Logic Circuits Design Experiment1 2023

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Introduction to Logic Circuits and Design

Logic Circuits and Design deals with the construction of

digital electronic circuits. This subject is also known as Digital
Design and Digital System which employ the designing of
system such as digital computers, electronic calculators, digital
control devices, digital communication equipment, and many
other applications that require electronic digital hardware.

Logic Gates and Logic Families

The basic logic gates are the basic building blocks of more
complex logic circuits. These logic gates perform the basic
Boolean functions, such as AND, OR, NAND, NOR, Inversion,
Exclusive-OR, Exclusive-NOR. The small circle on the output
of the circuit symbols designates the logic complement. The
AND, OR, NAND, and NOR gates can be extended to have
more than two inputs. A gate can be extended to have
multiple inputs if the binary operation it represents is
commutative and associative.
Levels of Integration:
Integrated circuits are often classified by the number of
transistors and other electronic components they contain:

▪ SSI (Small-Scale Integration): Up to 100 electronic

components per chip
▪ MSI (Medium-Scale Integration): From 100 to 3,000 electronic
components per chip
▪ LSI (Large-Scale Integration): From 3,000 to 100,000 electronic
components per chip
▪ VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration): From 100,000 to
1,000,000 electronic components per chip
▪ ULSI (Ultra Large-Scale Integration): More than 1 million
electronic components per chip
These basic logic gates can be implemented with SSI
integrated circuits (ICs) or as part of more complex MSI or
VLSI circuits. Digital IC gates are classified not only by their
logic operation, but also the specific logic-circuit family to
which they belong. Each logic family has its own basic
electronic circuit upon which more complex digital circuits
and functions are developed. The following logic families are
the most frequently used.
Error! No

Transistor-tra Emitter-coupled Metal-oxide
nsistor logic logic semiconductor

TTL and ECL are based upon bipolar transistors. TTL has
a well-established popularity among logic families. ECL is
used only in systems requiring high-speed operation. MOS
and CMOS, are based on field effect transistors. They are
widely used in large scale integrated circuits because of their
high component density and relatively low power
consumption. CMOS logic consumes far less power than MOS
There are various commercial integrated circuit chips
available. TTL ICs are usually distinguished by numerical
designation as the 5400 and 7400 series. The former has a wide
operating-temperature range, suitable for military use, and the
latter has a narrower temperature range, suitable for industrial
use. The power supply for TTL ICs usually is 5V. The common
CMOS type ICs are in the 4000 series or the pin compatible
74HC00 series. The power supply for CMOS ICs ranges from
3V to 15V. The common ECL type is designated as the 10,000

This figure shows the TTL level specifications for logic High
and Low. Also shown are the normal values for V cc and ground.

Each logic family is characterized by several circuit

Fan-out specifies the number of standard loads that the
output of a gate can drive without impairing its normal
operation. A standard load is usually defined as the amount of
current needed by an input of another gate in the same logic
family. Sometimes, the term loading is used instead of fan-out.
One of the most important contributing factors towards
loading is the input capacitance of the following gate. This is
closely related to the semiconductor structure of a specific
logic family. For instance, the standard TTL gate will typically
have a maximum fan-out of 50. Exceeding the specified
maximum fan-out (or load) may cause a malfunction because
the circuit cannot supply the power demanded from it.
Power dissipation is the supplied power required to
operate the desired logic function. This parameter does not
include the power delivered from another gate. Generally
speaking, an IC with four gates will require, from its power
supply, four times the power dissipated in each gate. Power
dissipation is an important parameter. A complex electronic
system may have many thousands of gates. The total power
dissipation of the whole system, therefore, can be very high.

Propagation delay is the time delay for a signal transition
to propagate from input to output when the binary input
signals change in value. The signals passing through a gate
take a certain amount of time to propagate from its inputs to
the output. This interval of time is defined as the propagation
delay of the gate. Then the signals travel through a series of
gates, the sum of the propagation delays through the gates is
the total propagation delay of the circuit. Both input and
output signals are not ideal signals, i.e. they have finite rise
and fall times. Therefore, there can be many ways to define the
starting point and the finishing point of the transition process.
Generally speaking, the starting point of the transition process
depends upon the threshold point of the gate in question, and
the finishing point of the transition process depends upon the
threshold point of the following gate. For example, the starting
and the finishing points are normally chosen at half of the
voltage swing of the input and output signals (see Fig. 2). It
should be noted that the transition period for the rising and
falling edges of the same gate may not necessarily be the same,
although it is normally desirable to have a symmetrical
Noise margin is the maximum noise voltage added to the
input signal of a digital circuit that does not cause an
undesirable change in the output. There are two types of noise
to be considered. DC noise is caused by a drift in the voltage
levels of a signal. AC noise is a random pulse that may be
created by other switching signals. Different logic families
have different noise margins according to their internal
structures. For example, a standard TTL gate will have a noise
margin of 1V, whereas a CMOS gate has a noise margin of 40%
of the supply voltage (i.e. if VDD = 5V, its noise margin is 2V).


The building blocks of the digital world are the transistor

arrangements designed to output a known result with the
application of a signal. The transistors in this capacity act as a
simple switches but it is the particular configuration which yield
the desired results. Since many of the devices used in digital
electronics are prepackaged, we can represent them by symbol
and truth table.

Gates are electronic circuit that produces output signal
when one or more specified inputs conditions are met.

Truth Table is a table of all unique input variable

combination showing the relation of the input variables and the
result of the operation
Analysis of basic logic gates can be easily understood using
switching circuits that demonstrates binary logic.

