Digital Integrared Circuits

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Digital integrated circuits

Digital Integrated Circuits: Digital IC characteristics, Digital IC families -RTLand DTL, TL, I2L,
TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS logic circuits, Comparison of digital IC families


An Integrated Circuit (IC) is fabricated on a die of a silicon semiconductor crystal, called

a chip, containing the electronic components for constructing digital gate. The various gates are
interconnected inside the chip to form the required circuit. The chip is mounted in a ceramic or
plastic container, and connections are welded to external pins to form the integrated circuit. The
number of pins may range from 14 on a small IC package to several thousand on a larger
package. Each IC has a numeric designation printed on the surface of the package for
identification. Vendors provide data books, catalogs, and Internet websites that contain
descriptions and information about the ICs that they manufacture.

Digital ICs are categorized based on

i) Level of integration-
ii) Logic families


Digital ICs are often categorized according to the complexity of their circuits, as measured by
the number of logic gates in a single package. They are

Small‐scale integration (SSI)

 SSI devices contain several independent gates in a single package.

 The inputs and outputs of the gates are connected directly to the pins in the package.
 The number of gates is usually fewer than 10 and is limited by the number of pins
available in the IC.

Medium‐scale integration (MSI)

 MSI devices have a complexity of approximately 10 to 1,000 gates in a single package.

 They usually perform specific elementary digital operations.
 MSI digital functions aredecoders, adders, and multiplexers, registers and counters.

Large‐scale integration (LSI)

 LSI devices contain thousands of gates in a single package.

 They include digital systems such as processors, memory chips, and programmable

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Very large‐scale integration (VLSI)

 VLSI devices now contain millions of gates within a single package.

 Examples are large memory arrays and complex microcomputer chips.


The digital IC arealso classified based on specific circuit technology. The circuit technology
referred logic families. Each logic family has its own basic electronic circuit upon which more
complex digital circuits and components are developed. The basic circuit in each technology is a
NAND, NOR, or inverter gate. The logic families of digital integrated circuits are

RTL- Resistor Transistor Logic-

 In RTL (resistor transistor logic), all the logic are implemented using resistors and
 One basic thing about the transistor (NPN), is that HIGH at input causes output to be
LOW (i.e. like a inverter).
 In the case of PNP transistor, the LOW at input causes output to be HIGH.

DTL- Digital Transistor Logic-

 In DTL (Diode transistor logic), all the logic is implemented using diodes and transistors.
 Propagation Delay is Larger

I2L- Integrated injection logic-

It Consist of npn and pnp transistor

TTL transistor–transistor logic-

 In Transistor Transistor logic or just TTL, logic gates are built only around transistors.
 TTL Logic has the following sub-families:
 Standard TTL.
 High Speed TTL
 Low Power TTL.
 Schhottky TTL.
 Low Power Schottky TTL
 Advanced Schottky TTL
 Advanced Low Power Schottky TTL
 Fast Schottky

ECL Emitter‐coupled logic-

 The main specialty of ECL is that it is operating in Active Region than the Saturation
Region. That is the reason for its high speed operation.
 Disadvantage: 1) Large Silicon Area
2)Large Power Consumption

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MOS metal‐oxide semiconductor

CMOS complementary metal‐oxide semiconductor.

The characteristics of IC digital logic families are usually compared by analyzing the circuit of
the basic gate in each family. The important parameters are
 fan-out ,
 power dissipation,
 propagation delay, and
 noise margin


 The fan-out of a gate specifies the number of standard loads that can be connected to
the outputof the gate without degrading its normal operation
 The fan-out really depends on the amount of electric current a gate can source or sink
while driving other gates.
 Consider the connections shown in Fig. 1 the output of one gate is connected to one or
more inputs of other.
 The output of the gateis in the high-voltage level(Logic 1) in Fig. 1(a ). It provides a
current source IOH to all thegate inputsconnected to it.
 Each gate input requires a current lIN for proper operation.
 Similarly, theoutput of the gate is in the low -voltage level (logic 0) in Fig. 1 (b). It
provides a current sink IOL forall the gate inputs connected to it. Each gate input supplies
a current,IIL
 The fan-out of the gate is

Fig 1. Fan out computation

For example, the standard TTL gates have the following values for the currents
IOH = 400 p.A

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IlH = 40 p.A
IOL = 16 mA
In = I.6 mA

