bench Architecture
• Structured Test benches are important for complex DUT
– Better maintainability
– Better reusability
– Parallel Development and Verification

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 146

Layered Test bench Architecture
• Bottom layer – Pin
level interface
• Next layer abstracts
to transactions
• All further layers
above work on

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 147

• Components that converts stream of transaction to pin level
interface and vice versa
– Monitor
• Passive components that watches the pin toggles and converts them to a
stream of transactions
– Driver
• Converts a stream of transactions to pin level activity
– Respondent
• Similar to a driver but responds to an activity rather than initiating activity

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 148

Operational Components
• Transactional components that provides everything needed
for DUT to operate
– Stimulus Generator
• Creates stream of transactions to stimulate the DUT. Can be random, directed
or pseudo-random
– Master
• Bi-directional component that can send requests and can receive responses
– Slave
• Bi-directional component that responds to requests by returning with

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 149

Analysis and Controller Components
• Analysis components receive information about activities in
the testbench and use that information for determination of
correctness or completion
– Scoreboards
• They receive information about what’s going into and out of the DUT and
analyze those for the correctness of DUT
– Coverage collector
• The count streams of transactions and different aspects to transactions and
help in determining the completeness of verification
• Controller forms the main thread of the test
– They receive and send information from various testbench
components to control the test
– They control the start and stop of stimulus generators

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 150

Transaction Level Modelling
• Transaction-level models consist of multiple processes
communicating with each other by sending transactions
back and forth through channels.
– Abstracts time
• Reduces the number of activation of processes
• RTL evaluation of nets/signals vs evaluation of transactions
– Abstracts data
• Form transaction objects instead of bit by bit details
– Abstracts function
• Implement functionality with functions/processes rather than with real
registers or circuits

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 151

Understanding TLM - OVM/UVM
• TLM is the basis for modularity and re-
use in OVM/UVM
• TLM is all about communication
through method calls
– A TLM port specifies the “API” to be
– A TLM export supplies the
implementation of the methods
• Connections are between
ports/exports, not components
• Transactions are objects
• Ports & exports are parameterized by
the transaction type being

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 152

TLM interfaces supported
• Unidirectional • Bi directional
– Blocking (Tasks) – Master
• put • put_request
• get_response
• get/peek
– Nonblocking (functions) – Slave
• get_request
• try_put
• put_response
• try_get/try_peek
– Transport
• write
• transport
• nb_transport (function)
– Sequence/Driver
• get_request
• put_response
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 153
Analysis Ports
• Analysis ports support 1:many connections
• Meets “observer pattern” where observers register with
a single source of information
• Used by coverage collectors and score boards
• write() needs to be non-blocking

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 154

• For more Course Resources, Tutorials see


1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 155

UVM Testbench Hierarchy
• Testbenches are built from classes derived from
uvm_component class
• Top level class is a test class that instantiates “env” class
which instantiates a series of components
• Modular to facilitate the reuse of groups of verification
– Across projects (horizontal reuse)
– Across levels of integration (veritical reuse)
• Two main collective component types
– the env (short for environment)
– the agent

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 156

UVM Component and Sequences
• Structural components of Testbench and Stimulus generation are
kept separate.
• All structural components of testbench are derived from
uvm_component base class
– Creates a static hierarchy
• All transient objects are derived from uvm_sequence base class
which are created, used and garbage collected when de-referenced

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 157

Available UVM components

1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 158

UVM Agent
• UVM agent
– collection of a group of
uvm_components focused
around a specific pin-level
– Multiple agents can be used
for multiple DUT interfaces
which has different protocol
– Agents can be reused for
similar interfaces

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Agent Components
• Driver – Converts data inside a series of sequence_items
into pin level transactions.
• Sequencer - Routes sequence_items from a sequence
where they are generated to/from a driver.
• Monitor - Observes pin level activity and converts its
observations into sequence_items which are sent to
analysis components
• Configuration object – Contains information about agent
which determines what it does and how it is built and

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• Collection of UVM Agents
– Allows interface level reuse
• Has its own configuration object
– eg: can control no of agents, env.config can set agent.config
• Can have analysis components like scoreboard, coverage
• Multiple block level
env classes can be
instantiated to have
top level env

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UVM Test
• Test is the top level class that instantiatiates ENV, configures the
testbench and intiates construction
• Individual tests derive from uvm_test
– Each test case instantiates uvm_env and configures them

• Testbench activated
with a call to run_test()
which starts build

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Testbench Build
• All
objects in Testbench
hierarchy constructed
top down
– Build() method in
uvm_test gets
called first and then
propagates down

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UVM/OVM Simulation Phases
• When using classes, you need to manage environment
creation at run-time
• Test execution is divided to phases
– Configuration, testbench creation, run-time, check, etc
• Unique tasks are performed in each simulation phase
– Set-up activities are performed during “testbench creation” while
expected results may be addressed in “check”
– Phases run in order – next phase does not begin until previous
phase is complete
• OVM/UVM provides set of standard phases enabling VIP

