Best Practice in Comprehensive Postabortion Care
Best Practice in Comprehensive Postabortion Care
Best Practice in Comprehensive Postabortion Care
Version PAC-01
Published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s
Park, London NW1 4RG
Registered charity no. 213280
First published 2016
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Best practice in comprehensive postabortion care i
Each year, 22 million unsafe abortions are estimated to take place, resulting in approximately 47 000
deaths. Around 5 million women suffer injury as a result of complications due to unsafe abortion,
often leading to chronic disability. Safe postabortion care should be available and accessible for all
women. Comprehensive postabortion care aims to reduce deaths and injury from either incomplete
or unsafe abortion by: evacuating the uterus; treating infection; addressing physical, psychological
and family planning needs; and referring to other sexual health services as appropriate.
As with many other medical procedures, adherence to best practice standards should help to ensure
that the most effective and the safest services are delivered. This paper is therefore designed to be
used on a daily basis by healthcare workers responsible for delivering postabortion care services
including postabortion contraception.
All aspects of postabortion care should be delivered in a manner that respects women as decision
makers. Women should be provided with information and support in a sensitive manner.
Incomplete abortion should be suspected when any woman of reproductive age presents with
vaginal bleeding and/or abdominal pain after one or more missed menstrual period.
Unsafe abortion
Indications that an abortion has been attempted by unsafe methods include the presence of:
•• vaginal laceration
•• cervical injury
•• uterine enlargement equivalent to a pregnancy of more than 12 weeks of gestation
•• products of conception visible at the cervix.
It is vital to identify women who may have ongoing infection and to manage this urgently. Infection
is much more likely, and much more likely to be severe, if the abortion has been unsafe. Clinical
features suggestive of infection include:
•• temperature above 37.5 °C
•• localised or general abdominal tenderness, guarding and rebound
•• foul odour or pus visible in the cervical os
•• uterine tenderness.
Features suggestive of sepsis and indicating the need for emergency action include:
•• hypotension
•• tachycardia
•• increased respiratory rate.
The management of an incomplete abortion will depend on the woman’s condition, whether infection
is present, the gestation of the pregnancy and on the skills of available personnel and the facilities
and equipment available. When uterine evacuation is an emergency (the woman is shocked, bleeding
heavily or has severe infection), if there are personnel available who have the skills to undertake
manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) (and who do the procedure often enough to maintain these skills)
and if the appropriate equipment is available then undertaking MVA may be a better option than
using misoprostol because the uterus will be emptied more quickly. If there is no provider skilled at
MVA then it will be safer to use misoprostol to empty the uterus. The dose of misoprostol depends
on the gestation and on the route of administration (oral, buccal, vaginal, etc). If a woman is bleeding
heavily then misoprostol may be less well absorbed if given vaginally than, for example, buccally.
If there is no suspicion of infection and uterine size is less than 14 weeks
••uterine evacuation with vacuum aspiration:
•• antibiotic prophylaxis should be given before surgical evacuation – 200 mg doxycycline
within 2 hours before the procedure (with or without 200 mg doxycycline after the
procedure) or a single dose of 500 mg azithromycin within 2 hours before the procedure
(NB. If antibiotics are not available, the procedure should not be delayed.)
misoprostol 600 micrograms orally or 400 micrograms sublingually.
If there is no suspicion of infection and uterine size is 14 weeks or larger
••evacuation using vacuum aspiration and blunt forceps if necessary (provided that the clinician
has been trained to use them):
•• antibiotic prophylaxis should be given before surgical evacuation – 200 mg doxycycline
within 2 hours before the procedure (with or without 200 mg doxycycline after the
procedure) or a single dose of 500 mg azithromycin within 2 hours before the procedure
(NB. If antibiotics are not available, the procedure should not be delayed.)
14–28 weeks: 200 micrograms administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally at least 6-hourly
(maximum four doses)
28+ weeks: 25 micrograms vaginally 6-hourly or 25 micrograms orally 2-hourly
14+ weeks if the woman has had a previous caesarean section: 25 micrograms vaginally
6-hourly or 25 micrograms orally 2-hourly.
the woman is in septic shock, start IV fluids (normal saline or Hartmann’s). Transfer to a
unit for surgical uterine evacuation. Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics (such as
a combination of ampicillin 0.5–1 g 6-hourly, metronidazole 500 mg 8-hourly and gentamicin
120 mg daily) intravenously prior to transfer if available.
If the skills necessary for urgent surgical uterine evacuation are not available, misoprostol can be used:
•• <14 weeks: misoprostol 600 micrograms orally or 400 micrograms sublingually
•• 14–28 weeks: At least 200 micrograms administered vaginally, sublingually or buccally at least
•• 28+ weeks: 25 micrograms vaginally 6-hourly or 25 micrograms orally 2-hourly.