Truth Table Logic Symbol Circuit Diagram

Input Output Note: Current will pass

A B X to the least resistance.

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 1
Source: Signetics 2007

Note: If any input is logic 1, then the output of an OR gate will be logic 1.

Truth Table Logic Symbol Circuit Diagram

Input Output
0 0 0
0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 1

Source: Signetics 2007

Note: The AND Gate requires all inputs to be logic 1 for an output of
logic 1.

Truth Table Logic Symbol Circuit Diagram

Input Output

0 0 1

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 1 0
Source: Signetics 2007

Note: When all inputs are logic 0, the output of a NOR Gate is logic 1.

Truth Table Logic Symbol Circuit Diagram

Input Output

0 0 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0
Source: Signetics 2007

Note: The output of a NAND Gate is logic 0 if all inputs are logic 1.

Truth Table Logic Symbol Circuit Diagram
Input Output

0 0 0

0 1 1

1 0 1

1 1 0
Source: Signetics 2007

Note: This Gate responds to different logic levels at the inputs.

Complementary inputs generate logic 1 while identical inputs generate
logic 0.

Safety Considerations

▪ Dangerous line voltages are present at the outlets on your

work bench. Do not insert anything other than approved
power plugs into the outlets.
▪ The voltages and currents produced by your power supply are
generally safe. However, you should not short +5V (V cc) or
logic High outputs directly to ground or intentionally make
yourself part of a logic circuit.
▪ The DC power supplies can produce dangerous voltages and
current if the voltage knob is turned too far in the clockwise
direction. Keep the power supplies on the 5 volt range and do
not turn the voltage knob past the point where the output
voltage reaches 15 volts.
▪ Chip pins and the tips of the small wires may be sharp.
Handle with care. Chips can become very hot if wired
incorrectly. Be careful.
▪ Beware of plastic. Do not place any CMOS device on plastic
surfaces. Nylon is another “No-No”.

In the real world of digital electronics we seldom deal with

single logic gate structures, because it is not practical to produce
them. Instead, we rely on the integrated circuits, containing many
transistors configured to produce multiple logic circuits in one

package. The digital integrated circuit below shows the typical
packaging of IC (integrated circuitry) used in digital electronics,
where multiple devices might have several inputs and outputs in
one package. The standard configuration allows for the supply of
power to operate the devices through pin 14 and the common
connection through pin 7. Other pin connections will vary
according to the type of device.

Source: Signetics 2007

This figure shows the connections between the various rows and
columns of holes on a standard bread board.

The following figures represent how to identify pin 1 on various

designs of Dual In-Line Package (DIP) chips and how the pins are
numbered starting with pin 1 and preceding counter-clockwise
around the chip.

Name: ______________________________ Rating: _________________
Instructor: _________________________ Schedule: _____________

Experiment No. 1


To demonstrate the operation and characteristic of typical

logic inverter IC.


2 - MPSA 20 transistor (NPN)

1 – 74LS04 TTL Hex Inverter IC
2 - 1-KΩ resistor (1/2 watt)
2 - 4.7 KΩ resistor (1/2 watt)
10 – LED’s (Light Emitting Diode)
Connecting wires
Power Supply (Output Voltage – DC 5V)


1. Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1-1. The input is derived

from logic switch 1 (SW). Measure the output state with
your VOM and observe it on LED indicator L1.
2. Measure the inverter input VI and output VO with
respect to ground on both position of your switch. Record
your data in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1

Switch Position VI VO

3. From the data in Table 1-1, answer the following

a. Does the circuit perform the logic inversion? ________

b. What are the two output voltage levels assuming
positive logic?

Binary 0 = ______ volts

Binary 1 = ______ volts

4. Disconnect the 4.7 KΩ base resistors from input SW and

let it hang free. Measure the output voltage.
V0 = __________ volts

a. With an open input, the output is binary ______.

Open input has the same effect as the binary _______
input (Use positive logic).

b. Make a truth table from the data Table 1. Use

positive logic and assume the circuit input is 1 or 0.

Input Output

5. Connect the LED indicator to input and output as shown

in Figure 1-2. Observe the operation of the circuit by
watching the LED indicator states and their relationships
to one another.

The circuit output is always the ________ of the


6. In Figure1-3, you are cascading the two Inverter circuits.

Monitor the output in LED indicators L1 and L2.

Observe the input and output states. If the input is

binary 1, the output will be binary _____. If the
output is binary 0, the input will be binary _____.

7. Mount the 7404 IC in the breadboard and connect pin 14

to 5V and pin 7 to ground.

8. Connect one of the inverters shown in Figure 1-4. The

input will come from logic SW1 and output will be
displayed on LED indicator L1. Apply the logic voltage to
the input as shown in Table 1-2 and measure the
corresponding output voltages. Record results in Table 1-2.
Does the circuit invert? _______

Table 1-2

Binary 0 ( ) volt/s
Binary 1 ( ) volt/s

9. Remove the connection of SW1 so that the inverter input

is open. Measure the output voltage. With the input open,
the output voltage is _______ volts or for the positive logic
a binary _______. This means that an open input has the
same effect as binary ________ input.

10. Wire the circuit shown in Figure 1-5. How many inverters
are cascaded? ________________



vcc 1 K-ohms VO

4.7 K-ohms



Figure 1-1


vcc 1 K-ohms


4.7 K-ohms


Figure 1-2

1 K-ohms
vcc L2

+5v 1 K-ohms

4.7 K-ohms

4.7 K-ohms



Figure 1-3


Figure 1-4





Figure 1-5




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