 It represents the amount of power needed by thegate.
 It represents the power delivered to the gate from the power supply. It does not include
thepower delivered from anothergate
 The amount of power that is dissipated in a gate is calculated from the supply voltage
VCC and the current ICC that is drawn by the circuit.the current drawn from the supply
depend on the logic state of the gate

If ICCH - The current drawnfrom the power supply when the output of the gate is in the
high-voltage level
ICCL - The current drawn from the power supply when the output of the gate is in the low-
voltage level

The average power dissipiation is

For example, a standard TTL NAND gate uses a supply voltage Vcc of 5 V and has
currentdrains ICCH = I mA and ICCL = 3 mA. The average current is (3 + l )/2 = 2 mA. The
averagepower dissipation is 5 x 2 = 10 mW. An IC that has four NAND gates dissipates
atotal of 10 x 4 = 40 mW.

 The propagation delay of a gate is the average transition-delay time for the signal to
propagatefrom input to output when the binary input signal changes in value.
 Propagation delay is measured in nanoseconds(ns); 1 ns is equal to 10- 9 second.
 If there are many gates, then total propagation delay of digital circuit is the sum of the
propagation delays through the gates
 Two propagation delays associated with a logic gates are shown in fig 2
 tPHL : The time between a specified reference point on the input pulse and a
corresponding reference point on the output pulse, with the output changing from the
High level to the Low level.
 tPLH : The time between specified reference point on the input pulse and a corresponding
reference point on the output pulse, with the output changing from the Low level to the
High level.

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Fig 2. Measurement of Propagation delay

For example, the delays for a standard TTL gate are tPHL = 7 ns and tPLH = 11 s.

 Spurious electrical signals from industrial and other sources can induce undesirable
voltageson the connecting wires between logic circuits. These unwanted signals are
referred to asnoise.
 There are two types of noise. DC noise is caused by a drift in the voltage levels of
asignal. AC noise is a random pulse that may be created by other switching signals.
 The noise margin is the maximum noise voltage added to an input signal of a digital
circuit that does not cause an undesirable change in the circuit's output.
 Noise margin expressed in Volts and represents the maximum noise signal that can be
tolerated by the gate shown in figure 3

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Fig 3. Signals for evaluating noise margin
VIL: Low level input voltage
VIH:High level input voltage
VOL: Low level output voltage
VOH: High level output voltage

The noise margin = VOH - VIH

VIL - VOL, whichever is smaller.


The basic circuit of the RTL digital logic family is the NOR is shown in figure 4
 Each input is associated with one resistor and one transistor. The collectors of the
transistors are tied together at the output.
 The voltage levels for the circuit are 0.2 V for the low leve l and from 1 to 3.6 V for
the high level.
 If any input of the RTL gate is high, the corresponding transistor is driven into saturation
and the output goes low, regard less of the states of the other transistors.
 If all inputs are low at 0.2 V, all transistors are cut off because VBE< 0.6 V and the output
of the circuit goes high.
 the noise margin for low signal input is 0.6 - 0.2 = 0.4 V

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Fig 4. RTL circuit

 The fan-out of the RTL gate is limited by a high output voltage.

 As the output is loaded with inputs of other gates, more current is consumed by the
 This current must flow through the 640-Ω resistor.
 A simple calculation shows_hFE drops to 20, the output voltage drops to about I V when
the fan-out is S.
 Any voItage below 1 V in the output may not drive the next transistor into saturation as
 The power dissipation of the RTL gate is about 12 mw and the propagation delay
averages 25 ns.


 The basic circuit in the DTL digital logic family is the NAND gateis shown in figure 5.
 Each input is associated with one diode. The diodes and the 5kΩ resistor form an AND
 The transistor serves as a current amplifier while inverting the digital signal.
 The two voltage levels are 0.2 V for the low level and between 4 and 5 V for the high