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UVM Phases
• Build Phases
– Build Top-Level Testbench Topology
– Connect environment topology
– Post-elaboration activity (e.g. print
• Run Phases
– Run-time execution of test
– All phases except run() execute in
zero time
– Lots of sub-phases not used really
• Cleanup Phases
– Gathers details on the final DUT state
– Processes and checks the simulation
– Simulation results analysis and reporting
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Run Phases
• start_of_simulation()
– occurs before the time consuming part of the testbench begins. Called in bottom
up order
• run()
– stimulus generation and checking activities
– all uvm_component run tasks are executed in parallel.
• pre_reset()
– Its purpose is to take care of any activity that should occur before reset eg:
waiting for a power good signal to go high
• reset()
- for DUT or interface specific reset behaviour.
• post_reset() -
– Intended for any activity required immediately following reset.
• pre_configure()
– Intended for anything that is required to prepare for the DUT's configuration process after
reset completion.
• configure()
– Used to program the DUT and any memories in the testbench so that it is ready for the start
of the test.
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Run Phases
• post_configure()
– Used to wait for the effects of configuration to propagate through the DUT.
• pre_main()
– Used to ensure that all required components are ready to start generating
• main()
– This is where the stimulus specified by the test case is generated and applied to
the DUT. It completes when either all stimulus is exhausted or a timeout occurs.
• post_main()
– Used to take care of any finalization of the main phase.
• pre_shutdown()
– This phase is a buffer for any DUT stimulus that needs to take place before the
shutdown phase.
• Shutdown()
– Used to ensure that the effects of the stimulus generated during the main phase
have propagated through the DUT and that any resultant data has drained away.
• post_shutdown()
– Perform any final activities before exiting the active simulation phases.
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UVM Factory
• UVM Factory
– Allows an object of one type to be substituted with an object of derived
type without testbench edits/re-compile
– Works on the concept of polymorphism which allows a derived class object
to be accessed using a base class type handle
• All objects should be registered with factory class
– `ovm_object_utils (for sequences) and `ovm_component_utils (for
– Use ::create() method of factory instead of calling new()
• Two types of override possible
– Type overrides
• Every time a component class type is created in a testbench hierarchy, a
substitute type is created in its place. Applies to all instances of that component
– Instance override
• A specific component instance is overridden by specifying its position in the
uvm component hierarchy
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• Like the factory, callbacks are a way to affect an existing
component from outside
– The SystemVerilog language includes built-in callbacks e.g.
post_randomize(), pre_body()
• A call back function can be defined as a virtual function in
the base class and implemented in the derived class as
• Similar to how in computer programming – how a low level
software can call a user defined higher layer function

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UVM Configuration
• Test benches need to be as configurable as possible for re-use
– Each component can have a config object
– Global config objects are also possible
• Several variables can be configurable and test can control runtime
– e.g. for loop limits, randomization weightages, coverage bins etc.

• UVM config database takes care of

scope and storage of these config

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UVM Configuration
• uvm_config_db class is recommended way of accessing
config across components
– ::set* and ::get* methods available
• Two typical uses with uvm_config_db
– Passing virtual interfaces from DUT to test
• In module top() - add the physical interface into config
db using config_db::set() method
• In class uvm_test() – get the handle to interface using
config_db::get() and pass down to agents

– Passing configuration classes down through TB

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DUT – TB connection
• DUT is in static world and TB is in dynamic world
• For modularity and re-use – DUT should provide information of
interfaces to testbench without knowing how it is configured
– Test to propagate it down to agents based on config data base

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End of Test Mechanism - Objections
• End of Test
– Happens when all time consuming phases end
– A phase end happens when there are no pending objections to that phase
• uvm_objection class
– Provides a shared counter between all participating components
and sequences
– Each participant can “raise” (increase) or “drop” (decrease)
– Used in run() phase of UVM to determine end of phase when an
“all dropped” (zero count) is reached
• Methods
– ::raise_objection()
– ::drop_objection()
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Sequences - Seperating Stimulus from
• Key to reusability
– Separate Behavior from Structure
• Sequences provide a highly modular and flexible means for
building complex stimulus generators

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Layered Sequential Stimulus
• Every stimulus drives some transactions as pins on DUT
– eg: a read or a write transaction to a DUT
• A group of transactions can be combined to form a sequence
– e.g. read-modify-write
– Can be a deterministic sequence
– Can be a random or constrained random

• A test will define what sequences

and the order of them
• Enables re-use at different levels
of verification

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UVM Sequences - Overview
• A sequencer controls the generation of random stimulus by executing
• A sequence captures meaningful streams of transactions
– A simple sequence is a random transaction generator
– A more complex sequence can contain timing, additional constraints,
• Sequences:
– Allow reactive generation –react
to DUT
– Have many built-in capabilities
like interrupt support, arbitration
schemes, automatic factory
support, etc
– Can be nested inside other
– Are reusable at higher levels
1/4/2016 Verification with System Verilog 176
UVM Sequences
• Sequence is a transient object with limited life time unlike a
– Each sequence will have to implement a task called body()
– This can be implemented to create other sequences or to generate
sequence_item and send to driver
• Sequencer is an intermediate component that implements
communication channels and arbitration mechanisms between
sequence and driver
• Sequence item
– Data object that contains all the needs of a driver to driver on pin level
– Most randomization done on this object
– Should implement all of the virtual methods like
copy/clone/compare/print etc

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Sequence Execution Flow
• Call uvm_sequence::start() to start sequence execution
– Will internally call the body() method
– The body() can implement what all sequence_items to be send to
driver or whether to spawn other sequence etc..
• Controlling multiple sequences to a single driver
– Sequencer has 5 arbitration schemes that can be configured
– Sequence id field can be used for correlating response from
drivers to a sequence.
– Methods like grab or lock are available if a sequence need
exclusive access to driver
• Controlled stimulus generation on multiple drivers connected to
different interface
– Use a Virtual sequence which can start sub-sequences
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Virtual Sequences
• A virtual sequence is a sequence that can start sub-sequences on
multiple sequencers in different agents.
– Also called “co-ordinated sequence”
• In below e.g. you might want a specific bus sequence happening at
same time when a specific GPIO sequence is happening on a different
interface in a controlled manner

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Sequence-Driver API Calls

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Register Abstraction Layer
• Abstracts a common reference specification for all registers
– To be shared across design/verification/Software teams
– Can be created using a generator application or hand coded

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