Before they leave the healthcare facility, all women should receive contraceptive information and,
if desired, the contraceptive method of their choice. If the chosen method is not available, they
should be referred to a service where the method can be provided.
Women should be advised of the greater effectiveness of long-acting reversible methods of contra
ception (LARC: implants and intrauterine devices (IUDs)) and, unless they have a clear preference for
another effective method (such as pills or injectables), encouraged to choose an IUD or an implant.
IUD insertion or female sterilisation should be delayed until the woman’s health is restored and any
infection is resolved. Interim contraception should be provided using the most effective acceptable
method until an IUD can be inserted or sterilisation performed.
Anti-D IgG
If available, anti-D IgG should be given, by injection into the deltoid muscle, to all RhD-negative
women within 72 hours following abortion occurring after 12 weeks of gestation.
••the choice of abortion method available (if appropriate) and the advantages of each (see Table 1)
••what will be done during and after the abortion
••symptoms likely to be experienced both during and following the abortion (e.g. menstrual-like
cramps, pain and bleeding)
••the range of emotions commonly experienced after having an abortion
••how long the abortion is likely to take
••what pain management will be made available
••the risks and complications associated with the abortion method
••follow-up care, including contraceptive advice and provision
••other services that are available, such as sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and
support for women experiencing sexual coercion or domestic violence
••the care that is required for the pregnancy-related condition that necessitated the abortion
••whether or not it is advisable for her to get pregnant again in the future and, if so, when
••follow-up care including contraceptive advice and provision – this is particularly important if
further pregnancies are contraindicated.
Table 1 Characteristics of abortion procedures and medical and surgical management of incomplete abortion;
adapted from WHO (2014) Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion
Medical management Surgical management
• has a higher risk of incomplete or failed abortion • quick procedure
• avoids surgery • an intrauterine pregnancy is verified by evaluation
• mimics miscarriage of aspirated products of conception and a molar
• controlled by the woman pregnancy may be seen
• takes time (hours to days) to complete abortion, • takes place in a healthcare facility
and the timing may not be predictable • sterilisation of the woman or placement of an
• women experience bleeding and cramping, and intrauterine device (IUD) may be performed at
potentially some other side effects (nausea, the same time as the procedure
vomiting) • requires instrumentation of the uterus
• products of conception may be passed at home • small risk of uterine or cervical injury
• may require more clinic visits than surgical • timing of abortion is controlled by the facility and
management healthcare provider
May be preferable in the following situations: May be necessary in the following situation:
• for severely obese women • if there are contraindications to medical
• if the woman has uterine malformations or management of incomplete abortion or to
fibroids, or has had previous cervical surgery medical abortion
• if the woman wants to avoid surgical intervention
• if a pelvic examination is not feasible or is unwanted
Information about the side effects of abortion should emphasise the overall safety of the procedure
and should be discussed in a way that women can understand. The information should be given in
a non-judgemental and supportive way.
Blood tests
Pre-abortion assessment may include determination of Rhesus blood status if testing is available.
Where clinically indicated, pre-abortion assessment may also include measurement of haemo
globin concentration.
Table 2 Weeks of gestation in terms of days since the last menstrual period (LMP); reproduced from
RCOG (2011) The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion, Evidence-based Clinical Guideline Number 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Days since
0–6 7–13 14–20 21–27 28–34 35–41 42–48 49–55 56–62 63–69 70–76 77–83 84–90
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Days since
91–97 98–104 105–111 112–118 119–125 126–132 133–139 140–146 147–153 154–160 161–167 168–174
Routine pre-abortion ultrasound scanning is unnecessary but, if available, may be useful if there are
concerns about complications, e.g. ectopic pregnancy.
STI screening
It is best practice to undertake a risk assessment for STIs for all women (e.g. HIV, chlamydia,
gonorrhoea, syphilis), and to screen for them if appropriate and available but this should be done
without delaying the abortion.
The partners of women who test positive for STIs should be informed and advised about treatment.
Ideally, a system for partner notification and follow-up or referral should be in place.
Services should make available information about the prevention of STIs, and offer condoms for STI
prevention to all women undergoing abortion.
Effective methods of contraception should be discussed with women at the initial assessment
and a plan agreed, and documented, for contraception after the abortion. Before they leave the
healthcare facility, all women should receive the contraceptive method of their choice. If the chosen
method is not available, they should be referred to a service where the method can be provided.
Women should be advised of the greater effectiveness of implants and IUDs (long-acting reversible
(LARC) methods)) and encouraged to choose them unless they have a clear preference for another
effective method. Immediately after surgical abortion is an optimal time for insertion of an IUD
(and is safe after both first- and second-trimester surgical abortions). Contraceptive implants can
be provided at any time once the abortion procedure has started.
