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Protherm Tiger 24 (12) KTZ / 24 (12) KOZ

The boiler Serial No. is shown on the plate which is attached at the rear of the control
panel. The control panel is accessible after removing the front cover.
In the “Operating Guide” section you will find a description of the boiler’s main functions
and guidelines how to handle the boiler safely. The “Installation Guide” section is intended
for qualified personnel only.

Table of contents
Introduction ............................................2
Controls and signals..............................4 Introduction ..........................................19
Selecting Read mode ............................5 Content of delivery ...............................21
Selecting Setup mode ...........................5 Preparing for installation ......................22
Error codes and troubleshooting ...........9 Installing the boiler ...............................23
Starting the boiler and turning it off .....10 Air supply and flue gases removal .......27
Boiler control .......................................10 Electrical wiring ....................................32
Protective functions .............................12 Boiler rebuilding for alternative fuel type .32
Service and maintenance ...................13 Boiler electric diagram 24 (12) KOZ .....33
Warranty and warranty conditions .......14 Boiler electric diagram 24 (12) KTZ .....34
Technical parameters .......................... 15
Boiler working diagram........................ 18

Boiler Operating and
Installation Guide
24 (12) KTZ / v.17
24 (12) KOZ / v.17

Wall-hang combined boiler

Output 9,5 - 23 (3,5 - 11,5) kW
Hot water heat in tank
Protherm spol. s r.o.
Pplk. Pľjušťa 45
Your service: EN

909 01 Skalica
Tel.: 034 6966 101
Fax: 043 6966 111
xxxxxxxxxx_01 - v.1 4/2005
1. The boiler and all associated equipment check whether boiler settings on the ma-
must be installed and used in accordan- nufacturing tag correspond to the local
ce with the installation design, all appli- fuel (gas) supply parameters, or let the
cable legal regulations, technical stan- person who will install or put the boiler
dards and with the manufacture’s in- into operation perform this check.
structions. The boiler may be used only 9. Whenever you are not certain how to
for the designed purpose. control the boiler, study appropriate in-
2. The boiler may be installed only in an en- structions in this Operation and Installa-
vironment for which it is designed. If the tion Guide carefully and proceed accor-
boiler is delivered by the same person dingly.
that did the installation, such person 10.Never remove or damage any markings
must handover to the user all accompa- and signs on the boiler. Also keep the
nying documentation (namely Operating original packaging material undamaged
Guide, Service Book, etc.) All original for transport purposes, until the boiler is
packaging materials must remain avai- put into operation.
lable for transport until the boiler is put 11. When making any repairs, only original
into operation. parts must always be used. It is forbid-
3. After installation, the boiler may be put den to make any changes to the boiler’s
into operation by an authorised service internal installation, or to interfere with it
organisation only. in any way.
4. The boiler complies with regulations ap- 12.When shutting the boiler down for a lon-
plicable in the Slovak Republic. When ger period of time, we recommend to
used in the conditions of other countries, turn the gas supply off and disconnect
any deviations from local regulations the boiler from power supply. This re-
must be identified and rectified. commendation applies in conjunction
5. In the event of a defect, call the manu- with the general conditions stipulated in
facturer’s service organisation – any this Operation and Installation Guide.
unauthorised interference may damage 13. At the end of its useful life, the boiler or
the boiler (and possibly also associated its parts must be disposed of ecological-
equipment!). ly, to avoid causing any damage to the
6. The service technician putting the boiler environment.
into operation for the first time must show 14.The manufacturer disclaims any respon-
the boiler operation, boiler safety com- sibility for damages caused by the failure
ponents, their function and necessary to observe:
user reaction, significant boiler compo- • the conditions stipulated in this Operati-
nents, and how to control the boiler. If on and Installation Guide;
the service technician putting the boiler • applicable regulations and standards;
into operation is also the supplier, it must • good installation and operation procedu-
ensure, that original packaging materials res; and
remains available for possible transport • conditions stated in the Warranty Certifi-
until the boiler is put into operation cate and the Service Book.
7. Check the delivery for completeness.
8. Check whether the model and type sup-
plied is suitable for the required use, i.e.

Situations might occur in practice, when led appliances, efficiency of hot-water
the following essential measures must be boilers fired by liquefied or gaseous fuels
adopted: electrical equipment with low voltage
• prevent the boiler from (even accidental- and electromagnetical compatibility. Fur-
ly) being turned on while conducting in- thermore it complies with Slovak techni-
spections or working on the combustion cal specifications STN EN 50 165, STN
gasses flue route or gas and water distri- EN 437, STN EN 483, STN EN 625 and
bution pipes, by disconnecting the boiler STN EN 60 335 – 1; it also complies with
from power supply also by other means STN 06 1008 and Act No. 513/1991 the
than merely turning the main switch off Commercial Code, Act No. 634/1992
(e.g. by pulling the power cord plug out and Public Notice of the Ministry of Heal-
of power socket); th of CSR No. 13/1997, including all their
• shut the boiler down every time when later amendments.
there are any (even temporary) flam- • In order to run and operate the boiler in
mable or explosive fumes present on the accordance with the purpose for which it
premises from which combustion air is is designed in actual conditions of use
supplied to the boiler (e.g. from paint (hereafter referred to only as use), it is
when painting, laying and spraying mol- necessary to abide also by additional re-
ten substances, from gas leaks, etc.); quirements – the most essential ones of
• if it is necessary to drain water from the which (i.e. those which must not be omit-
boiler or from the whole system, the wa- ted) are found in the following regulatory
ter must not be dangerously hot; documents:
• when water is leaking from the boiler’s - in the design area: STN 06 0310 and
heat exchanger or when the exchanger STN 06 0830 (also STN 73 4201 for type
is clogged up with ice, do not attempt to KOZ);
start up the boiler until normal operating - in the fire safety area: STN 92 0300;
conditions have been restored; - for installation and assembly (and re-
• when a gas leak has been detected or pairs): STN EN 1775 or STN 38 6460
gas supply has been interrupted, or if is (also STN 73 4201 for type KOZ), Public
suspected that this has happened, shut Notice No. 48/1982 (as amended) and
the boiler down, turn the gas supply off binding occupational safety regulations;
and call the gas supply company or a - during running and operation: STN 38
service organisation. 6405.
• In addition to the above mentioned docu-
Safety of equipment and people ments, it is necessary when using the
boiler to proceed in accordance with this
• The boiler (and its additional equipment)
Operating Guide and the accompanying
complies with the type verified by the En-
boiler manufacturer’s documentation.
gineering Testing Institute in Brno, heat
Any interference by children, persons
and ecological equipment testing labora-
under the influence of narcotic drugs,
tory, as the testing organization and Cer-
certified persons, etc., when using the
tified Body No. 1015, which issued its
boiler, must be prevented.
decision that the boiler has been certi-
fied and complies with the requirements
of European Directive 90/396/EEC, 92/
42/EEC, 73/23 EEC and 89/336 EEC,
which set out requirements for gas-fuel-

Operating Guide

Controls and signals

Main switch Main switch

The main switch (Fig. 1) is used to switch
the boiler on or off. The main switch is si-
tuated on the bottom side of the boiler in
line with the control panel.
Please note: The boiler must be put into
operation and switched on for the first time
by an authorised service organisation.

