Second Mates MMD Tides Question
Second Mates MMD Tides Question
Second Mates MMD Tides Question
JAN-2012 : Find the times and heights of high and low water’s at Okha (ATT Vol - II, #4335) on 19th
April 1992. (30 marks).
MAR-2012: Find tides at Blackpool (ATT Vol - I, # 445) on 6th March 1992. (30 marks).
a) Find the times and heights of high waters and low waters at Jaziret Kubbar (ATT Vol - II, # 4261b)
on 12th March 1992. (20 marks)
b) Find tidal stream on 24tJan at 2136 hrs in location M (52° 12.2’N 006° 10.8’W), when HW @
COBH is at 1806 on 24th Jan 1992 (Note: Reference - Nautical Almanac full moon is on 26th Jan
1992) (10 marks)
MAY-2012: Calculate the under keel clearance for vessel drawing drafts of F 9m and A 10m when
she passes over a shoal charted 10m at St. John (Vol II) at 0400 hrs on 7th February 1992. (30
JUL-2012: A ship completed loading at 2100 hours to drafts of F: 8.10m, A: 8.20m on 10th February
1992 off Flat Island (#2913). Find the earliest time she can clear a shoal marked 8 m if UKC of 2m is
required. (30 Marks).
SEP-2012: On 10 April 1992, your vessel is expected to cross the bar at Port Drummore (ATT 1 No
420) where the charted sounding is 9.00 m. Your vessel is expected to cross the bar at 1050 hrs. If
the draft of your vessel is 10.30m, determine the under keel clearance when she crosses the bar. (30
OCT-2012: Find out the height of tide at Port Weld (ATT2 No: 4670) on 4th March 1992 at 1600hr
LT? (30 Marks).
Find the earliest time on 11th March 1992 when a vessel can enter waters off BROOM (ATT 6265)
having a draft of 20 meters and the patch at the entrance has a charted depth of 15 meters and the
vessel needs an UKC of 2.0 meters (30 MARKS).
JAN-2013: A ship is to cross a bar marked 4 m on the chart at Elephant Point - Rangoon River,
Burma (ATT II) on the 22 of April 1992. The maximum draft of the ship is 6 m. Find the earliest time it
should cross on a rising tide if it wishes to have a minimum under keel clearance of 1 m. (30 Marks).
MAR-2013: Find the height of tide at Avonmouth at 1430 hrs on 17th Feb 1992? (30 Marks).
APR-2013: A vessel is to cross a bar marked 2m on chart at Elephant point in Rangoon River, ATT
(II) on 17 March 1992, at 1200 hrs. If minimum UKC of 1 m is required, find the maximum draft to
which vessel can load? (30 MARKS).
SEPT-2013: Find the height of tide at Flushing (ATT 1) at 0800 hrs on 11th March 1992. (30 Marks).
OCT-2013: Find out at 1048 the tide on 10th April 1992 at port drummore (ATT 2 No. 420)
NOV-2013: Find the height of tide at port Seattle date 8th March 1992 (ATT no 9174) at 0900 hour
local time.
JAN-2014: Find the earliest time to sail out of Walnut Groove (Sacramento River, ATT Vol.3), after
7o’clock in the morning of the 17th Feb ’92. Master wants a height of tide of at least 1m, at the time of
MAR-2014: The clearance of a Bridge given on the chart is 80m. Mean High Water Spring (MHWS)
level is 5m. What will be the bridge clearance at 1200 hours LMT at Antwerp on 4th April 1992?
APR-2014: A lighthouse at Amherst Harbour (2877) has a charted elevation of 33m. What will be its
actual elevation at 1830 hrs. Standard Time on 22nd March 1992?
MAY-2014: Find out height of tide at port Deal ATT volume I on date 1st January 1992 at time 1400
hr LT.
JUL-2014: What is the Height of Tide at ‘Antwerp’ (ATT vol.1, # 1539), at 0400 hours UTC on 16th
January 92.
SEPT-2014: Find the times and heights of high and low waters at OKHA on 18th March 1992. (30
NOV-2014: Find the tides at Scheveningen (ATT Vol –I, 3 1503) on 19th Feb 1992.
AN-2015: On 3rd April 1992, Calculate the earliest time on a rising tide that a ship with maximum
draft, of 6.2 meters can cross a bar marked 4 meters in BOMBAY (ATT2) with an UKC of 0.7 meters.
(Under keel clearance)
MAR-2015: Calculate the under keel clearance for vessel drawing drafts of F.9m and A 10m when
she passes over a shoal charted 10m at St. John(Vol II) at 0400 hrs on 7th February 1992. (30
MAY-2015: Calculate the height of tide at Seattle (ATT No. 9174) at 2000 hrs on 09th March 1992.
JUL-2015: Find the height of tide at Okha (ATT Vol- II, 4335) LT on 19th February 1992 (30 Marks).
SEPT-2015: A vessel drawing following drafts of Fwd 6.0m, Aft 7.0m has to clear the bar of charted
depth of 6m at Bombay (#4359) on 15th Feb 1992 with UKC of 2m. Find the earliest time in the
evening when the vessel can do so.
NOV-2015: Find the earliest time on 11th March 1992 when a vessel can enter waters off BROOM
(ATT 6265) having a draft of 20 meters and the patch at the entrance has a charted depth of 15meters
and the vessel needs an UKC of 2.0 meters.
JAN-2016: Calculate the UKC for a vessel drawing drafts of F= 9m and A= 10m. When she passes
over shoal charted 10m at St. john (ATT Vol II) # 2864) at 0400 on 7th Feb 1992.