Object Oriented Programming: Unit - I PART - A (Short Answer Question) (Class Test 1)

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PART A (Short Answer Question)
1. Define Object Oriented Programming.
2. Define Objects.
3. What are the features of Object oriented programming.
4. Define Encapsulation and Data hiding.
5. Define Data bstraction.
!. Define Data members.
". Define #ember functions.
$. %tate &nheritance.
'. %tate Pol(morphism.
1). *ist and define the t+o t(pes of Pol(morphism.
11. %tate D(namic ,inding.
12. Define #essage Passing.
13. *ist some benefits of OOP%.
14. *ist out the applications of OOP.
15. What is the return t(pe of main -./
1!. *ist out the four basic sections in a t(pical 011 program.
1". Define 011.
1$. Define 2o3en. What are the to3en used in 011/
1'. Define identifier. What are the rules to be follo+ed for identifiers/
2). %tate the use of 4oid in 011.
21. Define an Enumeration data t(pe.
22. Define reference 4ariable. 5i4e its s(nta6.
23. *ist out the ne+ operators introduced in c11.
24. What is the use of %cope resolution operator/
25. *ist out the memor( referencing operator.
2!. Define &mplicit 0on4ersion.
2". What is call b( reference/
2$. What are inline functions/
2'. %tate the ad4antages of Default rguments.
3). Define 7unction o4erloading.
31. Define friend function.
PART B (on" Answer Question)
1. E6plain the basic concepts of Object oriented programming -1!.
2. E6plain the use of constant pointers and pointers to constant +ith an e6ample.-1!.
3. a. Difference bet+een class and struct and also illustrate +ith an e6ample. -$.
b. What are the difference bet+een pointers to constants and constant to pointers/ -$.
4. a. Write a 011 program using inline function. -$.
b. Write a 011 program to illustrate the static function -$.
5. E6plain briefl( about function o4erloading +ith a suitable e6ample. -1!.
!. a. Discuss constant and 4olatile functions. -$.
b. What is lin3age specification and also e6plain its need. -$.
". E6plain about call b( reference and return b( reference +ith program. -1!.
$. E6plain 8ested classes and local classes +ith an e6ample -1!.
PART A (Short Answer Question)
1. Define 0onstructor.
2. *ist some of the special characteristics of constructor.
3. 5i4e the 4arious t(pes of constructors.
4. What are the +a(s in +hich a constructor can be called/
5. %tate d(namic initiali9ation of objects.
!. Define Destructor.
". *ist some of the rules for operator o4erloading.
$. What are the t(pes of t(pe con4ersions/
'. What are the conditions should a casting operator satisf(/
1). :o+ the objects are initiali9ed d(namicall(/
PART B (on" Answer Question)
1. a. E6plain the cop( constructors +ith an e6ample/ -$.
b. E6plain e6plicit 0onstructors; Parametri9ed 0onstructors; and multiple 0onstructors +ith
suitable e6ample. -$.
2. a. :o+ to achie4e operator o4erloading through friend 7unction/ -$.
b. Write a program using friend functions for o4erloading <<and==operators/ -$.
3. E6plain the +rapper classes +ith e6amples/ -1!.
PART A (Short Answer Question)
1. What are t(pes of inheritance/
2. 5i4e the s(nta6 for inheritance.
3. Define single inheritance.
4. Define multi>le4el inheritance.
5. Define multiple inheritance.
!. What is an abstract class/
". What are the t(pes of pol(morphism/
$. Define ?this@ pointer.
'. What is 4irtual function/
1). When a function is declared as 4irtual; 011 determines +hich function to
11. What is pure 4irtual function/
12. Define A22&.
13. What is cross casting/
14. What is do+n casting/
PART B (on" Answer Question)
1. E6plain the different t(pes of pol(morphism -1!.
2. E6plain 4arious t(pes of &nheritance. -1!.
3. Describe Pure Birtual function +ith an e6ample. -1!.
4. Write a 011 program using this pointer. -1!.
5. Write a 011 program using d(namicCconst. -1!.
!. E6plain in detail about cross casting and do+n casting. -1!.
PART A (Short Answer Question)
1. Define manipulators and also mention the manipulators that are used in 011.
2. What is the need for streams/
3. 5i4e some of predefined streams.
4. What are the possible t(pes that a file can be defined/
5. What are the t+o methods a4ailable for opening the files/
!. What is global namespace/
". Write an( four operations possible on string objects.
$. What are the ad4antages of using generic algorithm/
'. What is %2*/
1). What is find-./
11. What are the +a(s that a string object can be created/
PART B (on" Answer Question)
1. What are streams/ Wh( the( are useful/ -1!.
2. E6plain about 7ormattted and Dnformatted &O +ith suitable E6ample -1!.
3. What is manipulator/ Difference bet+een manipulators and ios 7unction/ -1!.
4. E6plain the process of open;read;+rite and close files/ -1!.
5. E6plain the role of see3g-.;see3p-.;tellg-.;tellp-.;function in the process of random access in a binar(
file -1!.
!. E6plain about the %2D 8amespace -1!.
". E6plain the %tandard 2emplate *ibrar( and ho+ it is +or3ing/ -1!.
PART A (Short Answer Question)
1. What is the need for template function in 011/ What are their ad4antages/
2. What are the dra+bac3s of using macros/
3. What is 7unction 2emplate/
4. What are the components of E6ception :andling/
5. What is Dncaught E6ception/
!. What is the terminate -. functions/
". What are the disad4antages of the e6ception handling/
PART B (on" Answer Question)
1. E6plain the 7unction template -1!.
2. E6plain the class template -1!.
3. What is the need for e6ception handling -1!.
4. E6plain the follo+ing function
5. a. What are specifications/ &n +hich case are the( needed/ -$.
b.What are the disad4antages of the e6ception handling mechanism/ -$.
!. When do +e need multiple catch bloc3s for a single tr( bloc3/ 5i4e an e6ample/ -1!.

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