Fig 5. DTL logic Circuits

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 If any input of the gale is low at 0.2 V. the corresponding input diode conducts current
through VCC and the 5-kΩ resistor into the input node.
 The voltage at point P is equal 10 the input voltage of 0.2 V plus a diode drop of 0.7 V,
for a total of 0.9 V.
 In order for the transister to start conducting, the voltage at point P must overcome (i.e.,
be at least as high as) a I-VBEdrop in QJ plus two diode drops across DI and D2, or 3 X
0.6 = 1.8 V.
 Since the voltage at P is maintained at 0.9 V by the input conducting diode. the transistor
is cut off with no drop across the 2-kΩ resistor and the output voltage is high at 5 V.
 If all inputs of the gate are high, the transistor is driven into the saturation region .
 The voltage at P now is equal to VBE plus the two diode drops across DI and D2, or 0.7
X 3 = 2.1 V. Since all inputs are high at 5 V and since Vp = 2.1 V, the input diodes are
reverse biased and off.
 The base current is equal to the difference of the currents flowing in the two 5kΩ
resistors and is sufficient to drive the transistor into saturation.
 With the transistor saturated, the output drops to Va = 0.2 V, which is the low level for
the gate .
 The power dissipation of a DTL gate is about 12 mW and the propagation delay
averages 30 ns.
 The noise margin is about 1 V and a fan-out as high as 8 is possible .
 The fan-out of the DTL gale is limited by the maximum current that can flow in the
collector of the saturated transistor.
 The fan-out of a DTL gate may be increased by replacing one of the diodes in the base
circuit with a transistor shown in figure 6

Fig 6. Modified DTL gates

 Transistor Q1 is maintained in the active region when output transistor Q2 is saturated.

 As a consequence, the modified circuit can supply a larger amount of base current to the
output transistor, which can now draw a larger amount of collector current before it goes
out of saturation.

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 Part of the collector current comes from the conducting diode s in the loading gates
when Q2 is saturated.
 Thus, an increase in the allowable saturated current in the collector allows more loadsto
be connected to the output, increasing the fan-out capability of the gale .

 The original basic transistor- transistor logic (TIL) gate was a slight improvement over
the DTL gate.
 TTL widely used in the design of digital systems.
 Commercial TIL ICs have a number designation that starts with 74 and follows with a
suffix that identifies the series. Examples are 7404, 74S86 and 74ALS161.
 The speed-power product is an important parameter used in comparing the various TIL
series. It the product of the propagation delay and power dissipation. The speed-power
product is measured in picojoules (pJ).
 A low value for this parameter is desirable because it indicates that a given propagation
delay can be achieved without excessive power dissipation and vice versa.
 The standard TTL gate was the first version in theTTL family. This basic gate was then
designed with different resistor values to produce gates with lower power dissipation or
with higher speed.
 The propagation delay of a transistor circuit that goes into saturation depends mostly on
two factors: storage time and RC time constants.
 Reducing the storage time decreases the propagation delay. Reducing resistor values
in the circuit reduces the RC time constants and decreases the propagation delay.
 Of course, the trade-off is higher power dissipation, because lower resistances draw
more current from the power supply. The speed of the gate is inversely proportional to
the propagation delay.
 In the low-power TIL gate, the resistor values are higher than in the standard gate in
order to reduce the power dissipation but the propagation delay is increased.
 In the high-speed TTL gate, resistor values are lowered to reduce the propagation
delay. but the power dissipation is increased.
 The Schottky TTL gate was the next improvement in the technology. The effect of the
Schottky transistor is to remove the storage time delay by preventing the transistor from
going into saturation. This series increases the speed of operation of the circuit without
an excessive increase in power dissipation.
 The low-power Schottky TTL sacrifices some speed for reduced power dissipation. It is
equal to the standard TTL in propagation delay, but has only one-fifth the power
 Further innovations led to the development of the advanced Schottky series, which
provides an improvement in propagation delay over the Schottky series and also lowers
the power dissipation.
 The advanced low-power Schottky has the lowest speed- power product and is the most
efficient series. The fast TTL family is the best choice for high-speed designs.

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 All TTL series are available in S81components and in more complex forms. such as
MSI and LSI components.
 The differences in the TTL series are not in the digital logic that they perform, but rather
in the internal construction of the basic NAND gale.
 In any case, TTL gates in all the available series come in three different types of output
1. Open -collector output
2. Totem-pole output
3. Three-state output.

