Delos Santos, Sherrie Ann B. Nu - 201 NCP # 3

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Delos Santos, Sherrie Ann B.

Nu - 201
NCP # 3
Goal met.
OBJECTIVE: Risk for infection Dilatation and curettage, After 6 hours of nursing 1. Obtain preoperative vital signs 1. This will serve as the
related to invasive also called as D&C, is a intervention, the patient of client. baseline data and a basis for After 6 hours of nursing
>Incomplete abortion procedure of dilation common surgical will be free from   comparison postoperatively. interventions, the patient
and curettage and procedure done on women infection and will 2. Conduct health education on   was free from infection
>Procedure: Completion tissue trauma during to scrape and collect the demonstrate knowledge the following topics: 2. Instructing clients on the and demonstrated
curettage. the procedure. tissue from inside the on what to look for as Signs and symptoms of infection signs and symptoms of understanding on the
uterus. The cervical signs of impending like increasing body temperature, impending infection gives them possible signs and
passage in a women leads infection. foul smelling discharges from the the idea of what to look for so symptoms of impending
to the uterus. ‘Dilatation’ perineum, moderate to severe immediate action and infection.
is a widening of the abdominal cramps. intervention can be sought.
cervical passage. This is a. Minimizes the entry of
done using smoothly Advise that should any sign of harmful microorganisms.
conical and tapered, infection occurs, it must be b. Tampons increases risk for
graduated metal rods of reported immediately to the infection and delays tissue
various sizes and these are nurse on duty for validation and healing.
appropriately called the evaluation: c. To allow tissue healing.
dilators. The gradually
large metal dilators lead to a. Good perineal hygiene 3.  Prompt recognition and
widening of the tight intervention of manifestations
cervical passage slowly. b. Use of tampons is of infection prevents
contraindicated, use perineal progression into a worse septic
pads or diaper instead condition.

c. No sexual intercourse until

vaginal discharge stops

3. Monitor for signs and

symptoms of infection inclusive
of vital signs and post D & C
CBC count.

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