Contraceptive provision
If a woman has chosen a contraceptive method that can be provided as part of or during the
abortion procedure (e.g. IUD insertion once vacuum aspiration is completed), it is important to
be sure that this has been done. IUDs can be inserted at the time of the abortion in both the first
and second trimesters. Contraceptive implants can be inserted at any time once the abortion
procedure has started.
Information to provide
Before leaving the facility, women should receive instructions about how to care for themselves
after they go home, including:
•• how much bleeding to expect in the next few days and weeks
•• how to recognise potential complications, including signs of ongoing pregnancy
•• when to resume normal activities (including sexual intercourse)
•• how and where to seek help if required
••whether or not they can get pregnant again and when to start trying.
Before they leave the healthcare facility, women for whom contraception is indicated should receive
appropriate information and, if desired, the contraceptive method of their choice. If the chosen
method is not available, they should be referred to a service where the method can be provided.
Women should be advised of the greater effectiveness and duration of LARC methods (implants
and IUDs) and encouraged to choose them unless they have a clear preference for another
effective method.
Sterilisation can be safely performed at the time of induced abortion although it can be more likely
than interval sterilisation to be associated with regret.
Failure rates for sterilisation are slightly higher if it is performed at the same time as the abortion.
Anti-D IgG
If available, anti-D IgG should be given by injection into the deltoid muscle to all RhD-negative
women within 72 hours following abortion for gestations longer than 12 weeks.
Service delivery
The provision of a safe and effective comprehensive postabortion care service, and of safe induced
abortion when medically indicated, depends on everyone involved in the service ensuring that
everything is done to meet the need. It is not enough for doctors and nurses to have clinical skills
for postabortion care if the facilities and tools that they need are not reliably available and if the
service is not organised in a way that ensures safe and effective comprehensive postabortion care
and induced abortion care when medically indicated. Best practices for service delivery are
listed below.
Access to services
1 Abortion services must be available to the fullest extent that the law allows. Healthcare
providers should know what the law does allow in their country and be clear about the
circumstances for which abortion is legal.
2 Safe abortion is legal in Tanzania to save the life of the woman.
3 Healthcare providers must know the process required for induced abortion to be approved,
which, in Tanzania, requires the agreement of two physicians.
4 Abortion is safer the sooner it is done. Services should provide the abortion at the earliest
possible gestation and as close to home as possible.
5 All healthcare providers should be trained to provide comprehensive postabortion care, and
induced abortion when medically indicated, in line with their skills and licences. This can help
spread the workload and improve the skills of all providers of women’s health care, thereby
increasing the safety of all abortion and postabortion care.
6 Integrating postabortion, and abortion where medically indicated, services into overall
maternal/women’s health care minimises the stigma associated with abortion care for both
women and providers.
7 In settings where women with incomplete abortion are likely to present but where there
is no provision for emergency or specialist care, there must be robust and timely pathways
for referral.
Information provision
1 There should be local arrangements in place for providing information to women and
healthcare professionals on routes of access to postabortion care and to induced abortion
when medically indicated.
2 Services should ensure that written, objective, evidence-guided information is available in a
way that is understandable to women presenting for postabortion care and to women for
whom induced abortion is medically indicated. Information should be available in a variety of
languages and formats.
3 Women for whom induced abortion is medically indicated should have access to objective
information and, if required, counselling and decision-making support about their
pregnancy options.
4 Information for women and providers should emphasise the need for confidentiality and be
sensitive to the woman’s need for privacy.
3 The setting for postabortion care, as well as for induced abortion when medically indicated,
including the consultation room, the procedure room and the recovery room, should respect
the need for women’s privacy and dignity.
Evidence sources
World Health Organization. Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems. 2nd ed. Geneva:
WHO; 2012 [].
World Health Organization. Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion. Geneva: WHO; 2014 [www.who.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion.
Evidence-based Guideline Number 7. London: RCOG; 2011 [
3.3 Post-abortion contraception
Post-abortion contraception *
(Adapted from World Health Organization (2014) Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion)
COC 1 1 1
CIC 1 1 1
POP 1 1 1
DMPA, NET-EN 1 1 1
LNG/ENG implants 1 1 1
Copper-bearing IUD 1 2 4
LNG-releasing IUD 1 2 4
Condom 1 1 1
Spermicide 1 1 1
Diaphragm 1 1 1
CIC, combined injectable contraceptive; COC, combined oral contraceptive; DMPA/NET-EN, progestogen-only
injectables: depot medroxyprogesterone acetate/norethisterone enantate; IUD, intrauterine device; LNG/ENG,
progestogen-only implants: levonorgestrel/etonorgestrel; POP, progestogen-only pill.
Definition of categories
1: a condition for which there is no restriction for 3: a condition where the theoretical or proven
the use of the contraceptive method. risks usually outweigh the advantages of using
2: a condition where the advantages of using the the method.
method generally outweigh the theoretical or 4: a condition that represents an unacceptable
proven risks. health risk if the contraceptive method is used.
Based on Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, 4th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009.