Jane Austens Art of Characterization

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Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad


Jane Austin occupies a high rank among the English novelists, though she is not one

of the highest of them. She is realistic and draws her material form the real society.

Her stories are (all of her six completed novels) complete and definite. There is

nothing fancy or farfetched in them. she has depicted the social life of her times.

The main theme of her novels are courtship and marriage which are evident in

almost all her works. The main protagonist of her work is almost a heroine who

after many misunderstanding and misfortunes, eventually meets a right man to

whom she gets married. Marriages, dinners, dance parties, expedition, and

adventure are the most familiar ingredients of her stories. humour and irony are

the two main tools by which she exposes the absurdities of her characters. Even

though some people have gone so far to say about her humour to be as similar to

that of Shakespearean but it is exaggeration. She gives us a complete and perfect

portrayal of her characters, exclusively the protagonists of her novels. She not only

discusses the external features of her characters but also portrays the psychological

motives of her characters. She doesn’t interrupt the story with her own personal

comments but gives us the actual and real account of the events or persons. As her

stories are based on her own personal experiences and observations, so her

characters, especially heroines, are limited form the British province. Her novels

Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

contain a super delineation of female characters. Her female characters are more

vivid and life – like than those of male characters. Her power of perception towards

her characters is keen and perfect. Austen lived in a society where women were

expected to be accomplished and talented as in pride and prejudice Mr. Darcy

states “but not well educated”. So Austen has given more emphasis on the

characterization of female gender.


Jane Austin is a female and productive writer and female figures seem to be the

core of her novels like Emma, Pride and Prejudice and sense and sensibility. To

understand completely the female characters of Jane Austen’s works it is also

important to know about the society in which she was living. Women of her time

couldn’t get education in the higher institutions like oxford and Cambridge, as

Austen got most of her education at home by her father who was a rector and a

scholar as well. If a woman, in her times, got educated or trained than it was mostly

religious or domestic practice. A woman’s social and economic status was very

important and yet there was little she could do to improve to her status or position

in the society. As we see in Emma, Emma is trying to raise Harriet to the society of

higher –middle class. Women of such social standing couldn’t go out for a job and

Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

to support their family. That is why Austen’s main focus are the women of her


Austin uses the technique of comparison to detail the character of her heroines.

For example, in Pride and Prejudice Elizabeth Bennet is more beautiful, intelligent,

loyal, strong and witty than all her sisters.


One of the superb example of her female characterization is that of Emma. About

Emma, Austen herself said that she had created "a heroine whom no one but

myself will much like”. In novel at some places Emma seems to be a dubious

character. Emma’s main problem throughout the novel is the lack of her self –

realization. And this flaw leads her sometimes to make incorrect rather dangerous

assumptions about others especially in relation to the matter of the love and

marriage. But here Austin has keen desire in creating such image of Emma. She

wanted her to travel form delusion to self – recognition and from illusion to reality-

As Craik states that the action of the novel illustrates the Emma’s gradual

enlightenment and she moves towards the state of moral, mental and emotional


Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

In one of her earlier novels is Persuasion where father of Anne, the heroine of the

story, is selfish and a heartless man. He is comic exaggeration of the upper class

stratum. He is vain to the point of absurdity. Preoccupied by keeping the

appearances, he is seen in public and with wealthy people only. He dislikes the

sailors only on the grounds of their orange tan and lack of breeding.

In pride and prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet is the heroine and a modern girl. She has

no concerns with wealth and status. Her ability to laugh at herself and at others is

the best trait of her personality. She is intelligent and is given some of the best one

liners in all of Austen. “I expected at least that the pigs were got into the garden,

and here is nothing but Lady Catherine and Her daughter.”

In sense and sensibility, Elinor is one of the most misunderstood heroines of Jane

Austen. She is seen through the lens of modern sensibilities. She is, in fact, more

sensitive than her sister and selfless in her desires. She keeps her sorrow and

heartbreak to herself. She is a complete example of endurance. She gets her lover

in the end of the novel but we wonder if he is enough intelligent and interesting to

deserve such a very British girl.

Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

In pride and prejudice, Darcy is the most attractive hero in all Austen’s works.

Darcy’s aloofness and sensitive conduct towards women make him the hero, but

his willingness to become humbler and to be changed for the woman he loves is a

superb example of mastery. He loves Elizabeth and crosses all he barriers of rigid

class of 18th century.

Lastly George Knightly in Emma is the hero Jane Austen most wanted to marry. He

is like miss Bates, and steps in dance with lowly Harriet when he sees that she has

been disregarded by the awful Mr. and Mrs. Elton. He refuses to play the

conventional hero and talks in the language of love, “I cannot make speeches,

Emma. If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.”

But the heroine of the story, of Emma, is more unique due to her seeming immunity

to romantic sensibility. She travels a journey for her self – realization and is

described transforming from clever girl to modest and mature woman. Emma, like

Jane Austen's other novels, deals with the subject of young ladies finding proper

husbands. Emma gets her love at the end but the description of her travelling

towards maturity is more appealing. So, all her female characters are woven

beautifully as compared to her male characters.

Muhammad Ilyas COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

The quest for financial security and an appropriate husband is central to

her other works and adds a serious element to their narrative structures.


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