Control panel
On the boiler’s control panel you can mo- Fig. 1
nitor instantaneous values and set the re-
quired parameters.
Description of control elements (Fig.2): Control panel
1. Heating water (HeW) LED - indicates
display of pressure. 1 2 3 4

2. Hot water (HoW) LED – indicates dis-

play mode or setting of hot water tempe-
3. HeW LED - indicates display mode or
setting of heating water temperature. 5 6
4. Error LED - indicates boiler defect.
7 9
5. (-) button – used to decrease the value
of the parameter being set.
6. (+) button – used to increase the value 8
of the parameter being set.
7. Display – display of pressures, tempe- Fig. 2
ratures, service parameters and errors.
8. MODE button – switching to different
modes of reading or setting of values,
confirming set values.
9. HoW heating request LED.

Selecting Read mode
Displaying HeW temperature Displaying HeW pressure
After turning the boiler Pressing and holding de-
on with the main switch, pressed the but-
the current heating water ton will display HeW pres-
temperature will appear sure (bar) in the system
on the display. LED at for about 30 s. The LED at
symbol lights up. symbol lights up.

Indicating “HoW temperature” Warning “HeW pressure too low”

To display the current When the HeW pressure
HoW temperature in the drops below 0.8 bar or
tank, press the but- rises above 2.5 bar, the
ton – the symbol LED LED at symbol flashes.
at symbol lights up. The The boiler is still functi-
flashing dot behind the onal, the pressure must
number indicates a HoW be adjusted to the recom-
heating requirement. mended value 1 - 2 bar.
Note: For displaying the HeW temperatu-
re again, press .

Selecting Setup mode

Setting HoW temperature Setting HeW temperature
Press the but- Press the button
ton repeatedly until the repeatedly until the LED
LED at symbol starts at the symbol starts
flashing. Using the flashing. Using the
buttons set the HoW tem- buttons set the tempera-
perature to the required ture to the required value.
value. Setting range --, 38, 39 40, 41, 42, Setting range --, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50, 55, 60,
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 °C. 65, 70, 75, 80 °C. Another pressing of the
Another pressing of the button will save button will save the parameter.
the parameter. To stop the HoW heating, To select the SUMMER mode (heating of
save parameter (--). only HoW) select parameter (--).

HoW tank timer switch

0 1

13 r
a b

13 12 11 1
14 0


19 18 17 1



22 2
24 23 1

Fig. 3
Setting time intervals for water tank the left side of the dial, is used to select
heating 3 permanent modes. Mode “0” is used for
permanent shutdown of HoW tank he-
The Tiger boiler enables setting of HoW
ating. Position “1” is used for permanent
heating in the tank in various time inter-
HoW tank heating. When the switch is mo-
ved to the position of the clock symbol, the
Example: If hot water is not used in the tank heating mode is controlled according
night, HoW heating may be switched off to your setting – position of the individual
(or vice versa) for a given time interval timer switches.
using the timer switch.
Note: Stoppage or activation of HoW tank
The outer perimeter of the timer switch has heating can be done using the boiler con-
switches which are used to set the swit- trol display (see Setting HoW temperatu-
ching cycle of tank heating. If the switch re).
lever is further form the dial (Fig. 3, pos.
Setting of the timer switch in terms of time
a), the tank heating in that time interval is
synchronization is done by turning the ou-
active and vice versa (Fig. 3, pos. b).
ter part of the dial to the right until the cor-
The switch (Fig. 3, pos. s) located above rect time is set against the arrow.

Equithermal mode – curve Equithermal mode – reference
steepness temperature shift
Press the button If the previous parameter
repeatedly until the dis- “E” was confirmed by the
play shows the letter E button, the dis-
with parameter 0 to 9. Use play will show parameter
buttons to select “P” with value 0 to 9. Use
the equithermal curve. buttons to shift the
The curve steepness increases with the reference temperature (see graph in Fig.
set number (E0 < E9), see Fig. 4. 4, Table 1).
Saving to the memory and simultaneous The corresponding values of the referen-
transfer to parameter “P” is done by pres- ce temperature – parameter “P” are given
in Table 1. For the initial setting select pa-
sing the button.
rameter P5, which corresponds to an out-
Note: To activate equithermal control, an door temperature of 15 °C (see graph in
outdoor sensor must be connected and Fig. 4) according to Table 1.
the boiler must not be in SUMMER mode. Note: When the boiler reaches the refe-
Important: After installing the outdoor rence temperature it continues to heat the
sensor the boiler runs at maximum tem- heating system at a minimum temperatu-
re (38 °C), until the outdoor temperature
perature for 1 hour. All settings are igno-
rises by another 3 °C, then the HeW hea-
red during this period except for the room ting is switched off (see Tab. 1 – switching
control unit (if connected). off temperature).
Equithermal curves

Fig. 4

Table 1
„P“ parameter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Reference temperature °C 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Switching off temperature 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

Boiler function flowchart

Fig. 5

Error codes and troubleshooting
Loss of HeW pressure - F0 Other errors – F2 – F8
Loss of HeW pressure If errors F2 – F8 are
(under 0.6 bar) in the displayed call an autho-
system. The boiler is rized service. The LED
automatically shut down at symbol flashes. The
– LEDs at symbols boiler is shut down, call
and are flashing. Add an authorized service.
heating water to the system to pressure at
1 - 2 bar. After adding heating water to the Loss of set parameters – F9
system the boiler automatically resumes
Under certain boiler pa-
rameters the customer
If the loss or exceeding of heating water
or service settings may
pressure occurs repeatedly, call an autho-
be lost – LED at symbol
rized service.
lights up. Switching
the boiler off (wait about
Loss of flame – F1 10 seconds) and back
Flame loss due to inter- on should remedy this error.
ruption of gas supply to After remedying the error the set parame-
boiler – LED flashes at ters must be checked.
symbol . Switch the
boiler off and after a
while switch it back on
using the main switch
(RESET). If the error occurs repeatedly
call an authorized service.

Starting the boiler up and turning it off
Starting the boiler up by the emergency thermostat interven-
Important: Putting the boiler into operati- tion, the boiler cannot be unblocked by
on and starting it up for the first time must the main switch (RESET). Unblocking the
be done by an authorised service only! emergency thermostat must be done by
an authorised service technician, and this
If you wish to start the boiler after it has operation cannot be regarded as a war-
been put into operation, make sure that: ranty repair.
1. the boiler is connected to power supply; Important: The boiler must not be run
2. the gas valve underneath the boiler is with the emergency or flue gas thermostat
open; disabled or replaced with a device other
3. the HeW pressure is within the recom- than the one specified by the manufactu-
mended range 1 – 2 bar. rer.
Turn the main switch (Fig. 1) to position (I).
The display will light up.
Turning the boiler off
In the event of a safety boiler shutdown
Turn the main switch (Fig. 1) to position
during a flame-out, emergency thermostat
or flue gas thermostat (applies to KOZ boi-
ler) intervention, the “lightning” LED on the If the boiler is to remain shut down for a
control panel will flash or light up. In case protracted period of time, turn off the gas
of a flame-out the boiler can be unblocked valve upstream the boiler. When shutting
using the main switch by switching it to po- the boiler down, take into consideration
sition (0) and after a while back to position the ambient temperature in the given sea-
(I). If the emergency shutdown recurs af- son. If the boiler and system is not protec-
ter a short time again, or if the boiler can- ted by an anti-freeze agent (Alycol Termo),
not be RESET, call an authorised service the boiler and system may be damaged. If
organisation. there is a danger that the boiler may free-
ze, drain all the HoW pipes.
If the emergency shutdown was triggered