1. Open-Collector Output Gate

 The basic TIL gate is a modified circuit of the DTL gate shown in figure 7.
 The multiple emitters in transistor QI are connected to the inputs, these emitters behave
like the input diodes in the DTL gate, since they form a pn junction with their common

Fig 7 .open-collector TTL NAND gate

 The base-collector junction of Q1 acts as another pn junction diode corresponding to D1

in the DTL gate
 Transistor Q2 replaces the second diode D2 in the DTL gale. The output of the TTL gate
is taken from the open collector of Q3. A resistor connected to Vcc must be inserted
externally to the IC package for the output to "pull up" to the high voltage level when Q3
is off; otherwise, the Output acts as an open circuit.
 The two voltage levels of the TTL gate are 0.2 V for the low level and from 2.4 to 5 v
for the high level
 The basic circuit is a NAND gate

Operation of NAND Gate

 If any input is low, the corresponding base-emitter junction in Q1 is forward
biased. The voltage at the base of Q1 is equal to the input voltage of 0.2 V plus a

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VBE drop of 0.7 or 0.9 V. In order for Q3 to start conducting, the path from Q1 to
Q3 must overcome a potential of one diode drop in the base-collector pn junction
of Q1 and two VBE drops in Q2 andQ3, or 3 x 0.6 = 1.8 V. Since the base of QI
is maintained at 0.9 V by the input signal, the output transistor cannot conduct
and is cut off. The output level will be high if an external resistor is connected
between the output and Vcc(or an open circuit if a resistor is not used).
 If all inputs are high, both Q2 and Q3 conduct and saturate.
 The base voltage of Q1 is equal to the voltage across its base-collector pn
junction plus two VBE drops in Q2 and Q1, or about 0.7 x 3 = 2.1 V.
 Since all inputs are high and greater than 2.4 V, the base-emitter junctions of Q1
are all reverse biased.
 When output transistor Q3 saturates (provided that it has a current path), the
output voltage goes low to 0.2 V. This confirm s the conditions of a NAND

Effect of open collector without external resistor

 The open-collector TTL gate will operate without the external resistor when connected to
inputs of other TTL gales although this kind of operation is not recommended because of
the low noise immunity encountered.
 Without an external resistor, the output of the gate will be an open circuit when Q3 is off.
 An open circuit to an input of a TTL gate behaves as if it has a high level input (but a
small amount of noise can change this to a low level).
 When Q3 conducts, its collector will have a current path supplied by the input of the
loading gate through Vcc. the 4-k ohm resistor, and the forward-biased base-emitter

Application if open-collector

Open-collector gales are used in three major applications: driving a lamp or relay, performing
wired logic and constructing a common-bus system.

1. An open-collector output can drive a lamp placed in its output through a limiting
resistor.When the output is low, the saturated transistor Q3 forms a path for the current
that turns the lamp on. When the output transistor is off, the lamp turn s off because
there is no path for the current.
2. If the outputs of several open-collector TTL gates are tied together with a single external
resistor, a wired- AND logic is performed
3. Open-collector gates can be tied together to form a common bus. At any time, all gale
outputs tied to the bus, except one, must be maintained in their high state. The selected
gate may be in either the high or low state, depending on whether we want to transmit a
1 or a 0 on the bus. Control circuits must be used to select the particular gate that drives
the bus at any given time

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 The output impedance of a gate is normally a resistive plus a capacitive load.

 The capacitive load consists of the capacitance of the output transistor, the capacitance
of the fan-out gates and any stray wiring capacitance.
 When the output changes from the low to the high state, the output transistor of the gate
goes from saturation to cutoff and the total load capacitance C charges exponentially
from the low to the high voltage level with a time constant equal to RC
 For the open-collector gate, R is the external resistor marked RL.
 For a typical operating value of C = 15 pF and RL = 4 Kohm.
 the propagation delay of a TTL open-collector gate during the turnoff time is 35 ns.
 With an active pull-up circuit replacing the passive pull-up resistor RL, the propagation
delay is reduced to 10 ns.
 The figure 8 is called as totem pole because transistor Q4 "s its" upon Q3.

Fig. 8 TTL gate with totem pole output

Operation of Totem pole TTL

 When the output Y is in the low state, Q2 and Q3 are driven into saturation as in the
open-collector gate.
 The voltage in the collector of Q2 is VBE(Q3 ) + VCE (Q2 ) or 0.7 + 0.2 = 0.9 V. The
output Y = VCE(Q3 ) = o.2 V.