Boiler control

Using the boiler without room Using the boiler with room control
control unit unit
When run in this mode, the boiler main- The boiler maintains the set HeW tempe-
tains the set HeW temperature. No room rature. The room control unit connection
control unit is connected, the terminals terminal jumper must be removed and the
for its connection must be interconnected room control unit wired to the terminals.
with a jumper (standard factory setting). The boiler is turned on and off to maintain
Setting procedure: the set temperature in the room in which
• turn the main switch to position (I); the control unit is installed. Radiators in
• set the HeW temperature to the required this room must not be equipped with ther-
value on the control panel. mostatic valves.
Important: You must set on the boiler
control panel a HeW temperature (tempe-

rature of the water in the system) which 2. Select “equithermal mode – curve stee-
will be capable of covering thermal losses pness” and set symbol E5 – see pg. 7.
of the building even in low outdoor tempe- 3. Select “equithermal mode – reference
ratures. We recommend selecting a tem- temperature shift” and set symbol (P5).
perature in the 60 – 80 °C range. 4. Set the boiler to the initial status.
After several days of operation (when the
Using the boiler with equithermal building is heated) make changes to the
control curve steepness, as necessary:
The boiler changes the HeW temperature 5. If the room temperature does not chan-
as the outdoor temperature changes. ge substantially in reaction to changes of
Please note: An outdoor temperature outdoor temperature, the curve selection
sensor must be connected! The outdoor is correct. The temperature can be set to
sensor is to be located on the building’s a higher or lower value by shifting the re-
coldest wall (north or north-west) about ference temperature – see “Controls and
2.5 – 3 m above the ground. No false heat signals – equithermal mode – reference
sources from open windows or ventilation temperature shift”.
shafts, or sunshine may affect the sensor. Note: If the room temperature changes
When selecting a heating curve it applies substantially in reaction to changes of out-
that curves with a lower number are sui- door temperature, i.e. the indoor tempera-
table for buildings with good thermal insu- ture rises when the outdoor temperature
lation and a higher thermal gradient and drops, select a heating curve with a lower
vice versa. number, and vice versa.
The heating curves diagram is used as ini-
tial information. More precise setting must Operation with equithermal control
be done by monitoring outdoor and indoor and a room control unit
temperature over several days. Equithermal control is supplemented with
Select E5 for the initial system setting. the room control unit by time control and
During setting all the radiator valves must reduction (e.g. night) of heating.
be open, thermostatic valves must be set Setting procedure:
to maximum temperature, doors and win-
• set the equithermal control according to
dows must be closed.
the preceding point;
Setting the curve steepness or reference
temperature shift is done in small incre- • Connect the room control unit to the boi-
ments and prior to evaluating the chan- ler (remove the jumper from the connecti-
ge made a period of about. 2 hours must on terminal) and set it so that during the
elapse. For setting purposes a greater flu- comfortable temperature period the requi-
ctuation of outdoor temperature is better, red temperature is set about 5 °C higher
and the final setting is done when the out- than is achieved by equithermal control.
door temperature drops below 0 °C. During the heating reduction period (du-
Setting procedure: ring the night or absence) the actually
1. Select “HeW temperature” mode and required temperature is set on the control
check that the SUMMER function is not unit – must always be at least ca. 3 °C
on (symbol --). lower than the actual comfortable tempe-
A certain temperature must be set (the rature.
temperature value does not affect the Important: The room control unit must be
equithermal mode). installed by an authorized service.

Example: Select curve E5. At an outdoor Setting boiler output
temperature of -10 °C the boiler provides The factory setting of the boiler output is
the heating system with a temperature of 15 kW to the heating system. During hea-
70 °C. If the reference temperature shift ting the HeW the boiler uses its maximum
parameter P5 is selected at the same nominal output of 24 (12) kW.
time, then at an outdoor temperature of
15 °C the boiler will supply a temperature Important: Changes in the boiler output
of 38 °C. When the outdoor temperature settings must be performed only by an au-
rises above 18 °C the HeW heating is swi- thorized service.
tched off.

Protective functions
Protection against freezing Disconnecting the boiler from power
The boiler has an antifreeze protection supply
system which protects the boiler (but not If the boiler is disconnected from power
the heating and the hot water distribution supply for a protracted period of time
systems) against freezing. (continuously for a month or longer), we
When the HeW temperature in the boiler recommend to start up the boiler in regu-
drops below 4 ˚C, the boiler is automati- lar time intervals (at least once a month). If
cally switched on regardless of the room the pump ceases, call an authorised ser-
control unit’s command, or regardless of vice. Repairing a pump ceased because
the HeW heating being switched off – pa- of dirt in the heating system is not covered
rameter (--). When the HeW temperature by the boiler warranty.
reaches 8 ˚C, the boiler is automatically Important: When the boiler is disconnec-
turned off. ted from the power supply, all protective
functions are disabled.
Pump protection
When the pump has been continuously Power failure
idle for 24 hours, it is automatically swit- Power failure will turn the boiler off. When
ched on for about 30 seconds, to prevent power supply is restored, the boiler will
it from ceasing. automatically restart itself without losing
any of the set operating parameters.
Anti-cycling If after power supply restoration the LED
A function which prevents the boiler from on the control panel (lightning symbol)
restarting the HeW heating cycle after the lights up, proceed in accordance with the
boiler has been turned off sooner than the instructions in section Control and signals
time determined by the control board by / Main switch.
evaluating the required and actual HeW The boiler may get blocked because of
temperature. This time is within the range overheating caused by the pump being
of 1 min 30 s and 5 minutes. The function switched off as a result of the power fai-
is most useful in heating systems where lure.
the maximum thermal loss of the premi-
ses corresponds to the lowest level of the
boiler’s output range.

Pump run-down call an authorised service organisation.
Pump run-down is factory set to 45 se- If the heating system repeatedly looses
conds after termination of the command pressure, consult your service organisa-
from the room control unit. If the boiler is tion.
run without a room control unit, the pump Important: All the above-mentioned
runs continuously. electronic protection functions are ena-
If this mode is not acceptable, a second bled only when the boiler is connected to
setting is available which enables pump power supply (the power cord plug is in-
run-down after 45 seconds from burner serted into a power socket and the main
flame out. This run-down mode is recom- switch is in position (I)).
mended when the boiler is controlled wi-
thout a room control unit. HoW tank safety valve
Important: Changes in the pump run- To prevent over pressure of water in the
-down settings must be performed only by tank due to heating, the boiler is fitted with
an authorized service technician. a safety valve (6 bar).

HeW safety valve Tank protection

The boiler is equipped with a safety valve The inside of the tank is protected against
on the HeW side. The valve opens when oxygen corrosion by a magnesium anode
the pressure in the heating system rea- that must be checked at least once a year.
ches 3 bar. DO NOT TOUCH THE SAFE- The anode ruction depends also on the
TY VALVE! If the safety valve starts relea- water composition.
sing heating water, always turn the boiler Note: The magnesium anode is to be
off, disconnect it from power supply and checked only by an authorized service.

Service and maintenance

Topping up water in the heating Important: If the water mains pressure is
system lower or equal to the water pressure insi-
de the heating system, the heating water
Water in the heating system (in small
may run into the water mains, which is for-
quantities) can be topped up through the
bidden. This danger is reduced by a built-
boiler’s top-up valve (Fig. 6).
-in reverse valve installed downstream the
When topping up water in the system, the top-up valve.
following conditions must be met:
This notwithstanding, the manufacturer
1. Pressure of the water supplied to the bo- disclaims responsibility for any damages
iler must always be higher than the water caused by incorrect manipulation with the
pressure inside the heating system. top-up valve and a failure to abide by the
2. The boiler must be cold when being top- conditions specified above. Such dama-
ped up (HeW temperature must not ex- ges and defects are not covered by the
ceed 30 ˚C). boiler’s warranty.
3. Recommended water pressure inside
the cold boiler (not more than 30 ˚C) is 1
to 2 bar.

Procedure of topping up heating water in Cleaning
the boiler: The boiler cover can be cleaned with a
• make sure that the boiler is connected to moist cloth and afterwards dried and po-
power supply and the main switch is in “I” lished with a dry cloth. Never use abrasive
position; detergents or solvents.
• if the display on the boiler’s control panel Important: before cleaning the boiler, turn
indicates that the HeW pressure is be- it off with the main switch.
low 0.5 bar, the LED on the control panel
(lightning symbol) will start flashing;
Regular service
• partially open the top-up valve (blue, Fig.
6). Watch the pressure grow on the boi- To assure trouble-free and safe running of
ler’s display panel (to display the pressu- your boiler, we recommend that you have
re press the MODE button); the boiler checked and serviced in regu-
• fill the system up until the pressure rea- lar yearly intervals. These inspections are
ches the value between 1 and 2 bar; not covered by the boiler’s warranty. The
• when the required pressure has been operations to be done are specified in the
reached, tighten the top-up valves with Service Book and must be carried out by
your hand; an authorised service.
• thoroughly bleed all radiators (the water
must be running out in a continuous stre- Water top-up system
am, free of air bubbles);
• check whether the pressure shown on
the display is within 1 and 2 bar. If neces-
sary, add more water into the system.
• leave the cap on the automatic bleeding
valve loose at all times (even during boi-
ler operation)

Fig. 6
Warranty and warranty conditions
PROTHERM Tiger 24 (12) KTZ and 24 (12)
KOZ gas boilers are covered by warranty
defined in the Warranty Certificate, the Ser-
vice Book and other conditions specified in
the Operation Guide and Installation Guide
(chapters Introduction and Boiler installati-

Technical parameters 24 (12) KOZ

Tiger 24 KOZ Tiger 12 KOZ

Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II2H3P
Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B11BS
Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electronic
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G20 / G31 . . . . . . . . . . . .G20 / G31
Max. thermal input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . 25,5 / 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,5 / 11,4
Min. thermal input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . 11 / 10,5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,3 / 4,7
Max. thermal output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . 23,5 / 22,5 . . . . . . . . . . . .11,25 / 10
Min. thermal output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . . 9,5 / 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5 / 3,8
Efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [%] . . . . . . 90,7 / 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 / 88
Gas pressure
Supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[mbar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 / 37
Min. pressure at jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[mbar] . . . . . . . 2,2 / 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,7 / 6,5
Max. pressure at jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[mbar] . . . . . . 12,2 / 35,7 . . . . . . . . . . . 14,0 / 35,6
Jet diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[mm] . . . . . . . 1,2 / 0,7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2 / 0,73
Gas consumption
(Q max.) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,7[m3/h] / 2,1[m3/h] . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,32[m3/h] / 0,92 [kg/h]
(Q min.) . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1 [m3/h] / 0,9 [m3/h] . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,45[m3/h] / 0,38 [kg/h]
Max. operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Min. operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,8
Recommended operating pressure . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2 – 2
Thermal range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 – 85
Expansion vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Max. quantity of heating water in system . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Max. pressure in expansion vessel . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Domestic hot water
Tank volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Max. supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Min. supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Min. flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l/min] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,7
Adjustable thermal range
(depending on flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 – 70
HoW tap
(Di per EN 625) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l/min] . . . . . . . 12,6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Expansion vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Electrical data
Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [V/Hz] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230/50
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [W] . . . . . . . . . 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Protection cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IP 45
Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,5
Extraction of combustion gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chimney
Flue diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[mm] . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Combustion gases temperature . . . . . . .[°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 – 120
Combustion gases flow by weight . . . . . [g/s] . . . . . . . . . 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Min. required constant chimney draught [Pa] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Noise level (1 m from boiler at height 1,5 m) [dB] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 55
Dimensions – height / width / depth . . .[mm] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900/410/570
Weight excluding water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kg] . . . . . . . . . 70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Technical parameters 24 (12) KTZ
Tiger 24 KTZ Tiger 12 KTZ
Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II2H3P
Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C12, C32, C42, C52, C62, C82
Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . electronic
Palivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G20 / G31 . . . . . . . . . . G20 / G31
Max. thermal input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . . 26 / 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,3 / 11,2
Min. thermal input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . 11 / 10,5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,2 / 4,4
Max. thermal output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . 24 / 22,5 . . . . . . . . . . . .11,2 / 10
Min. thermal output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kW] . . . . . . . 9,5 / 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5 / 3,6
Efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [%] . . . . . . 91,7 / 90,5 . . . . . . . . . . .91 / 89,9
Gas pressure
Supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [mbar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 / 37
Min. pressure at jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [mbar] . . . . . . . 2,2 / 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,6 / 5,8
Max. pressure at jets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [mbar] . . . . . . 12,2 / 35,7 . . . . . . . . . . .14 / 35,8
Jet diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [mm] . . . . . . . 1,2 / 0,7 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2 / 0,73
Gas consumption
(Q max.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,7 [m3/h] / 2,1 [kg/h] . 1,30[m3/h] / 0,93 [kg/h]
(Q min.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1[m3/h] / 0,9 [kg/h]. . 0,44[m3/h] / 0,37 [kg/h]
Max. operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Min. operating pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,8
Recommended operating pressure . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,2 – 2
Thermal range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 – 85
Expansion vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Max. quantity of heating water in system . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Max. pressure in expansion vessel . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Domestic hot water
Tank volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Max. supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Min. supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [bar] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Adjustable thermal range
(depending on flow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 – 70
HoW tap
(Di per EN 625) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l/min] . . . . . . . 12,6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Expansion vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [l] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Electrical data
Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [V/Hz] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230/50
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [W] . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Protection cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IP X4D
Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[A] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,6
Extraction of combustion gases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . turbo
Flue diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [mm] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 / 60 (80 / 80)
Max. length of concentric flue 60 / 100 . [Em] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Max. length of separate flue 80 + 80 . . . [Em] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Combustion gases temperature . . . . . . . [°C] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 – 145
Combustion gases flow by weight . . . . . [g/s] . . . . . . . . . 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Noise level (1 m from boiler at height 1,5 m) [dB] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 55
Dimensions – height / width / depth . . . [mm] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 / 410 / 570
Weight excluding water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [kg] . . . . . . . . . 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Boiler connection dimensions