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 Transistor Q4 is cut off because its base must be one VBE drop plus one diode drop, or
2 x 0.6 =1.2 V to start conducting.
 Since the collector of Q2is connected to the base of Q4, the latter's voltage is only 0.9 V
instead of the required 1.2 V. so Q4 is cut off.
 The reason for placing the diode in the circuit is to provide a diode drop in the output
path and thus ensure that Q4 is cut off when Q3 is saturated.
 When the output changes to the high state because one of the inputs drop to the low
state, transistors Q2 and Q3 go into cutoff.
 However, the output remains momentarily low because the voltages across the load
capacitance cannot change instantaneously.
 As soon as Q2 turns off. Q4 conducts, because its base is connected to Vcc through the
1.6-K ohm resistor.
 The current needed to charge the load capacitance causes Q4 to saturate momentarily
and the output voltage rises with a time constant RC.
 But R in this case is equal to 130 n, plus the saturation resistance of Q4, plus the
resistance of the diode, for a total of approximately 150ohm.
 This value of R is much smaller than the passive pull-up resistance used in the open-
collector circuit. As a consequence, the transition from the low to high level is much
 As the capacitive load charges, the output voltage rises and the current in Q4
decreases, bringing the transistor into the active region.
 Thus, in contrast to the other transistors, Q4 is in the active region when Q4 is in a
steady -state condition.
 The final value of the output voltage is then 5 V, minus a VBE drop in Q4,minus a diode
drop in DJ to about 3.6 V.
 Transistor Q3 goes into cutoff very fast, but during the initial transition time, both Q3 and
Q4 are on and a peak current is drawn from the power supply.
 This current spike generates noise in the power-supply distribution system.
 When the change of state is frequent, the transient-current spikes increase the power-
supply current requirement and the average power dissipation of the circuit increases.

 Propagation delay is reduced by eliminating saturation by placing Schottky diode
between the base and collector of each saturated transistor in the circuit
 The Schottky diode is formed by the junction of a metal and semiconductor
 The voltage across a conducting Schottky diode is only 0.4 V.
 The presence of a Schottky diode between the base and collector prevents the transistor
from going into saturation. The resulting transistor is called a Schottky transistor. The
use of Schottky transistors in a TTL shown in figure.9 decreases the propagation delay
without sacrificing power dissipation.

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Fig 9.Schottky TTL gate

 Two new transistors, Q5 and Q6, have been added, and Schottky diodes are inserted
between each input terminal and ground. There is no diode in the totem-pole circuit.
However. the new combination of Q5 and Q4 still gives the two VBE drops necessary to
prevent Q4 from conducting when the outpu t is low. This combination constitutes a
double emitter-follower called a Darlington pair.
 The Darlington pair provides a very high current gain and extremely low resistance,
exactly what is needed during the low-to-high swing of the output, resulting in a
decrease in propagation delay.

Effect of diodes

 The diodes in each input shown in the circuit help clamp any ringing that may occur in
the input lines. Under transient switching conditions, signal lines appear inductive; this,
along with stray capacitance, causes signal s to oscillate, or "ring."

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 When the output of a gate switches from the high to the low state, the ringing waveform
at the input may have excursions as great as 2-3 V below ground, depending on the line
 The diodes connected to ground help clamp this ringing, since they conduct as soon as
the negative voltage exceeds 0.4 V.
 When the negative excursion is limited, the positive swing is also reduced.
 Clamp diodes have been so successful in limiting line effects that all versions of TTL
gates use them
 Turn off is reduced by transistor Q6 and two resistors


 Its main advantage is High packaging density and this family used in LSI functions.
 It consist of npn and pnp BJT. It reduces the number of metal connections
 Its operation is similar to RTL gates with few differences
o the base resistor is removed altogether in the I2L
o the collector resistor used in the RTL is replaced by a pnp transistor and act
as the load for I2L gate
o I2L transistor use multiple collectors instead of individual trasnsitor

Fig.10 I L basic gate

 The schematic diagram of the basic I2L gate is shown in figure.10. It has an
npntransistor, Q1, with multiple collectors for the output.
 The base circuit has pnp transistor, T1, connected to supply voltage VBB.
 The study of operationof I2L is made by interacting with other gate instead of stand

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Fig 11.Connection of othergates to the inputs and outputs of a basic I2L.

 Figure 11 shows the interaction of the basic gate formed by the Q1 and T1 with other
gates in itsinput and output. One collector of Q2 supplies the input to the basic gate.
 Transistor T1 in the basic gate act as a load that injects current to the collector of the
 One of the collectors of the Q1 act as an output of the basic gate and is
connected to the base of Q3.
 Transistor T3, connected to the base of Q3, act as load to inject current to the
collector of Q1 in the basic gate.The basic gate here act as inverter and its
equivalent circuits is shown Fig11 (b)
 The pnp act as collector load for all other gates that are connected to this base
 When I2L basic gate connected to other gates, performs the NOR logic function
which is given in figure 12.