1. HeW outlet G3/4“

2. HoW outlet G1/2“
3. Gas inlet G1/2“
4. HoW inlet G1/2“
5. HeW inlet G3/4“
6. Tank drain

Fig. 7
Usable gaugerozměry kotle
pressure to the system

Fig. 8

Function schematic diagram





19 7
10 9 8
15 14 13 12 11

1*. Combustion gas thermostat 9. HoW draining valve 19. Bypass

1. Air manostat 10. HeW safety valve 20. 3-way motor valve
2*. Draught valve 11. HeW inlet 21. Draining valve
2. Fan 12. HoW inlet 22. Pressure sensor
3. HoW tank insulation 13. Gas inlet 23. Pump
4. HoW tank 14. HoW outlet 24. Gas valve
5. HoW heat exchanger 15. HeW outlet 25. Burner
6. HoW expansion vessel 16. HeW top-up valve 26. HeW temperature sensor
7. HeW expansion vessel 17. HoW flow meter 27. Emergency thermostat
8. Anode 18. HoW safety valve 28. HeW heat exchanger
Fig. 9

Installation Guide

The PROTHERM Tiger 24 (12) KTZ a 24 (12) cium and magnesium concentration greater
KOZ boilers are compatible with common typ- than 1.8 mmol/l, it is useful to implement other
es of HoW heating systems and heating radi- “non-chemical” measures against incrustation
ators. (e.g. magnetic water treatment combined with
Important: PROTHERM boilers must be put a desludging device).
into operation by an authorised organisation Problems caused by clogging of the system
only, according to Czech Bureau of Occupatio- with dirt from the heating system or incrustation
nal Safety and Czech Safety Inspectorate Noti- sediments or clogging-induced problems (e.g.
ce No. 21/1979 (in the wording of Public Notice clogging of the heat exchanger, pump defects)
No. 554/1990). are not cover by the boiler’s warranty.
The boiler must be put into operation and war-
ranty and post-warranty service performed by Zones
the manufacturer’s contracted service organi-

Zóna 2
Zóna 2
sation which meets the above specified requi- Zóna 1
Zóna 3 Zóna 3
The boiler is designed to work in an normal 0,6 m 0,6 m

AA5/AB5 environment according to STN 33

2000-3 and STN 33 2000-5-51 (i.e. within tem- na

perature range +5 to +40 °C, humidity depen- 0,6
ding on temperature, not exceeding 85%).
The 24 (12) KTZ a 24 (12) KOZ boilers are Fig. 10
suitable for the conditions of zones 2 and 3
(Fig.10), in rooms with a bath tub or shower and Distance from flammable materials (e.g.
washing rooms according to STN 33 2000-7- PVC, chipboard, polyurethane, synthetic
701; they may not be installed in zone 0. When fibres, rubber and other) must be suffici-
installed in one of the above rooms, the boiler ent so that the surface temperature of the-
must have a protection against electric shock in se materials does not exceed 80 °C. The
accordance with the same standard. safe distance for reaching this highest
The boiler may be (according to Ministry of He- temperature must be observed regardless
alth Notice No. 13/1977, i.e. by their noise level) of the flammability grade of a specific ma-
installed in residential and communal rooms. terial according to STN 73 0823. No flam-
mable materials may be placed on the bo-
The boilers are designed to run with heating
iler (permanently or temporarily) or in this
water compliant with STN 07 7401 (which un-
safe distance.
der no circumstances can be acidic, i.e. its pH
factor must be greater than 7 and must have a Important: Surface temperature of the
minimal carbonate hardness). boiler upper parts (particularly the side
walls and the cover) of a working boiler
Requirements on utility water properties are
might exceed the ambient temperature by
defined by STN 83 0616 (on drinking water by
up to 50 °C.
STN 75 7111). If the water has a sum of cal-

The manipulation (free) space left around ding to the boiler throat. It is forbidden to
the boiler must be sufficient for a person place into the flue duct an objects obstruc-
to work on it safely with bare hands and ting the flow of combustion gasses (e.g.
with common hand tools. Recommended various heat exchangers for utilization of
distances are min. 300 mm from each side residual heat). The flue duct is not part of
and min 600 mm in front of the boiler). the boiler delivery.
Boilers are delivered independently, their The flue duct and chimney must be con-
accessories are delivered separately (see structed in accordance with STN 06 1610
next section “Content of delivery”). Boilers and STN 73 4201. By complying with prin-
must be installed with the essential acces- ciples set out in respective standards you
sories (e.g. combustion gas flues, air sup- will prevent undesirable effects like exces-
ply ducts) to ensure their functionality and sive combustion gas cooling, penetration
proper operation. of moisture into walls, variable chimney
In the case of 24 (12) KTZ combustion draught, including undesirable influence
gases must be removed and fresh air sup- on boiler operation. The boiler consumes
plied through a special for this purpose combustion air from the area in which it is
designed dual tubing. Practically any re- located. This area must comply with all re-
quired dual-tube route can be constructed quirements on combustion air. The supply
from standard components supplied by and sufficient quantity of combustion air
the manufacturer. The flue route must be must be solved in compliance with valid
constructed in such a way that condensed regulations.
water vapour contained in the combustion
gases can be removed from the tubing.
This is achieved by using special com-
ponents which can be built into the flue
route. Problems caused by condensate
penetration are not covered by the boiler’s
warranty. Due to the considerable variety
of particular solutions, the dual tubing is
not part of the boiler delivery and is not
included in the price. Principles for route
design and construction are described in
chapter Air supply and flue gases remo-
Type 24 (12) KOZ is designed for flue re-
moval via a chimney (through a chimney
duct) with a minimal constant draught of 2
Pa. The boiler is connected to the chimney
using a flue duct of dimensions correspon-

Content of delivery
Boiler delivery
PROTHERM Tiger 24 (12) KTZ and 24 Content of delivery
(12) KOZ boilers are delivered completely
assembled and functionally tested.
The delivery contains (Fig. 11):
1. Boiler 6
2. Operations and Installation Guide
3. Service Book Záručný list

4. List of Service Centres Seznam servisných


5. Warranty Certificate Servisná kniha

6. Mounting bar including fixing material Návod k obsluhe

a instalácii

Special delivery 2
Based on requirements the following ac-
cessories can be ordered: 1
1. Flue components ø 60/100 for model
KTZ, e.g.:
– S5D-1000 Horizontal set (elbow with
flange 90°, 1 m termination), ord. No.
– K1D Elbow 90°, ord. No. 2842
– T1D-1000 Extension, ord. No. 2825 Fig. 11
– S3 Chimney set (roof termination),
ord. No. 2805
– Z1 Condensate trap, ord. No. 2857
2. Flue components ø 80 for model KTZ,
– S2 Separate set (distributor, 2 × elbow
90°, 2 × pipe 1 m termination), ord. No.
– K2A Elbow 90°, ord. No. 2830
– T2 Separate pipe (1 m extension), ord.
No. 2819
– S4 Chimney set (roof termination), ord.
No. 2809
– Z2 Condensate trap, ord. No. 2858