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Fig 12. Typical among I2L gate

 The collectot of Q1 and Q2 sre tied together to form NOR function. Input B is
complemented by the transistor Q2.
 The collector of Q3 and Q1 are tied together to form the second NOR function. The
base of each npntrasnsitor receives the injection current from the multiple
collector pnp transistor T1 and T2. The emitter of npn transistor are connected to the
base of the pnptranssitor to facilitate the construction
 The voltage level of I2L - High 0.7V, Low: 0.2V
 Fanout = 3
 Propagation delay = 5ns
 Power dissipiation= 5mW per gate

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 Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is a non-saturated digital logic familyie works in Active
region. Since transistors do not saturate, it is possible to achieve propagation delays
as low as 1-2 ns.
 This logic family has the lowest propagation delay of any family and is used mostly in
systems requiring very high speed operation.
 Its noise immunity and power dissipation ,however,are the worst of all the logic
families available.

Fig 13. ECL logic circuit

 The outputs provide both the OR and NOR functions.

 Each input is connected to the base of a transistor. The two voltage levels are about -
0.8 V for the high state and about - 1.8 V for the low state.
 The circuit shown in figure 13 consists of a differential amplifier,a temperature- and
voltage-compensated bias network and an emitter-follower output.
 The emitter outputs require a pull-down resistor for current to flow.
 This is obtained from the input resistor Rp of another similar gate or from an external
resistor connected to a negative voltage supply.
 The internal temperature- and voltage -compensated bias circuit supplies a reference
voltage to the differential amplifier.

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 Bias voltage VBB set at - 1.3 V, which is the midpoint of the signal's logic swing. The
diodes in the voltage divide,together with Q6, provide a circuit that maintains a constant
VBB value despite changes in temperature or supply voltage.
 Any one of the power supply inputs could be used as ground. However, the use of the
Vccnode as ground and VEE at - 5.2 V results in the best noise immunity.
 If any input in the ECL gate is high, the corresponding transistor is turned ON and Q5 is
turned off.
 An input of - 0.8 V causes the transistor to conduct and places -1.6 V on the emitters of
all of the transistors. (The VBE drop in ECL transistors is 0.8 V.)
 Since VBB = - 1.3 V, the base voltage of Q5 is only 0.3 V more positive than its item set.
Q5 is cut off because its VBE voltage needs at least 0.6 V to stan conducting.
 The current in resistor Rc2 flows into the base of Q8 (provided that there is a load
 This current is so small that only a negligible voltage drop occurs across Rc2.
 The OR output of the gate is one VBE drop below ground or - 0.8 V, which is the high
 The current flowing through Rc1 and the conducting transistor causes a drop of about 1
V below ground.
 The NOR output is one VBE drop below this level or - 1.8 V, which is the low stale.
 If all inputs are at the low level, all input transistors turn off and Q5 conducts.
 The voltage in the common-emitter node is one VBE drop below VBB, or - 2.1 V. Since
the base of each input is at a low level of - 1.8 V, each base-emitterjunction has only 0.3
V and all input transistors are cut off.
 Rc2 draws current through Q5 that results in a voltage drop of about 1 V, making the OR
output one VBE drop below this at -1.8 V. or the low level.
 The current in RC2 is negligible and the NOR Output is one VBE drop below ground, at -
0.8 V. or the high level. This analysis verifies the OR and NOR operations of the circuit.
 The propagation delay of the ECL gate is 2 ns and the power dissipation is 25 mW,
giving a speed-power product of 50,which is about the same as that for the Schottky
 The noise margin is about 0.3 V and is not as good as that in the TTL gate.
 High fan-out is possible in the ECL gate because of the high input impedance of the
differential amplifier and the low output impedance of the emitter-follower.
 Because of the extreme high speed of the signals, external wires act like transmission
lines. Except for very short wires of a few centimeters.
 ECL outputs must use coaxial cables with a resistor termination to reduce line

1 Department of ECE
Fig 14. Graphic symbol and wired combination if the ECL gate

 The graphical symbol for the ECL shown in Fig14 aTwo outputs are available: one for
the NOR function and the other for the OR function.
 The outputs of two or more ECL gates can be connected together to form wired logic
 Fig14 b showsAn external wired connection of two NO R outputs produces a wired-OR
 An internal wired connection of two OR outputs is employed in some ECL ICs to produce
a wired-AND (sometimes called dot-AN D) logic. This property may be utilized when
ECL gates are used to form the OR- AND- INVERT and the OR-AND functions.


 The field-effect transistor (FET) is a unipolar transistor, since its operation depends on
the flow of only one type of carrier.
 There are two types ofFETs:
o the junction field-effect transistor (JFET) and
o the metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS).
 The former is used in linear circuits and the latter in digital circuits. MOS transistors can
be fabricated in less area than bipolar transistors. The basic structure shown in figure 15

Fig 15. Basic structure of MOS transistor

 The p-channel MOS consists of a lightly doped substrate of n-type silicon material.
 Two regions are heavily doped by diffusion with p-type impurities to form the source and
drain. 1be region between the two type sections serves as the channel.
 The gate is a metal plate separated from the channeI by an insulated dielectric of silicon

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 A negative voltage (with respect to the substrate) at the gate terminal causes an
induced electric field in the channel that attracts p-type carriers (holes) from the
substrate .
 As the magnitude of the negative voltage on the gate increases, the region below the
gate accumulates more positive carriers, the conductivity increases, and current can
now from source to drain, provided that a voltage difference is maintained between
these two terminals.
 There are four basic types of MOS structures.
 The channel can be p or n type,depending on whether the majority carriers are holes or
 The mode of operation can be enhancement or depletion, depending on the state of the
channel region at zero gate voltage.
 If the channel is initially doped lightly with p-type impurity (in which case it is called a
diffused channels. a conducting channel exists at zero gate voltage and the device is
said to operate in the depletion mode.
 In this mode,current flows unless the channel is depleted by an applied gate field. If the
region beneath the gate is left initially uncharged. a channel must be induced by the gate
field before current can flow.
 Thus, the channel current is enhanced by the gate voltage and such a device is said to
operate in the enhancement mode.
 The source is the terminal through which the majority carriers enter the device.
 The drain is the terminal through which the majority carriers leave the device. In a n-
channel MOS. the source terminal is connected to the substrate and a negative voltage
is applied to the drain terminal.
 When the gate voltage is above a threshold voltage VT (abo ut - 2 V), no current flow s
in the channel and the drain -to-source path is like an open circuit.
 When the gate voltage is sufficiently negative below VT a channel is formed and p-type
carriers flow from source 10 drain.
 p-type carriers are positive and correspond to a positive current flow from source to
 In the n-channel MOS, the source terminal is connected to the substrate and a positive
voltage is applied to the drain terminal.
 When the gate voltage is below the threshold voltage Vr (about 2 V), no current flows in
the channel.
 When the gate voltage is sufficiently positive above Vr to fonn the channel, a-type
carriers flow from source todrain, n-type carriers are negative and correspond to a
positive current flow from drain to source.

1 Department of ECE
 The threshold voltage may vary from 1 to 4 V, depending on the particular process

Fig 16. Symbol for MOs transistors

 The symbol shown in figure 16 for the enhancement type is the one with the broken-line
connection between source and drain .
 In this symbol, the substrate can be identified and is shown connected to the source.
 An alternative symbol omits the substrate and instead an arrow is placed in the source
terminal to show the direction of positive current flow (from source to drain in the p-
channel MOS and from drain to source in the n-channel MOS).
 Because of the symmetrical construction of source and drain, the MOS transistor can be
operated as a bilateral device.
 Although normally operated so that carriers flow from source to drain,there
arecircumstances when it is convenient to allow carriers to flow from drain to source.
 Figure 17 shows the MOS logic circuits using

Fig 17. MOS logic circuits


 Complementary MOS (CMOS) circuits take advantage of the fact that both n-channel
and p -channel devices can be fabricated on the same substrate.
 CMOS circuits consist of both types of MOS devices interconnected to form logic

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 The basic circuit is the inverter, which consists of one p-channel transistor and one n-
channel transistor.
 The source terminal of the p-c hannel device is at VDD,and the source terminal of the a-
channel device is at ground.
 The value of VDD may be anywhere from +3 to +18 V. The two voltage levels are 0 V for
the low level and VDD for the high level (typically. 5 V).
 To understand the operation of the inverter, we must review the behavior of the MOS
transistor from the previous section:
 1. The a-channel MOS conducts when its gate-to-source voltage is positive.
 2. The n-channel MOS conducts when its gale-to-source voltage is negative.
 3. Either type of device is turned off if its gate-to-source voltage is zero.
 Now consider the operation of the inverter shown in figure 18 a. When the input is low,
both gates are at zero potential.
 The input Is at – VDD relative to the source of the p-channel device and at 0 V relative
to the source of the a-channel device.
 The result is that the p-channel device is turned on and the a-channel device is turned
 Under these conditions, there is a low-impedance path from VDD to the output and a
very high impedance path from output to ground.
 Therefore, the output voltage approaches the high level VDD under normal loading
 When the input is high, both gates are at VDD and the situation is reversed: The device is off and the a-channel device on.
 The result is that the output approaches the low level of 0 V.