Preparing for installation
Distribution pipes sential to clean the system thoroughly. In
Nominal pipe inside diameter is chosen in old systems it is necessary to remove all
the usual way based on the pump chara- sludge settled at the bottom of the heating
cteristic. Distribution pipes are designed radiators (particularly in gravity systems).
according to the requirements on system In new systems it is necessary to remove
performance, not according to the boiler’s all conservation material which the majo-
maximum output. The system must allow rity of radiator manufacturers use.
sufficient flow so that the temperature diff- It is recommended to install upstream
erence between the supply and the return the boiler (i.e. to the HeW return pipe) a
pipe is smaller than or equal to 20 °C. Mi- sludge trap. The sludge trap should be de-
nimum flow must be 500 l/h. signed in such a way that it is easy to em-
The piping system must be constructed pty in regular time intervals without having
to prevent air bubbles from developing, to drain a lot of water from the heating
making permanent bleeding of the system system. The trap can be combined with a
easier. Vents should be situated on all high filter, but a filter with a sieve on its own will
points of the system and on all radiators. not provide sufficient protection. The filter
It is recommended to install a system of and the sludge trap must be checked and
heating water, domestic hot water and gas cleaned regularly.
shutting valves.
HeW circulation in the system
We recommend that you install on the
Although the boiler is equipped with a by-
lowest point of the heating system a drai-
pass, we recommend to design the hea-
nage valve which will also dub as a hea-
ting system so that the heating water can
ting system top-up valve.
flow through at least some of the radiators
Important: If the boiler is connected to a all the time.
floor heating system, a fitting must be in-
stalled downstream of the boiler outlet to Using antifreeze
prevent heating water of an unacceptable
We do not recommend to use antifreeze,
temperature from entering the system.
because of their unsuitable properties for
The setting of the safety fitting depends
the boiler. It is mainly their reduced heat
on the properties of the used piping.
transfer, large volume expansion, aging
Before final installation of the boiler, the and damage of rubber parts.
heating distribution system pipes must be
In necessary cases it is permitted to use
flushed a few times with pressurised wa-
antifreeze Alicol Termo (produced by
ter. In old, already used systems, the flu-
Slovnaft Bratislava) – according to the
shing must be done in opposite direction
producer’s experience use of this antif-
to the heating water flow.
reeze cannot lead to reduced safety and
Important: Prior to connecting the boiler influence on boiler operation. If even this
to the heating system remove all plastic method of preventing heating system fre-
plugs from outlet necks. ezing cannot be used, non-performance
by the boiler and potential boiler damage
Heating system cleanliness due to use of other antifreeze agents can-
Before installing a new boiler, it is es- not be covered by the warranty.

Thermostatic radiator valves Domestic HoW system
If a room control unit is installed, at least The HoW pressure must be 1 to 6 bars. If
one of the radiators in the reference room the pressure exceeds 6 bars, a reduction
must be without a thermostatic valve. For valve combined with a safety valve must
better temperature comfort, we recom- be installed at the inlet.
mend to leave all radiators in the referen- In areas with very hard water we recom-
ce room without a thermostatic valve. mend to implement suitable measures to
reduce the water hardness.

Installing the boiler

Mounting the boiler Connecting the boiler to HeW, HoW
When mounting the boiler, proceed in ac- and gas pipes
cordance with design documentation con- The boiler connection end pieces must
ditions (e.g. wall load-bearing properties, not be subjected to any forces from the
chimney inlet, pipe inlet and outlet con- heating water, domestic hot water or gas
nections). piping system. This requires accurate po-
Mounting procedure (Fig. 12): sitioning of all connection pipes, vertically
(height) as well as the distance from the
1. To fix the boiler mounting bar (part of the
wall and mutual distance between inlets
boiler delivery) on the supporting wall
and outlets.
mark a line along the top edge of the bo-
iler (Fig. 12, pos. 4). Use a level. We recommend to design the heating sys-
2. Place the mounting bar on the marked tem in such a way that when making re-
line (Fig. 12, pos. 3) and mark the holes pairs, it will be possibly to drain the whole
in the bar onto the wall. Then drill the heating system from the boiler.
marked holes to the required diameter. After reconstructions, in unfavourable
Insert the brackets into the drilled holes, building dispositions, etc., it is possible
position the bar and secure it using ap- to connect the boiler to the heating sys-
propriate screws. tem, the domestic HoW system as well as
3. If the boiler model with forced combusti- the gas supply by flexible hoses, but only
on gas extraction (KTZ) is being moun- those designed for that purpose. Flexible
ted, and the flue duct is terminated in a components should be as short as possi-
façade wall (Fig. 12, pos. 2), measure ble, must be protected against mechani-
the opening for the concentric duct (see cal and chemical loads and damage, and
the boiler connection dimensions). must be replaced with new ones before
4. Mount the boiler on the mounting bar. the end of their useful life cycle or reliabili-
5. In the case of model KTZ, install a com- ty to meet their nominal specifications (as
bustion gas extraction pipe. The space stated by their manufacturers).
between the pipe and opening in the wall
is to be filled using non-flammable mate-

Mounting the boiler


Fig. 12

Operating pressure in the heating If the heating system is already filled, shut
system the HeW valves located underneath the
boiler and, using the drainage valve, relie-
The heating system (measured on the
ve the boiler from pressure. Then you can
boiler) must be filled at least to the hyd-
check the expansion vessel pressure and
raulic pressure of 1 bar (corresponds to
if necessary increase the pressure.
a 10 m hydrostatic water column). We re-
commend that you maintain the pressure Important: Make sure that the expansion
within the range 1 – 2 bar. The expansion vessel capacity is sufficient for the volume
vessel capacity is sufficient for up to 70 l of water in the heating system (see instal-
of heating water in the heating system (at lation design documentation).
temperature 85 °C). Domestic HoW expansion vessel
HeW expansion vessel The expansion vessel is used to balance
the water pressure in the tank. The pres-
Before filling the heating system up, check
sure in the expansion vessel for hot water
pressure in the expansion vessel. The ini-
should be 0.2 – 0.3 bar higher than the
tial pressure inside the expansion vessel
real HoW pressure in the mains. When
should be 0.2 – 0.3 bar lower than the as-
checking the pressure proceed just as for
sumed pressure in the heating system.
the HeW expansion vessel.