1 Department of ECE
Fig 18. CMOS logic circuits

 A two-input NAND gate shown in figure 18 b consists of two p-type units in parallel and
two e -type units in series
 If all inputs are high, both p-channel transistors turn off and both n-channel transistors
turn on.
 The output has low impedance to ground and produces a low state.
 If any input is low the associated p -channel transistor is turned off and the associated p-
channel transistor is turned on.
 The output is coupled to VDD and goes 10the high state.

1 Department of ECE
 Multiple-input NAND gates may be formed by placing equal numbers of p-type and n-
type transistors in parallel and series respectively in an arrangement similar .
 A two-input NOR gate shown in fig 18 c. consists of two n-type units in parallel and two
p -type unit, in series.
 When all inputs are low both p-channel units are on and both n-channel units are off.
 The output is coupled to VDD and goes to the high state.
 If any input is high the associated p-channel transistor is turned off and the associated
n-channel transistor turns on, connecting the output to ground and causing a low-level
 MOS transistors can be considered to be electronic switches that either conduct or are
 As an example, the CMOS inverter can be visualized as consisting of two switches.
 Applying a low voltage to the input causes the upper switch (p) to close, supplying a
high voltage to the output.
 Applying a high voltage to the input causes the lower switch (n) to close, connecting the
output to ground.
 Thus, the output Vout is the complement of the input Vin, Commercial applications often
use other graphic symbols for MOS transistors to emphasize the logical behavior of the
 The arrows showing the direction of current flow are omitted. Instead. the gate input of
the p- channel transistor is draw n with an inversion bubble on the gate terminal to show
that it is enabled with a low voltage.
 The inverter circuit is redrawn with these symbols in Fig. 18. A logic 0 in the input causes
the upper transistor to conduct, making the output logic 1.
 A logic 1 in the input enables the lower transistor to conduct. making the output logic 0.

CMOS Characteristics

 When a CMOS logic circuit is in a static state, its power dissipation is very low.
 This is because at least one transistor is always off in the path between the power
supply and ground when the state of the circuit is not changing. As a result. a typical
CMOS gate has static power dissipation on the order of 0.0 1mw.
 However, when the circuit is changing state at the rate of 1MHz,the power dissipation
increases to about 1 m W, and at In MHz it is about 5 mW.

1 Department of ECE
Fig 19. CMOS inverter
 CMOS logic is usually specified for a single power-supply operation over a voltage range
from 3 to 18 V with a typical voc value of 5 V.
 Operating CMOS at a larger power-supply voltage reduces the propagation delay lime
and improves the noise margin, but the power dissipation is increased.
 The propagation delay time with VDD = 5 V ranges from 5 to 20 ns, depending on the
type of CMOS used.
 The noise margin is usually about 40 percent of the power supply voltage.
 The fan-out of CMOS gates is about 30 when they are operated at a frequency of 1
 The fan-out decreases with an increase in the frequency of operation of the gates.
 There are several series of the CMOS digital logic family. The 74C series are pin and
function compatible with TTL devices havin g the same number.
 For example,CMOS IC type 74C04 has six inverters with the same pin configuration as
TIL type 7404.
 The high-speed CMOS 74VHC series is an improvement over the 74C series. with a
tenfold increase in switching speed.
 The 74HCT series is electrically compatible with TIL ICs. This means that circuits in this
series can he connected to inputs and outputs of TTL lC s without the need of additional
interfacing circuits.
 Newer versions of CMOS are the high-speed series 74VHC and its TTL compatible
version 74VHCT.
 The CMOS fabrication process is simpler than that of TTl.. and pro vides a greater
packing density. Thus, more circuits can be placed on a given area of silicon at a
reduced cost per function.
 This property together with the low power dissipation of CMOS circuits good noise
immunity, and reasonable propagation delay, makes CMO S the most popular standard
as a digital logic family.

1 Department of ECE
1 Department of ECE

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