HeW safety valve All gas distribution pipes in the building
The system safety valve is situated at the must be installed in accordance with STN
bottom of the boiler on the left side of the EN 1775.
hydraulic group (Fig. 13). When the maxi- If the propane supply pipe to the boiler
mum pressure in the system is exceeded, is located underground, the area of the
water or steam can be discharged through supply must be sufficiently ventilated or
the safety valve, therefore we recommend equipped with a valve that will close the
the discharging the water into the buildin- underground section whenever the boiler
g’s waste water system. is not burning. The valve must also close
Important: Under no circumstances may the supply when the ventilation fails, i.e.
anyone manipulate with the safety valve defect of forced ventilation or when natu-
while the boiler is in operation. ral ventilation is monitored by a detector
(warning signal from the detector).
HoW safety valve Important: The boiler end-piece for con-
nection of gas is a direct piece of the gas
Under the HoW tank near the draining val-
valve with a ½” thread and a technological
ve is located the HoW safety valve (Fig.
flat surface. This technological flat surfa-
15). Due to possible exceeding of the max.
ce does not allow classical sealing of the
permitted pressure in the tank, we recom-
thread using threading and sealant, e.g.
mend at you attach a hose to the safety
hemp, teflon, paste, etc. The joint must be
valve neck, (see HeW safety valve).
sealed only by tightening a nut over the
pipe face with a corresponding seal (size
Connecting gas supply 18 × 10 × 2).
The Tiger 24 (12) KTZ a 24 (12) KOZ After completing the gas supply connecti-
– natural gas boilers are designed to be on to the boiler, the coupling must be tho-
fuelled by natural gas of nominal pressu- roughly checked for potential gas leaks.
re in the gas mains 2 kPa, for which the
calorific value is most commonly stated to
Topping the boiler water up
be within the range of 9 and 10 kWh/m3.
Indoor gas distribution pipes and a gas The procedure of topping up water in the
meter must be rated adequately, taking boiler is described in section “Operating
into account also the user’s other gas ap- Guide – Service/Maintenance” on page 13.
Safety valve Filling the heating system with
• check that the gas supply to the boiler is
• loosen the cap on the automatic bleeding
valve located on the pump
• check and set the pressure in the expan-
sion valve according to the prescribed static
pressure in the system
• connect the boiler to the power supply
• switch the main switch to position “I” (Fig.
Fig. 13 1), within about 20 seconds

from switching on the main switch the boi- Draining water from the heating system and
ler will be shut down, the boiler display will refilling it again and the follow-up operati-
show F0, flashing LED at symbols and ons (bleeding, adjusting expansion vessel)
. are not covered by the boiler’s warranty.
• Press once the MODE button to display If there is a danger that domestic hot wa-
the approximate value of the heating wa- ter inside the boiler or the distribution pipes
ter in the system (see the pressure display may freeze, measures must be implemen-
mode on pg. 5) ted to dispose the water off completely.
• open the system supply valve and watch After completion installation of the gas sup-
the pressure increase on the boiler display ply line to the boiler it is necessary to thorou-
• fill the system with water, the pressure ghly check the tightness of the coupling.
should be 1– 2 bars
• bleed thoroughly all radiators (thoroughly Draining water from the HoW tank
bleed all radiators (the water must be run- The draining valve at the bottom of the tank
ning out in a continuous stream, free of air is used during inspections of the tank.
bubbles) Important: Always open the draining valve
• leave the cap on the automatic bleeding carefully. Prior to draining let the tank cool
valve loose at all times (even during boiler down and close the HoW inlet and outlet
operation) valves under the boiler.
• check whether the pressure shown on the
display is within 1 and 2 bars. If necessary, Draining HeW
add more water into the system.
• open the HoW valves to bleed the HoW
Important: If the pressure in the boiler is
not 0.7 bars or higher, it will not start. If du-
ring operation the pressure drops below 0.7
bars, the boiler will shut down for safety rea-
sons - F0. If the LED at the pressure display
flashes, the water pressure in the boiler is
over or under the operating optimum value
Fig. 14
and the HeW pressure in system must be
Draining HoW
Draining water from the boiler
The drainage valve’s main function is to re-
lieve water pressure in the boiler during re-
pairs (Fig. 14). Water from the boiler can be
drained through this valve only partially. safety valve
Complete draining of water either from
the boiler only or from the whole heating draining valve
system and refilling it again must be done
through fill-up (discharge) valves installed
in suitable locations in the heating system. Fig. 15

Air supply and combustion gas removal for KTZ boilers
In the case of model KTZ combustion ga- Important: When exceeding lengths
ses must be removed and fresh air sup- prescribed in Table 2, a combustion gas
plied through special dual tubing. diffuser (screen) must be located at the
Horizontal tubing sections must have a fan outlet (Fig. 16).
gradient allowing water condensate to run The following methods of air supply and
towards the boiler or to special condens- combustion gas removal are approved for
ate removal components. This is achieved the boiler:
by combining elbows with straight compo-
nents, which will result in a gentle slope of Method C12
the straight section. Condensate removal
components should be whenever possible
installed as close to the combustion gases
outlet neck as possible. Defects caused
by condensate penetration are not cove-
red by the boiler’s warranty.

Air supply/combustion gases

removal methods (according to
EN 483) and permitted tube lengths
Unless stated for the following dual tube Fig. 17
route design methods and their termina-
tion outlets otherwise, the tube lengths
(from the boiler connection point to the Method C12 – horizontal routes with hori-
termination outlet) must be as specified zontal termination outlets into free space.
- see Table 1: When using tubing separated (80 mm)
into horizontal routes with horizontal ter-
Note: 1 Em is regarded to be either 1 m of
mination outlets, the air and combustion
straight section or one 90° elbow.
gas terminations for the same boiler must
be designed so that they are both located
inside a square of 0.5 m side length.
Example of a horizontal route of dual tu-
Flue gas diffuser bing – design C12 (according to EN 483)
is illustrated in Fig. 17.
Method C32 – vertical routes with vertical
termination outlets into free space. The ter-
mination of separated tubing is the same
as in Method C12.; further, the distance
between the planes of both terminations
must be smaller than 0.5 m.

Fig. 16

Method C32 from opposite directions,the minimum ver-
tical distance between them must be 0.60
m. Outlets of routes terminated in a com-
mon dual chimney must never be fitted
with end pieces (used in routes dischar-
ging to free space)! Both route sections
Em (the outside – air, and the inside – com-
bustion gases) must be safely inserted
into the chimney inlet, but not too deep,
so that it does not form an obstacle to the
flowing combustion gases or air.
In this case the route of the concentric
tubing must not exceed the length (elbow
Fig. 18 90° +) 3 Em; the separated tubing rou-
Method C52 te must not exceed (elbow 90° +) 9 Em
(when adding the length of the air and
L2 combustion gas sections together).
Method C52 – dual tubing separated and
80 terminated at two different points (with dif-

ferent specifications, mainly pressures).


Separate tubing can also be used to re-

move combustion gases and supply com-
bustion air (see Fig. 19). The separate
tubing routes must not be terminated at
Fig. 19 mutually opposite building walls.
Method C62 – connection to independent-
Example of a vertical route of dual tubing
ly approved and handed over tubing.
– design C32 (according to EN 483) is il-
lustrated in Fig. 18. In this case the tubing must have a nomi-
nal size according to the boiler’s technical
Method C42 – connection to common dual
parameters and valid for the same per-
chimneys. Dual tubing from each boiler
mitted lengths as are cited in this part of
(individual routes) may be terminated in
the Instructions for individual installation
a common chimney; the chimney’s trans-
examples (Methods CXX) – the lengths
portation sufficiency is assessed from the
were determined by experience and no
data stated by the manufacturer of the
formula are used to calculate them. Only
chimney flue used. If the routes are termi-
corresponding components (end pieces)
nated in the chimney in mutually perpen-
of the approved and supplied tubing are
dicular directions, the minimum vertical
used for connecting the boiler and outlet/
distance between them must be 0.45 m. If
inlet termination of tubing into free space
the routes are terminated in the chimney
Table 2
max. length with max. length
Flue duct diameter min. length
screen without screen
100 / 60 1,5 Em 3 Em 7 Em
80 / 80 2 x 2 Em 2 x 3 Em 2 x 7 Em

(or special chimney or shaft) - if the tubing a = 1.5 m, g = 5.0 m, c = 5.0 m.
does not contain such pieces, it must be If g < 5.0 m, zones overlap, but the ove-
supplemented (combined with) compo- rall zone width of 8 m must be maintained
nents from other tubes (e.g. tubing from and the value “a” increased on both sides
the manufacturer). accordingly (e.g. if g = 4.0 m, then a = 2.0
Spôsob C82 – tubing with the air supply m).
part terminated in free space and the com-
bustion gases part in a common chimney.
Air may also be taken from free space (or
space with abundant air supply) and com-
bustion gases discharged into a common
chimney (or again into a space with com-
mon presence of combustion gases).

Examples of locating flues in accor-

dance with Appendix 7 to Slovak Go-
vernment Decree No. 92/1996

Separate outlet on a straight wall

1. The separate outlet forms a zone from
Fig. 20
the outlet centreline of width a = 0.5 m,
radius b = 1.0 m and height c = 5.0 m.

Fig. 20 - Schematic diagram of the zone

formed when using a separate flue out-

2. If the distance of the outlet centreline un-

der the top part of the window structure
d > 0.3 m, the zone must not overlap to
the area formed by the window. If the
distance d ≤ 0.3 m, the zone delimited by
radius b may overlap with the top part of
the window.

Fig. 21 - Schematic diagram of the zone

formed from the centreline of the flue
located in the vicinity of the top part of
Fig. 21
the window

Dual outlet in horizontal

configuration on the same external
The distances of dual outlet on the straight
wall in horizontal configuration should be:

Fig. 22a - Dual outlet in horizontal con-
figuration on a straight external wall

Dual outlet in vertical configuration

Minimum distances with dual outlet in ver-
tical configuration on a straight external
wall should be:
a = 0.5 m; b = 1.0 m; c = 5.0 m; a1 depen-
ding on x as follows:
x ≥ 5.0 m, a1 = 0.5 m;
x ≥ 4.0 m, a1 = 0.6 m;
x ≥ 3.0 m, a1 = 0.75 m;
x ≥ 2.0 m, a1 = 1.0 m; Fig. 22a
x ≥ 1.0 m, a1 = 1.2 m;

Fig. 22b - Dual outlet in vertical confi-

guration on a straight external wall

Very important!
The shown examples of locating flues
may be used only when repairing or re-
constructing buildings.
In all other cases it is necessary to pro-
ceed in accordance with Public Notice
No. 410/2003 of the Slovak Ministry of
Environment which amends Ministry of
Environment Public Notice No. 706/2002
on sources of air pollution, on emissi-
on limits, on technical requirements and
general operating conditions, on a list of Fig. 22b
pollutants, on classification of sources of
air pollution and on requirements for dis-
persion of polluting emissions.

Safety measures e.g. tunnels, subways, etc.
The distance of flammable materials from With respect to these principles of prohibi-
the flue section of the separated tubing ted location of flues, the inlet termination
must be such that the surface tempera- of air supply must also be evaluated inde-
ture of these materials does not exceed pendently.
80 °C. Flue tubing termination must not be The opening in the wall for the dual tubing
located in areas: – air supply and flue removal – is made
• with explosion hazard (according to STN with deficient clearance (ca. 120 to 130
33 2320) mm) and after completing the installati-
• which are the indoor sections of buildings on it is sealed. The sealing must be done
(foyers, corridors, staircases, etc.) using non-flammable materials (flamma-
bility grade A according to STN 73 0823),
• which are closable, i.e. thoroughfares, e.g. wall plasters, plaster, etc. Holes in
etc. flammable walls or ceilings are made ac-
• extending into terrain (even though they cording to the first part of this section.
are free of obstacles open to free space),

Electrical connection of the boiler

Electrical connection of the boiler Likewise servicing of the boiler’s electrical
The boiler is connected to power supply part must be done by a person with the
by a three-core flexible cord without a above qualification only. Before carrying
plug. The fixed socket through which the out any works on its electrical section, the
boiler is connected to power mains must boiler must be disconnected from power
comply with the provisions of STN 33 supply by pulling the power cord plug from
2000-4-46. It must always have a protecti- the power socket!
ve contact (peg), reliably connected with a Only room control units with zero-poten-
PE or PEN wire (yellow-and-green). The tial output may be used in conjunction with
boiler must be always connected to the the boiler, i.e. units which feed no foreign
protection wire (earth) through its power voltage to the boiler.
cord and must be always installed in such Minimum required current carrying capa-
a way that the socket and the plug are ac- city of the control unit’s output terminals is
cessible. Using various adapters, extensi- ~ 24 V / 0.1 A.
on cords etc., is not permitted.
The room control unit must be connected
The boiler is protected by one tube fuse (T to the boiler by a two-core cable. The re-
125 mA / 250 V), which is located on the commended copper wire cross-section is
boiler control board – see diagram on pg. between 0.5 and 1.5
33 and 34.
The room control unit connection cable
Important: The plug and the socket as must not run in parallel with power wires
well as a room control unit, which is an in- or cables.
terference with the boiler’s internal wiring,
must be under all circumstance connected
by a qualified electrician only, as defined
by Public Notice No. 50/1978.

The terminal box for wiring a room control Connection of the outdoor temperature
unit, which is factory-fitted with a jumper, sensor is done by a dual-core wire, secti-
is situated on the back of the boiler control on 0.75 Max. Ohm resistance is
panel. The terminal box is accessible after 10 Ohms, total length is max. 30 m. The
removing the outside cover and tilting the terminal box for connecting the outdoor
control panel (Fig. 23). temperature sensor and room control unit
is located next to the room control unit ter-
minal box.

El. connection of accessories

Fig. 23

Rebuilding the boiler for alternative fuel (propane)

The basic design of Protherm Tiger 24 for propane operation is part of the kit for
(12) KTZ and 24 (12) KOZ boilers is made changing the boiler from natural gas to
to run with natural gas. If it is required to propane. The kit contains all necessary
run the boiler on propane, the gas valve parts and the working procedure.
must be changed and boiler set to prescri- Technical specifications for changing the
bed parameters. Rebuilding the boiler boiler to a different fuel are also included
for alternative fuels may be done only by in an independent part of the Service Ma-
an authorized technician certified by the nual.
manufacturer. The gas valve designed

Electrical diagram of Protherm Tiger 24 (12) KOZ boiler

Fig. 24

Electrical diagram of Protherm Tiger 24 (12) KOZ boiler

Fig. 25

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